Archbishop claims blessings for same-sex couples proves Pope Francis is ‘servant of Satan’

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A leading archbishop in Pope Francis’s church has hit back against the pontiff after the leader of the Catholic Church approved blessings for same-sex couples.

Viganò, a bishop of the Catholic Church who served as Apostolic Nuncio to the US for five years, attacked the pope in an Op-Ed in which he claimed his ruling over homosexual couples showed he is a “servant of Satan”.

Although the move by the pope was seen as a significant advance for the acceptance of the LGBTQ community within the church, critics have hit back against the decision with some members of the clergy refusing to follow the pope’s ruling.

Pope Francis shared the latest decision in a new document which insists that people seeking God’s love and mercy shouldn’t be subject to “an exhaustive moral analysis” to receive it.

In his opinion piece slamming the “Bergoglian hierarchy”, in reference to Pope Francis’s real name Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop Viganò branded the head of the papacy as an “usurper”.

“The delirious Declaration Fiducia Supplicans, recently published by the parody of the former Holy Office renamed the Dicastery, definitively pierces the veil of hypocrisy and deception of the Bergoglian hierarchy, showing these false shepherds for what they really are: servants of Satan and his most zealous allies, beginning with the usurper who sits – an abomination of desolation – on the Throne of Peter.

“The very incipit of the document sounds, like all those issued by Bergoglio, mocking and deceptive: because trust in God’s forgiveness without repentance is called the presumption of salvation without merit and is a sin against the Holy Spirit.”

Although the pope’s declaration was seen by many as a huge leap forward, certain caveats were also made.

According to the document, the pope ruled that blessings should not be part of regular Church rituals or related to civil unions or weddings.

It also added that its definition of marriage was a lifelong sacrifice between a man and a woman and made no mention of same-sex couples.

The Vatican said the change should be a sign that “God welcomes all”, however the decision of whether to allow the blessings would be operated on a case-by-case basis.

“Ultimately, a blessing offers people a means to increase their trust in God,” the document said.

“The request for a blessing, thus, expresses and nurtures openness to the transcendence, mercy, and closeness to God in a thousand concrete circumstances of life, which is no small thing in the world in which we live.”

In a direct message to members of the Holy See, Archbishop Viganò told members of the church to “condemn” the pope’s behaviour.

He said: “I implore the bishops and ministers of God – by the Most Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ – not only to raise their voices to defend the immutable teaching of the Church and to condemn deviations and heresies, under whatever appearance they may appear; but also to warn the faithful and prevent these sacrilegious blessings in their dioceses.

“The Lord will judge us on the basis of His holy law, and not on the pharisaic seductions of those who serve the enemy.”

France’s Battlefront: Islamist Attacks Escalate in Schools

The increase in Islamist attacks in France in recent months has particularly affected the teaching profession. State schools have long been a symbol of the French nation and the Republic, which explains this focus by terrorists. 

Since the beheading of history teacher Samuel Paty in October 2020, who was murdered for commenting on cartoons depicting the Islamic Prophet Mohammed in a lesson on freedom of expression, terrorist acts targeting teachers have increased in France.

Schools have become the battleground of choice for Islamists, whose influence is growing among teenagers who ingest the rhetoric of jihad via a number of influential social media accounts. The aim is for these budding fighters to bring the battle to school. From there, everything becomes a pretext for stirring up controversy and demanding respect for Sharia law or Mohammed in the classroom. 

At the beginning of December, for example, a French teacher was taken to task at a secondary school in Issou, in the Yvelines, a suburb west of Paris, for having made her sixth-form pupils study a classic 17th-century Italian painting, Diana and Actaeon, by Giuseppe Cesari, depicting the goddess Diana and a merry company of nude nymphs. 

At the sight of this painting, some pupils ostensibly looked away—as the display of female beauty according to the canons of the 17th century was, in their view, contrary to the requirements of Islam. Their attitude reportedly prompted the teacher to make ‘racist and homophobic’ remarks. All hell broke loose. In retaliation, the teacher was threatened, and the teaching staff announced that they were exercising their right of withdrawal the day after the incident, fearing for their colleague’s life. Education Minister Gabriel Attal visited the school the following Monday to try to calm the situation.

This was by no means an overreaction on the part of the Issou teachers. Since the murder of Samuel Paty, threats of this kind have been taken very seriously. The chain of responsibility in the trial of Samuel Paty’s killers clearly shows that warnings issued before the murder were not taken seriously by the school authorities. As a result, the authorities are trying to be more vigilant.

In October 2023, the murder of French teacher Dominique Bernard in Arras by an Chechen terrorist sadly confirmed that the murder of Samuel Paty was not an isolated act. The Israel-Palestinian war ignited by the Hamas attack on October 7th has provided Islamists already present on French soil with new ‘motivation’ to perpetrate acts of violence. For the terrorists, each successful assassination is seen as an encouragement to continue. They sometimes communicate with each other, as was the case with Armand-Iman, the Paris attacker, who knew Dominique Bernard’s killer. Although they don’t necessarily socialise, they find mutual sources of inspiration in each other’s actions. 

On December 13th, the Bobigny criminal court handed down a suspended prison sentence to Fayssal B., a parent who had made explicit threats against his son’s teacher. “I’m going to decapitate him, hang him and cut him open,” he said in the hours following Dominique Bernard’s murder. 

On the same day, in Rennes, Brittany, a twelve-year-old pupil, came to class armed with a knife, intending to kill her English teacher. According to a person present at the scene, the teenager brandished her knife and said she wanted to do “like in Arras.” 

Day nurseries are not spared from these attacks: the day before, an attack targeted one such nursery for around ten young children in Champigny-sur-Marne. The director of the establishment received a death threat with the following words: “You’re a Jew, you’re a Zionist, five of us are going to rape you, cut you up like they did in Gaza.” The headmistress was unhurt but remained deeply shocked. 

Each week that passes brings its share of new violence, undermining the myth of a ‘sanctuary school’ protected from external evils, which has already been severely dented. The new Minister for Education Gabriel Attal, who took up his post in July 2023, seems to be signalling that he wants to take matters in hand, as shown by his efforts to ban the abaya, the traditional Muslim garb that has become the symbol of rampant Islamist proselytism in French schools. 

But while a large proportion of teachers expect their supervisory authorities to stand firm and put an end to their outrageously lax attitude towards Islamist militancy, others still refuse to face reality. In what could only be described as the art of choosing the wrong enemy, a few days before Dominique Bernard’s murder, a philosophy teacher in Valenciennes near Arras was pouring all of her energy into writing an educational document to combat the dangers of the ‘extreme Right.’ 

On October 12th, the philosophy teacher gave an interview to the local press and presented the work of her collective, called “Coordination antifasciste pour l’affirmation des libertés académiques” (Antifascist Coordination for the Affirmation of Academic Freedoms). Its aim, according to the Huffington Post, was to “offer teachers under pressure from the far Right tools to respond, such as training, a practical guide and an information database.” The next day, Dominique Bernard was slaughtered by a Chechen Islamist.

One day into her job, French health minister admits to investigation for undeclared gifts

Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo, France’s new health minister, is the target of a judicial investigation for having received gifts without declaring them.

Firmin-Le Bodo, who replaced Aurélien Rousseau as minister for health after he resigned in opposition to President Macron’s controversial immigration bill, has only been in office since 20 December.

But on Thursday, 21 December, the investigative news outlet Médiapart reported she had received gifts from French multinational pharmaceutical group Urgo.

Firmin-Le Bodois, a pharmacist, was accused of receiving €20,000 worth of bottles of champagne, luxury watches and other top-end products, from 2015 to 2020.

In June 2023, prosecutors opened a judicial investigation for “unauthorised receipt by a health professional of benefits provided by a person producing or marketing health products”. They did not confirm which pharmacists are the focus of the probe.

Urgo apparently wanted to encourage pharmacists to prescribe their pharmaceutical products, a practice which is against the law. A Dijon criminal court fined Urgo Laboratories €1,125,000 in January 2023 for this, with €625,000 of the fine deferred.

“As part of my function as a pharmacist, an investigation is underway,” Firmin-Le Bodo said on Friday, in her first interview as a minister, without saying more.

Before she was appointed to lead the Health Ministry, Firmin-Le Bodo was minister-delegate in charge of France’s organisation of health professionals.

Germany: Bavarian State Buildings Can Display Crosses

A German court on Tuesday, December 19th, dismissed a lawsuit against the Kreuzerlaß (Cross Decree) that requires the display of Christian crosses in public institutions throughout the predominantly Catholic state of Bavaria. 

The decree, signed in 2018 by the Free State of Bavaria’s Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU), stipulates: 

A cross must be clearly visible at the entrance area of ​​every service building as an expression of the historical and cultural identity of Bavaria.

The ruling by the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig comes after a lawsuit by the Association for Freedom of Thought Munich. The organization, which bills itself as an “ideological community based on the principles of the Enlightenment and humanism,” claimed that the decree infringed upon the right to religious freedom.

The court’s decision upheld a judgment from a lower state administrative court that ruled that the crosses a) do not violate the principle of religious and ideological neutrality since states are not required to completely forego religious references, and b) do not discriminate against anyone based on their faith. 

The placement of the crosses “in the entrance areas of public buildings does not stand in the way of the state’s openness to other faiths and world views,” judges of the high court explained in their ruling.  

“The crosses displayed do represent a central symbol of the Christian faith for the objective observer. However, they do not violate the plaintiffs’ own guarantee of freedom, which is covered by Article 4 (1) and (2) of the Basic Law,” the court went on to say.

In comments given to the German Press Agency (DPA) in Munich, Söder praised the court’s decision, saying: “The cross is a sign of our Christian and cultural character. It belongs to Bavaria.”

The CSU boss’s comments were echoed by Klaus Holetshek, the party’s parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian state parliament, who said: 

Bavaria is a country of diversity, tolerance and, of course, freedom of religion, but Bavaria is also a country shaped by Christianity and it is right that the Free State expresses this with the cross.

We should say “yes to our values and yes to the Christian-Western nature of our country,” Holetshek added.

The appointed Archbishop of Bamberg, Bavaria, Herwig Gössl, also expressed his approval of the high court’s verdict. “The cross is a symbol of our Christian culture and stands for peace, freedom, and reconciliation. I am therefore happy when the sign of the cross—in nature, in living rooms, or even in official buildings—points to Christian values ​​and reminds us of responsibility before God,” he said.

Despite the Leipzig court’s ruling, the chairwoman of the Association for Freedom of Thought, Assunta Tammelleo, remains determined to have the crosses removed. She says the organization plans on taking the case to the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe. “This is not the end,” Tammelleo insisted.

German Foreign Minister Baerbock exploits Breitscheidplatz memorial for a warning against “anti-Muslim racism”

Tuesday marked the seventh anniversary of the Islamist attack on Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz. 13 people were murdered by the terrorist Anis Amri, who had come to Germany in the wake of Angela Merkel’s welcome madness. From the very beginning, politicians and the media endeavoured to conceal this by all means. While every real or supposed right-wing attack is regularly and extensively commemorated, the Breitscheidplatz terror has no place in the public consciousness. The truth that this was the direct result of Merkel’s migration policy was to be concealed at all costs.

Nothing has changed to this day: On the seventh anniversary, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock posted two tweets full of platitudes , which can only be labelled as a mockery of the victims. “Torn from their lives while they were enjoying a mulled wine at the Christmas market – 13 innocent people were killed on Breitscheidplatz seven years ago. I remember them and their families today, for whom Christmas will never again be an everyday occurrence. Then as now: the terrorists want to divide us, want an “us against them”. We stand against all forms of hatred – whether anti-Semitism or anti-Muslim racism. Not just today. Every day,” was their unspeakable rant.

The articulated lorry surrounded by rescue workers at Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz. Wikimedia Commons. Andreas Trojak, CC-BY-2.0

Not a single word was said about the fact that Amri was a Muslim who intended to use terror to express his hatred of his host country and its culture. Without the migration policy desired by Merkel and the Greens, he would never have entered the country. Of course, Baerbock doesn’t mention any of this. Instead, she shifts the massacre to a purely abstract and general level and also blathers on about “anti-Muslim racism”, which doesn’t even exist. Firstly, Islam is not a race and secondly, criticism of Islam is not based on prejudice, but on everyday painful experience. However, all of this is completely ignored by the party state and its media. The catastrophe of millions of culturally alien mass migrants destroying Germany must not be named, lest the left-green cloud cuckoo land collapse.

If it had been about the commemoration of a right-wing attack, Baerbock would have spent an eternally long thread on the dangers of right-wing extremism. Here she didn’t even mention Amri’s name so that no connection to migration could be made. Her pathetic omissions are a disgrace, even if they most likely only originate from her social media team. They express what the political-media establishment thinks. Crimes committed by migrants must be hushed up, no matter how many deaths and injuries they cause, while every swastika smearing is blown up into a revival of National Socialism. The victims and their bereaved remain alone with their grief, anger and despair about this state.

Baerbock missbraucht Breitscheidplatz-Gedenken für Mahnung gegen “antimuslimischen Rassismus” » Journalistenwatch

Germany’s anti-immigration AfD party soars to new high in year-end poll

AfD co-chair Alice Weidel. (

Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has reached 23 percent in a new Forsa poll, marking the highest poll result the party has ever reached for a Forsa poll at the national level.

The poll, conducted for RTL/ntv’s trend barometer, shows the AfD has gained one point compared to last week, while the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) remain the top party in Germany, standing at 31 percent. Combined, the AfD and CDU/CSU could easily form a coalition government if elections were held now.

At the same time, the poll shows the dire state of the ruling coalition, with the Social Democrats (SPD) at 14 percent, the Greens at 13 percent, and FDP at 5 percent. The Left party (Die Linke) lost one point, falling to 3 percent.

The RTL/ntv trend barometer shows a number of hypothetical options for chancellor, with 15 percent choosing Olaf Scholz, 24 percent Friedrich Merz, and 18 percent Robert Habeck. In another potential configuration involving Scholz, Merz and Annalena Baerbock, Scholz comes in at 19 percent, Merz at 27 percent, and Baerbock is at 17 percent. The AfD’s plan to run Alice Weidel in the chancellor position is not reflected as an option in the poll.

The poll also asked whether respondents had the impression that politicians at the federal level understand what “moves” people in their everyday lives, to which 81 percent of Germans answered in the negative.

Christmas Gifts: The Newest Target of Climate Change Activists – Everything the Left touches, it destroys

People need to realize the Left is using the alleged “existential” threat of global warming to wage war against liberty, against the Western world’s (not China’s) economy, and against joy.

The automobile, that magnificent enhancement to human freedom and joy, is a target of the Left. The idea that individuals should be able to go where they want when they want in their own car is anathema to the Left — it provides way too much individual liberty. Ideally, almost no one should own a car. We should all aspire to live in a high-rise apartment building in a major metropolis and use public transportation, ride bicycles or walk. If for some reason we have to travel a longer distance, let us say to conservative relatives who selfishly own their own homes in the suburbs, we can use public transportation; and if none is available, we can use Uber or Lyft.

Even the family, one of life’s greatest sources of joy and meaning, is a target of the climate change activists. They believe that there are way too many people in the world. Kids are carbon-emitting machines. So, an increasing number of women, including married women, are choosing not to have children. They don’t see how they can justify bringing children into a world in which they will be roasted to death. And frequently their progressive parents (the would-be grandparents) agree with them. As I wrote in a previous column, based on the many comments of New York Times readers on an opinion piece written by a woman who has decided not to have children because of global warming, many readers wrote that despite the fact that they long for grandchildren, they support their child’s decision to go childless.

Now we have another joy of life that progressives are targeting in the name of combating global warming: Christmas gifts. Many progressives have long opposed giving Christmas gifts in the name of combating “consumerism” (to be fair, some religious conservatives share that ascetic view). But climate change will soon constitute the greater moral reason.

In the Daily Mail this week, a woman wrote an article making this case.

“Last year,” she wrote, “surrounded by wrapping paper and abandoned gifts, I suggested to my husband Chris that next time we shouldn’t buy anything — for each other or the children.

“Not buying anything for my husband is trivial because he can buy for himself. But not buying presents for our two girls, aged six and three, is a trickier proposition…

“We’re increasingly aware of the global impact of our purchases. Everything we buy the kids will go into landfill…

“With the planet on fire and plastics everywhere it seems like we are at a moment of reckoning and have been for some time…

“I’ve forced this rule on the family, telling my mother, in-laws and the brothers and sisters not to buy the girls anything.

“My sister was appalled and very cross that she will be thought of as the mean old aunt. Just because I want to strip the joy out of Christmas, why should she have to?”

This woman’s article encapsulates much of the darkness the Left represents and creates.

First is the war on joy. Part of the joy of Christmas, especially for children, is receiving gifts. To deny this is to deny reality. This can be verified by asking any adult to describe the joy they experienced as a child looking under the Christmas tree for their gifts.

Second, it is a war on altruism. Gift-giving may be animated by a number of factors, but one fact is undeniable: Giving people gifts is an altruistic act. If people stop doing so — whether to combat “consumerism” or to combat global warming — they are ending one of the most widespread expressions of altruism in our society.

Third, children are the primary targets of this nonsense. Progressives seem to have a particular animus for children. They wage war on children’s innocence with early “sex education,” with LGBTQ activism in elementary school, and by promoting drag queen “story hours” beginning at age 5; by their closing schools for nearly two years for no valid reason; by depriving children of God, religion and patriotism; by their irrationally frightening children about their future (they will essentially be burned alive); and now by depriving children of Christmas gifts and, presumably, birthday gifts (they, too, add to landfills).

Fourth, the woman who wrote this article has no qualms about imposing her beliefs on everyone else. It is not enough for her to tell her husband not to give her 6- and 3-year-old daughters Christmas gifts. She has ordered the girls’ grandparents, aunts and uncles not to do so: “I’ve forced this rule on the family.”

Fifth, progressive reasoning is not only morally defective, but also factually defective. If no one in the United Kingdom gave a single Christmas gift, nothing would be accomplished with regard to global warming. But a whole society would be deprived of a major joy of life, and the country’s economy would take a major hit.

Just remember this rule of life: Everything the Left touches, it destroys.

CANADA: Trans-Identified Male Who Campaigned To Defund Rape Shelter Awarded Medal By Governor General

Photo Source: Morgan Oger

Canadian women are expressing outrage after a trans-identified male who campaigned to defund a rape crisis shelter was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal from the Governor General of Canada. Morgane Oger, a trans activist from Vancouver, was honored at a ceremony in Ottawa last week.

On December 16, Oger took to X (formerly Twitter) to boast of his receipt of the award, claiming he had been selected because of his work with “2SLGBTQ+ persons” and trans rights.

“Feeling so grateful, recieving [sic] the Meritorious Service Medal from Governor General of Canada Mary Simon last week for supporting 2SLGBTQ+ persons and furthering the legal protections of Transgender Canadians.”

In Canada, the Governor General is the federal representative of the monarch, currently King Charles III. According to the website for the Governor General of Canada, the Meritorious Service Medal is a civil award that recognizes “great Canadians for exceptional deeds” such as tackling poverty or improving educational opportunities for children.

In the list of recipients for the awards that were distributed on December 7, Oger is described as a “champion of diversity who has changed perceptions around 2SLGBTQI+ rights and has worked tirelessly to see those rights enshrined in law.”

Continuing, the office of the Governor General states that Oger has “forged alliances across party lines that propelled changes to provincial and federal legislation protecting individuals against discrimination based on gender identity or expression.” The short biography concludes by lauding Oger for his “courage, vision and perseverance have helped redefine the fundamental issue of equality and have advanced inclusiveness for gender-diverse Canadians.”

But the news of Oger’s top-level commendation did not sit well with Canadian women’s rights advocates, who noted that Oger has a long and disturbing history of actively fighting against women’s rights.

Canadian journalist and Feminist Current founder Meghan Murphy called out the Governor General, writing that Oger had once stalked her through her neighborhood in apparent retaliation for her views on gender ideology.

“Morgane Oger, whose career has involved harassing and vilifying feminists who defend women-only spaces, including fighting to defund Canada’s longest-standing rape crisis centre and transition house, @VanRapeRelief, stalked me around my neighborhood one day. Just one more reason I left Vancouver,” Murphy wrote. “Are these the ‘exceptional deeds’ bringing honor to Canada, @GGCanada? Making women feel unsafe and ensuring that when they are targeted by male violence they have nowhere safe to go?”

Murphy, like many others, was calling attention to an incident in 2019 where Oger successfully campaigned to strip Canada’s oldest rape crisis center, Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter, of its city funding due to its female-only policy. In comments made before the city committee meeting, Oger called the shelter “non-compliant with Canadian law.

Prior to losing its city funding, Vancouver Rape Relief had been through a 12-year legal battle where its policies of only serving females and only allowing female peer rape counselors had been tested and held up in court. The Supreme Court of British Columbia and the British Columbia Court of Appeal both ruled that the facility was allowed to maintain a female-only space.

But despite the legal precedent, the City of Vancouver agreed with Oger and pulled the funding it had previously provided the shelter for its educational outreach programs despite the fact that the outreach programs were accessible to all, even transgender people.

While in the throes of defending its funding, Vancouver Rape Relief was targeted by a sickening harassment campaign from trans activists. Dead rats were nailed to the door and messages like “KILL TERFS” and “trans women are women” were written on the windows of its charity storefront.

Oger dismissed the abuse the rape shelter was receiving in a blasé statement he gave to press at the time.

“Sometimes, unfortunately, when Vancouver Rape Relief’s policies hit mainstream media and when their discriminatory conduct hits the light of day some people overreact,” he said of the vandalism and threats.

But just prior to the incident with the shelter, Oger had already attracted the ire of Canadian women’s rights advocates for his initial support of vexatious litigant Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv.

Yaniv, a trans-identified male, made international headlines after filing a series of complaints with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal against female aestheticians who refused to perform waxing services on his male genitals. During a lengthy proceeding, it was alleged that Yaniv had deliberately targeted salon workers who were Sikh or Muslim in an effort to force women with religious restrictions on male-female contact to serve him.

On X (then known as Twitter) Oger referred to the women’s refusal to touch genitals on demand as “prohibited discrimination” and said that there was “no entitlement in Canada to refuse the performing of a service” on the basis of gender identity.

“Estheticians should take this up with their training providers. It wasn’t that long ago some service providers ‘weren’t trained’ to work on Black women or serve foreigners, either,” he said. “The law’s changed. Move on, get the training you need.”

When asked directly about his personal involvement with Yaniv, Oger was non-committal in his comments but admitted that he had spoken to Yaniv on the phone and that he had previously encouraged “trans women” to “complain to their human rights tribunal about prohibited discrimination.”

Eventually, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal ruled that estheticians were, in fact, able to refuse services that they were not trained to perform, such as waxing a scrotum.

This is not the first time Oger has received a Meritorious Service Medal. In 2018, he was given the award by then-Governor General Julie Payette for, according to City News, “her [sic] work advocating for LGBTQ rights.”

Speaking to Reduxx, journalist Meghan Murphy condemned the Governor General for providing Oger one of the most respected civilian awards in the country.

“Morgane Oger’s legacy is fighting against women’s rights, safety, and free speech,” she said. “Anyone who focuses so much effort on defunding one of the few rape crisis lines and transition houses in Canada is not someone who deserves to be celebrated.”

Murphy continued by noting that Oger had made her feel “unsafe” in her own home, prompting her to file a police report on him in 2020.

“This is a man who has gone out of his way to ensure that women don’t have safe places to go when escaping male violence. That the Canadian government has supported and celebrated him in these efforts is horrendous and shameful.”

Dreaming of a White Christmas?

By Viv Forbes

Despite what the climate-scare-media tell us, the big danger facing life on Earth is not global warming, but a return of the deathly Pleistocene ice sheets which once covered the great grain belts of Eurasia and North America. Such global cooling would also trigger plant starvation as more carbon dioxide is dissolved from the atmosphere into the cooling oceans.

We have abundant evidence that alarmist computer modelers have no ability to forecast climate. Meteorologists are gaining the ability to forecast weather up to a week ahead and the trends in ocean temperatures can help forecast whether we have El Niño or La Niña conditions for the next year. But for weather or climate forecasts beyond one year we must look to other scientific disciplines—geology, archaeology, physics, and astronomy.

Geological evidence comes from ice cores, deep drilling, stratigraphic mappings, and clues exposed in mines and quarries. These records show clearly that with no help from human activities, Earth has suffered recurring periods of volcanism, tidal waves, floods, droughts, asteroid strikes, planetary disruptions, magnetic reversals, ice ages, and the extinction of many species. Archaeology and studies of tree rings have also revealed more recent evidence of disruptive natural climate changes.

The global warmth we enjoy today can only come from two sources: the sun or the Earth’s molten core. The major and most reliable source of global warming is that big nuclear power plant in the sky. Our sun directs a continual stream of radiant energy towards Earth. This solar energy melts ice and evaporates water from oceans, seas, and lakes. This feeds rain and snow, provides energy for plant life, and generates the atmospheric convection that powers trade winds, storms, tornadoes, and cyclones.

Energy also reaches the surface and the oceans from Earth’s molten core via surface and subsurface volcanic activity. Many volcanoes on land are now generally quiet, but geological evidence shows that there are periods of massive and destructive volcanic activity, often coincident with species extinction and the onset of new episodes of life.

Our scary computerized forecasts of dangerous global warming are based solely on an absolutely trivial factor—the extent to which human production of carbon dioxide and methane may affect global weather by slowing down the transmission of solar energy through the atmosphere. They also ignore the fact that CO2 feeds all plant life, which feeds all animal life, and dismiss the fact that current levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are dangerously low.

Almost every day now, the alarmist media tries to concoct a disaster story from the changing weather. Weather is always changing—the only time Earth has had a “stable” climate is during the long deathly ice ages.

A diligent lone mathematician/astronomer, Milutin Milankovitch (without giant computers or world conferences) calculated the likely cycles of global temperatures by calculating the varying solar energy received by the major northern hemisphere land masses. His calculations have proved better than anything the IPCC can produce. The Milankovitch cycles are telling us that the next climate cycle will be a cold one, with support from three pieces of evidence:

Glaciers are returning. When geologists investigated the age of most current glaciers they found they were surprisingly young, and rather than declining, many are growing. Glaciers known to be advancing include the Vernagtferner glacier in the Alps; the Perito Moreno Glacier, the Viedma Glacier, the Piedras Blancas Glacier, and the Gorra Blanca Glacier in Patagonia; the Tsaa Glacier and the Hubbard Glacier in Alaska; and the Jakobshavn, Hofsjökull, Langjökull, Mýrdalsjökull, and Vatnajökull glaciers in the north Atlantic.

It was reported in 2017 that at least 58 glaciers in New Zealand advanced between 1983 and 2008 with the Franz Josef Glacier advancing nearly continuously during this time and actually regaining almost half of the total length it had lost in the twentieth century. The Fox Glacier in New Zealand is growing, as is the Nisqually Glacier in North America. It’s the same story for a significant proportion of Himalayan glaciers, contrary to the IPCC claiming in a 2007 report that Himalayan glaciers were all retreating and could vanish by 2035.

The Greenland Ice Core Project has been used to reconstruct climate for the last 10,000 years; this shows the temperature there has fallen over the last 6,000 years. It also showed that global temperature drives atmospheric CO2 levels, not the other way around.

Thirdly, the Medieval Warm Period, an era over which historians and climatologists agree, asserting that most areas of the world were warmer than they are now—food production and population grew, and art and culture flourished. This benign productive era was followed by the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1300 AD until almost to the beginning of the 20th Century. The period between 1550 AD and 1700 AD was a frigid time, and famine and disease stalked the world. Arctic sea ice expanded, rivers and lakes froze, the tree line fell, cold gales wracked Europe (one destroyed the Spanish Armada), crops failed, and the population fell in northern areas like Norway and Scotland. The population of Greenland perished, and the capitals of both Scotland and Norway moved south.

Today’s modern warm era started about 2000 AD, but it will probably prove to be just another short warm reprieve. As the warmth fades and the ice returns, the threatened generations will likely gaze in wonder at the snow-covered solar panels and blizzard-damaged wind turbines and power lines that this generation littered across the landscape at such great cost. Future wars could be fought for access to oil, coal, gas, and nuclear energy; herds of cattle, sheep, goats, and reindeer will be especially valued and protected. Australians may also discover why the Snowy Mountains earned the moniker.

Image provided by author’s organization.

Only two conditions are needed for a sudden return of the ice: increased volcanic heat under the oceans, and cold cloudy skies. Evaporation from heated oceans would provide the moisture and the cold skies will cause the precipitation of snow and ice on land. Ice ages can start frighteningly fast and appear to be triggered by magnetic pole reversals, which trigger massive volcanism, especially in the oceans along the mid-ocean trenches. This under-sea heating drives evaporation from the oceans, increasing cloud cover, and reducing surface temperatures.

Once the winter snow remains through the heat of the next summer, the ice age tipping point is reached. The extra snow will reflect more solar energy—ice sheets grow and sea levels fall. Coral reefs would be left stranded, and island nations would expand as sea water is locked up in ice sheets.

Carbon dioxide plays almost no part in this drama except with plant life. When the seas warm up, the dissolved CO2 is driven into the atmosphere and plant life flourishes. But when the oceans cool down, carbon dioxide is re-dissolved and plants suffer. (Only fools like Queensland mining company Glencore would try to win green points by promising to bury the gas of life by forcing it into underground aquifers.)

So let us be relieved from the daily dirge about imagined global warming disasters and plan appropriately to ensure reliable energy and food supplies as the next ice age approaches.