The Welsh government used 14-year-old schoolgirls to attract ‘refugee’ men from Africa and the Middle East to Wales.
The Welsh Labour government used taxpayer dollars to use underage girls to attract military-age illegal migrant men from Africa and the Middle East to Wales.
The promo video started with two minor teen girls greeting the refugees and letting them know they would be arriving at a welcoming environment.
“Fleeing your country is difficult, but Wales wants you to feel welcome,” one of the little girls said in an undated video.
Welsh Government Uses 14-Year-Old Schoolgirls to Attract ‘Refugee’ Men From Africa and Middle East to Wales (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit
European Parliament majority hopefully not including the Socialists for the first time will end the “madness” of forcing people to buy electric cars later this year, right-wing League party leader, Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini said Wednesday. Brussels is asking EU members to phase out climate crisis fuelling cars over the next few years but Salvini and right-wing allies in the EP are against the pace of the move. The League leader is hoping that June’s EP elections produce a majority of centre-right and right-wing parties for the first time, dispensing with the need to rely on the Democrat and Socialist caucus, which wants e-cars to come in sooner, to make up the numbers. “For the first time in history the European Parliament will be able to have a majority without the Left, without the socialists,” Salvini said. “And this means stopping the madness of the electric-only car and other nonsense”.
Old Bailey Criminal Court [L] and a Facebook profile photo belonging to Gustavson.
A former queer activist from Norway has pleaded guilty in a London court after carrying out castrations and livestreaming the footage as pornography to a paying audience over a span of six years. Marius Gustavson, 46, uploaded recordings of the illicit surgeries to his ‘Eunuch Maker’ website, netting up to £200,000 from subscribers.
The practice of removing the testicles or amputating the penis is linked to a male body modification fetish subculture known as “nullification,” and participants identify themselves as “nullos” or “smoothies.” While advertising his Eunuch Maker site and services online, Gustavson called himself Theo and described himself as a “happy nullo.”
Gustavson ran several social media accounts, using the handles @nullotheo, @ampunullotheo, @chubtheo, and @theo-eunuchmaker. His accounts on X were followed by men who identified as transgender, as well as those involved in chastity fetishism, eunuchdom, and nullification. On one account, he displayed a stylized “non-binary” pride flag in his header.
On December 19, Gustavson appeared at the Old Bailey Criminal Court in London via video link from HMP Belmarsh, where he is currently detained, and admitted to three additional counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
He had previously confessed to conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm, two counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and one count of possessing criminal property, referring to the financial profits gained from the scheme.
Separately, Gustavson also pleaded guilty to making and distributing two indecent videos of a child between January 2017 and January 2020.
The endeavor was part of a larger network of men who aided Gustavson and performed fetishistic amputations and other procedures for sexual gratification. Former nurses Nathaniel Arnold, 46, Jacob Crimi-Appleby, 23, and Damien Brynes, 36, assisted Gustavson with removing some of his own body parts, and have since been convicted.
Crimi-Appleby used his access to medical supplies in order to freeze Gustavson’s leg causing it to require amputation. Brynes removed his penis and Arnold facilitated the partial removal of one of Gustavson’s nipples. Arnold also admitted stealing lidocaine while working as nurse at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital between January 2016 and January 2022, and possession of extreme pornographic images.
Brynes, Arnold, and Crimi-Appleby all admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent and are set to be sentenced on January 12.
In addition to the nurses, 66-year-old surgeon Peter Wates, referred to as Gustavson’s “right-hand man,” was said to have played a role in nine out of the 29 known procedures. He also admitted to conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm.
Ion Ciucur, 29, originally from Romania and previously working in a hotel in Gretna Green, Scotland, is said to also have been involved in two incidents. Other alleged conspirators are David Carruthers, 60, Janus Atkin, 38, and Ashley Williams, 31, all of whom are from Newport, South Wales.
Gustavson was initially arrested along with six other men in February 2022. Shortly after his arrest, he told The Independent in an interview that he had undergone an amateur orchiectomy himself and carried the operation out on 58 other men. He stated that he had his own genitals surgically removed because he wanted to “look like a Ken doll with nothing down there.”
At the time of his arrest Gustavson had told the press that he executed the procedures using a Burdizzo, an instrument for removing the testicles of livestock. He admitted that he kept the amputated appendages in his freezer and preserved them in alcohol in his basement apartment.
A registration form on the Eunuch Maker website lists sadomasochistic festishes as ‘gender identities’
Neighbors in the residential area where Gustavson was performing the castrations said they had seen ambulances regularly arriving at the property — despite Gustavson, who is also an amputee, insisting he conducted surgeries in a “very professional way.”
A website owned by Gustavson,, sold graphic videos of castrations and amputations. Registered in 2016, it also offered the option of paid monthly memberships for streaming videos of penectomies. Premium subscriptions included the option of a “free castration performed by the EunuchMaker.”
A registration form on the site listed possible “gender identities” based on sadomasochistic criteria. Among them were eunuch, nullo (nullification), and cutter, a euphemism for a person who performs male genital modification surgeries.
Promotions on his primary platform direct visitors to another URL owned by Gustavson, Archived versions of the page redirect to yet another online community,, which is cited in criminal charges filed October 21, 2020, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma against two men who participated in fetishistic genital surgeries.
Bobby Lee Allen and his partner Thomas Evan Gates were charged with conspiracy to commit an unlicensed surgery, maiming, and failure to bury a dead human member, and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
Bobby Lee Allen and his partner Thomas Evan Gates lured their victim by using Gustavon’s Eunuch Maker website.
The two men, self-described ‘cannibals’, removed the testicles of a 28-year-old Virginia resident as part of an illegally conducted gender reassignment surgery. Afterwards, according to court records, Allen laughed and told the victim he intended to consume his amputated members.
Allen had claimed to have had 15 years of experience and several other patients lined up for future procedures. The victim further alleged that Allen boasted of leaving a man “open” to die after an operation.
In another grisly case involving Gustavson’s forum, an elderly Florida man was sentenced to three years in prison following a bloody botched home castration he performed and recorded on camera, apparently intending to broadcast the footage through the Eunuch Maker site. Gary Van Ryswyk, 76, performed the genital surgery in August 2019 on a male victim, then aged 53.
As previously revealed by Reduxx, Gustavson was in a leadership position at a Norwegian trans activist lobbying group prior to relocating to England to carry out his clandestine genital mutilation surgeries. From 2001 through 2007, Gustavson was Chairman of the Board for the Buskerud chapter of The Norwegian Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity, now known as FRI (foreningen for kjønns- og seksualitetsmangfold). During this time, FRI, Norway’s oldest and largest LGBT organization, went by the name ‘The National Association for Lesbian and Gay Liberation,’ or LLH.
In 2018, The Norwegian Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity (FRI) successfully lobbied the World Health Organization to officially depathologize fetishism, sadomasochism, and fetishistic transvestitism by removing them from the 11th revision of the International Classifications of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11).
This was the result of a successful lobby campaign that spanned two decades in its effort. The Norwegian LGBT organization, which frequently displays a BDSM pride flag, had been working to remove sadomasochism as a paraphilic diagnosis from the ICD since 1996.
The initiative by LLH / FRI was called “Revise F65,” in reference to the classification category designated by the WHO’s ICD guidelines. Listed under “F65” in version 10 of the manual were “disorders of sexual preference:” fetishism, transvestic fetishism, sadomasochism, voyeurism, and pedophilia.
At a 2004 LLH / FRI convention, the Revise F65 mandate was explicitly expressed in the organization’s political platform. It was during this time that Gustavson served in a leadership position for the activist group.
“In addition to national work,” the campaign’s website states, “Revise F65 also have an international mandate to motivate other countries to remove their national versions of the SM/fetish ICD diagnoses.”
A left-wing politician in Germany has seemingly condoned the mass looting of a Bavarian supermarket by Muslim migrants, claiming they are only taking back what they are entitled to and slamming the authorities for not giving them more lucrative taxpayer-funded benefits.
Ferat Koçak, a member of the Berlin House of Representatives for The Left party, commented on the complaints made by a grocery store manager whose establishment has been the victim of an increasing number of thefts as asylum seekers audaciously walk out of the store with bags of expensive produce.
One incident at the Edeka supermarket in Regensburg this month saw a man run off with products worth an estimated €140.
“In the bag were spirits: vodka and liqueurs again. They are Muslims — did they want to resell the alcohol?” asked store manager Gatzke, as cited by the Bild newspaper.
“It is striking that in around a third of the cases, the suspects identified have Tunisian citizenship,” he said, adding that other perpetrators had been caught with wholesale amounts of expensive seafood.
“What do you need 10 sea bream and so many shrimp for? Nobody steals that because they’re hungry,” Gatzke added.
The store manager has since come under fire for his remarks, with some on the left accusing him of racism, and politician Koçak appears to have sided with the criminals.
He claimed that migrants looting the Edeka supermarket, the name of which stands for the Purchasing Cooperative of Colonial Goods, are simply “getting back what they are entitled to”.
The left-wing politician slammed the authorities for not paying migrants enough in social welfare benefits and claimed that this is resulting in them needing to loot wholesale sea bream in order to survive.
“One of the central problems is that the authorities are overloaded and many refugees are not even paid what they need to live,” he wrote on X.
According to Koçak, the solution is to grant refugees with work permits immediately so that they can lead their lives independently”.
Conservative Party officials will spend the months ahead of next year’s election trying to persuade voters they will be tough on crime. Yet by the government’s own admission, its plan to scrap short sentences will keep thousands of shoplifters out of jail.
It is already so rare for thieves to be apprehended by police officers that major retailers say criminals feel they have a “licence to shoplift.” Public order has degraded to such an extent that businesses that can afford it are turning to private detectives instead.
Even those who are caught and taken to court will now be less likely to end up behind bars as ministers attempt to tackle prison overcrowding. A new bill will see sentences of below 12 months replaced with suspended sentences under which convicted criminals will carry out community work.
Prisons Minister Edward Argar said that in 2022, 5,289 shoplifters were given sentences of below 12 months. These accounted for more than one in eight offenders who will no longer face a proper sentence. The next most common offences that will soon no longer be given prison sentences were common assault and battery (3,071) and assault by beating of an emergency worker (2,233).
Officials unveiled these figures at the same time as Policing Minister Chris Philp said he wants a “new zero-tolerance approach to tackling shoplifting”:
It is a blight on our high streets and communities and puts the livelihoods of traders at risk. I am determined to drive forward change.
Labour is expectedly unconvinced, arguing that workers will continue to be at risk of shoplifters who have been handed a “get out of jail free card” with these sentencing updates. There is, however, no indication that the situation will improve under the expected government of Sir Keir Starmer.
Is the Monarchy Outdated? Should Britain abolish the Monarchy and become a Republic? Or does the Crown remain an important institution for the British nation? Debate between Historian and Royal Broadcaster Rafe Heydel-Mankoo, Senior Fellow of the New Culture Forum, and Graham Smith CEO of Republic.
After Kamala Harris was utterly roasted for posing in front of a gas stove over the Thanksgiving holiday, while being a part of a federal administration that’s actively taking ours away, the silly old broad did it again. See the image below:
And, to add to the lunacy, she also revealed that she was cooking beef Wellington—now wait just a minute, I thought this was a climate “emergency” and we all needed to switch to a more “sustainable” diet, like the cricket protein and mealworm diets pushed by Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates? Also, who can afford delicacies made from the most expensive cut of beef in this economy? A significant portion of my income is confiscated, so apparently the ruling class can dine on beef Wellington and fresh lobster, and the rapidly dying dollars I have left really don’t buy much at all.
Oh, that’s right, because this is a story of the Haves and Have-Nots, and another example of our civil “servants” living by the “rules for thee, but not for me” mantra.
The Left’s main talking point, one which has remained unchanged for decades, is that of an impending climate crisis set to destroy the planet if we don’t surrender our lives, liberty, property and wealth to big government; a huge part of that agenda is the elimination of bovines as a source of food.
How many governments have initiated farm-buying schemes and culled cows over emissions rules and “global warming” scare-mongering? From an article at Euronews Green less than a month ago:
The EU has approved a €1.5 billion scheme to buy out Dutch farmers and reduce nitrogen emissions.
Over 750 Dutch farmers have signed up for a government buy-out scheme…
It is part of the Netherlands’ drive to drastically slash nitrogen emissions, a major source of which is livestock farms.
You’d think that even just for the sake of optics, Harris could at least be a little more discreet; I mean after all, it seems evident that she’s at least trying to hide the gas stove over which she is cooking. Also, one can only assume that post-meal, the plates off of which they ate were washed in a dishwashing machine (another appliance on the chopping block for the average person), and thanks to a gas water heater. (Again, this too is set to be revamped and reregulated to forge ahead with “green” tyranny.)
Alas, if the phrase “dumber than a box of rocks” were personified, it would be the woman who can’t find much to say about school buses except that they’re yellow; can’t figure out how to properly crop a picture; and who is apparently second-in-command of our great country.
A suspected arson attack on a Catholic church has caused a stir in Vienna. It is not only an attack on our culture, but also on our peaceful coexistence, said Laura Sachslehner (ÖVP). Such an attack was “in no way tolerable”. A mobile toilet placed in front of the Maria Namen church in Ottakring was set on fire on the afternoon of St Stephen’s Day. The fire damaged the neighbouring façade. “My guess: this was a targeted attack,” emphasised priest Jesus David Jaen Villalobos to the newspaper “Kronen Zeitung”. Investigations are currently underway against unknown perpetrators on suspicion of damage to property by fire.
“Attacks on churches are not only an attack on our culture, but above all on our peaceful coexistence. Something like this cannot be tolerated under any circumstances and must have no place in our city,” emphasised Laura Sachslehner (ÖVP) via X (formerly Twitter). This is not the first worrying incident in the Ottakring district of Vienna: three suspected terrorists were arrested at the refugee centre before Christmas. As a result, increased security measures were taken by the police. The two men and the woman are said to belong to a transnational radical Islamist terrorist network that is said to have planned attacks on Cologne Cathedral and St Stephen’s Cathedral. The fire brigade of the Vienna State Office of Criminal Investigation has now been alerted to the incident in Ottakring.
Children as young as three years old have been referred to Britain’s socialised medicine’s ‘Gender Identity Development Service’ transgender clinic, with hundreds of young children referred in the past decade.
382 children aged six and under have been referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in the Tavistock and Portman Trust, known commonly as the National Health Service’s transgender clinic, in the past ten years new figures from the Trust reveal. The numbers, published by the Daily Mail, reveal how even the youngest children have been pushed into interacting with the controversial clinic, and that the numbers being referred to GIDS have soared in recent years.
The clinic, which has no official younger age limit to those it will see, has had 12 three-year-olds referred to it between 2010 and 2020, as well as 61 four-year-olds, 140 five-year-olds, and 169 six-year-olds. The number of young people being sent to GIDS year-on-year shows how quickly the concept is spreading, with 136 referrals in 2010-11 to 3,585 a decade later.
It has been previously reported that the clinic “treated” some 19,000 children of all ages in 25 years.
The Daily Mail report also cited the Tavistock Clinic’s own attempt to defend the figures, insisting that while it accepted referrals for three-year-olds, it didn’t actually perform what they euphemistically call “treatment” on the infants. Instead, it was said, “staff normally [hold] a ‘one-off discussion’ with parents or carers to provide support and advice.”
The Tavistock Trust’s gender clinic was supposed to be shut down in disgrace after news of what actually happened to children there became public knowledge thanks to whistleblowers. The service was found to be “inadequate” and that “some patients were referred on to a gender transitioning pathway too quickly” with some children put on puberty blockers after just one consultation.
The Association of Clinical Psychologists UK (ACP-UK) have said shutting down the clinic was “precipitated by a number of systemic failings” including having an “approach that was predominantly affirmative, rather than exploratory”. In reality, the closure of the clinic has been delayed by at least a year as the NHS wants to set up more trans clinics to replace it.
You have to hand it to Emmanuel Macron. Few heads of state, faced with the rejection of an emblematic bill in the National Assembly, only to see it pass in the recast version of their political adversaries at the Senate, causing resignation threats from seven of his own ministers (one eventually did step down), would be capable of selling the whole process as a political success.
That the French President, the day after the vote, managed to hold his own on the Immigration Bill in a two-hour long-television interview by zig-zagging flamboyantly between hard-Left and hard-Right talking points is evidence that he may be light on actual substance, but he can be a superlative spin doctor when his back is to the wall.
Overburdened by amendments, the law is heavy on administrative tweaks and pretend dogwhistles — to take but one instance, Jus Solis, the principle that being born on French territory, even to two non-French parents, makes you French, has not been cancelled, as heavy criticism from the Left might lead one to believe (therefore burnishing Macron’s credentials with the conservative electorate); the law now simply requires that you formally request French nationality between the ages of 16 and 18, a provision that already existed in the 1990s.
If you think this is a very technical point to wrangle about (and there are many, many more), you’re missing the point: this complex game of hunt the slipper is not a bug but a feature.
Alarmed by the successive victories of anti-immigration parties in Europe, from Denmark to Italy to the Netherlands, not to mention the third re-election of his unlikely friend, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán (the two regularly speak on the telephone), Emmanuel Macron wanted to seem active on the question, without actually changing much.
“There are two main ways of putting the brakes effectively on new immigration to France,” a Préfet who’s had to contend with regular arrivals in his département tells me.
“One is to stop Jus Solis altogether. It’s not an EU requirement, and you only have to consider the tens of thousands of heavily pregnant women who move into, for instance, Mayotte or Guyana in order to give birth to French children to realise how the law is being abused.”
“The other is to stop family reunification, which sounds benign and is an EU legal requirement, but is abused by people who never mean to integrate in French society rather than recreating their traditional family structures. This bill provides neither.”
French polls are no different from the rest of the continent’s: only last month, after a second teacher was killed by an Islamist former pupil who was under a legal expulsion order from the country (both murderers were Chechens), two thirds of the population answered a resounding Yes to the question of whether there were too many immigrants in the country.
You’d think actually strengthening measures against illegal immigration would be a no-brainer.
Yet each of the Macronistas who carried the initial text — Home Secretary Gérald Darmanin, a former Sarkozy hardline protégé; PM Elisabeth Borne, a lifelong Socialist technocrat; Renaissance party parliamentary leader Aurore Bergé, once a promising Républicain party maverick — each had a different political and personal agenda; so that the Bill was a dog’s breakfast of contradictory intentions and measures.
This should not have come as a surprise: Emmanuel Macron was first elected in 2017 on a post-politics platform in which he declared the political notion of Left and Right to be passé.
Having cherrypicked compatible personalities from both the Républicain and Socialist parties, he coined the “en même temps” (at the same time) slogan: modern politics would no longer be about overarching principles, but ad hoc answers, at the same time from the Right and from the Left.
What started out as a selfless technocrat’s reasonable compromise spirit was, predictably, soon reduced to mere opportunism, unhampered by convictions, as the new president alternately tacked port and starboard, attempting to keep every constituency happy.
Renaissance, Macron’s party, enjoyed a comfortable majority during his first term. This ended with the 2022 elections: it remains the largest group in the National Assembly, but needs to forge coalitions for every new vote, while the Senate remains functionally on the Centre-Right.
In this more unstable situation, the hitherto shell-shocked remnants of the Vieux Monde started taking heart again. Meanwhile, cracks started appearing within Renaissance itself: the Immigration Bill tore them apart. The seven ministers who toyed with resignation all came from the supposedly defunct Left. (Macron, who bears grudges, has the names of the six who have kept their portfolios for now; watching them backpedal the morning after the final vote negotiations was entertaining, as all swore they never meant it.)
Even watered-down, the Immigration Bill was eventually voted for by the 88 National Rally MPs, ensuring its success. “This is an imperfect law, but it should be voted, because it finally acknowledges our concerns with protecting French citizens: it’s an ideological victory,” said Marine Le Pen, with a smile showing she definitely intended blowing the kiss of death from Goldfinger to the Macronistas across the aisle.
72 per cent agree with its major points, including one reducing the length of foreigners’ work permits for hard-to-fill jobs (which initially was supposed to ease access to an immigrant workforce in a number of areas like catering, construction, sanitation, basic healthcare). 68 per cent say they are personally satisfied with the vote. 55 per cent consider the Bill is a victory for Marine Le Pen, against 25 per cent who think it is a win for Emmanuel Macron.
Le Président had not yet performed his televised dance of the seven veils at the time the Odoxa poll was taken. As an example of snatching victory from the jaws of disaster, it was superbly shameless: the Bill, he said, was actually “a defeat for Marine Le Pen”.
The moderation of its measures would “shield the French” from the National Rally excesses. Furthermore, he disagreed with some provisions of it, and would take them up to the Constitutional Council and the Council of State to request they be stricken down.
“He was not so much trying to reach the public”, the political scientist Arnaud Benedetti said, “as to getting his troops, and his usual media supporters, to regroup”.
By Thursday, Macron had made significant inroads among political Twitter/X, which was initially negative. Some big account holders even recanted publicly. Whether it works with the French in the real world remains to be seen.