Month: January 2024
Emanuel Macron and France Celebrate ‘Only’ 745 Vehicles Torched on New Year’s Eve

No matter how you look at it, 2023 was NOT a good year for France. Historic protests against the tyrannical pension reform, widespread racial riots, unchecked mass migration, wars abroad, French colonial troops kicked out of Africa – and don’t even get us started with the bedbug infestation!
So, at the beginning of an important year for the French Republic, President Emmanuel Macron tried to lift the spirits of his countrymen and women as best he could.
He spoke in a TV address before the New Year celebrations. 90,000 police and 5,000 soldiers were deployed to ensure security and address the ‘very high’ terrorist threat.
AfD’s voter support soars in Saxony poll – The Socialists and Liberals would not even pass the electoral threshold of 5 per cent

A new survey puts Germany’s right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party well ahead of its competitors, polling at 37 per cent.
Where previous polls showed AfD neck-and-neck with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), a different picture seems apparent now.
The poll was conducted online across Saxony by the Insa institute between December 18 and January 1 for the news portal Sächsische Zeitung.
The results showed AfD up four percentage points, while the CDU is stagnant and all other parties reduced to also-rans.
The Socialists and Liberals would not even pass the electoral threshold of 5 per cent – at 3 per cent and 1 per cent, respectively.
The far-left Die Linkse scored 8 per cent and the Greens would have 7 per cent of the vote, according to the survey.
The high AfD score is on par with similar polls recently in the former East Germany, where the party comfortably garners in excess of 30 per cent in several states.
Saxony’s state elections will take place in just under eight months, on September 1 and such votes are also due in Thuringia and Brandenburg the same month.
If the latest poll results are reflected in actual voter turnout, it would see the Socialists forced out of the State Parliament in Saxony for the first time since the Second World War.
The current governing majority there is made up of the CDU, Socialists and Greens. Under the latest poll, a new coalition of the same parties would likely not have a majority.
The CDU refuses to work with the AfD, labelling the party “far-right”, which means the CDU would have to work together with Die Linke, a hard-left party, and the Greens.
In related news, a YouGov national survey commissioned by the German Press Agency (dpa) indicates 53 per cent of Germans expect the AfD to win an absolute majority in at least one of the three state elections in Eastern Germany this year, meaning an AfD state prime minister would be installed.
At the moment, all other parties represented in the three state parliaments are against forming partnerships with the AfD. As things stand, the AfD’s ability to form a state government is dependent upon obtaining an absolute majority of parliamentary seats.
Some 42 per cent of people surveyed said they believed other political groups would end up working with the AfD party.
As well as the state elections, local municipal elections are scheduled to take place in all Eastern German states, save Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, on June 9, coinciding with the European elections.
The AfD already carries some clout at the municipal level. In Saxony-Anhalt, an AfD politician was elected mayor for a full term for the first time last year.
On December 18, the AfD won its first mayoral election, with Tim Lochner becoming Mayor of Pirna in Saxony.
In addition, the AfD has held the position of district administrator in Sonneberg, a southern Thuringian district, for around six months.
Report: Ireland Had ‘No Excess Deaths’ During Coronavirus Pandemic

A report by the OECD indicates Ireland had no excess deaths during the pandemic years 2020 to 2022, suggesting many of the thousands who died “with COVID” would have died anyway.
The Irish government, notorious for its panicked approach to the coronavirus, targeted its religious citizens for some of its harshest antivirus measures, outlawing going to church for more than a third of the year 2021.
Ireland’s ban on in-person religious worship went into effect in late 2020 and endured until May of 2021, despite widespread criticism.
The embargo on religious gatherings culminated with security forces breaking up a Latin Mass in County Westmeath not long before the prohibition was lifted.
In June, 2021, Ireland introduced its draconian vaccine passes, blocking unvaccinated individuals from entering restaurants, bars, and cinemas, or visiting nursing homes.
The Emerald Isle only lifted the vaccine requirement for accessing these services in January 2022.
Ireland’s government also planned a “dystopian surveillance system” against the coronavirus, consisting of CCTV, phone, and transaction monitoring, according to the 2022 book Pandemonium: Power, Politics and Ireland’s Pandemic, by Hugh O’Connell and Jack Horgan-Jones, journalists for the Irish Independent and the Irish Times respectively.
Described as an “Orwellian plan,” the idea of the surveillance system was to ensure that Irish citizens were obeying the government’s severe measures, at times considered some of the harshest in the world. In the end, the scheme was not adopted, saving the Irish people from a significant breach of civil liberties.
Now, according to the new research contained in the OECD Health Working Paper no. 163, these measures were apparently never necessary.
Its finding that Ireland experienced no excess deaths during the years 2020 to 2022 means that the country had no more deaths from all causes during that time above what would normally be expected.
Ireland had an eight percent rise in its population between 2016 and 2022, as well as a 22 percent increase in numbers of those over 65, factors taken into account when calculating excess deaths.
“Adjusting mortality rates to take account of these changes has shown that Ireland did not record excess mortality during 2020-2022. In fact, Ireland had a lower-than-expected death rate,” stated the Department of Health regarding the findings.
Ireland: Christmas canceled as armed migrant robbers clean out young family home as children sleep upstairs

The clocks had barely struck midnight to mark the new year when a young Irish family was the victim of an armed robbery by a migrant gang at their home in Santry, Dublin.
In the early hours of New Year’s Day, footage from a home belonging to a young couple with children showed at least two hooded Black males breaking into an apartment by smashing a glass door and reporting cleaning out thousands of euros worth of Christmas presents.
In stills posted by the news platform, the perpetrators armed themselves with hatchets as they stormed the property while a pregnant mother and her two young children slept upstairs.
Further information about the attack was provided by the sister of the victim who set up an online fundraiser in an attempt to recoup some of the losses.
“Last night, my sister’s house was broken into while she and her boyfriend and two kids slept upstairs and she’s pregnant. All the kids’ Christmas money and vouchers they got for presents were stolen, and €1500 in cash was taken from my sister who was saving for a new car for when her new baby comes. Also, her boyfriend’s two jackets — a Navy Moncler and a Black Canada Goose — were stolen,” Leah Keogh wrote on GoFundMe.

“They are so shaken up knowing someone was creeping through their house while they slept upstairs, took all their savings that took her so long to save up over €4000 worth of cash vouchers, and the jackets. They are heartbroken right after Christmas, and to have it happen on New Year’s Eve,” she added.
The victim’s sister explained how the armed robbers had broken in through the kitchen window which was “hanging off when they left so the window was off all night while they slept”.
The fundraiser is attempting to raise €1,000 to help recover the value of the vouchers taken from the children.
Germany: Judge releases terror suspects who plotted an attack on Cologne Cathedral

Three migrants who allegedly planned an attack on Cologne Cathedral are free again. A judge lets them go after just one night in custody.
Three of four men who were taken into custody for a plot to attack Cologne Cathedral on New Year’s Eve were released by a judge on New Year’s Day. The 25, 30 and 38-year-old Muslims only spent a single night in police custody.
This was announced by the Cologne police without providing a statement from the court. A total of five men are suspected of having plotted an attack on Germany’s largest Christian church. Four of them have Tajik or Uzbek citizenship. A Turkish-German was also arrested in Bochum on the last day of last year, while a 25-year-old Tajik, who was among those arrested on New Year’s Eve, will remain in police custody for a period of 14 days “after detailed consideration of the case”. A 30-year-old compatriot, who was arrested on Christmas Eve in Wesel, 100 kilometres north of Cologne, is also to remain there for a fortnight “to avert danger”. Shortly before Christmas, the police had received tips from a foreign secret service about a planned Islamist terror attack on Cologne Cathedral. As a result, security measures at the place of worship were massively increased. A large contingent of police protected the cathedral on New Year’s Eve.
Kölner Dom: Richter läßt Terrorverdächtige frei (
New Year 2024 in Athens: Greeks outraged as Pakistani men and Palestinian flags take centre stage

Greeks on social media were outraged as migrant men, Palestinian flags, and Arabic and Punjabi music took centre at a free music concert in Athens.
Greek social media users made their anger heard after concert-goers waved Palestinian flags and Punjabi music was performed to appease the large Pakistani male crowd in Syntagma Square to welcome the new year, a spectacle that was broadcast on television.
As the platform Police Voice noted, “It is certain that thousands of Athenians would like to attend the event but they did not dare to step foot,” adding that Syntagma had “once again been occupied by male foreigners, making the movement of women ‘forbidden’.”
One social media user wrote: “The audience instead of Greeks is full of Muslim immigrants making their own propaganda show in favor of Hamas & Palestine…”
“Other countries invest for security, Greece wants to strengthen the economy at the expense of national and social security. Happy 2024 and good minds!” Penny wrote.
In fact, a Turkish tourist even complained that Syntagma and Monastiraki Squares were “refugee dumps” and was “saddened” by this. “My beloved city is in ruins,” said the Turk, and urged Greek authorities “to find a solution.” “Greece is the beginning of civilization.”
Another social media user wrote, “Happy New Year from Athensabad!”
“Happy New Year from the capital of Pakistan, Athens,” one social media user said sarcastically.
One social media user compared 1998 to 2024.
Another user criticised Greece’s Eurovision representative Marina Satti for singing an Arabic song “to celebrate Muslims.”
It is recalled that Greeks were shocked on New Year 2022 after footage emerged of hundreds of Pakistanis, seemingly in an organised manner, converged on Syntagma Square when others were forced to limit their Christmas celebrations due to COVID-19.
Germany Has Fallen: Mobs of Military-Age Muslim Migrants Riot and Attack Police; “They Shot at Anything That Moves”

Riots and anarchy spread across Germany again on New Year’s Eve, making the major cities no-go areas for women, Jews, and gays. Indigenous Germans largely avoid downtown areas on New Year’s Eve now. 54 police officers were injured, and 390 people, mainly military-age migrants, were arrested in Berlin alone.
In several German cities, water cannons had to be deployed.
Ever since approximately 2000 Muslim men attacked and raped 1200 women on New Year’s Eve in Cologne 2016, New Year’s Eve has gone from being a fun, happy, romantic, and slightly tipsy night out in German cities to a full-on civil war between migrant mobs with testosterone overflow and hapless, outnumbered and often outgunned German police, firefighters and first responders.
France: A man attacks three women in the street and storms towards the police shouting “Allah Akbar” before being subdued by a shot from a stun gun

One person was arrested after shouting “Allahu akbar” at the police. He is accused of attacking three women on the street and in the lobby of a hotel.
He spent New Year’s Eve under close guard and was forcibly admitted to a room at the Louis Mourier Hospital in Colombes (photo). After beating several women in the street, a man had to be incapacitated by police on Sunday afternoon as he left a hotel in Gennevilliers.
Before he was subdued by the police, the apparently mentally disorderly man is said to have stormed towards them and shouted “Allahu Akbar”. One of the officers then deployed his stun gun to subdue the man and put an end to his violent outburst.
In the lobby of the B&B hotel in Avenue Beaumarchais, the man attacked a woman and hit her on the head with a stick. A few minutes earlier, the man had attacked another victim, also a woman, in a street in Asnières.
There he spoke in English to a passer-by on the Boulevard Pierre-de-Coubertin. When she did not understand him, he spat at her, kicked her and stole her headgear.
Several witnesses reported that the perpetrator had attacked a third woman in a street in Gennevilliers. However, this woman did not report to the police, who were on the scene. The first victim filed a complaint, while the second victim was taken to the Beaujon hospital in Clichy suffering from a head laceration and haematomas on her arms.
“Dogs Are Being Horribly Abused” : Animal Rights Advocates, Gender Critical Users Express Outrage At Chinese Study Which Mutilated Female Dogs To Create “Neo-Phalluses”

CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic descriptions of animal experimentation and mistreatment. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A disturbing study by Chinese cosmetic researchers is prompting outrage on social media after it was discovered that surgeons constructed “neo-phalluses” on live female dogs. The study, which was originally published in 2018, mutilated the canine’s genitals for the purposes of exploring a new method of penile construction.
Of the six authors attributed to the paper, five are from the Plastic Surgery Hospital at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing, while the sixth is associated with the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University in Xiamen.
The study sought to explore a method of surgically constructing a functioning penis on a female or a male who had experienced penile loss which did not require a prosthetic.
“Prosthesis-assisted penile reconstruction has been performed extensively to restore a cosmetically acceptable phallus. However, a large number of patients will undergo revision surgery for various prosthesis-related complications,” the introduction reads.
“As the number of patients with penile loss or gender dysphoria continues to increase, the demand for anatomic, functional, and esthetic penile reconstruction is rising.”
In order to investigate how to best craft erectile tissue on a female body, the researchers utilized 10 human cadavers, 4 of which were male, and 6 of which were female. The average age of the deceased was 58 years old.
After attempting their medical strategies using the tissue and muscle of the human cadavers, the researchers moved on to apply their techniques on 11 living mixed-breed female dogs.
Following the surgery, the dogs were fit with a “large-sized Elizabethan collar to prevent the animal from biting and licking the surgical site,” with researchers noting that the canines began self-biting after being fitted with the surgically-constructed penis.
While one of the dogs died immediately after the surgery, all of the animals were euthanized after being assessed for 7 months, with their “neo-phalli” then being harvested for further examination.
A link to the study, which was published in a journal affiliated with the International Society for Sexual Medicine, first began circulating on social media yesterday, prompting unease from those concerned with women’s rights and the safety of animals.
One user, Diana Alastair, tagged People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), demanding a response on the horrific animal experimentation.
“You protest against milking cows, how about protesting against something truly horrible?”
“They experimented on female dogs in the name in gender ideology and trans ‘health care.’ They butchered them and sewed on fake penises. Another horror in the miles long ever expanding list of horrors to come out of this madness,” women’s rights advocate Aja commented, sharing some of the disturbing photos from the paper.
This is not the first time gender-bending research out of China has stirred international backlash, with the last incident occurring in 2021 over a study that saw male rats be impregnated.
Scientists from the Naval Medical University in Shanghai published a paper revealing they had implanted a uterus in a male rat, and then conjoined it to a female rat in order for the two to share a circulatory system. The male rat was then implanted with an embryo, and lived surgically attached to the female rat for 21 days.
At the time, PETA’s Senior Science Policy Advisor, Emily McIvor, called the study “frankenscience” and “vile,” condemning it for its obvious cruelty.