A new video of the murder of 36-year-old Antonis Karyotis on Tuesday night in the port of Piraeus when members of the crew of Blue Horizon of the Attica Group pushed him while he was on the ramp trying to board, causing him to be in the water and finally to lose his life, was published.
In the video recorded by a passenger on another ship on his mobile phone, a woman can be heard shouting, “Get him, save him,” as the unfortunate 36-year-old tries to stay afloat.
Seconds later, and while the ship continues its normal course as if nothing had happened, the lifeless body of the unfortunate Antonis is seen floating on the sea’s surface.
— Τραμπάκουλας ®️ official γκρί τίκ (@Trambakoulas2) September 6, 2023
Equally chilling was the video about the unspeakable tragedy that occurred on Tuesday night in the port of Piraeus with the death of the 36-year-old in the catapult of the Attica Group’s Blue Horizon ship.
The ship is ready for departure from the port of Piraeus, bound for the port of Heraklion, Crete.
Crew members of the ship #BlueHorizon are seen to push away a 36yo passenger that was late. That led to the passenger losing his balance, falling in the sea and unfortunately, losing his life. The incident took place tonight on the #Piraeus port, #Athens. pic.twitter.com/Y3StpNSKp8
A new video of the murder of 36-year-old Antonis Karyotis on Tuesday night in the port of Piraeus when members of the crew of Blue Horizon of the Attica Group pushed him while he was on the ramp trying to board, causing him to be in the water and finally to lose his life, was published.
In the video recorded by a passenger on another ship on his mobile phone, a woman can be heard shouting, “Get him, save him,” as the unfortunate 36-year-old tries to stay afloat.
Seconds later, and while the ship continues its normal course as if nothing had happened, the lifeless body of the unfortunate Antonis is seen floating on the sea’s surface.
A man tries to board the ship while the crew of the Blue Horizon has untied casks. The latecomer catches up and climbs onto the ship’s ramp, which has yet to leave the pier.
And while the 36-year-old has managed to climb the ship’s ramp, two Blue Horizon crew members push him outside the ship, continuing the departure procedures!
The unfortunate man tries to stay on the ramp and get on the ship to travel to Heraklion, but the two crewmen again push him violently to throw him off the ramp and the ship.
The man’s effort is in vain; the two prominent crew members succeed and force him to the limits of the ramp, the part of which rests against the jib is retractable.
The man loses his balance and falls into the sea in the wake of the main engines of the large passenger ferry that has been started for the departure.
The man fights the waves; it is unknown if he also hit his head or another part of his body falling from the ramp into the sea, and shortly after, he is pulled up dead while the Blue Horizon ship sails to Heraklion as if nothing happened.
It’s known as a ‘hippie paradise’ – but is it? Whatever our opinion, it’s a drug-fuelled tourist destination where utopia and dystopia seem to be rolled into one.
Fristaden Christiania (Christiania Freetown), also known as Christiania or simply the ‘Staden’, is a commune and ‘micro nation’ situated in a neighborhood occupying the low beaches and islets between Danish capital, Copenhagen, and Amager island.
There, the Amagerkaner live in a ‘anarchist consensus democracy’ – whatever that means.
It all began in 1971, when ‘proto hippies’ squatted in a military base situated there.
Copenhagen Mayor Begs Tourists Not To Buy Pot at Christiania Freetown, After Deadly Shooting – The Problem? Half a Million of Them Visit Every Year for Exactly That via @gatewaypundithttps://t.co/yYSOQLYdiS
Dresden newspaper Tag24 has written a raving review of the city’s newest and “most modern” refugee home, built in a historic hotel in the center of downtown, where the all-male newcomers will enjoy services like “organized leisure activities” and living standards other Germans can only dream of.
In fact, the paper notes that many arriving in Dresden on holiday would love to stay at the location, writing: “With the municipal rental of the former Hotel Cityherberge on the Robotron site, accommodation has now been created that many holidaymakers would like to use during their visit to Dresden.”
The paper gushes over various details of the new home for 280 men: “Wide corridors, bright colors, comfortably furnished rooms” are designed to provide excellent living accommodations for 280 young men from Afghanistan, Syria and Venezuela. The paper notes that 80 men have already moved in, with more slated to arrive in the next months.
The migrants will also benefit from a number of amenities, including full-service accommodations, as well as “prayer rooms, a hairdresser, canteen (three meals a day, also vegetarian) as well as organized leisure activities.”
German taxpayers will be on the hook to pay for the accommodation, with the hotel costing €36,000 per month. However, that does not factor in administrative costs, cleaning costs, the cost of food and healthcare, educational courses, and a variety of other services the migrants will have access to — not to mention a “team of experienced social workers” who will be servicing the new men, as Tag24 says. The extravagant price tag for just 280 men may be why the German government estimated it will spend €36 billion on migrants in 2023 alone.
The migrant home is also centrally located in Dresden, where many Germans are competing to live. As Tag24 writes, “The historic old town is within walking distance and can be reached in a few minutes.”
Right across the street from the new migrant home is a skate park, but Tag24 writes that Dresden’s young people and migrant men will benefit from interacting with each other, with the journalist stating that the skate park offers the “best conditions for getting to know a new (German) culture and for learning our language.” However, such cultural exchange has resulted in a disaster inside Germany’s swimming pools, where armed police are now on duty during all opening hours and a wave of sexual assault and riots have plagued the country’s swimming establishments.
Dresden housing and rental prices are soaring
Dresden, once considered a cheap city to live in, has seen housing and rental prices soar in recent years, and has been included on a list of cities with the fastest rising rents. Meanwhile, refugees — many from countries that are not experiencing war — will be enjoying plush accommodations for free. In fact, Tag24, the same newspaper praising the new refugee accommodations, wrote in 2021 that the number of homeless is growing rapidly and petitions are calling for more social housing. The paper noted that one of the primary factors is the astounding price increases, with condominium prices rising 17 percent in one year. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, there are an estimated 178,000 homeless people in Germany, but this number may be low.
As previous reporting from Remix News shows, there is a strong correlation between rising migrant populations, many of whom want to live in desirable cities such as Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, and soaring housing costs.
Apparently in order not to provoke the “new citizens”, the city of Dresden is removing the sculpture of a naked woman in front of the luxury hotel aka refugee accommodation. “Die Sinnende”, which had been there for 47 years, was removed on the instructions of the Green building mayor. Now the mostly young, Muslim men can move into their posh accommodation – a former hotel – undisturbed by German art.
For 47 years, the sculpture “Die Sinnende” stood in front of the Robotron complex in Dresden. The bronze sculpture of a lolling female nude was created by sculptor Horst Brühmann (1942-2014). Now it has been removed and relocated to a place where it can no longer be seen by the public. Allegedly a matter of routine, the city administration claims. This justification – blamed on the Green building mayor Stephan Kühn – is also likely to be another Green lie.
“We are only accommodating men here – from Afghanistan, Syria and Venezuela,” is the information provided by Dresden’s Green building mayor Kühn, who – as jouwatch reported – is extremely concerned about the well-being of the 280, almost exclusively “single, male” new guests – who will be staying in the former hotel at taxpayer expense until 2024. In addition to the distribution of the newly renovated hotel rooms according to origin and religion, this also includes various leisure facilities, prayer rooms and a hairdresser. Oh yes- for the culinary well-being, the hotel guests will be supplied with breakfast, lunch and dinner. “During Ramadan, we adjust our working hours accordingly,” explains the chef, who always tries to adapt the menu to the needs of the residents and offer special products such as dates. The all-round feel-good package costs the taxpayer a total of 36,000 euros a month in rent – for ten years.
With so much cultural dedication and mindfulness, the green mayor of the public works department seems to have decided that the sculpture of a naked woman, which had been in front of the building for 47 years, must also be removed, so that his mostly Muslim male guests can really feel completely at ease.
In response to a question from the newspaper Bild, a spokeswoman for the city said flippantly: “The ‘Sinnende’ has left its traditional place in front of the former City Hostel and is now pondering in the inner courtyard of the large office complex”. One would have had to make room for it.
A new poll shows 72 percent of French believe that the government offers too much aid to migrants, and the same percentage think they pose security problems.
According to the research by French consumer and public opinion firm Toluna, 61 percent believe that immigrants are a cultural threat and 56 percent that they are a threat to the social fabric, French news portal Fdesouche reports.
📊 Opinion dégradée des Français sur les immigrés
Trop aidés par l’État 72% Posent des problèmes de sécurité 72% Menace culturelle 61% Menace sociale 56%
E!, LR, R et RN se retrouvent sur ces affirmations
The research also shows that 14 percent of French citizens approve of the unconditional acceptance of migrants, while 24 percent, mostly voters of the National Rally and the Republicans, reject any form of migrant intake.
Seuls 14% des Français souhaiteraient un accueil sans conditions des étrangers et 24% aucun accueil d'étrangers du tout (majorité de RN et de R) pic.twitter.com/9ucXShvTIP
The polling fits with a broad, decades-long trend of the French public rejecting mass immigration. Another poll this year found that 64 percent of French are against non-European immigration.
However, this trend may eventually reverse over the coming decades as the native French population is continuously displaced, in which case the “new French” may tip the polls in favor of more immigration, as they have a strong incentive to bring family members and fellow countrymen and women into France. Already, what academics, politicians and journalists have labeled the “Great Replacement” is happening in France’s major cities, but it is also now in the countryside, where native Europeans are being replaced by non-Europeans at a rapid pace.
In fact, the trend of the Great Replacement is so well recognized in France that a majority of French people, 61 percent, said in 2021 that they believe in the Great Replacement theory.
“This is in fact a fragmentation and yes, this risk does exist and in any case, I think the demographic change of Europe is extremely spectacular. The historical peoples in certain municipalities and regions are becoming a minority,” said influential French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut while discussing the Great Replacement on the Europe 1 channel in 2022. “A whole part of French people now live not in the suburbs, but beyond the suburbs, because they are no longer the cultural reference they used to be, because all the butchers are, for example, Halal.”
Spencer presents a graph showing Earth’s temperatures over the past 2,000 years, since the birth of Jesus. In this geologically and climatically short time span, there have been two previous periods as warm as the present, during the glory days of the Roman Empire and during the Viking Age when the Norsemen colonized Greenland, which was green at the time. Graph: Roy W Spencer
The establishment’s celebrated Israeli astrophysicist, Nir Shaviv, asserts that it is the sun, not carbon dioxide, that drives the Earth’s climate. “The correlation is as clear as day,” the professor explains. The interview was published in the mainstream media outlet Forbes, a well-known American economic magazine, which quickly removed the article after pressure from globalist climate alarmists. Shaviv is one of an increasing number of established scientists who are speaking out. In August, two American MIT researchers, a meteorologist and a physicist, sounded the alarm. They argue that climate regulations now being implemented are based on “a bluff” and will be a “catastrophe” for society, particularly concerning food security.
Nir Shaviv is a well-known Israeli astrophysicist and head of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s physics department. He explains in an interview with the well-known American business magazine Forbes that his research and that of his colleagues indicate that rising carbon dioxide levels play only a minor role in Earth’s climate compared to the impact of solar radiation and cosmic particles.
“Global warming is a problem, but not in the catastrophic terms claimed in Al Gore’s films or by climate alarmists”, says Shaviv, who then explains that it is the sun that governs:
“Climate changes have always existed and are unlikely to disappear. But CO2 emissions do not play the major role; instead, periodic solar activity does, Shaviv asserts.
What makes his statement particularly interesting is that he is part of the climate establishment, which continues to assert that “global warming” exists but has now realized that the sun is the decisive factor behind climate changes—just as Free West Media has been reporting for several years. This is crucial because it is not “global warming” that is practically used to impose the globalist agenda on us, but the lie that human-produced carbon dioxide emissions are driving climate change. This is used as a pretext to impose the globalist agenda the establishment desires. Without the false narrative, the entire argument that we must obey their mandates to save the planet falls apart.
That is why the interview with Professor Shaviv is so important and therefore so dangerous for those who want to impose their agenda on humanity. It was also evident when the climate establishment forced Forbes, which conducted the interview, to quickly remove it from the internet.
Shaviv wrote on his blog that Forbes editor-in-chief’s decision was “shameful.” It was not just the above statements that were problematic, but the fact that Shaviv presented scientific research he had conducted with the renowned Danish astrophysicist Henrik Svensmark. This research involved extensive studies over a long period with very clear results, proving the sun’s influence on our planet’s climate.
This is taboo among the establishment’s “climate researchers,” who often omit the sun as a factor affecting Earth’s climate in their models (guesses)—not scientific studies—largely because their invented explanatory models would not hold up.
The interview took place in August 2019, when researchers began to seriously worry about the changes they could observe on the sun, something that had escalated in the years before completely outside the public’s knowledge. The fact that Forbes deleted the article so quickly, and the media blackout that followed, kept the interview unknown for a long time. Free West Media is among the first to report on it.
Several other world-leading solar researchers sounded the alarm around the same time, such as Valentina Zharkova, but she too was silenced. Astrophysicist and mathematician Zharkova published a research report on various platforms, including the website of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). It was titled “Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling.” We can initially read the following:
“In this editorial, I will show from newly discovered solar activity proxy magnetic field [sunspot activity] that the Sun has entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020–2053) that will lead to a significant reduction of the Sun’s magnetic field and activity, as during the Maunder Minimum, leading to a noticeable drop in Earth’s temperature.”
The Maunder Minimum was a period of cold from 1645 to 1715 that particularly affected Europe with poor harvests, famine, and mass deaths. Despite many researchers sounding the alarm about this for several years, the public has been kept in the dark, as it goes against the globalists’ mandated climate narrative of “global warming.”
In December 2019, among others, NASA confirmed that Solar Cycle 25 had begun with a solar minimum. Shortly thereafter, the first news about an unknown virus in Wuhan, China, emerged, which would later lead to medical tyranny, lockdowns, and the beginning of an entirely new world known as “The New Normal” in the English-speaking parts of the world.
In the since deleted interview with Forbes, Shaviv revealed another uncomfortable truth for the climate establishment, which is that research is not set in stone, and it doesn’t matter how many “climate scientists” the globalist establishment “buys and showcases.” Regarding the first point, many, especially serious researchers, have pointed out that today’s mandated climate narrative, with its dogmas that cannot be questioned, exhibits a clear unscientific and religious character. As for the second point, where the climate establishment and its media often repeat the mantra that “97 percent of all scientists” support the theory of global warming, Shaviv strongly criticized it:
“Only people who don’t understand science take the 97 percent statistic seriously. Survey results depend on who you ask, who answers, and how the questions are formulated. Science is not a democracy, after all. Even if 100 percent of scientists believe in something, a person with good evidence can still be right,” Shaviv explained.
He thus pointed out something that few think about in a time when mainstream media have almost full-spectrum control of the information sphere, affecting people’s perception of “reality.”
Shaviv criticizes the fact that the sun is entirely ignored in the IPCC’s climate models and explains that solar activity is the most influential factor on the climate and, consequently, sea levels. The latter is something that is rarely discussed.
“Solar activity varies over time. There is a significant variation over approximately eleven years or more, which clearly affects the climate. This principle has been widely known, but in 2008, I was able to quantify it using sea level data. When the sun is more active, sea levels rise here on Earth. Higher temperatures cause water to expand. When the sun is less active, temperatures drop, and sea levels decrease. The correlation is as clear as day,” Shaviv explains.
Climate alarmists use this in their propaganda by selectively reporting when sea levels temporarily rise and then ignoring when they fall, creating the illusion that the seas are constantly rising. We have previously reported that the opposite is true in the Nordic countries, on the European continent, and all other places that were under large ice masses during the last ice age. This is because the landmasses, compressed by the ice masses, are still rising.
Shaviv then points out how billions of dollars have been spent to create and maintain the dogmatic climate narrative through models created based on the answers they want, rather than through genuine research and the use of available data:
“Since 2003, literally billions have been spent on climate research, yet the accepted perception has not changed. Advocates for human-caused climate change still ignore the sun’s impact on Earth’s climate, which undermines our understanding of 20th-century climate change.”
In the quickly deleted interview with Forbes, Shaviv also explained that the connection between solar activity and the Earth’s warming and cooling is indirect. An important factor is galactic cosmic radiation, which consists of a mixture of high-energy photons and electrically charged subatomic particles accelerated toward Earth by supernova explosions and other violent events in the cosmos. When this radiation hits the Earth’s atmosphere, it creates aerosols, which, in turn, form clouds, as Svensmark has explained in detail in his theory. This makes them crucial for the Earth’s weather and climate.
During solar minimum, the sun’s magnetic field weakens, which typically shields the Earth from a significant portion of cosmic radiation. This allows more cosmic rays from space to penetrate our planet’s atmosphere and create more clouds. More clouds lead to a drop in temperature but also an increase in precipitation.
This phenomenon becomes even more pronounced during a grand solar minimum, which we have now entered and is likely to worsen during the next solar cycle 26, expected to occur between 2030 and 2041. This is the reason behind the recent dramatic extreme weather events and unusual celestial phenomena worldwide. It will significantly and negatively impact harvests and food availability in the coming years and likely decades, a fact known to the globalist elite and the true reason behind all the rushed political changes happening now.
Shaviv argues that the scientific evidence and available research data are overwhelming, leaving no doubt that the sun plays a crucial role in controlling the climate.
“Today, we can demonstrate and prove the sun’s effect on the climate based on a wide range of evidence, from fossils hundreds of millions of years old to buoy readings in the ocean to satellite altitude data from recent decades. We can also reproduce and simulate atmospheric conditions in the laboratory to confirm the evidence. Everything points to the same conclusion: the majority of climate change is caused by the sun through its influence on atmospheric charging, meaning that most of the warming comes from nature—even a fresh physics student can understand this.”
Shaviv then points out another aspect that the climate establishment and the IPCC deliberately omit, which amounts to nothing less than historical distortion and data manipulation—an ultimate taboo in genuine research.
“Our research findings are very uncomfortable for the accepted perception (climate narrative). We know that there have been very significant climate variations in the past that have little to do with the burning of fossil fuels. A thousand years ago, the Earth was as warm as it is today. During the Little Ice Age three hundred years ago, the Thames froze more often. These events were mentioned in the first and second IPCC reports. In 2001, they disappeared. Suddenly, there is no mention of natural warming, no mention of a Little Ice Age. The climate of the last millennium was presented as essentially constant until the nineteenth century. This is a kind of Orwellian cherry-picking to fit a predetermined narrative,” asserts an indignant Shaviv.
Recently, two prominent American MIT researchers at Princeton raised alarms that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed climate regulations are based on “a hoax” and that the mandated climate agenda is “a disaster” for the United States and the world. The researchers are none other than William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at prestigious Princeton University, and Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). They warn, among other things, that the EPA’s new rules to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in electricity production “will be disastrous for the country, without any scientifically motivated reason.”
Referring to extensive data to support their arguments, they claim that the claims used by the EPA to justify the new regulations are not based on scientific facts but rather on political opinions and speculative models that have consistently proven to be incorrect. Happer and Lindzen strongly criticize the EPA’s methods in their report:
“The unscientific analysis method, which relies on consensus, internal review, government-mandated opinions, non-functioning models, data selected to fit the narrative while extensive contradictory data is omitted, is often used in the studies that form the basis for the regulations the EPA now wants to introduce.”
The top researchers in their respective fields then write about what a growing number of other frustrated scientists are trying to point out, that “climate research” is anything but scientific:
“All models predicting catastrophic global warming fail the key test of the scientific method: they predict significant warming versus actual data. The scientific method instead proves that there is no risk of fossil fuels and carbon dioxide causing catastrophic warming and extreme weather.”
The whistleblowers support their objections with a wealth of measurement data and charts. One such chart (page 10) clearly shows the difference between observed actual temperature and temperature from the climate models that underpin the prevailing climate narrative. They also point out that for a quarter of a century, the models no longer rely on existing measurement data.
Happer and Lindzen then delve into the claims about carbon dioxide and prove that carbon dioxide is not what drives climate change. We are only publishing one of their carbon dioxide-related graphs, which in itself is sufficient to prove this.
The two researchers then address something that Free West Media has been sounding the alarm about for several years now, that reduced access to artificial fertilizers and lower carbon dioxide levels—actively imposed on us through Net Zero—will lead to global food shortages, mass starvation, and mass death. For example, they show that the historically marginal increase in carbon dioxide levels from 280 ppm before industrialization to 420 ppm today—which is portrayed as the greatest threat of our time—has been beneficial for the planet and humanity by increasing vegetation and thus crop yields by 20 percent. The researchers warn that Net Zero will result in more than 40 gigatons of carbon dioxide disappearing from the atmosphere each year, leading to a corresponding decrease in food production. Just the goal of eliminating artificial fertilizers would halve global food production in one fell swoop. The consequences would be so catastrophic that they can hardly be described.
The level of carbon dioxide and the availability of artificial fertilizers—the globalists’ targets—are nearly directly proportional to crop yields and food availability, which in turn are directly related to the planet’s population.
Agenda 2030 is therefore hostile to humanity, as it will inevitably lead to mass starvation and mass death. More and more people are beginning to wonder if this is the real goal behind the fine words of “climate neutrality,” “sustainability,” and “saving the planet.”
Democrats have let themselves be dragged into Islamic attacks on Jews and Hindus.
California is moving to pass a “caste discrimination” bill. Strangest of all is that the bill comes from Sen. Aisha Wahab, the first Muslim and Afghan in the California State Senate.
After backlash from Hindus over a bill that was very clearly targeting them, Sen. Wahab and her political allies claimed that she was facing Islamophobia and death threats from “extremists”.
Time Magazine sent a Muslim journalist to interview Wahab about the Islamophobia she was suffering from.
And as the anti-Hindu bill moves closer to becoming law, the media has doubled down on this approach along with refusing to notice the obvious.
The affair has had repercussions for Wahab in her heavily South Asian district. It’s become a bitter lesson in the pitfalls of wading into nuanced cultural issues in an ever-more diverse nation.
Wahab, a progressive tapped by Newsom to highlight his signature gun control effort, appeared to be caught off guard by the vitriolic response to what she views as a straightforward issue.
“This is a civil rights bill,” she said in an interview. “It’s very simple. We’re trying to protect people.”
A Muslim legislator pushing a bill aimed at a practice that is stereotypically (and wrongly) associated with Hindus (in fact there’s caste discrimination in Pakistan as well and de facto in her own native Afghanistan) when Muslims and Hindus have a long history of conflict is not innocent. And it makes no particular sense to fail to mention the elephant in the room.
Even assuming Wahab was actually innocently unaware that there has been a longstanding conflict between Muslims and Hindus, and that Hindus in her district and around the world would feel attacked by this move, the media should have at least asked her about it instead of buying her act.
Now Democrats have let themselves be dragged into Islamic attacks on Jews and Hindus.
At some point, they may wonder if it’s worth it.
Sen. Wahab launched a 2020 congressional campaign for Rep. Eric Swalwell’s seat. So she would like to be in Congress which means her particular issues with Hindus, much like Rep. Ilhan Omar’s issues with Jews and Hindus, will likely be a national issue for her party as well.
What do we know about one of England’s biggest music gatherings, the Leeds Festival? Well for starters, the official website includes a whole section on the organizers’ dedication to sustainability, eco-friendliness, and “staying green” so naturally, this is what the grounds at Bramham Park looked like once the festivities wrapped up:
The cleanup crew at the Leeds Festival in Leeds, England, said the scene was ‘utterly appalling’ after a reported 90,000+ attendees left tents and trash all over the festival site when it ended on August 27 pic.twitter.com/XEGOLu7USi
It’s going to take us a while to digest what we saw when we went to help salvage tents and equipment for a refugee charity at the end of Leeds Festival yesterday.
This is just a fraction of it — littering on the grandest scale we’ve ever witnessed.
Now, the math ain’t mathin’ because according to a prominent “experience” blog, a large portion of Leeds Festival patrons are millennials and Gen Z’ers (nearly four out of five) and per a multitude of online resources, including Pew Research Center, the World Economic Forum, Nasdaq, CNBC, and Forbes, we’ve been told that millennials, but especially Gen Z’ers, are the most eco-conscious generations among us! See a sampling of headlines below:
Gen Z, Millennials Stand Out for Climate Change Activism, Social Media Engagement With Issue
Gen Z cares about sustainability more than anyone else – and is starting to make others feel the same
How Millennials and Gen Z Are Driving Growth Behind ESG
The environment is Gen Z’s No. 1 concern – and some companies are taking advantage of that
Gen Z Is Emerging As The Sustainability Generation
Are these the same squawking parrots insisting I surrender my right to move about freely via a personal vehicle? Are they the “activists” that demand I stop consuming my grass-fed beef and raw dairy and eat literal bugs instead? Are they the useful idiots that support “phasing out” industries that provide “dirty” energy in favor of “clean” energy? Are they the shrill voices on social media urging me to believe that there is an existential environmental threat, and we need to do everything possible to save the planet from the destructive practices of humanity? If so, that’s rich.
I will concede to one point: there is an existential threat to the inalienable rights endowed to all of humanity, and that is leftism, which is perfectly summed up by someone in the comments, coming to the defense of the attendees who had no choice but to leave their garbage and debris scattered across the green lawns of the park when they vacated. X user Ava Garden Wilder with the Pride flag and “She/Her” in her profile said:
Solution: PROVIDE SEVERAL LARGE BINS FOR THE CROWDS!! I always see ‘look how people left a mess’ and there’s always one thing in common, NO TRASH BINS! They do provide small ones that over flow very quickly. But that’s not good enough with large crowds.
What else were these festival-goers supposed to do? Haul out everything they brought in?
With leftists, there’s no sense of personal responsibility, because it’s always somebody else’s fault. It’s the baby’s fault for the inconvenience of an unplanned pregnancy, not the parents who engaged in casual sex; it’s the “institutionalized racism” of American values that prevents inner city children from learning to read or write, not the policies of Democrats that forbid school choice, turn traditional education into queer indoctrination, and introduce “equitable” grading standards to allow certain children to pass even when they cheat and fail assignments; and of course, it’s the Leeds Festival organizers’ fault for failing to provide adequate dumping facilities, not the scum bum consumers who generated the trash.
Our Director Peter Whittle joined Mike Graham on Talk TV to discuss the latest documentary in our acclaimed #NCFHeresies series. A LONDON LOST: THE DEATH OF AN ENGLISH CITY has had a phenomenal 200,000 views in 2 days.
TransBareAll leader Lee Gale [L]. Photo Source: Instagram
A project which involves nude camp retreats and BDSM workshops is led by a consultant for an organization that provides presentations to school children on “gender identity.” TransBareAll is led by a senior employee at one of England’s largest transgender charities, Gendered Intelligence, which has received substantial government funding.
TransBareAll (TBA), a project set up in 2009 by trans activists Lee Gale and Jay McNeil, hosts events which include “naked space” for young women who identify as transgender. The events are residential weekends, organized several times annually, and offer workshops on topics such as “sex, gender outside the binary, BDSM, body confidence,” according to its website.
“One of the founding principles of TBA is around supporting body confidence. Our events include naked space in which everyone present is welcome to wear as little or as much clothing as they feel comfortable in,” the TransBareAll website reads.
Lee is quoted as saying, “We found that when people took their clothes off, the conversations changed. Because they had already bared their physical self, they were more open to baring other stuff as well.”
TBA also states it hosts residential weekends involving a “show and tell session” wherein attendees “can show any part of their body and talk about the significance of that.”
Recently, the group has been reportedly targeting young women with eating disorders.
A residential weekend event set to be held in November, “Nutritional Relationships,” is described as an opportunity for participants to “take a tender and sensitive look at our relationships with food and eating.” The program costs as much as £140 (approx. $176 USD) to attend.
TransBareAll founders Gale and McNeil both have ties to Gendered Intelligence, a charity set up in 2008 to provide services such as “gender diversity” employee training and workshops aimed at schoolchildren from “primary age to the graduate level.” McNeil is a researcher at Lancaster University’s Division of Health specializing in gender studies and has given presentations at Gendered Intelligence conferences. Gale works as a Senior Trainer Consultant at Gendered Intelligence.
Gendered Intelligence (GI) has been criticized for running workshops within schools on the topic of gender identity for children as young as seven, and for having provided dedicated “mentors” to adolescents. The group also offers employee “gender diversity” training and hosts transgender-focused camping trips, which their website states is “open to young trans people from the age of 11 – 25 years.”
A resource for “young trans people” on GI’s website titled Knowledge is Power offers tips on “medical transition” and recommends the drugs euphemistically referred to as “puberty blockers.” The packet also gives suggestions on breast binding for young women and girls, and links to online shops which sell prosthetic penises for females known as “packers.”
The charity has received significant subsidization from taxpayers. UK-based news outlet The Sun recently revealed that Gendered Intelligence was given nearly £100,000 (approx. $125,000 USD) of taxpayers’ money by London mayor Sadiq Khan of the Labour party. In the past, the trans activist charity has received contributions totaling £38,750 (approx. $47,800 USD) from The National Lottery Community Fund.
In 2019, one woman who had attended an event hosted by Gendered Intelligence came forward under the condition of anonymity to raise concerns about sexual elements being mixed in with the training session.
The event she had attended, titled “Kiss My Genders,” was a combination of an art exhibition and a gender diversity workshop aimed exclusively at primary and secondary school teachers and higher education lecturers.
The training session and art exhibition was led in part by a representative from Gendered Intelligence, and teachers were instructed to withhold information from parents regarding their children’s gender identity. Participants were also notified in advance that the exhibition would contain “nudity and some sexual content.”
While speaking with Transgender Trend – a website focused on child safeguarding run by author and educator Stephanie Davies-Arai – the woman recounts how she and other participants were shown photos from the opening night event which depicted one of the artists in “S&M gear.”
“There were several more photos which were really depicting various BDSM practices, and incredibly a very close up photo of an erect penis. This is when I really began to think there must be an age restriction on this show of at least 15, and if so what was the point of bringing a bunch of schoolteachers to look at this. What age of kids are they thinking about?” the attendee remarked.
“So I approached the school program manager and asked her, was it age-restricted? She said ‘no’ it wasn’t but that parents were given an advisory warning. I explained to her that that some of the exhibition material was actually pornographic in nature, and that in particular rubber fetish was a theme. She said that ‘parents know their kids best,’” the primary school teacher said.
One representative who spoke to the teachers, identified only as “Dex,” stated that sex was “assigned at birth” as part of a “diagnosis” by doctors. Dex also claimed it was a form of violence to prohibit a person from using facilities such as restrooms designed for the opposite sex.
Dex, described by the source as a male who identifies as non-binary, revealed that he was currently mentoring a 9-year-old child in a school through Gendered Intelligence.
Maya Forstater, a well-known women’s rights campaigner in England and founder of advocacy group Sex Matters, told Reduxx that the connections between TransBareAll and Gendered Intelligence were “extremely concerning.”
“Gendered Intelligence is a charity that is funded by the London Mayor’s office and the National Lottery. It is seen as respectable and trusted, and invited into schools and to advise parents and train professionals,” Forstater said.
“It is extremely concerning that such an organization seems to have a close working relationship with an informal offshoot group where vulnerable young women are invited to weekends away in remote locations to undress and bare their souls.”
Forstater explained that the youth involved in the program were particularly vulnerable, and expressed ample concern about what they were being exposed to during their weekends away from family.
“Vulnerable young people, who may never have stayed away from their family before, outside of school trips or organized youth groups, are being invited to graduate on from Gendered Intelligence weekends to ‘sex positive’ weekends away where they undress in an apparently therapeutic setting, and share bedrooms with strangers. It is not hard to see how vulnerable young people can get in over their heads in this situation,” she said, going on to describe the situation as potentially dangerous.
“Holding retreats involving nudity and sexual contact where people are likely to be extremely vulnerable is dangerous. Grooming is when a person builds a relationship with a child, young person or an adult who’s at risk so they can abuse them and manipulate them into doing things. Gendered Intelligence builds relationships with vulnerable young people and rather than warning them and their parents to see the red flags in this situation encourages them into it.”
She added: “At the same time it encourages them to view anyone who questions their teachings as transphobic. This is cult-like behavior.”
The paper, “Medical uncertainty and reproduction of the ‘normal’ – Decision-making around testosterone therapy in transgender pregnancy,” claims that concerns over potential adverse health impacts on a growing fetus are a result of pregnancy being seen as “highly-gendered.”
“We argue that health care providers’ precaution-focused labor in this highly-gendered context of pregnancy care seems driven largely by their concerns about producing normative offspring rather than non-normative gestating patients themselves,” the paper’s authors state.
The study was slammed by its critics for “violating the principle of ‘do no harm’” and of allowing ideology to interfere with evidence-based research.