‘Are you guys Christian?’, ‘Why wearing Nike and Adidas’: Islamists attack Pakistani actress Minal Khan over picture with Christmas tree

Islamists attack Pakistani actress Minal Khan over picture with Christmas tree (Image via Instagram handle of actress Minal Khan)

On Wednesday (December 20), Pakistani television actress Minal Khan took to her Instagram to share a picture of herself and a Christmas tree. The “Parchayee” fame actress captioned the picture as “Double trouble”. Minal Khan’s “double trouble” Instagram post, however, offended the perenially offended Islamists since a Christmas tree could be seen in the photo.

One Sumaiya Muhammad wrote, “Are you guys Christian? [Crying face emojis]”.

Another Instagram user named Javaid Mobeen claimed that Minal Khan was flaunting footwear of brands like Nike and Adidas which are on the “boycott list” of the Islamists since the Israel-Hamas War erupted following a massive terror attack by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

The Pakistani Islamist wrote, “wearing Adidas, Nike and showing it off as every one of us knows that those brands are on boycott list. Are we Muslims? Do we care? you holding your kids and forgetting about the kids being slaughtered by Zionist?”

Another one wrote, “They are wearing brands…standing with Christmas tree ..these are so called muslims.”

One Sharif opined that showing a Christmas tree reflects the actress’s “sick mentality and wrote, “Fitty mum what do they want to show the Christmas tree why… sick mentality.”

One Farzana wrote, “Ghaza is bleeding with innocent children blood and we Pakistani s shooting picture in front of Christmas tree ha……..”

A Bangladeshi Islamist also joined Pakistani Islamists in sending hate to the actress.

One Sonia Khan wrote, “Aunty, get your daughters dressing fixed, both are looking beghairat (shameless).”

In addition to the hateful comments regarding the Christmas tree and several brands on the boycott list, Khan’s post is flooded with numerous age and weight-shaming comments as well with many calling the actress and the other two women seen in the picture “cows”, “bhainsain (buffaloes), aunties, “mote haathi (fat elephants)” and whatnot.

(All screenshots via Instagram)

This, however, is not the first time that Pakistani Islamists have attacked a celebrity for respecting or celebrating festivals of non-Muslims. In April this year, popular Pakistani actress Hania Amir found herself at the receiving end of a severe social media backlash after she posted pictures captioned, ‘mini photoshoots and massages,’ of herself posing in front of a clay Ganesha idol, on her Instagram account. She was vehemently attacked by her Muslim followers who expressed ferocious opposition and even unfollowed her for offending their religious sensibilities. The Islamists accused the actress of committing “Shirk” by posing with an idol of a Hindu deity.


Convicted terrorist sentenced to probation in Germany

Illustration, screen grab youtube

A Syrian national convicted of aiding and abetting his Islamist terrorist brother in his plans to blow up a Swedish church has been handed a year’s probation by a German court because he had expressed a desire to integrate into Western society.

The two brothers, both of whom arrived in Germany back in 2015, were arrested on April 25 this year after counter-terrorism police received intelligence about the older brother’s attempts to purchase bomb-making equipment.

After seizing the cell phone and other digital equipment in possession of 29-year-old Anas K., authorities learned he had been liaising with an individual via an end-to-end encryption messaging app regarding how to “take revenge on anyone who insults our faith,” and had chosen the “crusading country of Sweden” as his primary target, according to Die Welt newspaper.

The unknown man was named “Emir” and was reportedly a member of the Al-Saqri Institute for War Studies, a group closely affiliated with Islamic State.

The chat history between the pair revealed how a church in Sweden had been targeted for the attack after the high-profile public burning of a Quran earlier this year had outraged Anas K. He planned to detonate one explosion at an unspecified church and keep another bomb in reserve to be detonated upon the arrival of the emergency services and helpers.

The Hamburg Higher Regional Court heard at trial how Anas K. had sought to make a suicide belt and had attempted to purchase two kilos of urea fertilizer which can be turned into urea nitrate, a key component for making a bomb.

When delivery of the ingredients was unsuccessful, he called upon his younger brother, 24-year-old Ahmad K. to purchase the goods.

The younger brother did so willingly, setting up an anonymous email address to track the package.

The presiding judge said during sentencing that the younger brother “must have been aware of the intention”.

“He clearly knew that his brother was planning an attack,” the judge added.

The older brother was sentenced this week to four years and nine months imprisonment for preparing a serious act of violence that endangered the state and for financing terrorism.

However, the younger brother received one year’s probation with the sentencing judge granting him leniency due to the fact that “the defendant has shown with his school qualifications and his lifestyle that he wants to integrate.”

He cited Ahmad K.’s graduation from secondary school, his desire to work as a biology laboratory technician, and the fact he had found himself a German girlfriend as evidence of his commitment to Western society, and insisted the defendant did not possess a jihadist-Islamist worldview.


School incident in Bern, Switzerland, triggers concern: Pupils shouting Allahu-Akbar surround teacher

Roland Zumbuehl – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=93617795

A serious incident occurred at a school in the west of Bern in which pupils surrounded a teacher and shouted religious slogans. Headteacher Sebastian Teuscher and the school authorities are taking the incident seriously and have already taken action.

A worrying incident occurred at a school in the west of Bern, which startled the school community and parents. On December 13th, several pupils from the 5th and 6th grades turned on a teacher from the break supervision team during the break. According to a letter from headteacher Sebastian Teuscher to the parents of the three classes concerned, the children formed a mob, stood in the teacher’s way, circled her and shouted religious slogans such as “Allahu Akbar”.

Headteacher Teuscher calls the incident “shocking” and “intolerable”. He emphasises that such incidents must be taken seriously, which is also part of the pedagogical handling of the situation. The school has already taken measures, including separate break supervision for the classes involved and disciplinary measures against the pupils.

The incident is seen in the context of the concept of “new authority”, which is being applied in more and more schools in Bern. This concept is based on presence, transparency and relationships. Teuscher emphasises that it is too early to make good and that the children must first clearly feel that they have overstepped boundaries.

The incident also raises questions about the influence of religious slogans from the parental home. However, Teuscher considers this to be more of a childish provocation. Many parents of the pupils involved have already reacted and do not approve of their children’s behaviour.

Andreas Heuer, president of the responsible school commission, does not see the incident as dramatic for the situation at schools in the west of Bern. He emphasises that incidents of violence are rare and that the schools are able to deal with the problems. Heuer also sees positive aspects: Despite high levels of migration and poverty, almost all pupils find an apprenticeship or a follow-up solution.

The school authorities endeavour to present a balanced picture of the situation and emphasise that the schools in the Bethlehem school district are not comparable with problem neighbourhoods in other countries.


France: His maths teacher tries to take away his mobile phone, a 14-year-old pupil beats him up; according to a police source, he is said to have threatened to kill the teacher “by swearing on the Quran”

A 14-year-old pupil was arrested on Tuesday the 19th of December 2023 in the department of Maine-et-Loire in Cholet for violence and insults against two teachers. His maths teacher had tried to take away his mobile phone during class.

The teenager, who was “described as difficult”, had initially refused to hand over his phone to his maths teacher after the latter had caught him handling it, explained the public prosecutor of Angers, Eric Bouillard, in a press release.


“The minor was surrounded and in the scene he pushed a teacher, kicked him and tried to throw more punches,” explained the prosecutor.

“Contrary to what could be stated, no death threat was reported by the victims,” Bouillard emphasises. “Likewise, no religious references were made”.

According to a police source quoted by TF1, the teenager is said to have threatened the teacher with death by swearing on the Quran, which the prosecutor denies. (…) Midi Libre

Cholet (49) : son professeur de maths veut lui confisquer son téléphone portable, un collégien de 14 ans le roue de coups ; selon une source policière, il aurait menacé de mort le prof “en jurant sur le Coran” – Fdesouche

Polish PM Donald Tusk Ushers in EU Globalist Policies, Appoints LGBT Activist as ‘Minister of Family’, Shuts Down Opposition TV Channels

Tusk will import the same old EU unsuccessful policies into Poland as fast as he can.

As it was expected, after its inauguration as Polish Prime Minister, Globalist-liberal Donald Tusk moved to swiftly turn his country away from the populist-nationalist policies of the last 8 years, towards a vision of the world as espoused by Brussels.

The Globalist ‘Final Solution’

By Paul E. Scates

The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks.

—C.S. Lewis 

From 1933 to 1945, Germany’s Nazis killed 17 million people, six million of them Jews.  Adolf Eichmann organized the transportation of millions of those to die at Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and other concentration camps in support of the Nazis’ Final Solution (i.e., elimination of Jews from Europe), and in 1961, he was finally brought to trial in Israel. 

While most assume that Nazi leaders were twisted, psychopathic monsters, philosopher Hannah Arendt sparked controversy in her 1963 study “Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil” by writing that Eichmann “was not an amoral monster.”

Arendt covered the trial and found Eichmann “an ordinary, rather bland, bureaucrat who … was neither perverted nor sadistic, but terrifyingly normal.”  Even ten years after his trial, she wrote, “The deeds were monstrous, but [Eichmann] was quite ordinary …  neither demonic nor monstrous.”

As horrific as the Nazis were, today there is another group who seek a “final solution” even more terrifying: they want to eliminate over 7 billion people from the face of the Earth.  In a 2017 interview, Dennis Meadows, co-author of the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth, said the Earth’s population needs to be “brought back down to one billion.”  The current global population is over 8 billion.  

Their idea isn’t new; it reaches back over 200 years, to Thomas Malthus’s 1798 “Essay on the Principle of Population as It Affects the Future Improvement of Society.”  Malthus concluded that un-managed population growth would inevitably lead to a catastrophic societal collapse and advocated for limiting reproduction of “undesirables.”

Charles Darwin credited Malthus’s essay with giving him his theory of natural selection, which influenced his cousin Sir Francis Galton’s creation of the term and concept of eugenics (“good birth”), the effort to improve the human species by selectively breeding those with good genes (the basis of the Nazis’ efforts at creating an “Aryan superman”).

The flip side of “good birth” was what to do about those with undesirable genetics — the poor, disabled, and mentally deficient.  Malthus argued against providing relief for the poor, to prevent them from breeding.  The Nazis went Malthus one better, simply eliminating in gas chambers those they deemed “undesirable” (Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, et al.) under their “racial hygiene” policy. 

In 1968, the Club of Rome was founded, proclaiming that to be “sustainable,” the Earth’s human population needed to be no more than one billion people.  To distance themselves from the eugenics associated with the Nazis, they re-framed their idea as “population control.”  Aware that their idea would face resistance, they called for global government to enable them to achieve their aims.

Other elites share the Club of Rome’s goals, and many of them trace back to David Rockefeller, head of Chase Manhattan Bank, who was a longtime advocate of global government.  He funded the Club of Rome and was mentor to Canadian Maurice Strong, who ran the U.N.’s Environment Program for over thirty years.  It was through Strong — a Club of Rome member and board member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) — that Rockefeller influenced the U.N., and also Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF.  Longtime Rockefeller friend Henry Kissinger was Schwab’s tutor at the Harvard International Business Seminar for two years, and Schwab credits both Strong and Kissinger as mentors. 

In 1992, Strong introduced the U.N.’s Agenda 21/Sustainable Development, which in 2015 was rebranded Agenda 2030, and Chapter 4 blames population growth for “placing severe [environmental] stress on the planet.”  In 2019, the WEF’s Schwab signed an agreement with the U.N. secretary general to cooperate in accelerating implementation of Agenda 2030’s goals.  So the major international players pushing the “climate change” scheme are ideological descendants of globalist and de-population advocate Rockefeller.

Globalist elites also quietly support the Earth’s de-population in other ways.  For example, the Bill Gates Foundation has pledged $280 million a year from 2021 to 2030 to develop and improve contraceptive technologies, support family planning, etc. (i.e., prevent births).  Gates is infamous for his funding of vaccine testing in Africa, and he (along with UNICEF and the World Health Organization) has been accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines.  

But birth control and abortion are a long, slow process for eliminating what is now a 7-billion-people “excess” in the eyes of the de-population globalists.  Mass starvation is faster and more effective, and Agenda 2030 will achieve that.  Read it here, but look beyond the rhetoric to recognize what banning fossil fuels and fertilizers, restricting agricultural emissions, eliminating cattle, etc. will mean in practical terms. 

Does it take monsters to deliberately starve over 7 billion people?  Or just “terrifyingly normal” men like Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist, or Alexander King, a Scots chemist, the co-founders of the Club of Rome?  Or like Bill Gates or Ted Turner, who’ve been buying up productive U.S. farmland to prevent the growing of food?  Or like the “environmentalists” willing to destroy Western civilization through Net Zero to “save the planet”?  Or like Klaus Schwab, the stereotypical middle manager, who would rather this free and unpredictable world be more organized and tidy?  These are the “men in suits” Lewis warned about, who have anointed themselves worthy of deciding the fate of the world.

The Nazis murdered 17 million people, but today’s global elites are willing to kill 500 times that number under the guise of “sustainability.”  Anti-Nazi German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, having witnessed the world’s appeasement of the Nazis during the 1930s, wrote: “If I see a madman driving a car into a group of innocent bystanders … I can’t simply wait for the catastrophe and then … bury the dead.  I must try to wrestle the steering wheel out of the hands of the driver.”

When the images of Auschwitz (et al.) forced the world to acknowledge the Nazi Holocaust, the post-war world promised “never again,” but nobody’s trying to wrestle the wheel from the globalists today.  Instead of stopping it now, before the mass graves are dug, most U.N. member-nations (193) are actively implementing it.  And this time, unlike the 1930s, they don’t even need to avert their gaze so they can later claim “we didn’t know.”  If Agenda 2030 succeeds, there’ll be precious few left to hear that lie.

Image via Pexels.


Spanish Police Arrest Over a Dozen Would-Be Jihadists

After months of investigation and surveillance, Spanish police made 13 arrests this week in one of the largest anti-terror operations in recent years.

On Tuesday, Spanish National Police, working with their Moroccan counterparts, dismantled a terror recruitment cell by arresting nine in the North African exclave of Melilla and another person in the city of Nador, just across the Moroccan border, El Mundo reports

The General Directorate for the Surveillance of Moroccan Territory (DGSN) said that the suspects were attempting to recruit new jihadists. Among those arrested was one suspect who is believed to be a member of a terrorist group operating in the African Sahel region. 

“This joint security operation is part of a continuous and distinguished security coordination between the Moroccan security services and their Spanish counterparts, which confirms once again the importance of the security partnership between the two countries,” the DGSN said in a statement. 

The national police also carried out coordinated arrests of three “highly radicalised” teens in Barcelona and Madrid. The public prosecutor’s office juvenile section accused the trio of conspiracy to murder, terrorist self-training, and criminal indoctrination. 

The three teenagers came to the attention of investigators online as they had allegedly professed their belief in a radical form of Islam and even went as far as saying they believed in the use of violence to defend Islam and identified possible targets for attacks. 

Prosecutors said the three were “highly radicalised and with an ideology entirely compatible with the jihadist viewpoints defended by the terrorist organisation [Islamic State].”

The three minors had allegedly been searching for terrorist manuals that would lead them to create the highly powerful explosive triacetone triperoxide (TATP), also known as the ‘Mother of Satan.’

TATP has been used in several major terrorist attacks in Europe in recent years and is a preferred explosive of terrorist groups such as the Islamic State largely because its ingredients—such as acetone, commonly found in nail polish remover—are readily available.

The explosive was used in the November 2015 Paris attacks, the 2016 Brussels airport attacks, and the Manchester concert bombing in 2017 among others, leading to the deaths of large numbers of innocent civilians. 

The arrest of the three minors in Barcelona and Madrid was also followed by a search of three residences and led to the seizure of various electronic devices and other documents said to be in the hands of specialist investigators. 

Radical Islamic jihadism continues to be a major threat in Europe, with French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin claiming earlier this year in May that jihadism was the greatest security threat in Europe

Darmanin stated that Europe faced internal threats from those who may simply take a knife and carry out a mass stabbing in the name of radical Islam, to outside threats from more organised groups like the Islamic State.


Muslim Imam Who Plotted Nuke Reactor Attack Ordered to Attend ‘Deradicalization’

When will we learn? Maybe when a Muslim terrorist group bombs a nuclear reactor? That’s not an unreal scenario.

Just take this case out of Australia involving an Algerian Muslim spiritual leader occupying its territory.

The terrorist who led the grou p that planned to attack several highly populated Australian locations has been released from a Melbourne prison – with reports saying he’s headed straight for the western suburbs.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika was initially charged over leading a terror cell conspiring to attack the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) during the 2005 AFL Grand Final, as well as Victoria’s Crown Casino and the Lucas Heights reactor in Sydney.

That’s Australia’s only nuclear reactor.

On Tuesday morning, the Victorian Supreme Court ruled that Benbrika was a low risk to public safety but was required to continue a deradicalisation program.

If Abdul is “low-risk”, what’s a high-risk terrorist? A guy who plans to blow up the sun?

Abdul already expressed his views on “radicalization”.

“Osama bin Laden was a great man before 11th September, which they said he did it. Until now, nobody knows who did it. What you have to understand that anyone who fights for the sake of Allah, the first – when he dies, the first drop of blood that comes from him out, all his sin will be forgiven.”

“I am telling you that my religion doesn’t tolerate other religion. It doesn’t tolerate. The only one law which needs to spread, it can be here or anywhere else, has to be Islam.”

That deradicalization program is bound to go well.

Algerian-born Benbrika had urged them to target large crowds at sports matches or a train station to pressure the Australian government to withdraw its soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan, the court heard.

Benbrika had said it was “permissible to kill women, children and the aged,” prosecutors said.

So Islam. Basically.

Handing down her judgment, Justice Hollingworth said the evidence “clearly establishes” that Benbrika had made substantial progress towards deradicalisation in recent years.

And yet she didn’t offer to have him move in with her.

Deradicalization programs should come with refunds. “Terror threat ended or your country back.”


Bishop Strickland Leads the Revolt Against Globalist Pope Francis – Conservative Catholics Won’t Incorporate His ‘Gay Couple Blessings’ in the Life of the Church

During his entire papacy, Francis has slowly but surely chipped away at Catholic dogma in favor of a ‘modern’ interpretation of the function of the Church.

If you ask Conservative Catholics around the world, they will call it his ‘efforts to destroy the Church’.

The process has taken a quickened pace of late, after Francis’ controversial and divisive Synod, with the pontiff now openly waging war on what he called a ‘backwardness’ of some Catholic conservatives in the United States, arguing they had replaced faith with political ideology.

Talk about projection! But now, Conservatives are fighting back, led in part by US Bishop Joseph Strickland, that some call ‘the red-pilled Shepherd’.

Disabled pensioner raped in her home in Paris by homeless man — attack recorded in voicemail to victim’s daughter

Parisian authorities have arrested a 28-year-old homeless man on suspicion of the horrifying rape of a disabled pensioner — an attack that was heard by the victim’s family in a voicemail after the elderly woman had called her daughter for help.

The suspect was detained on Monday for the attack that occurred at the victim’s home in the 18th arrondissement of the French capital on Saturday.

The man is accused of following his 68-year-old victim and forcing entry into her apartment as she returned home. The woman, who suffers from a degenerative cognitive condition and was unable to resist, was forcibly undressed and raped by her attacker.

“She lives alone and suffers from frontal and temporal degeneration of the brain. This disease reduces mobility and greatly diminishes the abilities of people affected by this condition,” a source close to the case said, as cited by Le Parisien newspaper.

Despite her condition, the victim was able to telephone her daughter for help; however, the call was not connected. A voicemail message left on her daughter’s cell phone recorded the beginning of the attack, including the victim’s pleas for mercy and a response by the attacker ordering the frail woman to “spread your thighs.”

Upon hearing the message, the daughter contacted her mother’s neighbor who checked on the victim and notified the authorities.

The pensioner was taken to the hospital for treatment, and after police set up patrols in the neighborhood for a tall, Black male, a man was apprehended who matched the description provided by the victim.

The 28-year-old suspect told police he had engaged in consensual sex with the woman and denied rape. He claimed that he had been invited into the woman’s home and that she had expressed a desire to sleep with him.

According to French media, when the suspect was played the voicemail recording suggesting sexual assault, he claimed to have been framed and accused the authorities of racism.

The suspect remains in custody.
