Germany: Scholz’s ‘green’ government wants to buy 3 VIP helicopters for €200 million

At a time when farmers are staging mass national protests over austerity measures that they say will put them under tremendous financial strain, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his ministers are aiming to purchase three new, luxury VIP helicopters that will cost €200 million.

However, the budget cuts for farmers are just one austerity measure, with the total budget expected to cut €17 billion. The opposition is reacting with outrage over the news of the helicopter purchases, with the luxury helicopters designed for Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Defense Minister Boris Pistorius to attend appointments in Germany.

The German armed forces are supposed to replace the aging Cougar helicopters currently stationed in Berlin, which have a range of 850 kilometers and a cruising speed of up to 315 kilometers per hour. The VIP helicopters became famous when the former Social Democrat (SPD) Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht took her son on holiday in one of them.

The German newspaper Bild says that government officials probably suspect that citizens will not be happy about spending taxpayers’ money in a time of crisis, which is why they wanted to hide the €200 million expense.

German MPs do not recall this type of spending ever being discussed in the budget committee, and the helicopters were not included in the December budget proposal. The news is especially surprising considering German police still have so-called VIP Super Puma helicopters, which government representatives can fly to emergency meetings.

The opposition is stunned, with Christian Democratic Union (CDU) budget expert Ingo Gädechens telling Bild that the government has lost touch with reality. He points out that the government wants to take €176 million from farmers this year, almost as much as the new helicopters cost.

“All of Germany is suffering from the collapse of fiscal policy. Austerity is everywhere,” the politician said. He added that it is obvious that Scholz’s travel convenience is the reason for the purchases and that ministers are more important than budgetary discipline.

However, Scholz may never get to experience the joy of riding a brand-new luxury helicopter, as the government cannot buy new helicopters without parliamentary approval. Now, it is up to the budget committee.

France: Bilal Benzahbia, a 20-year-old Algerian who arrived in France in 2021, allegedly threatened to slit the throat of another inmate who refused to convert to Islam and condoned the deaths of Bernard and Paty

A 20-year-old inmate stood trial in Bonneville court on Friday January 12 for glorifying terrorism, making threats and dealing in cannabis resin. He was acquitted of the charge of glorification of terrorism but sentenced to 15 months in prison with a warrant and a ban on residing in the department.

A 20-year-old Algerian man, who was imprisoned in Bonneville prison for theft, was tried on Friday the 12th of January for glorification of terrorism, threats and receiving stolen goods. According to several prisoners, the young man, who arrived in France in 2021, is said to have expressed his support for terrorist attacks on several occasions. Just a few days after the Hamas attack in Israel, he is said to have rejoiced at the deaths of Israeli women and children and regretted that Hitler had not completed the work, and he is said to have approved the murder of the headmaster of Arras and Samuel Paty.

“Just because I’m a Muslim doesn’t make me a criminal”.

Prisoners also report that he is said to have shouted Allah Akbar several times in prison and called France a country of infidels. Also at the same time, a prisoner accused him of making threatening remarks against him. The accused allegedly tried to convince him to convert to Islam and, when he refused, told him that he would slit his throat and circumcise him.

Before the court in Bonnevi  Le Dauphiné

Archbishop Viganò Calls for Swiss Guards to Arrest Pope Francis and Cardinal Responsible for Pornograhic Book

Archbishop Carlo Vigano (L); Pope Francis (R)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has called for the Swiss Guards to remove and arrest Pope Francis and Cardinal Victor Manuel “Tucho” Fernandez after the discovery of a pornographic work by Fernandez.

Archbishop Viganò wrote on X, “The blasphemous sewer regurgitations of Tucho’s repulsive pamphlet show such a level of perversion and alienation to the Faith as to demand the expulsion manu militari of the Argentinean and his accomplices. The Swiss Guards have sworn to defend the See of Peter, not the one who is systematically demolishing it. Let them therefore be faithful to their oath and arrest these heretical perverts!”

CANADA: Deranged Transgender Pedophile To Serve Sentence In The Community After Being Re-Arrested Days After Release From Prison

A trans-identified male sex offender will be serving part of his sentence in a community-based facility after being re-arrested days after his release from prison following a conviction for accessing infant sexual abuse material. Laverne Waskahat, 47, violated the conditions of his release within 48 hours of being released from prison, accumulating child pornography almost immediately after being let out.

Waskahat, 47, has an extensive history of possessing, creating, and distributing child pornography involving male and female infants under three years old. Waskahat had also previously committed sexual offences against children in his care and was known to take voyeuristic photos of infants in public, primarily in bathrooms at malls and grocery stores.

On December 11, 2023, Waskahat was released to the community despite Edmonton Police Service being aware of his risk to the public. Prior to his release, they issued public statements advising the community to beware of the child predator. They wrote that there was “reasonable grounds to believe [he] is of significant harm to the community” and was at risk of imminently committing a sexual offense against a child under the age of 16.

After completing his prison time for three sex offenses, Waskahat was released, but by December 14, he was back in police custody after violating the terms of his parole. His conditions had included curfew, a ban on owning devices that could access the internet, a ban on possessing or viewing any kind of pornography, a ban on possessing images of children, and he was also not allowed to entire into a relationship with someone who had a child under 16.

After failing to notify his parole officer of his location, police managed to track down the convicted sex offender to a hotel thanks to a tip from a member of the public. At the time of his arrest, police found a baby crib, diapers, dozens of alleged pornographic drawings and a laptop in Waskahat’s room.

Following his arrest, Waskahat received additional charges and met with the parole board, who ultimately decided to send him to a community-based facility.

Toronto Sun reporter Brad Hunter received a report from the National Parole Board which detailed the evaluation of Waskahat and detailed the criminal’s long history of predatory behaviour towards infants. They documented that Waskahat’s criminal behavior began as early as 2011, and that over the years he had accumulated hundreds of photos of babies being sexually abused.

Disturbingly, Waskahat had also become a moderator on a “diaper rash” community group.

Parole board notes included in the reports read, “You have had previous statutory releases revoked for sexually deviant behavior … you have also reported significant criminal behavior that you have not been charged with.”

“Your own sexually deviant behaviour began as a child, and has continued unabated,” the panel wrote. “It is noted that there is a lack of any triggers for your sexually deviant behaviour, rather you engage in the behaviour as part of your daily life.”

In accordance with the Gladue principles, the parole board took into consideration Waskahat’s Indigenous background. The principles state that judge and parole boards must take into consideration an individual’s Indigenous heritage when determining a fit and fair sentence.

The board noted that Waskahat was neglected and abused as an infant before being adopted into a loving home. However, the report was damning regarding Waskahat’s perversions and risk of reoffending. It noted that he had already completed an intensive treatment program for sexual offenders but lacked motivation, accountability, and possessed a low potential for successful societal reintegration. Diaperism, infantilism, sexual sadism and pedophilia where all listed in the report as paraphilas which Waskahat’s possess.

“The psychological information on file speaks to your extensive and complex deviant sexual interests, including diaperism, infantilism, sexual sadism and pedophilia, all of which aggravate your risk to reoffend,” the reported stated.

“You are perpetually in your ‘offense’ cycle, showing that you continue to pose a significant risk to reoffend,” the panel said, adding that Walkahat was “extremely predatory” and at the apex of the “risk continuum.”

Houellebecq, Prophet of Post-Christian Europe

A video clip accompanied by the alarming claim “Conquered: French Christians Surrender!” has been making the rounds lately. The video is of an Arab Muslim chanting the adhaan, the Islamic call to prayer, inside a Paris church,

Well, not really. The ‘call to prayer’ in this case was part of a performance of “The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace,” a 1999 work of classical music by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins, who composed it in the wake of the Kosovo war. It combines elements of the Catholic Mass with the Islamic call to prayer, a secular poem, and a Hindu text.

One can argue over whether or not it is right to allow the prayers of non-Christian religions in a Christian church, no matter the context; personally, I am a purist about such matters, and would fully support a mosque or synagogue forbidding the performance of Christian prayers within its wall, under any circumstances. But in fairness, one must recognize that in the celebrated Paris case, the adhaan appears not as worship, but as part of an artistic performance.

Here is the English translation of the adhaan:

God is great (4x)

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except God (Allah). (2x)

I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah (2x)

Come to prayer (2x)

It’s easy to see why some Christians, especially in France, find this so alarming. You would have to be a fool to ignore of downplay the seething tensions between France’s Islamic population, and its non-Muslims—not to say “Christians,” because France is Europe’s most atheist country. It seems that these unbelieving Frenchmen prefer there to be no religion at all, and allowed themselves to believe the myth of progress inevitably leading to a desacralized public square.

You can’t fight something with nothing. If the French don’t like the Islamification of French public life, then they aren’t going to stop it by doubling down on laïcisme. In Michel Houellebecq’s controversial 2015 novel Submission, the demoralized and de-Christianized French public turns voluntarily to an Islamist government, in what amounts to a vast public confession of the inadequacy of godless materialism to provide solid grounding for a way of life.

Houellebecq may be decadent in his personal life—his antics are at times squalid, and he looks like he dwells under a bridge—but no novelist sees Europe’s religious crisis with clearer eyes.

Louis Betty, an American scholar of French literature who was most recently in these pages for his work on translating and publishing Rénaud Camus’s essays, in 2016 published a penetrating analysis of Houellebecq’s religious vision, titled Without God: Michel Houellebecq and Materialist Horror. Though Houellebecq is not personally religious, Betty claims that he is “a deeply and unavoidably religious writer.”

Why? Because Houellebecq’s novels, says Betty, are “a kind of fictional experiment in the death of God.” The novelist is preoccupied between the clash between materialism—as expressed through science, sex, and shopping—and “the desire for transcendence and survival, which is best expressed in and through religion.”

Houellebecq is influenced by Auguste Comte, the 19th century French philosopher who was an atheist, but was so convinced of the necessity of religion to social life that he invented one without a god—a secular pseudo-religion that is still practiced by holdouts in Brazil. The novelist believes that France is in profound crisis because having thrown off its ancestral Catholicism, the nation finds it cannot live on materialism alone.

Without religion to answer the deep questions of life—especially to offer hope that life survives death—people turn to material distractions. If there is no God, and no transcendent meaning, it becomes difficult for most people to rise above indulging their base desires. Humanity has won freedom from religious creeds, from traditions, from external sources of authority, and from virtually anything that stands in the way of the individual doing and being whatever he desires. In victory, the rebel confronts the devastating truth: that he has destroyed everything that made life meaningful.

This is not an abstract crisis. In 2018, I sat in a café in Paris, talking with one of that country’s most celebrated intellectuals. He is a robust secularist, a man of staunch republican values. But on that day, he was utterly deflated over the rise of Islamism and the loss of a sense of common purpose among his countrymen. This was not what he and his generation fought for in 1968. When I raised the possibility of a return to religion, he politely but absolutely ruled it out. I might as well have suggested that the French leave their Left Bank townhouses for caves in the Pyrenees.

Houellebecq’s novels can be rough going. He writes about sex with a grimy frankness that is superficially pornographic, but for the fact that porn at least aspires to offer titillation. In Houellebecq, sex is a sad simulacrum of human intimacy. He anticipated the miserable loneliness of the ‘incel’ before we had a word for that kind of soul. The novelist’s point is that we are driven to ever kinkier forms of sexual enchantment to distract ourselves from the meaninglessness of our materialist lives. Houellebecq is a writer of the Sexual Revolution’s Late Brezhnev period: a time when nobody really believes in the revolution’s promises anymore, but are pretending to for lack of anything better to do.

Betty calls Houellebecq’s novels “keen examinations of the lives of men and of societies that no longer lie beneath a sacred canopy.” These are the people that Harvard anthropologist Joe Henrich memorably calls “WEIRD”: Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic. That is to say, us. In his book about the phenomenon, Henrich points out that modern Westerners (even those who still profess religious beliefs) are in most cultural and psychological ways real outliers on universal human experience. Houellebecq’s gift, or perhaps curse, is to follow the logic of Western rationalism to its sociological conclusion.

Betty quotes a character from Houllebecq’s 2005 novel The Possibility of an Island:

In countries like Spain, Poland, and Ireland, social life and all behavior had been structured by a deeply rooted, unanimous, and immense Catholic faith for centuries, it determined morality as well as familial relations, conditioned all cultural and artistic productions, social hierarchies, conventions, and rules for living. In the space of a few years, in less than a generation, in an incredibly brief period of time, all this had disappeared, had evaporated into thin air. In these countries today no one believed in God anymore, or took account of him, or even remembered that they had once believed; and this had been achieved without difficulty, without conflict, without any kind of violence or protest, without even a real discussion, as easily as a heavy object, held back for some time by an external obstacle, returns as soon as you release it, to its position of equilibrium.

If God is dead, then the body is all that matters. But what happens when the body breaks down, and ceases to be able to give one pleasure – or worse, becomes a source of little but pain? There’s only one answer: suicide. That, or submission to a strong god. There is no middle ground – and this, one suspects, is why Houellebecq is so hated by the literary bien-pensants, who see the dissolute Baby Boomer as a counterrevolutionary traitor to their generation.

Louis Betty:

Transgressiveness as a literary trope is usually attributed to writers and texts that bend and distort the limits of freedom in the direction of even greater liberation. In Houellebecq’s case, transgressiveness moves in the opposite direction, scandalously daring us to wonder if the discourse of human dignity and rights that the West has fashioned in the wake of God’s death can remain the guarantor of human happiness, or whether, as the Comtean understanding of history holds, it is no more than a wobbly metaphysical placeholder awaiting the shattering day of God’s return.

But whose God? The Islam on offer in Submission is not the savage head-chopping version, but a tamer iteration – think Turkey, not Iran, and certainly not ISIL. As Betty puts it,

It is as if the novel asks, “Read and tell me if you do not, somewhere in your heart, feel tempted by this vision of a Europe in which family life has been restored, men and women have their assigned roles, the economy has been stabilized, and eternal life is reaffirmed.”

Indeed, more than a few conservative American Christians cheered last summer when the Muslim-majority city council of Hamtramck, Michigan, voted to ban Pride flags from city property. These Christians asked among themselves why they lacked the cultural self-confidence to accomplish things like this. As well they ought to have done: in most places across the West—including, at times, in the Vatican—Christians have become eager to surrender to the forces that are tearing civilization to bits.

Houellebecq’s novels compel readers to ask how long this decadence can sustain itself—and what are the alternatives? The despairing intellectual in the Paris café had no hope for the future. He is godless, and so, he told me, is France—as if that were an unchallengeable fact. But is it?

I don’t think so. The future is not determined. Houellebecq’s novels offer hope through the back door: by forcing us to confront the metaphysical horror of life without God, they also direct us to think about the kind of god we will have when the deity inevitably returns. The Twitterati alarmed by the adhaan sounded in French churches may have the context wrong, but they are right to worry about a Catholic institution that would permit such an artistic performance in a time when French Christianity is flat on its back, and followers of the Prophet not only mass in the streets to cheer for the slaughter of Jewish civilians in Israel, but a few even an elderly priest at Mass in Normandy.

The answer is to return to the faith—not the feeble felt-banner piety of postconciliar liberalism, but the full-blooded faith that raised the Gothic cathedrals nearly a thousand years ago. As long as those old stone piles still stand, so does the memory of what France once was. If Balzac was right to define hope as “a memory that desires,” then a Christian future for France—and for Europe—depends on kindling passion for the strong God of traditional Christianity.

If you are scandalized by a Muslim chanting the Islamic call to prayer in a Christian church—if that is your idea of a kind of metaphysical horror—then the best thing you can do is show up as often as you can when the church doors open for Mass, and sing, and pray, with all your heart, soul, and mind. And bring your friends and family. Nothing else will do.

The post-Enlightenment de-Christianization and de-spiritualization of Europe has reached a dead end—and Houellebecq is its prophet. The novelist has said in interviews that he has tried personally to reclaim Christianity, but has not been able to manage it. That’s a pity for him, but then I think about the young Spanish friend who texted me on Christmas Eve from his family’s ancestral village in rural Spain. Since we last talked, one of his parents died, and he was plunged into crisis, resulting in losing his faith. Because we had spoken once of God, he turned to me.

“Go to Christmas Mass tonight,” I urged him. But there is no priest, and the church is locked, he responded. But he said he would get the key from the family who guards it, and go in to pray alone. He did, and returned on the night of Christmas to pray a second time, in the deep darkness.

When the young man opened his eyes after his prayer, there was a single candle burning in the church. No one else in this hamlet of fifty people had come into the church. The young man was there alone … but he was not alone. He is now back on his way to God.

This really happened. It is not necessarily bad to sound the alarm on social media about what holds to be the desecration of holy spaces. But how much better is it to pray in the darkness of a church in the metaphorical desert, seeking the lost God with an open heart, and to receive a gift of a solitary candle, lighting the path back home.

Palestine activists plot to ‘shut down’ London Stock Exchange TOMORROW in latest bid to wreak havoc

Pro-Palestine protesters have taken to the streets of London in the last few months PA

Pro-Palestine supporters are plotting to “shut down” the London Stock Exchange as part of their plans to cause a week of chaos in the UK.

Protesters from Palestine Action are planning to lock themselves to the gates of the building tomorrow, in a move that could result in “significant financial losses”.

The protest is set to be one of the group’s most disruptive yet, with an activist stating that “we just need to shut it down for the whole working day”.

Speaking to an undercover reporter from The Express, who posed as a potential recruit to the group for two months, the organiser said: “There’s the great chance that you can literally just shut down the London Stock Exchange.

They believe the physical disruption to workers would cause chaos, despite the stock exchange operating electronically: “Obviously people can trade on their phones nowadays [but] there’s going to be a lot of computers in there that people aren’t going to have access to. They could hold hundreds of millions of pounds worth of shares.”

The reporter learned of the group’s plans to cause turmoil tomorrow which will begin with two activists blocking the two revolving doors at the main entrance.

The duo is to be equipped with fire extinguishers containing red paint and they will position a ladder above their heads and then chain their necks to it with bike locks.

Whilst this is going on, the other members will lock themselves to all entrances to the building and will fire bank notes that have been painted red out of “money guns”.

Demonstrators have also planned to place their arms inside of metal tubes, in an attempt to stall the police.

The group reasons that the Met Police will be cautious about removing them too hastily as officers will not know what is inside the tubes.

In a secret meeting between the organisers, it was reported that one ringleader suggested that those who were sitting in front of the entrances could use bike locks to fasten their necks to the doors.

The organisers believe the move would be useful to their cause as if the stock exchange traders tried to move past them and push open the doors, they would injure the protesters.

The ringleader said: “They can’t move the door without like f****** killing you.”

Palestine Action has decided to also lock themselves to ladders in the hopes it will confuse the police as it is a tactic that they have not used before.

The ringleader said via the encrypted app Signal that the “capitalist system and the financial sector’s just f****** integral to connecting all the different colonial f****** projects and empires [which have] stolen f****** money from the people”.

He added: “[Monday’s action] is the start of a week of action against different institutions in Britain that are complicit or facilitating Israeli apartheid against the Palestinians. This day is targeting the financial sector, so there’s obviously no better target than the London Stock Exchange.”

The week of chaos has been designed to cause havoc for British companies that are doing business with the Israeli Defence Force.

The group has bragged previously that they use “direct action” to shut down multinational arms dealers who provide Israel with weapons.

Young and Gay New French PM Attal Masks a Shift to the Right in Macron’s New Cabinet, In a Bid To Limit Projected Conservative Victories

Former French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne took the fall for the unpopular Macron second Presidential mandate, and now the way is open for the young new PM and a distinctly more rightwing cabinet.

President Emmanuel Macron needs to rapidly refashion his failing government ahead of European parliament elections and the Paris Olympics this summer.

Read: After France Runs Out of Africa Under His Watch, Globalist President Emmanuel Macron Deals With Separatism From Corsica, Offers ‘Limited Autonomy’

The reboot in government, as Reuters reported, “[…] comes just five months before European Parliament elections, with eurosceptics expected to make record gains at a time of widespread public discontent over surging living costs and the failure of European governments to curb migration flows.”

In the new government, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and his former partner, the foreign minister Stéphane Séjourné, are two gay politicians with a socialist background, but their presence seems designed to mask the extent to which Macron’s administration is shifting to the right.

This is, of course, not to doubt the capabilities of the duo, but rather to highlight the subtle balancing act that Macron will undertake, gunning for the conservative vote while seemingly keeping his Globalist-liberal ‘clout’.

The Official Catholic Church Is Alienating Its Faithful Base

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

By Victoria White Berger

Here in the West, ‘regular’ Catholics in the pews are worried about and baffled by Pope Francis, who regularly pounces on and ‘takes sides’ on secular and political subjects, far more than did any of his predecessors.

The Pope’s recent salvo (while not against traditional marriage, but not for it, either—which marriage is a Catholic Sacrament, holy, inviolate and unique between man and woman) is his most recent upset. His highly ambiguous recommendation of the ‘blessing’ of gay couples within the Catholic Church is now, predictably enough, in fierce debate. The disputes came only a day after the Pope’s public statement approving (later, partially disavowing) the ‘blessings.’ Francis seems to enjoy poking the bear. His popularity in the U.S. is beginning to falter.

Disrespect towards, and ignorance of, Catholic Canon Law — promulgated long ago to regulate the behavior of the whole Church, as loyal to Christ alone — is in full view and coming from the top at the Vatican, and from the liberal, D.C.-based Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and from the ‘consecrated’ priestly and religious bureaucracy in many Catholic orders and schools — all in historic decline.

There are recent questions regarding papal abuse of canonical law, as coming out of the Vatican, among the case of the pope’s removal of Bishop Joseph Strickland from his office in Tyler, Texas, where he was outspokenly orthodox and quite popular.

According to Catholic Vote:

Fr. Gerald Murray, an expert canon lawyer and commentator on EWTN’s “The World Over,” told CatholicVote on Monday that “we do not know why Pope Francis removed Bishop Strickland, because he did not give any reason for his action. That omission leads to speculations as to the reason[s], which are then taken by some to be facts.”

Catholic Vote suggested that the move appeared to be personal, and vindictive, which was not consistent with canonical law.

Murray explained that “removal is ordinarily a penal measure,” although

“it can be done in the case of physical or psychological impairment. The Holy See has not published a decree for Strickland’s removal, which is required in canon law, unless the pope exempted himself from that requirement, in which case that exemption should be made by a decree. That decree should be published.”

“The removal of a bishop from office without specifying if he committed a canonical crime or if he was found to be impaired offends against basic justice and charity,” Murray argued. “He is deprived office without, it seems, the benefit of due process, including an appeal, and his good name is called into question.” 

United States Catholics are, as in bowing in the past to the COVID lockdowns, which shut down church services and later mandated vaccines to attend, not infrequently confused by the radical messages of the USCCB, a famously bureaucratic D.C.-based organization. During COVID, for two years plus, the USCCB effectively closed, by ‘recommendation,’ almost all Catholic masses — and Christian charitable services generally — the most essential Eucharist was not available.

Catholics, including parish priests, felt that they could do nothing about losing the Mass, a lifeline for their faith, during the COVID years, primarily on the USCCB sayso

Catholics generally are given to understand that the USCCB oversees their local bishop. This is simply not, and never has been, the legal case. The COVID decisions were made in contradiction to the subsidiary nature of Canon Law, that clearly dispenses this sort of authority to the local level, the parish priests.

The unfortunate irony is that the pronouncements/opinions of the USCCB, as communications to the faithful — except when voted on unanimously and even then, with restrictions — have zero formal standing in the Catholic Church.

In Pope John Paul II’s, “Apostolos Suos,” paragraph two, the Holy Father states that bishops’ conferences may only publish doctrinal declarations when they are “approved unanimously,” but “a majority alone” is not enough for publication without the approval of the Vatican.

In the same document cited above, the pope also maintained that a bishops’ conference cannot hinder an individual bishop’s authority in his diocese “by substituting themselves inappropriately for him, where the canonical legislation does not provide for a limitation of his episcopal power in favor of the episcopal conference.”

Earlier, Pope Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger, issued some similar statements:

“Cardinal Ratzinger, who in the same year expressed his changed view on episcopal conferences in a book-length interview with V. Messori (The Ratzinger Report, 1985), insisting that episcopal conferences lack a theological basis, are not part of the unalterable structure as willed by Christ, and have only a practical function.”

Catholic churches are still closing permanently, mostly credited to the COVID closures and parishioners not coming back. Now, post-COVID, we have reports of mounting Catholic persecution at many levels, to an extent never seen in this country. There have been reports of FBI intimidation of Catholics by threating visits to their own homes; and, recently in Massachusetts, the reported denial of foster care parent-applicants to access the state’s foster care program, expressly due to the fact the applicants are Catholic; the prioritized violence against Catholic pro-life centers; the arrests of people silently praying the rosary in public; the growing desecration of Catholic statues and churches, etc.

Catholic parishes, along with their schools, are closing or being ‘consolidated;’ this tragedy in the quality of accessible primary education is blamed on everything except the real source of the problem: the sorry state of the Catholic Church itself.

Catholic seminaries are failing, too.

What will happen when we have under-educated priests who don’t know the faith, or too few priests to serve the people?

There is one bright spot that gives many Catholics here reason fo hope: The vibrant, growing, Catholic Church in Africa will soon greatly outnumber the Western world’s Catholic membership.

The leading African bishops, by their words and actions, are seriously loyal to the teachings of Jesus Christ in founding His Church. Obviously, this truly faithful enthusiasm and growth is not what’s happening here or, worse still, in Europe. The politicization and Biblical, exegetical, and catechetical corruption of Catholicism now narrowly escapes heresy, once again.

But back in our country are currently no practical routes for communication and reasoned argument available to Catholics who are suffering from what amounts to theological, political, spiritual, and vocational discrimination and abuse from members of the Church hierarchy, from those in authority at each step of the ladder. Those Catholic laity who do follow, or try to, the Scriptural, uncorrupted teachings of Christ, who do attend the Mass and rely on the Holy Eucharist for perseverance, who enter the Catholic orders, who honor vows and sacraments, including marriage, and who work vocationally for the Church’s charities and schools in lay capacities, both men and women, are increasingly in a state of quiet near-despair.

Those in the pews are looking for goodness and light from the Catholic Church in its fidelity to what finally matters.

Instead, they find themselves in dread of the next unexpected deluge of internal opposition to themselves: via ideological, legal, moral, and practical meddling.

Germany’s Failing Scholz Stoops To Spreading Rumors and Conspiracy Theories – Wants To Tarnish and Criminalize Rapidly Rising AfD

The badly failing German Chancellor Olaf Scholz needs some – any – positive agenda he can find to try to revert his relentless downward plunge in the polls.

And the lower he falls, paradoxically, the haughtier his rhetoric becomes. Go figure.

Since he is the heir to the Godmother of mass migration, Angela Merkel, and given that the rightwing parties – notably AfD – are vastly outperforming his political movement in the polls, it makes a perverted sense for him to go out in the offensive against the frontrunners over this issue so dear to him.

So Scholz went out and ‘sharply condemned alleged plans by members of far-right groups who supposedly met recently at a mansion outside Berlin to devise a plot to deport millions of immigrants, even those with German citizenship, if the groups take power.’

I’m sorry to point out that the Chancellor is engaging in textbook ‘conspiracy theory’. He ‘theorizes’ that a ‘conspiracy’ is taking place with secret and nefarious objectives.

It’s a supposed meeting and an alleged plan.