Per Special counsel Robert Hur’s—a Republican, you’ll be reminded incessantly if you follow this story—findings in the Joe Biden classified documents case, Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified material after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” I’m not a lawyer but I’m pretty sure this constitutes a felony, at least when a Republican or anyone not named Obama, Biden, or Clinton does it. But Mr. Hur won’t bring charges because “Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview with him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
This brings to mind the story of Vincent “The Chin” Gigante, a mafioso who feigned insanity to avoid prosecution. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Mr. Biden, at this point, has the capacity to feign anything, least of all competence. But he wasn’t a pathetic, senile caricature of his current self when these crimes were committed. Hur’s decision to not charge reminds of James Comey’s speech exonerating Hillary Clinton of her national security breaches. The difference here is Hur has the authority to charge or not, where Comey did not. Many saw this as Comey taking his boss, then Attorey General Loretta Lynch, off the hook for making an obviously, politically charged call.
Democrat partisans are, naturally, calling the prosecutor’s report a hatchet job on the president. If they were being honest they would thank him for putting what many would consider the final nail in Biden’s reelection fantasy. It’s been widely speculated for some time that after acquiring the needed delegate count in the Democrat primaries that Biden would bow out of the race at the convention and throw his delegates to Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsome, or… God help us, Hillary.
I said four years ago that come November there was no way Biden would be atop the Democrat ticket. Obviously, I was wrong. But I feel much more confident in making the same assertion this time around. The $64,000 question is: who will replace him? That he was “elected” four years ago is testament to how corrupt our political system has become; it’s not as though he was competent then either. That senile Joe is some kind of puppet front for a covert third Obama administration is hardly speculative. He has become, for Democrats, the most useful of idiots, but his utility is fading fast.
On January 27 and 28, the Cosec sports hall, located near the Collège des Champs-Plaisants in Sens in the department of Yonne, was vandalised. On February 7, two minors were arrested and brought before the courts, reports France Bleu. They are suspected of committing theft and damage to property and displaying the following tags: “If you don’t put your veil back on, I will burn down the Champs Plaisants college. Last warning.” Another tag read: “I am not a terrorist, don’t worry.” The suspects also showed their support for Palestine by spray-painting the slogan “Free Palestine” on the walls. One of the two 17-year-old defendants admitted to 11 offences (damage to property, tags, thefts…) committed between October 11 and January 29 in a public gym and a school in Sens, a police source told Valeurs actuelles. The investigators explain that he is a practising Muslim, prays five times a day and does not understand that a woman is not allowed to wear a veil. He also possessed videos of Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel on his mobile phone. The suspect confesses that he wanted to spread a message of support for Palestine with the tags on the wall of the gym.He was classified as dangerous by the psychiatrist who examined him. He was to be summoned before a juvenile court judge on the 13th of May 2024.
NCF Founder & Director Peter Whittle discusses the latest round of stories demonstrating the degree to which the BBC undermines and damages Britain and British culture.
Donald Tusk’s new left-wing government in Poland is introducing a new draconian hate speech law that could see those who claim there are only two genders criminalized and jailed.
Barely a month into office, the Ministry of Justice has prepared a draft amendment to the country’s Penal Code to include dissent against gender identity and sexual orientation in hate speech violations.
It would mean that individuals who oppose the progressive gender ideology, or Catholics who insist that marriage can only be a union between a man and a woman in the eyes of God could be convicted of a criminal offense.
“We already have the project practically completed. Now it will be sent for inter-ministerial consultations,” Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice Krzysztof Śmiszek told Radio TOK FM.
“The entire LGBT community is waiting for this change,” added Śmiszek, a member of the New Left party in coalition with Tusk’s Civic Platform.
Poland already legislates for hate crimes in relation to race, nationality, and religion, but the amendment which could be submitted to parliament by as early as next month would add “gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity” to Art. 257 of the Penal Code — a move that would force the Catholic majority in the country to choose between staying true to their religious beliefs and keeping on the right side of the law.
Śmiszek claimed the last eight years of conservative governance in Warsaw was “filled with harassment and hate speech against people from our community. It hurt when perpetrators chose sexual orientation or gender identity as a criterion for harassment, hatred, and contempt.”
“Now — like other racist or xenophobic crimes — also those based on homophobia or transphobia will be prosecuted ex officio and will be treated as racist hate speech,” he said.
The draft legislation could see another potential showdown between the liberal government and conservative President Andrzej Duda who has the power to scupper plans.
“I hope that Mr. President will not interfere,” Śmiszek added.
🇳🇱 ELECTION UPDATE: The coalition formation process to form a right-wing government has failed due to a new centrist party (NSC) pulling out over some nonsense excuse about “budgetary concerns”.
Unless a minority coalition gets formed, it seems the VVD (Mark Rutte’s party) will…
ELECTION UPDATE: The coalition formation process to form a right-wing government has failed due to a new centrist party (NSC) pulling out over some nonsense excuse about “budgetary concerns”.
Unless a minority coalition gets formed, it seems the VVD (Mark Rutte’s party) will now try to form a coalition with the Green Left and EXCLUDE Geert Wilders’ PVV – even though Wilders won the most votes and is continuing to grow in the polls (1 in 3 Dutch people would now vote for him).
If they succeed to form this hellish neoliberal left-wing coalition it’s most likely that Frans Timmermans, the EU “climate pope” will become our new Prime Minister – sending us doing the path of national suicide even further. Timmermans is the former Vice President of the European Commission, he’s the man responsible for the EU’s insane #NetZero and #GreenDeal policies, targeting i.a. the #DutchFarmers.
He is also known for saying “Europe will be diverse and diversity is humanity’s destiny” and that there is not going to be “even in the remotes places of this planet a place that won’t see diversity in its future”. If Timmermans becomes Prime Minister it will be a huge middle finger to The People of The Netherlands who’ve in massive numbers gone out to vote for change. Some sort of national revolt will be bound to happen.
🔴 [Info @Valeurs] Un individu radicalisé et fiché S a été interpellé pour menaces de mort réitérées contre sa mère, dans le 1er arrondissement de Marseille, ce jeudi, vers 23h15, indique une source policière. Samir K., 42 ans, né en Algérie, a menacé d'égorger et de tuer sa mère…
[Info @Valeurs A radicalised man registered in the S register was arrested at around 11.15pm on Thursday for repeated death threats against his mother in the first district of Marseille. The 42-year-old Samir K., who was born in Algeria, had threatened to cut the throat of his mother, with whom he lives, and kill her. He had already been reported to the police several times for threatening the owner of the property, the neighbours and his mother with death. He was also known to regularly set up a loudspeaker at his first-floor window and broadcast verses from the Quran.
A victim of the attacks carried out in Budapest in February 2023 by Antifa militants has spoken of the horrific injuries he and his fiancée sustained. Possibly scarred for life, 60-year-old László Dudogsaid, “It’s a miracle we’re alive.”
La testimonianza di Laszlo Dudog, l’uomo aggredito in #Ungheria dagli “antifa”:
“Camminavo mano nella mano con la mia fidanzata. Ad un certo punto gli antifascisti mi hanno attaccato da dietro e preso la testa a sprangate. Alla mia fidanzata, hanno tirato due coltellate nelle…
Dudog, whose bruised, deformed face has been the symbol of the Antifa (short for ‘anti-fascist’) violence, spoke to the Italian daily Il Giornale, saying, “I ended up there [in the hospital] because my fiancée and I were attacked and injured with batons, and stabbed by those criminals. They smashed my head. My fiancée was stabbed twice in the legs,” he told the publication. The injuries have left lasting damage.
They broke my cheekbone, and today—more than a year after the attack—the entire left side of my face is paralyzed and completely numb. The head wounds caused by the batons have more or less healed, but I still have some swelling in some parts.
His fiancée still has a fragment of bone sticking out from under her eye. László Dudog doesn’t deny attending the ‘Day of Honour’ event [an annual neo-Nazi gathering that was banned by Hungarian authorities in 2022] “but that doesn’t excuse the criminals who tried to kill me.” He said the perpetrators must have followed him and his fiancée because they were attacked not immediately after the event, but later, after attending a concert. “We certainly weren’t doing anything that would qualify us at the time. No one, seeing us, could tell whether we were on the right or the left. We were just a couple of passers-by. We walked around holding hands and chatting like many couples do,” he said.
As we reported last week, a German left-wing extremist was sentenced to three years in prison in Hungary, while two of his Antifa accomplices—an Italian man and a German woman—pleaded not guilty to taking part in violent attacks last year, and will be summoned to a Budapest court in May.
In February of last year, nine people were injured—four of them seriously—in a series of attacks organised by the so-called Hammerbande (Hammer Gang), a German left-wing militant group linked to Antifa—itself a far-left network of ‘anti-fascist’ groups. The members of the group surrounded and bludgeoned their victims with telescopic batons and hammers in five separate attacks in the Hungarian capital.
Their plan was to target participants in the ‘Day of Honour.’ Police caught three of the perpetrators but their remaining fourteen accomplices—German, Italian, Albanian, and Syrian nationals—were able to flee Hungary.
The case has attracted much attention in Europe, with leftist Italian politicians and media outlets criticising Hungary for the treatment of one of the attackers, 39-year-old teacher Ilaria Salis. Italian media have complained of “appalling” prison conditions and were apparently shocked by footage of Salis appearing at last week’s court hearing with her hands and ankles restrained.
While left-wing Italian media have been portraying Salis as a heroic victim of Hungary, the case has led to a minor diplomatic spat between Hungary and Italy, with Rome summoning the Hungarian ambassador, and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni discussing the case with her Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orbán on the sidelines of a European summit in Brussels last week. Though Hungarian authorities have rejected the accusations of prisoner mistreatment, the European Parliament was quick to pounce on the case, and held a debate on the matter, in what was another excuse by left-liberal politicians to attack the conservative government of Hungary.
Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini of the conservative Lega party called out the hypocrisy of the leftists, saying that Salis had taken part in violent attacks in Italy as well.
Le immagini di Ilaria Salis incatenata in tribunale sono scioccanti e spero che possa dimostrarsi innocente. Certo, è sorprendente che lei sia stata presente in occasione di manifestazioni violente, a Budapest come a Monza nel 2017 quando venne distrutto un gazebo della Lega. Mi…
Do you think it’s normal for a primary school teacher to go around Europe to beat and spit on people? Although it is not acceptable in 2024 to go to court with shackles on, that woman, if she is guilty, must pay. And if she committed the crime in Hungary, she must be tried in Hungary. The Left always tells us that we have to respect the judiciary, so let them also respect the Hungarian judiciary.
Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani also warned the leftist opposition of turning a judicial case into a political issue. Speaking in parliament on Thursday, February 8th, he said Ilaria Salis’ conditions in detention are improving thanks to his intervention, but Italy must respect international law and the Hungarian judicial system. He said Italy would not request that the attacker be placed under house arrest as accommodating her at the Italian embassy would be a security risk.
New data shows that knife crime jumped 30 percent in one year in Germany and that more than half of the suspects are foreigners.
In response to an Alternative for Germany (AfD) request, the federal Interior Ministry released data showing that there were 1,160 knife attacks in Germany in 2023, which is up from 882 in 2022. Another 48 percent of suspects have German citizenship. It should be noted that it is unclear if the suspects listed as “German” have a migration background, as all Germans with citizenship are listed as “Germans” in the crime statistics even if they have roots in other countries.
The AfD responded to the new data with an official statement:
“We have always said it and are saying it now: If you want to protect our citizens from knife violence, you must end the cult of migration, protect national borders, and consistently deport them. A traffic light government that rolls out the red carpet for every illegal immigrant with a ‘right to stay’ and systematically prevents deportations is doing the exact opposite. The price of this irresponsible ideological ignorance is paid by people who are no longer safe on the way home from work or even on the way to school.
The party says that foreign criminals must be deported and those without a sufficient asylum claim sent back to their country.
“These facts clearly refute the whitewashing of mass migration: The number of knife crimes in our country rose by a whopping 30 percent last year compared to the previous year. A majority of the perpetrators (51 percent) are foreigners. And the country of origin with the most knife criminals is Syria,” continued the AfD’s statement.
The knife crime data sharply contrasts with previous statistics showing that there were more than 20,000 knife attacks in Germany in 2020. This difference in numbers could be related to how knife crime is now classified, including crimes involving a knife and crimes where a victim was actually stabbed.
Some female staff members were allegedly told they ‘shouldn’t be here’ and called ‘b*****s’ and ‘sl**s’ by members of the group. (Pictured: Jamberoo Action Park staff at a previous event. It is not suggested anyone pictured was involved in the day out involving the ASWJ) Foto: Facebook
An Islamic ‘brothers only’ day out at a popular water park is being investigated amid claims female staff members were subjected to vile slurs and harassment.
The Sunni Muslim group the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jam’ah Association of Australia (ASWJ) booked out the Jamberoo Action Park on the NSW South Coast on Monday for an estimated 800 boys and men.
Organisers for the ‘strictly brothers only’ event had reportedly requested there be no female staff members on shift.
Although management declined this request, it is alleged both male and female employees were told to wear long-sleeve shirts and ‘long tights’ to be ‘inclusive’ to their guests.
But some female staff members were allegedly told they ‘shouldn’t be here’ and called ‘b*****s’ and ‘sl**s’ by members of the group, reports the Illawarra Mercury.
Park bosses are investigating at least one report of ‘derogatory and degrading treatment’, while ASWJ leaders have launched their own investigation into the day out.
A source told the Mercury it was not just one isolated incident.
‘Whether there were complaints made or not I don’t know, but there were multiple girls affected on the day,’ the source said.
‘Young blokes were affected too, because they were sticking up for the girls.’
A spokesperson for Jamberoo Action Park told Daily Mail Australia it is ‘an inclusive operation and does its best to accommodate all guests’.
The spokesperson said the park is normally closed to the public between Monday and Thursday at this time of year but occasionally takes bookings which ‘may have their own operational requirements, from ticketing to catering of certain kinds’.
‘For the private booking this Monday, all ride and attraction operators confirmed for roster were required to wear sun-safe clothing, regardless of sex, as has been the case in previous bookings,’ the spokesperson added.
The spokesperson said the park had been ‘hosting this group successfully for four years’.
‘On this occasion they were generally well-behaved and it was a small group of boys who were disrespectful,’ they said.
‘This can happen with other groups where we experience respectful behaviour from most of the group and a few bad apples behave inappropriately.’
ASWJ is also reportedly investigating the incident.
‘We are currently investigating the complaints made against our patrons at Jamberoo Recreation Park,’ a spokesperson told the Illawarra Mercury.
‘Over the past four years, we have successfully collaborated with park management to ensure a positive experience for all attendees.
‘While incidents involving a small minority can occur in large gatherings, we want to assure you that we have strict agreements with park officials to promptly address any misconduct and enforce park rules.’
Daily Mail Australia made multiple attempts to contact the organisation.
The Australian ASWJ movement was spearheaded by Mohammed Omran, also known as Sheikh Abu Ayman, as a non-profit to service the Muslim community. There are multiple centres across Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.
On the 3rd of December 2023, the city of Florence hosted the launch of an alternative project to the current European Union. It is fitting for the birthplace of Dante Alighieri to serve as the launchpad for this ambitious plan, given that Dante’s poetry played a key role in Italy’s unification. But what is this project?
Matteo Salvini hosted a meeting of the continent’s sovereigntist parties, the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, under the slogan “Free Europe! Jobs. Security. Common Sense.” The meeting brought together 12 of their leaders, who head the political parties in their respective countries that oppose the project of the ‘superstate’ that obliterates the distinctiveness of European identities. Representatives of 27 nations with very different character but much in common have agreed in the Tuscan capital to search for joint policies that restore the independence and national sovereignty of their countries, the democratic freedoms of citizens, and local economies.
During the meeting, whose participants intend to change the European Union’s dirigiste, interventionist, and anti-national orientation, Matteo Salvini said, “Today I have listened to friends from different countries with different cultures. The Identity and Democracy Group is the union of the different. I believe that today is an historic day because today the renaissance of Europe can see the light of day, which will be based on work and rights. Europeans will have to choose [between], on the one hand, freedom and, on the other, fear; on the one hand, rights and work, on the other hand, extremism.”
Ultimately, the political parties represented at the meeting all believe that current EU directives are failing. Despite their lofty goals, they curb economic development and national industry, limit energy resources, weaken security, make a mockery of borders, and attack European cultures and traditions. The ID group therefore opposes much that has hitherto been synonymous with the EU, and because of this, it faces the challenge of breaking the cordon sanitaire imposed on it.
Matteo Salvini’s solution is to bring the successful Italian political model of unity to the European Union: “For the first time, the united and determined centre Right can win and liberate Brussels from those who occupy it for their own interests. The centre Right in Europe can only make the revolution if it is united. … Just as we are taking Italy by the hand to return it to growth, it would be a fatal mistake to split the centre Right in Europe.” The message was undoubtedly aimed at those like Antonio Tajani—deputy prime minister and leader of Forza Italia, with which the Lega forms part of the government together with Fratelli d’Italia—who has recently declared that “Salvini is an ally and can be an ally in Europe, but we will never make an alliance with Alternative for Germany and Mrs. Le Pen.”
Salvini is aware that Marine Le Pen, the indefatigable leader of Rassemblement National—a friend and historical ally of the Lega—today plays a key role in this alternative political project. Her political weight in France, and therefore in the EU, is indisputable. This is what the ID initiative is counting on. As Salvini said, “Between Macron and Le Pen, I choose her for life. We are the alternative to the socialists,” and added, “Make no mistake! Those who choose the Lega in the European elections choose the alternative to the Left, to the socialists, and to the communists.”
Tajani reiterated that: “We are for a centre-right alliance of conservatives, liberals, and people.” In his words, the current leader of Forza Italia, a member of the European People’s Party (EPP), prefers an alliance in the EU with Giorgia Meloni of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), Emmanuel Macron of Renew Europe (RE), and Ursula von der Leyen (EPP) rather than with Matteo Salvini, Marine Le Pen, and Tino Chrupalla. This is, to my mind, foolish, as the last three are on an unstoppable rise in their respective countries. Obviously, when the time comes, the consequences of taking one path or the other will be seen on June 9th. The presidency of the European Commission—currently headed by von der Leyen, a member of the CDU party, which is led by Manfred Weber—will also have to be chosen. Giorgia Meloni has a good relationship with von der Leyen and the CDU and has remained silent on this issue.
We can see here a delicate balancing act on the part of the Italian government’s political leaders in the run-up to the next European elections. However, Salvini has reassured his government partners and his voters: “With Giorgia Meloni and Antonio Tajani, I work very well; there is no doubt that the government will last five years, until 2027. The Italian government is not at all in question; it would be a missed opportunity not to change Europe and to continue doing what was done for decades under the socialist leadership because it is there for all to see.” Despite the complexity of the agreements and the differences between European political forces, the Lega leader’s initiative and willingness to build this alternative in Brussels next year are neither far-fetched nor impossible.
Salvini has always been an unusual politician with charisma. He has definitively broken away from the canon of political correctness and has been bold in his proposals. He recognises that he and his coalition face many uphill battles, but he remains adamant that positive change is possible in Europe. During the meeting, he put it this way:
I reread a passage from the Bible, the one about David and Goliath, which is appropriate for what we are doing today. Goliath was looking for an opponent among the Israelites, and they all fled. … Today, the friends of Europe, the defenders of Europe, are here. You know how the story ended. David defeated Goliath, who [had] seemed invincible. Today in Florence, there are women and men who will defeat a giant. That the first enemy of Europe is the Masonic bureaucracy. We are not afraid of the Goliath Soros, who destroys our civilisations. … Our idea of Europe is based on work and not on the electric car or the housing tax. A totally different idea from that of von der Leyen, Lagarde, and Soros, the Europe of the bankers.
He does not mince his words, which has also caused him more than a few headaches. However, Salvini also has a high institutional profile, management skills, and efficiency in his work, which, together with his natural closeness to the ordinary citizen, helped him find the formula to achieve electoral successes that have twice made him Italy’s deputy prime minister.
There is no doubt that advocates of sovereignty are advancing across Europe. Salvini reminded the press of the electoral success of his allies, dispelling accusations of extremism. Referring to the member parties of ID, he said that today they are: “the first party in France, Holland, Austria, Belgium; the second party in Germany; and an Italian governmental party. … The data tell us that today we are the fourth political force in the European Parliament. The goal is to be the third and to be decisive. … May the victory in the Netherlands be the beginning of victory throughout Europe, and there is no better time and place to affirm this than Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, the city of the rebirth of Europe.” Spirits are high; they are optimistic, and they have every reason to be.
‘Il capitano’—as his activists and supporters call him—was accompanied in the capital of the Italian Renaissance by a veritable cavalcade of comrades-in-arms. Among them were Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella of Rassemblement National (RN), France; Kostadin Kostadinov of Vazrazhdane, Bulgaria; André Ventura of Chega, Portugal; George Simion of Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR), Romania; Roman Fritz of Konfederacja Korony Polskiej (KKP), Poland; Majbritt Birkholm of Dansk Folkeparti, Denmark; Martin Helme of Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (EKRE), Estonia; Tomio Okamura of Svoboda a přímá demokracie (SPD), Czech Republic; Gerolf Annemans of Vlaams Belang, Flanders Region; Harald Vilimski of Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ), Austria; Tino Chrupalla of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), Germany; and Geert Wilders of Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV), Netherlands. The alliance seems to be consolidating and is expected to grow next June with the entry into the European Parliament of new political forces, such as the Portuguese and Romanian parties, among others. The questions to be answered will be about the relationships, agreements, and understanding, not only by the parties that form part of the EPP or ECR but also by ID in the framework of international and European politics.
June 10, 2024, the day after the next elections, will be a crucial date for Europe and its democracy. The future of the Union in the short, medium, and long term will be defined by the outcome of the elections, with the continuity of the popular and socialist majorities—in mutual harmony—or an alternative path will open up with the growth of sovereigntist, patriotic, and conservative options. European citizens will decide with their votes. The pro-sovereignty campaign for the European elections is already underway, and we shall see where it leads.