Now that Berlin police have banned a pro-Palestinian demonstration, the organisers have accused the authorities of racism. “The demonstration for tomorrow was banned by the police on racist grounds,” wrote the organiser “Palestine Campaign” on the internet platform Instagram.
Although they were “full of rage against the racist German state”, they had to ask participants not to come to the venue. At the same time, the alliance announced “upcoming steps” to “bring Palestine to the streets in Berlin”. The initiative had been calling for a protest with 250 registered participants since Monday. The police announced on Tuesday evening that the event would be banned as it posed a threat to public safety. Meanwhile, on Instagram, users are calling for people to circumvent the ban on demonstrations. “How about driving your car through Neukölln? They can’t ban that – music, flags, motorcades.”
KODAMA SYSTEMS is sponsored by Bill Gates to fell and bury millions of tons of trees. Like other climate companies, Kodama has similarly simple logos and drawings describing their activities, as if they were cast from the same mold. Screenshot: Kodama Systems
Bill Gates and other globalist billionaires are now investing in newly established climate companies like Kodama Systems to harvest and bury one billion tons of “biomass” to “save the planet.” Millions of trees, which provide us with oxygen and could have been valuable timber, will be buried instead. This will lead to soaring prices for timber, firewood, pulp, and other wood products as a consequence. The mostly deliberately set forest fires around the world this summer are now being used as a primary argument for deforestation. The destruction of American forests “for the sake of climate” is being led by a Chinese professor. Along with tree planting on arable land and economic incentives for farmers to switch to “carbon farming” instead of food production, the already strained global food production will soon no longer be able to feed the world’s population.
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s richest globalists, is now funding a new initiative to “combat global warming” and “save the planet.” Gates’ organization, Breakthrough Energy, has invested $6.6 million in the project led by a company called Kodama Systems, founded in 2021. The plan is to harvest no less than 70 million acres of forest, mostly in the western United States. After mass harvesting, the millions of trees will be buried in the ground so that no one can use them. This is because climate alarmists believe that “burying trees will reduce global warming” as it prevents them from releasing carbon dioxide into the air.
Carbon dioxide in the air is needed for plants and trees to absorb carbon and use it to build their plant parts and grow. Oxygen is released through photosynthesis, which we humans breathe. Therefore, trees sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide during their lifetime. When they die and decompose or burn, the bound carbon dioxide is released. When trees are harvested at the end of their lifespan, when they are most valuable as timber or firewood, and are buried instead of being sold, the idea is that the carbon dioxide will be bound and kept separate from our planet’s atmosphere. Therefore, the project’s coordinators, known as the Carbon Lockdown Project, plan to store the “biomass in oxygen-free tree vaults” for a long time to come. The trees will be buried or submerged in water instead of being used for things like timber for housing or pulp, which will further increase the prices of timber, firewood, paper, and all wood-based products.
Timely Forest Fires
The logging is not a future idea; it has already begun. The American business magazine Forbes reports that Kodama Systems co-founder Merritt Jenkins is currently leading test logging in Stanislaus National Forest, located at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Northern California. The nature reserve covers nearly 900,000 acres and is managed by the U.S. Forest Service, a part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 31% of U.S. forests are federally owned.
Currently, Kodama is testing and improving a semi-autonomous harvesting unit, which is eight meters long and weighs 17 tons. The goal is to build fully autonomous timber harvesting machines that can work around the clock without human operators, from cutting down the trees to hauling them out of the forest. Kodama’s current test machine can operate at night but still requires human operators. With satellite connectivity and advanced lidar cameras (light detection and ranging), similar to those used in self-driving cars, the work can be directed and monitored remotely. Those who have seen the movie Avatar can roughly understand what it would look like.
Kodama is using forest fires as one of its main selling points, as they also offer to take care of fallen trees and undergrowth, as well as thinning the forest – the forest management that is no longer carried out as before. Kodama points out the threat to life and property as well as the health risks from wildfire smoke. Jimmy Voorhis, Director of Biomass Utilization and Policy at Kodama, tells Forbes that decision-makers are now listening to them, especially after this summer’s Canadian wildfires created hazardous air conditions in major cities like New York, Washington, D.C., and Chicago.
“The orange sky in San Francisco was a turning point. They’re listening to us now,” says a satisfied Voorhis.
U.S. authorities are now seeking to swiftly address the problem their own inactivity has created by hiring Kodama. The U.S. Forest Service aims to thin out 70 million acres of forests, mostly in California, over the next decade. Typically, after such forest thinning, logs of sellable size go to sawmills, while the rest is piled up and, together with undergrowth, is later burned under controlled conditions. Now, instead, Kodama will bury one billion tons of “biomass” in “tree vaults” designed to maintain dry and oxygen-free conditions to prevent the wood from decomposing or burning.
“One ton of biomass in the soil is one ton of carbon dioxide not in the atmosphere.” – Ning Zeng, the Chinese professor who is clearing American forests to “save the planet,” has created a rule of thumb.
Kodama has already received $1 million in grants from California’s forestry fire agency and others, as well as purchase commitments for the carbon credits associated with the first 400 tons of trees that the Gates-sponsored company buries. Forbes writes that “on the open market, these credits should fetch $200 per ton”. Forbes likely chooses this price because climate alarmists have touted it as a soon-to-come minimum price needed to “save the planet.” Currently, emissions allowances cost less than half of this cost. So, the upfront payment for 400 tons of buried trees corresponds to $0.8 million in carbon credits. Real value in the form of timber and firewood is thus transformed into a fictitious value based on the lie of human-made global warming.
Free West Medias’ foreign desk has access to an internal presentation showing that the forces behind this idea plan to make money in several ways. It is led by Ning Zeng, a Chinese professor at the University of Maryland in the USA and the founder of the Carbon Lockdown Project (CLP). Ning is described as the “godfather of biomass burial.” The presentation, held for other insiders, is revealing as it provides insight into their thinking. Ning emphasizes, among other things, that 97 percent of the trees will be preserved after 100 years, indicating that they plan to store them for a long time and then potentially reuse them. It is important to note that trees stored in oxygen-free environments gain higher quality over time and can command a value of tens of euro per kilogram.
Ning particularly highlights that the cost of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere will be very low, $10-50 per ton. Companies that must pay for so-called carbon credits in the ongoing emissions trading – a multi-billion-dollar industry that globalists are now imposing on the world – can purchase this “service” from CLP.
The EU’s average auction price for emissions allowances in 2022 was 79 euros per ton of CO2, with a minimum price of about 58 euros per ton of CO2 and a maximum of 98 euros per ton of CO2. This can be compared to the 2021 average price of about 53 euros per ton of CO2, a 33 percent increase in just one year. There is no indication that this trend of rising prices will be broken; instead, it is likely to accelerate. This year, the average price seems to be well above 100 euros. The logging and burial of forests can, according to Ning Zeng’s internal cost estimation, already this year generate a profit of at least 100 to 1,000 percent. Finland’s government has already paid Zeng’s company $181 per ton, and the Swedish investment company Kinnevik recently bought 1,000 tons of carbon credits, equivalent to the weight of buried trees.
Aside from the profits from selling carbon credits, millions of tons of forests in the future will be able to be sold for tens of euro per kilogram, many times more than they are worth now, not factoring in inflation. This means both a value-preserving investment and pure profits counted in trillions rather than billions. There are, therefore, several largely hidden economic motives, as is often the case with globalists’ plans.
Natural farming is eradicated
Carbon Lockdown Project states on its website that the “natural carbon cycle is in near balance,” but not in perfect balance. Therefore, the imperfect nature must be saved by the artificial solutions of globalists, as the natural cycle is not sufficient. Carbon Lockdown Project explains it with the words: “Even though photosynthesis is ‘free,’ forests must be managed sustainably,” something they claim to know best how to do. Carbon Lockdown Project then emphasizes the importance of tree planting and how they plan to “intervene” to save our planet:
The idea of Wood Harvesting and Storage (WHS) proposes management intervention through wood harvesting or the collection of wood residues, followed by storage in anaerobic underground or wet/dry/cold conditions to prevent decay.
Thus, it is evident that it involves logging and not just clearing fallen and decaying trees in the forest – as establishment fact-checkers claim after the project starts to receive attention and criticism. From the project’s other materials, it is also clear that the focus is on trees in their final phase – before they risk starting to release carbon dioxide – thus, the oldest and largest trees, precisely those most suitable for timber and most desired by sawmills and the construction industry. Instead of becoming timber for housing construction, for example, they will be buried. This will not only mean significantly higher timber prices but also soaring firewood prices. In many countries, including Eastern Europe, it is common for people – especially now that energy and heating costs have skyrocketed – to go into the forest and pick up fallen branches and old dried trees to use as firewood.
Tree planting may sound like a positive thing until we see that the globalists are targeting open landscapes in general and agricultural land in particular. Only that part of the “war on carbon” to achieve Net Zero will force many farms to close, resulting in a further reduction in natural food production, cattle, and grains. In the Netherlands, the globalist-controlled government is trying to force 3,000 farms to close, and in Ireland, dairy farmers warn that 3,000 milk producers are on the verge of being wiped out due to new “climate requirements.” Moreover, the economic incentives for logging and burying trees will dictate the development. Forbes’ article reveals that there are extensive plans to steer farmers towards such “carbon farming,” which is paid for with carbon emissions allowances and is already more profitable than traditional farming. The aim is to get them to stop producing food and wood products. It is also mentioned that they want to introduce foreign “better carbon-absorbing” tree species for this purpose, such as bamboo. These can be genetically modified to withstand the cold at our latitudes.
Already, high energy prices have wiped out large parts of the chemical industry – mostly in the West – which produces artificial fertilizers that are necessary for nearly half of the world’s food production. In addition, the ongoing weak solar cycle, which began in December 2019, has created extreme weather that has destroyed crops worldwide. This fall, harvest time in the Northern Hemisphere, seems to be one of the worst ever in many countries (the numbers are not finalized yet). Global food security has never been so threatened, something even the Agenda-pushing UN has acknowledged.
Food production worldwide needs to be significantly and rapidly strengthened, but instead, the opposite is happening. Globalists primarily want to abolish livestock farming and replace animal protein with plant-based and synthetic “meat” as well as insects. Dairy products are also supposed to be replaced in the same manner, with everything from soy-based “dairy products” to cockroach milk. However, they never explain how they intend to replace the more serious and enormous shortfall in grains.
In addition to agriculture being forced to step back, both in terms of food and timber production, it leads to something else that no one talks about. Decaying vegetation and trees create new nutrient-rich soils, which are the foundation of all cereal production. Leached soils as a result of industrialized agriculture, often driven by globalist multinational companies, are a significant problem today. By removing millions of trees from the natural cycle, the future’s arable land and food production are also being destroyed.
Center-right lawmaker Stéphane Le Rudulier called for a number of hard-left parties to be dissolved.
French center-right politicians are calling for the dissolution of hard-left parliamentary factions that are refusing to label Hamas as a terrorist organization following the atrocities committed in Israel over the weekend.
Les Républicains Senator Stéphane Le Rudulier penned an open letter to Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne on Tuesday urging the French government to dissolve hard-left Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s La France Insoumise (LFI) party for not condemning the terror activities of Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organization in the European Union.
Le Rudulier also called for the dissolution of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), the Indigenous People of the Republic, the Young Guard, and the Permanent Revolution.
In a statement, LFI described the slaughtering of Israeli civilians as an “armed offensive by Palestinian forces led by Hamas” and blamed the attacks on the “intensification of Israeli occupation policy in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.”
The party’s leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, claimed that “all the violence unleashed against Israel and in Gaza only proves one thing: Violence only produces and reproduces itself.” Meanwhile, another LFI MP, Éric Coquerel, described Hamas as “a movement that practices a form of terror just as the Israeli army practices a form of state terrorism, in a situation where it is against UN resolutions because it continues to colonize, annex, and occupy a people.”
Critics of the party accused it of standing on the side of terrorism by refusing to unequivocally condemn Hamas terrorists who infiltrated Israeli territory over the weekend and murdered hundreds of innocent civilians, including a massacre of 260 partygoers at a rave near the Israeli-Palestinian border.
At a press conference on Tuesday, Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI parliamentary group in the National Assembly, was again accused of refusing to label Hamas a terrorist organization before abruptly ending the conference.
Le Hamas est-il une organisation terroriste ? "J'ai [déjà] répondu, vous vous contenterez de ma réponse sur cette question", réagit @MathildePanot. Répondant à un journaliste qui estime qu'elle a "un double langage", la députée met un terme à la conférence de
Center-right lawmaker Le Rudulier said that “while Israel was suffering its 9/11 under Hamas rockets and commandos, far-left political movements preferred to attack Israeli democracy than the Palestinian terrorists and Islamist aggressors.”
“By refusing to condemn these terrorist actions, by advocating terrorism, these far-left elected officials have become the little telegraph operators of Hamas, a terrorist movement that officially prescribes the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews,” he added.
The right-wing Rassemblement National (RN) has also criticized left-wing factions across France.
“It is no longer about complacency, but much worse than that,” remarked RN lawmaker Laure Lavalette, while the party’s leader, Jordan Bardella, said that Panot’s continuous refusal to call Hamas a terrorist organization “anchors LFI outside the republican field and installs it in the camp of dishonor.”
“We must allow Israel to eradicate Hamas, in the same way that I want to eradicate Islamism in France, but we must ensure that we protect the Palestinian civilian population, some of which are hostages to Hamas: There are women and children there,” said RN’s parliamentary party leader Marine Le Pen during an interview with French broadcaster CNews on Tuesday.
The leader of the populist Sweden Democrats (SD) Jimmie Åkesson has made a new proposal on immigration, advocating for migrants to be stripped of Swedish citizenship if they refuse to integrate into Swedish society, along with migrant criminals.
“Somewhere, the starting point has been that you can’t make someone stateless. But if you have citizenship in another country, there are actually opportunities to reconsider the Swedish one,” Åkesson said, the Swedish newspaper Expressen reports:
What we have said so far is that you should be able to look at citizenship for terrorists and for gang criminals. These types of crime are put on an equal footing. That means that you are abandoning the principle of equality before the law. And once you’ve started doing that, you can actually take that reasoning further. And I am absolutely prepared to do so, in the situation we are in.
We have a situation where people live in Sweden, as citizens of Sweden, but they still can’t speak Swedish. They have no connection whatsoever to Swedish society. They are only here to commit crimes. They bring down the reputation of Swedish citizenship and Swedish passports internationally. Sweden now needs to get away from all this … I don’t think there’s any other solution than to start looking at tearing up citizenships.”
The SD leader claimed that Sweden’s integration policy has been based on a faulty premise, that foreigners who come from abroad actually want to be Swedish. “They don’t want that,” he said.
The new proposals come just over a year after Åkesson and Sweden Democrat migration policy spokesman Ludvig Aspling penned an op-ed for the newspaper Aftonbladet in which they called for the repatriation of migrants from Somalia, Syria, and Afghanistan due to a lack of integration and high rates of unemployment.
“Remigration is not a miracle solution, but the failures of recent decades show that it must be an option—a solution for all those who live in long-term exclusion,” the pair wrote, adding, “Incentive structures and the welfare system must be reformed, so that people in exclusion cannot get caught up in welfare dependency, but are either forced into society or encouraged to remigrate.”
While the Sweden Democrats are not formally part of the current centre-right government in Sweden, they are signatories to the Tidö agreement and support the government in the Swedish parliament.
Earlier this month, Aspling co-authored an article in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter with Swedish Migration minister Maria Malmer Stenergard, a member of the centre-right Moderate Party, in which the pair stated that Sweden would be adapting asylum rules to the minimum level required by the European Union in order to keep the number of new asylum seekers low.
“Large internal migration flows damage trust and openness in the Union.The government is now implementing a necessary paradigm shift in Swedish migration policy. In order to break and eventually reverse a development with exclusion and integration problems, it is not only [sic] necessary that the number of asylum seekers be very low for a foreseeable period of time,” they said.
They added that the government will also create a special investigator to review those with asylum status in order to determine whether they are still in need of asylum and if not, to look at revoking their residency in Sweden.
They concluded:
Finally, the unique role of the permanent residence permit in Sweden will be addressed. Although Sweden has implemented certain changes in recent years, we still grant a large number of permanent residence permits on asylum-related grounds. This, despite the fact that any such obligation does not follow from EU law or other international commitments. This arrangement runs counter to the idea that protection is something that is granted temporarily and creates strong incentives to seek asylum in Sweden in particular.
Sweden has seen one of the highest rates of immigration per capita in Europe, with the country’s population growth being almost entirely driven by mass migration in recent years. Within the span of just a decade, the country of just over 10 million people granted over a million residency permits.
However, among the migrant-background population, unemployment has remained several times higher than that of native-born Swedes, and criminal gangs, who are some of the most violent in Europe, are made up largely of those from migrant backgrounds.
There are a bunch of BLM organizations and umbrella groups around.
BLM Grassroots is feuding with the original BLM. It’s dominated by Melina Abdullah, the former chair of pan-African studies at California State University, who is violently antisemitic. Her activism was inspired in part by Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. And her faction was responsible for the BLM pogrom in Los Angeles.
Abdullah doesn’t even bother hiding her antisemitism and tweets things like this, “more & more jews invading campuses, causing islamophobia, racism, &intolerance!” and “we must dismantle patriarchy! specifically jewish patriarchy offending muslims &controlling our economy & campuses!”
So the BLM Grassroots statement endorsing the Hamas kidnapping, murder, rape and torture of women and children comes as little surprise. Abdullah had previously linked BLM to supporting Islamic terrorism against Israel. Now in the face of the Hamas attacks, BLM Grassroots declared that “resistance must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense”.
How raping girls and killing babies is a “desperate act of self-defense” is something Abdullah might help clarify.
Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), the major BLM player left standing which had put out a platform endorsing BDS, is retweeting terrorist propaganda, but has not issued a specific official statement. That’s likely to change before long.
Either way, Jewish leftists who endorsed BLM, are discovering that Jewish lives not only don’t matter, but that BLM cheers on their killers.
Before the record wet winter which saw torrential downpour and floods, the “experts” were predicting a continuous dangerous drought—but the inaccuracy wasn’t because they were wrong, it was simply a miracle! From a Los Angeles Times article, shared via Yahoo:
Forecasters are warning of another potentially wet winter fueled by El Niño, which could bring levee breaches and flooding to the state once again.
‘This was as close to a miracle year as you can get following the intensity of drought conditions,’ said Karla Nemeth, director of the Department of Water Resources, during a briefing Tuesday.
‘Mother Nature really helped us out, and she did help us out in a really, really big way in certain parts of the state,’ Nemeth said. ‘But there are always ways in which Mother Nature can throw us a curve ball….’
Now these same so-called experts are predicting, and warning, that it could be another “extreme” winter, and the “strong possibility” of an El Niño weather event.
How many times have we been warned about melting ice at the poles and how that would detrimentally raise sea levels? The best guess on sea levels is that they have increased a whopping nine inches (essentially immeasurable) in the 160 years the earth has supposedly been rapidly warming. If the earth warms as predicted, won’t a lot of water evaporate to offset the melting ice?
Two days back, Yahoo noted that “Antarctic sea ice” was at an “all-time record low for winter” but what the report didn’t tell us was that the Antarctic ice rapidly thickened two years ago when the region had the coldest six months on record and the temperature was an average negative 62.9 degrees, which is six degrees below normal.
The media and other green pushers conveniently omit information that doesn’t support the “warming” narrative, and don’t want the indoctrinated public to see factual information that would destroy their theory.
What is actually a miracle is that anyone believes the scam, when previous dire predictions have been wrong 100% of the time.
Why would anyone believe “experts” who predicted droughts before record snow would be able to accurately predict what the climate will be one hundred years from now?
Why would anyone believe that politicians and bureaucrats could control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever, if they couldn’t foresee a terrorist attack in Israel that was allegedly planned months in advance, by known terrorists?
Why would anyone trust an administration that hands boatloads of money to Iran, which pledges death to Israel and the U.S., to have intelligent energy policies?
Why would anyone believe that China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. would throw away hundreds of billions of dollars to prioritize the impact of their “carbon footprint”?
Why would anyone trust media outlets who just repeat talking points pushing radical and destructive green policies while refusing to ask questions or doing any research?
There is only one question they need to ask Joe Biden, John Kerry, or any so-called expert that shows this is just a money grabbing scam—where is the scientific data that shows a link between humans consumption of oil, natural gas, and coal and temperatures? Hint: There is none. The temperature has fluctuated both up and down the last 160 years while our use of these natural resources has rocketed straight up. It is a simple scientific concept that when there is no correlation, you cannot assume causation.
The purpose of the scam is greed and to control the people.
A local council in France has been criticized by conservatives after spending €2.2 million on two properties located in a rural village overlooking the French Alps — both of which are to be used to house migrants.
Leaders of the local right-wing Reconquête party, Philippe Vardon and Jean Moucheboeuf, distributed a leaflet to residents of Carros, near Nice, last week after learning of the council’s plans to acquire the properties owned by the diocese of Nice.
The properties, located in the commune populated by just 12,000 people, enjoy land of around 16,700 square meters. The houses will be used to accommodate unaccompanied minors, and the council defended the move by explaining it had been renting the properties since 2017 and that the purchase would save the municipality money in the long term.
Critics, however, argued that it is evidence of local leaders’ intentions to persist in favor of mass immigration despite growing discontent across the country at the unsustainability of such a policy; they also hit out at Éric Ciotti, president of the center-right Les Républicains (LR) party who also heads up the finance committee of the local council.
“This is new proof of sustaining a policy of welcoming unaccompanied minors and that Mr. Ciotti supports the government’s lax migration policy!” Philippe Vardon said.
Ciotti hit back at his critics, calling the leaflet published by Reconquête “despicable” and circulated by “people who are just as despicable.” He insisted that he remains opposed to mass immigration, despite signing off on the extravagant purchase to ensure that receiving the numbers of new arrivals seen recently in France and wider Europe remains sustainable in the future.
“The majority of these minors arrive from the Ivory Coast. We should be able to put them on a plane to send them back. We have to change that!” Ciotti told a local council plenary.
Mayor of Carros Yannick Bernard also hit out at those criticizing the local council and asked what they would do differently in light of services in the area becoming saturated following the recent influx of illegal migrants.
“We are forced to become subcontractors of state inaction. But to those waving the red rag, what do you have to offer?” he asked.
In the wider Parisian suburbs in the Ile-de-France, immigrants comprise 37 percent of the population.
With public services struggling, the French government sought to distribute a number of new arrivals to the French countryside, in part to “clean up” Paris ahead of hosting the current Rugby World Cup and the Summer Olympics next year.
Several local leaders opposed the plans, and a number of local resident groups across the country have staged protests against their locality receiving a migrant quota from the state.
How does one even begin to describe the depth of this evil? One could even say Satan is more merciful.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Hamas has committed multiple horrific atrocities, including gunning down peaceful Israelis at a dance party, raping and abducting young Israeli women, and beheading Israeli soldiers. Hamas has even desecrated the bodies of their victims.
Now we have confirmation the terrorist group has sunk even lower. i24 news correspondent Nicole Zedek reported that she spoke to Israeli soldiers, and they revealed to her that Hamas terrorists are chopping off the heads of babies and gunning down families in their homes.
The European Union has abandoned plans to stop sending aid to Palestine after a backlash within the bloc.
European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi announced the pause in aid on October 9 in response to Hamas attacks on Israel. All payments to the Arab-controlled territory have been “immediately suspended” due to the assault, he said at the time.
Pro-Palestinian states within the EU were quick to react, with Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg and Ireland all publicly rebuking the decision. Ireland openly questioned the legality of Varhelyi – a politician with pro-Israel leanings – unilaterally axing the payments.
This was followed by a clarification from the EC’s press service, which said that while the bloc would review its aid to Palestine, it would not stop payments.
EC foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell went on to confirm that there were no plans currently to axe aid to Palestine.
The suspension of the payments – punishing all the Palestinian people – would have damaged the EU interests in the region and would have only further emboldened terrorists.
“The review of the EU’s assistance for Palestine announced by the European Commission will not suspend the due payments,” he wrote online.
“The suspension of the payments – punishing all the Palestinian people – would have damaged the EU interests in the region and would have only further emboldened terrorists.”
Ireland’s Government is considering a push to get EU Member States to recognise Palestine and may even “go solo” over the issue.
The EU is Palestine’s largest provider of humanitarian aid with the development package currently under review valued at €691 million.
Despite accusations of it being a hotbed of terrorism and anti-Semitism, Palestine also receives political support from a number of Left-wing and centrist governments within EU Member States.
Ireland’s centrist coalition government has been one of the territory’s foremost backers in recent years. Irish ministers have previously mulled a push to get every EU Member State to recognise Palestine as a state independent from Israel.
Palestine is not without its detractors, with Swedish MEP Charlie Weimers decrying any attempts to blame Israel for the ongoing hostilities.
In the ongoing attack on Israel from Hamas and various other Palestinian groups here are no ‘two sides’. This attack is not “resistance”, it is terrorism, murder and war crimes.
Like the Yom Kippur war 50 years ago, the cold blooded terror attack is perpetrated during a…
“There are no ‘two sides’,” he wrote. “This attack is not ‘resistance’, it is terrorism, murder and war crimes.
“I stand in solidarity with Israel and the Israeli people and call on the EU to condemn this attack as terrorism and a war crime.”
Others questioned whether the aid supplied by Brussels was ending up in the hands of Islamic militants.
“I would really like to know how Europe controls the money it gives to Palestine, so that it does not go to the Islamic terrorist group Hamas,” Flemish MEP Assita Kanko remarked.
“How do they fight corruption and ensure that the money does not go to terrorism? Do they ask questions about how taxpayer money is used after the attacks have occurred?”
The European hard-left has condemned European Union leaders’ support of Israel following the outbreak of hostilities between Israel and Palestinian Islamist organisation Hamas on October 7.
Israeli girl narrates how Hamas terrorists live streamed her grandmother’s killing thorugh her Facebook account
Several blood-curdling videos of the brutal murders of innocent Israeli citizens and defence personnel by Hamas terrorists have been emerging eversince Palestine’s Islamist terror organisation launched an unprovoked attack on Israel on October 7. On Tuesday, October 10, reports emerged that the Hamas terrorists killed an Israeli elderly woman at her home and live-streamed the entire act through her personal Facebook account.
The incident came to the fore after the deceased woman’s granddaughter speaking in a video for Visegrad24, recounted the harrowing experience. The traumatized girl narrated how she saw the gut-wrenching video of the brutal murder on her grandmother’s Facebook account in which her grandmother was lying lifeless in a pool of blood, on the floor of her house.
Israeli girls says she found out Hamas had murdered her grandmother because the terrorists had taken her grandmother's phone, live-streamed the murder and posted it on the grandmother's Facebook wall
In a video for Visegrad24, the girl said her aunt had called her mother and asked her to open Facebook.
“My mother could not open it as she was trembling. I opened it from my phone and I saw the worst you could possibly imagine. My grandmother was on the floor of her house being murdered. The entire floor was covered in blood with my grandma lying there,” the inconsolable girl said, adding that the terrorist took her private phone, filmed the act, and put it on her private Facebook wall.”
Video of dead German woman being paraded naked and spit on by Hamas terrorists emerged
Another disturbing visual that emerged was that of the naked and battered dead body of an unidentified woman who was being paraded by the Hamas terrorists in a pickup truck. The terrorists could be heard shouting the Islamic slogan ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ in these gruesome videos of the incident. In some videos that surfaced on social media, a murderous crowd of Hamas terrorists could be seen surrounding the vehicle, chanting slogans and spitting on the woman’s body. The woman being paraded in that video was identified as a German tourist named Shani Louk.
Meanwhile, in response to the unprovoked terrorist attack by Hamas, Israel has escalated its airstrikes on the Gaza Strip and imposed a blockade on the region, preventing the flow of essential supplies, including food and fuel.
This retaliation followed a violent incursion by Hamas terrorists who announced on October 9, Monday, that any death of Gaza civilians in Israeli air strikes would now result in the televised execution of hostages.
Abu Ubaida, spokesman for the Military Wing of Hamas – Al-Qassam Brigades announced on Al Jazeera that they would execute hostages and broadcast it live for each bomb dropped on civilians in Gaza by Israel.
#BREAKING: Hamas announces that it will begin execution and live televised killing of Israeli hostages for every building bombarded in Gaza.
Statement by Abu Ubaida, spokesman for the Military Wing of Hamas – Al-Qassam Brigades on Al Jazeera.
It is notable here that Gaza is one of the most densely populated regions in the world. Hamas has been notorious for hiding its terrorist operations and weapons deep in civilian areas, often using schoolchildren and families as human shields.
In response to the brutal terrorist attack on Israel that killed over 900 civilians and wounded over 2,500 others, Israel has declared war on Hamas and has been pounding the Gaza Strip with bombs for 48 hours. The US and other NATO nations have declared support for Israel.
Hundreds of Israelis and foreign nationals are believed to have been taken hostage by Hamas. Hamas has massacred civilians brutally after attacking a music festival, and family homes in Southern Israel. Social media posts have surfaced where Hamas terrorists are seen killing children, women, and the elderly. The exact number of hostages is unknown.