Italy: Church nativity scene featuring two mothers of Jesus sparks accusation of blasphemy

More than 21,000 people have signed a petition calling on a bishop to intervene in the row after the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, in the Avellino hamlet of Capocastello di Mercogliano, features what appears to be two mothers, rather than just Mary and Joseph.

Father Vitaliano Della Sala, the pastor of the church, says that:

“In our parishes we see more and more children from the new types of families that exist and are part of our society, children of separated and divorced people, gay couples, single people, young mothers.”

Father Della Sala, who is known in Italy for expressing sympathy for LGBT and left-wing causes, has insisted his attitude is similar to that of Pope Francis, who in a landmark ruling this week, allowed priests to bless same-sex couples.

However, Senator Maurizio Gasparri, from the co-ruling Forza Italia party, said the LGBT creche “offends all those who always had respect and devotion for the Holy Family”.

And the Pro-Vita & Famiglia (Pro-Life and Family) group called it “dangerous, as well as shameful and blasphemous”.

Asylum Seekers GOING HOME for Christmas?!

LBC Luton airport Border Force Chief Phil Douglas revealed during an interview with LBC at Luton Airport that asylum seekers are trying to GO HOME FOR CHRISTMAS. That’s right, the people being taken in by Britain because they’re fleeing war or persecution are trying to go back to the countries that they ‘fled’ for a holiday! “If you’re genuinely fleeing bombs and bullets, why on earth would you fancy a festive jaunt back to a danger zone? This is the kind of ludicrousness that’s turning our once-proud nation into a laughing stock!” says Darren Grimes on GB News’s Saturday Five. Darren Grimes is the founder of Reasoned and a commentator at GBNews.

Rebels for Christ

By J.B. Shurk

An unjust law is no law at all, and the more that injustice becomes the law of the land, the more likely that chaos comes, too.  Why?  Because injustice begets more injustice.  Most humans have an antenna that can distinguish right from wrong, but most humans also ignore this antenna to their detriment.  It is far easier to accept the world as it is — even when it is drenched in depravity — than to rebel against majority opinion.  It is far safer to stay silent in the sight of outrageous sin than to stand alone and say, “This is wrong.”  As everyday wrongs pile up high, though, human antennae — even ones that have gone unused for too long — begin to twitch uncontrollably.  Why are so many people today afflicted by sadness?  Because sins are a heavy burden to carry.  The mountains of evil rising in our world torment every soul.  And only by actively fighting the resulting chaos can we hope to one day find salvation.

That idea — that the struggle against evil is worth any cost — is easier said than done.  How can the actions of any one person make any meaningful difference?  As Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, it seems more logical to ask: how can any person dedicated to making a difference ultimately not succeed?  Christ came to Earth to seed a message of hope and redemption and died for our sins.  His disciples spread that message across the world, suffering torture and death, so that we might live.  Christians have been persecuted, imprisoned, and slaughtered ever since, so that we might be saved.  Next to their sacrifices, our hardships pale.

I admit that there is a rebellious streak in me.  I am fond of rule-breakers who stand unafraid against evil.  Rebellion for rebellion’s sake can be just as detrimental as injustice.  Yet rebellion against injustice so that one may remain obedient to God is surely righteous.  And when you say it out loud in that way — will you choose man’s laws or God’s? — the answer is obvious.  So, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for God’s devout and indefatigable troublemakers.

As evidence that any one of us can make a difference in the fight against evil, I want to recognize the efforts of Bible smugglers around the world.  Did you know that men and women routinely risk imprisonment and execution by secretly delivering God’s Word to populations forbidden from receiving Christ’s message?  Just as the apostles did two thousand years ago, followers of Christ still risk life and limb to spread His message today.  In fact, the last century has been a busy one for God’s smugglers.  They have navigated the Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain, the Chinese Communist Party, and Islamic supremacists intent on Christianity’s eradication.  Yet God’s smugglers have persevered.

For decades, two Finnish men named Antti and Esko smuggled Bibles into the Soviet Union and throughout the Eastern Bloc.  They moved through Finnish forests in the dead of night, hid Bibles in secret compartments within their vehicles’ gas tanks, and eventually began manufacturing prefabricated housing components that allowed them to move tens of thousands of Bibles through Leningrad, Moscow, Tula, Oryol, Kiev, Kishinev, Romania, and Bulgaria.  They survived many security checks and many “impossible situations,” and several of their collaborators were imprisoned.  Through all those years of danger, though, Antti and Esko found strength through Scripture: The Lord will protect your going and your coming, now and forevermore.

In an ongoing operation today, there are Christians printing and smuggling Bibles into Middle Eastern countries that torture followers of Jesus Christ.  “[T]hey tried to kill me five times,” one smuggler recounted, who shared the story of a Believer so thankful for their covert operations that the man embraced his new Bible as the “most important book on Earth.”  A supporter of these perilous missions takes inspiration from the Book of Joshua: Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Perhaps the most well-known Bible smuggler was Andrew van der Bijl (known by most as Brother Andrew, he died just last year), a fearless Christian from the Netherlands who risked his life on innumerable occasions to bring light into the darkness of totalitarian regimes.  As he operated a kind of Christian spy ring with clandestine missions to deliver God’s Word, he developed a prayer: “Lord, in my luggage I have Scripture I want to take to your children.  When you were on earth, You made blind eyes see.  Now, I pray, make seeing eyes blind.  Do not let the guards see those things You do not want them to see.”

That prayer saw him through nerve-racking encounters with Cold War border guards, Chinese communists, and Islamic security services.  In an operation codenamed Project Pearl, he helped coordinate the delivery of a million Bibles for a Chinese Christian woman known as Mama Kwang and her small team of rebels to unload from a barge off the Southern coast in a single night.  That “night of miracles” forty years ago has been credited with the explosion of Christian fellowship in China today.  

As Brother Andrew was fond of noting, “The Bible is full of ordinary people who went to impossible places and did wondrous things simply because they decided to follow Jesus.”  Inspiring others with his courage, he “was always on the hunt for new rebels and radicals willing to go to the darkest places on earth, at the risk of death, to change the world.”

You do not have to become an international spy in order to be one of Brother Andrew’s “rebels and radicals” for Christ.  God blessed us each with special talents, and with these talents, we each have special obligations.  It is up to each one of us to do what we can when we can with steadfast determination.  Rebelling against the evils of this world requires no additional invitation.

Among his many sermons on the importance of sacrifice and hard work, English greengrocer and lay preacher Alfred Roberts attested: “There is no promise of ease for the faithful servant of the Cross, and there is no bypass round Calvary.  You will have to be a man of humble heart and paradoxically also a man of authority.  God wants no faint hearts for his ambassadors.  He wants man, who having communed with heaven, can never be intimidated by the world.” 

That’s invaluable advice.  No matter how small we may feel, when we act with God in our hearts, we have nothing to fear.  We become the rock around which those with no resolve must move.  Roberts knew that humanity’s salvation depends on humanity’s character and, therefore, he spent a great deal of time forging in others indestructible souls filled with virtue, tenacity, and perseverance.  By many measures, he was successful, but he is remembered most for the moral strength of his daughter — known all over the world simply as the Iron Lady.

You never know when your seemingly mundane words or actions might light a flame of courage in someone else.  You do not know how your good example might affect another’s future.  So speak bravely and live your life as if curious eyes are constantly watching.  Be a person of both gentleness and authority.  Be one of God’s valiant ambassadors.  Be fearless, while others quiver.  Be rebellious against injustice and defiant against evil.  And remember this: no matter what tyrant rises or what iniquity spreads, God’s faithful children have nothing to dread.

Merry Christmas, friends..

Image via Pexels.

Left-wing deputy mayor hospitalized after attack by ‘North African’ men just meters from her home

A deputy mayor in France who labeled the government’s proposed immigration bill “shameful” and “disgusting” was hospitalized on Wednesday evening after being brutally attacked by a gang of North African men just meters from her own front door.

Oriane Filhol, the deputy mayor to Mathieu Hanotin of the Socialist Party (PS) in Saint-Denis, was returning home from a work meeting when she was assaulted by several men on the driveway to her home at around 9.30 p.m.

The elected official, who is in charge of solidarity, women’s rights, and fighting against discrimination in her constituency, was “hit violently in the face and body with punches,” indicated a police source to Le Parisien newspaper.

The left-wing politician managed to escape the attack and ran on foot to a friend’s house located a few streets away but was reportedly chased by the attackers who dealt further blows before fleeing in a getaway vehicle.

A police source, cited by Le Figaro newspaper, reported the men as being of “North African” appearance who had “their faces hidden behind a surgical mask and hooded”.

The victim was taken to Saint-Denis Hospital for treatment but is understood to have since been discharged and filed a police complaint.

An investigation is being led by the Bobigny public prosecutor’s office which confirmed that it is considering charges for “violence resulting in a total incapacity for work of more than eight days by a person hiding their face, on a person entrusted with a public service mission”.

At the time of writing, no arrests in connection with the incident had been made.

“The exact reasons seem to be closely linked to her commitment as an elected official,” read a press release by Saint-Denis town hall on Thursday.

“The commitment of the elected representatives of Saint-Denis to carry out their mandate is total. Nothing will turn back their determination. The perpetrators of this cowardly attack must be apprehended as quickly as possible and punished by the courts,” it added.

Several politicians from across the political spectrum expressed their solidarity with Filhol following the attack, including her superior, Mathieu Hanotin, who arranged a rally in the town square on Friday at 6.30 p.m. for those wishing “to stand together in the face of this unspeakable violence”.

In her latest social media post, Filhol criticized the French government’s immigration bill which was passed with the support of right-wing parties earlier this week and imposes some restrictions on migrant rights including their entitlement to social welfare.

“While, from our local authorities, we do everything in our power to support families and promote their already difficult access to rights, now the Government and its allies are rolling back these rights with the immigration bill. The shame, the disgust,” she wrote.

Let’s stand up for Christmas

Wikimedia Commons , Austin McGee, CC-BY-SA-2.0

With Europe’s Christian identity in the crosshairs, Christmas is under fire, both literally and metaphorically. On the one hand, extremists threaten to target festive gatherings and celebrations. On the other hand, the woke agenda is attempting to cancel Christmas as a non-inclusive holiday.

This year especially, security concerns are of unprecedented gravity. “With the upcoming holiday season, there is a huge risk of terrorist attacks in the European Union,” said Ylva Johansson in early December. The EU Home Affairs Commissioner has already been proven right – as has Thomas Haldenwang, the president of Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution who said that “a new dimension (of threat) is now emerging”. 

A few weeks ago, two teenagers were arrested, who allegedly planned to set off an explosion at a Christmas market in Leverkusen, before fleeing the country to join the “Islamic State”.

A 20-year-old Iraqi who arrived in Germany last year has also been brought in to custody on suspicion of planning a knife attack on a Hannover Christmas market. 

Last week, in an orchestrated operation Danish, Dutch, and German authorities arrested several individuals on suspicion of plotting terrorist attacks on European soil this Christmas. Some of the eight men are reported to be long-standing members of Hamas. 

Last Friday in Athens, police apprehended two Pakistani nationals who wielded knives and harassed passersby while shouting “Allahu Akbar” near the busy central market of Nea Ionia, a northern suburb of the Greek capital. 

Security concerns have also been the reason behind cancellations of Christmas events around Europe. Three outdoor carol services in East London were cancelled due to security concerns. In Manchester the Christmas lights switch-on show did not go ahead, as the city council blamed the absence of “a suitable safe location”. In Spain, singing and drinking have been banned on the streets of Malaga, for reasons of safety. 

However, Christmas is not only threatened by militant extremists. It is the woke agenda too, together with political correctness, that aim at cancelling the very nature of Christendom’s biggest celebration. 

It was two years ago, when the European Commission received heavy criticism for an internal guidelines document which advised that Christmas be substituted with “holiday period”. And though the document was retracted, the general spirit remains. 

Groups and NGOs for inclusiveness, like Watch this Space, are warning that festivities could be exclusionary to those who do not celebrate Christmas, and are calling for workplaces to forgo their usual office Christmas celebrations in order to  cater to all employees’ tastes and beliefs. 

More and more Christmas cards and corporate or political wishes tend not to say “Merry Christmas” anymore.

Traditional Christmas symbols are becoming increasingly controversial. A Kindergarten in Germany refused to set up a Christmas tree this year, “because of religious freedom”. Christmas markets in central Europe are now often called “winter markets”. In Rotterdam, where the mayor is Muslim, the main attraction is now branded as “Winter-Fair”, making no reference at all to Christmas.

In parts of Belgium, Santa Claus, or Sinterklaas, is being “diversified” into a black female character called Queen Nikkolah. What is more, Santa’s little helpers, who are called “Zwarte Pieten”, or “Black Petes”, are causing outrage because their costumes involve blackface. Pictures of them have been forbidden on Facebook and Instagram since 2020. 

All this is truly sad. Yet this is not a season for sadness, bitterness, or animosity. For Christians of all denominations in Europe and beyond, Christmas marks the birth of all hope and blessing. So let us rejoice, celebrate with our loved ones and summon the strength to keep up the good fight.

There is a great meme that has gone viral recently. “This is the year 2023”, the woke guy says. “Christmas is not a thing anymore.” “Oh really?”, replies the based guy. “Year 2023 since what?” Enough said. In the words of Tiny Tim, “A Merry Christmas to us all. God bless us, everyone!”

Major counter-terror operation across Europe after intelligence revealed plan for mass attacks on Christian landmarks

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A major counter-terror operation took place in the German city of Cologne on Saturday after security services in Austria, Germany, and Spain received intelligence of an Islamist terrorist cell’s plans to carry out several attacks across Europe over the Christmas period.

Sniffer dogs trained to detect explosives were deployed at Cologne Cathedral after a specific threat was received regarding the Gothic landmark as authorities sought to ensure that no devices had already been planted at the location.

“Due to a warning of danger for Cologne Cathedral, the Cologne police will take special protective measures from this evening,” a spokesperson for the city’s police said, as cited by the German tabloid Bild.

“The police will not comment on details of the available findings due to ongoing investigations by the police state security service,” they added.

Ahead of Christmas church services, all visitors to the cathedral will be screened upon entry, and security guards will be deployed throughout the holiday period, Cologne’s police chief Michael Esser announced.

“We will take everything into account this evening to ensure the safety of cathedral visitors on Christmas Eve. In coordination with the security officer of the cathedral chapter, the cathedral is searched with sniffer dogs after the evening mass and then locked. Tomorrow all visitors will be screened before entering the church,” he said.

Further counter-terror operations have taken place in Madrid and Vienna following additional terror threats, and Austrian authorities revealed the primary focus for attacks is on churches and religious events including Christmas markets.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna was specifically mentioned as a target and Austrian authorities are imposing access controls and deploying armed guards.

“Since terrorist actors across Europe are calling for attacks on Christian events — especially around Dec. 24 — the security authorities have increased the corresponding protective measures in public spaces in Vienna and the federal states,” Austrian federal police wrote in a press release issued on Saturday evening.

“In particular, endangered places or objects are increasingly monitored and guarded. The adaptation of the protective measures is carried out in close coordination with organizers and operators of corresponding facilities. These precautionary measures serve to maintain the general safety of people in Austria,” it added.

According to Austrian newspaper Der Standard, police forces in Austria made arrests late on Saturday evening with Bild reporting that those detained were Tajiks affiliated with the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISPK), a splinter group of ISIS.

Several suspected Islamist terrorists have been arrested after their plans to attack the Cologne Cathedral were uncovered

The Magic of Christmas is Real

During Advent, when the Church prepares herself for Christmas, her members enter a time of mortification and penance as they long for the coming of the child Jesus. Frequent invitations to drink mulled wine and eat mince pies with brandy butter in the weeks preceding Christmas Day can make this difficult. One way to observe Advent, however, is to eat less meat. Fortunately, during that very time of the year, easily hunted mushrooms—beings that belong to a kingdom between the animal and plant kingdoms—appear across much of the countryside. Recently, I strolled into a well-manured grassland to discover hundreds of field blewits. There they were, great jellyish saucers standing on purple stems in terrific fairy rings across the green pasture.

The fairies have obviously been gathering at night for their hibernal celebrations. They dance and laugh, play tricks on one another, and fall about amid the ribaldry that is the inevitable effect of those pixie draughts from fermented hawthorn berries. The evidence of this was all around me. Those mushrooms marked the sacred circles of the sprites with whom we share our landscape, whose rights and entitlements we disregard.

Due to the fog of late modernity that incrementally distorted our vision, we grew blind to the iconographic character of the world around us, and so the fairies disappeared. Slowly, we ceased to see that things are not only substances but symbols. Moderns would never call a fungal formation of spore scattering fruits from a complex underground mycelial web a ‘fairy ring.’ Just as moderns, when carving a pathway for horseless carriages through the rustic countryside that our ancestors gifted us, do not call it ‘Hollybush Road’ or ‘Brown Cow Lane’ or ‘The Great Eastern Way’ or some other such name, but they call it the ‘M650’ or the ‘A14.’ Everything in late modernity is instrumental rather than meaningful, formulaic rather than poetic, and consequently grey rather than colourful. We reduced all insight, inspiration, understanding, comprehension, contemplation, appreciation, observation, discernment, and awareness to the one quantitative category of ‘information,’ and thereby emptied our minds of all that really matters—and the world we’ve made around us reflects this.

Many Christian philosophers and theologians have attempted to rectify this situation by arguing in defence of telos. They say that if you can see that substances, at least living ones, develop and act for an end—that is, they have a telos—then from this principle you can retrieve meaning and purpose. Certain Humean and analytic philosophers with truncated imaginations—and hence truncated minds—have called such teleological arguments “magical thinking.” But in fact, such arguments are not magical at all, and that is precisely their problem. In my view, attempting to retrieve meaning and purpose in late modernity by appealing to teleology is not problematic because it is magical, but because it is not magical enough.

I can state the end for which mushrooms exist, namely to spread spores for the perpetuation of the mycelium of which they are upward hanging fruits—but no part of that account requires the existence of fairies. When our ancestors saw mushrooms in a circle in a field, they didn’t just see what those mushrooms were for, but they saw symbols. The reason for this, I suggest, is because they understood that knowing the end for which mushrooms appear is insufficient to know why God wanted a universe in which mushrooms exist at all. For that, you need a symbolic, or iconographic account of the cosmos, by which you can see creation as divine language—that is, as an expression of the Eternal Word.

For pre-moderns, the cosmos wasn’t merely composed of substances that acted for some end, but those substances in different ways were words of God, as He conveyed His inner life. Deciphering the iconography of creation was essential in the pre-modern view to understanding the world as participating in, and emanating from, the Divine Mind.

To give one example, it is not obvious what the telos of a rainbow is. (Try to forget for a moment the unfortunate connotations of rainbows in our own age.) A rainbow, of course, isn’t a substance at all. It is an effect of refracted light entering the eye, which is itself an effect of multiple conditions of various substances coming together. One can indicate what a philosopher might call the ‘efficient causes’ at play for the rainbow to come about as an effect. But the man of pre-modern intellectual habits wants to ask: what did God want to convey by creating a world in which rainbows were possible at all?

The Biblical answer is to the above question is: His own benignity. It is fortunate that a Biblical answer is available, but otherwise such answers are open neither to the scientist nor to the philosopher. But to the seeker of mystical gnosis, the seeker of the inner meaning of the world as a divine language and a realm of iconographic meaning, such answers are the most important answers. For such a seeker, if he can understand that ‘language’—that still small voice heard by Elijah on Mount Horeb—then he can learn to speak it in the silent idiom of his heart in harmony with He whose language it is.

At Christmas, children the world over receive gifts from a flying saint dressed in a bright red outfit, who is pulled across the earth a hundred feet above its surface by a small herd of reindeer. This yuletide god of the north was likely first seen by the ancestors of the Sami. The peoples of Lapland used to feed red mushrooms with white spots—that is, the fly agaric mushroom—to their reindeer and then drink the urine. All the psychoactive properties of those toadstools were still in the urine without any of the dangerous toxicity, which had been neutralised by the reindeers’ kidneys. After those rounds of cervine piss, the Laplanders saw reindeer flying around them, dragging a man dressed as a fly agaric mushroom. And these visions disclosed to them something of the world’s inner meaning. They peered into a realm where divinised spirits constantly interact with the natural world, transforming it, guiding the lives of lesser beings, and causing creation to glorify its Creator in a chorus of incalculable voices.

That same world, however, is also racked and frustrated by sin, darkness, and suffering, and this truth presents to the theocentric mind the most menacing challenge to its vision. And yet it is to this point that the Christmas story is the greatest possible answer. The whole universe, down to the tiniest particle, is afflicted by sin. Sin is creation’s failure to glorify the Creator—its failure to speak the divine language—a failure, according to the Christian account, that we wove into the cosmos with the fabric of our pride.

In the Christmas story, God, beholding His creation’s endarkening, commissioned one of the innumerable angelic spirits that are operating everywhere and at all times. And God sent that living force to a part of His creation that He, in a fit of heavenly insanity, had plucked up from the mire of the earth. At the very moment of its inception, He had elevated that speck of the universe above all hate and envy and guile, and thus above all death. That is, God chose an imperceptible fragment of His creation, which was also creation’s perfection, and, from all eternity, He called it by the name of Mary—thereafter, all generations would call her blessed. From that maiden, hidden in obscurity, the inner language of the Godhead, the Eternal Word itself, from which all existence derives its intelligibility, drew the whole cosmos back into itself in a moment of embodiment both celestial and terrestrial.

The whole cosmos was concentrated and completed in one young lady, and from her the Eternal Word—Itself pouring forth from the amorous communion of the Godhead—drew created nature. By so doing, the Incarnation burst into creation like a lightning bolt flashing across a midnight landscape. No artist has captured this better than Tintoretto with his Annunciation (1587), in which, as the Archangel Gabriel appears before Mary, all the darkness, decay, and devastation of a world haunted by disobedience and self-destruction is flooded with divine love.

Nine months later, magicians, conjurers of the hidden language, who could read the symbolic universe, deciphered the grammar of the stars. And they meditated upon visitations experienced when wandering in the dreamworld. Those enigmatic men walked in piety across the dunes, obedient to the language of creation and the spirits that animate and recreate it at every moment. And at the end of their pilgrimage, they met the Centre of History as it lay there in a trough, whimpering and shivering amid stinking livestock, under the protection of the cosmic Magna Mater. Those royal magicians of the Eastern mysteries knew what they beheld because they understood the symbolism of the universe, that cosmic icon that conveyed to them the Mystery that now struggled incarnate within their gaze. And they responded with symbols, which they lay before their vulnerable and helpless Creator.

Late modernity is a kind of hex on the human mind, and it has produced a people who can no longer read—let alone speak—the divine communication. When modernity split the world into the res cogitans and the res extensa—the inner world of meaning and the external world of atoms—in one sweep it silenced the divine language, or rather it blocked up our senses. For us, the world stopped speaking and became lifeless stuff.

First, the sacred places lost their sanctity, for the only sacrality was deemed that of the inner man. The grottos, the holy wells, and the sanctuaries became neglected. A concrete warehouse was judged as good a church as a gothic masterpiece, for ultimately they were both just heaps of atoms. What mattered, it was thought, was holy feelings, not holy places. The whole world was eventually emptied of its holiness, and one day we looked up and surveyed the panorama and all we could see was stuff. And all that stuff was grey. “Never mind,” we thought, and we turned inward to take refuge in the holiness of the inner man, but to our horror and ongoing despair, we discovered that nothing was actually there.

In one of the hagiographies of St. Neot—a woodland saint of old England—we read that near to where the saint lived in the deep woods, there was “an angel, who loved to hover in hallowed places, and to breathe an atmosphere which was sanctified by the devotions of God’s saints.” This was the world that our ancestors inhabited. They saw beyond that which is only disclosed to the body’s eyes. The land was covered in glades and groves consecrated by the rituals of holy men and women, and powerful spirits delighted in dwelling in those places so pleasing to God. Those sacred hollows are now under motorways and carparks, and everything has become stuff. Now, we think that fairy parties at mushroom rings and flying reindeer carrying saints are things out of which eventually we must grow, when in fact they belong to the realm inhabited only by those who are mature enough to understand the world for what it is: one great cathedral in which a billion cosmic liturgies are celebrated. There in the nave of creation, the ultimate imperative is to join our voices to the anthems of praise. That world is still there, we have only to let the scales fall from our eyes. There is a black spell on the human mind—that much is clear—but fear not: it can be broken by the magic of Christmas.

Of the 145 arrests made during Berlin’s migrant-fueled mayhem on New Year’s Eve, not one suspect has been sent to prison

New Year celebrations across Berlin last year descended into chaos as emergency service vehicles were torched, shots were fired at police, and hooded men hurled fireworks at firefighters attempting to extinguish infernos in apartment buildings and trash cans on the streets.

In total, police reported 3,943 incidents across the German capital on Dec. 31 resulting in injuries to 15 firefighters and 47 police officers.

A total of 145 arrests were made, of which just 45 suspects held German citizenship — some of whom could be migrants with dual nationality, a tactic often used in the reporting of crime stats across Germany to play down the disproportionate nature of migrant crime.

According to data compiled by the German tabloid Bild, not one suspect arrested on that night has been handed a prison sentence.

Statistics obtained from the public prosecutor’s office showed that 151 cases were filed in connection with the disorder on New Year’s Eve — 89 cases had a known suspect while the remainder pertained to an unknown perpetrator.

The charges brought were related primarily to criminal damage, arson, bodily harm, weapon and explosives violations, and physical attacks against officials.

According to Bild, a total of 91 cases have been marked with “final termination” meaning the proceedings were discontinued as either no suspect could be identified or they absconded.

There are 15 cases where court proceedings are still ongoing and 13 instances still with an open investigation.

Meanwhile, final judgments have been made in 26 cases, none of which resulted in an immediate custodial sentence.

Those whose court proceedings reached a conclusion were either acquitted or received orders for suspended prison sentences, youth sentences with probation, and were handed a fine, a final warning, or issued with an educational order.

At the time of the arrests, Germany’s Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser assured the German public that those who had attacked emergency responders would be “punished to the full extent of the law”.

Despite Faeser refusing to link the events to mass migration, several politicians highlighted the correlation between the two.

Interior Senator Andy Grote of the governing SPD accepted that “the issue of migration background plays a role here” and called for severe punitive measures against those who targeted emergency responders.

“That’s about the meanest thing you can ever imagine, attacking those who want to help others,” he added.

Jens Spahn, the deputy leader of the CDU parliamentary group, was more forthright, claiming that “unregulated migration, failed integration, and a lack of respect for the state” were to blame for the “unspeakable” acts of violence.

India: ‘Homosexual’ quack, who used to treat men for impotence, murders his victims, cooks their body organs with masala

Dalby’s Carminative, Daffy’s Elixir and Turlington’s Balsam of Life bottles dating to the late 18th and early 19th centuries. These “typical” patent or quack medicines were marketed in very different, and highly distinctive, bottles. Each brand retained the same basic appearance for more than 100 years. Wikimedia Commons,  Deepestbluesea, PD-user

The Tamil Nadu police have apprehended a 47-year-old self-styled Siddha (traditional medicine) practitioner named T Kesavamoorthi in connection to the murder of two young men.

As per a report by Hindustan Times, the accused is a resident of Cholapuram in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu. Although he studied till 10th Std, he claims to have learnt the practice of Siddha from a man in Chennai. Kesavamoorthi is popular in Cholapuram for his treatment of ‘impotency.’

Many young men used to visit him for treatment and eventually became his targets. One such case happened to be that of 27-year-old Ashok Rajan, who was a native of Cholapuram but worked as a driver in Chennai.

Police investigation leads them to homosexual ‘quack’

He went missing on 13th November 2023. Rajan’s grandmother M Padmini filed a missing complaint with the Cholapuram police on 15th November. She informed the cops that although Rajan left home for Chennai, he did not resume his job and that his phone was switched off.

During the investigation, the police found that the victim went to the house of T Kesavamoorthi after leaving his home. They interrogated the self-styled Siddhi practitioner who confessed to murdering Rajan.

“On sustained questioning and (after) pointing (to) inconsistencies in his statement, he confessed to murdering Rajan…“He also confessed to being a homosexual and in a sexual relationship with Rajan,” the Thanjavur district police said in a statement on 27th November 2023.

Accused killed Rajan as he was getting married

The accused admitted that he killed Rajan because he was getting married. According to the victim’s grandmother, Rajan’s engagement was fixed for February 2024 by the family.

During the investigation, the police found the body of the victim in the backyard of Kesavamoorthi’s house. “We started digging and found chopped parts of the body buried in his backyard, and in a garden where he grew herbs. All internal organs were missing. Initially, we thought it was to be a case of organ trade,” a cop told The Hindustan Times.

Kesavamoorthi also confessed to cannibalism and cooking the organs of the 27-year-old Ashok Rajan. Another police officer told the newspaper, “Initially, he did not speak and kept quiet. On sustained interrogation and after showing him all circumstantial evidence, he confessed that he cooked the organs and ate them.”

Kesvamoorthi resorted to cannibalism

The accused reportedly bought masala from the market in advance as part of his plan to kill Rajan and cook his body parts. He gave the victim a sedative tablet and then had sexual intercourse with him.

Kesavamoorthi then used machetes and a grinding machine to cut the ribs of Rajan and take out the organs. He also watched surgery videos on YouTube and learnt to make incisions. He ate the body parts and fed the rest to his dog.

The cops also found a jawbone in the backyard of Kesavamoorthi. A forensic examination revealed that it belonged to another man.

The discovery of another victim

The police began tracking missing complaints and confirmed the identity of the victim as Mohammed Anas. A resident of Cholapuram, he had been missing since 2021. His family informed that Anas frequently visited Kesavamoorthi’s house.

“When we questioned Anas’s family, they confirmed that he used to visit Kesavamoorthi’s house regularly. The accused’s phone records showed that he used speak with Anas regularly. We had strong evidence to link Kesavamoorthi with the disappearance of Anas. Confronted with evidence, he confessed,” the police said.

Ashish Rawat, DSP (Thanjavur district), told Hindustan Times, “He was in sexual relationship with both the victims. In both the cases, he killed the victims after they informed him they were getting married.” Kesavamoorthi however did not eat the organs of Mohammed Anas after killing him.

Police hunt continues

The Cholapuram police are actively investigating whether Kesavamoorthi killed more victims, who used to seek treatment from him. “A list of people who were treated by Kesavamoorthi is being prepared,” the police said in a statement.

While reacting to the development, Cholapuram village Head A Namibrajan told Hindustan Times, “When I warned some of them to not spend too much time in Kesavamoorthi’s house, the families would come out in their support. So, I stopped interfering…His estranged elder brother lives a street away from him.”