German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is blocking German’s eastern boders to migrants but is allegedly facilitating their arrival in Italy by funding migrant-rescue NGOs operating in the central Mediterranean, Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said on X Sunday after Scholz announced additional controls at the border with Austria and other joint ones with Switzerland and the Czech Republic on their side. Rome is in a spat with Berlin over German funded NGO run migrant rescue ships in the Med, with Italy saying that the migrants should be taken to Germany. Berlin currently funds 10 of the 19 German NGO ships, while also funding an Italian one helping migrants on Italian soil. Crosetto said on Scholz’s policies on X: “You try to stop immigration in one part of Europe and facilitate its transport in another. Coherent and ingenious”.
Nothing better epitomizes the gulf that now exists between the Conservative and Labour elite and their voters than immigration. So argues Prof. Matt Goodwin in this episode of Deprogrammed. He points out that the Conservative establishment have failed to understand that immigration is the second most important issue for Conservative voters, many of whom now find themselves politically homeless. The same applies to many Labour voters. Whilst there are smaller parties that have stronger immigration policies (Reform, Reclaim & SDP) these are not cutting through with the general public. As a result there is a huge gap in the market for a powerful new insurgent party to emerge – much as UKIP did. The Conservative Party meanwhile is failing to do the one thing that has ensured its survival through the centuries: re-invent itself. The current Conservative Party is not a serious party, Prof. Goodwin contends. It has no intellectual gravitas, its leaders and low-grade MPs are a pale imitation of the giants that once dominated the party and it is simply too out of touch with the needs and demands of its voter base.
Have you ever wondered how the fascist far left keeps on repeating an evidence-free and blatantly illogical lie that a certain National Socialist Labor Party that was based on collectivism and a strong central authority belongs on the side of the political spectrum set in the fundamental principles of individual liberties and limited government?
Researching the archives of the early decades of the last century, specifically the 1910s, ’20s, and ’30s revealed the very beginnings of the left’s biggest lie that is now just over 100 years old.
One source was the New York Times, the ‘newspaper of record’ as Walter Duranty would probably have termed it (3.9 million Kulaks unavailable for comment).
My research uncovered several cases of collectivist conflict from around the world, along with a strange amalgamation of political spectrum terms that set the proper context for the emergence of an informant as a ‘Swashbuckling Little Politician.’ They characterized exiled Russian revolutionist Leon Trotsky as a ‘socialist conservative’ and referred to socialists of the left and the right.
Many of them split off from each other, as in the case of the radical left-wing socialists widened the breach with the conservative faction of the National Socialist Party in a convention on Sept. 2, 1919, in Chicago before the emergence of the Hitlerites of the Bavarian fascisti. These findings confirm the conclusions of the academic paper How and Why Fascism and Nazism Became the “Right.”
I’ll cite excerpts and references from this time to further prove another disturbing similarity between the modern left and the National Socialist Labor Party, in addition to showing how the left plays fast and loose with the language and beginnings of their 100-year-old big lie.
Socialists Conservative.; Refuse to Favor Strikes, Though Unwilling to Sanction War.
Members of the York County, at the Lenox Casino yesterday voted down a proposal pledging Socialist to encourage strikes and resist recruiting in the event of war With Germany.
The resolution was proposed by Leon Trotsky, an exiled Russian revolutionist, and Louis C. Fraina, two of a committee of seven appointed to submit recommendations should war come.
Votes Rebuke Bolsheviki, with conservative Socialist groups:
Nonpartisans and Conservatives Sweep Russian Elections.
Petrograd, Wednesday, Oct. 31, (via London. Nov. 1.)—The nonpartisan and conservative Socialist groups have won sweeping victories over the radical Bolsheviki candidates.
Then in 1918, we see confirmation of leftist infighting and a new wing of “Socialists of the Right”:
French Socialist Party Is Split; Majority of Deputies Back American Attitude Toward German “Comrades.” Thomas Heads New Wing “Socialists of the Right” Oppose Internationalism Until Germany is Defeated.
The announcement, a day or two ago, of his adhesion to this group by Albert Thomas, formerly French Minister of Munitions, has now given a leader to the new party, which will be known as the Socialists of the Right.
Socialist Factions Name Two Tickets; Right and Left Wing Contest Reduces the Party’s Strength in Primaries…. For the first time in its history, the Socialist Party in the city is faced with a serious split in the election this year.
Meanwhile, there was a widening of the breach between the left wing of the National Socialist Party and the right-wing, or conservatives of the Socialist Party:
Force Communists to Remove Flags; … Move To Unite Radicals Left Wing Socialists Widen the Breach with the Conservative Faction.
CHICAGO, Sept. 1.–A strenuous day in the deliberations of the radicals now convening in Chicago, attained its climax this afternoon when the left wing of the National Socialist Party sent a bouquet and a bunch of red flags to the communist convention hall on Blue Island Avenue.
Meantime, on the second floor, the right wing, or conservatives of the Socialist Party, under the leadership of Victor L. Berger and others. was, having trouble with recalcitrant delegates.
Form Red Party; Leader Arrested; Left Wing Socialists Launch National Communist Organization in Chicago…Right Wing Gets Message from Hilluit.
CHICAGO, Sept. 2.–Three hundred representatives of the Left Wing Faction of the National Socialist Party, which recently withdrew from the parent body, today organized the “Communist Labor Party of America.”
The Communist group of ultra radicals, recently expelled from the National Socialist Party, which is meeting in another east side hall, expects to form another political party before it adjourns at the end of the week. This faction consists of foreign language socialists and others who regard the parent body and the left-wing faction as too conservative.
‘Mild’ Socialists Win on Platform; Conservatives, Led by Hillquit, Defeat Attempt to Name New Committee.
Fight To Continue Today Ultra-Radicals Denounce the Party Principles Presented as “Lacking Punch.” … The “conservative” wing of the Socialist Party won a victory over the “ultra-radicals” at the second day’s Session of the Socialist National Convention at Finnish Socialist Hall.
The split revealed may develop into party warfare of threatening aspect, leaders of both factions after the convention adjourned for the day. The platform, attacked as “too Conservative“ pledges the Socialist Party to the cancellation of all war loans to allied countries; the dissolution of the present League of Nations.
Several other references prove the same point – that there was infighting with one side of the political spectrum with the use of a confusing array of political terminology.
New Popular Idol Rises In Bavaria; Hitler Credited With Extraordinary Powers of Swaying Crowds to His Will. … Leader A Reactionary Is Anti Red and Anti-Semitic, and Demands Strong Government for a United Germany.
MUNICH, Nov. 20.–… This reactionary Nationalistic anti-Semitic movement has now reached a point where it is considered potentially dangerous, though not for the immediate future.
Hitler has been called the Bavarian Mussolini and his followers the Bavarian Fascisti. There Is nothing socialistic about the National Socialism he preaches. …. He is wasting no time working out political programs but devotes his whole energy to recruiting fresh forces and perfecting his organization.
Note that the story mentions ‘He is wasting no time working out political programs’ but in this case of opposing certain types of collectivists, it renders him a ‘reactionary’ (synonym for right) without stating the facts for making this assessment. All of this is in the context of leftist infighting and talk of ‘conservative’ and ‘right-wing socialism. Also, note this took place 100 years ago and 17 years before WWII and any of the events that supposedly ‘prove they were ‘far right.’
A Spanish writer is being sued after misgendering a “non-binary” male on social media. Lucía Etxebarria, a Premio Nadal award-winning novelist and women’s rights advocate, may have to pay 11,000 Euros (approx. $11,600 USD) to LGBT activist Marcos Ventura Armas if the suit is successful.
Etxebarria first came to the attention of Ventura after posting about him on X (formerly Twitter) in 2020. In the post, which is now the primary matter of complaint in the lawsuit, Etxebarria stated that she “saw a man” when looking at photos of Ventura, who had gained some notoriety on Spanish-language X for his claim to being “non-binary” despite looking overtly masculine.
After receiving backlash for posting some photos of Ventura, Etxebarria wrote:
“I have just been told that it is ‘disgusting’ for me to show these PUBLIC photos of a PUBLIC office holder in a PUBLIC organization, and say that I see a man here. I would love to hear back from you: How many of you see a woman here? It is important to me,” she wrote.
Notably, claiming to be non-binary and taking offense to women referring to him as “male,” Ventura was officially introduced with “he/him” pronouns just weeks after Etxebarria’s post while accepting his position as the “municipal secretary” of La Guancha.
The 500-page lawsuit filed against Etxebarria also highlights other tweets she’s made about Ventura over the years, including one from May of 2022 in which she referred to him as having a “beard, penis, and testicles.”
In a sarcastic thread Etxebarria posted to X, she said: “Marcos Ventura Armas, who belongs to the FELGTBI, wanted to denounce me when I mistakenly stated that he was a man. Because, of course, she is a young non-binary trans woman.”
A la FELGTB pertenece también Marcos Ventura Armas que quiso denunciarme cuando equivocadamente afirmé que era un hombre. Porque es una joven trans no binaria. Tiene barba, pene y testículos pero no podemos llamarle hombre porque si no me quitan este perfil y me cae una multa.
Ventura is known for being an active “militant” for the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) and, over the course of 10 years, has held various positions within the party and its branches.
He currently defines himself as a “political activist and for the rights of LGTBI people,” and has participated in working groups for the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Trans, Bisexuals and Intersexuals (FELGTBI). He has also held various positions in Gamá, a trans activist association based in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
In the lawsuit, Ventura says that Etxebarria referring to him as a “trans woman” was a “false claim” due to his non-binary status, also highlighting her repeat “misgendering.”
Ventura, who was diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” in 2021, states that he rejects “he/him” pronouns, and says he feels “diminished” when he is treated as a male.
Describing himself as “a non-binary trans person who uses feminine pronouns and grammatical gender to refer to himself,” Ventura also accuses Etxebarria of having damaged his “professional prestige as an activist” by repeatedly referring to him as a “trans woman.”
Etxebarria is now being called to appear at a court in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, about 2,000 km from where she resides, to answer to the legal complaint. On September 29, Etxebarria launched a crowdfunding campaign to assist her with her immense legal costs, exceeding her goal in less than 24 hours after receiving a flood of international support.
MISSION ACCONPLISHED. In less than 24 hours, seven thousand euros have been raised. With donations coming from places as diverse as the United Kingdom, Scotland, Canada and… Australia! . I'm EXTREMELY grateful. I understand that so many people have donated because they have…
Speaking to Reduxx, sources close to Etxebarria revealed that Ventura appears to have deliberately sought out a long-term, long-distance lawsuit with the intention of making the situation as expensive and difficult for Etxebarria as possible.
The sources also state that Ventura’s legal team appear to have combed through years of Etxebarria’s social media history, and have presented additional social media posts and videos from years ago in an effort to portray her as a bigot.
Ventura’s lawyer is known for taking on trans activist cases, and was previously involved in the Health Council case against psychologist Carola López Moya after she stated “trans women are male.” The Health Council sought to disqualify López from practicing for five years, and demanded a fine of 120,000 Euros (approx. $120,000 USD), but the case was ultimately dropped.
Reduxx approached López for comment on the lawsuit against Etxebarria, to which she stated that the author had her unequivocal support.
“We cannot let this doctrine cloud the reason of society,” López said. “We cannot renounce the truth to welcome lies under duress. All my support to Lucía Etxebarria.”