All of these years later there has still been no meaningful release of information about the sources of Jeffrey Epstein’s wealth and a detailed list of his associates.
Not to mention the activities involved.
We still have no answers on how Jeffrey Epstein got a pass in multiple jurisdictions, the sweetheart deal he got in Palm Beach or how he supposedly managed to kill himself with no one noticing.
There’s no answer as to why a Federal prosecutor was told to back off on looking into him because he had intelligence links.
What’s been hyped up here are depositions from a lawsuit by one of Epstein’s victims who frankly hasn’t shown much credibility. (But sex predators tend to select victims who are unstable and whom people are less likely to believe.)
The usual crowd is going to hype the material up even though there’s nothing really new here and it doesn’t answer any questions. There are some famous names, but they’re the same names who were already circulating there because most of it is coming from one vocal ex-victim (who has credibility issues).
The only thing that really jumps out here is Jeffrey Epstein saying that Bill Clinton likes them young. Considering Epstein’s age criteria that raises some red flags. But we’re getting this material secondhand, based on what we are told Epstein said.
Could it be true? Quite possibly. Does it amount to anything beyond clickbait, not really.
A guy like Epstein would have had major records of financial transactions. We got access to his notebook and the guy who exposed that one paid a high price. The notebook and the flight logs (which have been around for a while) are a whole lot more important than they overhyped deposition releases which really amount to people repeating what they claim Epstein once said.
Three Syrian citizens have now been charged and brought to trial for raping an underage girl in Sweden and transmitting child pornography. They are now appearing in Linköping district court for the crime, which was committed in September 2022.
The three suspects, two aged 17 and another one 18, are accused of raping an underage girl in a public toilet at the Garden Association in central Linköping on Sept. 18, but they are only appearing in court now over a year after the incident.
Police say the suspects locked the door and prevented the girl from escaping. All three suspects then raped her in turns, according to Swedish newspaper Nyheter Idag.
Police obtained footage of one of the rapes, which one of the suspects recorded with his smartphone and sent to a contact on Snapchat. This suspect has therefore been also charged with transmitting child pornography.
DNA was also obtained from two of the three suspects when a rape kit was ordered for the young victim.
Since all the suspects were under the age of 18 at the time, they will be charged as juveniles. The suspects also all require an interpreter in Arabic.
They deny that they committed the crime.
Foreigners are vastly overrepresented in rape and gang rape in Sweden, along with other major crimes, which has fueled resentment from the native Swedish population and led to a center-right government being elected on a platform of strict immigration controls.
In 2021, two top academic researchers, Prof. Kristina Sundquist and Prof. Ardavan Khoshnood, were prosecuted for their findings that foreigners commit the vast majority of rapes in the country.
The findings of their study actually align with the same trend found in other reports and studies conducted in the past in Sweden regarding sexual assault and gang rape. Even in other crime areas, such as murder, migrants are vastly over-represented. Such studies have been rare, but until their work, nobody had been threatened with prosecution for conducting scientific research on such topics in Sweden.
A “furry” activist has pleaded guilty to sex trafficking after a lengthy investigation which found he had held a woman hostage and forced her to produce OnlyFans content for other “furry” fetishists as well as sexually exploited a minor girl for the same reasons. Austin Taylor Koeckeritz, of River Falls, Wisconsin, faces up to life in prison.
Koeckertiz was initially arrested in August of 2022 after his adult victim had managed to find a way to alert her friend and sister to her captivity. The two then went to the police, who raided the residence.
According to documents submitted by the Federal Defender Service on behalf of Koeckertiz in February of 2023, Koeckertiz and the victim are said to have initially met as business partners. The two launched an entity called The Boring Company, taking the same name as the entity owned by X CEO Elon Musk, of whom Koeckeritz was reportedly a fan. But while Musk’s company focuses on novel inventions and infrastructure, Koeckertiz’s was centered around advocating for and providing resources to “furries.”
Furries are a community of individuals who enjoy fantasy materials featuring anthropomorphic animal characters. Some enthusiasts will spend thousands of dollars creating customized “suits” to take on the appearance of their favorite animal character, and many incorporate the characters into sexual or pornographic acts.
Koeckeritz, seen with blue hair, in a grainy booking photo from the time of his arrest.
Koeckeritz’s victim was made to dress in a furry suit resembling a black and white-furred wolf while making erotic content, while Koeckeritz had his own costume taking on the appearance of a black and blue-furred wolf.
Koeckertiz’s Boring Company would function as a pimp-like entity which would have the victim make sexually explicit content for OnlyFans and other erotic subscription websites and then take a portion of the profits. But the victim told investigators she quickly lost her freedom, and was imprisoned in a room and forced to make videos daily. Koeckeritz would begin taking the entirety of her earnings, and refused to allow the victim contact with her family or friends.
The victim was pressured to make a minimum of $1,000 per day in the sex trade, and was coerced to make erotic content even when she was ill. According to court documents, the victim was only allowed “time off” if she recruited other young women to work for Koeckeritz from the local college.
Before the first police interview, the victim said Koeckeritz had poured hot cooking grease on her. In another terrifying incident she recounted to police, Koeckeritz chased her around the house with an AR-15.
But Koeckeritz had a second victim — a female relative who was just 14 or 15 years old at the time. Koeckeritz had exposed her to sexually explicit content, with text messages being presented in court reportedly showing that he had been encouraging her to enter the “furry” sex trade.
As part of his business ventures, Koeckeritz operated social media accounts targeted towards the furry community — all of which are still live, but have been inactive since August of 2022 when he was arrested.
A commissioned image of Koeckeritz’s “Fursona” posted to his social media.
On TikTok, Koeckeritz’s furry-centered channel boasted a following of 160,000, and featured videos of Koeckeritz and a female who appears to be his victim. The TikTok handle is not being shared by Reduxx out of concern for the privacy of the victims, both of whom were regularly featured on Koeckeritz’s social media in an apparent effort to advertise them to other furries.
Most of the videos featured lighthearted themes such as jokes and dancing. In the videos where the female furry appeared, she is usually seen wearing her mask, but normal clothing. Most of the outfits she appears in are revealing, prominently showing off her lean form.
A child believed to be the minor victim also appears on Koeckeritz’s social media in the form of TikToks and reels posted to Instagram. Though the girl is obviously underage, multiple comments from adult viewers were left requesting her contact information.
On Koeckeritz’s Instagram, which had 13,000 followers, he reposted much of his content from TikTok as well as furry-related memes and photos. Some were distinctly erotic, and feature a theme of two male furry characters engaged in sexual activity.
His content also veered into political subjects, with Koeckeritz frequently posting in support of trans rights and gay rights.
While Koeckertiz is said to have had sexual involvement with women, poetry found by Reduxx written by him in 2019 suggests he had a number of male love interests he professed affection for.
In one poem, titled “To Younger Me,” Koeckeritz laments over three men he had romantic interest in as a teen. In another, titled “He’s My Best Friend,” Koeckeritz identifies himself as gay in a poem about a male friend he identified an interest in.
“People use gay like a bad thing. Like loving someone is an insult,” he writes. “He is my best friend. He made me feel like tigers and stripes lived in the forest instead of my skin. I’ll never forget when you kissed my palm and said you’d always be here.”
His author profile on Letterpile states: “Austin Koeckeritz is always up for a challenge, especially when it means helping others,” before launching into a paragraph on life advice.
“All things are but a temporary state of being. Everything passes. Happiness. Suffering. Everything, the good and the bad altogether, is temporary. Nothing lasts indefinitely, not even this.”
On November 30 of 2023, the US Department of Justice announced the court had accepted a guilty plea from Koeckertiz to one count of sex trafficking by force, fraud or coercion and another count of trafficking of a minor.
“Sex trafficking continues to be prevalent because traffickers see the profits they can make from exploiting the vulnerable victims they target,” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said in a statement issued after the guilty pleas were entered.
“This type of abuse — particularly of minors — will not be tolerated. The Justice Department remains committed to prosecuting human trafficking offenses and standing up for the victims exploited by these abusers.”
Back in June, the Allianz für Deutschland (AfD) party secured its first district council election win, despite the united stance of the other major parties against it. This victory sent shockwaves through the globalist establishment in Germany and signaled that a battle was to come. The AfD has been winning that battle, and causing panic among establishment globalists. In Pirna, Saxony in mid-December, in another major, historic victory, the AfD won its first mayoral election. By that time, its globalist opponents were foaming at the mouth trying to figure a way to end their own cycle of defeat, which has been brought on by their own failure in leadership.
The AfD is “currently predicted to win the state elections in Brandenburg, Saxony, and Thuringia; and be on its way to state premiership.”
The AfD victory and its soaring popularity have been driven by frustration with open-door migration and other globalist policies, such as the extreme green agenda. Germans are also fed up with the nation’s ruined economy, which stems from bad economic policies. The people have had enough. And so now SPD leader Saskia Esken claims that “the people are shaken up” and that the AfD should be banned. It is a desperate Esken that’s shaken up.
Germany: Leftist ruling party panics over populist AfD's surge in polls, seeks to ban it –
As one reads through the whole article, it might occur to you that being extreme right wing at this point, and certainly in the UK, likely means accepting reality about the destruction of British people and culture through mass immigration of hostile cultures. To get a clear as day sense of that, watch season 1 episode 1 of “Slow Horses”. Ostensibly a spy show, but from the small amount I was able to make myself watch, it appears to be pure COMINTERN propaganda meant to demonize and criminalize anyone who believes England or the UK have any right to their own culture or individual rights to opinion and speech. This article seems to tickle the same suspicions.
The number of young Londoners being radicalised by extreme Right-wing material online and other terrorist ideology is “really on the rise”, Scotland Yard’s counter-terror chief has warned amid continuing fears about the risk of an attack in the capital.
Wait, radicalized by extreme right meaning what? terrorist ideology on rise by who? Attack on the capital by who?
He said the “uncomfortable” increase in child radicalisation was being driven by an online environment that was enabling young Londoners to consume a mix of toxic ideologies that were fuelling the terrorist threat.
But he said that although Islamist terror remained the biggest overall danger, extreme Right-wing ideas were dominant among young people.
Wait what? Hunh?
The warning by Mr Murphy comes as police continue to appeal for public vigilance as concerns remain that the fallout from Hamas’s attack on Israel and the retaliatory offensive in Gaza could trigger an attack in London.
OK so the fact is, the threat is from Islam. Muslim kids are being made more Muslim online. The threat of terror is from Muslims. But the headline makes sure we all think the real danger is from “far right wing” whatevers. Dialectical opposite of the truth.
Elon Musk said the following on a recent episode of the Joe Rogan podcast:
[George Soros] had a very difficult upbringing, and, in my opinion, he fundamentally hates humanity … He’s doing things that erode the fabric of civilization … Soros realized that you don’t actually need to change the laws; you just need to change how they’re enforced. If nobody chooses to enforce the law or the laws are differentially enforced, it’s like changing the laws.
This is crucial and explains why much of what the political class does appears so gratuitously provocative.
In the case of recent developments in Spain, for example, what some analysts have missed is that Prime Minister Sánchez, however attached to power, may not be violating the constitution by giving amnesty to criminal politicians merely to get his investiture through, but to fundamentally degrade the country’s social fabric and trust in its institutions. (For his part, Sánchez apparently met with George Soros after coming to power, a meeting whose contents we have no record of.)
It is a symbolic act of domination to signal that the law is not above the establishment’s political will and that the enemies of this establishment are second-class citizens to whom legal prescriptions will be applied with vehemence, even as the government’s allies find themselves exempt from it.
It isn’t the pursuit of this or that policy, or the desire to stay in power while retaining the bulk of the system over which power is held, that motivates this strategy, but a more far-reaching attempt to demoralize opponents, disenfranchise citizens, and demonstrate power.
Whether goading people leads them to acts of civil disobedience that justify further effective repression or finally robs them of their will to fight, the end would be the same. And if the result is a chaotic, unstable society, this may also benefit foreign interests. In other eras, we would look at the instability of a country in terms of the interests of competing states, but today it makes sense to look at how non-state entities, including large funds and global platforms, may benefit from people becoming unable to effectively articulate their interests through trustworthy public institutions.
Eroding the “fabric of civilization” by “differentially enforcing” the law is, indeed, a good summation of the modus operandi at play here.
From the legal scrutiny to which a Trump is subjected, compared to a Clinton, or how ‘hate speech’ legislation is not invoked in cases of anti-white racism the way they are in other contexts, it is becoming clear that the laws on the books matter, but they matter less than who applies them.
The conclusion here is that institutions and officialdom cannot be upheld without changing the people inside them. Political change requires personnel change, and this means you have to have someone who is able to do the job and is committed to the right principles. Understanding this is already a shift from the more procedural sort of analysis that the Right has tended to engage in, with its quasi-metaphysical belief in neutral forces (from the market to the legal system) guaranteeing prosperity and stability without a greater emphasis on education, vigilance, and militancy (a mistake its political opponents have not made).
Britain is still failing to appropriately crack down on illegal migrants crossing the English Channel, French authorities have claimed.
In a report published on January 4, the country’s Court of Accounts accused the UK authorities of failing to properly engage with their French counterparts, hampering efforts to control migrant flows.
“Despite the joint declaration of the French and British interior ministers of November 14, 2022, who committed to improving the work of dismantling organised crime and networks, the Court found that the British do not communicate usable intelligence on the departures of ‘small boats’,” the document reads.
It goes on to criticise the quality of information handed over to French authorities, accusing the British of failing to properly cross-reference intelligence.
“Concerning the conditions of arrival of migrants, the references or serial numbers of boats and engines, nationalities, the information seems very fragmentary,” it added.
“The relationship between France and the United Kingdom is therefore unbalanced in terms of exchanges of information and intelligence.”
It is not the first time France has criticised Britain.
Despite the surging number of illegal migrants over the last number of years, the UK’s Tory party government has proven hesitant to take action.
This has prompted the Macron government to lash out at Westminster, with Paris repeatedly accusing Britain of fuelling the crisis with its generous welfare state and lax law enforcement.
Things do not appear to have changed much during 2023, with only 24,000 failed asylum seekers being deported from Britain last year compared to 40,000 in 2016.
France has meanwhile vowed to take a more hostile approach to questionable asylum claims, with the government adamant it will push through reforms aimed at making deportations easier this year.
The country has already seen its deportation of criminal migrants surge, with 30 per cent more foreign offenders being deported last year compared to 2022.
“At the end of January, the immigration law will further increase these expulsions considerably,” Macron’s Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin, said.
The Berlin regional court has approved charges against three foreign nationals suspected of committing a gang rape in Görlitzer Park last year.
Three African males are accused of rape, grievous bodily harm, and aggravated robbery of a 27-year-old Georgian tourist as she walked through the park with her husband on June 21, 2023.
The mother-of-two had, along with her husband, purchased cocaine earlier that night and consumed it on a park bench before becoming intimate in the area when five men from the local drug scene surrounded the couple.
Two are said to have attacked the husband with sticks and branches and stolen €1,200, whilst three men are said to have beaten and raped the woman. The woman’s screams alerted a resident, who called the police.
Two of the alleged rapists are said to have multiple identities, Welt reported, citing the indictment. According to the indictment, 21-year-old Osman B. has ten other identities known to the police. The Somali national entered Germany in 2016 and has so far racked up seven previous convictions. He has neither permanent residence nor a current residence permit.
The two other men are both 22 years old and come from Guinea. One of them, Boubacar B., is known under four other identities. The rejected asylum seeker has nine previous convictions, including for drug trafficking. He regularly uses marijuana and cocaine himself and is also said to have no permanent residence.
Only the third defendant, Mountaga D., is said not to have any aliases. However, he also has three previous convictions. The 22-year-old Guinean’s asylum application was rejected, but he lives in a home for assisted living with a tolerated permit.
There are 14 known fake identities and 19 crimes between the three African men. Two of them are among the approximately 280,000 foreigners required to leave the country.
Commenting on the trial, a spokesperson for the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party said, “You can only shake your head in disbelief at how our authorities turn a blind eye to criminal migrants. A 21-year-old Somali man had been traveling illegally in Germany since 2016 with eleven identities. Last summer, he and four other men raped a 27-year-old student in Görlitzer Park in Berlin – while her husband watched.
“A 22-year-old accomplice from Guinea is said to have had four other identities and has a criminal record in nine cases. The trial is now beginning against the second and third African.”
The party referenced the winter deportation imposed by Berlin’s CDU mayor Kai Wegner, highlighting that “no illegal migrant has to leave the capital until the end of March, regardless of what they are guilty of.”
“Let us as a society finally defend ourselves against such rapists — and against those who enable them to carry out their outrages,” the party spokesperson added.
Women are not faring well in the leftist pecking order. When they aren’t getting raped and murdered by Hamas with feminist approval, they are getting displaced by cross-dressing men — even in women’s organizations:
Women’s rights groups have written in opposition to a decision by UN Women UK to have a transgender woman as its “UK champion”.
They have voiced their “dismay and disappointment” following the decision to select Munroe Bergdorf, 36, a model and broadcaster, to take on the role in November.
Nice to see some women’s rights groups still support women. Other ostensibly feminist groups have been subordinated to the greater liberal agenda, which calls for the sacrifice of women to terrorist savages and male perverts.
UN Women UK works in support of UN Women in a bid to transform the lives of women and girls along with “empowerment of women equality globally within civil society, government and the corporate sector”.
It empowers women by displacing them and by advancing the LGBT objective of canceling the very concept of women. What do you expect from the United Nations?
Mr. Bergdorf drones that he will “draw attention to the systemic and social impact of misogyny, transphobia and gender-based inequality within the UK.”
He is a fierce opponent not only of transphobia but also of Caucasians. Bergdorf is about as British as he is female. From 2020:
[He] will now join the company’s UK diversity and inclusion advisory board.
Bergdorf temporarily got the boot by shouting that “ALL white people” are guilty of racial violence. He proclaimed that whites’ “entire existence is drenched in racism.” Among the politically orthodox, to accuse someone of racism is the worst possible insult.
Naturally L’Oreal caved to the Powers That Be by bringing Bergdorf back on. If being a left-wing black woman is qualification enough to be Vice President, a Supreme Court Justice, White House Press Secretary, and until this week President of Harvard, surely being a left-wing black transsexual is qualification enough to represent women’s beauty products — as well as women’s organizations like UN Women UK.
If the person on the left is a woman…how comes the person on the right is a fraud?
I thought… ‘when someone tells you who they are, believe them’?
The photo features a child holding a sign with the flag of Palestine and the words ‘Save Our Children!’ Twitter
Boris Johnson has expressed his concern about the “worrying politicisation” of the Metropolitan Police after Scotland Yard launched a probe into alleged Israeli war crimes.
The Metropolitan Police’s counter-terrorism unit has launched an appeal for witnesses travelling through British airports to report allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Johnson, 59, condemned Scotland Yard for its decision after two officers were pictured removing posters calling for the release of Israeli hostages.
The former Prime Minister, who visited Israel just weeks after Hamas’ attack, told The Daily Telegraph: “This sounds like a worrying politicisation of the Met Police – especially after Met officers were seen tearing down posters of Israeli hostages in Gaza.”
He added: “When I was mayor of London I made it clear that we would not import foreign wars or disputes onto the streets of London.”
Johnson concluded by calling for more action to tackle knife crime, warning: “The Met would be better off fighting knife crime in the capital.”
Posters have been spotted in British airports encouraging travellers to report alleged war crimes.
It said: “If you have been in Israel/Palestinian Territories and have witnessed or been a victim of terrorism, war crimes or crimes against humanity, then you can report this to the UK police.”
The posters also stressed Scotland Yard is assisting a long-running probe into Israel by the International Criminal Court in the Hague.
“UK policing is supporting the work of the International Criminal Court, which is investigating alleged war crimes in Israel and Palestine from June 2014 onwards,” it added.
“Any evidence gathered may be shared with the ICC in support of their investigation.”
The ICC will also examine events since the October 7 attack and investigate allegations of war crimes by Palestinian factions.
However, Israel is not signed up to the ICC and does not recognise its jurisdiction.
Johnson has also been critical of the ICC’s investigation.
More than 40 referrals have been made in recent weeks, the Metropolitan Police has confirmed.
In a statement, Scotland Yard said: “As the UK’s investigative authority for war crimes, counter-terrorism policing – through the Met’s war crimes team – has a responsibility to support ICC investigations. The ICC opened an investigation in 2019 into alleged war crimes in Israel and Palestine.”
It added: “Under the terms of the 1998 Rome Statute, our war crimes team is obliged to support any investigations opened by the ICC that could involve British subjects” and said the posters were put up to meet that obligation.
“With higher volumes of British nationals and UK-based individuals currently returning from Israel, Gaza and nearby countries, we anticipate there may be people who have evidence or relevant information to the ICC investigation.
“We are therefore signposting people to reporting routes where appropriate.
“The Met’s Counter-Terrorism Command also continues to gather direct information and evidence relating to the terrorist attack in Israel on Oct 7 in support of the UK coronial investigations into British nationals who were killed during those attacks.
“At this time, there is no UK-based investigation by the war crimes team linked to the current events in the Middle East.”
The Metropolitan Police is also “working round the clock” to identify suspected “terrorism offending” after setting up a task force to investigate potential crimes committed online and during protests.
Around 150 cases are being investigated, with approximately 30 probes relating to alleged offences committed during protests in the capital.
However, Scotland Yard keeps coming under fire for its response to pro-Palestinian protesters.
Jewish leaders and senior politicians have accused the Metropolitan Police of double standards in failing to arrest pro-Hamas demonstrators for glorifying terrorism.
The force came under further pressure in October when two officers were pictured removing posters for the release of Israeli hostages.
Scotland Yard said the pair were acting to defuse local tensions.
Concern about events in the Middle East comes months after Israel vowed to destroy Hamas following the terrorist organisation’s barbaric attack on October 7.
Around 1,200 Israelis were killed during the atrocious onslaught and more than 200 people were taken hostage.
Retaliatory strikes in Gaza have so far killed around 20,000 Palestinians.
There have been growing calls for a ceasefire in the Middle East as the death toll continues to rise.