A successful entrepreneur who was running for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in district elections says he is withdrawing his candidacy due to serious threats to his family.
The 40-year-old Matthias Beerbaum cited “threats against and danger to” his family, although he did not give specific details surrounding the potential threat. He said the decision was not easy for him, but he did not want to deal with endangering his family.
“This should not happen in a democracy,” he announced in a press release on Thursday evening last week.
The threats against his family come at a time when the media and the government have compared the AfD to the Nazi party and claimed the party is “anti-democratic.” Many within the left-liberal ruling coalition are now calling for a complete ban on the opposition party due to its popularity in the polls. At the same time, the country’s far-left interior minister, Nancy Faeser, has called to shut down bank accounts for those who donate to “extremist” right-wing parties and, in conjunction with the federal police and the Office of the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), plans to initiate a series of new laws to target the opposition.
The entrepreneur, who is well-known in his region, was running for the position of the Saale-Holzland district in Germany.
For years, Beerbaum has worked for the AfD on the committee for construction, economy and infrastructure, as well as on the budget and finance committee within the district council.
The AfD’s district association expressed understanding for Beerbaum’s resignation, acknowledging that the mood in both Germany and within the district “has become heated,” according to district spokesperson Denny Jankowski while speaking with German publication Junge Freiheit.
In addition to new pressure from Germany’s domestic law enforcement agencies, the media, and the ruling government, AfD campaign events also feature a massively increased police presence. In one event in Jena, 150 police officers were present, representing a dramatic increase from the past. Even local campaign stands set up by the AfD feature numerous police vehicles.
Despite the pressure, the AfD indicated they had not expected threats to be directed at Beerbaum’s family.
The AfD may try to put forward a new candidate, although it is unclear if this will happen in time for the May 26 elections.
“It’s up to the members to decide,” Jankowski said.
However, the party remains optimistic that it will be able to field a new candidate, especially as the AfD is performing exceedingly well in the region. Last month, in January, the AfD candidate won 47.5 percent of the vote in the first round in the neighboring Saale-Orla district, although he narrowly lost the second round 48 percent to 52 percent against a CDU candidate.
According to official government data, AfD members and politicians are attacked more than any other party in Germany.
Fabrice Leggeri, who led the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex between 2015 and 2022, will be a top candidate on France’s National Rally list for the 2024 European Parliament elections in June.
The former senior civil servant, who took the third spot on the European list led by the French President of National Rally Jordan Bardella, denounced European Commission PresidentUrsula von der Leyen’s Europe and justified his standing by Bardella in an interview on February 17 with Journal du Dimanche.
Leggeri’s arrival with the right-wing National Rally of Marine Le Pen is seen as a major win for the party.
He was responsible for the transformation of Frontex from a small humanitarian structure to a European border police powerhouse.
Due to his firm policy stance against illegal migration, he was targeted by the Left and open-border NGOs, who long called for his resignation.
They finally succeeded and he was forced out of Frontex after allegations he had organised illegal pushbacks – sending migrants back without giving them a chance to claim asylum.
Aujourd’hui, je fais le choix de mettre mon expérience et expertise au service des Français. Diriger Frontex pendant près de 7 ans et travailler pour l’État pendant environ 30 ans, notamment dans la sécurité et l'immigration, rend cette décision cohérente. 1/10#VivementLe9Juin
In an announcement in 2022 on Twitter, Leggeri stated: “Our objective is clear: to regain control of the borders of the European Union and France.
“We must fight against migration overwhelm, a challenge that the European Commission and Eurocrats downplay. My experience at Frontex confirms this reality. It is time to take concrete action to protect our borders.”
Recently, he said: “After leaving my role at Frontex in April 2022, I realised that I had to get involved politically to defend my beliefs.
“The attacks and pressure only strengthened my determination to act in the interests of France.
“The attacks suffered, and the political pressures demonstrate the need to oppose today’s Europe. The European Commission is encouraging a migration flood, but we must act to protect our sovereignty and our borders,” Leggeri said.
In his interview with Journal du Dimanche, he said: “The European Commission and the Eurocrats do not see [mass migration] as a problem, but rather as a project: I can testify to that.”
Leggeri added that he was told by European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson: “Your job is to bring migrants in and welcome them because they come out of love.
“And whether you like it or not, we’re an ageing continent and so you have to let them in.”
International media are generally hostile towards Leggeri, often highlighting that he was forced to stepped down from Frontex due to the illegal pushbacks allegations and the fact that the European Union anti-fraud agency OLAF opened an investigation into him over alleged misconduct against staff and financial abuses.
Leggeri refuted that: “It is important to note that neither the European Parliament nor the Frontex Management Board have found any concrete evidence to support [the allegations].”
“In fact, because I wanted to control immigration, I was pressured and I felt a general abandonment.
“The French Government urged me to resign. Germany was not inclined to support me. The European Commission, which was clearly hostile towards me, wanted me to leave,” he insisted.
“In addition, I have been confronted with attacks from various lobbies and NGOs, which act against the sovereignty of States and go against the will of the French and European peoples.”
Ce matin, aux côtés de @J_Bardella, j'ai visité les casernes de la CRS6 à Saint-Laurent-du-Var et Menton.
Leggeri claimed that with the Pact on Migration and Asylum, the EC will “encourage the influx of migrants”.
“What strikes me about this Migration Pact is the contempt for the sovereignty of States and the lack of concrete measures to put an end to the trafficking of human beings that physically transports hundreds of thousands of migrants on European soil to our borders,” he said.
“We must be aware of the scale of this phenomenon and the humanitarian challenges it implies.”
National Rally is leading the polls in France for the upcoming European Parliament elections and is projected to garner around 30 per cent of the vote, a rise of seven per cent compared to 2019.
The second-biggest party would then be the French President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance, which has still not revealed its preferred top candidate. According to the latest polls, Renaissance would win 17 per cent of the vote, or a drop of five per cent.
A local trust of the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) has proclaimed that pharmaceutically induced lactation in biological males is just as healthy for babies as milk produced by mothers.
The University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (USHT), which runs the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Royal Sussex County Hospital, and the Worthing Hospital told campaigners that “milk” produced by so-called trans women (biological males who identify as women) is “comparable to that produced following the birth of a baby” by biological women, The Telegraphreported.
Given that healthy males do not lactate, to replicate the female biological function of breastfeeding infants, ‘transgender women’ can take a cocktail of hormone-altering drugs to be able to “chestfeed” babies. Initially, a round of the hormone progestin is taken to develop milk-producing glands, which is followed by a lactating drug such as Domperidone.
Drugs like Domperidone are typically prescribed to mothers who are having trouble breastfeeding, however, according to the broadsheet, some doctors in the UK have prescribed the hormone-altering medication to transgender patients, despite the drug’s manufacturer warning against such usage over potential risks to the hearts of babies who ingest it.
Yet, the Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust trust has argued that “milk” produced by biological males as a result of taking drugs like Domperidone, which is also known by the brand name Molitum, citing a 2022 study which claimed that “milk testosterone concentrations” were less than one per cent and that there were “no observable side effects” witnessed in the babies who ingested the “milk”. However, the paper noted that the study only lasted for five months and no long-term testing was done.
Despite deeming the practice of drug-induced ‘chestfeeding’ as safe, the trust did advise that hospital staff to tell “any parent who is taking medication (for whatever reason) to seek advice on the possibility of that medication being transferred to the baby through breastfeeding and also the health implications for the baby”.
Meanwhile, the advice provided by Molitum states: “Small amounts have been detected in breastmilk. Motilium may cause unwanted side effects affecting the heart in a breastfed baby. [It] should be used during breastfeeding only if your physician considers this clearly necessary.”
The advice from the NHS trust has drawn criticism from campaigners, including the director of the pressure group Sex Matters, Maya Forstater, who said: “For a chief executive and medical director of an NHS trust to prioritise trans identities over what is best for mothers and their babies is deeply disturbing.”
Lottie Moore, of the Policy Exchange think tank, which originally exposed the advice, said that the NHS trust was acting in an “unbalanced and naïve in its assertion that the secretions produced by a male on hormones can nourish an infant in the way a mother’s breast milk can”.
For its part, the USHT Trust said: “We stand by the facts of the letter and the cited evidence supporting them.”
A judge in Italy has ruled that it is a crime for Italians to send illegal immigrants back to Libya, where their journey initially began.
According to the Italian newspaper la Repubblica, the landmark decision is based on the fact that Libya, which has been in a permanent state of conflict since the Western invasion back in 2011, is not considered a safe destination for the migrants to be sent, a violation of the laws of the globalist European Court of Human Rights.
The ruling, which came from Italy’s highest court, means that those who send migrants back will be considered guilty of the “abandonment of minors or incapable persons in a state of danger” as well as the “arbitrary disembarkation and abandonment of persons.”
The case centered around the commander of the Asso28 support vessel, who back in 2018, took the sensible decision to return 101 migrants to Libya after rescuing them from precarious sea conditions in which they likely would have died.
Such a predictable decision will likely come as a blow to Italy’s anti-globalist Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who was elected to power back in 2022 on a conservative platform with a principal objective of stopping illegal immigration.
The Cypriot police released on Sunday the photo of a 40-year-old Lithuanian man who is wanted for burglary and theft. This is Deivis Vaitkevicius, who is noted in the announcement as having tattoos on his face.
The photo received a lot of attention as there was no way anyone could see him and not recognise him because of his distinctive face tattoos.
The police announcement reads: “Photographs and details of a 40-year-old man, who is wanted in connection with an investigated case of nighttime housebreaking, and theft, offences committed on 02/13/2024, in Nicosia province, are being released by the Police, to collect information that may lead to his identification.
“This is Deivis Vaitkevicius, born 14/07/1983, from Lithuania, against whom a judicial arrest warrant has been issued, to investigate the case. He has tattoos on his face.
“Anyone who knows anything that can help locate him, please contact the TAE (Criminal Investigation Department) of Nicosia on phone 22-802222 or the nearest Police Station, or the Citizen’s Line on phone number 1460.”
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has sparked outrage from the left and the newspapers. Sunak joked about Labor leader Keir Starmer’s “definition of woman” in the past. Sunak listed all the times Starmer has changed his mind on some political position. “He even changed the definition of woman – said Sunak – although we must admit that in that case he only changed them 99 per cent”. The joke was alluding to when Starmer said that 99.9 per cent of women don’t have male organs.
Strange West, right? Sunak causes scandal but not Starmer.
“The objective is political” writes Mathieu Bock-Coté this week in Le Figaro. “The theory of gender intends to bring humanity back to a form of original magma, where everyone can create themselves, under the sign of integral self-determination. We end up rejecting the idea of a sexual body: gender theory pushes us to talk about ‘sex assigned at birth’.”
“In other words, sex would not be self-evident, it would be arbitrarily imposed by a hetero-patriarchal political-medical system that would force individuals to accept the sexual duality of humanity, while there would be an almost infinite variety of gender, which the State should recognize in an undertaking of social engineering and psychological re-education of the population.
“Hegemonic in the university as well as on social media and in many administrations that believe themselves obliged to submit or convert to it without which they will face the accusation of intolerance, this ideology explicitly aims to anthropologically reprogram a young generation of guinea pig children, who should embody the promise of the new man, freeing himself from a sexual body now assimilated to a reactionary carcass.This revolution would be unimaginable without the Orwellization of language that accompanies it. One of these fictions consists in particular in multiplying ‘pronouns’ to create artificial genders beyond the masculine and the feminine. Fantasy replaces reality.”
Now, however, this ideology also penetrates the best European armies, starting with the English one.
The British Army will make ranks “gender neutral” to be “more inclusive”, General Patrick Sanders, head of the British Army, has announced. Patrick said “male-coded” terms are “something we need to think about very carefully and very hard.”
On the other hand, the British Army wants to eliminate titles such as “infanteers” and “infantry soldiers” to make them gender-neutral. The British Royal Air Force (RAF) is also adopting gender-neutral pronouns such as “Ze”, “Per” and ‘Hir.’And the RAF’s head of recruitment has resigned following the British Air Force’s decision to impose a ‘pause’ in recruiting ‘white males’ in favor of representatives of ethnic minorities.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that an elementary school in California’s Bay Area spent $250,000 of public funds on the services of a left-wing educational organization. Its name? “Woke Kindergarten.” It refers to pupils as “little companions.” “If we eradicate borders, how might we build our communities to include and support neighbors from around the world?” They encourage children to imagine a world without agents of police, armies, landowners, money and schools. Lego figures brandish tiny signs reading “Black Trans Lives Matter” and “No Justice, No Peace”.
For satirical newspaper columnists, this kind of thing is very discouraging. No matter how hard we try, there is simply no way our imagination can compete with Western reality.
Children at some of New York’s elite preschools learn to identify their skin color by mixing the various tsinte in tempera.
In Nicolaigarden, Stockholm, rainbow flags adorn the walls of a kindergarten, boys push strollers and girls play with tractors, there are sexless dolls, one sad, the other happy, and of course no one is called “mom.” ” or “dad”.
In Germany, some kindergartens have the “sex play case” in the kindergarten with the “Lutz” doll or the sex booklet “Lisa and Jan”.
Asya Sigelman writes in City Journal: “About ten years ago, when I was a young assistant professor at Bryn Mawr College and new to academia, I was taken by surprise when one of my students complained about an assigned text—Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Specifically, her concern was about Ovid’s lack of sensitivity on the subject of rape. The Metamorphoses is a poetic compendium of ancient Greek and Roman myths; one of its common motifs is male gods erotically pursuing females.”
“I was particularly surprised by the student’s comment because Ovid’s elegant and witty text is remarkably sympathetic to the female characters. But I knew that Mawrters are famous for the intensity of their beliefs; it makes sense for students at a women’s college to feel so strongly about violence against women. In the years that followed, I discovered that in fact the Metamorphoses is a common prompt for virtue signaling, not only for students but also for professional scholars across American universities.
“It is typical for a public lecture on Ovid’s Metamorphoses to begin with a trigger warning for rape and an invitation to audience members to feel free to step out of the room.
“I could never quite square how listeners could be traumatized by Ovidian descriptions of sexual violence.
“When Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7, they not only murdered hundreds of children, elderly, and women and kidnapped hundreds more, but also systematically perpetrated brutal mass gang-rapes, complete with mutilation and other forms of inhuman violence against women.
“In one witness account, after terrorists finished raping a woman—and while she was still alive—they chopped off one of her breasts and were kicking it to one another like a soccer ball in the dust.
“In another, a gang-raped woman pleaded with the terrorists to shoot her dead—which they did, once everyone in the group had a turn with her.
“I am deliberately detailing these facts—facts so brutal that it is outrageous even to put them down in writing, and yet whose very brutality demands that they be recorded for posterity. It is especially important to do so, given that much of the world has turned a deaf ear to—or, worse, brazenly denied—these outrages against Israeli women and girls.
“Academics and students across the U.S. praised the October 7 attack as ‘heroic; and “an achievement.; Washington State congresswoman Pramila Jayapal stunned a CNN host when she avoided taking a firm stance against the Hamas-perpetrated rapes. UN Women waited two months before it began to respond to detailed forensic reports of Hamas’s atrocities against females.
“According to State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, Hamas refused to release more female hostages because the terrorists didn’t want the women to detail what they endured in captivity. For the past four months, captive Israeli women have been enduring sexual violence, while many in the academic world have remained silent.
“Victory over Hamas should be a priority for anyone who claims to care about the rights of women. I expected that my own institution, Bryn Mawr, would live up to its mission as a women’s college; that, across the nation, the same students and faculty who cannot bear to hear how ‘Jupiter ravished Io’s chastity’ would turn out in droves to condemn publicly Hamas’s rapes and mutilations and to support the group’s elimination; that these same students and faculty would publicly accuse Hamas of continuing to hold hostages, of using innocent civilians as human shields, and of endangering Palestinian civilians by refusing to capitulate. In all these expectations, I was mistaken”.
At Columbia University – where support for Hamas is very strong – the reading of Ovid’s Metamorphoses is preceded by a warning to students, because the great book “contains offensive and violent material”. And the New Yorker – the most cultured and noble magazine in the world – wonders whether Ovid deserves trigger warning.
“The enemy is nihilism, not Islam,” wrote the late Charles Krauthammer. It was 2001. He could not have foreseen that, twenty years later, nihilism would ally itself with radical Islam.
And that the West would end up like that joke at which no one laughed.
When did it become ‘far-right’ to support European farmers who are fighting for their livelihoods and rural communities? If we were to believe the mainstream media coverage of the farmers’ protests, we might expect to see them marching through Berlin or Paris in jackboots rather than their working bottes en caoutchouc (Wellingtons to us Brits).
The ‘far-right’ political libel against hard-pressed farmers is really a sign of how far the EU elites have lost touch with the reality of life for the peoples of Europe. We should ignore the slurs, and get behind the fighting farmers.
The protests by angry farmers have spread across the European Union, with mighty convoys of tractors blockading roads and cities from Romania to Rome, from Portugal to Poland, from Bulgaria to Brussels and beyond.
There might be some national variations in the farmers’ specific demands. But what unites them all is opposition to the way that the EU elites are subordinating agricultural policy to their Green agenda and Net Zero obsession, leading to more hardship for farmers and higher food prices for other Europeans.
As tractor convoys blockaded German cities in January, farmers’ association president Joachim Rukwied spelt out that they were protesting not just against the government’s proposed cuts in fuel subsidies, but against an EU-wide system where “agricultural policy is being made from an unworldly, urban bubble and against farming families and rural areas.”
This week in Poland, 62-year-old protesting farmer Janusz Bialoskorski told the media that, “They’re talking about climate protection. But why should it be done at farmers’ expense?” Farmers, he pointed out, are not responsible for industrial pollution, and “nor do we fly to Davos on our jets.”
These farmers are now in the front line of a wider populist revolt, against those elitists who DO fly in their private jets to the World Economic Forum in luxurious Davos, Switzerland, where they lecture the rest of us about how to save the planet by sacrificing our living standards.
Their protests expose the yawning gap between the high-minded talk of the Brussels Green oligarchy, and the grim reality of what those Net Zero policies mean for normal people in the muddy fields of Flanders or on the supermarket shelves of Florence.
That is why the fighting farmers have captured the imagination of millions of other hard-working Europeans. And why they have struck fear into the heart of the EU’s political and media powers-that-be, especially in the run-up to June’s elections to the European Parliament.
“EU farmers egged on by the far-right”
The response from the top down has been to try to delegitimise the protests by branding the farmers as ‘far right’—or at best, as simple country folk who are being manipulated by right-wing political extremists.
Last weekend, UK Observer newspaper (Sunday sister of the liberal Guardian), the most pro-EU voice in the British media, worried aloud about how the European farmers’ cause “has been enthusiastically adopted by a resurgent populist far-right.”
Similar fears have repeatedly been expressed in the Brussels-backing news media this year: “Brussels struggles to placate farmers as far-right stokes protests,” and “EU farmers egged on by the far-right” (Financial Times); “How the far-right aims to ride farmers’ outrage to power in Europe” (Politico); “Far-right harvests farmers’ anger across Europe” (France 24) etc., etc.
The EU establishment and its media pals are so out of touch with the reality of people’s lives that they apparently imagine Europe’s naïve farmers are protesting only because they have been “egged on” or “stoked up” by ‘far-right’ agitators. The idea that these farmers might be entirely reasonable, hard-working people who are simply at the end of their collective tether with EU bureaucracy seems beyond the comprehension of those bureaucrats and their media mouthpieces.
But the ‘far-right’ slur is far more than a misunderstanding. As with all such Orwellian perversions of political language, it is designed to redefine what can and cannot be said. It is a deliberate attempt to suggest that the farmers have strayed beyond the fence that rings ‘respectable’ political debate, and onto dangerous extremist ground. The message is that their protests should not be dealt with as a ‘normal’ part of democratic politics.
“Blood and soil”
This becomes explicit when the elites wheel out political scientists to draw parallels with the darkest period of European history. One academic ‘expert on the far-right’ from the University of Gronginen worries that “farmers’ issues can lend themselves to far-right ideology through nostalgia for the past,” supposedly by raising themes that touch on “blood and soil.”
That slogan, ‘blood and soil,’ was of course a key theme of Nazi ideology during the 1930s, tied to toxic ideas of German racial purity and back-to-the-land romanticism. The ‘far-right’ political libel against Europe’s protesting farmers has now reached the point where their cause can even be indirectly compared to the rise of Hitler. If this carries on, perhaps it will only be a matter of time before some ‘expert’ reminds us that SS chief Heinrich Himmler was once a chicken farmer before running the Nazi death camps.
It is generally a sign that you are losing the argument when you start implying your opponents might be Nazis. The attempt to tar farmers with the ‘far-right’ brush is a sure sign that the EU technocratic elites fear that they are losing control of the political agenda—and risk losing their domination of the European Parliament to the upstarts of the populist right in June’s elections.
In reality of course Europe’s farmers, like the millions of other Europeans now considering voting for nationalist and populist parties, have nothing in common with Nazi ideologues. Farmers and rural communities are conservative, law-abiding people who have been driven to desperate protests by the impact of Net Zero targets and punitive Green policies which make them feel, in the words of one furious young Spanish farmer protesting with his tractor in Pamplona last week, that “They are drowning us with all these regulations.”
Less farming; less food
As the title of a recent report by the think-tank MCC Brussels puts it, Europe’s agricultural communities are facing nothing less than a “Silent War on Farming,” waged from Brussels.
For decades, EU agricultural policy was about the efficient, cheap, and safe production of food to feed the peoples of Europe and ensure that the continent never suffered famine again. Now, that policy has instead been captured by Green ideology, which demands that farmers use less land and less intensive methods to produce lower emissions. In sum, that must mean less farming—and less food being produced.
Farmers are bearing the brunt of the ideologically-driven regulations imposed by the EU, with falling incomes and the closure of family farms. The rest of Europe faces a scarcity-driven surge in prices—with shortages being met by food imports from countries with far higher emissions than the EU’s hi-tech farming sector.
For many Europeans now supporting the farmers, however, this is about even more than the price of food on their table. Farming and rural communities are at the heart of traditional European ideas of community and self-image. People who live far from the countryside can now identify with farmers who are resisting the same sort of threat to their way of life that they see posed by, for example, EU policies on mass migration.
In response to the spread of farmers’ protests and the wider groundswell of support, the EU elites have—alongside the ‘far-right’ scare campaign—sought to buy off farmers’ leaders with minor concessions and promises of ‘partnership’, as reported by The European Conservative.
Yet they cannot disguise for long their disdainful attitude towards the farmers and rural communities. So Politico’s “Brussels Playbook,” ever-loyal lapdog of the Brussels technocracy, complains that, “Judging by the amount of attention politicians grant farmers (who represent 2.9 percent of the EU’s working-age population), you’d be forgiven if you thought we lived in feudal times, where they represented 90 percent of Europe’s population.” In truth this sort of contemptuous attitude towards struggling Europeans only confirms the reality gap between the elitist minority who look down on the continent from within the Brussels ‘bubble,’ and the real world where at least 90% of modern Europe’s population lives and works.
Far from being some sort of feudal throw-back, the protesting farmers are in the front line of the battle for the future of European democracy. Which is why the rest of us should ignore the ‘far-right’ slurs and the attempts to pervert political language, and dig in to support Europe’s revolting farming communities whose fight—with high powered tractors, not pitchforks—has put the lords of the Brussels castle in fear of their political lives.
Euthanasia is becoming all the rage in the “civilized” Western nations of Europe and North America.
Canada has its MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying) program and is trying to expand it. Democratic-run states are trying to expand and nationalize euthanasia in America, as well. Some are seeking to make the mentally ill eligible for assisted dying. You know, like Trump supporters, for example. The “MAGA types” that President Biden is always angrily bloviating about. For their own good — and ours — they would claim.
Last year the Netherlands made all ages eligible for euthanization. And now new guidelines state that parents can decide to have their child euthanized — in conjunction with a doctor — even if the child is unwilling or unable to consent.
Alternative for Germany, AfD, parliamentary leader Alice Weidel , Wikimedia Commons , Olaf Kosinsky, CC-BY-SA-3.0-DE
In Germany, the liberal government is in a relentless pursuit of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The government is working hand-in-hand with the media, which always prefixes the right-wing label with “extremist,” thus alarming decent German citizens who desire stability and calm.
After an AfD meeting near Potsdam, at which the deportation of some illegal migrants was allegedly discussed, was made public in January, the governing parties – the Socialists, the Greens and the Free Democrats – launched a professionally organized hate campaign against the party. Nobody with a particularly high profile was present at the meeting, although an influential member of the AfD, who has no party function whatsoever, was present in a private capacity.
Now, the banning of the party entirely is on the agenda.
Early on, the government’s campaign against the AfD seemed to be a success. The anti-immigrant party’s popularity saw a slight decline, but the trend has quickly come to a halt and the AfD is back above 20 percent nationally.
This situation can no longer be tolerated by the liberal government, so it is now resorting to a variety of legal means that will put the principles of the rule of law to the test. The highly controversial Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has trodden on legally shaky ground and gone to a level of extremes not seen in Germany since the end of the Second World War, warning that “no one who donates to a right-wing extremist party can go unnoticed.”
The package of measures is therefore politically motivated and designed to provide a tool for the ruling parties to take action against the political opposition. In the end, the question is which parties will be deemed “right-wing extremist”? It is not publicly known what the criteria will be for determining this, and as a tool to be used, it is best to leave the specifics vague.
🇩🇪 These are harrowing words from far left German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser.
The SPD politician is pushing to introduce 13 new measures to clamp on "right-wing extremists," but these "extremists" will inevitably be the rival anti-immigration @AfD party.
There is no mention of what will happen to the far-left parties. That is to say, if we understand the content of the measures to be introduced correctly, then far-right parties cannot be supported financially, while far-left political groups can be supported financially without any risk.
With a little logic, we can see where the dividing line is between the parties that can and cannot be funded. The relationship to illegal migration determines which party avoids the full weight of the surveillance and intelligence state. Those in favor of the resettlement of foreigners are either labeled extremist or not labeled at all.
The fact that the Left Party in Germany — the successor to the communist party of the GDR era — has not been given this label is because it fell into bed with liberal and globalist ideologies. From then on, it became presentable. If the situation after next year’s parliamentary elections is such, it could even become a coalition partner for fellow globalist parties, as has already happened. After all, the mainstream parties have no problem with the Left. The mantra is: “Let the migrants come.”
In other words, the government has made the intelligence services a tool of its own party’s political interests, subordinating them to the political goals of those in power. The consequence of this is that under the new law, a party, in this case the AfD, no longer needs to have committed a specific offense to be monitored.
It will be enough for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to make a subjective judgment and see a risk in the functioning of the party in question.
National Geographic, a formerly grand American institution dating back to 1888 which was captured years ago by woke ideology (in 2017 it published a story celebrating the “Gender Revolution” with a nine-year-old trans child on the cover) has announced its nine “Travelers of the Year” for 2024. Is anyone surprised that the lineup includes a demonically costumed drag queen?
Wyn Wylie, who performs as a grotesque and insulting parody of a woman under the stage name “Pattie Gonia,” is a self-described “intersectional environmentalist, drag queen, and advocate for inclusivity in the outdoors” who works to “uplift LGBTQIA+ people and other underrepresented groups in the outdoors.”
The notion that drag queens are “underrepresented” anywhere in America today is demonstrably absurd. They are celebrated in the forefront of our cultural awareness in the media and entertainment arenas. They garner lucrative corporate sponsorships from the likes of The North Face and Bud Light. They are welcomed in libraries all across the country to groom children under the pretense of reading to them in “Drag Queen Story Hours.” In addition to the NatGeo accolade, Pattie Gonia has over 600,000 followers on social media, and he has the nerve to call himself underrepresented.
As for whether he and his ilk are underrepresented in the outdoors, who’s stopping them? Anyone of any race, sexual preference, or identity category is free to go camping, hiking, and sightseeing in any national park in the country, and always has been. If drag queens are “underrepresented” in the Great Outdoors, it’s no one’s fault but their own – certainly not the result of some mythical systemic oppression.
Nevertheless, to push back against (or rather, to exploit) this purported oppression, Pattie Gonia co-founded The Outdoorist Oath, a nonprofit which shrewdly links our culture’s obsession with gender ideology to climate change hysteria in an “action-based commitment for planet, inclusion, and adventure.” The organization asks members to take an oath to acknowledge climate change, commit to advocating for environmental justice, and recognize “that systemic oppression is real and that hatred, discrimination, and biases marginalize people.”
(Fact check: the only systemic oppression taking place in America today is the targeting of the cultural and political opponents of the Biden administration. They include parents being investigated as domestic terrorists for challenging the indoctrination of their children in an educational system captured by woke groomers; fathers being SWATted and jailed for pro-life activism; white soldiers in the military being demonized for the supposed existential threat of their “whiteness” and “white rage”; and Catholics under investigation by the FBI – not to mention the ongoing witch hunt of pro-Trump, January 6 protesters and their unconstitutional incarceration as political prisoners.)
Outdoorist Oath also predictably raises awareness about “the role White Supremacy plays into your experience in the outdoors” in activism workshops called “Stretch Sessions.” An announcement for one such workshop reads, “Confronting our white supremacy will never be easy, but it is a necessary step in creating a more inclusive and equitable outdoors.” It’s unclear what outdoor inequity is, or how in the world white supremacy “plays into your experience” while hiking or fishing, but again, the outdoors is already plenty inclusive. There are no squads of white supremacists setting up checkpoints at Yellowstone or Yosemite to prevent drag queens and black people from entering.
Also predictably, Outdoorist Oath recently felt compelled to issue a statement denouncing the “negative effects of colonization and imperialism,” supporting “Palestine,” and calling for a cease-fire in Israel’s righteous campaign to eradicate the savage terror group Hamas. None of this has anything to do with the outdoors; it’s all progressive virtue-signaling.
In related news, the New York Times reports that a funeral service was held on February 15 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City for Cecilia Gentili, an illegal alien, drug addict, prostitute, trans activist, and atheist. The Times noted with approval that Gentili’s “memorial functioned as both a celebration of her life and an exuberant piece of political theater,” thanks to the attendance of over “1,000 mourners, several hundred of whom were transgender” who arrived in “glittery miniskirts and halter tops, fishnet stockings, sumptuous fur stoles and at least one boa sewed from $100 bills.” A picture near the altar depicted a haloed Gentili surrounded by the Spanish words for “transvestite,” “whore,” “blessed” and “mother.”
Catholic League President Bill Donohue observed that many of those in attendance changed the words of “Ave Maria” to “Ave Cecilia” when it was sung, and shouted, “St. Cecilia, Mother Of All Whores.” He added that noted LGBT advocate Fr. James Martin called the event “wonderful” and declared that trans activists are “as much a part of the church as anyone else.”
Donohue also hastened to add that the “profane service” only happened because the person who made the arrangements withheld the blasphemous details of the event from the Church, admitting, “I kept it under wraps.” The Pastor of St. Patrick’s, wrote Donohue, said that the Cathedral “had no idea our welcome and prayer would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceptive way.”
This ugly, disrespectful circus in a cathedral, along with NatGeo’s virtue-signaling inclusion of a drag performer among its “Travelers of the Year,” aren’t just silly, irreverent modern provocations against uptight old-timers; they are deadly serious examples of the ongoing offensive being waged by the radical left against all our social and cultural norms. Drag culture and the Astroturfed transgender craze are campaigns in the war on the biological binary; their mainstreaming is designed to hasten the Marxist abolition of the family by eradicating both natural and social distinctions between male and female. They are part of a transgressive revolution by the left designed to tear down the existing bourgeois order and replace it with a collectivist social justice utopia.
Rolling back the degradation of our culture begins with countering the false narratives being spread about systemic oppression and gender ideology by such cowardly corporate and media institutions as National Geographic, The North Face, and Bud Light. Make your voices heard and your dollars count.