BBC presenter Gary Lineker condemned by former Chelsea boss for anti-Israel post – ‘You were completely silent’

Wikimedia Commons , Medija centar Beograd, CC-BY-3.0

Former Chelsea boss Avram Grant has criticised Gary Lineker on social media.

Lineker is currently in the spotlight after sharing a post from a Pro-Palestinian account on Monday that called for governing bodies to ban Israel from international football.

The BBC presenter, who is their highest-paid presenter, later removed the post because of an apparent misunderstanding.

Yet Israeli-born Grant, who has managed Chelsea, Portsmouth and West Ham, has now let rip at the 63-year-old and accused him of being ‘completely silent’ following the Hamas attacks on October 7.

He took to Instagram to say: “Hi @garylineker, so you have done it again.

“You are retweeting the chairman of the Palestine FA.

“The same man who publicly supported the October 7 massacre and said it was a great day that should happen again and again.

“I pray for peace, but these people don’t want peace.

‘They killed babies. They raped women. They burnt people alive. They filmed it all.

“A massacre which you were completely silent about.”

Hamas killed 250 people when they attacked Israel on October 7.

Israel have since responded with constant bombardment of the Gaza region.

Grant previously said in November that he had lost all respect for Lineker as a result of his silence.

The BBC presenter didn’t tweet about the initial attacks and instead celebrated Tottenham being top of the league.

Grant said: “I follow Gary, he comments about everything, he even said that the current policy of the UK Government reminded him of the policy of the German government in the 1930s.

“I know about this policy, my father suffered for this policy, my grandfather, my grandmother was murdered because of the policy of the Germans.

“I have a message to Gary Lineker who I respected a lot as a football player, but to be honest, that respect is gone.

“The only thing that is close to his is what happened on October 7.

“What happened, I cannot even describe. There was no reason, there was a peaceful environment in the Middle East.

“But they murdered and butchered children, they beheaded people, raped women and burned them alive, cut open women and took (unborn) children out of their stomachs and killed them. They took hostages.

“I’ve never heard of such things in my life, and what did you do? Silence. Nothing.

“I think you even said that Tottenham is first place in the league. That’s what was important for you.

“So you have a double standard.”

Grant also condemned Lineker after the BBC presenter claimed a pro-Palestinian march on Armistice Day would be a ‘hate march’.

“You said it’s not a march of hate,” he stated.

“DDo you know the headline of this march is ‘from the river to the sea’?

“It means 10 million Israelis, to get rid of them, to put them on the sea. What is it if it’s not hate?

“I know that it’s not all of them, I know that the majority of them do not agree with this, so they need to get rid of this headline. This is the policy of Hamas, not the Palestinians.

“The policy of Hamas is to kill, destroy and not build anything. The policy of Israel is security. The policy of the good Palestinians that I know is to have quality of life and they deserve it.

“The policy of Hamas is to destroy even them, you don’t need to believe me, the head of Hamas said ‘it will not be the 7th of October, we will repeat it again and again’.”

Muslim hordes display warlike dominance across Europe under the pretense of ‘prayer’

By Olivia Murray

“Islam is not even a religion. It’s a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest.” So said Oklahoma’s John Bennett, a former state representative now running for the federal congress, and he was right on the money; see below:

And here:

Like a dog marks his territory with urination, so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders with “prayer.” Ostensibly, they came as asylum seekers and refugees, displaced and downtrodden, ready to adapt and contribute to the West. Now that there’s enough of them, they can throw off the shackles of subterfuge and openly act in accordance with what they planned from the very beginning… in a particularly warlike way.

Either intentionally or coincidentally, these Muslim hordes are engaged in the conquering tactics articulated by Saul Alinsky in his well-known Lucifer-dedicated book, Rules for Radicals:

For an elementary illustration of tactics, take parts of your face as the point of reference; your eyes, your ears, and your nose. First the eyes; if you have organized a vast, mass-based people’s organization, you can parade it visibly before the enemy and openly show your power.

Just as Alinsky desired to undermine the virtues and ethos of the West, so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders.

Just as Alinksy framed the cultural revolution as a war between the “Haves” and the “Have-Nots,” so do the new-to-Europe third world Muslim invaders.

Sure, this is Islamic prayer—aggressive, domineering, and disruptive—but this is not the Judeo-Christian prayer of the West, which is meek, gentle, and humble.

As a colleague reminded me, the stark difference between Christianity and Islam can be seen in prison “conversions,” and she relayed an astute observation she once heard:

It is not a contradiction to be a Muslim and a murderer, even a mass murderer. That is one reason why criminals ‘convert’ to Islam in prison. They don’t convert at all; they remain the angry judgmental vicious beings they always have been. They simply add ‘religious’ diatribes to their personal invective. Islam does not inspire a crisis of conscience, just inspirations to outrage.

Like Bennett said, this isn’t religion—it’s 7th century barbarism, on an agenda for global subjugation, using “faith” as a vehicle.

Church of Crete: No to marriage of same-sex couples and parenting

The members of the Holy Provincial Synod of the Church of Crete were directly opposed to the marriage of same-sex couples, as well as to parenting.

According to the announcement issued, marriage is a sacred mystery which, “expresses its eternal truth, which is not shaped by current conditions. He respects the person and the choices of each person and does not reject anyone.”

The announcement in detail:

The Holy Provincial Synod of the Church of Crete, according to the Holy Gospel, the Holy Tradition and the Holy Canons, which determine the teaching of the Orthodox Church, with reference to the subject under discussion of the so-called “marriage” between persons of the same sex, declares the following.

For the Orthodox Church, Marriage is a sacred mystery, as a psychosomatic union between a man and a woman, with the aim of their sanctification, and it goes back to the relationship between Christ and the Church.

“This great mystery is, I say to Christ and the church” (Eph. 5,32).

The components of the institution of the family are directly linked to the distinct standards of the father and the mother, as confirmed by the divine commandment “Honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20, 12) and, according to this, the child has a reference to them.

Any neutral determination of their relationships catalyses the natural institution of the family, highlighting new social institutions in the name of a unilateral and minority “entitlement”.

The call for equality in heterosexual and same-sex marriage, and by extension, the same right to parenting, ignores the fundamental rights of children to be raised and formed in a family environment, which does not cause confusion as to parental identity.

The alleged argument that the institution of civil marriage of same-sex couples and the self-righteous institution of the right to procreation is imposed either by treaties and charters of supranational force, by EU law, or by the current Constitution of Greece is not supported.

That is why it is up to each State, according to its cultural and social identity and its culture of values, to legislate freely on this issue.

This is observed in the countries of the European Union, where there is no homogeneous regulation, but in the context of multiculturalism, there are strong differences.

Understandably, however, it raises questions because many supporters of same-sex “marriage” invoke Western European values ​​and European institutions when, in most other cases, they blast them.

The Orthodox Church expresses its timeless truth, which is not shaped by current conditions. He respects the person and the choices of each person and does not reject anyone.

However, this does not mean that any entitlement and social phenomenon must be recognised as an institution.

The only ones competent to legislate are the Government and the Parliament of the Greeks. However, like every citizen, the Church has the constitutional right to express its position freely.

German left-wingers beg Scholz for mass-migration ‘crackdown’

Members of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s left-wing Social Democratic Party (SPD) are pleading with him to crack down on mass migration.

Politicians are also looking for Scholz to shift rightwards on issues such as the country’s “green” agenda in the hopes of routing the populist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), which is now routinely outperforming all left-wing parties in national polling.

Speaking to German media on Janaury 16, SPD MP Axel Schäfer said it was now up to the Chancellor to undermine support for the AfD by moderating Government policy.

“We must become more realistic on the issue of migration and take into account the need to limit it,” Schäfer said, adding it was now “pivotal” that the SPD change its approach regarding the issue.

He accepted such a shift would likely bring Scholz into conflict with the Greens, with whom the SPD is in coalition, but he argued that battle was now necessary “considering recent events”.

“We have to be bolder when it comes to limiting migration and accept the conflict with the Greens,” Schäfer said.

“I’m absolutely sure: Olaf Scholz can do it.”

Such sentiments were echoed by Andreas Stoch, a senior SPD member from Baden-Württemberg, who also urged the Chancellor to think twice about some of the party’s anti-climate change measures.

“Scholz needs to engage in more social dialogue before decisions like the heating law or agricultural subsidies are made,” he said.

“He should look into his heart a little more and more clearly declare the points in favour of these measures and the points against them.”

The suggestions that Scholz should pull back from supporting mass migration comes amid continued poor polling for the party across Germany, with right-wing groups now regularly eclipsing it.

Recent farmers’ protests against the Government only appear to have worsened the situation. Scholz has seen his popularity tumble, seemingly as a result of the disruptive demonstrations.

Populist groups have benefited from the increasing political instability in the country. The AfD and the recently launched populist-left Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) are seeing a surge in support.

That is not only concerning the country’s mainstream left-wing parties. Members of the Christian Democrats are also increasingly keen to find common ground with the SPD in the hope of curbing the growth of populism.

“A joint effort by the democratic parties is needed to overcome the challenges of our time,” Kai Wegner, the party’s governing mayor of Berlin said.

He is now pushing for the SPD in particular to “moderate its attitude” towards immigration so as to undermine public interest in the AfD, calling the party a threat to Germany’s “basic democratic order”.

“We finally have to change course when it comes to migration policy,” Wegner said.

Teacher reveals – the problem of Islamism in German schools is really that bad

How bad are things really at schools in North Rhine-Westphalia? It only recently became known that senior pupils at a school in Neuss called for the introduction of “Sharia police” .
A teacher from NRW is now sounding the alarm, confirming that overarching Islamism in Neuss is not an isolated case. Pupils at the comprehensive school in Herford, where she works, are also more openly committed to radical Islamism than usual.
Teacher Birgit Ebel, who teaches German language and history at the Herford comprehensive school in North Rhine-Westphalia, reveals to the newspaper Bild. Ebel is certain: “In my opinion, there has never before been such an avowal of radical Islam by pupils as at the present time.”
Especially since the Hamas terror attack on Israel, there has been an increased “open, vocal commitment to the Muslim world” at her school, which is attended by around 800 pupils. “Many of them didn’t do that before,” says Birgit Ebel.
The attack has caused an emotionalisation among the comprehensive school pupils. “Many have no idea, but still have an opinion.” Some pupils shout “Hamas, Hamas!” loudly in the school playground or write “Free Palestine” on the blackboard.

Things are just as bad at other schools – even without the “Sharia police”. “I know of cases from other schools where almost 20 female teachers feel sexually harassed and sexually humiliated by upper school pupils with a migration background. When the women come to the front of the class, adolescent boys shout: ‘Nice tits’ or ‘Nice arse’ or harass them in other ways,” the teacher from North Rhine-Westphalia told Bild.

NRW-Lehrerin offen: So schlimm ist Islamismus-Problem an Schulen –

WEF convenes in Switzerland to address the ‘most severe global risk’ anticipated in the near future: brushfires of truth

By Olivia Murray

“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

Samuel Adams, a son of liberty in every sense of the word, would be proud—the Self-Imagined Elites currently circling the wagons in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum’s annual summit meeting are panicked, thanks to the “irate, tireless minority” lighting brushfire after brushfire of truth (or what the WEF acolytes call “misinformation” and “disinformation”).

Men like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, António Guterres, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and every other unelected globalist bureaucrat moving hell and earth to usher in worldwide tyranny coaxed with carrots and scourged with sticks, but now they’re out of both, and running scared; here’s this, published over at Rebel News:

The biggest threats to global security are ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation,’ according to the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The 2024 WEF Global Risks Report says addressing ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ take priority, even over extreme weather events, war, terrorist attacks and inflation.

‘Emerging as the most severe global risk anticipated over the next two years, foreign and domestic actors alike will leverage misinformation and disinformation to further widen societal and political divides,’ the report reads.

The global consortium warned that peddling false narratives contributes to civil unrest and ‘undermines the legitimacy’ of governments.

TruthTruth is a greater threat than that “existential” climate change emergency about which they’ve peddled for more than a century. more dangerous than terror attacks, and more devastating than a collapsed worldwide economy.

The truth about COVID and bioterrorism, and government-funded abominations in foreign labs and underground military bases.

The truth about warhawks and defense profiteers.

The truth about human trafficking and what they do to children.

The truth about central banking, fiat money, and national debt.

The truth about socialism and communism.

The truth about rigged elections and Self-Imagined Elites.

The truth about abortion and the war on families.

The truth about their long march through the institutions.

The truth about limited government, and political sovereignty.

The truth about Judeo-Christian culture, morality, and heritage.

Seemingly, they are even making a pretense of being reformed; according to a Turkish news agency:

Against the backdrop of escalating geopolitical tensions, evolving economic policies, and rapid technological advancements, the 54th annual World Economic Forum (WEF) kicked off Monday in Davos, Switzerland, with the theme ‘Rebuilding Trust.’

(Funny enough, no mention of why the trust was lost in the first place.)

Well done to the “irate, tireless” few, well done!

Leaked German Military Docs Warn of WWIII with Russia by 2025, Hundreds of Thousands of Troops Deployed in Europe

Wikimedia Commons , bomberpilot, CC-BY-SA-2.0

Leaked classified documents from the German military have warned of a potential full-blown war between Russia and NATO in which hundreds of thousands of troops are deployed in Europe.

Germany’s Bild, the largest circulation newspaper in Europe, has claimed to have obtained classified documents from the Bundeswehr labelled “Classified Information – For Official Use Only” in which the Defence Ministry lays out details for a possible “path to conflict” between Russia and NATO beginning as soon as next month.

Under the scenario laid out by the German military, the Kremlin would begin a mobilisation of 200,000 soldiers in February and launch renewed efforts to capture the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, which it failed to do so at the outset of the invasion in 2022. This would be followed by a series of cyber attacks and other forms of hybrid warfare waged by Moscow intended to destabilise the Baltic states.

Using the destabilisation and potential clashes in border regions as a pretence, Russia would then — the Gemran planning assumptions state — deploy 50,000 soldiers to western Russia and Belarus by September, with massive troop buildups along the Polish and Lithuanian borders as well as the deployment of medium-range missiles to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad between Lithuania and Poland to pre-empt an alleged NATO attack.

The German military then predicted that by December, when the United States will likely be in the transition period between presidents — assuming the defeat of President Joe Biden — a border conflict with “riots with numerous deaths” will be artificially sparked by Russia in the Suwałki Gap, a strategically important corridor between Lithuania and Poland that separates Belarus and Russia’s Kaliningrad exclave.

The border crisis would be used as justification for Russia to send soldiers onto NATO territory to seize the Suwałki Gap while the United States will be in a state of flux. In the plans,  the German army predicted that this would ultimately spark a full-scale war between the West and Russia, with hundreds of thousands of troops being mobilised throughout Europe and fighting to break out by the summer of 2025.

Many major militaries wargame and plan for a variety of hypothetical scenarios and it is not clear to what degree the German military is treating this plan as a likely outcome. Nevertheless, Bild reports the plan is “apparently being taken seriously”.

The leak of the classified military documents comes amid increasing fears throughout Europe of a potential full-scale conflict with Russia. Earlier this month,
Swedish Civil Defence Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin bluntly told his citizens: “There could be war in Sweden.”

Despite his country still waiting to be admitted into the NATO alliance, Bohlin called for a nationwide effort to make preparations, saying that “individual citizens, employees, entrepreneurs and managers in public administration” must ready themselves for war.

Meanwhile, UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps announced on Monday that Britain would be deploying 20,000 troops as well as warships and fighter jets to Europe in the coming months for what is being labelled as the largest NATO military exercise since the end of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

Shapps said the UK will seek to increase its defence spending to 2.5 per cent of gross domestic product and called on other allied nations to increase their defence spending as well, with countries such as Germany continuously failing to meet the NATO spending requirement of two per cent of GDP, a failure frequently criticised by former President Donald Trump.

The British defence secretary said that “2024 must mark an inflection point”, continuing: “In five years’ time, we could be looking at multiple theatres including Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. Ask yourself … is it more likely that that number grows or reduces? I suspect we all know the answer. It’s likely to grow.”

Even with growing concerns of a potential Third World War, with the notable exception of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, there has not been any concerted efforts in the West to push for peace in Ukraine, with power players in Washington, Brussels, Berlin, Paris and London instead doubling down on their support and pushing for more taxpayer dollars to be sent to Kyiv to prop up the faltering war effort against Russia.

At a so-called peace summit in Davos, Switzerland ahead of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, Ukraine rejected any notion of a potential ceasefire and reasserted its demands that Russia withdraw from occupied territories entirely before any negotiations are held.

“Police instigated” Tommy Robinson’s Cenotaph Bust Up. MSM Won’t Tell You What REALLY Happened

Clip from #NCFDeprogrammed in which our guest, journalist & Lotus Eaters contributor Lewis Brackpool, tells us what really happened when Tommy Robinson and his supporters marched towards the Cenotaph on Armistice Day. Lewis was present with Tommy Robinson and recorded the events of the day. The hosts and guests also have a broader discussion about the Establishment’s attempt to silence Tommy Robinson, and the dangers that poses.

Germany’s shrinking economy to boost populist AfD further, say experts

Foto: AfD” , CC BY-ND

Germany’s already bleak economy looks set to contract further through 2024, economists have told Brussels Signal.

That will further strengthen the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party’s chances in upcoming state and federal elections, many say.

For the first time since the COVID pandemic, German GDP contracted by 0.3 per cent in 2023, the head of Germany’s Federal Statistics Office announced on January 15.

The shrinking of Europe’s biggest economy also risks bringing the broader Eurozone into economic contraction and its associated social unrest, observers say.

Declining real incomes have already brought protestors on to the streets in Berlin, as the gap closes between the poll-leading Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) and the now second-placed AfD.

Julius Probst, a European labour economist, told Brussels Signal there are several issues crippling Germany’s economy and “none of these factors will magically disappear overnight”.

“The German economy is expected to perform quite poorly in the year ahead”, he said, adding: “GDP growth will be very low and that means real incomes will also continue to perform poorly.”

Thus, he added: “With the poor economic fundamentals, together with the recent surge in migration, it is quite likely that the popularity of the right-wing parties will not go away any time soon.”

Among the causes of the country’s economic doldrums is the fact that exports are being hurt by weak demand from China.

Germany’s energy prices have also surged more than in other European countries, hitting industry. Manufacturing in energy-intensive industries “has cratered”, Probst said.

High interest rates weigh more heavily on manufacturing than services and Germany is “more manufacturing-intensive and less service-orientated than most other Eurozone economies,” he added.

There is also a hangover from decisions taken early in the pandemic and energy crises, when Germany turned “from expansionary fiscal policy to contractionary policy right now”, Probst continued.

A “greying population” is also increasingly constraining Germany’s industrial output.

John MacNamara, chief executive of UK finance consultancy Carshalton Commodities, claimed that Germany is now in the worst of all worlds after blocking migration for decades, followed by a mass influx from 2014 onwards.

Despite that, “economic integration” of post-2014 migrants has been “actually quite poor”, he said.

Therefore, Germany now has both an “ageing, declining ethnic German population” and the social tensions of migration without benefits so far in a tight labour market, he pointed out.

According to Federal Statistics Office president Ruth Brand, the German economy “faltered” in 2023 in an environment that continues to be “marked by multiple crises”.

Many believe that with the Government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz a “traffic-light coalition” of his Social Democrats, the Greens and Free Democratic Party, it is the centre-left which will take the brunt of voters’ ire in Germany’s forthcoming elections – set to be no later than October 2025.

A coalition collapse could bring a national vote forward. Saxony, Brandenburg and Thüringen have State elections this year.

Buoyed by the stagnating economy, the AfD has further narrowed the gap separating it from the CDU/CSU to 8 per cent, from 10 per cent a year ago, according to an INSA poll from 8-12 January. It is in second place in recent polls, with 23 per cent.

While German authorities have so far classified AfD’s branches in Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony Anhalt as “extremist”, analysts believe a comprehensive ban on the party is unlikely.

Politicians will be reluctant to pursue a total proscription of the party, argued Oxford Analytica, given the AfD’s support and fears a ban would trigger widespread social unrest.

Thousands of German Farmers and Truckers Paralyze Berlin, Calling for Radical Left Wing Government to Step Down

Tractors, cars, and trucks blockading the “Avenue of June 17” leading up to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

Thousands of farmers, truckers, tradesmen, and other hardworking German citizens have descended on the capital of Berlin to paralyze the city, with many vowing not to leave until the Left-Green government steps down, that has run Europe’s biggest economy into the ground.

Berlin police and firefighters were reported to be supporting the massive demonstration calling for the radical leftist government to step down.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner of the Free Democrat party, who is supposed to be a free-market conservative, but has thrown in with the radical leftists destroying Germany, was booed for 20 minutes during his speech and required close security to make his exit.

His bodyguards tackled a man for booing the Finance Minister, and then hauled the unidentified man off to the gulag.