Until recently, young Liel Abada was considered one of the Scottish Celtic team’s future players. As the team is the champion of the Scottish Premier League, it was thought that he would only move upwards to the biggest leagues in Europe and play for a large amount of money.
Then the Swords of Iron war broke out and the young and talented Abada lost his position on the field, due pressure by local fans who have a reputation for their hatred for Israel and support for the Arabs.
After several outbursts against the Israeli player and Israel in general, the fanatic fans outdid themselves in Celtic’s last league game against Kilmarnock, when “Green Brigade” fans waved banners on which was written: “30,000+ dead 12000+ children. End the Genocide. End Zionism.”
In addition, many PLO flags were flown in the team’s stands during the game.
The main supporter for the Celtic fans’ extreme and hateful approach towards Israel is none other than Dutch soccer player of Moroccan origin, Anwar El Ghazi, who was dismissed from the German team Mainz, following his harsh and blatant statements against Israel during the war. Al Ghazi wrote on Instagram on a Celtic fan sign: “I’m ready to play for Celtic for free.”
The fans’ hatred for Israel and their attitude towards the Israeli star of Celtic, has led the team to try transfer Abada to another league soon. The leading team to accept the Israeli star is the US soccer league MLS where, among others, Lionel Messi also plays.
The violent hard-left Antifa are already well known, but a splinter group in Germany with a laser focus on race has taken to the streets and it is bent on “revolution towards a classless society”, reports a top newspaper.
‘Migrantifa’ — of course a portmanteau neologism of migrant and Antifascist Action — protested in Berlin on Friday night, a demonstration that devolved into scuffles and arrests after police attempted to shut down banned antisemitic chants. Establishment German newspaper Die Weltgives a rundown on the group which has bubbled under the surface for a few years but now gains new prominence.
The report noted the Monday night rally, called on the anniversary of a terror attack against a shisha bar in Germany that killed nine, attracted 3,500 protesters — Migrantifa themselves claimed “over 10,000” attended — and that chants were led and speeches were given. Describing the extremist worldview held by the Migrantifa group as expressed through the words of its speakers, Welt said the group seamlessly blended anger over Gaza with conspiracy theories about German racism against migrants, seeing no political party as representing migrant interests.
„Deutschland finanziert, Israel massakriert” auf der Demo zum Gedenktag des rassistischen Attentats von Hanau auf der Berliner Sonnenallee #b1902pic.twitter.com/AZY94CDWF8
“Deadly racism” is present in the full spectrum from the right-populist anti-mass migration Alternative For Germany (AfD) to the enviro-socialist Greens, said one speaker, who told attendees that at best the political system offered a vote “every four years… between misery with a rainbow flag and misery with a conservative family image”. Even the hard left parties now in government had supplied cash to Israel, they lamented.
The Migrantifa hardliners also “despise ‘diversity’ and anti-racism work-through-workshops rhetoric” — the very basis of the contemporary multicultural state in Germany as elsewhere, and prefer “‘resistance’ and revolution towards a ‘classless society’”, the paper said.
Welt is not the only German newspaper to have noted the Migrantifa rally. Die Tageszeitung also reports on the rhetoric, noting the speeches focussing on popular responses in the country to migrant crime. Noting events like the massive New Year’s Eve unrest in Berlin and the outrage at the behaviour of migrant males towards young women and girls at public swimming pools in recent summers, the protest lashed out at the public’s response to what many would call ‘migrant crime’, describing it instead as “unprecedented agitation against migrants”.
The AfD — clearly an object of hatred for the Migrantifa activists — responded to the emergence of the group, asking rhetorically whether the members might consider leaving Germany, given they have such a low opinion of it. The party said in their sardonic statement: “If Germany is a ‘racist murderer state’… then why don’t you pack your things and go to another country? We would very much welcome it and would be happy to show you the way to the airport!”.
London’s Metropolitan Police announced that they “strongly believe” they have found the body of the migrant linked to last month’s Clapham chemical attack. The body was discovered in the Thames on Monday, following a three-week manhunt for convicted sex offender Abdul Shokoor Ezedi.
Controversy erupted when it emerged that Ezedi was allowed to stay in Britain despite having a criminal record after exposing himself to a woman at a bus stop. Had he been deported rather than being granted ‘leave to remain,’ he could not have instigated the Clapham attack.
Court documents revealed the basis of Ezedi’s two convictions, including a sexual assault where he “intentionally touched” a woman in 2017 and a second charge, seen by The Daily Telegraph, of indecent exposure “intending that someone would see … and be caused alarm or distress.”
A friend at the time of these incidents, which added Ezedi to the UK sex offenders register for 10 years and landed him with a suspended prison sentence, also told the newspaper that his alleged conversion to Christianity was a “joke.” He said:
The idea that he is now a Christian is a joke, but he loves money and he loves his passport so maybe he did it for that reason.
Ezedi arrived in the UK in 2016 in the back of a lorry and was twice refused asylum, but was later granted ‘leave to remain’—that is, after his sex offence conviction—due to his conversion, which was vouched for by a Baptist minister.
The Church of England and other Christian groups have faced questions over apparently false conversions that allow migrants to stay in Britain. Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson asked:
What is a man like [Ezedi] even doing here? You may well ask. In what nation with the most basic concern for the welfare of its citizens could a refugee who had already proved himself to be a menace to women be granted the privilege of British residence? …
Every single person and institution in that witless, delusional chain of events is to blame for the fact that a woman is in hospital right now, heavily sedated and horribly disfigured with “life-changing injuries”, quite possibly blind.
The woman at the centre of the Clapham chemical attack remains in hospital, though her two daughters have since been discharged.
Following its discovery, the Metropolitan Police said on Tuesday:
Based on the distinctive clothing he was wearing at the time of the attack and property found on his body, we strongly believe we have recovered the body of Ezedi.
Investigations into the Clapham attack are ongoing.
The mayor of Cherveix-Cubas filed a complaint on Tuesday February 20 after discovering several tags on Calvaries and a bus shelter in his commune. According to our information, three tags were discovered in the commune in the Dordogne along the departmental road 5: two inscriptions showing the name of Allah on Calvaries, the stone crosses that are symbols of Christianity. The third inscription was found on a bus shelter: “Today land of wars, tomorrow land of Allah”. The mayor of Cherveix-Cubas doesn’t understand this: “I wonder what the motives are of the people who wrote this, whether they are adults, and this can be very serious in these troubled times.
This is not the first time that a Calvary has been sprayed in the Dordogne. On December 24, a duck farmer in Saint-Pantaly-d’Excideuil found an inscription on a Calvary that had been erected on the edge of one of his meadows. When the farmer was contacted by France Bleu Périgord in mid-February, he stated that he had not had time to clean it up and had not filed a complaint. France Bleu Périgord
CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic descriptions of child neglect involving human waste and may not be considered safe for work. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A trans-identified male and his wife have been accused of endangering the welfare of a child after their 10-year-old autistic son was reportedly found in “squalid” conditions. Robert Eugene Plummer, 45, who identifies as transgender and uses the name Kirstyn Piper, and his wife Amy Plummer, 46, were arrested in Ocean County, New Jersey on charges endangering the welfare of their young son.
Reduxx has obtained details of the disturbing incident from the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, revealing that the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) was first contacted on December 8.
According to a sworn affidavit written by an Ocean County Detective, the DCPP was informed by a nurse at the child’s elementary school that there were “ongoing concerns” for the child’s hygiene and appearance.
DCPP workers went to the child’s residence, and observed horrifying conditions. They noted that the bathroom was “covered in feces” and that there were multiple Home Depot buckets placed around the residence, specifically in the hallway, filled with human waste.
From the affidavit provided to Reduxx from the OCPO.
DCPP deemed the residence was in “deplorable conditions,” and noted a number of other safety issues in the home. Police were then notified and the child was immediately removed from the home.
On December 11, a Detective with the Ocean County Police Department interviewed the child, who revealed that he had been living in those conditions for one year.
The child explained that the toilet did not flush, and his parents would simply wait for the toilet to fill with feces before scooping the waste out into buckets. He was unable to bathe because the bathtub was also full of feces, and had been getting bullied at school due to his poor hygiene.
Police then spoke with the child’s mother, Amy Plummer, who stated that there had been problems with the pipes in their home since March of 2022. She stated she would take the child to a nearby convenience store to defecate and wash when possible.
Amy explained she suffered from multiple physical disabilities, hindering her from walking too far, and had no income, preventing her from hiring a plumber.
She noted that the child’s father, a trans-identified male who uses the name “Kirstyn Piper” Plummer, had “taken control” of the issue and refused to seek help from anyone, the problem becoming increasingly worse over time.
In the affidavit, Kirstyn Piper, born Robert, is referred to using “she/her” pronouns. An arrest warrant shows Robert was classified as a “female.”
Following the interviews, Supervising Assistant Prosecutor Christine Lento approved charging both Amy and Kirstyn Piper with Endangering the Welfare of Children. The two were booked into the Ocean County Jail on December 12, and were released on December 19 pending trial.
According to the Prosecutor’s Office, their next hearing is scheduled in March.
The Plummers are vocal trans activists and have frequently posted to social media about their support for gender identity ideology and “LGBTQ+ issues.” Their foray into activism appears to have begun after Robert began identifying as a “lesbian woman” sometime in 2020.
Instagram posts made by Robert via his photography business use hashtags such as #lesbianpride, #transpride, #transgirl, and #savetranskids. Robert also appears to have produced and sold stickers and merchandise featuring the slogan “protect trans kids.” In some photos, his son is seen wearing a shirt reading “I Love My Two Mommies.”
A sticker designed by the Plummers.
The couple also had been running a blog, which has since been deleted, where they had posted about raising their son, who was diagnosed with autism in 2016.
Reduxx is withholding the information on both the Plummer’s blog and Robert’s social media accounts in order to protect the dignity and privacy of the child involved.
In February of 2023, Robert penned a blog entry about the importance of exposing children to “LGBTQ+ issues and transgender rights” from an early age.
“As caregivers, it’s our responsibility to provide a safe and inclusive environment for our children, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. By exposing them to diverse perspectives and experiences, we can help them understand and appreciate the unique struggles that people from different communities face,” Robert wrote.
“Introducing our children to LGBTQ+ issues and transgender rights can also help break down harmful stereotypes and stigmas that may exist in society. Normalizing conversations around these topics can create a more accepting and compassionate world for all individuals.”
Robert Plummer.
Photos and videos uploaded to Robert’s various social media accounts indicate that he and his wife Amy had taken their son to LGBT-themed events on multiple occasions.
Disturbingly, Reduxx also discovered that Robert had been following an account on X that publishes “age regression” transgender fiction.
The account, @darkkitten123, bears the name “Ashleigh McGregor,” and links to a Patreon page where two individuals, at least one of whom is a trans-identified male, self-publish fictional stories about little boys being transformed into girls.
A significant portion of stories written by “Dark Kitten” incorporate adolescent and preteen characters, as well as themes of furrydom. The style follows a format for a genre known as “sissification,” in which the intended male audience finds erotic pleasure in the humiliation of a boy or adult man being forced to dress or behave in a stereotypical feminine manner.
A Moroccan migrant has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for two cases dating to 2020, when he burst into the room of a 62-year-old woman and raped her, and then months later, reportedly beat another woman, 86, in a brutal attack.
The suspect, Ramzan R., is an illiterate Moroccan migrant who arrived illegally in France in December 2019 after wandering through Turkey, Slovakia, and Poland. A court determined that on April 13, 2020, he broke into the 62-year-old woman’s house at 2 a.m. in the city of Bondy and subsequently assaulted her, along with an accomplice. However, the ordeal was not over. Ramzan R. then returned at 7:00 a.m. and raped the woman.
Then, eight months later, the man broke into the house of an 86-year-old woman and brutally attacked her in the same city.
The woman, who has since died, was represented by a lawyer in court, Me. Anne Rossi, who said: “He smashed her skull on the wall,” and added that the woman “had bruises all over her body.”
A neighbor who heard screams intervened, and when he entered the house, he saw Ramzan R. quickly pulling up his pants and getting up from the victim.
Investigators believe that the 86-year-old victim was raped, but hospital staff did not perform an examination to gather evidence, saying that the woman was too old. The woman died three years later, in 2023.
“Everyone is convinced that she was raped,” said Me. Anne Rossi during the man’s trial. Rossi said that her death three years later was due in part to the rape she experienced that night.
“A part of her had died that night. Rape is like a little death,” said the woman’s lawyer.
The man, who cried at the end of his three-day trial in Seine-Saint-Denis, looked reportedly “absent” during the proceedings, according to French newspaper Le Parisien.
Ramzan R. spoke during the trial, saying he “is not aware if he had attacked her.”
“I am disgusted with myself, I would like to cut off my head,” he added.
Brazilian patriots plan to demonstrate against the far-left Lula government’s coup Sunday Feb. 25 after former President Jair Bolsonaro and members of his “Liberal Party” are raided by police and threatened with prison.
Argentine President Javier Milei, Italy’s Matteo Salvini and André Ventura from Portugal are expected to attend.
Brazilians are hoping President Donald Trump will attend as well.
The president of Bolsonaro’s Liberal Party Valdemar Costa Neto was arrested on February 8 after a search of his Brasilia home turned up an unregistered flamethrower. Flamethrowers are usually considered novelty items and not illegal weapons. Elon Musk sold 20.000 under the name “Not-A-Flamethrower” as a gag in 2018. However, the Lula Regime will use any excuse to lock up the political opposition, it seems – much like the Biden regime in the US. Costa Neto was provisionally set free on Saturday Feb. 10.
Former Bolsonaro aide Colonel Bernardo Correa Neto was arrested at Brasilia’s airport when he arrived from exile in the United States Feb. 11 and put in detention at an army garrison after a custody hearing, Reuters reports.
Army colonel Mauro Cid, who served as Bolsonaro’s personal secretary, was arrested May 5, 2023 for exchanging messages with exiled journalist Allan dos Santos, allegedly plotting a “coup” in 2022. Cid has allegedly “confessed”. His mobile phone records allegedly reveal compromising WhatsApp conversations between various suspects, including Bolsonaro, his former Minister of Defense, four generals, an admiral, and around 20 civilians, BNN reports.
The Federal Police, the private police force commanded by Brazil’s de facto “Supreme Leader”, Justice Alexandre de Moraes, raided Bolsonaro’s beach house and political party office Feb. 8, confiscated his passport and accused him of “trying to overturn the election result as part of an alleged military coup”.
In reality, however, Jair Bolsonaro did not do any such thing, despite hundreds of thousands of Brazilians thronging the streets in the largest pro-Democracy protests in world history in November and December of 2022. Bolsonaro was at pains not to do anything that could be construed as violating the constitution, as his supporters beseeched him to order a military intervention to stop the Lula Coup. The Gateway Pundit was the only news outlet in the world outside of Brazil following the protests.
Bolsonaro’s son Carlos, a Rio de Janeiro city councilman was raided by Alexandre de Moraes’s Federal Police goon squad on Monday, January 29 at both his residence and parliamentary office, as Gateway Pundit reported.
President Jair Bolsonaro has been banned from running for office again until 2030 and will face a hearing Thursday, Feb. 22 on orders of Alexandre de Moraes. On Monday, de Moraes finally granted Bolsonaro’s lawyers access to the records of his alleged coup attempt, Antagonista writes.
President Jair Bolsonaro “was summoned to give testimony next Thursday, 2/22, in Brasília, as part of petition 12100, resulting from the investigations/operations that took place the week before last. His lawyers will take the necessary measures to ensure the President receives all the broad defense constitutionally provided for”, Bolsonaro attorney Fabio Wajngarten wrote on X.
Mass Protests in Brazil, USA and Europe Next Sunday to Defend Bolsonaro as Lula Regime Targets and Arrests Opposition Leaders via @gatewaypundithttps://t.co/piL4KrUXfi
Regional Council’s letter threatening an elderly british couple to compulsory sell their house so that they can accomodate illegal immigrants sparks criticism against UK’s migrant policy (Image Source – X_lotuseatersnews)
The Tory-led North Northamptonshire Council in the UK is facing massive backlash for allegedly spending large sums of money to ‘forcibly’ buy properties to house “illegal immigrants”. According to the allegations, the Regional Council is going to lengths to kick out elderly British citizens and purchase high-priced properties to accommodate the increasing number of illegal immigrants in the UK even when it is on the verge of getting ‘broke’. Following the revelation of a British elderly couple who had to fight to retain their house, questions have been raised about the UK’s migrant policy.
The matter came to light when an elderly couple who had just moved into their house worth around USD 251775 (200,000 pounds) received an “Empty property initiative letter”. The couple was horrified as the letter ‘suggested’ that the property should be compulsorily sold so that the council could use it to house illegal immigrants, referred to as “asylum seekers” in the letter.
An elderly British couple were informed by a council letter trying to 'force' them to sell home in order to house illegal immigrants. pic.twitter.com/31S3GyrS3F
The elderly British couple, Jose and Ted Saunders said that they were ‘insulted and shocked’ when they received the strongly-worded letter from North Northamptonshire Council last month. In the letter, the Council mentioned that their neat mid-terraced house in Rushden, near Wellingborough, was deemed to be an empty property, or was ‘derelict’ and the council could even force them to sell it.
Retired carer Jose (76) slammed the council and said, “I couldn’t believe it. We moved to Rushden to help provide childcare for my granddaughter and found this nice little place to live. The idea of forcing us to sell it to make room for refugees and asylum seekers seems totally wrong.”
The elderly couple who haven’t received papers for the house fear that they won’t receive deeds for the house. Jose added, “It was all the more worrying as we’d only moved in last November, so we still hadn’t received the deeds for the house.”
The letter titled ‘Empty Properties and Sites Initiative’ had their exact address in bold. While the couple recently shifted to the house in November last year and have been residing in it, the council argued, “We are writing as we have reason to believe that the above-named premises… is empty or unused.”
(The Elderly couple’s relatively new property accused of being derelict by the Council to make compulsory purpose and house illegal immigrants, Image Source – Roland Leon/Dailymail)
The letter continued, “The Government has identified empty privately-owned properties as a potential cause of blight within communities and as a wasted resource at time of high housing need.”
Justifying its controversial migrant policy, the Council noted that it was seeing a ‘considerable increase’ in positive immigration decisions. As per the council, the decisions have been made in favour of asylum seekers, mainly single men. For that, the authority was ‘struggling’ to source suitable accommodation for them, the letter added.
(Image Source – Roland Leon/Dailymail)
According to the Tory-led Council, the ideal long-term solution for the large influx of illegal immigrants (referred to as asylum seekers) would be to provide accommodation by using empty properties which would benefit owners and the project. It said the council could make a compulsory purchase order on the property.
Following the letter, Retired driving instructor Ted (78) and his wife made all efforts to retain their house and called the council to question them over the development. When they pressed and criticism mounted, three days later, they received an apology letter from the council.
In the apology letter, the council said that their staff had mistakenly earmarked the house for possible compulsory purchase. Following their rationale, the Elderly British Couple raised questions about the policy itself.
Jose asked, “What on earth is the council doing forcing people to sell their houses – and even an empty house is owned by someone – so that asylum seekers can live in them?”
She added, “The answer to this is to stop them coming in the first place, not to force people out of their homes.”
Financially stretched Council allegedly spending huge sums to support “illegal immigrants”, puts UK’s migrant policy in the dock
On Thursday (15th February), Politician Ben Habib of the Reform UK Party seized the matter to raise questions over the migrant policy. Habib, who is also the party’s co-deputy leader, told MailOnline: “I was horrified to hear the plight of Mr. & Mrs. Saunders, but my horror could not compare to what they experienced last month.”
He added, “They were served with a letter from North Northamptonshire District Council seeking to possess their home. The accusation made was their home was derelict and the Council intended to use it to house single young men seeking asylum. Known to the rest of us as illegal migrants.”
Habib reiterated that the elderly couple was distraught by the threat made by the Council and they feared not having title deeds and being incapable of defending their position.
He raised questions over the Council’s financial decisions highlighting that the Council is virtually on the verge of being broke.
He fumed, “It is utterly shocking that the Council would fire off a letter like that to two elderly people. And do so with the aim of buying a £200,000 house for asylum seekers. This is from a Council that is as good as bust and has never filed consolidated accounts since it was established in 2021.”
Habib argued that the same funds should be used for supporting hapless British citizens and armed forces veterans.
“The local charity for homeless people, the Daylight Centre, spends £650 per head per homeless person per year. Think what that charity could do with £200,000! It would be able to provide care for over 300 British citizens. There are also veterans’ charities in the constituency struggling to care of soldiers who risked life and limb for the country. Instead of the money going to them, the Council was prepared to blow it on housing maybe 4 migrants, after forcing out of their home two elderly British citizens. Disgraceful,” he was quoted saying in Daily Mail.
According to British media, the North Northamptonshire Council is run by the Tories who claim to be championing local issues. It has completely failed to manage its budget since its inception in 2021. Earlier, the council had defended itself arguing that increased pressures from demand-led services have driven up costs.
However, the Council justified its actions and policy. Speaking with MailOnline, Leader of North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) Jason Smithers argued that the NNC is just trying to bring empty and dilapidated properties into use.
The official claimed that Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO) are not utilised to “oust” current owners from their properties rather they are a tool used as a very last resort to bring valuable properties that are empty or dilapidated back into use.
The officials said, “Unfortunately, in this case, records held by NNC were outdated, and the letter was incorrectly sent to a property that was occupied. For this, I am very sorry for causing any undue distress and worry.”
Pertinent to note that a similar criticism against ‘migrant policy’ was witnessed in the United States earlier in January this year. Notably, on account of surging illegal immigration in the US, the New York City administration had shut down a school to house 2,000 migrants. Back then, the locals had concerns that the illegal immigrants housed in the school had criminal records and hence they feared for their safety. Reacting to the developments, Elon Musk had warned that the administration would soon be coming after people’s houses as well forcing them to accommodate these illegal immigrants in their houses.
Conspicuously, as part of the 60-day limit order explained here, a 40-year-old mother from Colombia, Mayra Martinez for whom the US government had provided hotel accommodation was asked to shift to another accommodation. Following the temporary eviction, she said her three children have mixed feelings about leaving the Row. The family had been living at the hotel for more than a year and had saved up enough to rent a three-bedroom apartment in nearby Newark, New Jersey.
The statue of Amy Winehouse standing in her old neighborhood of Camden Town, London, has been vandalized by an antisemitic protestor who covered the statue’s Star of David with a Palestinian sticker.
Amy Winehouse’s bronze sculpture has stood in Camden Town since 2014, three years after the pop star died at 27. The statue depicts Winehouse wearing a Star of David necklace — a reference to her Jewish heritage.
On Monday, reports and photos emerged showing the sticker, which features a Palestinian flag.
Police in London are investigating the matter, according to a report from The Standard. “We are making enquiries with Camden Market to establish the circumstances and what evidence, such as CCTV footage, may be available,” Scotland Yard told the newspaper.
A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism told The Standard that the sticker had been removed, saying in a statement: “Covering the Star of David, a well-known symbol of Judaism, on the statue of a British Jewish singer, with a sticker of the Palestinian Authority flag is antisemitic. “So much for the ‘this is just criticism of Israel’ excuse we hear so often from antisemites who are too cowardly or ignorant to admit what they are. Right now, 69% of British Jews say that they are less likely to show visible signs of their Judaism right now. When even a statue of a Jewish person can’t get away with it, is that any surprise?”
The Amy Winehouse statue has stood undisturbed and respected for years. It has her Star of David necklace out and proud. Until today when a pro-Palestinian defaced her Jewishness with a sticker. This is GROSS antisemitism. Please remedy this @CamdenMarket now. h/t @EtanSmallmanpic.twitter.com/2wCr8QwwSV
After some deliberations, on February 14 the French government and National Assembly managed to pass a bill that includes an Article 4 that essentially creates a new crime of “provocation to abstention from medical care.”
Art. 223-1-2 . – Provocation to abandon or abstain from following therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment is punishable by one year of imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros, when this abandonment or abstention is presented as beneficial for the health of the persons targeted when it is, in the state of medical knowledge, clearly likely to result in serious consequences for their physical or psychological health, taking into account the pathology from which they suffer…
When the provocation provided for in the first two paragraphs has been followed by effects, the penalties are increased tothree years of imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.
The bill now awaits final approval in the French Senate.
Imagine being arrested for following your conscience and medical advice from a doctor that you trust and yet going to prison for it because it contradicts the “medical knowledge” of your government. With this bill as it stands today, what will happen to those doctors and scientists in France who still oppose the mRNA injection?
I recall that what was deemed “medical knowledge” by the ministers of science in the CDC, FDH and NIH included the absurd notion that the jabs were safe and effective. I recall deaths being caused directly by the vaccines, ventilators, remdesivir, and refusing early treatment. I also recall permanent disability and infertility due to “vaccine” injury as well as diseases like myocarditis, Bell’s Palsy, among others. In fact, there are many confirmed reasons why the “state of medical knowledge” – as promoted by the government – might not be in our best interest.
The bill’s aim of “strengthening the fight against sectarian aberrations” is just one example of the kind of control governments might exert over the masses as they protect Big Pharma. Ultimately, that’s what it’s all about with the upcoming 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) on May 24.
The WHA is the World Health Organization’s (WHO) decision-making body and is prepared to make amendments to the International Health Regulations which, if ratified, would consolidate power among vested interests like world leaders, the WHO and Big Pharma.
All three benefit from these agreements, but it’s important to be clear on the difference between two aspects of negotiations. Proposals for negotiating the WHO “Pandemic Agreement” and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) are frequently confused but are basically two wings of the same plane, and the plane is Big Pharma.
As researcher James Roguski clarifies, The “Pandemic Treaty” appears to be a business deal that is designed to redirect billions of dollars of public and private funds to dramatically expand the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency industrial Complex (PHEIC) into poor countries in order to access more of Big Pharma’s drugs and injections making them more dependent, thus making Big Pharma richer. Whereas the brewing terror we are now familiar with, like the denial of human rights and freedoms; mandating regulations and making them legally binding for all member states; empowering the Director-General to declare emergencies; and recommending things like quarantines, vaccines, and medical treatments, etc., are in the International Health Regulations. (Taking James Roguski’s pop quiz on this can be very clarifying).
The WHO Pandemic Negotiations with the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) and the Working Group for Amendments (WGIHR) resume this week and continue throughout the month of March. It will all culminate in the big assembly during the week of May 27th.
So, what has been the pushback in the United States?
Frank Gaffney, Executive Chairman for the Center for Security Policy, mentioned in a recent press conference with Rep. Chris Smith that the House of Representatives has zeroed out the funding for the WHO in one of the appropriation bills if the WHO does not send whatever negotiations produced to the Senate for its advice and consent. There have also been valiant attempts by Rep. Rick Scott, Rep, Chip Roy, Rep. Andy Biggs, and Senator Ron Johnson to either oppose the amendments or exit the WHO outright, as President Trump did. In the case of Senator Johnson’s bill, 47 senators were the only ones to sign on. But even if there were a majority of supporters and a win in the House, President Biden would still have to sign the bill — an unlikely event, to be sure-
Problems are compounded by the fact that the Biden Administration may join the above convention by executive agreement, bypassing Senate approval. It seems to me that the tension between Senate approval and executive agreement will grow as we approach the Assembly. Indeed, the WHO accord is being drafted specifically to circumvent Senate approval. Hopefully, the attitude among House representatives will be what Francis Boyle, professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, advises:
“I think the House of Representatives has to make it clear that they object, that there is no way they are going to go along with any orders coming out of the WHO, the World Health Assembly or this new international pandemic organization, and that they have the power of the purse and that they will defund anything related to the WHO.”
None of the above entails that people are going to be arrested for actions inconsistent with whatever comes out of the “Pandemic Treaty.” But what has happened just days ago in France is a very serious development. We are witnessing, in real time, the criminalization of truth. And whenever that happens, government bodies, politicians and interested parties have a way of arresting the continuation and development of free minds and bodies.