Australian Human Rights Commission Decision Prohibits Female-Only Events For Lesbians

Australia’s Human Rights Commission has released a preliminary decision prohibiting lesbians from holding events for females due to the exclusion of men who identify as “women.” The Commission’s decision comes after a lesbian rights group applied for an exemption under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.

The application to the Commission was submitted by long-time Australian women’s rights activist Jean Taylor on behalf of herself and the members of the Lesbian Action Group, a collective established to address discrimination experienced by lesbians. The application provided an overview of lesbian organizing and gatherings in Victoria since the early 1970s, arguing that, “many thousands of lesbians benefited from the sense of pride, recognition and wellbeing that a large, well [publicized], public lesbian specific gathering encourages in the participants.”

However, this started to change in 2003 when trans activists challenged the organizers of the 2004 Lesbian Festival, accusing female-only spaces as being discriminatory under the law. This caused the festival organizers to seek and be awarded an exemption that allowed them to invite and only allow access to “lesbians born female.” 

The exemption was revoked on a technicality, resulting in lesbian gatherings in Australia being driven underground for almost two decades in an effort to avoid more challenges from the transgender community.

The Sex Discrimination Act was then amended in 2013 to include gender identity, making it even more difficult to organize single-sex events.

Frustrated by the situation, the Lesbian Action Group attempted to organize a female-only lesbian event at the Victorian Pride Centre this past August. The event was meant to celebrate International Lesbian Day on October 15, 2023, but the Pride Centre declined the booking, claiming that it was exclusionary and conflicted with the organization’s aim of supporting “equality, diversity and inclusion.”

As a result, the Lesbian Action Group applied for a 5-year exemption with the Australian Human Rights Commission with the intention of approaching another venue for the International Lesbian Day event if the exemption was granted. The group also intended to subsequently hold regular female-only lesbian events during its exemption period.

After receiving the application, the Commission requested further information from the Lesbian Action Group, asking for more details about why it is “reasonable and necessary to exclude the relevant groups mentioned in the application and restrict the event to female born lesbians.”

The Group then complied and provided a document of additional information further explaining the importance for minority groups like lesbians to have the freedom to associate with one another and to hold their own events.

The Commission received a total of 236 submissions on the application from individuals and groups by the closing date of September 1, 2023. Of those submissions, 123 individuals and 15 organizations were in favor of the exemption while 82 individuals and 14 organizations were opposed.

One of the applications opposed to the exemption came from Equal Opportunity Tasmania and referred to the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner ruling late last year that women-only events are discriminatory towards men who claim they are women. 

In its ruling, the Tasmanian Commissioner wrote that “The applicants propose to exclude ‘biological males’ from their event… The exclusion of such persons engages the provisions of the act prohibiting direct discrimination on the basis of gender and gender identity.”

Like the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, the Australian Human Rights Commission’s preliminary view is that it will not grant the temporary 5-year exemption sought by the Lesbian Action Group to host its International Lesbian Day Event or to hold subsequent female-only lesbian events.

While the Commission recognized that “lesbians in Australia have faced structural and entrenched discrimination” and that “it may be important and beneficial for lesbians to gather together as a community,” it nevertheless was not persuaded that it is appropriate or reasonable to “make distinctions between women based on their cisgender or transgender experience.”

The ruling continued:

“The Commission notes that the grant of this exemption may lead to the further exclusion of and discrimination against same-sex attracted transgender women. Transgender women are a group who have and continue to experience discrimination, harassment and social exclusion.”

Australian women’s rights activist Janet Inglis took to X (formerly Twitter) to express her disappointment with the decision.

“Australian lesbians are being denied fairness,” she wrote. “They are being denied their humanity. I am so ashamed of my country.”

Speaking to Reduxx, Inglis said that Victoria is now joining Tasmania in “forcing lesbians underground and out of the public sphere.”

Inglis called it a “damning indictment of Australia” that both federal legislation and the Human Rights Commission have barred lesbians from holding single-sex events.

“The gender amendments to the SDA [Sex Discrimination Act] must be repealed. Our HRC has proven itself unfit for purpose and must be disbanded if it can no longer distinguish between men and women because of shonky legislation,” she explained. “A true HRC would be working to repeal those amendments and restore the rights of lesbians to be recognised in their own right.”

On X, Inglis also called on others to consider making a submission to respond to the Commission’s preliminary view before the October 3, 2023 deadline.

“The War on Women is gaining pace in Australia,” she added. “Australia is so far down the gender rabbit hole it’s truly frightening.”

This is not the first time that Australian women have run into issues with the law in regard to gender identity.

In May of this year, a woman was visited by New South Wales Police after she spoke to media about a trans activist by the name of Riley Dennis who was reportedly injuring female players in a women’s football league. The woman was given an Apprehended Violence Order which required her not to discuss Dennis. Reduxx was also contacted by the Australian eSafety Commissioner and advised to censor or delete an article naming Dennis.

Later that month, two women in Australia were contacted by Twitter and informed that they had broken Australian law by criticizing a trans-identified male for breastfeeding a child.

Germany: African vandalises bookshop

Books and postcards lying on the floor: A man vandalised a shop at Bielefeld central station
Photo: Federal Police

It’s really scary how easily some people become violent …

In his rage, the man threw newspaper stands across the room
Photo: Federal police

An example from the main railway station in Bielefeld: Security forces approached a Guinean (30) who had been sitting on the floor of the building for some time. They wanted to know what he was up to and where he was going. Quite harmless, actually!
But suddenly the man from Africa went berserk. He rammed his fist into the face of a security guard. Then he stormed into a bookshop in the station concourse, grabbed a display rack and smashed the inventory in the shop.
Federal police officers overpowered the rioter. In agreement with the public prosecutor, he was released after questioning. Criminal proceedings are pending against him for damage to property (1500 euros) and bodily harm.

Bielefeld Hauptbahnhof: Mann (30) verwüstet Buchladen | Regional |

Poland Considers War Crimes Extradition for WWII Nazi Applauded by Trudeau and Zelensky

The Canadian government insists two rounds of standing applause for a 98-year-old Waffen-SS volunteer was a mistake borne of ignorance, meanwhile, Poland is moving to extradite the elderly trooper over potential war crime charges.

The Polish government is taking steps to examine the case for extraditing a 98-year-old former SS trooper from Canada, it has said in a letter to the Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation.

State Minister for Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek wrote to the President of the Commission to examine whether it held documents indicating that Canadian resident Yaroslav Hunka was wanted for crimes against Polish and Jewish people relating to his time as a soldier with the Waffen-SS in the Second World War.

If there is evidence against Hunka, Czarnek wrote, this would constitute grounds for Poland to apply to the Canadian government to extradite the man for prosecution.

Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian who moved to Canada after the Second World War, hit major public prominence in the past week after he was introduced to the Canadian Parliament during a special session attended by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a “Ukrainian hero, Canadian hero” who had “fought [for] Ukrainian independence against the Russians”. This warm introduction led to Hunka enjoying two standing ovations, including whoops and cheers from the floor.

What was not mentioned at the time, however, is that Hunka fought “against the Russians” as part of a Nazi unit in the Waffen-SS recruited from ethnic Ukrainians. But critics pointed out this information was available from a simple Google search, and indeed that it is common knowledge that those fighting against the Soviets in Eastern Europe at the end of the Second World War would generally be doing so in collaboration with Nazi Germany.

Nazi ideology saw Poles as subhuman and the war crimes of the SS and German occupation in Poland, including ethnic cleansing and the German death camp Auschwitz near Krakow are well documented. The 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division which Hunka is said to have fought with has been accused of several atrocities including massacres of civilians.

The speaker of the Canadian Parliament has insisted Friday’s incident was an accidental oversight and that he alone was responsible for the error, in what may be a bid to clear the Trudeau government of responsibility of putting Ukrainian President Zelensky in a position where he found himself applauding a former Waffen-SS member. Canadian opposition politicians have challenged this account, saying it is inconceivable that Trudeau’s office would have been unaware of the plan to introduce Hunka at the special parliamentary session in advance.

Karina Gould, the Liberal house leader who was photographed holding hands and smiling with Hunka, also shuffled blame directly onto the House Speaker’s shoulders today, saying he had lost the support of MPs and should “do the honourable thing” and resign. Trudeau has also tried to limit discussion of the “deeply embarrassing” episode, making implicit it plays into “Russian disinformation”.

Algerian national arrested for arson attack that killed young Parisian firefighter

Master Corporal Dorian Damelincourt died during the blaze in Paris on July 3. ,

An Algerian national was arrested in France on Wednesday on suspicion of starting a mass vehicle fire in a parking lot that resulted in the death of a young Parisian firefighter who attended the scene.

Dorian Damelincourt, a 24-year-old firefighter from the Paris Fire Brigade (BSPP), died of cardio-respiratory arrest on July 3 after being dispatched to the suspected arson attack in Saint-Denis.

At around 2:45 a.m., a fire was reported in the underground parking lot of a social housing apartment block in the troubled Parisian suburb, resulting in the torching of 23 vehicles as a large firefighting presence tackled the blaze.

Following the death of Master Corporal Dorian Damelincourt, a police investigation concluded that the fire had been deliberate after locating a lighter and a jerrycan of gasoline near the scene.

Nearby video surveillance footage caught a suspect with their face hidden and wearing sneakers with red soles accessing the parking lot moments before the incident. The same individual was also spotted earlier that day removing a vehicle from the scene, which was not destroyed in the attack.

Police identified a 49-year-old Algerian national named Meftah I. as their main suspect and arrested him on suspicion of arson on Wednesday.

A resident of the apartment block, the suspect is understood to have racked up rental debt of close to €17,000 and had been the subject of eviction proceedings, which were effected on Sept. 22.

A previous fire at the premises back in 2015 had resulted in tenants receiving substantial financial compensation, which police believe may have been a factor in the attack.

“During the previous incident, the lessor had granted reimbursements to the tenants for several years, which provided a hypothetical motive for the respondent,” noted a police source cited by the Valeurs Actuelles magazine.

It is also thought that the arson attack was designed to coincide with the ongoing riots in the French capital at the time fueled by the death of migrant teenager Nahel Merzouk, who was shot at point-blank range by police during an attempted traffic stop.

Investigators found clothing in the suspect’s apartment consistent with garments worn by the individual caught on surveillance footage on the day of the attack, and cans of gasoline were retrieved from his belongings in the underground parking lot.

During a police interview, Meftah denied the arson allegations. However, several residents of the building, including his roommate and the building caretaker, positively identified the suspect as the man in the surveillance images based on his clothing.

Meftah was brought before a Parisian court on Friday and placed in pre-trial detention at the Fleury-Mérogis prison in the south of the French capital.

Germany: Iraqi security guard accused of 77 counts of rape

Wikimedia Commons,Photo: Andreas Praefcke, CC-BY-3.0

The public prosecutor’s office in Nuremberg-Fürth has brought charges against a man (54). The accused is alleged to have raped women in the asylum accommodation at the Tiergarten in Nuremberg for years.

The accused was employed for several years as a security guard in the asylum seekers’ accommodation in Schmausenbuckstraße in Nuremberg, where only women are accommodated.

According to information from the newspaper BILD, the man was born in Iraq and now has a German passport.

Senior public prosecutor Heike Klotzbücher (54): “In the period from 2018 to 2022, he is alleged to have raped a female resident in at least 72 cases, and another female resident in five cases. In addition, he is accused of sexually harassing a third woman. All offences are alleged to have taken place in the premises of the asylum seekers’ accommodation”.

Klotzbücher did not give any information on the origin and age of the women for their protection.

The alleged rapes came up when they were talked about in the accommodation. The man then went to the police himself and accused one of the women of falsely accusing him. When the investigation began, the women told the police.

The building had been built in 1970, then used as the “Hotel am Tiergarten” for 35 years. Then it was vacant for ten years. In 2015, during the refugee crisis, the government of Middle Franconia agreed with the owner to turn it into refugee accommodation.

After renovation, a ten-year contract was signed in 2017. Tragic: At the time, the decision was made to house single women there, with and without children, who are particularly in need of protection. Only fathers of families were allowed as male residents, and to protect the women, a security service was set up to be on site 24 hours a day.

Nürnberg: Ex-Sicherheitsmann soll in Asylheim zwei Frauen vergewaltigt haben | Regional |

Muslim Girl in France Calls Her Abaya a ‘Kimono,’ and Sues State to Wear It

France recently passed a ban on wearing abayas — the full-length, baggy robe that, like the hijab, is considered to be an outward and visible sign of religion, and thus violates the state’s principle of laicité. A Muslim girl has now called her abaya a “kimono” — a sleight of word designed to make it avoid the ban — and is suing the French state for the right to wear it. More on this attempt to get around the abaya ban can be found here: “Muslim girl banned from school for kimono sues France in UN court,

Netherlands: 9-year-old schoolgirl scolded for intolerance after complaining about having to change in front of biological boy in girls’ changing room

A primary school in the Netherlands is facing calls to rethink its LGBT inclusivity policy after receiving complaints from the parents of a student who is refusing to use the girls’ locker room after being confronted by a biological boy identifying as a girl using the same facility.

Jessica Kakiay-Yavuz, the mother of a 9-year-old student at the Roman Catholic primary school De Tweemaster in Huizen, told the De Telegraaf newspaper how her daughter no longer feels comfortable attending gym class because she is forced to change in the presence of a boy.

“My daughter came to me because she thought it was strange that a boy came into the dressing room,” Kakiay-Yavuz told the newspaper. “I have requested a meeting with the school to find a solution. The director was initially open to that.”

She explained that after informing the school of her daughter’s concerns, she received a “very humiliating” response in which she was asked to accept the situation and was accused of “undermining the school’s gender inclusivity policy.”

“If I wanted, I could receive information so that I could understand the ‘difficult situation that gender and sex diverse people face,’” the mother was told.

“She doesn’t feel comfortable having to change in front of a boy. This is of course not a situation you want to be in as parents. We have been upset for weeks, I cannot let go of the issue,” she said of her daughter’s predicament.

While the school’s principal was dismissive of the concerns, Rob Hageman, a board member of the RK Education Huizen Foundation (SRKOH), which governs the educational center, was more receptive and has vowed to find a compromise; however, this is proving to be more challenging than first thought.

“To my knowledge, this is the first time that this problem has arisen at a primary school,” Hageman said.

“We were surprised by the issue and started looking for colleagues in the country who had already encountered this problem and perhaps already had a solution. But we haven’t found it yet,” he added.

With transgenderism on the rise across Western Europe and increasing measures being implemented to ensure acceptance and tolerance of LGBT issues, some are concerned that the legitimate worries of those on one side of the debate are being ignored.

“Our objection does not arise from religious or ideological considerations. We respect that the fellow student feels like a girl and we do not want to question that feeling in any way, I want to be very clear about that. But the dressing room is a red line for us. Girls should be able to remain girls there and not be confronted with transgender problems at such a young age,” Kakiay-Yavuz told De Telegraaf.

“We want a solution for our daughter — and I know of another girl whose family is also struggling with it. An extra dressing room for fellow students, perhaps that is the best option,” she added.

Under current Dutch law enshrined in the Citizenship Act 2021, all educational facilities in the Netherlands, including primary schools, are legally obliged to ensure the safety and acceptance of LGBT students.

The interpretation of this legislation has resulted in shared changing rooms for pre-op transgender children and biological girls, and there currently appears to be little guidance on how to resolve concerns raised by Kakiay-Yavuz’s daughter.

“A protocol, regulations regarding the question ‘how do we deal with this in primary education?’ This would be very welcome,” said Hageman, who called for governmental guidelines in order to set a precedent for a situation that is likely to become more commonplace across the country.

French riot police demolish huge camp near Dunkirk full of migrants looking to cross to UK

French riot police move to demolish camp near Dunkirk

Around 100 French CRS riot police have moved in to dismantle a large migrant camp near Dunkirk.

The makeshift camp was home to several hundred migrants, waiting to cross illegally to the UK.

The French police have a policy of moving in to dismantle any camp that grows too large or are in the same place for more than a few months.

The move has been condemned by the human rights group Utopia-56, which claims the police action “would worsen the suffering of hundreds of migrant men, women and children.”

The operation comes on the same morning that police discovered the body of an Eritrean migrant, 25 miles from Dunkirk, on a beach near Calais.

The 24-year-old woman had been trying to board one of four small boats that made it to the UK this morning, when she slipped and fell into the water.

The UK and France have been working together to clampdown on the number of migrants crossing the Channel.

French police officers have faced confrontation with some migrants.

Salih Taib Abdullah, 33, and Ahmed Omar Saleh Khater, 25, were sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court to a total of two years and two months’ imprisonment for attempting to arrive in the UK illegally.

The pair were involved in violent disorder on a beach near Calais in June.

French authorities appear to be ramping up efforts to dissuade migrants from making the perilous 21-mile trip.

Border force officials on the other side of the Channel are tethering buoys across rivers in an attempt to block smuggling gangs who have been using the inland waterways to evade the patrols of officers and the intense surveillance operating on the beaches.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman used a speech in the United States to double-down her position on illegal immigration.

She is expected to say that “seeking asylum and seeking better economic prospects are not the same thing” as she takes aim at the United Nations’ Refugee Convention.

In a pre-briefed extract of her speech, Braverman will add: “The status quo, where people are able to travel through multiple safe countries, and even reside in safe countries for years, while they pick their preferred destination to claim asylum, is absurd and unsustainable.

“Nobody entering the UK by boat from France is fleeing imminent peril. None of them have ‘good cause’ for illegal entry. The vast majority have passed through multiple safe countries, and in some instances have resided in safe countries for several years.

“In this sense, there is an argument that they should cease to be treated as refugees when considering the legitimacy of their onward movement.”

Slovakia Goes to the Polls and May Distance Itself From Ukraine – Bratislava Has Banned Grain From Kiev – Ex-PM Robert Fico Poised to Win and Turn Country Away From War

In the turning of the tide against European support for Ukraine, the upcoming Slovakian elections may well become a major development, if frontrunner former Prime Minister Robert Fico is elected.

Sandwiched between Hungary and Poland, Slovakia shares with its neighbors the distinction of being the 3 countries that enacted ban against Ukrainian grain – but that can be followed by a serious curtailing of military and even political support for Ukraine.

Slovakia’s longest-serving prime minister, Fico was forced out of office in 2018, following the biggest mass protests Bratislava had seen since the communist era.

But now, the popular reaction against the war in Ukraine created a path back to power to Fico.

Pakistani tried to rape 50-year-old farmer in Greece: “He’s calling me from prison, I’ve lost sleep” – What the victim says

Katerina Perraki, who was attacked by her Pakistani labourer, says that even now 9 months later, she cannot sleep – The attempted rape of a 50-year-old farmer in Ierapetra last December is being prosecuted in the courts today.

The 33-year-old Pakistani land worker will be present today at the Joint Jury Court of Heraklion on accusations of the attempted rape of the 50-year-old Katerina Perrakis, in whose greenhouse he worked, on the evening of December 9, 2022, in the central town of Ierapetra.

The 33-year-old is accused, according to the case file, of attempted rape, causing dangerous bodily harm, carrying a weapon and using a weapon.

The 50-year-old farmer, two days after the nightmare she experienced at the hands of her near-rapist, had spoken to Nea Kriti without hiding her face and identity, asking for the arrest of the young man (who fled) so that he can be brought to justice and pay for the harm he did to her.

The police officers of the Ierapetra Security Department in a reasonable amount of time finally located and arrested the Pakistani land worker and with the case file they created against him they took him to the prosecutor, who then decided on his temporary detention in Tripoli prison.

Speaking on the morning of Friday, September 22, with Katerina Perrakis, she said that “the accused, unrepentant, continued to bother me by phone even from prison, where he had found a way to have a mobile phone.

:Since then he has been trying to justify his act with funny claims, saying that he had consumed a large amount of alcohol, which is not true, because a short time before the attack he made on me, he was working normally in my greenhouse.

“He cannot understand that I have lost sleep since that day. I can’t sleep because his barbaric acts come to my mind. The ferocity with which he hit me on the head, face, chest and all over my body… My fear at the sight of his knife, with which he threatened to kill me, if I don’t let him indulge his sick appetites.

“However, I managed to find the strength, with the help of God, to shout loudly, to ask for help to escape from him, so that he would run away.

“I know that I have entered financial and psychological issues because I cannot afford the legal costs and the psychological suffering, since I will have to face the face of this barbaric man again. It is difficult for me to relive the same nightmare in the courtroom.

“But I have confidence in my lawyer Mrs. Marina Panagiotakis, who expressed her desire to support me legally and I thank her for that.”

It was Friday afternoon, December 9, 2022, and the sun had just set.

The then 32-year-old young land worker, of Pakistani nationality, had just finished working from the greenhouse, took his motorbike, went to Ierapetra, had a bath at his house, changed clothes and returned to Kendri, where he surprised and beat with incredible ferocity the 50-year-old farmer and attempted to rape her at knifepoint, which was finally avoided due to a strong resistance and struggle in which the victim showed that she would not give in to his sick appetites.