The Berith Chalom synagogue (photo above) has been targeted with threats of attacks. On Saturday September 30, the officials of the place of worship in the 9th arrondissement of Paris received a disturbing voice message on their answering machine, as reported by Le Parisien. ” By the Quran of Mecca, I will come to your synagogue with an explosive belt and blow everything up,” they were told. The explicit threats were accompanied by references to Palestine, but also to Samuel Paty, the history teacher at a school in Val-d’Oise who had been beheaded by a radicalised Islamist in 2020. Although the site was not cleared after receiving this disturbing message, the president of the synagogue filed a complaint with the arrondissement commissariat on Tuesday October 3. The police officers tried to identify the perpetrator of the threats by asking his telephone provider for assistance. Thanks to this cooperation, the officers were able to identify the location of the threatened person in Marseille. As a result, the Paris prosecutor’s office launched investigations into ” death threats aggravated by the fact that they were committed on the basis of religion ” and ” threats of dangerous bodily harm “. ” The mayor of the 9th arrondissement reiterated that no stone should be left unturned while assuring that ” all means will be used to protect places of worship “. According to the president of the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions (Crif), other synagogues have also been affected by threats of attacks in recent weeks. “These threats are made against the backdrop of Jewish holidays, including Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah,” he stressed, adding that this climate of terror was “symptomatic of recent anti-Semitism”.
A women’s rights campaigner in the Netherlands is facing a criminal investigation after being reported to police by a trans-identified male for stating “a woman is an adult human female.” Lydia Daniel, who was first reported to police in May, has now also been censored on social media by the Dutch government for speaking about it.
On May 23, Alexandra Erné, a trans-identified male and trans activist, filed a police report against Daniel after accusing her of making “insulting statements in public.” As part of the report, Erné provided police with a video of a speech Daniel gave at an International Women’s Day event that she shared to her X (formerly Twitter) account.
“I am reporting Lydia, aka Insufferable TERF. The suspect has made insulting statements in public, orally or in writing, about a group of people due to race, religion, or belief,” Erné stated in the report.
Lydia Daniel attending a “Let Women Speak” event in Amsterdam, September 9. Photo Supplied.
The speech Erné reported to police was focused on women’s rights, and included Daniel noting that gender ideology had negatively impacted the ability for women to access private, single-sex spaces, resulting in “no protection against voyeurism and exhibitionism.” Daniel also criticized the Democrats 66 (D66), a social liberal political party in the Netherlands which is promoting gender identity policies and sex self-identification legislation.
In the police report, Erné wrote that Daniel “made discriminatory statements towards transgender women,” continuing: “She said that transgender women were not women, but men. I am a transsexual and feel like a woman and also am a woman even though I was not born with a uterus. The statements Lydia makes in these videos hurt me as a woman and I find them downright discriminatory.”
Erné later uploaded a copy of the police report he filed against Daniel to his social media, which she posted to her own social media with a challenge that authorities “bring it on.” But on September 15, Daniel noticed that her post containing the images of Erné’s police report had been deleted.
In its place, a notice from X read: “Your Tweet has been withheld in Netherlands based on local law(s).”
Daniel told Reduxx that she was not informed what law she had broken, nor was she told which official entity had her post removed. There was also no way to appeal the warning, or otherwise challenge the decision. She has yet to receive any formal communications from police, and has been left in the dark about the status of her case, which is ongoing.
This is not the first time Erné has targeted women who disagree with gender ideology. He has celebrated having two other posts criticizing him censored from social media similar to the way in which Daniel’s was.
Erné is a vocal trans activist who frequently boasts about his legal right to utilize women’s spaces. He gained some notoriety in 2022 after he went public with his human rights claim against a fitness center for refusing him access to the women’s facilities.
Alexandra Erné, in a photoshoot taken outside BigGym. Source: Noordhollands Dagblad
Last March, Noordhollands Dagblad sympathetically profiled Erné’s discrimination suit against BigGym in Alkmaar, where he fought to gain access to the women’s locker room after having a sudden realization about his gender identity. Erné claims he first realized he was transgender after taking a prescription drug for bi-polar disorder management which resulted in him developing gynecomastia — or, male breast growth.
Erné describes the side-effects of Depakote as being pleasant, and says he began to encourage further “breast growth” by first taking natural supplements, and soon after, progesterone.
Erné told the media that he decided to ask staff if he could use the women’s locker room on the basis that he was uncomfortable being around naked men, but was denied.
In response, Erné called the BigGym management “old-fashioned, narrow-minded and discriminatory,” then told staff he would be undressing down to “panties” in the men’s room, and would forward any complaints from male patrons to them.
Days later, he sent a follow-up email to BigGym management asserting that he would be using the women’s locker room, and if any staff member attempted to prevent him, he would file a legal claim. BigGym replied that they would not deny him access “as long as appropriate behavior is shown.”
Despite this, he proceeded to make a formal complaint, and at the end of 2021, the Dutch Institute for Human Rights declared that Erné has been discriminated against on the basis of gender identity.
In its judgment, the Dutch Institute for Human Rights set a precedent in which men could self-identify into women’s changing areas.
Disturbingly, Reduxx has now learned that Erné has admitted to having disturbing fetishes involving the sexualization of his transition, his “lesbianism,” and his continued access to women’s spaces.
Reduxx has reviewed a FetLife account confirmed as belonging to Erné where he describes himself as a “submissive, masochist, exhibitionist” and a “polyromantic lesbian.”
He has posted over 100 pictures and several videos to his FetLife profile, which include images of himself wearing a chastity device or bound with ropes. Other images depict sex toys, or Erné naked or nearly naked in public spaces, and there are several photos of his post-operative genitals.
In addition to the photos and videos, Erné has made several blog entries on FetLife. In some of his blog posts, dating back to August 5, 2016, he jokes about waiting for his wife to “be away from the house” so that he can steal her belongings and use them for his sexual gratification.
Later blog entries by Erné described his excitement at going bra shopping “like a teenage girl” and attempting to “grow breasts” by taking fenugreek and massaging himself.
In July of 2021, Erné announced that his marriage of 23 years would be ending in divorce.
“It has now been 2 years since I realized I was a woman. I am no longer the same person I was. No longer that quiet introvert who didn’t care about appearance. I have actually become very extroverted (exhibitionist?), busy and very vain. I have also become somewhat egocentric because the transition more or less determines my life now… The only thing left to do now is to arrange the divorce properly.”
Erné underwent genital surgery in July of last year, and he recently celebrated the “anniversary” of his surgery with a photo of a genital piercing and claimed that he had “just turned one year old” for the second time.
Upon seeing the images from Erné’s fetish account, Daniel expressed her shock over the Dutch government’s decision to allow him into spaces where women are undressed.
“I still can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that our government and institutions like our College voor de Rechten van de Mens are equating porn-addled men to women and forcing us to participate in their sexual fantasies. In doing so, they have effectively taken our consent since validating their fetishes is a sexual act.”
A benefit of having moonbats in charge of healthcare as under Britain’s socialized National Health Service has finally been discovered; men can get up to a year off work for having menopause:
An NHS trust has told chiefs to take ‘male menopause’ into consideration as it considers giving men up to a year off for their symptoms.
This time the lunacy has nothing to do with transsexual ideology.
The East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) has been told to make allowances for staff experiencing symptoms associated with a drop in testosterone levels – which takes place over time as a man gets older.
Guys suffering from “andropause” can collect sick pay for up to 12 months.
Eventually progressivism will progress to the point were everyone collects sick pay from birth. Then no one will ever have to work, and utopia will be achieved at last.
Paris can’t catch a break: widespread protests, garbage men strike, race riots and looting, and now a bedbug infestation.
A mere 10 months before the opening of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics, the French capital is battling an invasion of bedbugs.
French authorities want to make sure the bedbugs don’t bite during the games and have started a drive to exterminate the pests.
Footage of the insects crawling around in high-speed trains and the Paris metro are widespread in social media, and many news articles reveal bedbugs in cinemas and even Charles de Gaulle airport.
Frenzied incident in Vienna: a Syrian man went berserk at the main railway station. When police officers looked outside their station because of loud noises, they could not believe what they saw. A Syrian man (21) was wildly beating police cars with an iron bar. The Syrian was arrested on the spot without resistance on suspicion of serious damage to property. There was considerable damage to the police cars.
The man has not yet been questioned. He is being held in police custody.
Najat El Hachmi, Photo: Nurianau, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
A Catalan-based author of Moroccan origin is facing heat from both Muslim NGOs and the Spanish left for critical comments she made about the status of women in Islam after a speech given at the start of a Barcelona cultural fair.
Najat El Hachmi, a Moroccan-born novelist earned the ire of multiple Islamic organisations for remarks highlighting patriarchal attitudes within Spain’s 2,3 million strong Muslim community during a prestigious inaugural speech at Barcelona’s Festes de la Mercè late last month.
“Are you uncomfortable if I explain to you that there are girls in this city who cannot learn anything or go hiking?” proclaimed El Hachmi from a podium in city hall as she gave the festival’s traditional opening speech in front of the city’s mayor and other officials.
Muy valiente Najat El Hachmi explicando cómo viven muchas moras en Cataluña bajo el control absoluto del Islam, ejercido por sus familiares y vecinos.
Necesitamos muchísimas más voces como ella para remover conciencias.
An accomplished author and journalist, El Hachmi moved to Spain at age seven before having a successful academic and literary career with novels that focus on her dual identity and native Morocco. Her 2008 novel L’últim patriarca (The Last Patriarch) earned literary acclaim for challenging misogynist attitudes faced by women in Morocco. She had previously voiced her opposition to the wearing of Islamic face veils within Spanish schools.
Three Islamic organisations have signed an open letter to the city’s socialist mayor Jaume Collboni asking for the author to be taken to task for her comments about Islam, labelling El Hachmi as ‘Islamophobic.’
Left-wing groups had already tried to deplatform El Hachmi before she made the oration due to her previous statements on transgender legislation. The author also referenced the rise of “identity fundamentalism” within the Islamic community since the 1980s and the plight of cousin marriage in her Barcelona speech.
Approximately 8.1% of Catalonia is Muslim, primarily consisting of first- and second-generation Pakistanis and Moroccans. In 2017, 14 people perished in an Islamist attack on Barcelona’s primary thoroughfare Las Ramblas.
Prominent figures in the region’s literary scene and even the nationalist party VOX have rallied to El Hachmi’s defence as many fear that the incident could be the start of Spain’s very own clash between free speech and Islam.
The question of criticism of Islam has been topical of late in Europe propelled by rioting in Sweden over the burning of the Koran with the incident sparking a diplomatic spat with the Islamic world and Stockholm led by Turkey.
Authorities in Germany have apprehended an 87-year-old woman who had gone into hiding for months after being convicted and sentenced to prison for provocative posts published on social media against migrants and asylum seekers.
The pensioner was detained by police officers in Rothenburg on Monday and transferred to a correctional facility to serve her initial eight-month prison sentence.
The woman was convicted by a court in Verden last year for two Facebook posts that incited violence against newcomers to Germany, a ruling that was upheld on appeal by a second court in Rothenburg. The senior citizen was due to attend court but was a no-show and disappeared for several months.
She was eventually arrested this week at her home without resistance.
A police spokesperson did not divulge where the woman had been residing while evading the authorities.
A statement by the authorities described the woman as a “Reichsbürger,” a member of a right-wing extremist group and a repeat offender.
The Reichsbürgerbewegung movement does not recognize Germany as an independent state, believing it to be a construct created by the Allies after World War II. Its supporters call for the installation of Heinrich Instead, they wish to instate Heinrich XIII, a descendant of German royalty who has been accused of peddling anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, as the country’s leader.
Heinrich XIII was arrested by German Federal Police in December last year on suspicion of leading a failed coup d’état in the country.
The pupil terrified her class. The newspaper Le Figaro has learned from police sources that a 12-year-old pupil made death threats against her teacher last Friday at the Collège Pierre et Marie Curie in Dreux in the department of Eure-et-Loir.
During a lesson on Islam, the pupil accused her teacher: “If the pupils don’t like your lessons, the same thing could happen to you as to him”, pointing to a photo of Samuel Paty. (…)
According to our source, the girl repeated her remarks several times and stated that she was well aware that Samuel Paty was killed “after explaining things about Islam to his students that they did not like”. Her classmates tried to make her aware of the implications of what she had said, but they were unsuccessful. When the teaching staff called her in at the end of class, the teenager repeated her provocations again.
The teacher was deeply shocked and reported to the Dreux police station to file a complaint for “glorification of terrorism”.
Politico columist defended Canada for celebrating Nazi (Image: baytoday)
On 2nd October, Politico published an op-ed by author Keir Giles defending Canada in the Yaroslav Hunka Controversy. Giles is the author of several books on Russia, including his latest one titled “Russia’s War on Everybody”. According to him, the Hunka controversy is an outcome of massive Russian propaganda. Giles called the whole controversy a lie; he argued that fighting against the USSR during World War II did not necessarily means that the unit was Nazi.
Giles noted that the outrage stemmed from Hunka’s association with one of the Waffen-SS units. Waffen-SS, where SS stands for Schutzstaffel (Protective Echelon), were the black-uniformed elite troops who self-described themselves as the “political soldiers” of the Nazi Party. Hunka was part of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS that, comprised Ukrainian volunteers.
Giles argued that the history of that time is complicated. As Hunka was in a unit comprised of foreign volunteers, they were, according to him, on administrative rather than ideological grounds. However, Giles said the contention is hard to sell to the audience who “believe” the main objective of the SS was genocide.
Citing several investigations, including the Nuremberg trials, Giles said the unit Hunka belonged to did not commit war crimes or atrocities. Targeting Russia, Giles claimed that Moscow “shouts” Nazis whenever they want despite their own history of aggression and atrocities during WWII. He further argued that Russians were never tried for the alleged “war crimes” they committed during WWII, unlike Nazis.
Giles further claimed that Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center’s statement that the atrocities committed by Hunka’s unit are well-documented was false and “doesn’t seem to have any more substance than the accusation by Russia”.
Citing the 1986 Commission report on War Crimes by the Canadian government, Giles argued that famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal himself was found to have made broad accusations against the unit in question, and the commission found them “nearly totally useless” and “put the Canadian government to a considerable amount of purposeless work.”
Source: 1986 Report by Government of Canada on War Crimes
Interestingly, Giles cherry-picked the parts of the report that were accessed by OpIndia as well. Giles cited the second part of the report on page no 258 to make his point. However, In the same report, the commission concluded the division could not be charged with war crimes because of the “absence of the evidence of participation in or knowledge of specific war crimes”. Furthermore, the report only argued about the 217 members of the Galicia division, which was far less than the actual number, which was over 70,000.
Source: 1986 Report by Government of Canada on War Crimes
The The Huta Pieniacka Massacre
Yaroslav Hunka was a member of the First Ukrainian Division, originally named the 14th Waffen-Grenadier Division der SS (Ukrainische Nr 1), also known as the “Galicia” Division, that was created during World War II in the western part of Ukraine. One particular incident involving the 4th battalion of the Galicia division is the Huta Pieniacka Massacre. Giles claimed that there is no “evidence” that the unit in question was involved in a war crime. Assuming his knowledge and understanding of World War II, as he has written book after book and article after article on Russia’s role in WWII, it can be assumed that he has done his homework properly. However, in order to defend Canada and Hunka, Giles conveniently skipped the Huta Pieniacka Massacre.
According to the paper, during the OUN-UPA campaign of mass murder in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, Huta Pieniacka, a Polish village, served as a refuge to the Jewish and Polish survivors. The Waffen-SS Galizien and UPA became aware that the village cooperated with pro-Soviet partisans, leading to a well-orchestrated attack.
The fourth regiment under Sturmbannführer Binz led the Huta Pieniacka massacre, which resulted in the deaths of civilians, mostly women and children. Historians agree on Waffen-SS Galizien’s involvement, but the scale of the massacre is unclear among them. Ukrainian estimates put the death toll at nearly 500, while Polish sources suggest 700 to 1,500 victims.
The massacre occurred after locals in Pidhirtsiv informed Ukrainian police that Huta Pieniacka sheltered Jews, supported Bolshevik partisans, and stored weapons. When the Ukrainian SS arrived to inspect, there was an alleged conflict between the troops and the villagers, leading to the brutal massacre. Testimonies by survivors and UPA members confirm the village’s burning and the killing of its residents, with some accounts linking it to the sheltering of Jews and pro-Soviet partisans.
The paper cited multiple sources narrating what happened on 28th February 1944, the day of the massacre. One of the citations says:
“On February 27, 44 [sic] at 5.00 AM the 14th Division of the Ukrainian SS surrounded the village Huta Pieniacka from three sides, shooting at the houses from a distance, then set some buildings on fire and then entered the village, plundering all the belongings of the inhabitants. The people were gathered in the church or shot in the houses. Those gathered in the church—men, women and children—were taken outside in groups, children killed in front of their parents.
Some men and women were shot in the cemetery, others were gathered in barns, where they were shot. The village was completely burned down. The only people who saved themselves were those who on finding out about the approaching Ukrainian SS, managed to hide in the forests (only men) or those who pretended to be dead or managed to hide in potato holes in the basements. Right now it is difficult to establish how many survived as they spread themselves around the area. Many of the injured with burned arms and legs were being treated—impossible to say how many–by people from surrounding villages who took them to their homes after the SS division left.”
This was reported by Uta WSK from Huta Pieniacka who survived, badly burned. The action of the SS was to be in revenge for the killing of 4 SS men on February 23. “About 60 men entered the village in the evening and began to plunder the houses. Since they wore German uniforms and spoke Ukrainian, they were taken for a disguised group of criminals. Thus the local defense action started, killing two for sure, and wounding several others. Seeing that the Ukrainian SS came to the area, it is possible that such cases may repeat themselves in every Polish village”.
Another citation noted:
“On 28 February 1944 around five and six in the morning Ukrainian nationalists together with troops from the division “SS-Galizien” surrounded the Polish village of Huta Pieniacka in the Ponikovestkii raion of the L’viv oblast, opening fire upon the village. After they entered the village, they gathered all of the residents of said village on the square in front of the church, forced them into groups by beating them, led the groups into the barns, locked the barns, then poured gasoline and burned the barns with the people inside. Anyone trying to escape was shot and thrown into the fire. In this way, more than 700 Polish people were shot and burned, and 120 houses with adjoining structures were also burned. Livestock, bread and other property were taken away by the bandits.
The Huta Pieniacka resident Franko Iosifivich Kobelianskii explained that “early in the morning on 28 February 1944, two rockets were fired upon our village, thereafter our village came under fire. After the shooting, our village was surrounded from all sides by Germans and civilians, emerging from the forest, all of whom were armed with machine guns and rifles. They entered the village and began to gather the entire village population on the square in front of the church. After gathering the men, women, old people and children, the Germans and the civilians drove them into groups of 20–30, chased them into barns, closed the buildings and burned the buildings together with the people inside. Those who tried to run were killed.
In this way 600–700 people were killed and burned, all livestock was taken away, as was footwear and clothes.” The Huta Pieniacka resident explains: ‘On 28 February 1944 our village came under fire, and soon after the shooting ended the SS’ troops and Germans arrived, including many men in civilian clothes on horse carts. The SS men were Ukrainians, they entered all the houses and gathered all the old people, children and youth on the square in front of the church, chased part of the people into the church, and thereafter some sort of Kommendant of the SS men—he spoke Ukrainian—took the old people and the children and in groups sent them into the barn, locked them up and burned the people together with the barn. I was in the church and was afraid to leave, and an SS man called me out of the church.
They gathered us in groups, there were children, old people and women among us, and about 40–50 people marched us into one of the barns, and in it people screamed with inhuman voices—at this point we realized, that they will burn us alive. The people began to run, and the SS men opened fire on them with machine guns. I fell between two rocks and remained alive. Then they gathered us who were still alive and forced us back into the barn, closed the doors and put it on fire. When the barn was burning I broke two planks and ran out of the fire, into the forest. The rest were all burned alive.”
These are just two verbatim citations, and there are several others that narrate the same story. There are enough citations, papers, reports and other evidence to prove that Hunka’s unit was involved in atrocities during World War II. However, the likes of Giles feel that it is more important to ridicule Russia than criticise those who house and celebrate Nazis.
Standing ovation to Nazi soldier in Canadian parliament and the aftermath
On 22nd September, the Canadian House of Commons gave a standing ovation to Yaroslav Hunka, a World War II veteran who fought for “Ukrainian independence” against Russian aggressors. This is how the speaker of the House, Anthony Rota, introduced him. The 98-year-old war veteran, however, was a member of a SS unit established in 1943 by the Nazis. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was also present during the occasion.
The First Ukrainian Division, originally named the 14th Waffen-Grenadier Division der SS (Ukrainische Nr 1), also known as the “Galicia” Division, was created during World War II in the western part of Ukraine. Soon after Hunka’s links to Nazi SS were revealed, Canada faced criticism worldwide.
In the aftermath, on 26th September, Canada’s Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota, resigned. Rota said he had made a mistake. Interestingly, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and all the Canadian MPs threw Rota under the bus after being globally criticised for celebrating a Nazi in the Parliament despite the fact that Canada has a long history of housing Nazi war criminals.
The funny thing was that Trudeau blamed ‘Russian propaganda’ after Canada’s parliament faced global shame for celebrating Nazis. He called the incident deeply embarrassing and somehow managed to blame Russia for the goof-up his government did by celebrating the Nazis.
He said, “Obviously, it is extremely upsetting that this happened. The speaker has acknowledged his mistake and has apologised. But this is something that is deeply embarrassing to the Parliament of Canada and, by extension, to all Canadians. I think particularly the Jewish MPs and all members of the Jewish community across the country commemorating Yom Kippur today. I think it’s gonna be really important that all of us push back against Russian propaganda and disinformation and continue our steadfast and unequivocal support for Ukraine as we did last week by announcing further measures to stand with Ukraine in Russia’s illegal war against it.”
The leftist government in Germany is furious after Elon Musk outed them for funding at least 8 German NGO ships to pick up illegal aliens off the African coast and dump them in Italy.
The international left has been doing this for years. They are actually paying for the invasion and funding NGO ships to make it possible.
The warped do-gooders from Germany believe they are “rescuing” poor Africans and giving them a better life – in Italy! There should be an immediate transfer of these thousands of illegal aliens directly to Germany after they make land in Italy.
The radical leftists in Germany are also furious with Elon Musk because he apparently supports the populist AfD party that is anti-illegal immigration in his tweet.
German Leftists Freak Out and Call for Censorship After Elon Musk Points Out 8 German NGO Ships Are Dumping Illegal Aliens into Italy and Germany’s Conservative AfD Party Wants It to Stop via @gatewaypundit