Afghan refugees in Pakistan, representational images, via Organiser and Al Jazeera
Following Pakistan’s decision to expel nearly 1.7 million foreign nationals, primarily Afghans, schools teaching Afghan children in Pakistan have started closing their doors for them, reported Khaama Press.
The closure of schools is primarily affecting Afghan girls in Pakistan as it may mark the end of their education for the foreseeable future.
Leading to this, many of these Afghan women are forced to return to Afghanistan, where the Taliban government has already prohibited them from accessing secondary education.
The Pakistani government initiated an extensive crackdown on the estimated 1.7 million Afghans residing in the country without legal status, leaving them until October 31 to leave or face mass arrests, Khaama Press reported.
Sixteen-year-old Nargis Rezaei, along with her family, sought refuge in Pakistan in August 2021 when the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan and said, “We came here to be educated, to have a good life.”
“Not every Afghan wants to return to Afghanistan, especially girls who have minimal freedom there,” she added.
The fear of deportation has led to a significant drop in school attendance and a two-third decrease in enrollment, which has resulted in the closure of these schools, according to Khaama Press. Moreover, the United Nations (UN) reported a significant rush of Afghan migrants into Pakistan since the Taliban’s takeover, with at least 600,000 individuals crossing the border.
Reportedly, the mass deportation shows the dire situation in Afghanistan, as they have been forced to take refugee for their safety in neighbouring countries like Pakistan due to the uncertainty and instability.
This calls for the urgent need for humanitarian assistance and international support to address the needs of Afghan migrants, who are left with no other choice but to flee from their homeland in search of security and a better future, reported Khaama Press.
As many as 86,000 undocumented Afghan nationals have so far returned to their country while one hundred and forty-nine families returned to Afghanistan in one hundred and seventy-four trucks during the last twenty-four hours.
Since October, Pakistan’s interim government issued a deadline of November 1 for over 1.7 million undocumented migrants in the country to depart.
The strict warning by the Pakistan government implied that those who fail to comply with this ultimatum may face imprisonment and deportation.
According to Khaama Press, as the deadline approaches, reports revealed that a sense of fear and apprehension has intensified among the migrant community in Pakistan.
Over the past few years, we have been lectured to by professed scientists to “follow the science,” echoed by the corporate media that often sees financial gain in following particular views of science.
For example, Pfizer is alleged to sponsor 15 television news shows, a sure fire way to get their version of “the science” (and their products) out to the masses.
Much of the COVID dogma broadcast by the medical establishment and health authorities turned out to be wrong, from masks and lockdowns to vaccine efficacy and safety. Yet these views could not be challenged without threat of losing one’s employment or licensure, in the case of health care workers. And as time goes by, we learn that much “science” was propaganda.
People are catching on, perhaps explaining why, “Less than 3% of eligible Americans have gotten the new COVID booster this fall” according to the CDC.
Or Steve Kirsch’s recent unsettling analysis, “The data is clear and consistent. The COVID vaccine killed 3.5X as many people as the COVID virus.”
What are other examples of science morphing into propaganda? How about global warming, a.k.a. climate change?
Image: A healthy dose of global warming on my back deck the morning of Oct. 29, 2023
Climate change scolds insist that the Earth is heating up and will be uninhabitable in just a few years. For decades, climate “scientists” have predicted doomsday apocalypse scenarios a decade away, none of which thus far have come to pass.
Failed past predictions should question the credibility of any future predictions, but there is no accountability for a string of failed prognostications over the decades.
What climate scientists conveniently ignore is the cyclic nature of climate.
From time to time the planet has been affected by millions of years with relatively cold climate, each such period leading to a long succession of glacial and interglacial periods. During the last couple of millions of years, planet Earth has been in such a cold stage. The last (until now) ice age ended around 11,600 years ago, and we are for the time living in a so-called interglacial period, until the next ice age will begin some time into the future.
Climate4you screenshot of Reconstructed global temperature over the past 420,000 years based on the Vostok ice core from Antarctica. // Per creator, freely available for download
The Earth’s temperature falls, then rises, then falls again, in a regular pattern. These cycles occurred long before humans roamed the planet, driving SUVs and having backyard barbecues.
Climate “scientists” only look at the far-right side of the graph, the portion that resembles a hockey stick, ignoring all that came before, the rhythmic and consistent rise and fall of global temperatures.
A simple question for the scientists would be what is the “normal” temperature? There is no absolute normal as the temperate waxes and wanes on a time scale far longer than man’s influence.
Based on the above graph, “normal” is far cooler than temperatures today. An eyeball estimate is that we are now 6 degrees C, or 11 degrees F warmer than the average over the last half million years. Stock up on sweaters!
Where is the analysis of why this pattern is regular and predictable, based not on a few decades of measurement but instead a half a million years?
Obviously, there are forces beyond human activity, such as solar activity, changes in the Earth’s orbit, altered tilting of the Earth’s axis, or activity far beneath the Earth in the yet unexplored molten core.
Instead the media and climate scientists follow the Congressional bartender who warns that climate will “destroy the planet” in a dozen years if humans do not address the issue, no matter the cost.
And that was four years ago. What may destroy the planet is her political party and the neocons pushing World War 3 in Ukraine and the Middle East, not her doomsday climate apocalypse.
Instead, we are facing, based on the graph, a long period of global cooling and another ice age. In fact, humans today are enjoying an interglacial period of relative warmth that typically lasts for 10-15,000 years, preceded by and followed by a 100,000-year glacial period where it will get quite cold.
Another graph from Climate4you shows the air temperature at the summit of the Greenland Ice Sheet,
This is in essence a magnified view of the far-right temperature peak on the first graph above, looking back only 11,000 years. Even within the present interglacial warm period, there are rising and falling temperatures indicative of mini-ice ages with shorter warm periods in between.
These occurred during human activity, although not at the scale of today as there were no cars, gas stoves, airplanes, or air conditioners during the Roman Empire, biblical times, or the Middle Ages.
Also noteworthy is the downward temperature trend line over the past 4000 years, with each warming and subsequent cooling period a bit colder than the preceding one, showing a clear downward trend.
Based on the real science of looking at past data and trends, we are currently in a warm period that may last a few more years, but when it ends will usher in another mini-ice age colder than the preceding ones.
And at some point, in the not too distant future, we will likely enter another glacial period when man made global warming might be necessary for survival.
These mini-ice ages can cause plagues, declines of empires, loss of indigenous peoples and mass migration due to poor plant growth and starvation. The fall of the Roman Empire and the Dark Ages, around the year 500 A.D., correspond to one of those cool periods on the above graph.
The mini-ice age of around 1500 A.D. led to the fall the Ming Dynasty, freezing of the River Thames, and generalized famine. History teaches us that civilizations and humans prosper during warmer periods, and struggle when temperatures drop and kill off food crops.
These concerns are small potatoes compared to the major ice ages.
Twenty thousand years ago, Chicago was encased in ice roughly 3,000 feet thick — twice the height of Willis Tower. All that’s left of the colossal ice sheet that sprawled over much of North America and formed the Great Lakes is a kernel of ice in the Canadian Arctic — and it’s dwindling fast.
It may be dwindling fast as we are in an interglacial warm period where this is expected, but fear not Chicago Tribune, history demonstrates that in a matter of time, your office and city will again be under more than a half-mile thick ice sheet.
Shouldn’t scientists and government agencies be looking forward to how humankind will manage and survive the next cooling period and mini-ice age, not to mention the future glacial period which is on schedule in the next few centuries based on historical precedent?
Rather than listening to ill-informed progressive legislators or cranky Swedish teenage climate scolds, here is where it would be helpful for government agencies and the media to truly “follow the science.”
The only “consensus” in climate science is that governments must spend taxpayer dollars and increase centralized power in an ill-fated effort to stop Mother Nature and planetary forces. Any efforts of Al Gore, Bill Gates, King Charles, or Greta Thunberg is mere spitting in the wind of Earth’s billions of years of climate cycles.
The Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years and has survived just fine. Human life represents a micro-blip in the Earth’s lifespan, and it is the ultimate in hubris for humans to believe they influence forces beyond their wildest comprehension.
France’s Senate yesterday voted to ban excessive “inclusive writing”. Senators argue it changes the French language, while making legal texts hard to understand.
The approved legislation bans inclusive writing in administrative documents, such as employment contracts, legal acts, company by-laws, and instruction manuals.
It also prohibits inclusive writing in France’s Education Code.
If administrative or legal texts are written in such language, then they would be considered inadmissible or null and void.
Excessive inclusive language “changes the French language and excludes people,” and “the Académie française is totally opposed to this way of writing and even expressing oneself”, says Les Républicains senator Pascale Gruny who tabled the ban.
“It’s starting to happen everywhere,” she adds.
The practice is “precisely contrary to inclusion,” posing an “additional constraint for people with disabilities, illiteracy or dyslexia,” Senate rapporteur Cédric Vial (LR) tells AFP.
“To be inclusive, we need to simplify the language,” says Vial.
The senators call for banning neologisms such as “iel”, a contraction of “il” and “elle”, or “celleux”, a contraction of “celles” and “ceux”.
The approved ban on inclusive language comes despite existing prohibitions on its use by a circular issued by former education minister Jean-Michel Blanquer in 2021.
Its use in official texts was banned by then-prime minister Édouard Philippe in 2017.
But despite these administrative bans, activists have still successfully pushed for the encroaching use of inclusive writing in much of society.
Senators on the Left, where the concept of inclusive writing is gaining popularity, are unhappy with the ban.
“This is an unconstitutional, retrograde and reactionary text, which is part of a long-standing conservative trend to combat the visibility of women”, said Socialist Party Senator Yan Chantrel before the vote.
“The French language is a successful creolisation” and it “belongs to those who speak it!”, said Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the hard-left La France Insoumise.
The town halls of Lyon and Paris, as well as several universities, use inclusive writing.
In May, a student union posted a University of Lyon exam using such inclusive writing online.
The family law exam given to first-year undergraduates included a case involving a non-binary couple referred to as “Touz* deux,” meaning “both”, rather than the more conventional “tous les deux“.
The protagonists were identified as Als*, highlighting the fact that they had “different gametes,” signifying their ability to “procreate through artificial insemination”.
To accomplish this, they required the assistance of health “professionaels”: a deliberate, “inclusive” spelling of the word professionals.
The Académie Française, France’s linguistic watchdog, warns of the danger of so-called inclusive writing, saying it confuses people and makes texts unreadable.
On Monday, just before the approval, French President Emmanuel Macron also weighed in on the matter during the inauguration of the ‘Cité internationale de la langue française’ in the restored castle of Villers-Cotterêts.
Emmanuel Macron set the tone, defending “the foundations” of language, “the foundations of grammar, the power of syntax” and inviting “not to give in to the zeitgeist” by adding “dots in the middle of words”. He said langauge was “the basis of who we are intellectually and of our relationship with the world”.
Several months after a Guernsey Royal Court jury unanimously found a 19-year-old trans-identified male guilty of rape, the court has announced that Freddie Christian Trenchard, also known as Alyssa Christine Trenchard, has been sentenced to three years at a youth detention centre.
As previously reported by Reduxx, Trenchard, who began identifying as a woman three years ago, assaulted his victim after inviting her to his home in the summer of 2021.
Despite the victim testifying that she cried and screamed “no” during the attack, Trenchard’s defense lawyer argued that no intercourse had occurred and even accused the victim of being motivated by transphobia.
Trenchard’s July conviction hearing was attended by Guernsey Women’s Rights Network representative Jane Roper, who informed Reduxx that the court referred to the rapist by “she/her” pronouns. Roper added that the assault was described as “having been committed by a transgender female with her penis.”
A trans-identified male was found guilty of rape on the small island of Guernsey following a trial in which his defense claimed the victim was "transphobic."
Freddie Christian Trenchard, 19, was recorded as a "woman" during his arrest.
“The judge sent a message asking the defendant what he would like to be described as, and then actually apologized to him and told the court that Trenchard would like to be described as a ‘transgender female.’ In her opening statements, the judge said the alleged crime occurred ‘when the defendant was biologically male,’” Roper previously told Reduxx.
Describing how shocking it was to witness the legal system affirm a violent criminal, Roper added: “It was a truly bizarre experience to witness the court jumping through hoops for this man. As a woman, that felt really shocking, especially as we had all sat through the complainant’s harrowing oral evidence detailing the rape.”
Speaking with Reduxx, the media representative for the Guernsey Police confirmed that Trenchard was recorded as a “woman” at the time of his arrest, in accordance with his gender identity.
Although Trenchard, who refers to himself as “trans femme,” was released back into the community until sentencing was issued, ITV has reported that he was handed a three-year sentence followed by three years of probation. Trenchard will be placed on the sex offender registry and “is subject to notification requirements” for the next ten years.
The judge on the case, Judge Catherine Fooks explained that: “Those who commit rape can expect to go to prison and to have long orders made against them.”
A still from a now-private TikTok video in which Trenchard mimed being sexually aroused while being addressed as “miss.”
“Your actions have had and will continue to have a lifelong impact on your victim,” she added.
As a result of the sentencing, prosecutors confirmed that they were planning to appeal Trenchard’s three-year sentence, calling it “unduly lenient.” No date for the hearing has been set.
The English Channel island of Guernsey has a population of only 64,000 people and an extremely low violent crime rate. There is only one prison on the island where both males and females are detained.
Although there are currently only three women and 71 men serving time at the facility in separate wards, the prison’s governor, John De Carteret, admitted that the institution “has accommodated trans prisoners previously” and has established protocol in place to accommodate transgender individuals.
“Where a prisoner expresses that they identify as a gender that is different to the sex they were assigned at birth, we instigate a Transgender Care Board to review all relevant information before decisions are made,” he said.
“Each offender is assessed on a case-by-case basis, and an appropriate assessment of risk is paramount for the management of individuals who are transgender … We would not accommodate a preoperative trans prisoner in a prison location that is not consistent with the sex they were assigned at birth.”
While Trenchard lists his gender as “female” on social media, often posting videos on TikTok using hashtags such as “#trans and #transisbeautiful,” he has also admitted that he is sexually aroused by being called “miss,” which the court referred to him as during the trial at his request.
After allowing their island to be overrun by mass migration, the supposedly conservative British government, now led by Rishi Sunak, is trying hard to find a way to deal with the situation – both in terms of public safety and also in terms of financial impact on its society of housing these people – that rose to 7 million pouds per day.
Let’s be honest: once it’s established that you’ll give migrants nice free hotels, food and welfare checks – the whole world will flock to your doorstep.
So the new measures the government is trying to implement are purposefully harsher than the previous ones.
But where is the limit? Where does it becomes an infringement of people’s human rights? The discussion has inflamed the country.
UK Migration Chaos: Nigerian Asylum Seeker Reportedly Tries to Kill Himself Rather Than Be Housed on Controversial Bibby Stockholm Barge via @gatewaypundit
Speaking at the Battle of Ideas Festival, NCF Director Peter Whittle expressed his dismay at Denmark’s plan to outlaw the burning of religious texts and other items of religious significance.
Against the backdrop of an increased risk of attack, the University Hospital of Bordeaux was targeted by three false alarms on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The hospital filed a complaint.
“Bomb” was written on a cardboard box lying around in a corridor on Friday, “Allah is great” was spray-painted on a wall on Saturday and “Ça va péter, Allah est grand” (It will explode, Allah is great) was spray-painted on another wall on Sunday. Bordeaux city police, who were on the scene for every report and took the hospital’s complaint on Friday, did not have to evacuate patients or call in the bomb squad.
Although it was not recommended, the suspicious boxes had indeed been touched before the arrival of the internal security forces. According to a Sud Ouest report, confirmed by Le Figaro, an investigation was launched and entrusted to the Direction départementale de la sécurité publique.
Former convicted terrorist-turned-deradicalization expert Soumaya Sahla has been expelled by the governing Freedom and Democracy (VVD) party in the Netherlands following media allegations that she defrauded its elderly and vulnerable former party leader out of approximately €85,000.
A recently published article in HP/De Tijd alleged that Sahla had swindled significant amounts of money from Frits Bolkestein, a 90-year-old former politician who led the VVD from 1990 to 1998 and served as an EU commissioner from 1999 until 2004.
“The Main Board of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy has terminated the party membership of Ms. S. Sahla with immediate effect. She is therefore no longer a member of the VVD,” a party statement read.
It cited the recent allegations made by Bolkestein’s close family as the reason for her party membership being revoked, and the party confirmed it had been in contact with the family and had “determined the accuracy” of its claims.
The elderly man’s nephew, Martijn Bolkestein, accused Sahla of defrauding his uncle at a time when he was seriously ill to the tune of €85,000 after encouraging him to pay her rent and provide her with a living allowance, in addition to transferring large sums of money on multiple occasions.
The victim’s nephew evidenced a number of “inexplicable” cash withdrawals from his uncle’s debit card, which he claimed were “strange” because the former party leader rarely leaves the house anymore. Around €20,000 in cash withdrawals were recorded over a period of three years in addition to several large bank transfers.
Wat een blamage voor de @VVD dat ze zich jarenlang heeft ingelaten met een veroordeelde moslimterrorist, mijn jarenlange verzet daartegen in de Tweede Kamer negeerde, en pas tot royement overgaat nadat haar eigen oud partijleider is opgelicht. #SoumayaSahla
Sahla denied the allegations published in the HP/De Tijd magazine, insisting Bolkestein, who she described as her mentor, had funded her lifestyle of his own volition.
“He wanted to guide me, but I had no budget,” a statement from Sahla read. “And then, to help me develop my talents, Frits offered to pay for my PhD. Frits then said very clearly: ‘I will finance that.’”
Sahla was arrested on suspicion of being a member of the proscribed Islamist terror organization De Hofstadgroep back in 2005. Upon her arrest, alongside her husband and fellow member Nouriddin El Fahtni, a loaded Agram 2000 submachine gun was found in a backpack in their possession.
She served three years in prison before turning her head to mainstream politics and becoming an activist for the VVD, rising through the ranks to become the party’s primary spokesperson on terrorism and radicalization.
“As a party, we gave Ms. Sahla a second chance, which was not always easy given her conviction for terrorism,” said VVD chairman Eric Wetzels in response to the latest allegations.
“In our view, she has squandered that second chance in a morally extremely reprehensible manner. That is why there is no longer a place for her in our party,” he added.
Shani Louk, a 22-year-old German-Israeli woman, who was abducted to the Gaza Strip and paraded naked during Hamas’s 7th October terror attack, was found dead in Gaza, reports quoting the Israeli military said.
On Monday, the members of Louk’s family disclosed that they had received a heartbreaking letter from the Israeli Zaka rescue service, confirming the recovery and identification of a critical bone from the base of her skull, essential for a person’s survival.
“Regrettably, we were informed yesterday that my daughter is no longer with us,” Louk’s mother, Ricarda, conveyed to the German media outlet RTL.
Shani’s sister, Adi, also confirmed Shani’s passing in an Instagram post.
Visegrad24, a digital news aggregator, confirmed on Twitter that the Israeli President had said that the authorities found a part of Louk’s skull, indicating the possibility that she was beheaded by the Hamas terrorists.
Israel’s President Yitzchak Herzog has confirmed that the German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk has been found beheaded.
Prolific Israeli lawyer also took to X to confirm the same.
I’ve seen a lot of posts saying Shani Louk’s body was found. In reality it is a piece of her skull that was found and identified. The rest of her body has not actually been found. The assumption right now is that she was beheaded.
After the 7th October massacre by Hamas in which over 1500 Israeli civilians were massacred by the Islamic terrorists, a horrific video had surfaced where a partially naked woman was merciless being carried at the back of a truck. Her legs seemed to be broken and the Palestinian men who were abducting her were desecrating her and spitting on her.
Her mother had first raised alarm after identifying the distinct tattoos that Louk had on her leg, visible in the video. The gruesome video showed terrorists shouting the Islamic slogan ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ while the partially naked body of a woman, later identified as Shani Louk, being paraded in a pickup truck. In some videos that surfaced on social media, a murderous crowd of Hamas terrorists could be seen surrounding the vehicle, chanting slogans and spitting on the woman’s body.
The video inspired widespread outrage. Amidst the outrage, a teary, hopeful mother had released a video expressing her hope that Louk was perhaps still alive.
In a self-recorded video message published by the Wall Street Journal, her mother, Ricarda Louk, had stated that a family friend in the Gaza Strip has told her that her daughter was alive in a Hamas hospital. However, she added that her condition is critical and every minute is important as her daughter had suffered a serious head injury during the Hamas terror attack.
She further pleaded before the German government and urged them not to raise the argument of jurisdiction and ‘act’ to ensure Shani’s safe return from the Gaza Strip.
She urged, “One should not argue about the question of jurisdiction. One must act quickly to get Shani out of the Gaza Strip. This is really my desperate call to the entire country of Germany to help me get my Shani back home healthy.”
These were, of course, the hopeful cries of a mother. An unconfirmed source had told her that her daughter could potentially be alive and she was all too willing to believe it, urging the authorities to get her daughter back home safe.
It is not unthinkable that a mother would pray for her daughter’s safe recovery after a video shows the fate she had potentially met at the hands of barbarians. Any mother would think of the worst. Any mother would sit and wonder the pain that her daughter endured at the hands of the beasts. Was she raped. Was she beaten. Was she tortured. Is she alive? How did she die – these are questions that a mother is bound to go over in her head a thousand times. In the moments of darkest despair, the despair of a mother losing a child, even an unconfirmed tip acts as a ray of hope. Hope that maybe her daughter is beaten, but alive. Maybe she would come home safe.
A mother’s hope in the face of inhuman brutality by Hamas is understandable and even expected. However, Islamists who have been desperately trying to drum up sympathy for Hamas under the garb of fighting for the rights of Palestinians, used the mother’s hopeful cries to whitewash the barbarity unleashed by the Islamist terrorist group against the civilian population of Israel in the 7th October terror attack.
Kavish Aziz, who claims to be a journalist and was formerly associated with Amar Ujala and Dainik Bhaskar took to X to cast aspersions on Israel, essentially insinuating that Israel could have shot Shani Louk themselves. He also claimed that Palestinians took great care of Shani Louk.
Big breaking
The German girl “Shani Louk” who was said to have been killed, stripped naked and paraded by Hamas is actually alive.
She was found alive in a Gazan hospital. Palestinians helped her, it is possible that she was shot by Israeli forces.
X handle called “Muslim Spaces” also tried to use Louk’s mother’s statement to discredit the documented atrocities mounted by Hamas against Israeli civilians.
“After Israeli children in cages & Jewish babies beheaded lies, one more propaganda busted!!! Shani Louk, the woman “abducted” & “murdered” by Hamas is alive, mother says!!! The German-Israeli citizen appeared in a graphic video circulated on social media in which Hamas militants can be seen stepping on her body as she is transported in the back of a vehicle! But her mother, Ricarda Louk, told broadcaster ARD she had received new information that her daughter is alive but had a severe head injury and is in a critical condition! “Every minute is critical and we are asking the German government to act quickly,” she said!”, the handle tweeted.
After Israeli children in cages & Jewish babies beheaded lies, one more propaganda busted!!!
Shani Louk, the woman "abducted" & "murdered" by Hamas is alive, mother says!!!
The German-Israeli citizen appeared in a graphic video circulated on social media in which Hamas…
There were other Muslim handles who furthered this propaganda to whitewash Hamas as well.
All lies… Rumors are Shani Luk has been found in Gaza hospital. They say she was shot by the Israelis.
— Sir Jimmie of Bitcoin 🇺🇲🍌🍌 @596 (@jimmiebitcoin) October 10, 2023
Turns out that Zionist propaganda is not so successful, Shani Luk is alive and is being cared at a hospital in Gaza.her mother confirms.
A seemingly Indian Muslim man went as far as to tag AltNews’ co-founder Mohammad Zubair, who has been acting as the propaganda arm of Palestine and Hamas ever since the 7th October attack, to “fact-check” the news of Shani Louk being found alive while casting aspersions on the abduction itself.
Dear @zoo_bear@AltNews , is there anyway you guys can confirm the news of Shani?
Also Shani’s account was public on Instagram but suddenly her account turned private which gives indication that she is alive
Irena Akbar, former Indian Express “journalist” and Islamist, who had taken to X to justify the ill-treatment of Louk after the video had surfaced, also tweeted about the mother’s statement.
Irena Akbar’s tweet
She essentially said that Hindus would be upset that she was not murdered by Hamas because that would deprive them of painting Muslims as “evil and brutal”. She also claimed that the news of Hamas raping and spitting on her was “exaggerated” and an example of “Islamophobia”.
It is pertinent to realise that most of these Muslims who were quick to believe that Louk was being ill-treated and then murdered by Hamas pretended to fight for the rights of Palestinians. But every atrocity that has been perpetrated by Hamas is often branded as “Zionist propaganda” by these very Muslims. It is evident that they were more than happy to believe the hopeful words of Louk’s mother not because they were hoping that innocent civilians would be found alive, but so they could use her to claim that all the documented evidence of Hamas’ brutality against Israelis were in fact “Zionist propaganda” and that not only the Palestinians but also Hamas was innocent of the crimes they were being accused of.
While there were several images of the charred bodies of babies, women and men, videos of Israelis being beheaded, images of their homes being burnt and Jews being tortured to death on the streets of Israel, the Islamists picked a statement from a grieving mother in an attempt to discredit all the atrocities that were committed by Hamas. Essentially, the Islamists tried to claim that since Louk was alive (she isn’t), it would mean that all the documented atrocities by Hamas should be viewed with a pinch of salt and suspicion.
The assertion was simple – the Jews are making up stories of their own persecution because they hate Muslims, that Hamas did not commit the atrocities they are being accused of and by extension, any offensive by Israel against Hamas and Palestine is one that is unjustified. The conclusion to this sinister campaign by the Islamists was for the Islamists to be treated as the actual victims and the Israelis to be viewed as the supremacists who were weaving fantastical tails to demonise Muslims.
While the Islamists are still attempting to whitewash the crimes of Hamas, Shani Louk’s skull has been found, giving rise to the conclusion by the Israeli President that after being stripped, paraded naked and desecrated, she was probably beheaded by Hamas. As evidence of atrocities by Hamas mounts, Islamists from India and across the world continue to extend support to Hamas hiding behind the veil of supporting human rights for Palestinians.
Abdul Wahid has used his real name to practice as a doctor for more than two decades (Picture: @5Pillarsuk)
The leader of an anti-Israel protest has been revealed as an NHS GP, under a different name, in an expose by the Mail.
Known as ‘Abdul Wahid’, the leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir in the UK has been working as a GP for over 20 years, under his real name Dr Wahid Asif Shaida.
Last weekend, Dr Shaida joined Hizb ut-Tahrir in London as they chanted ‘Jihad’ outside the Egyptian and Turkish embassies, celebrating the attacks started by terrorist organisation Hamas.
The rally was one of many taking part in the British capital, following the start of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7, where thousands of Israeli and Palestinian civilians have been killed as a result.
The Metropolitan Police have since been criticised for their handling of the rallies, particularly with extremist behaviour.
Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley said following the demonstrations that there can be “no place for incitement to hatred or violence on Britain’s streets”.
Rowley added in defence of the force: “The law that we’ve designed around hate crime and terrorism over recent decades hasn’t taken full account of the ability in extremist groups to steer around those laws and propagating the truly toxic messages through social media. Those lines probably need re-drawing.”