UK: ‘Woke’ demands from LGBT+ group sees schools urged to stop saying ‘boys and girls’

Nosta Lgia

More than 300 schools are signed up to a scheme telling them to stop calling pupils boys and girls.

Primary schools, secondary schools and nurseries teaching children as young as two receive awards from the LGBT+ charity Stonewall if they “remove any unnecessarily gendered language” from the classroom.

The charity requests schools to use “they” instead of he or she and “children” or “young people” instead of boys and girls.

There is also guidance promoting the instillation of gender-neutral toilets and making both boys and girls wear the same uniforms.

Stonewall’s new annual report reveals that at least 300 schools in England are still signed up to its “champions scheme”.

The charity has defended the scheme saying that young LGBT+ people should grow up in a environment where they feel “safe and supported”.

However, it has been criticised by Conservative MPs, who called for a blacklist of organisations like Stonewall.

Conservative MP Nick Fletcher, who sits on the Commons education select committee, told the Mail On Sunday: “The Education Act is clear that partisan and ideological material should not be promoted in our schools.

He added: “Surely Stonewall continually promoting the unscientific and highly contentious idea of ‘gender identity’ is exactly this.

“Is it time for the government to draw up a blacklist of organisations that ignore these Education Act provisions and who therefore should not be used by our schools?”

A guide from 2022 for schools wanting to secure an award gives an example of how a PE teacher could become more inclusive.

This could be, it suggests, by saying “boys, girls and non-binary students, pick your team now” or use gender neutral language such as “students, pick your team now”.

A spokesman for Stonewall said: “LGBTQ+ children still face high levels of bullying and significant barriers in education so it is only right for schools to create an environment where they can grow up supported and safe to learn.”

A spokesperson from the Department for Education said: “We withdrew from Stonewall’s Diversity Champions programme in 2022 and have not funded any programmes related to diversity and inclusion schemes since to ensure value for money to the taxpayer.”

In December, new guidance said teachers and fellow kids should not face sanctions if they use a child’s wrong pronouns, unless they are doing so in a bullying manner.

The guidance said that toilets and changing rooms are expected to remain as single-sex spaces.

The World Economic Forum’s Marie Antoinettes

Nosta Lgia

By J.B. Shurk

During a grief counseling session for professional censors and propagandists, The Wall Street Journal’s editor-in-chief complained to the World Economic Forum’s aspiring tyrants: “If you go back really not that long ago … we owned the news.  We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts, as well.  If it was said in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, then that was a fact.”  To the great consternation of those who believe it is their noble prerogative to manipulate the public by controlling the narrative, ordinary people are now “much more questioning” about what is reported as truth.  The public’s rising discernment troubles the “ruling class.”  Perhaps that is why government schools refrain from sharpening students’ critical thinking skills these days.  Authoritarianism thrives amid hive-mind ignorance.

So sorry, Davos dictators, we commoners are rapidly waking up to the bitter reality that corporate news spin-doctors are just as culpable for today’s civilizational chaos as the malicious central bank money-printers, out-of-control spy agencies, and multinational corporate behemoths that have long worked together to manipulate global events.  We have opened our eyes and see you for the monsters that you really are.

That’s probably why two thirds of American “elites” (and surely an even larger share of their international comrades) believe that ordinary Americans enjoy too many individual freedoms (remember when Meghan’s future ex-husband Harry called the First Amendment, “bonkers”?).  The public’s “awakening” surely also explains why a string of international despots took to the dais in Davos to tell the World Economic Forum’s power-hungry master race that the greatest threat to its continued global control is…free speech.  Forget WWIII, lethal pandemics, cyberattacks, a debt bomb that promises to crash the financial system, or even infrastructure-killing electromagnetic pulses from outer space.  For the WEF-lords who rule and expect the planet’s powerless to obey, there is nothing more frightening than intellectual dissent and public debate.  

Interestingly, that same survey documenting “elites’” disdain for personal freedom (beyond the sustained privileges of their own clique, of course) also reveals that roughly two-thirds of non-“elites” believe that centralized government control has become a serious threat to human liberty.  So, the feudal aristocracy insists that the peasants have too much freedom, while the peasants are already busy beating their plowshares into swords and their pruning hooks into spears.  What could possibly go wrong?

For a long time, it has been obvious that the critical conflict for humanity’s future will be fought not between mere nation states but rather between human beings who desire freedom and international institutions that seek totalitarian control.  When Klaus Schwab argues that

democratic elections will soon be replaced with artificial intelligence, prudent defenders of freedom prepare.  When WEF members are so desperate to advance “climate change” communism that they demand fishing and farming be treated as “serious crimes” equal to “genocide,” rational people know that a new era of tyranny is here.

In the United States, where “freedom” is a cherished battle cry for warriors willing to sacrifice their lives for America’s founding principles, the signs of something nefarious and contrary to those principles have grown more visible.  The imposing Pentagon Complex, a standing army on American soil, and a defense budget that dwarfs the rest of the world’s have all loomed in the shadow of a U.S. Constitution providing for a limited and self-balancing civilian-led government. The formation of the FBI, CIA, and NSA (and dozens of other agencies, organizations, outside contractors, and invisible sub-groups whose expertise includes spying on American citizens) created out of whole cloth an entirely new branch of government free from legislative accountability, judicial constraint, or public scrutiny.  The Federal Reserve — a private bank handed the awesome power to print and lend dollars — has transformed Americans’ common currency into a depreciating instrument for manipulating and monitoring private transactions and transferring middle class savings into the accounts of the globe’s wealthiest.  The Department of Justice (in name only) protects the permanent Deep State’s friends while targeting its enemies (which is why Jeffrey Epstein’s child-sex-seeking clients remain as free as the Antifa domestic terrorists who burn down small businesses and attack civilians, while Mary McCord and other Obama-Biden bureaucratic mercenaries persecute conservatives, imprison J6 political hostages, and torment President Trump).  While both federal law and huge majorities of American citizens have demanded for decades that authorities put an end to mass illegal immigration, those same authorities conspire with corporations and upper class “elites” dependent on cheap labor to ignore the law and facilitate the worst kinds of border-related evil — organized crime, transnational terrorism, narcotics-related mass murder, and sex slave trafficking.  And while all of these threats to Americans’ natural liberties and constitutional rights have metastasized like a virulent cancer eating away at society, politicians have exacerbated Americans’ pain and suffering by entering into “free trade” deals that have enriched international conglomerates and investment houses while destroying America’s once enviable industrial and manufacturing self-sufficiency and impoverishing the country’s middle class.  Any honest observer taking a hard look at this “long train of abuses” against the American people would have no trouble concluding that a confrontation is quickly coming to a head.

Puppet President Biden (whose irritability, erratic behavior, and inability to form complete sentences continue to suggest that he suffers from some form of debilitating dementia that makes him unfit for office) recently threatened American gun owners yet again by stressing that their AR-15s are no match for the military’s F-16 fighter aircraft.  Putting aside the U.S. president’s oath-betraying hostility toward the Second Amendment and his psychotic zeal to use military force against the American people, his argument that civilian gun ownership is insufficient to thwart government tyranny puts a rather damning hole in his simultaneous proclamations that unarmed J6 protesters at the Capitol were part of an “insurrection” that almost “overthrew” the U.S. government.  How could mostly peaceful patriots without weapons pose such a threat to a government so certain of its military dominance that it routinely mocks civilian self-defense?  The answer is simple: the J6 protests were no “insurrection,” but the “ruling class” is desperate to disarm Americans before the Second Amendment’s bulwark against tyranny provides a “teachable moment” for those unschooled in basic civics.

When he’s not attempting to deprive Americans of their right to self-defense, Biden’s Bill-of-Rights-allergic regime remains committed to diminishing Americans’ First and Fourth Amendment rights, too.  The FBI and DOJ unconstitutionally target Americans for their political beliefs, conduct warrantless searches of their communications and financial transactions, and throw them on “domestic enemy” lists for being patriotic, supporting MAGA policies, voting for Trump, or merely reading a Christian Bible.  The federal government has even redirected funds meant to fight terrorism toward a propaganda effort for targeting President Trump and his voters.  Having created a secret Internet surveillance court with Eric Holder as a member and having created multiple iterations of a domestic censorship board for controlling what Americans can say and hear, Biden and his WEF-allegiant gangsters are the Nazis that they nonsensically accuse Bill of Rights supporters of being.

Question: Faced with rising public backlash in the United States and throughout the West, is it not in the “ruling class’s” best interests to temper its obsession with forcibly constructing a “new world order” in the same old, destructive molds of Hitler, Lenin, and Mao?  We may never know for sure because the World Economic Forum’s collection of Marie Antoinettes seem committed to silencing their opponents while mandating their latest version of technocratic tyranny.  What we do know for sure — because history is violently clear — is that a great many tyrants rise to power only to later lose their heads.

French farmers threaten nationwide protests after blocking highways and spraying government buildings with manure

Protests by farmers in the Occitanie region of southern France continued on Jan. 21, and the A64 highway remains closed near Toulouse for the fourth day in a row.

The farmers are also reportedly planning to install a roadblock on another undisclosed main road in the region. In recent months, farmers in the Occitanie region have stepped up their efforts to get the government to urgently release substantial aid, particularly due to rising fuel prices and a cattle disease that has hit farmers hard. The farmers are also asking for a water policy favorable to crop irrigation.

In Carbonne, about 45 kilometers southwest of Toulouse, protesters continue to staff a makeshift camp set up on the highway to Bayonne.

At an almost three-hour meeting on Saturday afternoon, the prefect of Occitania, Pierre-André Durand, and five representatives of the farming community failed to reach a decision on lifting the blockade, much to Pierre-André Durand’s “regret.”

A roadblock was also expected to be set up at a roundabout in Tarascon-sur-Ariège on Sunday from 2:00 p.m.

“Major traffic problems are expected in both directions,” the department’s prefect warned. France’s largest agricultural union, FNSEA, is considering nationwide protests in the coming weeks, a spokesman said Friday, potentially extending the actions of farmers in the southwest of the country who blocked a highway and threw manure on public buildings.

Like their German counterparts, who staged a massive demonstration last weekend, with tractors driving to Berlin from all corners of the country, French farmers are protesting mainly over taxes and government restrictions.

Dutch Bishops Reject Vatican Opening to Blessing Same-Sex Couples

Nosta Lgia

The Dutch bishops, once known for their progressive leanings, have collectively rejected the Vatican’s recent opening to the blessing of same-sex couples.

While embracing the Vatican’s call for “closeness and accompaniment” for persons living in a homosexual relationship and for re-married divorced persons, the Dutch bishops reject the novelty of blessing gay couples introduced by the Vatican’s December 18 text titled Fiducia Supplicans.

In their 292-word response to Fiducia Supplicans, the bishops note that it is possible to say a prayer over individual believers living in an irregular relationship, something the Catholic Church has always held.

“In this prayer, God can be asked for strength and assistance under the invocation of His Spirit, so that he/she may understand God’s will with his/her life and continue to grow,” they state, in a clear distinction from blessing the couple itself.

“This makes it clear in the wording chosen that this is not a blessing or confirmation of an irregular relationship and also avoids confusion with marriage, which, according to the Catholic Church, can only be between a man and a woman,” they add.

In this statement, the Dutch bishops effectively revert to the prior Vatican teaching that individual persons can be blessed but irregular relationships cannot.

In its 2021 statement in this regard, the Vatican’s doctrinal office said that blessings may be “given to individual persons with homosexual inclinations, who manifest the will to live in fidelity to the revealed plans of God as proposed by Church teaching,” whereas it would be illicit to confer “any form of blessing that tends to acknowledge their unions as such.”

God Himself “does not and cannot bless sin,” that statement asserted, and thus “the Church does not have, and cannot have, the power to bless unions of persons of the same sex.”

The Dutch bishops are the latest ecclesiastical conference to take issue with the novel teaching of Fiducia Supplicans, which seems to many to contradict the Church’s constant moral teaching on the matter.

The African bishops’ conferences, as well as the bishops’ conferences in Hungary, Poland, and Kazakhstan have all refused the Vatican’s call to allow non-liturgical blessings to people in irregular relationships.

For their part, the French bishops’ conference embraced Fiducia Supplicans but nine French bishops publicly dissented from the demand to bless same-sex couples.

Desperate Times Call for Drastic Measures: Recent Polling Confirms a Trump-Kennedy Ticket Would Win 60% of the Vote – And Would Nearly Double Joe Biden’s Totals

Desperate times call for drastic measures.

In 1864, during the height of the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was paired with Democrat Andrew Johnson, selected by the National Unity Party to run with him in the upcoming presidential election.

At the time, Abraham Lincoln was convinced he was going to lose reelection, telling a White House visitor, “I am going to be beaten … and unless some great change takes place, badly beaten,”

The Democrats chose George B. McClellan, Lincoln’s notoriously cautious former general-in-chief of the army who had been fired after failing to pursue the retreating Confederates from Antietam in 1862.

Shortly after, General William T. Sherman captured Atlanta, and this was followed by a major Union victory in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. Suddenly, with the Confederacy on the ropes.

Lincoln went on to win the presidency and the Civil War against the South.

It was a pivotal point in American history.

Today, America is at another crossroads. The wild-eyed American-hating Marxists are in control of our mainstream media, our education system, Hollywood, the government, and our Department of Justice.

Joe Biden has destroyed the economy with his excessive spending, open the borders to an invasion of millions of unknown aliens, ruing our standing on the world stage, locked up supporters of Donald Trump, declared the opposition an enemy to America, brought numerous junk lawsuits against the leading presidential candidate, destroyed the US justice system, and sued for the right to censor American voices.

On top of that, we know he cheats.

America cannot survive another four years of Joe Biden.

Recent polling posted at Real Clear Politics confirms that a Trump-Robert Kennedy, Jr. ticket would win over 60% of the vote. Joe Biden would be a distant second and would suffer the historic loss he deserves.

Goldman Sachs Funds Pro-Hamas Rallies

The day after hundreds of pro-Hamas protestors rallied outside of a Manhattan cancer hospital, we learned that the organization which hosts these heinous rallies throughout New York City calling for the elimination of Israel, and for the mass murder of Jews, is funded by Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs, one of the largest banks in the world has given $18 million to The People’s Forum which organizes these rallies. Goldman Sachs has a fund, where donors send money to – and rather than saying “no, we will not send money to an organization which supports rape and terror,” Goldman Sachs signs the checks. Goldman Sachs funds it. Goldman Sachs can refuse to sign the checks – but they choose not to.

Manolo De Los Santos of The People’s Forum gave a speech Monday in New York City where he said:

“When we finally deal that final blow to destroy Israel. When the state of Israel is finally destroyed and erased from history, that will be the single most important blow we can give to destroying capitalism.” 

The speech preceded a rally, “Flood Manhattan for Gaza MLK Day”, during which pro-Hamas protestors walked the streets of Manhattan blocking traffic, and they eventually protested outside Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, a hospital. As The New York Post reported protestors screamed:  “Make sure they hear you. They’re in the window.” One organizer said through a bullhorn, and another in the crowd chanted, about the cancer center: “MSK, shame on you, you support genocide, too.”

These are people who support rape and baby-killing. On October 7th, the leader of The People’s Forum tweeted about “the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people”, and “the struggle for the national liberation in Palestine.” These protests are a clear call for murder – with chants of “Free Palestine from the River to the Sea” and “Intifada Now”.

Authorities allow these terrorist anti-Semitic supporters to block traffic, disrupt the city and threaten Jews. The People’s Forum has hosted anti-Semitic rallies in NYC since October 8th. They are well-funded and well-organized  and there are also events on Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and “the path to revolution.”

In the New York Post, a 74-year-old Jewish woman was quoted as saying, “I thought I was in Germany in 1939.” She is right, and in 2024 the free world is either with us or against us.

Goldman Sachs is funding calls for the mass murder of Jews. Goldman Sachs is signing checks which pays for anti-Semitic events in New York City. It’s not unlike Outten Golden, a leading law firm in New York City, where their lawyer Kathleen Peratis has visited the Hamas deadly terror tunnels multiple times and praised Hamas leaders. She openly opposes a Jewish state and supports BDS.

Elie Wiesel rightfully said:

“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides.”

Goldman Sachs stop funding this.

SCOTLAND: Rape Crisis Center’s Transgender Boss Called For Those Who Disagreed With Gender Ideology To Be Fired, Says Tribunal Witness

A major rape crisis center in Scotland is alleged to have forced out a female councillor for her views on gender ideology following the appointment of a trans-identified male as the center’s CEO. Roz Adams, who has worked with vulnerable communities since 2003, alleges she was constructively dismissed after expressing disagreements over perspectives on safeguarding held by Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre CEO Mridul Wadhwa.

Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) is one of Scotland’s largest and oldest resource centers for victims of sexual assault, having been established in 1978. In 2023, it received over £1.9 million in funding from various Scottish councils and government schemes. But three years ago, the organization began to attract international attention following the appointment of a trans-identified male to its top position. Wadhwa, a trans activist from India, was appointed CEO in 2021, a move that many found confusing due to the fact that the ERCC advertised the position as being only open to women.

One year after his appointment, Wadhwa came under fire for comments he made during a podcast interview in which he said that “bigoted” sex abuse victims who request female-only support should expect to be “challenged on their prejudices” and told to “reframe their trauma.”

But Wadhwa’s impact on policies at the ERCC is under the spotlight once again as the rape crisis center has been taken to an Employment Tribunal by a former employee alleging she was forced out of her job for criticizing views held by Wadhwa regarding biological sex. Roz Adams, who began her position at the ERCC in February 2021, has extensive experience as a Nonviolent Communication (NVC) facilitator, conducting training workshops that have been highly praised by participants.

In proceedings that began earlier this week, Adams, a former councillor, revealed the shocking extent of changes that had occurred following Wadhwa’s appointment. Evidence is scheduled to be heard in the Edinburgh Employment Tribunal from January 15 to 24.

An X account belonging to a group of volunteers who are attending the court proceedings and reporting live on comments made at the tribunal noted that witness Nicole Jones said there was “much talk of TERFs and transphobes” at the ERCC. The issue of whether or not CEO Wadhwa had a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) — a document required to legally alter one’s sex on identification records — was similarly labeled “transphobic.”

According to Jones, when Wadhwa was asked about how best to determine the political positions of new staff being hired, he bluntly instructed her to terminate employment of any personnel who did not subscribe to gender identity ideology, while adding that “firing could be as important as hiring when creating inclusive spaces.”

In another incident, Adams recounts an older female survivor reaching out for information on a group support session. The woman asked for a woman-only session, at which point ERCC responded that they were a “trans inclusive” organization.

After the woman asked for clarification on what that meant, ERCC then advised her she was unsuitable to use their resources. Adams says the woman was not referred elsewhere, nor was informed about the existence of Beira’s Place — a single-sex rape crisis resource service financially backed by Harry Potter creator JK Rowling.

Adams also recalls having been berated for writing “transwoman” instead of “trans woman” in an email, with Wadhwa accusing her of being “othering and oppressive” for not separating the two words.

Wadhwa has harshly condemned critics of gender ideology in recent years. In 2021, shortly after taking on the role as CEO of ERCC, Wadhwa referred to those who object to sex self-identification measures as “fascists who want to eliminate trans people.”

A Substack post published to comedy writer Graham Linehan’s blog in August 2021 lays out evidence which suggests financial motivations to Wadhwa’s activism, and accuses the CEO’s alleged partner, Arun Gopinath, of recouping a staggering £1.4 million in funding that was denied to three North Lanarkshire women’s aid groups based on their decision to remain single-sex service providers.

According to the evidence provided, Gopinath, who shares the same correspondence address as Wadhwa, was head of a community justice project called Sacro at the time the funding was pulled from the women’s aid groups. North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) instead gave the £1.4 million contract to Sacro, claiming the move would help male victims of sexual abuse.

Council officers said their decision was “informed by the findings of gaps in services with respect to specific groups including LGBT+ and BAME and also with respect to male victims.”

The debate surrounding gender ideology’s impact on rape crisis centers has been raging for a number of years, across multiple countries.

As previously reported by Reduxxa rape crisis shelter in Japan was refused funding after the founder, a survivor of sexual assault herself, was denounced as “transphobic.” Michiko Oriya of Tokyo’s Rape Crisis Center revealed that their funding first came under scrutiny after she spoke out in support of women-only spaces and expressed concern over the treatment of JK Rowling and Maya Forstater.

Canada’s Vancouver Rape Relief experienced similar difficulty in 2019 after refusing to allow biological men to use its services. Due to its strict woman-only mandate, VRR was defunded by the city of Vancouver.

In December of 2022, JK Rowling received widespread backlash from trans activists after she announced that she was funding a new resource center for female victims of sexual assault. Beira’s Place, a facility described as being women-led, provides support, advocacy, and information to girls and women aged 16 and over.

In an exclusive interview with columnist and women’s rights advocate Suzanne Moore about her new project, Rowling stated that she was driven by her own experience with sexual violence, and had noticed a gap in available resources to provide exclusively woman-centered care.

“As a survivor of sexual assault myself, I know how important it is that survivors have the option of women-centred and women-delivered care at such a vulnerable time,” Rowling said.

‘Disaster’ — Illegal Boat Migrants Given Right to Work in Britain, Despite Government Policy: Report

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Illegal boat migrants have reportedly been quietly given the right to work in Britain by the so-called Conservative government of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, in a move critics warn will only serve to further incentivise illegals breaking into the country.

Almost 16,000 asylum seekers, including many who crossed the English Channel illegally in small boats launched by people smuggling networks on the beaches of France, have been permitted to work in Britain, according to data revealed under Freedom of Information (FOI) laws by The Telegraph.

This comes despite government policy stating that asylum seekers should not be able to work in the country while their claims are being considered.

However, according to the paper, the Home Office — the government branch tasked with managing immigration — has allowed some migrants to work in certain sectors of the economy allegedly facing shortages of workers, such as in agriculture, construction, and healthcare.

The report claimed that migrants can earn 80 per cent of the prevailing wage if they give up the £49.13 per week state government stipend afforded to asylum seekers. The foreigners can remain in government-provided accommodation under the scheme, however, if they pay for some of the cost. In total, 19,231 migrants applied to work under the scheme in 2022 and 15,706 applications were granted.

The scheme has been criticised by Brexit leader Nigel Farage, who warned that the policy would serve to increase the “pull factor” for more illegal migrants to come to the UK.

“This is a disaster. Once the traffickers can advertise jobs and free board, even more will want to come. Rwanda is completely irrelevant in comparison to this,” Mr Farage said.

Mr Farage’s criticisms were echoed by Conservative MP Miriam Cates, one of the leaders of the ‘New Conservatives Group of MPs’ seeking to implement stronger immigration controls.

“It’s understandable that asylum seekers might want to have a job while waiting for their claims to be processed,” she said. “But we cannot solve the significant problems associated with irregular migration unless we deter people from crossing to the UK illegally – and this is the opposite of a deterrent.”

The chairman of the Migration Watch UK think tank, Alp Mehmet added: “How can we take seriously the Government’s professed commitment to stopping the boats when such a ploy is under way?”

The revelation comes as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is seeking to pass the final hurdles in the House of Lords to usher his Rwanda Bill into law, which the government has claimed will finally allow immigration officials to remove illegal boat migrants to asylum processing centres in the East African nation rather than allowing them to remain in the country while their claims are processed.

Last week, the government staved off a short-lived rebellion from the right of the Conservative Party, which argued that the legislation was insufficient to ensure that the scheme will not be bogged down in legal challenges from illegals and left-wing activist attorneys.

Former Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick, who resigned from the government late last year over objections to the bill, put forward amendments to allow the government to ignore sections of human rights laws in order to prevent domestic legal challenges, as well as an amendment to give government ministers the authority to reject orders to stop flights from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which controversially stepped in to block the first flight to send migrants to Rwanda in the summer of 2022.

Prime Minister Sunak has claimed that despite the amendments being rejected by his government, he would still “ignore” attempts to use international law to prevent the migrant removal flights, which he hopes to begin by the spring.

Islamist Who Promised to Kill is Released into the UK


An east Londoner that was convicted for terror offences has been released from prison, despite warnings that he remains ‘dangerous’.

Shamim Ahmed, 30, of Shadwell, was sentenced to six years in prison in June 2017.

He had travelled to Turkey in an attempt to join the Islamic State in Syria in 2016. He had then been on a suspended prison sentence for having threatened to attack a French bookshop in west London that was selling the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo.

During his sentencing hearing, he wagged his fingers at the presiding judge and muttered kuffar, or term meaning non-believer. He subsequently yelled: ‘Wage Jihad, wherever we are – target the civilians, tourist sites, inshallah [God willing].’

Before he was removed from the court, Mr Ahmed then threatened to punch a dock officer and warned the judge: ‘Give me twenty years, I’ll come out the enemy.’

He has now been freed, despite warnings that he remains a danger to the public.

He was released in October 2022, but was recalled the prison nine days later following ‘concerns about his behaviour’.

His release bid in June 2023 was blocked by the Parole Board, with the reasoning given that Mr Ahmed ‘remains a radicalised person and would continue to pose a risk in the community.’

The Ministry of Justice was unable to prevent Mr Ahmed being freed following the completion of his sentence.

Chris Phillips, of the National Counter Terrorism Security Office, told The Sun that it was concerning that radicalised individuals could be released.

Outrage as Brit jailed for trying to join ISIS is freed: Wannabe Jihardi Shamim Ahmed yelled ‘give me 20 years, I’ll come out the enemy’ to as judge as he was locked up and branded a danger | Daily Mail Online

Britain’s Untold Story: The 3.5 Million Child Evacuees of World War 2

A special episode of #NCFWhittle, in which we speak to comedian & Comedy Unleashed compere Dominic Frisby, who has produced a special 10-part musical podcast of his father’s adventures and experiences in the Second World War: This intensely moving musical by Terence Frisby tells the story of two boys in WWII. In 1940, to escape German bombing, Terry and Jack, aged seven and eleven are evacuated from their family in south-east London to a tiny village in Cornwall, where they spend the next four years. Full of surprising humour and memorable songs, this is a unique portrait of an extraordinary time in British history. “Enchanting, profoundly moving and delightful,” Charles Spencer, the Telegraph.