Banana Republic: Argentinian Presidential Front-Runner Javier Milei Placed Under Criminal Investigation Days Before Election Over Speech – Just Like They Do Trump!

Inflation in Argentina just hit a record-high 138%.  It has continued to skyrocket since the country defaulted on a record-setting $57-billion “relief package” issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2018.  A payment default in May of 2020 couldn’t have come at a worse time.  As country’s were shutting down for the global “pandemic”, Argentina failed to make a $500-million loan payment and cut the country off from access to many finance options.

The people of Argentina, in a testament to sweeping change, have latched on to the populist candidate, Javier Milei.  Milei has been compared to Donald Trump and former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, often referred to as “the Trump of the Tropics.”  And for this reason, the Mockingbird Media outlets immediately labeled him things like “far-right”, “ultra-right libertarian”, and “Trump fan” as reported by The Gateway Pundit.

And now add another notch to that comparison:  he’s also under criminal investigation, just days before the country’s elections on October 22nd.

Prosecutors in Argentina have launched a criminal investigation into the presidential front-runner Javier Milei for encouraging Argentinians not to save money in the Argentinian peso.  As the candidate to receive the most votes of any other during the presidential primary, and running on a platform that involves adopting the US Dollar as their currency, this would seem like a logical encouragement.  After all, it seems he’s the likely replacement for President Alberto Fernandez, who, according to the AP, called for the investigation himself.  Fernandez is not seeking re-election.

Salvini and Le Pen in Pontida: “Whoever fights, wins”

Politics, history, and legend have laid the foundations of present-day traditions, identities, and national sentiments. A clear example of this is the Pontida rally, the annual political meeting of the current Lega Salvini Premier (formerly Lega Nord). Since 1990, tens of thousands of its supporters have gathered in what is known as il pratone (“the meadow”) on il sacro suolo (“the sacred ground”) of Pontida, a small Italian municipality in the province of Bergamo, in Lombardy. It was in the local Cluniac abbey there that, on April 7, 1167, the so-called Oath of Pontida took place. This was the birthplace of the Lombard League, a military alliance between the municipalities of Milan, Lodi, Ferrara, Piacenza, and Parma, whose purpose was to oppose the hegemony of Frederick Barbarossa’s Holy Roman Empire.

Over time, this struggle—which reached its climax in 1176 with the defeat of the imperial troops at the Battle of Legnano—became a symbol of the desire for freedom and sovereignty. The united free communes showed that, with sacrifice, it was possible to drive out the foreigner and rule over their own destiny. The Canto degli Italiani, the anthem of the Italian Republic, does not exaggerate when it declares that “Dall’Alpi a Sicilia, dovunque è Legnano”—From the Alps to Sicily, Legnano is everywhere.

Symbols, such as anthems, coats of arms, and flags, are fundamental in the construction of nations and states, as are the land and the places where important historical events have helped to shape a common identity. All of these elements were essential to the constitution of the party led by Matteo Salvini, which was founded by Umberto Bossi at the end of the 1980s. Il Carroccio (the medieval battle altar) and Alberto da Giussano (the legendary Guelph warrior of Legnano) are its party symbols, both of which recall the legendary origins of the Lombard League.

However, in the 21st century, Lega is not a reactionary party that looks to a mythical past, but a modern party that takes up and cares for tradition: anchored in the present, but looking to the future, and combining different sensibilities within an ideological framework that is sovereigntist, identitarian, liberal-conservative, and federalist. The Lega Salvini Premier is a national and governing party at the head of the vice-presidency of the Republic, with ministerial posts, regional presidencies, and city councils throughout the country, as well as the chair of the Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the European Parliament. After almost 35 years, the old Lega Nord went from being a small regional party—even, at one point, with secessionist pretensions—to a national and European party: from Prima il Nord to Prima l’italiani, and from there to Cambiare questa Europa.

With the presence of Marine Le Pen on the leghisti stage, the 2023 Pontida rally has made it clear that the Lega continues in this direction. Clearly, the leader of Rassemblement National (RN) is indispensable to the formation of a European alliance that can serve as an alternative to the ‘Ursula majority’ during the next European elections in June. As Salvini told the thousands in attendance, “I thank a courageous woman like Marine Le Pen who, against all odds, represents France’s first party. And if we have to choose between Macron and Le Pen, we will have no doubt: all my life with Marine Le Pen.”

In an interview published in Libero, Matteo Salvini confessed to Mario Sechi that Marine Le Pen “is one of the oldest and most important allies of the League and, this is what the numbers say, today she represents the first party in France, it would be a mistake to say no to an alliance with her,” adding that he will do “everything possible so that no one is excluded.” Salvini then offered his thoughts on what the Italian political situation suggests about Europe:

The centre-right is winning in Italy because it has united everyone. If the centre-right wants to govern Europe, the only option is to unite everyone. If you don’t bring in the populars, the conservatives and all the identitarians, the game is lost from the start; if you bring everyone together, then there is a 50% chance of winning.

This is a warning to those who insist on a veto for RN, such as Antonio Tajani, who is the leader of Forza Italia, the Italian vice-president of the European People’s Party (EPP), and a political ally in the ruling centre-right coalition in Italy. Tajani has repeatedly stated that in Europe he will never govern with RN and Alternative for Germany (AfD)—members of the ID group in Europe—and yet he does collaborate with the Lega and Fratelli d’Italia within the context of Italian domestic politics. The resolution of this dilemma will be decisive in the next European elections if the ‘Italian model’ is to be exported to the EU.

Giorgia Meloni, president of Italy’s Council of Ministers and of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, has so far remained cautious in taking a position on the issue, but she is very close both to EPP leader Manfred Weber and to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In view of the European elections, it seems that Salvini is aiming to ally with Paris, and Meloni with Budapest, in a common strategy that has as its aim the difficult and complex objective of changing the current majorities in Brussels.

The closeness between Salvini and Meloni is clear, despite the constant attempt by their political opponents to show otherwise. In Salvini’s words:

There is harmony, first human, personal, and then political. Something that did not happen when the League entered the government with the Five Star Movement. Giorgia and I work, but we also see each other from time to time to spend Saturdays or Sundays together. Obviously we have two different movements that are part of two different alliances in Europe; one was born in Rome and the other in Milan. But as Pope John XXIII said, there is much more that unites us than divides us.

On the Pontida stage, Salvini also said, “Matteo in Pontida and Giorgia in Lampedusa are the synthesis of a common goal and a common destiny. They will not succeed in dividing us,” adding, “The Lega is the guarantor that this government will last the five years that the Italians have asked of it—not a minute less.”

Marine Le Pen’s words also carry significant weight in the current context:

You and we are engaged together in a common struggle: that of the freedom of our homelands and of our peoples. … We defend our people from the wave of organised migration, we defend our ports, as Matteo did so brilliantly with such courage and combativeness when he had the power to do so. Then the whole of Europe looked at Italy with admiration and we, as allies, are proud of you and waiting for that moment to return. … When there is a party like the Lega and a leader like Salvini you know it is the right choice, even the only possible choice. … Together we are determined and destined to win in Italy and in Europe. It will be essential to send the left home, to defend our cultural, food, economic and social model. … We have a left in Italy and in Europe that goes backwards: between bankers and workers it chooses the bankers; between multinationals and artisans it chooses the multinationals.

The Le Pen-Salvini axis, a pillar of support for ID in the European Parliament, is standing firm with the election slogan “The Europe of nations, in defence of our identities and freedoms.” What remains to be seen are results in the form of European political developments at the national and EU levels, and proposals addressing the huge problems facing the continent such as the out-of-control flood of illegal immigration, the war in Ukraine, accelerating inflation, the ECB interest rate, the ‘green’ policies stifling industry, livestock and agriculture, the ideological woke agenda, and the various limitations imposed upon citizens’ freedoms.

Concrete actions to resolve these issues can facilitate understanding between the different democratic political families which share conservative, patriotic, popular, identitarian, and sovereigntist European sensibilities. The path from Pontida’s meadow lies open; it remains to be seen who is willing to walk upon it.

France: A woman is threatened with death by three men shouting “Allah Akbar” in the forecourt of a church

Translation: [Info
Anti-Semitic abuse and death threats: A 57-year-old woman disturbed by noises coming from the church forecourt in Saint Brice sous Forêt (95) on Monday told three North African men to be quiet and leave, whereupon they shouted, “Allah Akbar, we will kill you, you Jewish whore,” a police source reported.

The victim, who is not Jewish, replied to them that she would come down to make sure they were quiet and shooed away the 15- to 20-year-old youths who continued to shout “Allah Akbar”. In the morning, she found that her house had been pelted with eggs. An investigation was launched.

From boycotting to beheading

Source: New York Post

by Giulio Meotti

Every day new images emerge of the largest massacre of civilians in Israel’s history.

A Yale academic called the Israeli victims of Hamas “settlers”. At Stanford University, there are slogans in defense of Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel. “By any means necessary.” says a pro-Hamas poster at the University of Manchester, England. At Birkbeck University there are also academics who justify the massacres of 1,200 Israelis. A letter signed by 31 Harvard University student groups blames Israel as “entirely responsible” for the Hamas attacks. Appeals to Hamas’s “war of liberation” are also at Columbia University in New York.

A Cornell University official of “diversity and inclusion” has dismissed the massacre of Israeli civilians as “resistance.”

At the Orientale in Naples, Palestinian drapes.“Intifada for the revolution” at the Sapienza University of Rome. At the University of Paris-Panthéon-Assas, a professor wrote to students: “If you arrive late again, I will make you like at the rave” (where 260 Israelis were killed) and “it will take missiles and Kalashnikovs to wake you up”.

Black Lives Matter sides with Hamas and its paratroopers who massacred at the rave.

But in my opinion there is an even bigger scandal.

The University of Siena, in Italy, is the first in the world to have sent students to the Islamic University of Gaza. A Sienese delegation also visited the University of Gaza and made a propaganda documentary.

Except that the University of Gaza is not like all the others.

Created by the founder of Hamas, Sheikh Yassin, the university is part of the Hamas war machine. This is why Israel hit the university today. Subhi Al Yaziji, dean of Koranic Studies at the University of Gaza, said on TV that “synagogues and schools” in Israel are targets, that “even Jewish children are fighters”. In the same days in which the first student left Siena for Gaza, a professor from that university on al Aqsa TV (the Hamas broadcaster) said that all of Israel is “a battlefield.”

After October 7, which Netanyahu compared to the great massacre of 1941 in Babyn Yar, it is it is not only legitimate, but necessary, to ask why Western universities were able to establish ties and exchanges with fake academic institutions used by a monstrous organization that pursues the destruction of Israel and has just massacred 1,200 civilians, including dozens of children, guilty only of being Jews.

“In this troubled hour, the civilized world seems weary of its own civilization,” wrote Saul Bellow. “It doesn’t want to hear about survival anymore. In their concern for the decay of civilization and in their pride (pride and concern in equal measure), the Israelis have something to teach the world.”

How low can the West descend into the decadence of its civilization? The Western academia has rapidly moved from the boycott of Israel to justifying the beheading of Jewish babies.

From boycotting to beheading (

France: A North African man armed with a knife and recorded as a dangerous person was arrested leaving a mosque in Limay near a high school; he is in possession of “radical religious books” and “photos of beheadings”

A 24-year-old man had been arrested on Friday for carrying a prohibited weapon near the Condorcet high school.
A psychiatric report on the 24-year-old man, who was arrested on Friday in the Yvelines department for having an S file entry, concluded that there was no mental disorder and that he was therefore eligible for a criminal sanction, BFMTV and the AFP news agency learned from a source close to the investigation.

Strictly religious books were found during a search of his house. According to our information, photos of beheadings were found in his mobile phone.

On Friday, police sources had told the AFP news agency that the man was known for “radicalisation”. One of these persons stated on Saturday that the man was recorded in a fiche (card index) S.

The Versailles public prosecutor’s office said that he remained in police custody early on Saturday afternoon.

The man had been taken into custody in Limay (Yvelines) at around 3pm on Friday while leaving a mosque and near the Condorcet high school for carrying a prohibited weapon, according to police and judicial sources.

The Versailles public prosecutor’s office had confirmed the man’s arrest and said that “a police custody (was) underway, managed by the Mantes-la-Jolie police station for carrying a category D weapon” as part of an investigation launched in this context.

On Friday, a young Russian man with a record for radicalisation had killed a teacher with a knife and seriously injured two people at a collège-lycée in Arras in northern France.

During a visit to this school, President Emmanuel Macron spoke of another foiled “attempted attack” “in another region”. According to the Interior Ministry, he was referring to the arrest in Limay.

However, the Versailles prosecutor’s office had told the AFP news agency on Friday that “no assignment to the National Anti-terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat) is being considered at this stage”.

The weapon possessed by the arrested man was “a priori a kitchen knife”, the prosecution added. He had been checked as part of an identity check and was carrying “a knife with a nine-centimetre blade, which he did not brandish or display” and “did not threaten”, the prosecution noted.

“He explained that he was homeless and always had the knife with him to defend himself in case of an attack.

The man had previously been convicted of “driving under the influence of drugs” and “carrying a category D weapon”.

Homme interpellé avec un couteau à Limay: l’expertise psychiatrique conclut à une absence de trouble (

Italy: Muslim shouts “Allahu akbar” holding a Quran and attacks three people

Viale Monza,

A man was arrested by the police after attacking three people on the Viale Monza in Milan and not seriously injuring one of them with his fists. According to some of those present, but whose statements have yet to be verified, the man shouted “Allah Akbar”. The attacker was holding a Quran and wearing a hood.
The incident occurred around 2.30 pm. State police stopped the attacker after calling in two patrol cars due to his distraught state. The man, who has not yet been identified, was taken to the polyclinic for examination after he was restrained and handcuffed. The injured man, a 44-year-old Ecuadorian, was instead taken by ambulance to Bassini hospital in Cinisello Balsamo (Milan). According to police headquarters, the incident has nothing to do with the pro-Palestinian demonstration in Milan.

Paris: Islamist with entry in the dangerous persons file arrested for threatening travellers in the metro

A person with the entry in the S-file was arrested by police officers from the Brigade des Réseaux Franciliens at the Stalingrad metro station in Paris’ 19th arrondissement at around 2:45 p.m. on Friday October 13, Valeurs actuelles learned from a police source, confirming a report by Le Figaro.

The man was arrested when he threatened users by waving a pointed piece of wood “”back and forth””, a police source told Valeurs actuelles. Authorities quickly brought him to the police station and took him into police custody. Initial investigations, in particular a check of police files, revealed that this person had three arrest warrants. Among them was an “S” file issued by the State Security, which indicated that he was a militant Islamist who could be within France and abroad.

The authorities informed the issuing body of this file, the DGSI (Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure). Subsequently, the police custody of the person was transferred to GLAT 95 (Groupe de lutte antiterroriste du Val d’Oise), which was tasked with further investigations.

Paris : un islamiste fiché S interpellé pour avoir menacé des voyageurs dans le métro – Valeurs actuelles

France on High Alert for Potential Terror Attacks After Louvre Museum and Versailles Palace Evacuated Amidst Bomb Threats (VIDEO)

Dramatic scenes unfolded in Paris on Saturday as two of France’s most iconic landmarks, the Louvre Museum and Versailles Palace, were both immediately evacuated following bomb threats.

According to the Louvre’s communication service and Paris police, both the museum and the former royal palace at Versailles received written bomb threats, AP reported.

The written threats prompted immediate action from French authorities, leading to an orderly evacuation of both buildings.

The Louvre Museum, which regularly receives thousands of daily visitors, was emptied of all tourists and staff, while the police stood guard and subsequently carried out a thorough search of the premises.

“He spoke French with manners from a bygone era, a beautiful language. And we laughed with him about it. He was a bit of a teddy bear, he was too nice”. Who was Dominique Bernard, the teacher who tried to stand in the way of an Islamist terrorist?

“Monsieur Bernard,” as the students called him, was “a very patient teacher, really respectful.” “And he could be funny too,” said Anna. This high school student had barricaded herself in her classroom on Friday, October 13 when her “teacher shouted that we had to close all the doors,” as the terrorist entered their Gambetta-Carnot high school in the northern town of Arras.

In front of the school, parents recalled who Dominique Bernard was, the 57-year-old French teacher who was killed by the assailant. The father of three daughters, who came from a family of teachers and was married to an English teacher, “took time out for parent-teacher meetings and was a great listener.” “He died because he tried to protect our children,” lamented the mother of a high school student.

BREAKING: Knife attack at Gambetta High School in Arras, France: one teacher had his throat cut, another was stabbed to death , several others injured; the perpetrator, who shouted “Allah Akbar”, is a young Chechen already known for his radicalisation, his brother was also arrested….knife-attack-at-gamb

BREAKING: Knife attack at Gambetta High School in Arras, France: one teacher had his throat cut, another was stabbed to death , several others injured; the perpetrator, who shouted “Allah Akbar”, is a young Chechen already known for his radicalisation, his brother was also arrested – Allah's Willing Executioners

Bernard studied literature in Lille, Northern Franc, and had been teaching there since the 1980s. Bruno Lecat, who shared the university benches with him, remembers him as “a rich human being, very generous and attentive to others. He was a truly beautiful person.” During his studies, he formed a theater company with Nathalie Raoul, who described him to Agence France-Presse as a “respectful, a little secretive, very delicate” man. “His personality was essential to the functioning of the group, with a great deal of discretion and originality”. At the time, he was a “very intelligent student, not at all into fads or trends, a very unique person.”

Bernard was “a lover of literature who knew how to pass on his passion,” and “a hard-working teacher who took his work very much to heart,” said philosophy teacher Damien Dousseau. “He was a very cultured person with many interests. Outside his work here, he regularly gave lectures on literature, as well as cinema and music,” added a distraught colleague and friend. Fabien Dufay, a sports teacher at Gambetta high school, recalled a “very friendly colleague, with whom we used to have a lot of fun in the staff room.”

In 2002, Bernard was one of the founders of the Université Populaire d’Arras (now closed), an open university created in the spirit of the schools founded by French philosopher Michel Onfray. Paule Orsoni, a retired philosophy teacher who worked alongside him on this project, called him a “brilliant man with a very keen eye, a great connoisseur of Julien Gracq and René Char.”

Arras terror attack: The death of Dominique Bernard, a respected literature teacher who ‘took his work to heart’ (