His motive is a mystery because Western officials refuse to acknowledge that there is any such thing as Islamic jihad.
His motive is a mystery because Western officials refuse to acknowledge that there is any such thing as Islamic jihad.
In a case that has made national headlines in France due to the level of brutality, 29-year-old Mégane has now awoken after being raped into a coma with a broomstick by Oumar Ndiaye, who has been dubbed “the monster of Cherbourg” by politician Damien Rieu.
The 29-year-old woman has been in an artificial coma for over a month since the attack on Aug. 4; however, her health still remains “fragile,” according to relatives.
The attack is being described as an “act of torture” by French news outlet Le Figaro, in which the 18-year-old Ndiaye allegedly broke into Mégane’s apartment and began to rape her with a 29-inch-long broomstick, perforating her colon and causing injuries that nearly killed her and left hospital staff treating the woman in tears. Police sources say Mégane had reportedly seen the suspect before but had no interaction with him prior to the rape.
“Mégane came out of a coma a few days ago, but her state of health remains fragile. This is obviously excellent news, but it will take her a long time to recover from all that she has suffered,” said her father, Ludovic, in a press release, which he also read on the radio station HAG’FM, which he founded.
Ludovic is now trying to raise awareness about the French government and its lack of response to the brutal crime, as well as to the fact that the man who allegedly tortured his daughter into a coma had a long criminal record but remained free to attack again.
“(The government) not communicating about this attack gives credit to all these sexual predators and other parasites of society who plague the streets. A wake-up call to the government about the fact that we leave this kind of individual, with a heavy criminal past, in complete freedom, would be welcome. ‘Trust in justice,’ we were told… We only want that,” he said.
As Remix News previously reported, the 18-year-old suspect has a long and violent criminal record consisting of 17 offenses involving physical assault, theft, and the incestuous sexual assault of his younger sister.
The suspect was arrested a week later, with his fingerprints matching those found in the victim’s apartment, and the suspect’s geolocation on his phone also showed that he was in her apartment during the attack. A police source said he had just left a nightclub shortly before the attack in the early morning, with the club located just a few dozen meters from the victim’s residence.
After the victim was transported to the hospital, doctors diagnosed her perforation of the colon, small intestine, peritoneum and diaphragm, pneumothorax, rib fractures and a high risk of septic shock. The injuries were so extreme that hospital staff were moved to tears over the attack.
Emergency responders who attended the scene have been offered psychological care and support, with many emergency responders also breaking down in tears at the condition of the victim, France Bleu reported.
“Investigators are shocked, they have never seen so much barbarity,” one source familiar with the case told France Bleu.
According to Le Figaro, the suspect expressed “neither empathy nor remorse” for the crime while in police custody. Ndiaye has already been convicted five times in the juvenile court system for offenses against property and violence.
The courts also knew his predilection for committing sexual crimes.
“A procedure for the rape of a minor initiated in 2019 was dismissed by the prosecution in 2020, on the grounds that the offense was not sufficiently characterized. And a sexual assault procedure against his sister is currently under investigation, without it being possible at this stage to determine whether or not these facts have been established,” the Coutances prosecution wrote in a statement.
As Remix News previously wrote, there was an outpouring of condemnation from conservative politicians following the details of the case:
“Courage to the 29-year-old victim, the umpteenth life shattered by the barbarism that is gaining in France,” tweeted Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally.
“I dream of a France where a young woman is not in danger of ending up in a coma after being robbed, raped and horribly tortured by Oumar, a repeat offender, in her own home,” wrote former presidential candidate Éric Zemmour.
Zemmour’s remarks were seized upon by left-wing Olivier Faure, the secretary general of the Socialist Party, who insisted that the right-wing politician was being racist by suggesting that it is immigrants who are rapists. He added that it did not matter whether the perpetrator’s name was “Oumar, Francis, Michel, Emile, Guy, or Patrice,” and that it was a heinous act nonetheless.
The father of Megane has also thanked supporters for the “many compassionate messages of support, which give us a lot of strength to get through this ordeal” and for the many donations that have flowed in to help support his daughter. So far, donations have totaled over €105,000.
“The amount will be used to improve Mégane’s daily life once she is able to leave the hospital, but also to cover expenses of all kinds that our daughter will have to face,” wrote Ludovic.
The case also has parallels with numerous other rape cases involving foreigners. In what is one of the most harrowing cases in recent years, 9-year-old Swedish girl Luna was raped and strangled into a coma by a 15-year-old Ethiopian classmate with a history of sexual assault and viewing strangulation pornography on school computers. In a long-form piece, Remix News reported how Luna’s family lives with what they describe as a “black hole with no bottom” over the fact that the once lively girl can no longer speak and remains confined to a wheelchair.
Last year also saw the rape and murder of 12-year-old Lola in France by an Algerian migrant along with the trial of four Afghan migrants for the rape and murder of 13-year-old Leonie in Austria’s Vienna.
A trans-identified male inmate has been handed an additional 6-months in prison after he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting two prison staff. The incidents occurred while he was serving a 37-month sentence for sexually assaulting a nurse.
Katana Paris, 27, was incarcerated at HMP Forest Bank in Manchester when he committed the vile sexual assaults, first attacking a female prison officer who was serving him breakfast.
According to The Argus, the prosecutor on the case, Megan Edwards said that the officer had approached Paris’ cell and opened the door in order to provide him his meal. Paris then stepped out of his cell, which was immediately unusual as prisoners would typically remain in their cells while being served.
“[The officer] asked the defendant to move back, but the request was ignored. The defendant then placed a hand on her hand, before sliding [his] fingers between her knuckles.”
The officer pulled away and the two prisoners who were assisting with breakfast rounds handed over Paris’ food tray. Paris then “jumped up and down as if excited,” before launching at the woman and touching her genitals.
The officer waited until end-of-rounds to report the incident, concerned about drawing attention from other inmates.
Just one day later, Paris assaulted another officer who was serving him food. As the officer opened his hatch to provide him his food tray, Paris reached out of the slot and grabbed the man’s genitals. Paris was described as “aggressive” during the assault.
The court addressed Paris with “she/her” pronouns during his hearing on Wednesday, with his defense arguing that his long criminal history was the result of “mental health problems” and his inability to manage his emotions.
But presiding Judge Nicholas Dean was not convinced by the claim, saying he believed Paris hadn’t shown any significant remorse.
“It seems to me you regard what you did as being rather trivial,” Judge Sean said to Paris during his sentencing.
During coverage of the case, most outlets referred to Paris as a “woman,” and used feminine pronouns to refer to him. In a post on X (formerly Twitter) promoting their article on Paris’ sentence, The Mirror did not refer to the fact he was transgender and received significant backlash on the platform. They later deleted the post after receiving a Community Note clarifying that Paris was male.
Paris has an extensive criminal history with 87 prior convictions, many of which were for sex-related crimes.
As well as sexually assaulting two prison staff and a nurse, he was also convicted of assault on a police officer in 2020. During an arrest for suspicion of breaching a restraining order, he spat at an officer and threatened to infect them with COVID-19.
The restraining order Paris had been subject to was part of his conditions in a suspended sentence he’d received for a previous conviction. He pleaded guilty to both the assault on police and to breaking the suspended sentence order and was sentenced to 3 months in prison for the offences.
Paris has now been moved to HMP Swaleside in Kent, a men’s prison, and will be on the sex offender register for five years.
On Tuesday, September 5, Britain’s second-largest city Birmingham officially declared itself bankrupt. The decision was reportedly taken as the Birmingham City Council, the largest local authority in Europe, as it doesn’t have enough money to pay £760 million ($955 million) in equal pay claims it owes to female government employees who were paid less than their male counterparts in the past.
The other reasons the council cited for its financial woes are problems installing a new IT system and £1 billion in government cuts.
The city’s council issued a Section 114 notice on Tuesday to meet its financial liabilities, it said in a statement.
A Section 114 notice means that a council is unable to meet its financial liabilities and cannot commit to new spending. After the notice is issued, the local authorities shift focus on maintaining only vital services and halting those they deem ‘unessential.’ It often leads to a new budget with reduced expenditure.
The council said that the dire financial situation arose as it must fund an “equal pay liability” but it does not have the resources to do so. “On that basis, the Council’s Interim Director of Finance, Fiona Greenway, has issued a report under section 114(3) of the Local Government Act, which confirms that the Council has insufficient resources to meet the equal pay expenditure and currently does not have any other means of meeting this liability,” the council statement read.
“The Council will tighten the spend controls already in place and put them in the hands of the Section 151 Officer to ensure there is complete grip. The notice means all new spending, with the exception of protecting vulnerable people and statutory services, must stop immediately,” it added.
Sharon Thompson, deputy leader of the council said it faces “longstanding issues, including the council’s historic equal pay liability concerns”. Thompson also blamed the ruling Conservative Party, saying Birmingham “had £1 billion of funding taken away by successive Conservative governments.”
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the responsibility for effective budget management lies on elected councils.
The equal pay claim was a major factor contributing to the city’s bankruptcy. The local authority said it was required to pay up after a Supreme Court judgement in 2012 agreed with a group of mostly female employees who had missed out on incentives offered to staff in typically male-dominated professions at the council. It has already paid out more than £1 billion on the equal-pay claim and has been hammered with expenditures from a new IT system.
The council also blamed “unprecedented financial challenges,” such as inflation, increased need for adult social care, and “dramatic reductions” in income from business taxes.
Birmingham is the most populous city in central England. It hosted the Commonwealth Games last year, a significant athletic event for Commonwealth countries, and is set to host the European Athletics Championships in 2026.
Our Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo told Jacob Rees-Mogg it’s an insult to the British people for PM Rishi Sunak to say that his migrant crisis plan “is working”. We’ve had 73,000 aslyum applications in the year ending March of last year, a 33% increase on the previous year. We have 50,000 migrants in hotel rooms, decimating local tourist economies. We have a backlog of 130,000 applications that is taking months and years to process. And, scandalously, 74% of applications are approved.
Conspiracy theories, net zero, the climate crisis hoax, smart meters, voting, being your own hero……high stakes political poker!
Initial asylum claims in Germany are soaring, both month-on-month over the summer but also compared to the same period last year, with the nation experiencing a considerable 77.2 per cent rise in arrivals.
There have been almost 205,000 initial applications from would-be asylum seekers in Germany this year between January and August, the latest periods for which the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf) has published figures.
The total of 204,461 to date in this period in 2023 is a 77.2 per cent increase over the 115,402 recorded in January to August 2022, reports Die Welt. A University of Vienna academic has told Germany’s Tagespiegel that while it is hard to accurately predict migration numbers — especially as any number of foreign wars or revolutions could begin in the next five months, adding extra pressure on global northward migration — she believes it is conceivable there would be 300,000 applications this year.
Asylum applications continue to rise as the year goes on. There were 27,738 applications in August alone, which itself is up 17 per cent in two months over June.
Typically, the largest sources for these asylum applications profess to come from Syria and Afghanistan, but Turkey — a safe, wealthy, NATO-member state — is also in the top three for those seeking protection in Germany.
If asylum migration to Germany continues at this rate, 2023 could likely turn out to be a record year. As previously reported, 2022 was the highest number of asylum applications since 2016, even when excluding Ukrainian refugees who fall under their own distinct category. There were 217,774 asylum applications in total in Germany in 2022, a figure likely to be overtaken as soon as the next month’s data release by Bamf in 2023, on present trends.
Germany’s experience this year contributes to, and mirrors that of Europe as a whole, with reports this week revealing the European Union has seen asylum requests jump 28 per cent in 2023 so far. There have been 519,000 so far in the year for the bloc between January and June, with an estimated one million expected by year’s end, approaching the migrant crisis levels of 2015-16.
U.K. businesses and homeowners could be jailed for up to a year or fined £15,000 for non-compliance with new energy efficiency regulations proposed by the Conservative government, which have been described by critics as a “massive expansion of the state and its power over our lives.”
The Energy Bill, which returned to parliament for its third reading this week, outlines several new requirements homeowners must adhere to in relation to Net Zero, the government’s commitment to being carbon neutral by 2050.
For the first time, individuals face criminal charges for failing to comply with measures designed to reduce the country’s carbon footprint.
One such draconian regulation states that household appliances such as fridges, washing machines, and heat pumps must be fitted with smart functions that can be controlled by “any persons carrying out load control,” namely the National Grid, which oversees the majority of electricity transmission and distribution in Britain.
The vast majority of households in the country will not currently comply with the new measures outlined in the bill, meaning homeowners will be compelled to pay out significant sums to transform properties and make them “energy-efficient” or potentially face criminal charges for so-called “non-compliance.”
The bill has angered a number of backbench Conservative MPs who have threatened to rebel against the legislation, with some claiming it is the latest installment in the government’s “cult-like” obsession with Net Zero.
“We cannot impoverish our country to meet some, well, I’d like to call it in some cases almost cultish policy until we can afford it. Until it works, that’s when I think we should adopt all these policies,” said Richard Drax, the Conservative MP for South Dorset.
Others went further, with Tory MP Craig Mackinlay telling the Commons, “I have to say, I absolutely despise this Bill. This is going to be the first time that we are potentially criminalizing people in this country for not being adherent to this new code of Net Zero.”
He urged the government to tread lightly in its proposal to potentially throw fellow citizens in prison for a year “for an unknown offense of the future relating to Net Zero.”
“I’m a Conservative for freedom, not to put people in prison for not adhering to this Net Zero religion,” he said later in an interview with GB News.
Sir John Redwood, more diplomatically, expressed his concern that “by being unduly restrictive and particularly by the threat of civil and even criminal penalties on some of their conduct,” the government risks “antagonizing” the general public.
“Throughout this Bill, we are creating cost and regulation and penalties and obligations. We need to keep people with us and we risk losing them if we put undue burdens on them,” added former Business Secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Commenting on the third reading of the bill by lawmakers on Tuesday, conservative broadcaster Nigel Farage was scathing in his criticism of the legislation.
“There are unbelievably provisions in this bill that would allow for the creation of criminal offenses if businesses and individual householders don’t tell the truth or don’t meet new energy requirements for their houses,” he told viewers.
“It seems to me to be truly extraordinary. You could be prosecuted for providing false information about your house’s energy efficiency,” he added, calling the move a “massive expansion of the state and its power over our lives.”
Energy Minister Andrew Bowie told fellow lawmakers that the bill is “world-leading” legislation that “will deliver for this country cleaner, cheaper, and more secure energy.”
Three days after the knife attack on a Syrian (27), the motive of the two alleged perpetrators is apparently clear.
Revenge for the daughter’s wounded honour!
Since Tuesday, two of the victim’s compatriots have been in custody: father (68) and son (27). The duo from Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate) is being investigated for attempted manslaughter.
At the beginning of the week, according to the police, the two men showed up in the Stöcken district of Hanover around noon. They apparently ambushed the 27-year-old near his home in Ithstraße.
Armed with knives, they rushed towards the man and stabbed him in the street. They then fled in a car. With life-threatening wounds, among others in his upper body, the injured man was taken to a clinic and underwent surgery.
The next day, investigators arrested father and son in the capital of Rhineland-Palatinate. Alleged background for their crime: Shortly before, the 27-year-old is said to have separated from the daughter or sister of the accused.
Both are now to be transferred to a detention centre in Hanover.
Ehre der Tochter verletzt? Vater und Sohn stechen Syrer (27) nieder | Regional | BILD.de
Doctors and staff at Great Ormond Street Children’s hospital have been ordered not to use the terms “boys” and “girls”.
Workers at the hospital have been urged to “stop using gendered language” in conversation with patients, as it could make them feel “disrespected and alienated”.
Staff have been advised to use more gender-neutral terms such as “team”, “all”, or “everyone”.
Guidance issued by the hospital is pushing for workers to use these terms, instead of more typically used words, such as “guys”, “ladies” and “gents”, the Telegraph reported.
The new advice has been published on the staff’s intranet by the hospital’s Diversity and Inclusion team and Pride Network, however it is understood not to be part of the hospital’s official policy.
It was written by members of its LGBT community to help staff address children and fellow employees correctly.
Employees are being encouraged to read it to “understand more about others’ pronouns and how you can be an ally”.
Great Ormand Street staff have been told not to make assumptions about people’s gender and should instead explicitly ask what pronouns people use.
The guidance, titled “Using Pronouns at GOSH”, also encourages staff to use the correct pronouns for colleagues, as well as patients.
The hospital has stressed that the guide is not official policy, however it is easily accessible on the intranet site.
Critics of the guidance have said that the hospital is making workers adopt new language that could negatively affect children.
Lottie Moore, part of the think tank Policy Exchange, said: “It is deeply concerning that the UK’s leading children’s hospital is pressuring staff to adopt beliefs that are highly contentious and potentially damaging to children’s long-term wellbeing.
“A hospital dedicated to caring for vulnerable children is no place for lectures on gender identity – especially as these beliefs are not evidence-based. It is time for the NHS to crack down on this madness.”