Month: January 2024
‘Europeans Will Succumb to Islam,’ Says Former Intelligence Chief

By Raymond Ibrahim
Islam is on the verge of completely taking over Europe, in all ways — at least according to one who should know, Hans-Georg Maaßen, Germany’s top domestic intelligence chief from 2012 to 2018. In a recent interview, he stressed several points that spell the imminent downfall of Europe to Islam.
His warnings are buttressed by disturbing demographic changes. According to conservative estimates from Pew Research, over the next 25 years — meaning most of the current generation’s lifetime — Europe’s Muslim population will triple to a staggering 76 million. In fact, the actual current and future numbers of Muslims appear to be higher, though there are no official tallies. For example, in an earlier, 2011 study, Pew Research found that “The number of Muslims in Europe has grown from 29.6 million in 1990 to 44.1 million in 2010. Europe’s Muslim population is projected to exceed 58 million by 2030.” Clearly 58 million in five years’ time is more significant than 76 million in 25 years’ time.
Not only is mass migration responsible for Islam’s exponential growth in Europe, but once there, the average Muslim woman has significantly more children than the average European woman. “Muhammad” is taking West Europe by storm as the number one name for newborn baby boys.
During his interview, Hans-Georg Maaßen said that these large numbers are intentional, and the work of Europe’s ruling elite. For this intelligence chief, the “great replacement” theory is no myth. The more ideologically mixed a population is forced into becoming, the less able it is to identify itself, much less protect any beliefs:
[O]ur politicians want a different population. The political left follows the course of the anti-German ideology. The more heterogeneous a population, the less able it is to articulate itself and have a democratic say. The more politics accept immigrants from other countries as they see fit and grants them citizenship, the more politics select the people of the state and influence the election results. These migrants then vote differently than the locals.
He pointed out how easy it would be for European governments, especially Germany and Austria, to prevent Muslim migrants from entering their borders — and how easy it would be to send the many criminal ones who have already gained entry back to their countries of origin — but they refuse to do so.
As proof, Maaßen cited a recent “migration summit” in Germany, where he saw only “showcase politics” or “dummy politics,” primarily focused on how to raise more money for asylum seekers and faster asylum procedures. However, nobody, he said, seemed interested in asking the all-important question: “Why are we letting these people into Germany and Europe in the first place?”
This question is especially urgent considering that every European city and region that has a significant migrant presence has become a hellhole, rife with violent and criminal activity. For example, as far back as 2017, an article titled, “Austrians living in fear as violent migrant gangs carry out DAILY attacks in Vienna,” reported:
Muggings and beatings are becoming commonplace in the historic capital city, with passersby being attacked on almost a daily basis… The Praterstern area, just outside central Vienna, is now controlled by North Africans and is considered the worst area in the city for crime. Despite police increasing their presence in the area it has become riddled with crime. On the other side of the city, the area surrounding the West Railway Station has been taken over by Afghans who have been making headlines for all the wrong reasons… Crimes carried out by migrants in Austria have risen rapidly over the past year as more arrive in the country. Last year [2016], there were a total 22,000 criminal complaints against migrants, up from 14,000 in 2015, the Austrian Interior Ministry revealed. Sex attacks carried out by asylum seekers has become a serious problem in Austria, with a 133 per cent increase in migrant sex attacks in the past year since the migrant crisis erupted. Swimming pools and other public venues have become some of the most prevalent areas for attacks to take place.
Indeed, as in other European nations, sex crimes — including against young boys — have skyrocketed in Austria. According to one report, “Hardly a day goes by without reports of sex attacks” at the hands of migrants.
Along with imposing migration, European politicians have taken other measures to help establish and empower Islam in Europe, to the detriment of the natives. Thus, free speech is all but gone in Ireland, after the Irish rose in anger following yet another unprovoked assault by a Muslim (the stabbing of three small children and their caretaker). And in Denmark, which long welcomed the mockery of Christianity under the guise of “freedom of expression,” mockery of Islam is now strictly forbidden.
Unchecked migration is only possible because nihilistic Europeans have no motivation to halt the transformation of their continent or eject their traitorous leaders, suggested Maaßen.
We don’t know where we want to go. What should Germany or Austria look like in 2030? We are living only in the moment, and therefore we are losing out to others who have a religion or ideology, who know where they want to go. We lack a mission… Mostly Muslims come to us with a completely different awareness of culture, religion and family. In secular Europe, religion and family — if they are still important at all — are a matter for the individual, but in these cultures it is a matter for the clan.
In short, “Europeans will succumb to Islam. On the one hand, because they are unable to even see this conflict coming, and on the other, because they are incapable of resolving conflicts in a similar fashion.”
By this, he means that Europeans are incapable of resolving conflict the way the Muslims who are flooding their conflict do — through violence. After describing Islam as “a completely different culture” that “we are not at all prepared for,” the former intelligence chief stressed that “we’re incapable of resolving conflicts even by means of violence, like family clans do from the Arab states. These people resolve conflicts by violence, whereas people in Central Europe think that this can only be done through the courts.”
This is an important point and explains the paralysis. For most non-western peoples, not just Muslims, if they see something that they believe is wrong, they fix it — including through force. Most western people, on the other hand, are so accustomed into believing that a “rule of law” still exists — that the authorities will see justice done. This is clearly no longer the case. The sooner this is acknowledged, the better. Otherwise, and as Maaßen concluded, “The end result will be the gradual destruction of our European cultures.”
Eurocrats Panic as Anti-EU Parties Projected to Win Across Europe

The Eurocrats are getting nervous. General public dissatisfaction with the state of affairs inflicted on them by the establishment, from the COVID lockdowns to economic malaise, is likely to translate into victories for parties opposed to the EU, and also to the larger leftist agenda.
Here’s the European Council of Foreign Relations claiming that democracy will threaten democracy.
The 2024 European Parliament elections will see a major shift to the right in many countries, with populist radical right parties gaining votes and seats across the EU, and centre-left and green parties losing votes and seats.
Anti-European populists are likely to top the polls in nine member states (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Slovakia) and come second or third in a further nine countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Sweden).
According to our forecast, almost half the seats will be held by MEPs outside the “super grand coalition” of the three centrist groups.
Inside the European Parliament, a populist right coalition of Christian democrats, conservatives, and radical right MEPs could emerge with a majority for the first time.
And the ECFR is worried that some countries may actually act on immigration and end support for repressive eco-fascist measures.
Far-right parties are becoming increasingly dominant in national settings across many EU capitals. Whether in election results, such as the success of Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party (PVV) in the Dutch general election in November, or in their ability to set the agenda from the opposition – such as the National Rally’s support for France’s regressive immigration bill in December – the far right played an important role in shaping European politics in 2023. 2024 is likely to see a continuation of this trend not only in national politics, but also at the European level, with early polls suggesting a more right-leaning European Parliament will emerge after the June 2024 European Parliament elections.
And that might end the invasion and the repression.
On civil liberties and justice and home affairs, this could have major implications for EU migration and asylum policies, where there is likely to be a majority in the European Parliament that supports very restrictive immigration policies and will seek to push the commission to reform the EU’s asylum policy framework to allow more discretion for member states and to limit any sharing of refugee allocations.
But the biggest policy implications of the 2024 European Parliament elections are likely to concern environmental policy. In the current parliament, a centre-left coalition (of S&D, RE, G/EFA, and the Left) has tended to win on environmental policy issues, but many of these votes have been won by very small margins. The significant shift to the right in the new parliament will mean that an ‘anti-climate policy action’ coalition is likely to dominate. This would significantly undermine the EU’s Green Deal framework and the adoption and enforcement of common policies to meet the EU’s net zero targets.
Most horrifyingly of all, freedom might prevail.
Given the Euroscepticism of the ECR and ID, and some national parties in the EPP, we could therefore see majorities in the next parliament in support of more economic, fiscal, and regulatory freedom for member states. This bloc would be likely to vote against proposals from the commission to enforce common rules and instead side with the growing group of national governments – such as those in Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, and Sweden – which are pushing for less interference from Brussels in national economic, fiscal, and regulatory policies.
A European Spring could be coming. And the last thing that the Eurocrats want is… freedom.
Terrorism-Lite: Spain Likely To Establish Impunity for Terror Offenses in Law

The Spanish government is about to write into law a form of ‘terrorism-lite,’ a crime that would normally be difficult to justify granting impunity.
Under the leadership of socialist prime minister Pedro Sánchez, the country’s parliament is preparing a wide-ranging amnesty for Catalan separatists. The bill, expected to be voted on and passed next week, legislates total impunity for all acts committed “in the context of the so-called Catalan independence process” between January 1, 2012 and November 13, 2023, an expanse of time that purposely includes the two illegal separatist referendums carried out in 2014 and 2017.
Alarmingly, terrorism was added to a list of amnestied acts in amendments to the bill made at the request of the Catalan separatist party Junts Per Catalunya, with the caveat “if there has not been a serious violation of human rights.”
The law itself would specify that any “acts committed with the intention of claiming, promoting or seeking the secession or independence of Catalonia, as well as those that would have contributed to the achievement of such purposes” will NOT be prosecuted or punished. It then details a list of excusable crimes: embezzlement, public disorder, attacks on police.
The last attempted referendum in Catalonia was accompanied by weeks of riots that particularly shook the regional capital and Spain’s second city, Barcelona. In 2019, most of the leaders of the referendum were convicted of sedition, rebellion, and embezzlement of public funds.
Among the convicts are leaders of the secessionist group Tsunami Democrátic, which led much of the street agitation that surrounded the actual referendum, including protests at Barcelona airport that disrupted operations and indirectly caused the death of one person. A report from the Civil Guard included in the case described the protests as “terrorism,” given that the group’s “strategy or roadmap consisted of executing large-scale actions that mobilized thousands of people and that compromise[d] [the] economic stability, social, business and institutional stability of Spain.”
The situation became more complicated last November, when a Spanish judge implicated Catalan fugitive and MEP Carles Puigdemont in alleged terrorist activity. Puigdemont was regional president of Catalonia at the time of the 2017 referendum. One of the principal organizers, he fled to Brussels and has been a fugitive from Spanish justice ever since. But this circumstance did not prevent him from continuing to lead the Junts political party and to be elected to the European parliament. In Spain, his party has seven decisive seats in the chamber that it is using to leverage an amnesty that will not only drop criminal charges and punishments against other secessionists, but also allow Puigdemont to return to Spain without having to face the law. Since the judge implicated him in the Tsunami Democrátic case, he could potentially face charges of terrorism.
“Terrorist acts constitute one of the most serious violations” of “enjoyment of human rights and of the fundamental freedoms on which the Union” is based, states European Union directive 2017/541. This means that beneficiaries of the amnesty law may still have difficulty evading the European Union’s definition of terrorism, which does not make a distinction between terrorist acts that are serious violations of human rights and those that are not.
Leftist EU judicial norms—typically given to overriding the national competencies of member states—could on this occasion retain a stricter approach to terrorism than the Spanish government itself.
In a recent post on X, Belén Becerril Atienza—a law professor at Spain’s CEU San Pablo University,—highlighted that this same regulation defines “terrorist purposes” as attempts to “destabilize seriously or destroy the fundamental constitutional, economic, or social political structures of a country.” By calling them terrorist acts, Spain’s Civil Guard identified the airport protest as having exactly that purpose.
In European law, there is no terrorism-lite. Introducing a metaphysical-sounding legal distinction between human rights-infringing and non-human-rights-infringing acts of terror is a recipe for mayhem.
European Parliament plotting ‘woke’ re-working of history curriculums
The European Parliament is plotting a “woke” re-working of history curriculums across the bloc, several leading academics have warned.
It comes after the body approved a resolution calling for the “European historical consciousness” to be overhauled to shift focus away from national identity and “towards European and global history… in order to allow for more emphasis on a supranational historical understanding”.
The resolution calls for increased focus on “crimes like colonialism” as well as Nazism and Communism, “that have played [a part] in shaping historical perceptions in Europe”, as well as the “marginalisation of women and other underrepresented societal groups in history”.
Parliamentarians also demanded that children be taught in detail about the “horrors of the past that serve as a ‘negative foundation myth’ and provide a strong sense of purpose for the European peace project”.
Speaking to Brussels Signal, prominent British history journalist and biographer Nigel Jones lambasted the document — which calls for a “multicultural and gender-sensitive approach in the teaching of history” — as “typical ‘Eurobullshit’.”
“This EP draft seems to have added woke ideas about race, colonialism and gender to the artificial concept of Euro-consciousness which of course makes it even more out of touch with popular opinion throughout Europe,” the former reviews editor of BBC History said.
He added that the resolution appeared to be out of step with the attitudes of many normal Europeans, as evidenced by the increasing success of nationalist parties throughout the bloc.
“Indeed, national consciousness is growing rather than diminishing, as we see from such examples as Catalan separatism and, indeed, the Flemish nationalism in Belgium,” Jones explained.
“The liveliest ideas in Europe, as we shall see in the EP elections in June, is the rise of so-called ‘far-right’ parties such as the AfD [Alternative für Deutschland] and the RN [National Rally in France]”
“In short, Euro-consciousness is an artificial construction that exists in the corridors of Brussels and Strasbourg but nowhere else,” he concluded. “I think that any Euro-consciousness is confined to the tiny bureaucracy who run the EU and is not a living force within the peoples of Europe.”
Another British historian, Professor Jeremy Black of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, also slammed the motion, calling it “partisan”.
“Whatever the intellectual claims, the reality would be a further politicisation of the past and in a partisan fashion,” he said.
“I argue in my Brief History of History that such approaches are inherently flawed.”
Nigel Biggar, Regius Professor Emeritus of Moral Theology and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, meanwhile said that the resolution’s attempt to conflate European colonialism with Nazism was a “travesty of history”.
“In the British case, imperial power was used to abolish slavery worldwide on the basis of the principle of the fundamental equality of all human beings regardless of race, and also to offer the only military resistance to the massively murderous racist regime in Hitler’s Berlin between May 1940 and June 1941, with the sole exception of Greece,” he told this website.
He also warned that the EP’s desire to reduce the emphasis on European history was unjustified, and would ultimately cause damage to EU democracy if enforced.
“The curricula of primary and secondary schools cannot cover everything,” he said. “And it is vitally important that their pupils learn about their immediate national and, within the EU, European contexts, so that they can become well-informed citizens and voters.”
“Once they reach higher education, they can choose to study Chinese language, Indian history, or African art, if they so wish. But before that, a national and Eurocentric focus is entirely justified,” Biggar concluded.
Ireland: A Muslim activist says on public television that she often feels offended by Irish humour and that “this needs to change in the Irish community”

Ala Buisir is a member of the Muslim community who grew up in Dundrum in Dublin.
Through photography and her film-making, she tries to highlight racism, the War on Terror, and discrimination that asylum seekers face.
Ask Ala about racism in Ireland and she sighs.
“A person looks at you and then, they’ll give you some stereotype joke. And you’ll say, it’s not a joke it’s something serious that you shouldn’t be saying.
“But then you’ll get, ah we’re Irish, we need to make a laugh out of something. That needs to change within the Irish community. As much as I’m Irish, that’s the one thing that kind of annoys me.”
Germany: Moroccan student goes berserk in university library, riots and demands Sharia law
She rioted in the honourable law library – and demanded “Sharia law”, the stone-age laws of the Islamists!
Shock on the campus of Frankfurt’s Goethe University: shortly before 4 p.m. on Monday, the library was packed, dozens of students were preparing for exams, laptops were lying on the tables everywhere. Suddenly, a young woman with a bun, brown coat, scarf and work bag appeared, stood in the middle of the room and shouted: “I’m going to make an announcement now.” Then she went completely berserk!
An eyewitness: “She screamed for 20 minutes.” There was a lot of confusing stuff: she shouted that she wanted her student loan back, that she wouldn’t put up with being deported to Morocco “and that we should talk to her judge”.
In the video, which was uploaded to Instagram and later deleted, the sentence can also be heard: “I’m ashamed of what you’re doing here.”
According to students, she is also said to have called for Sharia law to be enforced! Background: Sharia law is based on the Quran and applies in Iran and Saudi Arabia, for example. Homosexuality and sex before marriage are forbidden, women have hardly any rights, whipping and stoning are permitted.
Then she climbed onto the tables and started kicking down books and laptops. Some students tried to calm her down. She pushed them away.
At 4.02 pm, the university’s security service called the police, and at 4.10 pm the emergency services arrived. At 4.23 p.m. the disturbance was over and the Sharia student was provisionally arrested.
Police spokesman Bintu Lond told the newspaper BILD: “We confirm that a lady went on the rampage in the university library. She is 31 years old, comes from Bad Homburg and is a former student. She has been taken to a neighbouring hospital because she apparently has a mental health problem.”
Goethe University also confirmed the incident, emphasising: “The security service was on site very quickly and was able to persuade the woman to leave the building. The university has no further information about her identity or background.”
According to eyewitnesses, however, it took 15 to 20 minutes before the security service reacted and rushed to help. It’s hard to imagine what could have happened if the Sharia student had been armed.
Polizei-Einsatz in Frankfurt: Scharia-Studentin rastet in Uni-Bibliothek aus | Regional |
Germany: Afghan migrant masturbating on train tracks halts rail traffic across Kassel region

An Afghan migrant who was masturbating on a train track outside the German city of Kassel was arrested after halting rail traffic across the region.
The migrant, who lives in Niest, shut down the Kassel rail system on Jan. 16, but the story was only published by German newspaper Bild on Jan. 22.
“Because of him, the driver of a RegioTram in the direction of Kassel had to brake quickly in the area of the Kassel-Jungfernkopf train stop,” said a police spokesman. The 30-year-old was lying in the middle of the tracks and was masturbating when the conductor was forced to halt quickly to avoid hitting him.
The train was stopped right in front of the man, but police say the man just kept masturbating. Witnesses began filming the man, with some of the footage leaking online.
The Afghan’s actions caused 13 trains to be late before police arrived and arrested the man. No one was injured during the incident. The Afghan has been charged with interfering with train traffic.
Migrant exposes his buttocks to train conductor, shuts down traffic
Just days after this incident, on Jan. 18, three Moroccan migrants were loitering near a parked freight train near the city of Wolmirstedt. A train engineer noticed the men and stopped the train. He told the suspects, aged 26, 30 and 32, to leave the area, as their lives were in danger at the rail crossing.
Instead, they approached the train, insulted the driver, and threw stones at the train. One member of the group lowered his pants and showed his behind to the driver.
The interruption halted train traffic in the area for half an hour.
The three men were arrested on a track near Zielitz and charged with property damage, insulting an official, trespassing, and violating a number of regulations on a rail system. They all had elevated levels of alcohol in their bloodstream.
Street cleaner nearly beaten to death in Berlin
On Jan. 19, a trial began in Berlin for Tunisian migrant Beshir S. and “fashion designer” Tarek S., a Palestinian from Syria, who nearly beat a 60-year-old street cleaner to death on the subway tracks. The man had told the defendants, who were speaking loudly on their phone, to lower their voices, as it was 4:30 a.m. The victim was on his way to work.
The men then rushed toward the victim, beat him, and pushed him onto the train track. He was pulled out by another passenger, who saved the man before a train arrived. The German victim had severe injuries to his genitals, suffered a fractured arm, and remains on sick leave until this day.
The Tunisian has been charged with attempted murder for the May 29, 2023, attack. He said in court: “I had the impression at the time that the obviously German man thought he was superior to my friend. That’s why I hit the German, even one or two punches too many.”
The federal government has consistently argued that diversity is Germany’s strength, while at the same time promoting the idea that Germans should abandon their cars and take more public transport, including the country’s rail system. Migrants cost German taxpayers a minimum of €36 billion in social welfare, housing, and education in 2023 alone. However, disruptions to train traffic and the cost of policing crime disproportionately associated with foreign nationals are not counted in these costs.
The left-liberal government’s new immigration law has drastically reduced the amount of time immigrants need to stay in the country before they are eligible for citizenship. Once they obtain citizenship, their foreign nationality is no longer listed in the crime statistics, and they are henceforth listed as “Germans” when committing any crime.
British Government Confirms Commitment to W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty

The British government of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has expressed its “commitment” to the globalist project of crafting an international Pandemic Treaty by the World Health Organization.
Buried in a “national statement” delivered at the World Health Organization’s Executive Board in Geneva this week, the British government thew its support behind a push by W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for the world to agree to a Pandemic Treaty.
“The UK underlines our commitment to agreement of a new Pandemic Accord and targeted amendments of the International Health Regulations, which together ensure our preparedness for future health threats with stronger prevention, and response, whilst respecting national sovereignty,” Downing Street said in a press release.
This comes despite a petition signed by over 156,000 Britons calling for the government “to commit to not signing any international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness established by the W.H.O., unless this is approved through a public referendum.”
During a House of Commons debate in April on the petition, Conservative MP Danny Kruger stated: “The proposed new regulations would hardwire into international law and our domestic policy a top-down approach to pandemics and global public health. Yes, we need cooperation and strategic vision, but no, we do not need ever more centralised solutions.
“In this country, the top-down approach to Covid-19, from the centralised test and trace system to food parcels for the isolated, did not work. What worked best was people taking responsibility for themselves and their neighbours, local government working with civil society, medical leaders exercising their judgment, and public servants at the local level working flexibly and with initiative. What worked was not central control but subsidiarity: decisions being taken as close as possible to the people that they affected.”
While W.H.O. Director-General Tedros has previously said that the instruments within the Pandemic Treaty should be “legally binding”, he has claimed that it was “absolutely false” that empower the W.H.O. to overrule the national governments of member states to impose lockdowns or other restrictions.
Tedros has argued that more global cooperation will be necessary to confront what has been dubbed “Disease X“, a catchall phrase for a yet unidentified “serious international epidemic.”
However, concerns remain about ceding any more authority to the World Health Organization given its poor performance during the Chinese coronavirus crisis, including failing to heed early warnings from Taiwan and therefore wasting critical time during which the virus could have been contained locally in China.
The W.H.O. also initially spread propaganda from Beijing falsely maintaining that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus, further delaying the global response to the outbreak in Wuhan.
Despite having been a chief purveyor of spreading Chinese disinformation, an October draft of the proposed treaty states that member states seek to “combat false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation, including through effective international collaboration and cooperation.”
Meanwhile, this week, Tedros complained that the treaty was at risk of being “sabotaged” due to a “torrent of fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories”.
>“Time is very short,” he warned, saying that a failure to come to an agreement would be “a missed opportunity for which future generations may not forgive us.”
NZ: Prominent Trans Activist And ‘Gender Equity’ Advisor Sharing Fetish Content On Social Media

Reduxx has learned that one of New Zealand’s most prominent trans activists has been sharing disturbing fetish content on social media. Lexie Matheson, who claims to be a “lesbian,” has had a significant influence on national and local policies surrounding gender self-identification and currently competes in women’s sports competitions.
On January 14, New Zealand outlet Stuff positively profiled Matheson in response to an ongoing debate surrounding the admission of men who claim to be transgender into women’s sporting competitions. During the interview, Matheson, who has been involved in women’s karate and has won women’s titles, revealed that he had been using the women’s changing rooms and restrooms for more than twenty years.
Matheson was involved in drafting Sport New Zealand’s “transgender inclusion guiding principles,” which were released in late 2022 and prioritize self-declared “gender identity” over biological sex.

He has also been recognized on a national level, and was an honoree in the 2016 Queen’s Birthday Honours List, where he was made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for his LGBTQ advocacy. Matheson is also a founding member of Auckland Pride Festival, Inc.
But Reduxx has now located a social media account belonging to Matheson revealing his interest in fetishistic cross dressing, as well as his apparent affinity for an animated pornography genre that involves depictions of children.
In a Pinterest folder titled ‘My Obsessive Stuff,’ Matheson has shared multiple images of “loli” illustrations, which are Japanese animations intended to depict young girls.

In addition to loli images, Matheson has curated a collection of lesbian pulp erotica book covers, some of which feature an element of sadomasochistic bondage, such as in one “retro-style” illustration showing one schoolgirl straddling another and tying her victim’s hands behind her back using a ribbon.
In close proximity to the pornographic content are photos of actual children, including one of an unidentified girl aged approximately six years old posing in a ballerina outfit.

Through his Pinterest account, Matheson has followed dozens of profiles associated with and belonging to lesbian women. Still another folder, ‘My Parenting Stuff,’ contains images of lesbian mothers with young children and infants.
Another folder, labeled ‘My Trans Stuff,’ contains fetish images in the theme of forced feminization, a pornography genre which depicts men or young boys being ‘transformed’ into women by being made to wear items such as lingerie, makeup, and high heels, or being forced to begin taking female hormones.
One of the images features a young boy being encouraged in his feminization by an older woman suggested to be his mother. Part of the image was ostensibly stolen from a lingerie website, with the tan-complexioned female model edited to have white skin and her entire head replaced by that of a young boy.

In 2017, The Spinoff reported that Matheson was “a key figure in instigating transgender-friendly toilets at Marlborough Girl’s High School.” During an interview with the outlet, Matheson said he had been personally invited to the school via a phone call from the Ministry of Education, who requested his presence to address the recent admission of a trans-identifying male student to the girls’ school.
“By lunchtime I was thinking, ‘Wow, if they offered me a job I would definitely work here,’” Matheson remarked.
“I met the student and her Mum and we sat down and talked about things like hormone replacement and all the different processes to go through to transition,” he added.
Before getting involved in trans activism, Matheson had worked with children within the education system, both in primary and secondary school.

Matheson, formerly known as Lex, began to declare a transgender status in 1998 at the age of 53, after many years of cross-dressing privately and developing an alter ego he called “Sally.”
In a 2018 guest article for The Spinoff titled “I was Reborn on Valentine’s Day,” he describes how he began to see a counsellor the year prior to “come to terms” with childhood sexual abuse he alleges to have suffered.
“We both knew there was something else… It emerged in a conversation between my cross-dressing persona and this person called Lex, the male me. My counsellor asked, after the exercise was over and the tears had stopped, who was most real. It was a no-brainer, and I’d found who I really was buried beneath the 50-year deep façade of maleness… This was my ecstatic male martyrdom… I began my first ever real romance – with myself,” he wrote.
“I’d been a secret cross-dresser for years and I knew this was a problem because it was when I was ‘dressed’ that I felt most myself. I feared ‘dressing’ would take me over and I’d be discovered, and living a double life with that level of anxiety was sufficient to cause me to ‘purge’ – burn my clothes and shoes, ditch my makeup – and promise myself I’d really be a man this time.”
He continued: “I can’t remember how many times I did this but it was dozens. It didn’t work, it never worked, it was never going to, and now I understand why. Talking to other trans women since, I have discovered that I wasn’t alone in this behavior, far, far from it.”

Responding to critics who oppose policies which prioritize a subjective gender identity over biological sex, Matheson has said: “One of the big problems we face at the moment is fighting back against this idea that transgender people are unsafe to have in bathrooms. There has not been a single case anywhere in the world of an assault or a sexual assault by a transgender person in a bathroom. They would have you believe that every pervert in the country is going to put a dress on and go have a perve on women in the bathroom.”
Matheson is the author of two blogs: and A series of posts written by Matheson for dykiegirl discuss the representation of “sex, sexuality and gender” in hard core pornography, with a particular focus on voyeurism.
“A standard view of voyeurism assumes it is a component of genital pleasure satisfying the role of ‘foreplay’, on an understanding that consumers of pornography will feel cheated when they don’t get what they expect,” he writes.
“The 21st century has, so far, legitimized social voyeurism in ways that would have horrified 1970’s feminists who may well have thought that the battle for ownership of the gaze as it relates to the female body was won — and that merely talking about it was enough to remove it as a sexism concern.”
He continues: “Hard core narrative involved many-layered dramas of arousal and climax and, while the emphasis was firmly on the penis, the opportunity was there for the male viewer to project his female elements into the action.”

Source: Facebook
Matheson has been working as a leader and gender consultant within several areas related to karate and archery. According to his LinkedIn profile, Matheson was an event organizer for the World Goju Ryu Karate Federation (WGKF) Championships for over two years.
In 2017, during the Championships held in Bucharest, Matheson took a bronze medal in the women’s karate division, beating out Austrian national Monika Hipsch.
In 2022, he again placed in the WGKF Championships, this time taking a silver medal.
From 2018 to 2022, Matheson held leadership roles on the board at New Zealand Archery. In 2020, he was appointed to the World Archery Federation Gender Equity Committee. In 2023, Matheson was the Archery New Zealand Team Manager for the Oceania Championships and the Asian Cup. He was also selected by the World Archery Board to attend the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) ‘Women in Sports Leadership Masters Programme’ in 2022.
Matheson was featured in an exhibition celebrating the 125th anniversary of women’s suffrage in New Zealand last spring titled “Are We There Yet?” His photo appeared next to a statement he had written advocating for a self-declared gender identity to be made a protected characteristic under the National Human Rights Act.
In 2015, Matheson was appointed to the Auckland City LGBTQI Rainbow Advisory Panel. While acting in a leadership role for Auckland Pride, Matheson assisted in organizing a protest last March against British women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, where protesters at the event mobbed her and assaulted her by throwing tomato soup in her face.