Finland: Verdict Expected Soon on Whether Posting Bible Verse Online is a CRIME!

Päivi Räsänen (Facebook)

In a trial, she was acquitted of the charges months ago, but prosecutors demanded that an appeals panel deliver to them a favorable decision in the case, insisting that she must be punished.

This week, the Helsinki Court of Appeal finished a two-day hearing on the case that was triggered by her online statement about the Bible, as well as her part in creating a brochure that talks about the Bible.

The Decision report explained, “In 2019, Räsänen—a medical doctor and mother of five—posted a tweet in which she asked the leadership of her church why they would sponsor the Helsinki Pride parade, and she attached a photo with verses from Romans 1. Years earlier in 2004, she had written a pamphlet on marriage and sexuality titled ‘Male and Female He Created Them.”’And during a radio program, she also upheld the biblical view of marriage and sexuality.”

Police, not about the tolerate those beliefs, did an investigation that included interrogating her for 13 hours.

Then Finland’s government prosecutor accused her of three crimes. Bishop Juhana Pohjola also was charged.

Dutch Farmer Party Picks Anti-Vax Pass Crusader as Prime Minister Candidate

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The pro-farmer populist party that upended the political establishment in The Netherlands has selected a former government minister who was sacked for her opposition to coronavirus passports as their candidate for prime minister in the race to replace globalist PM Mark Rutte.

Caroline van der Plas, the charismatic leader of the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BoerBurgerBeweging/BBB), said this week that she will not enter the fray to become the next Dutch prime minister, announcing that former State Secretary for Economic Affairs Mona Keijzer will represent the tractor protest party in the November elections of the House of Representatives.

“I am really very happy and proud that Mona wants to enter the Chamber for us, but also, if BBB enters a coalition, is willing to become prime minister,” van der Plas said per De Telegraaf. “We think she is a huge whopper.”

Keijzer left the centre-right Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) party last month, the culmination of a series of disputes that soured relations between her and the top brass of the party. Chief among those, was the controversial step by the Rutte coalition government to sack her from her cabinet post in the autumn of 2021 over her fierce opposition to the introduction of coronavirus passports.

With her, the former State Secretary brought along three other CDA members, Lilian Helder, Nicki Pouw-Verweij, and Derk Jan Eppink, who will all defect to the farmer party in the House of Representatives, taking BBB’s total to four in the lower chamber of the Dutch bicameral parliament.

In March, the Farmer-Citizen Movement swept to a shock victory in the provincial elections, becoming the largest party in the Senate after being heavily outspent and only forming as a political party in 2019. The electoral success was driven by anger in the rural regions of the country against plans from the Rutte government to impose EU green agenda policies to shut down thousands of privately owned farms.

Although the Rutte government ultimately collapsed in July, the battle over the Great Reset-style policies will continue into the upcoming elections, with the EU’s chief green agenda architect, Frans Timmermans, announcing last week that he will throw his hat into the ring to become the next Dutch PM.

At present, it does not seem that the BBB could gain enough support to see Keijzer become prime minister. However, it is possible that the pro-farmer party could enter into government as a coalition partner of popular MP Pieter Omtzigt’s new party, which is currently at the top of the polls, projected to pick up 31 seats in the House, leading Timmermans leftist green PvdA-GroenLink coalition at 28 seats. With a 76 seats being required for the majority needed to form a government, either side will likely require two or more coalition partners.

BBB Party leader Caroline van der Plas has openly made overtures to Omtzigt to apparently indicate her willingness to form a coalition with him, calling Omtzigt the “best MP we have.”

As to why van der Plas chose not to enter the race for prime minister, she said that it would be “ridiculous” for her to become PM as she has only recently entered politics. She went on to joke that she doesn’t enjoy flying, saying: “As prime minister you have to fly all over the world, I don’t like that at all. Then I would say: Let Biden come here.”

UK: Police Harass Senior Lady for Taking Wrong Picture

Never mind expressing forbidden thoughts; even taking a picture of someone else’s expression is thoughtcrime, punishable by an intimidating visit from police:

A senior woman in the United Kingdom was visited by police after being caught taking a photograph of a sticker critical of gender ideology. Eve, whose identity is being protected at her request, was questioned at her home for over 30 minutes by officers of the West Yorkshire Police. …

Eve explained that the ordeal began in March after she spotted a sticker she thought was interesting while on a walk. The small sticker, which read “Keep Males Out Of Women-Only Spaces” had been placed on top of a large trans pride poster outside of Happy Valley Pride, a Hebden Bridge pride organization.

A month later, cops came knocking on the door. At least it wasn’t the FBI, so they didn’t kick the door down and use flashbangs.

Eve is in her 70s. The visit alarmed her because she assumed they must be there to give her tragic news. In the olden days, British police were public servants.

Turns out someone at Happy Valley Pride had seen her snap the picture and ratted her out to authorities. They subjected Eve to what she described as a “sermon,” no doubt explaining that the government regards her opinions as unacceptable. Eve admits that she has expressed pro-woman thoughts on Facebook.

Nothing as freakishly unnatural not to mention disgusting as LGBT doctrine will be accepted as normal without force. If intimidation doesn’t work, stronger measures will be employed, as when the same West Yorkshire Police ruthlessly hauled off an autistic child in Leeds, traumatizing her because she had accidently committed what one officer regarded as homophobia.

Moonbattery Police Harass Senior Lady for Taking Wrong Picture – Moonbattery

Germany: Afghans are allowed to have their second wives join them

In Germany, polygamy (“bigamy”) is prohibited – nevertheless, in two cases, second wives from Afghanistan have now been allowed to join their husbands in the Hochsauerland district.

According to the newspaper “Westfalenpost”, the immigration office of the Hochsauerland district has confirmed two of these cases of bigamy. What looks like a scandal, however, has a comprehensible background. The reason for the action is a family reunion that has been approved by the federal government.
According to this, two Afghan local workers who worked for Germany in their home country were allowed to take their second wives and their children. The decisions were made by the federal government. The families are also randomly assigned to the Hochsauerlandkreis according to a calculation key. Specifically, one of them is a husband with two wives – however, he only lives with one wife and three children, the second wife lives in a separate flat with another seven children.

The other husband lives with two wives and nine children. According to the newspaper “WP”, new legal problems arise in the process: one of the children was born in Germany and cannot get a German birth certificate because her parents’ marriage is not recognised in Germany.

After the Taliban took power in 2021, the German government had promised the local Afghan forces to rescue them from the life-threatening situation in Afghanistan and to create the possibility for them to come to Germany.
In Germany, double marriage or polygamy is prohibited by law and is considered a punishable offence, unless it has been contracted abroad according to other permitted rules, as in many Islamic countries. However, there are also other justifications: In 2018, two cases in Pinneberg (Schleswig-Holstein) concerned the reunification of a Syrian second wife. At the time, the decision was justified by the fact that the main reason was that children should grow up with their biological mother in a foreign country and fleeing war and displacement.

Bigamie-Fall in NRW: DARUM durften Afghanen ihre Zweitfrauen holen | Regional |

Shakespeare’s Macbeth Branded as Racist for Themes Like ‘Darkness’

Smirke, c. 1790-1810), Wikimedia Commons,, CC-BY-SA-4.0

William Shakespeare’s Macbeth has been accused by an academic hosted by the Globe Theatre of being “racialised” with references to “darkness”.

In the latest instalment of ‘Anti-Racist Shakespeare’ webinars hosted by the Bard’s Globe Theatre in London, assistant professor of English at Trinity University in Texas Kathryn Vomero Santos declared that the language in Macbeth demonstrates the alleged racial bias of the 17th century playwright.

According to comments reported by the Daily Mail, Vomero Santos claimed in the discussion that the use of words such as bat, beetle, black, and night could be seen as examples of “racialised” language in the play that examines the corrupting nature of power.

Pointing to a scene in which the lead character is referred to as “black Macbeth”, the American academic reportedly said: “I think that it’s important to help our students to see the ways in which a play we might not recognise immediately as a ‘race play’ is relying on racialised language and playing on the dichotomy of whiteness and blackness and dark and light.”

The professor was backed up by playwright Migdalia Cruz, who said of the use of words such as Jew, Moor, and Turk within the play:  “A lot of people cut those things and I thought, I am not going to make him not a racist, he is a racist – but a racist of his time. Everyone in his time were racists.”

In 2018, Cruz produced a “translation” of Macbeth for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival as a part of a series of interpretations meant to “present the Bard’s work in language accessible to modern audiences.”

Kathryn Vomero Santos, for her part, helped curate a collection of “retellings of Shakespeare’s works by Latino and Indigenous writers that place the stories in settings more familiar to” those from the border regions between the United States and Mexico.

The latest woke attacks on Shakespeare have been criticised by some British academics, including emeritus professor of sociology at Kent University Frank Furedi, who said: “I think all the comments suffer from the condition of what I call moral anachronism, which involves reading history backwards and projecting on to the past the obsessions of the contemporary writer – in this case, with race and blackness.”

England in the Age of Shakespeare author and historian Jeremy Black added: “The idea of blackness as evil and the cover for crime draws on longstanding fears of the dark and should not be confused with racism.”

Responding, the Globe Theatre’s director of education Farah Karim-Coope said: “We support the scholars and artists who speak on our platforms. While we may not agree with everything they say, we trust our audiences the way Shakespeare did – to judge for themselves.”

A London Lost: The Death of an English City

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London has changed. Not just in the organic way that history usually demands but drastically, irrevocably and in the space of a generation. It is no really a British city, much less an English one. Unprecedented demographic change has seen to that. And its character, its very essence, once based on centuries of shared history and experience, is now defined by what are called its “values”, a set of modern beliefs to which the modern Londoner should sign up. In this very personal documentary, Peter explains why, like hundreds of thousands of other Londoners, he has left London, a city which he no longer regards as home. He asks whether we are saying goodbye to London. This is Episode 12 in our acclaimed documentary series #NCFHeresies. To see other episodes in this series please see:    / @newcultureforum  

Globalists Resurrect Roman Censor to Police Public Morals

Image: Tom Hilton via FlickrCC BY 2.0.

By J.B. Shurk

One of the most powerful and prestigious offices in the ancient Roman Republic was the censor.  It was the censor’s duty to conduct the census — an account of all the citizens and their properties, an appraisal of an individual Roman’s qualifications for certain honors and ranks, and a division of the people into distinct social classes.  Having the authorities both to assess tax liability and noble rank made the two censors who shared this office inherently powerful.  For this reason, the patricians (the ruling class) originally precluded the plebeians (the commoners) from ever obtaining the office.  The ruling class was not keen on empowering a commoner to decide who is worthy of being a patrician!

Over time, this duty to conduct an official census expanded to include other substantial powers.  Having the sole authority to determine whether a Roman citizen qualified for distinguished ranks and to adjudicate whether that citizen had committed any social infractions rendering him unworthy of retaining those ranks, the censors became de facto wardens of the public morals (the regimen morum).  The jurisdiction to regulate proper Roman character and habits and to judge those Romans found wanting made censors both revered and feared.  They were known as castigatores (chastisers) for their power to create and enforce public opinion through their granting or withholding of noble rank.  They were, in other words, ancient Rome’s original enforcers of “political correctness.”  This authority to regulate both the public and private lives of Roman citizens gave rise to the modern meanings of “censor” and “censorship.”

These immense powers to assess property, tax liability, qualification for noble rank, and general “political correctness” naturally established an additional power: the censors were responsible for administering Rome’s finances and overseeing public works.  As custodians of the public morals and regulators of the public’s taxes, the censors were given broad discretion to decide how to spend public money on roads, aqueducts, bridges, theaters, and temples.  They had a say over which Roman businessmen would be awarded lucrative contracts from the State and which kinds of laborers would benefit from new public works projects.  By controlling the flow of money and jobs, the censors could choose the “winners” and “losers” in the economy.

If these authoritarian powers sound remarkably familiar to Westerners today, that’s because Western governments have fully embraced the role of the ancient Roman censors — dividing society into deserving and undeserving classes, promulgating and enforcing “woke” public morals, and engaging in partisan tax-and-spend policies that reward certain industries and workforces over others.  Just as with Rome’s censors, our censors ostensibly work for the “public good.”  Unlike many of the illustrious Roman censors from two and a half millennia ago, though, today’s censors are not known for exhibiting exceptional character or honor.

It is also worth noting how our modern understanding of “censorship” derives from the magisterial duties to keep a record of rank, accumulated wealth, and tax liability.  Censors maintaining a public census naturally promote a kind of censorship.  When government officials are given the power to know what is in our bank accounts, they are given indirect power to influence what we say.  Just ask Nigel Farage or anyone else who has been “de-banked” because of his personal views.  Or look at how the U.S. government has rewarded the Internal Revenue Service with a hundred billion extra dollars and a hundred thousand extra agents to intimidate ordinary taxpayers, even after having been caught covering up Biden family corruption, leaking the personal information of conservative Americans, and “losing” the private data of millions of other taxpayers.  Those who control what we may own also control what we may think.  Or said another way, regulation of property rights invariably regulates life and liberty, too.

Western governments embrace widespread censorship today because they have gained tremendous leverage over our property.  They do not need to conduct a census or inspect our farms to determine the size of our homes or the numbers of our various livestock.  They simply conduct warrantless searches of our financial transactions, recorded debts, and digitized savings — while monitoring our movements and business activities.  They do not need to formally assess our qualification for certain honors.  They simply conduct warrantless searches of our phone calls, text messages, emails, and social media histories to determine whether we are “worthy” of receiving State-bestowed group privileges or social-credit-score-enabled ranks.  They do not need to chastise us for breaching “woke” public morals.  They simply “cancel” us from the online public square and deny us access to the digital infrastructure connecting the modern world.  Then, after seizing our savings through taxation, regulation, and currency manipulation, those same Western governments reward “green” industries with contracts to build wind and solar farms, while taxing traditional farms and hydrocarbon energy producers out of business.  

Until ordinary citizens reclaim control over their private property and wrest control of monetary currencies from overspending governments and their central bank enablers, censorship will only worsen.

Using the pretext of fighting COVID “misinformation,” the European Union passed the Digital Services Act that empowers the EU Commission not only to censor websites owned and operated inside of Europe but also to quarantine “offending” speech from websites run outside of Europe.  In effect, European censors will determine what types of “disinformation,” “hate speech,” political dissent, and scientific arguments will be banned and what types of information from beyond Europe’s borders ordinary citizens will be allowed to see.  Using the language of freedom while imposing the infrastructure of tyranny, the DSA induces fear over the “dangers” of free speech in order to punish “wrongthink.”  Just to add some weight to the Iron Curtain descending around Europe once again, a German court has even sentenced one of its own judges for “ruling against the government’s mask mandates.”  How’s that for silencing dissent?

The United Kingdom has the Online Safety Bill, so that it can regulate “truth” and punish “offenders” through the Orwellian Office of Communications.

As we saw with the Freedom Convoy protests against COVID insanity, Canada was quick to freeze truckers’ bank accounts in its efforts to punish dissent.

The Biden administration has established an unconstitutional Disinformation Governance Board to act as a clearinghouse for permissible online speech.  Just as threatening to the free exchange of ideas and scientific debate, the National Institutes of Health has responded to pending litigation by only temporarily “pausing” a $154 million program intended to combat “medical misinformation” and establish “equitable health communication” — or, disrobed of its Marxist lingo, a program that would censor Americans for engaging in unapproved science.

In spite of three years of State-sanctioned lies surrounding the origin of COVID, its lethality, the efficacy of masks, the availability of over-the-counter treatments, and the safety of “vaccines,” Australia has proposed a bill to combat “misinformation” and “disinformation” that would categorize all government-supplied information as unquestionably true.

What could possibly go wrong when the same people with the power to collect taxes are the ones who assert a monopoly over “truth”?  Propaganda and political persecution flourish.  Some of the worst inflation in the last century is simply relabeled as a “right-wing talking point.”  Conservative attorneys are arrested for daring to fight against fraudulent elections.  The news media unabashedly regulate public morals by claiming that dissent against “woke” policies should be understood as “racist.”  Distinguished psychologists such as Dr. Jordan Peterson are forced to undergo “reeducation” for their “politically incorrect” thoughts should they wish to retain their titles.  As one Norwegian learned the hard way, questioning the “science” behind COVID mandates can even land you in a psychiatric ward.  This is what the United Nations means by declaring war on “deadly disinformation.”  

Two thousand years after their disappearance, Rome’s powerful censors are back.  Western citizens must again consign them to history.

Israel’s Illegal Alien Problem Explodes With Tel Aviv Riot

While Israel’s terrorism problem is widely covered, its problem with illegal migrants isn’t.

Israel is on the migrant route from Africa to Europe. Many of the migrants who make it to Israel don’t actually leave. Parts of Tel Aviv have been taken over by migrants and gangs who have their own no-go zones.

Why don’t you know about it? Because nobody wants to talk about it. The media generally isn’t interested in covering it except when it occasionally reports on pro-migrant leftist protests and the pro-Israel camp tends to repeat the stuff that the establishment puts out which is ignoring the problem. The people suffering from the massive illegal alien migrant population are the ones living in poorer parts of Tel Aviv.

No one can tell for sure how many illegals reside in the city. No one has taken a census there and no one is likely to come up with any credible statistics. But an entire Tel Aviv neighborhood has essentially been ripped out of the city and commandeered. It has become an extraterritorial entity into which few veteran Israelis meander.

Last month, 67-year-old Esther Galili was brutally beaten to death by an intoxicated Eritrean illegal on Rehov Hagra, around the corner from the home she inhabited for decades. The unprovoked gruesome attack was captured by surveillance cameras. Galili was the last Israeli on her street. All others had fled in panic and even the illegals resident there fear for their lives.

Four other victims were murdered nearby in recent months. Last week the police arrested four Africans on charges of aggravated assault and drug trafficking. The populist tabloids called them “Sudanese refugees,” although bona fide refugees from the Sudan’s Darfur region constitute merely a negligible fraction of Tel Aviv’s migrant sub-Saharan population.

Here’s another similar attack that was captured on video. The situation has been bad for a long time.

Israel is now home to some 60,000 migrants from Africa, most of them Eritrean and Sudanese. The vast majority of them live in south Tel Aviv, specifically in a several-block radius around Tel Aviv’s Central Bus Station and Levinsky Park. As this group has come to south Tel Aviv, however, crime has spiked, with Israel Police reporting earlier this year that in 2012 there was a 53 percent increase in felonies by migrants in the area.

Israel’s new conservative government in part came into office on a promise to finally start deporting the illegals. Unfortunately Israel’s leftist judiciary, especially its Supreme Court, has blocked such efforts. House Democrats also pressured Israel to drop any plan to deport the migrant population.

And this was a government plan to hand the migrants $3,500 and buy them plane tickets.

Now the whole thing has exploded in a way that no one could ignore with riots in the ‘nicer’ part of Tel Aviv. Groups of Eritreans fighting over issues in their home country violently clashed with each other and with police leading to gunfire and serious injuries.

Here’s video.

 sides faced off with construction lumber, pieces of metal, rocks, and at least one axe, tearing through a neighborhood of south Tel Aviv where many asylum seekers live. Protesters smashed shop windows and police cars, and blood spatter was seen on sidewalks. One government supporter was lying in a puddle of blood in a children’s playground.

Israeli police in riot gear shot tear gas, stun grenades, and live rounds while officers on horseback tried to control the protesters, who broke through barricades and hurled chunks of rocks at the police. Police said officers resorted to live fire when they felt their lives were in danger.

The violence is now impossible to ignore.

Magen David Adom teams treated a total of 114 individuals.

The injuries span across various levels of severity: 8 individuals are in a serious condition, 13 have sustained moderate injuries, 93 have incurred mild injuries.

Of the injured, 30 are police officers. Predominantly, these injuries comprise bruises, many resulting from stones and discarded objects.

The Magen David Adom blood services have been instrumental, supplying hospitals with 130 doses and blood components to streamline the medical care for the injured.

May Golan, a longtime activist from South Tel Aviv against the illegal alien takeover, has placed the blame on the leftist justices of the Supreme Court. As did Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

“In the Saturday riots, which were only the promo for what awaits us if we do not return the infiltrators to their countries of origin, there is only one responsible: the High Court. For years we have been warning, for years the High Court has prevented any action that would allow the infiltrators to be returned to their homes. That is precisely why we are leading the reforms in the judicial system that will allow elected officials to make decisions and carry them out for the citizens of Israel, their safety and security,” Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said on Saturday night.

This is why judicial reform is so urgent.

Israel is suffering from the same problems as America, Europe and many other countries. It’s under siege by migrant invaders and domestic pro-leftist protesters.

This parody by Caroline Glick’s Latma from a decade ago perfectly captured leftist hypocrisy on the invaders.

UK: Manchester installs ‘counter-terror’ barriers on busy city street to stop vehicular jihad

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Imagine a threat being so great that you have to alter the city’s landscape to counter it, but meanwhile you cannot even acknowledge it as a threat or discuss the motivating ideology behind it without facing personal and professional ruin. That’s Britain, and the West in general, today. Shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain is, of course, finished.