Not All Refugees Are Welcome

Romeike family,

As the border crisis spirals out of control, the Biden Regime responds by granting legal status to 470,000 illegal aliens from the socialist basket case Venezuela, encouraging Third World hordes to invade in still greater numbers so as to displace the American population, transforming the country forever. The border is wide open, and it seems that once in the country, anyone from anywhere can avoid deportation by claiming refugee status. But there are exceptions:

Uwe Romeike and his wife Hannah moved their seven children to the U.S. in 2008 to avoid religious persecution in their native land, where the parents had pulled their children from public schools to teach them at home.

They were heavily fined, and armed police dragged their kids off to public school, which is presumably no more suitable for Christians in Germany than it is in the USA, where at least it isn’t mandatory.

After moving to the United States the family settled in Morristown, Tennessee. Uwe Romeike now works as a piano accompanist at Carson-Newman University, a private Baptist-affiliated school in nearby Jefferson City.

An earlier agreement granted them indefinite deferred action status so they would not be deported. But under increasingly radical Democrat rule, that agreement has been arbitrarily revoked. They have been told to prepare for deportation. Their kind of refugee is not welcome.

Moonbattery Not All Refugees Are Welcome – Moonbattery

Michelle Obama to Rake in More Than $700,000 for One-Hour Lecture on “Diversity and Inclusion” in Munich, Germany

Former First Lady Michelle Obama will be paid more than $700,000 for a one-hour lecture on “diversity and inclusion” in Munich.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

According to reports, Michelle Obama traveled from Mallorca to Munich to deliver a one-hour speech on “diversity and inclusion” at the “Britz & Pretzels” conference.

Michelle Obama will be paid 700,000 euros for her appearance. Sounds legit.

Civil Service Captured by Woke Ideology. Impartiality a Myth as “Culture of Fear” takes hold

**Come to our Immigration Conference on Sat 7 Oct in London. Tickets:… **

A special investigation by the Telegraph has exposed the shocking degree to which Critical Race Theory, Gender Ideology etc have captured the Civil Service — and how voices of opposition are silenced. Our Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo discussed the story on Talk TV and cited other recent cases that destroy the myth of Whitehall’s impartiality. Rafe calls for urgent reform, stating: “Britain once had the Rolls Royce of civil services. Now it more closely resembles a Robin Reliant”

‘I will beat you until you die’ – Black man threatens to kill German lesbians in shocking video

A lesbian couple who kissed each other on a train in Berlin were threatened with murder and told to leave the country; a woman attempting to defend them was also threatened with death.

The Black man in the video, who films the entire incident, appears to be reacting to a kiss between a lesbian couple across from him when the video starts. Although the video was recently published on X, it does not appear to have a date or location. However, the train where the film was shot, the S-Bahn, shows the Berlin stop of Tempelhof in the background.

“You are kissing, showing your useless character. If your parents were f**king each other, like woman to woman, would you be alive today? You are just brainwashed. Go back to your cave. You don’t belong to this planet. This is why… Look at your hair and the same with the dog hair, because you don’t belong here.

He also appears to make some remarks about their White skin, and the man refers to skin color throughout the video:

“This is why the sun burns you. You go out of the planet. You don’t belong to this planet, you don’t understand,” he said.

The two women tell him to “get out” and tell him: “You talk shit.” However, the man continues by saying: “You smell like wet dog when you sweat. I don’t talk shit. I see you doing bullshit. You don’t come here, female on female. You are misleading the children, and you should be dead.”

He then responds to someone making a comment in the background, saying: “This is my land. This is ‘nicht Deutschland’ (not Germany). This is Planet X.”

He then blames the two women for cutting down trees and claims they do not like peace.

A woman sitting nearby, who appears to be Middle Eastern, with a brown complexion, attempts to intervene, saying, “Don’t film them.”

He responds: “Shut the f**k up.” He refers to her as a “bitch” with “dog hair.” She responds: “Don’t call me ‘bitch.’”

He then threatens her outright, saying: “What are you going to do? I will beat your father, beat your mother. If you want to see if I can do it, just touch my leg. I will beat you until you die… Shut the f**k up, bitch.”

She tells him again: “Don’t film me.”

He then threatens her again: “What are you going to do? I’m filming you, so do something, bitch. “

One of the girls from the couple says to him: “Stop arguing with her now, what is your problem?” However, the man keeps his focus on the woman who intervened.

“You are a bitch, your mother is a bitch. Your father is a bitch, with your beige skin… Where do you come from? Go back to your cave, you belong in a cave. Caucasians, you are Caucasian. Caucasians mean from the Caucasus Mountains, from the cave.”

The man then begins referring to the skin of the woman who intervened.

“You don’t have melanin, you have nothing. You get burned from the sun, you enslave this, you cut down trees, just go back to your cave, you don’t belong on this planet.

He then says that “sun poisoning is killing you now. That’s why we are glad.”

LGBT people have often been the victim of attacks from migrants in Germany. Last week, two lesbians in Berlin were seriously beaten by teenagers. In July, four men in the multicultural neighborhood of Kreuzberg beat two lesbians, used homophobic slurs, and fled the scene. In August, In perhaps one of the most immigrant-heavy neighborhoods in Germany, Neukölln, a lesbian organization had its building burned down in an arson attack. In 2020, a Syrian migrant stabbed a gay man to death in Dresden in a targeted homophobic attack.

In 2022, a number of foreign men attacked a gay pride parade and set an LGBT flag on fire in Karlsruhe. Also in 2022, a rejected Chechen asylum seeker beat a transgender woman to death during an LGBT parade in Münster.

Middle Eastern and North African countries are known for their extreme anti-LGBT laws and incredible repression of the LGBT community. Cultural differences between Muslims and other non-European foreign national groups sometimes lead to social tension and outright violence in multicultural European nations that take a more liberal approach to sexuality.

This month, a refugee center for 650 migrants opened opposite the world-famous Eastside Gallery gay bar.

The owner of the establishment has expressed major concerns about the safety of LGBT people and people partying in the area.

“The asylum home is located directly on a party mile where, in addition to young women, transgender people and many other people from the queer scene are out and about,” owner Carla Pahlau told Die Welt.

“Refugees with a Syrian, Afghan, or Turkish background come from an area where being gay is not accepted at all,” she added.

Gender-dysphoric author behind a ‘most banned’ novel unleashes on parents who don’t allow him to sexualize their children

By Olivia Murray

If you’re a man who chooses to look like Alex Gino, red flag.

On Saturday Yahoo News published an interview featuring Gino, an author behind a host of queer fiction books intended for elementary school-aged children (including one that topped the “most banned” list multiple years in a row thanks to its pornographic “trans” content), and we learned that he really does not like parents who prevent their children from accessing his smut. In his own words,

“Parental rights really anger me, because what about human rights? People who are under 18 are human….”

(Cue, the “sex is a human right” pitch next.)

The book’s content includes: prepubescent children looking at dirty magazines in the bathroom; hormone drugs and mutilation surgeries; erasing browser history to keep internet searches hidden from parents; and lines like “She [a boy] immersed her body in the in the warm water and tried not to think about what was between her legs, but there it was, bobbing in front of her” referencing genitalia, and “what she [a boy] has between her legs was nobody’s business but hers and her boyfriend” again, referencing genitalia and homosexual relations.

When asked why he thought his book was a target of concerned parents, Gino said this:

I think it is fear that looks like anger.

Adults are not great at knowing what’s in the world. Kids are great at it.

Many adults feel like they have already learned who should be in the world, and if someone goes against their notion of that, they are somehow immoral. And there’s a particular panic about showing that or immorality to young people. And I think their goal is for their children not to live in the real world. Their goal is to shield their children from the reality of other people and the reality of themselves. And I think that goal is extremely harmful.

No, “many adults” don’t “feel” that grown men fetishizing and sexualizing children is an abomination, we know it, and efforts to do so are completely depraved, and yes, immoral.

And, as one of those adults, I can confirm that yes, my goal is absolutely to shield my children and any others from grooming perverts somehow getting a pass because they’ve found a haven as a “queer” author. Gino also says this:

[T]he book existing is progress, and of course there is pushback to progress. The fact that there is more pushback is a sign that there is more progress.

News flash, the pushback isn’t a sign of “progress” it’s a simple response to fetish pornography—that’s what this is for someone like Gino—using children as the characters, to market to children. 

“Parental rights really anger me” says the childless pervert writing queer books for kids—imagine that.

Islamic State Slaying of Police Officers in Front of Their Child in France Goes to Court

It wasn´t the deadliest attack in Europe linked to the Islamic State group, but it was among the most disturbing: One evening in 2016, an assailant killed two police officers in their family home, in front of their 3-year-old son.

On Monday, a trial opens in a French counterterrorism court over the attack in the Paris suburb of Magnanville.

The attacker, Larossi Abballa, was shot to death by police. According to court documents, he told police negotiators that he was responding to an IS leader´s call to “kill miscreants at home with their families.”

A childhood friend of Abballa´s, Mohamed Aberouz, is going on trial for complicity to terrorism-related murder, complicity to kidnapping and terrorist conspiracy. He faces up to life in prison if convicted.

The killings came amid a wave of attacks in France linked to the Islamic State group and had a lasting effect on police officers around France. Some moved, changed services or resigned to protect their loved ones after the Magnanville killings.

According to court documents, Abballa broke into the home of police officers Jessica Schneider and Jean-Baptiste Salvaing before they returned from work. When Schneider came home, Abballa slit her throat in the living room, with the child present.

The father texted her from the office to say “I´m leaving,” the documents say. There was no response. He was stabbed upon arriving home.

Neighbors called police, and the attacker said he was holding the couple´s 3-year-old hostage, according to the documents. He told a negotiator from a special police unit that he acted because the French government was preventing the faithful from joining the caliphate, and stressed that he had not targeted civilians but representatives of the French state.

Police stormed the home and killed Abballa, and rescued the child. The boy has been raised by family members since.

After more than five years of investigation and multiple arrests, only Aberouz is facing trial. Charges were initially brought against two others but later dropped.

Aberouz, now 30, was arrested a year after the events, when his DNA was found on the victims´ computer.

Aberouz initially disputed connections to IS, before acknowledging that the group corresponded to his convictions but saying he deplored its extremist methods, according to the court documents.

Aberouz was already sentenced to prison in another terrorism case, for his role in a failed gas canister attack near Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

In the Magnanville attack, Aberouz maintains that he never went to the police couple’s home or helped in preparing the attack. He said the DNA found in the victims´ home could have been the result of his shaking hands with Abballa or riding in his car in the days before the attack.

Aberouz´ lawyer Vincent Brengarth said he would plead for acquittal. “My client is determined to prove his innocence,” he told AP. “There is no message in which he talks about an attack.”

Police are hoping that the trial sheds light on the preparations for the attack.

A verdict is expected Oct. 10.

‘Green Party is a security risk to the country!’ German coalition turns inwards over migration

The German Green Party is a security risk to the country over its refusal to budge on proposed EU asylum reforms, the secretary general of its co-governing FDP party has claimed.

In an interview with the German Press Agency on Saturday, FDP Secretary General Bijan Djir-Sarai called for an urgent rethink of Germany’s migration policy after the recent asylum crisis saturated state services and led to support for the liberal coalition plummeting in favor of the conservative opposition.

“We need a cross-party solution to the challenges in migration policy,” said Djir-Sarai as he urged his party’s fellow junior coalition partner to give up its “blockade” to the controversial EU asylum policy.

“Whether with reforms at the European level or with the classification of safe countries of origin, the Greens are a security risk for the country in migration policy and their unrealistic positions make consistent government action and cross-party solutions more difficult,” the FDP politician warned.

The German Green Party has expressed concerns over the establishment of fast-track centers at the EU’s external borders for migrants, which would facilitate quicker deportations should asylum applicants be refused, and has called for more lenient rules for families.

The party is at odds with many conservative parties across Europe that oppose the asylum reforms for other reasons, including Poland and Hungary, which voted against the plans that would see EU member states obliged to receive migrant quotas or be fined for non-compliance.

FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr echoed the sentiments of his party’s secretary general in remarks to the German newspaper Bild, lamenting the fact the federal coalition has so far been unable to reach a consensus on the proposal.

“The federal government must be able to speak with one voice in Brussels. The FDP and SPD agree, now the Greens have to let off the brakes. The asylum reforms must be passed before the European elections and Germany must not stand in the way of this,” he said.

Austria: Young immigrants attacked homeless people – Three arrested

At Südtiroler Platz in Salzburg, the alleged perpetrators gave free rein to their aggression and then fled in front of the police.
Photo: Simon Legner / (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Several young foreigners are accused of physically attacking and injuring a group of homeless people in front of Salzburg’s main railway station on August 30. The suspects have now been arrested by the police.

The suspects, a 15-year-old Afghan, a 15-year-old Romanian, a 17-year-old Syrian and two persons with Austrian citizenship, allegedly provoked and then attacked the homeless. They injured their victims with blows to the head and body and did not let go of them even when they were already lying defenceless on the ground. One of the homeless people had to be treated medically.

When the police arrived, the migrant suspects fled and were able to elude the police for the time being. In the meantime, the six alleged perpetrators of violence could be identified: The police carried out house searches at their homes and, on the instructions of the public prosecutor’s office, brought three of them to the Salzburg prison, the other three were reported at large.

The negative effects of the Ottoman Empire on education is still felt to this day in the Balkans

The Balkans is the least developed region of Europe, which is squarely due to the backwardness of the Ottomans. Education was never valued and the Ottoman leaders preferred their harems instead of realising that they had to industrialise like the rest of imperial Europe.

Their lack of value to education, even among supposed favoured subjects of the empire, such as the Albanians, is reflected in the fact that the Austro-Hungarians built more schools in one year in Albania than the Ottoman Empire did in centuries.

Balkans expert Albert Bikaj tweeted, “Albania barely benefited anything from the Ottoman Empire; only individuals profited from it. Our cities, institutions, faith, law, traditions, etc. were damaged, if not destroyed by them. After the liberation, we were left out illiterate, weak, divided and poor. The Austro-Hungarian administration has built more schools, roads and institutions during one year in Albania than the Ottoman Empire for five long centuries. That explains a lot.”

Unsurprisingly, most of the newest “oldest university in each European country” is in former Ottoman possessions.

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You can literally see the Ottoman-Austrian border in the Yugoslav literacy map in 1931 (Photo 2) – the literate were under Austro-Hungarian rule, and the illiterate were under Ottoman rule.

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Even when looking at the Mean IQ of the Balkans, it is significantly lower than the rest of Europe.

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Extending further, in today’s Turkey you can see that the common educational attainment level (at least in one specific age group) was significantly lower compared to the rest of Europe.

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The Ottomans never valued education, and it brought an entire European region and its peoples down with it, including the Greeks, whose contributions to learning are well documented in the ancient times and underappreciated but vital in the Medieval times.

Berlin Marathon crashed by eco-mob as race plunged into chaos

The protest was staged by a group called the Last Generation

Eco protesters descended on the Berlin Marathon today, throwing paint and trying to block runners.

The group, known as the Last Generation, ran onto the road and began spray-painting bright orange paint at the runners.

They were quickly removed by police and volunteers at the event, before the race then kicked off.

Police tackled them to the floor, after they began pouring orange paint over the ground.

Over 45,000 people were taking part in the 45k race, which continued as plan despite the interruption.

In a post on social media by the Lost Generation, which has been translated into English reads: “Warning colour on the track – we have to get out of the fossils by 2030 for a chance of survival.

“Do you want to see us again at the next big event or do you finally want to listen to us? It’s also about you and everyone you love!

“By the way: We are just as sorry to interrupt a craftsman’s everyday life as we are to interrupt a runner’s long-awaited competition.

“We are doing this because we are in dire straits. In existential danger!’

According to German media, the group announced on Friday that they were planning to cause disruption at the marathon.

Traces of the bright paint could be seen covering the ground at the start of the race.

Pictures taken show the protest group members being escorted away by police.

Despite the interruption, runners were able to embark on the 26 mile long distance route around the German capital.

Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge set a record time of 2:02:42, beating his own previous world record.

Kipchoge became the first five time winner of the Berlin Marathon.

Meanwhile, Tigist Assefa also set a new world record in the woman’s race after completing the course in 2:11:52 hours.