Spanish Socialists Seek To Ban Opposition Media From Parliament

Pro-Constitucionalist march in Barcelona in 2017 “Recuperem el seny” (Let’s recover the common sense), Wikimedia Commons,, CC-BY-SA-2.0

After hand-picking the ‘friendly’ journalists allowed to ask questions at Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’ end-of-year speech, his ruling socialist party, Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) has now banned opposition journalists from its events. Going a step further, the party is seeking to bar certain accredited media outlets from the national and regional parliaments. 

In a statement sent out January 11th, titled “Yes to journalism, not one meter more to the pseudo-media nor the press of hate,” the PSOE announced that “in light of the events that occurred last New Year’s Eve in front of the Ferraz headquarters, which we consider to be extremely serious, we will withdraw the access credential to our  headquarters and to the events organized by the party from all pseudo media participating in the broadcast of the event organized by the Revuelta association.”

“Most of them no longer had that access,” it added.

Frequent protests against the policies of Pedro Sánchez have taken place since September at the headquarters of the party, located on Ferraz Street in Madrid. Protesters have particularly denounced Sánchez’ concessions to Catalan separatists, including a planned amnesty to politicians and others who led the 2017 illegal referendum on Catalan independence. 

On New Year’s Eve, another protest of about 300 people took place in front of the socialist party headquarters, planned by the group Revuelta, a conservative-nationalist youth organization. The group has been key in organizing the ongoing protests.  

Revuelta transmitted the protest live on YouTube as a New Year’s Eve program, complete with a countdown to the strike of midnight. 

During the protest, a piñata allegedly resembling Sánchez was beaten and burned. The incident is under investigation, following charges filed by the PSOE

The protest was covered by some Spanish media, including The Objective, which interviewed the two people who acted as anchors in the Revuelta livestream a day before the protest. The PSOE states that it is considering action against a ‘particular media outlet’—presumably The Objective—for interviewing the two presenters, “one of them a well-known YouTuber who is characterized by hate speech towards the Spanish Socialist Workers Party in all his videos”.

But the PSOE is seeking broader action against media that gives it negative coverage. 

They also ask for “protection from the press associations, FAPE, APM and APP, as well as the Official College of Journalists, in the face of the continuous attacks and insults that these pseudo-media outlets direct at the PSOE on a daily basis and the hate speech they practice.” 

Finally, the PSOE requests journalists’ organizations’ support in asking the national parliament to withdraw the credentials of “the pseudo media that appear on the official poster of the event held on New Year’s Eve in Ferraz.”

Revuelta listed OKDiario, La Gaceta del Iberosfera, and several others as “collaborative media” on a flier promoting the event. 

The statement also calls on “other political parties and organizations that favor coexistence and do not promote hate speech” to support the PSOE’s motion. 

Many more Spanish media outlets have since been reporting on the fallout of the protest.

The Spanish Constitution protects “the right to freely express and spread thoughts, ideas and opinions through words, in writing or by any other means of reproduction.”

It remains to be seen if the PSOE will carry through on its threat.

Pope Francis gives Marxists a pep talk

Nosta Lgia

By Monica Showalter

Of all the things Pope Francis has on his plate — from an apparent pervert in the Grand Inquisitor’s chair, to looming schisms, to dioceses bankrupted by sex scandal payouts, banking scandals, lavender mafias, and empty churches save in Africa, dialogue with avowed Marxists seems like something that ought to be very low on the papal to-do list.

But here we are, the pope suddenly in ‘dialogue’ with members of the world’s biggest failed philosophy, holding a mano-a-mano as if the two were equals, and that includes a pep talk.

According to LifeSiteNews:

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Hosting a Marxist-Christian dialogue group at the Vatican on Wednesday, Pope Francis urged them to “be open, in dialogue, to new ways,” while avoiding reiterating the Church’s consistent condemnation of Marxism. 

Shortly before his weekly general audience on January 10, Pope Francis received a small delegation from the DIALOP group. DIALOP, according to its own description, is a “project of dialogue between Socialists/Marxists and Christians, involving intellectuals, academics, politicians, activists and students from several European Countries.”

In his address, the pope urged the Marxist and Christian attendees to “never lose the ability to dream.” 

Today, in a world divided by war and polarization, we run the risk of losing the ability to dream. We Argentines say, “no te arrugues,” meaning “don’t back off.” This is my invitation to you as well: Don’t back off, don’t give up, and don’t stop dreaming of a better world. 

Francis stated that “it is in imagination, the ability to dream, that intelligence, intuition, experience and historical memory come together to make us be creative, take chances and run risks.”

What an amazing load of garbage. Since when have Marxists, once ensconced in power, have ever permitted the ability to dream, let alone intelligence, intuition, experience, or historical memory? Name one Marxist regime that ever allowed it.

Marxist regimes are big on destroying statues and erasing people from official photos as regards that historical memory part. And when has creativity ever been permitted in a Marxist regime? They throw artists in jail or drive them into exile. Natalia Goncharova was unavailable for comment but one could probably ask Mikhail Baryshnikov who, like Goncharova, who was an artist who fled the Marxist U.S.S.R. for artistic freedom. Meanwhile, anyone who takes “risks” in a communist regime — such as going to Church — ends up a ‘non-person,’ if not in front of a firing squad, in a mental hospital, thrown into a Gulag, shoved into a laogai, or else experiences a turba mob screaming, surrounding, and flinging excrement at his home.

Marxism, recall is famous for its death count, its mass revolts, its created poverty, and its refugees. People flee Marxist regimes wherever they are found — and now Marxists are turning up in the Vatican.

The dialogue thing is absolutely ridiculous. The group he’s dialoguing with, DIALOP, is a European Marxist group that says it wants a RESET, which isn’t too popular these days.

Now, one may argue that the pope is just trying to bring all sorts of souls into the Church fold as they are in order to “save” them, same way he is trying to bring in the gays. It may just be a politics, such as he and his minions are playing with gay couples.

But if he were, it’s a preposterous move. Right now, voters all over Europe are electing people like Geert Wilders and Giorgia Meloni, who are profoundly anti-communist. In every European country, the anti-communists are the wave of the future, as the commies say. Why he’s reaching out to the loser side that has been thoroughly discredited by the experience of having them in power is quite a mystery.

The include-them-all argument falls apart further because we don’t see any ‘dialogue’ from the pope with traditional Church Catholics, or hardcore libertarians. How about some dialogue with Nazis while he’s at it, given his attraction to pariah philosophies? He could even combine the Marxists with the Nazis, given that both are socialists. It’s such a strange thing, suggesting that Marxism is this pope’s comfort zone, given all of his other misguided statements, to the exclusion of all other ideas. Even Pope John Paul II was curious about the libertarians, having once asked someone to bring him some of atheist Ayn Rand’s books for him to read. But not this pope. Recall his bad treatment of the Heartland Institute’s people who tried to ‘dialogue’ with him. He didn’t give them the time of day, and as for traditional Catholics, they are being suppressed.

LifeSite points out that all popes until he came along have sent out a firm message about the incompatibility of Catholicism and Marxism.

Catholic teaching against Communism is very clear. Writing in Quadragesimo Anno, Pope Pius XI warned the entire Church about “the impious and iniquitous character of Communism.” Describing Socialism as slightly less violent, Pius XI firmly prohibited any attempts to marry Socialism and Catholicism:

Whether considered as a doctrine, or an historical fact, or a movement, Socialism, if it remains truly Socialism, even after it has yielded to truth and justice on the points which we have mentioned, cannot be reconciled with the teachings of the Catholic Church because its concept of society itself is utterly foreign to Christian truth.

Pius XI also penned such words in Divini Redemptoris

Communism is intrinsically wrong, and no one who would save Christian civilization may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever. Those who permit themselves to be deceived into lending their aid towards the triumph of Communism in their own country will be the first to fall victims of their error. And the greater the antiquity and grandeur of the Christian civilization in the regions where Communism successfully penetrates, so much more devastating will be the hatred displayed by the godless.

Pius’ words merely built on the constant teaching of his predecessors. Pius IX’s 1846 encyclical Qui pluribus described Communism as “a doctrine most opposed to the very natural law,” which would usher in “complete destruction of everyone’s laws, government, property, and even of human society itself.

It’s not for nothing that communism has been called “the devil’s imitation of Christianity.” Communism creates poverty wherever it goes, and the Church champions the poor, but manufacturing more poor people isn’t what Christ commanded. Sharper popes in the past have spotted that false-flag resemblance and hastened to condemn the deceptive and lethal atheistic philosophy to make sure the faithful understood. Not this pope. He sees the imitation and mistakes it for the real thing, and then goes and encourages more of it even as ordinary people run as far as they can from it.

GERMAN STANDSTILL – Major Farmers’ Protest and Railway Strike Freeze Europe’s Powerhouse – Rightwing AfD Surging on Polls, on the Verge of Gaining Power

Germany is an unmitigated mess.

Europe’s former ‘locomotive’ is still reeling from the catastrophic pandemic lockdowns, increasingly plagued by unchecked mass migration, crippled by climate alarmist environmental policies, and exhausted from waging a proxy war against the Russians in Ukraine.

The dysfunctional three-party coalition led by Olaf Scholz – the most unpopular Chancellor in Germany’s history – can’t agree on much, and when they do agree, they have trouble implementing – as it happened with the plan to use leftover pandemic debt authorization to fund their global warming scam was blocked by the Constitutional Court.

Now, to take matters into overdrive, the farmers have rebelled and blocked roads all over the country, and the railway workers are on strike, with healthcare workers vowing to stop, too.

Germany is at a standstill.

No wonder polls show conservatives polling higher, with the rising stars from rightwing AfD on the verge of being elevated to power by the popular vote.

Bucharest under siege by angry farmers and truckers on third day of protests

screen grab youtube

Major protests by farmers and truckers have entered their third day in Romania, with demonstrators breaking through police blockades in Bucharest.

Tensions escalated at the entrance roads to Bucharest as protestors paralysed traffic with their own road blockages on January 12.

Dozens of trucks halted traffic, causing chaos on the circular motorway of the capital while, at the time of writing, more were en route to the capital.

The situation was described as “unfolding with a little tension, but in order, calmly, under control,” by Minister for Internal Affairs Cătălin Predoiu.

Agriculture minister Florin-Ionuț Barbu said he had not received communication from the protesting farmers: “At the moment, no one has come, no negotiation team, to the Ministry of Agriculture.”

Some online sources claimed that agriculture and transport ministers had sent their advisors to negotiate with the demonstrators.

The protest, which began on January 10, involves demands from transport drivers and farmers over issues including controls on the flow of Ukrainian grain and agricultural goods.

They also want to draw attention to several issues they say are hurting the agriculture and transport sectors, such as “inefficient, delayed border controls” and truck-driver taxes. They also want measures to protect Romanian agriculture from “foreign investors”.

Skyrocketing insurance premiums have also been cited as a major bugbear.

As covered previously in Brussels Signal, Romania’s insurance market has been in chaos over what some in the media have alleged is the Government’s anti-competitive behaviour.

The European Union’s oversight bodies appear uninterested, further heightening the protestors’ anger.

Bucharest City Hall had received a request for protests to take place but officials deemed it invalid, citing a lack of specific information.

“It is submitted by a natural person. The time interval, the number of people who want to participate, the route they want to follow, and the organisations they represent are not specified,” the City Hall reported.

Protestors with scores of tractors and trucks continue to gather at an entrance to the capital in Afumați. Alex Perțea, a representative, stated: “We are regrouping to continue our protest.

“As a location, we are not very decided on the direction from this point. For now, we are regrouping. We are in the Afumați area, right at the entrance, on the beltway.”

An emergency meeting at the Bucharest City Hall has been scheduled to address the protest situation, which remains fluid.

As the stand-off continues, the authorities remain on high alert, navigating the delicate balance between citizens’ right to protest and the necessity to maintain public order.

Germany: Muslim youths want to enforce Sharia law at school


In the North Rhine-Westphalian town of Neuss, four pupils are said to have posed as Sharia police.

According to a report in the Rheinische Post newspaper, which cites security sources, the young people, aged between 17 and 19, publicly spoke out in favour of Sharia law and put pressure on Muslim pupils who disagreed with them.

The pupils are said to have demanded from fellow pupils and teachers that all women at school should wear headscarves. They also made further demands: Establishment of a prayer room, early closing of school on Fridays for Muslim prayer time and a general separation of the sexes at school, especially during swimming lessons.

The Rheinische Post quotes from an internal paper from the state security service, which states that Muslim pupils reported that pressure and criticism had been exerted on other Muslim pupils because they were not “good Muslims”. They had also publicly rejected democracy and advocated stoning to death.

The school management contacted the public prosecutor’s office back in December. The public prosecutor’s office was unable to establish any criminal offences in the pupils’ behaviour. One of the four pupils was briefly suspended from lessons.

“Like all schools, we take our responsibility to society as a whole seriously; democracy education is not only our mission, it is our declared intention,” said the school management. “In view of our trusting cooperation within the school community, we are in constant dialogue, negotiate our interactions and dare to talk openly about perceived contradictions and differences. We take a close look, and by placing tolerance and diversity at the centre of our coexistence on a permanent basis, we demand the corresponding basic attitude from all of us,” according to the school management.

The case has parallels with the “Sharia police” in Wuppertal ten years ago. Back then, Salafist preacher and convert Sven Lau and other men acted as “Sharia police” on the streets of the city in the Bergisch region. They wore orange-coloured signal waistcoats with corresponding lettering.

Skandal in Neuss: Muslimische Jugendliche wollen Scharia an Schule durchsetzen  |

South Africa strips David Teeger, who supported Israeli soldiers in conflict against Hamas, of U-19 cricket team captaincy

David Teeger (Image Source: The Times of Israel)

South Africa has stripped cricketer David Teeger of its U-19 cricket team captaincy citing ‘safety concerns’ following his comments supporting the Israeli soldiers in their operation against Hamas.

Cricket South Africa is preparing for potential protests at the upcoming tournament, set to commence on January 19. They acknowledged the possibility of these protests escalating into conflict or violence, particularly among rival groups of demonstrators.

The removal of Teeger as captain was made by CSA in the “best interests of all players, the SA U-19 team, and David himself.” Although he will continue to be part of the squad as a player, a new captain will be appointed “in due course.”

It is noteworthy to mention that Teeger was exonerated of breaching the CSA and Lions code of conduct about his position on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and an inquiry against him found that he was within his rights to express personal views to a Jewish audience, a matter unrelated to cricket.

The development, nonetheless, brought to the fore the double standards of the African nation, long billed as an oasis of democracy in a continent plagued by dictatorships and internal wars. The removal of Teeger as U-19 captain has raised concerns among political observers and African analysts as a country, known for its charamistic leader Mandela, sliding into autocracy where dissent and expressing opinions contrary to the official line could attract punishment. 

To many others, it is an occasion when the South African regime has weaponised its geopolitical position to suppress domestic dissent, raising concerns over its future as a democratic nation with room for opposing views and opinions. 

South Africa moves ICJ to challenge Israeli retaliation to October 7 assault by Hamas

The development also gains significance from the fact that it came hot on the heels of South Africa’s case at the ICJ, accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, sparking an ironic juxtaposition. In its plea, South Africa demanded an emergency suspension of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, alleging genocidal acts.

The allegations point to Israel’s actions since the 7th October 2023 attack by terrorist organisation Hamas with claims of intentional harm causing substantial so-called Palestinian casualties. Israel staunchly refuted these accusations, emphasising its military actions are solely directed against Hamas.

The ICJ hearings were initiated when South Africa presented its case, arguing that Israel’s actions in Gaza are “genocidal in character” and fall within the definition of genocide under the 1948 Genocide Convention. The allegations encompassedkilling Palestinians, causing bodily and mental harm, and creating conditions for their physical destruction. Israel, a signatory to the Genocide Convention, deniedthese charges, labelling them as baseless and emphasising its commitment to international law.

Pope’s “Common Dreams” With Marxists Denies Persecution Nightmare

In a Vatican reception on Wednesday, Pope Francis encouraged a Marxist-Christian dialogue group, urging them to keep “dreaming of a better world” and to have “the courage to step outside the box” to create “new paths” for humanity through collaboration.

The Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Alvarez of Matagalpa was unavailable for comment, as his country’s Marxist government has thrown him in prison on trumped-up treason charges. Similarly, Chinese bishop Peter Shao Zhumin of Zhejiang could not be located for reaction, as the Communist authorities in his country hauled him to jail on January 2nd.

Anybody even passingly familiar with the bloody persecution of Catholics and other Christians by communist governments to be anything but disgusted by Pope Francis’s words. This is personal for me. In 2020, I published Live Not By Lies, a book about the lessons we must learn from the communist persecution of Christians in the Soviet empire.

It is impossible to know for sure how many of the tens of millions of those murdered in the Soviet Union were killed primarily because they were Christian. But we do know from government documents that in the Stalinist purges of 1937-38 alone, 106,000 Orthodox priests were slaughtered. Throughout the Bolshevik reign of terror, all Christians—Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant—under Soviet authority were viciously persecuted, with their churches often destroyed or turned into barns and storage facilities.

This continued until the very end. One of the last Christian prisoners of conscience in the Soviet Union, Alexander Ogorodnikov, was not set free until 1987. When I met him in Moscow in 2019, Ogorodnikov told me a story about a sobbing elderly guard who begged him for help from the other side of the cell. The jailer was still haunted by the memories of something he witnessed in a forest clearing in the 1950s, as he guarded the perimeter.

The jailer said that KGB agents organized “twenty or thirty” Orthodox priests in two rows, facing the same way. One of the KGB agents walked up to the first priest in one row. “Is there a God?” asked the KGB man. Yes, said the priest. The secret policeman put a pistol to the priest’s head and blew his brains out in such a way that the brain matter splattered onto the face of the priest standing behind him.

They executed every priest in this way. None were blindfolded. After the first killing, every other priest knew what was going to happen to him. Not one of those priests denied God. Ogorodnikov wept as he finished this story—a tear ran across his cheek that was paralyzed from the beatings he suffered from Soviet jailers decades earlier.

But yes, Holy Father, let us continue to dream of a better world with Marxists.

Perhaps the worst prison in all the communist world was the Pitesti facility in Romania, where the Marxist government carried out a gruesome experiment to attempt to reshape the consciousness of prisoners. Some of those held at Pitesti were Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant clergymen. The Lutheran confessor Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who suffered at Pitesti, later testified as to what he witnessed:

Then the cross was erected again and the Communists, swearing and mocking, “Look your Christ, look your Christ, how beautiful he is, adore him, kneel before him, how fine he smells, your Christ.” And then the Sunday morning came and a Catholic priest, an acquaintance of mine, has been put to the belt, in the dirt of a cell with 100 prisoners, a plate with excrements, and one with urine was given to him and he was obliged to say the holy mass upon these elements, and he did it.

Pastor Wurmbrand added that this poor priest was “half-mad”; other clergy at Pitesti said that they learned to have mercy on their fellow captives who broke under torture, which was at times beyond the ability of humans to endure.

In other captive nations of Eastern Europe, Catholics bore the brunt of Marxist persecution. In Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia, I met Catholics who had served in the underground church, who told me stories of jaw-dropping fidelity to Christ in the face of communist cruelty. Last December, in Bratislava filming for the upcoming documentary version of Live Not By Lies, our crew interviewed Gabriela Spanikova, the only surviving sister of the late confessor Silvester Krčmery, a lay founder of the underground Catholic church in Slovakia. She recalled sitting in the courtroom at his 1954 kangaroo court trial, and listening as her brother defiantly proclaimed to the communist judges:

God gave me everything I have and now that I face persecution because of Him, and am called on to profess my faith in Him, should I now pretend I don’t believe? Should I hide my faith? Should I deny Him?

They sent him to prison for ten years. In his 1996 memoir of that experience, This Saved Us, Krčmery, who died in 2013, writes that after repeated beatings and torture, he realized that the only way he would make it through his sentence was to rely entirely on faith. He wrote that he decided to be “like Peter, to close my eyes and throw myself into the sea.”

Thank God he was in no position to be like Peter’s successor on the papal throne, Francis, who might well have faulted Krčmery for being “rigid” in his dealings with the Marxists there. Alas for Krčmery, he could not “step outside the box,” because he lived behind bars.

This is how it always was with Marxists. People today only ever hear about the Spanish Civil War in terms of Nationalist atrocities. Far fewer contemporaries know about the mass murder of priests during the war (1936-39), and atrocities like the 1936 exhumation of the bodies of nuns, which were publicly displayed and defiled. The anti-Catholic violence did not begin with the start of the war. As far back as 1931, over 100 convents throughout Spain were set on fire by Marxists, while the Republican government refused to act to protect the nuns.

The “new path,” to use Francis’s phrase, that the Spanish Marxists wanted to open for humanity would be blazed by the flames of burning convents.

Pope St. John Paul II, who personally withstood communist persecution as Archbishop of Krakow, visited communist Nicaragua in 1983. On the tarmac after he landed, the pope openly scolded Ernesto Cardenal, a priest who served in the Sandinista government. The Marxist regime, then as now persecuting the faithful, made the Holy Father’s pilgrimage so difficult that John Paul later referred to it as a “great dark night.”

The stories of communist cruelty to Christians are endless. There is no reason at all why Jorge Maria Bergoglio does not know them. As Catholic philosopher Edward Feser writes:

Francis’s ten predecessors at least knew that Marxism was radically incompatible with Catholicism. But not Francis. Indeed, in 2018. a high Vatican official praised the Chinese Communists, saying that “those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese.”

One hopes that news of the Holy Father’s gutless abasement before the Marxists at the Vatican does not reach the prison cells of Bishop Alvarez and Bishop Zhumin. They have enough to suffer without knowing that the pope has cozied up to their persecutors. Then again, this wouldn’t be the first time that Peter has abandoned Christ.

What If the West Only Accepted Christian Refugees from the Muslim World?

By Raymond Ibrahim

For years now, a number of mostly Eastern European nations have been arguing that, if they are going to accept any refugees from the Muslim world, they prefer Christians. Hungary, for example, has apparently been doing just that.

To this, the official western response has been to cry “racism!” Barack Obama, for instance, once called such a suggestion “shameful,” loftily adding: “That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion.” It was later revealed that his administration was doing precisely that — but in reverse: discriminating against persecuted Christian asylum seekers, while favoring Muslims.

All emotionalism and name-calling aside — that is, the stuff of American politics — there are, in fact, several objective reasons why the West should give priority, if not exclusivity, to Christian refugees from the Muslim world — and some of these are actually to the benefit of western nations. Consider:

Christians are real victims of persecution. From a humanitarian point of view — and humanitarianism is the chief reason cited in accepting refugees — Christians should receive top priority simply because they are the most persecuted group in the Middle East. As former Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop once put it, “I think that Christian minorities are being persecuted in Syria and even if the conflict were over they would still be persecuted.”

Indeed. While they are especially targeted by the Islamic State and other professional jihadists, before ISIS, Christians were and continue to be targeted by Muslims — Muslim mobs, Muslim individuals, Muslim regimes, and Muslim terrorists, from Muslim countries of all races (Arab, African, Asian, etc.) — and for the same reason: Christians are infidel number one. (See Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians for hundreds of anecdotes before the rise of ISIS as well as the Muslim doctrines that create such hate and contempt for Christians.)

Conversely, Muslim refugees are not fleeing direct persecution, but chaos created by the violent and intolerant teachings of their own religion, Islam — hence why violence and intolerance follows Muslims into Europe.

Muslim persecution of Christians has been further enabled by western policies. Western nations should accept Christian refugees on the basis that western actions in the Middle East are directly responsible for exacerbating the plight of Christian minorities. Christians were not terrorized in Bashar Assad’s Syria, or Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, or Muamar Gaddafi’s Libya. Their persecution grew exponentially only after the U.S. and other western states interfered in those nations in the name of “democracy.” All they did is unleash the jihadist forces that the dictators had long kept suppressed.

Unlike Muslims, Christians are easily assimilated in western countries, due to a shared Christian heritage. As a Slovakian official once explained, Muslims would not fit in, including because there are no mosques in the Slavic nation. Conversely, “Slovakia as a Christian country can really help Christians from Syria to find a new home in Slovakia.”

This too is common sense. The same Christian teachings that molded Europe over the centuries are the same ones that mold Middle Eastern Christians — whether Orthodox, Catholic, or Protestant. As San Diego’s Father Noel once said, Mideast Christians “who come here [America] ‘want to be good citizens’ and many who came here a decade ago are now lawyers, teachers, or other productive members of society.”

Meanwhile, Muslims follow a completely different blueprint, the Koran — which condemns Christians by name, calls for constant war (jihad) against all non-Muslims, and advocates any number of distinctly anti-Western practices. Hence it is no surprise that many Muslim migrants are anti-western at heart.

Mideast Christians bring trustworthy language and cultural skills that are beneficial to the West. They understand the Middle Eastern — including Islamic — mindset and can help the West understand it. Moreover, unlike Muslims, Christians have no “conflicting loyalty” issues: Islamic law forbids Muslims from aiding “infidels” against fellow Muslims (click here to see some of the treachery this leads to in the U.S. and see the treachery Christians have suffered from their longtime Muslim neighbors and “friends”). Subversive Muslims are working to infiltrate every corner of the U.S. government. No such threat exists among Mideast Christians. They too render unto God what is God’s and unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.

Finally, it goes without saying that Mideast Christians have no sympathy for the ideology that made their lives a living hell — the ideology that is also hostile to everything in the West. Thus a win-win: the West and Mideast Christians complement each other, if only in that they share the same threat.

All the above reasons — from those that offer humanitarian relief to the true victims of persecution, to those that offer benefits to the West — are unassailable in their logic and wisdom. Yet, because western progressives prioritize politically correct ideals and fantasies over stark reality, there is little chance that they will be considered.

Quite the reverse: all throughout the West, masses of Muslims have been and continue to be granted easy asylum, while the few Christian applicants are scrutinized and often rejected.

The reason for this is simple: for the progressive (now “woke”) mindset — which dominates western governments, media, and academia — taking in refugees has little to do with altruism and everything to do egoism: It matters little who is really being persecuted — as seen, the West is directly responsible for greatly exacerbating the sufferings of Christians around the world.

No, what’s important is that the progressives “feel good” about themselves. By taking in “foreign” Muslims, as opposed to “siding” with same-old, same-old Christians, they get to feel “enlightened,” “open-minded,” “tolerant,” and “multicultural” — and that’s all that matters here.

Meanwhile, reality marches on: The same Islamic mentality that persecutes and slaughters “infidel” Christians in the Middle East continues to grow at an alarming rate in the West.

“Allah Akbar, I’m going to kill a policeman”: Man arrested for death threats and glorification of terrorism in Paris

Wikimedia Commons , Paris14aime, CC-BY-SA-4.0

A man was arrested on Thursday night, January 11, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris for throwing objects at a police vehicle, glorifying terrorism and making death threats against police officers, a police source told Valeurs Actuelles.
At around 11:40 p.m., the man threw objects at officers on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques before fleeing in the direction of Place Denfert-Rochereau. When he caught up and when he threatened the police officers with a broken bottle, he approached them and shouted, “Allah Akbar, I’m going to kill a policeman.” The police officers drew their weapons without using them and then arrested the suspect, who was taken into police custody.

In the course of the arrest, a police officer was slightly injured on one finger. He was taken to Saint-Joseph Hospital for examination, as was the defendant, who had cuts on his hands caused by holding up parts of the bottle. A police officer pressed charges. There were no other injuries.

A Sea of Red and White: As Much as 200K in Warsaw Demand Release of Polish Political Prisoners – President Duda Vows to Pardon the 2 MPs AGAIN

Tens of thousands of Polish citizens have taken to the streets of capital Warsaw to demand the release of the two ‘political prisoners’ held illegally by Globalist Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

The dramatic arrest of the two MPs – former Home Affairs Minister Mariusz Kamiński and his deputy Maciej Wąsik  – inside the Presidential Palace, have set fire to the tense political situation in the Eastern European country.

Both men had already been pardoned by President Andrej Duda.

Kaminski has begun a HUNGER STRIKE, and the considerable portion of the population that supports the nationalist PiS party – the most voted in the last election – is showing in no uncertain terms just how dangerous is the game played by former European Commission President, PM Tusk.

MSM has a clear pro-Tusk bias, but could not fail to report such a massive movement. Reuters underplays the number of people describing it as ‘thousands of opposition supporters’, but later in the piece describes how ‘a sea of red and white Polish flags stretched back from the parliament’. That sounds like tens of thousands, maybe more. Organizers estimate as much as 200k protesters.

The demonstration also denounced the attempted takeover of state media by Tusk – a move partially blocked by a Polish court.