Salwan Momika, who is originally from Iraq, is being deported from Sweden for burning the Qur’an. Yet he burned it because he knows what is in it and what it does to people. Sweden is surrendering its freedom to threats of violence from the Islamic jihadis it has foolishly brought into the country.
Sweden is asking me to leave for another country while Sweden provides protection and asylum to Islamic terrorists. All I did was want to warn Europeans about the Qur’an and its followers and their danger to European values and laws. It seems that my words did not please the…
Scaffolding Begins To Be Removed in Paris’ Notre Dame, Revealing New Spire With a Golden Phoenix Celebrating the Rebirth-From-The-Flames Cathedral via @gatewaypundit
A radicalised illegal immigrant who is under an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) and who was the subject of an arrest warrant issued by the Metz Court of Justice on January 26 for glorification of terrorism was arrested on Wednesday February 14 at 3.40 pm by officers of the Brigade des réseaux franciliens (BRF) on a train from Saint-Lazare station in Paris to Mantes-la-Jolie in the Yvelines department, according to our information.
On November 28, the man had expressed his support for Al-Qaeda in a church and delivered a threatening letter. While on the run, he was identified using the fingerprint database (FAED) before being arrested on January 5 in Le Havre in the Seine-Maritime department and hospitalised for mental disorders without the consent of a representative of the State (SDRE).
“A summons was decided by the Metz district court to take him into police custody after completing treatment, but the suspect fled beforehand,” a police source told Valeurs actuelles. The man, who is listed in police records with an S card and who is known to the “Traitement d’antécédents judiciaires” (TAJ) and the “renseignement territorial”, is staying in France illegally and has been issued with a deportation order (OQTF). He will have to undergo another psychiatric examination on Thursday. Valeurs Actuelles
According to a report out at Breitbart News today, Sadiq Khan has just announced that the major rebrand of London’s overground railway system is now finalized; earlier today, he revealed that all six branches would be christened with names which had been derived from “political ideas, social issues, and migration” in a move that at this point, will cost taxpayers around £6.3 million.
Reported by Ross Lydall of U.K. outlet The Standard, Khan said this of the announcement:
‘In re-imagining London’s Tube map, we are also honouring [sic] and celebrating different parts of London’s unique local history and culture.
The new names and colours [sic] have been chosen through engagement with passengers, historians and local communities, reflecting the heritage and diversity of our amazing city.’
So what does Khan mean by diversity? The migrant groomers of Rochdale who hailed from Pakistan and Afghanistan? The Islamic State soldier who murdered David Amess? The Nigerian men who hacked Lee Rigby to death? The Muslim suicide bomber of Manchester? The Pakistani who mowed down pedestrians on the London Bridge? Maybe this?
"Western women are harassed because they dress like hussy. With Hijab and Niqab they would have more dignity and respect", say Muslim women in UK. What do you think?
All those “part and parcel” considerations (jihadi terrorism and Sharia culture) of which Khan reminded us when living in a big city? Well yes, that’s exactly what he means, because Khan certainly isn’t a pro-West kind of guy. In fact, I half-expected the lines to be named “Jihadi John” (the British man known for his videos decapitating prisoners held by ISIS) or “Allahu Akbar” but thankfully, we’re not (yet) there.
One of the lines will be the Windrush Line, homage to the ship that dropped off a boatload of migrants from the West Indies in 1948; two others will be the Suffragette Line and the Lioness Line, tributes to “women’s interests” although such gendered language in today’s day and age leads me to believe those won’t last too long; still another will be the Weaver Line, which is an ode to the third-worlders who live in a district that manufactures a lot of textiles. Charming.
This is standard operating procedure for leftist officials and their armies of bureaucrats. They utterly destroy things, then take some superficial “action” and blow a stuffload of money in the process—in this case, “only” a millions—only to leave the public with a product/service/initiative they didn’t want or need. While consultants, firms, and a publisher are going to score a big city contract to redo the graphics and run public relations and marketing campaigns, the people get higher taxes and the “opportunity” to test their navigational skills as they relearn the overground routes.
The native and cultural English are not welcome in their own city, and Sadiq Khan wants to make sure they know it.
🔴 Un homme, Fouzi B., 26 ans, a menacé de mort des usagers en leur lançant "Sales chrétiens, je vais tous vous crever. Le premier qui vient, je le crève, le premier qui parle, je le crève", avant d'être interpellé à 13h45, ce mercredi, sur le quai de la gare de Pontoise, dans le…
One man, Fouzi B., 26, threatened passengers with death, shouting: “Dirty Christians, I’m going to kill you all. The first one who comes will be shot, the first one who has anything to say will be shot,” before he was arrested on the platform of Pontoise station in the Val d’Oise department at 1.45pm on Wednesday, according to a police source. @Values
The highest administrative court in France has ruled that the national regulator for audio-visual and digital communication (Arcom) has to tighten its control over the Conservative CNews channel, citing “its obligations in terms of pluralism and independence of information”.
CNews aims to emulate the model of the American Fox News in France and the channel is reaching all-time viewership records.
The news outlet is seen by many as a breath of fresh air in a media landscape dominated by the Left.
The NGO Reporters Without Borders disagrees and took the network to court, claiming CNews “is no longer a news channel, but has become ‘opinion media’”.
The NGO went on to criticise what it called the insufficient diversity of views expressed on the channel, particularly regarding national debates on “controversial issues”.
The court, the Council of State, decided that Arcom must “guarantee” that all French channels maintain “pluralistic expression, considering contributions from all programme participants, including columnists, hosts and guests, while respecting editorial freedom”.
Reporters Without Borders also argued that CNews was not independent and followed the directives of its main shareholder, the Conservative billionaire Vincent Bolloré, too much.
The court ruled that Acrom now has to examine all the “conditions of operation” of the channel and the “characteristics of its programming”.
The Council of State did, though, reject the NGO’s other complaints, for example, the use of talk-shows to convey news.
In the end, the Council ordered Arcom to review within six months CNews‘ compliance with its obligations in terms of pluralism and independence of information.
It did not address whether the outlet’s programmes meet pluralism and information independence standards with its decision. It outlined principles for Arcom’s oversight of all channels, emphasising the regulator’s “broad discretion in enforcing legal obligations”.
The Director General of Reporters Without Borders Christophe Deloire welcomed a “historic decision by the Council of State” for “democracy and journalism”.
“Arcom has not been up to the task”, he said afterwards, insisting on the importance of its “role in this crucial moment”, referring to the rise of so-called disinformation.
Arcom said the court had provided a renewed interpretation of the law and now “strengthens the regulator’s ability to control” all audio-visual media.
In its observations to the Council of State, CNews had argued that the 1986 law guaranteed that “publishers may freely establish an editorial line”.
Left-wing politicians refuse to attend CNews debates and even decline to answer their reporters’ enquiries, making it somewhat difficult to present the demanded pluralistic views.
News anchor Pascal Praud recently became visibly upset when talking about how hard-left politician Jean Luc Mélenchon refused daily invites to discuss issues on air.
Pascal Praud : «Ces gens-là ne veulent pas venir et refusent la conversation […] donc ne parlez pas de pluralisme», dans
Speaking on his show L’heure des pros, Praud added that no CNews journalists would be “intimidated”.
“CNews stands for freedom of expression. I understand that the do-gooders are surprised when their monopoly falls.”
He continued: “CNews will not give in to any intimidation, CNews will not be pressured. CNews will remain independent, multifaceted and contradictory.”
Eric Ciotti, President of the centre-right Les Républicains, denounced the court’s decision as “a dangerous and worrying drift that undermines our fundamental democratic principles”.
“The supposed neutrality of some is too often only a screen for a silent cultural domination of the Left: Let’s stop the hypocrisy!” he said.
Robert Ménard, the mayor of Béziers, co-founder of the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) association, also disapproved of the verdict.
“I want to be disturbed. I want to hear things that are the opposite of what I think. That’s what freedom of expression is all about,” he stated.
Marion Maréchal, who will lead the list of Eric Zemmour in the European Parliament elections in June, said the Council of State was an “institution under Socialist control that threatens freedom of opinion”.
She further claimed that public media was “continuing with its [left-wing] activism on the taxpayers’ dime”.
On the political Left, reactions were upbeat. Green MP Sophie-Taillé-Polian said: “The Council of State has ruled in our favour,” and that therefore CNews no longer could “replace political guests with editorialists who are committed to the channel’s editorial line in order to avoid their pluralist obligation”.
Sarah Legrain, of the hard-left La France Insoumise, said CNews should now be stripped of its right to broadcast on TV.
On this week’s Deprogrammed, hosts Harrison Pitt of the European Conservative and freelance journalist Evan Riggs speak with Momus Najmi, writer, podcaster, social commentator and history enthusiast
After the death of two Civil Guards protecting the southern Spanish coast of Cadiz from drug smugglers, the Socialist Party’s Catalan chapter has refused to hold a minute of silence in the country’s parliament.
They have likewise rejected proposals by VOX and the centrist Ciudadanos party to make a joint condemnation of the murders.
It would seem that signalling their non-alignment with the Right and any sort of Spanish unionism takes precedence over defending law enforcement in a clear cut case of egregious criminal activity.
This reinforces the sense that the Socialist party is more or less tacitly separatist and, in any case, aligned with whatever happens to contribute to the breakdown of the country.
Of course, the substance of the Left’s inability to join with its political rivals in parliament is that the ruling coalition does not want to get roped in by calls to increase the resources available to the Civil Guard, especially as concerns policing the border.
Borders, even when drugs stream in and officers are murdered, must remain un-policed.
The nation’s wounds must remain open; Spain must bleed.
This is not merely the fruit of petty dislike for one’s political opponents: it is the heart of the Spanish socialist party’s project of national deconstruction.
They refuse to engage with what happened. We should not:
On the 9th of February, drug traffickers transporting their illegal cargo from Morocco to Spain rested their six vessels in the southern Spanish port of Barbate to wait out some stormy weather, demonstrating the extent of their sense of impunity.
When Civil Guards came to stop the delivery hours later, they were confronted with the reasons for the criminals’ confidence: utter material superiority compared to law enforcement.
As Pedro Carmona, spokesman for the AUCG (Unified Association of Civil Guards) has since said, “our ships should at least match those of the narco-gangs. They have considerable economic means, they can buy whatever they want.”
And “what they want” would seem to include loyalty, even to the point of murdering law enforcement. A pilot for one of these drug runs reportedly makes up to 30,000 to 40,000 euros per trip.
As several law enforcement professionals steered their barely five-meter-long “zodiac” boat to block the criminals, they were surrounded by the gang’s ships until their boat capsized. Once the officers were in the water, they were run over by a 12- to 15-meter-long boat with a reported horsepower of 900.
Two were killed, and a third injured.
The fact is that material capacity determines who controls what, and the Spanish coast belongs to the Moroccan drug gangs, whose membership is also local, counting on a well-organized distribution network.
This is not only because they happen to be better funded and better equipped than Spanish law enforcement, but because they now act with impunity, as if they know that Spain will not react.
During the funeral of one of the Civil Guards, David Pérez Carracedo, which the Minister of Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska attended, Pérez Carracedo’s widow refused to allow him to place a medal of honor on her husband’s coffin, stating later “My husband would not have wanted it.”
Indeed, the government, and Marlaska in particular, are responsible for dismantling the anti-drug-trafficking unit of the Civil Guard in 2022, despite warnings of what it could lead to.
The idea that the government is culpable was also expressed earlier by the Anti-Drug Prosecutor in Cadiz, Ana Villagomez:
We’ve been saying this for a long time. What we don’t want is for the government to come here and give their condolences when they don’t provide the necessary resources. Things move so slowly … and people are set free [while their legal case is processed] and they continue committing the same crime.
Indeed, of the eight detainees implicated in the Barbate tragedy, two have already been released provisionally. Their ages range from early twenties to far older, and several are Spaniards, with at least one gang member of Moroccan origin with a Spanish passport.
Augustin Leal, spokesman for JUCIL (the “Justice for the Civil Guard” association) told El Pais newspaper:
Well it’s a hard blow, but it’s something we’ve been warning about for years. In [this area] the fight against drug dealers is being lost.
The feeling we have is that the Ministry of Interior and administration is derelict [in its duties]. This area needs to be declared a zone of special insecurity, so that more resources can be committed, and the Civil Guard needs to be declared a high-risk profession. They can’t send us to stop a 12-15 meter long, 900 horsepower narco-boat, with a 3 meter long boat.
We may wonder if the government’s consummate lack of interest in stopping the drug trade from Morocco is related to its general willingness to acquiesceto that country’s interests.
It certainly does seem in line with PM Pedro Sánchez’s general desire to break the country down, from promoting transgenderism in school, to advancing the separatist cause, to sinking the purchasing power of Spaniards and prohibiting exploration of new natural resources.
This story, however, is being picked up by outlets throughout the Spanish political spectrum, drawing attention to the loss of control over Spain’s southern maritime border and degrading whatever scraps of respectability the government still commands in the minds of its electorate.
Robin DiAngelo, the woke white author of White Fragility, has called Michelangelo’s painting of the creation of man in the Sistine Chapel an icon of “white supremacy.”
DiAngelo recently spoke with Jalon Johnson on his “Not Your Ordinary Parts” podcast, in which she slammed Michelangelo’s portayal of God creating Adam as “white supremacist.”
“The single image I use to capture the concept of white supremacy is Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel God creating man,” she said, “you know, where God is in a cloud and there’s all these angels and he’s reaching out and he’s touching — I don’t know who that is, David or something — and God is white and David’s white and the angels are white.”
“That is the perfect convergence of white supremacy, patriarchy, right?” she added.
“I was raised Catholic so I saw many images like that as a child,” DiAngelo continued. “So I’m sitting in church and I’m looking up and I see these images. I don’t think to myself ‘God is white’ but in a lot of ways that’s power. I don’t need to. God reflects me.”
According to DiAngelo’s website, her area of research is in Whiteness Studies and Critical Discourse Analysis, tracing “how whiteness is reproduced in everyday narratives.”
In his introduction to DiAngelo, Jalon Johnson stated that she coined the expression white fragility to signify “any defensive response by a white person when their whiteness is highlighted or mentioned or their racial worldview is challenged, whether this response is conscious or otherwise.”
DiAngelo beamed in response, telling Johnson, “You captured that really nicely!”
Writing for the New York Post Wednesday, Rikki Schlott notes that “DiAngelo was an obscure whiteness studies professor at the University of Washington in 2020, when her 2018 book ‘White Fragility’ soared to the number one slot of the New York Times bestseller list following George Floyd’s murder.”
“Her message — that all white people are inherently racist — ignited a scourge of white liberal self-flagellation that enriched her greatly,” Schlott adds, noting that DiAngelo reportedly made more than $700,000 annually from speaking engagements and workshops in the year following George Floyd’s murder, not counting her book royalties.
The optics of DiAngelo’s “rise to antiracist superstardom were astounding,” Schlott observes: “A liberal white woman wagging her finger at other liberal white people, monetizing their guilt, and doing just about nothing to actually fight racism or improve the lives of Black people in America.”