Polish film slanders Polish border guards for doing their job

Agnieszka Holland, screen grab youtube

The Polish film director, Agnieszka Holland, who has just taken her new film “Green Border” to the Venice Film Festival, is good at playing the role of persecuted artist because it opens doors at all progressive salons. The anti-Polish message of her film helps too.

At the same time, she objects to anyone taking issue with her or her work. While being prepared to accuse Polish border guards of being criminals, she threatens to sue Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro for his criticism of her. 

Her film was controversial right from the outset. This is because its message fits into the Russian narrative by attacking Poland for defending its borders and the inhabitants of the border areas for supposed racism. The film has been made at a time when the international community has recognized that Belarus has deliberately weaponized migrants in order to weaken Europe and cause chaos for the benefit of Russia. 

Russia’s efforts are a provocation that was meant to spark a reaction inside Poland, and Agnieszka Holland has taken the bait. She should not be surprised by the criticism she has now attracted in Poland. 

She has never hidden her hostility towards the right and the present government. She has compared migrants coming into Poland with the plight of the Jews during the Second World War and called border guards “criminals in uniform.” Repeatedly, she has asserted that there is no freedom in Poland. The picture she paints of Poles in her film is one of cowardly informers and people whose xenophobia is essentially a form of paranoia. 

This is why there is outrage at the way she is manipulating what Lukashenko’s operation is about. Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro compared her film to the Third Reich’s propaganda films, which portrayed Poles as murderers and criminals. 

That in turn offended Holland who, despite stripping border guards of their dignity with her film, took Ziobro’s words as slander and demanded an apology and over €10,000 to be paid to charity. 

Her tales of artists being persecuted in Poland are becoming tiresome. There is no persecution of artists in Poland. They are free to say what they like and use that freedom extensively. Criticism of Holland’s film is simply a statement of protest against lies and manipulation.


Netherlands: 300 Muslims left for jihad since 2012, 90 have returned

“The AIVD keeps track of figures on Dutch jihadists because part of the jihadist threat to the Netherlands comes from this group. According to the intelligence service, they could pose a security risk upon return.”

Then why are they allowed to return? That’s the forever-unanswered question.

Why the Left defends Islamic veils

The Left that arrests pastors who define traditional marriage turns the other way when Muslim women are hidden behind veils or killed

by Giulio Meotti

Iranian dissidents accuse the German giant Bosch of manufacturing and selling Iran the cameras used by the ayatollahs to find Iranian women on the streets who do not wear the veil so they can punish them. Can that be the same Bosch that organizes the pro-LGBT “Pride like a Bosch” on the streets of Europe?

The West has become a cartoon of its own self.

Spain’s equality minister, Irene Montero, said that “all cultures and religions” have ways “of oppressing women” and “disciplining their bodies”. “It happens in Afghanistan, with the right of access to work, education, health, but also in Spain.” So let us send many relativist greetings to Afghan women, whose oppression has now been miniimized to that of Spanish women.

When the coach of the women’s national football team, Luis Rubiales, kissed one of his players and for this reason will see her head roll into the basket of virtues, Minister Montero spoke as if he had just reconquered Kabul: “Sexism is over,” she said.

It goes without saying that these hypocrites have never raised a finger against the honor killings, genital mutilations and the full-face veils that circulate on Spanish streets. El Mundo reveals that forced marriages have increased by 60 percent in Spain.

Mimunt Hamido, the Melilla-born Muslim activist who heads the “NoNosTaparán” platform, tells La Razon: “Political Islam has become strong in Europe. Now racism is confused with Islamophobia and misunderstood multiculturalism does the rest. ‘Islamophobia’ is the magic word to shut your mouth. Everyone is afraid of being labeled ‘Islamophobic’, not just people: governments, cities, media…Orientalism is doing a lot of damage, but cultural relativism much more.”

Could this be why Iranian women exiles in Spain attack the socialist government of Montero&Sanchez for its silence on Iranian girls fighting against the state veil in Tehran?

In Trieste, Italy, sixty women, feminists, ecologists and even some men (perhaps self-identified as men) participated in a flash mob: all in the water, dressed to show solidarity with the Islamic burqini. Meanwhile, in Iran, the mullahs send veilless women to mental hospitals. As was done in the Soviet Union with dissidents. For these women, no progressive flash mob appears.

In France, Samuel Fitoussi recalls this week in Le Figaro, the left is fighting against skimpily clad hostesses in sports competitions (traditional ritual kisses are now prohibited), make-up, hair removal, high-heeled shoes, “manspreading”, “mansplaining” and the “asymmetric distribution” of household tasks. But the same left fervently defends, in the name of “progress,” Islamic dresses of all lengths that literally make women disappear from public space, without knowing their preference..

It remains to be seen whether girls covered in an abaya will be allowed to engage in “gender transition” or wear the abaya every other day if they feel “non-binary”. On the other hand, isn’t the French ecological leader Sandrine Rousseau engaged in the crusade to “deconstruct the white male” and fight against one of her “symbols of virility”, the barbecue? A bit like catcalling on the street, against which they even made a law.

In Finland, the former Interior Minister, Paivi Rasanen, was back in court this week for “incitement to hatred”. Did she perhaps ask to stone a homosexual? No, she quoted the Bible on social media to explain that, as a Christian, she is against gay marriage. On the other hand, has the Birmingham imam who has just explained how to stone a woman from the waist up been indicted for hate speech in England?

No, but Juhana Pohjola, bishop of the Finnish Lutheran Church is accused of “incitement to hatred”. “As a Christian, I do not want and cannot discriminate or despise anyone,” but the same time, he continued, “this does not eliminate the fact that marriage is intended only between a man and a woman. This is what the church has always taught and will always teach.”

The English police will never read the imam his rights because he will not accused of encouraging stoning, but they have arrested 71-year-old pastor John Sherwood for “alleged homophobic comments.”.Sherwood was defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman at Uxbridge station, west London. The clergyman was taken away in handcuffs, interrogated, held overnight and released without charges. “I wasn’t making any homophobic comments, I was just defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman. I was just saying what the Bible says: I didn’t mean to hurt or offend anyone,” Sherwood explains. “When the police approached, I explained that I was exercising my religious freedom. I believe I was treated shamefully. It should never have happened.”

There are electoral and political reasons behind this schizophrenia. Take Brussels, where the left has just chosen another veiled woman as councilor.

The Algerian writer Boualem Sansal says that “the Islamists have won the battle”. “They have enslaved the left, paralyzed the right and the far right is terrified of being dragged to court for racism and Islamophobia. The victory of the Islamists was possible thanks to the work of some, the cowardice of others, the cunning of the opportunists and the indifference of passers-by.”

Is the European left cowardly, cunning or indifferent? Maybe all three. Or maybe it is busy counting potential votes.

Why the Left defends Islamic veils | ערוץ 7 (israelnationalnews.com)

Our Parasitic New Elite Despises the Working Class. Culture Wars & The Decline of the West

On today’s #NCFWhittle we are joined once again by Professor Doug Stokes, Professor of International Relations at the University of Exeter, and author of the new book “Against Decolonisation: Campus Culture Wars & The Decline of the West”. Following the killing of George Floyd in 2020, a moral panic gripped the US and UK. To atone for an alleged history of racism, statues were torn down and symbols of national identity attacked. Across universities, fringe theories became the new orthodoxy, with a cadre of activists backed by university technocrats adopting a binary worldview of moral certainty, sin and deconstructive redemption through Western self-erasure. In his hard-hitting book, Prof. Stokes surveys these developments for the first time. He unpacks and challenges the theories and arguments deployed by ‘decolonisers’ in a university system now characterised by garbled leadership and illiberal groupthink. The desire to question the West’s sense of itself, deconstruct its narratives and overthrow its institutional order is an impulse that, ironically, was underpinned by a more confident and assured Western hegemony, which is now waning and under great strain. If its light continues to dim, who or what will carry the torch for human freedom and progress? To order Prof. Stoke’s new book please click here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Against-Deco…

The ‘Climate Emergency’ Is a Hoax

More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, have signed a declaration saying that “There is no climate emergency.” The declaration is unlikely to get any attention from the mainstream media, unfortunately, but it is important for people to know about: the mass climate hysteria and the destruction of the US economy in the name of climate change need to stop.

“Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific,” states the declaration signed by the 1,609 scientists, including Nobel laureates John F. Clauser from the US and Ivar Giaever from Norway/US.

The statement adds:

“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures…

“The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.

“Warming is far slower than predicted…

“The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.

“Climate policy relies on inadequate models
Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools. They do not only exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases, they also ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial…

“Global warming has not increased natural disasters
There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2 mitigation measures are as damag­ing as they are costly.

“Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. Go for adaptation instead of mitigation; adaptation works whatever the causes are.”

Professor Steven Koonin, former Undersecretary for Science at the U.S. Department of Energy under the Obama administration, current professor at New York University, and fellow at the Hoover Institution, authored the 2021 bestseller, Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters. In it, he states that what the largely unreadable (for laymen) and complicated science reports say on climate change is completely distorted by the time their contents are filtered through a long line of summary reports of the research by the media and the politicians.

“There are abundant opportunities to get things wrong – both accidentally and on purpose – as the information goes through filter after filter to be packaged for various audiences… It’s not only the public that is ill-informed about what the science says about climate…”

Koonin adds:

“Government and UN press releases and summaries do not accurately reflect the reports themselves… Distinguished climate experts (including report authors themselves) are embarrassed by some media portrayals of the science.”

In a recent interview, Koonin noted that his colleagues’ reactions to his book had been that he should not be telling the public or the politicians the truth about climate change.

“I was taught that you tell the whole truth [as a scientist]. And you let the politicians make the value judgments and the cost effectiveness trade-offs and so on,” Koonin said. He noted as well the immorality of asking the developing world to cut down emissions when so many do not even have access to electricity, and the immorality of scaring the younger generations: 84% of American teenagers believing, as of January 2022, that if climate change is not addressed, “it will be too late for future generations, making some part of the planet unlivable.”

Of course it would be helpful to research what can be done to relieve the problems brought about by man, such as the “hole in the ozone layer,” which is now closing, but climate change is not an apocalyptic emergency and needs to be attended to without bringing devastation to the hundreds of millions of people already in extreme poverty.

The Biden administration, however, appears not to be concerned about the widespread poverty and massive starvation that will be caused by the unavailability of cheap and reliable energy in underdeveloped countries, or the inflation caused by the skyrocketing prices that are crushing Americans “barely able to afford one meal a day”.

These are man-made problems, created by importing expensive (nearing $100 a barrel again) — often dirtier — oil from adversaries of the United States, such as Russia and Venezuela, instead of extracting it far less expensively at home. The Biden administration also does not seem concerned that so long as China and India keep burning coal – the Chinese Communist Party is permitting two new coal-power plants a week, easily cancelling out whatever benefits the US might be providing, and reportedly exceeding “all developed nations combined” in carbon emissions.

The Biden administration also does not seem concerned that it is killing wildlifesea life and the fishing industry by installing offshore wind turbines along the Atlantic seaboard, or that mandating electric vehicles will throw virtually the entire auto maintenance industry out of work (EVs do not need routine maintenance), or that lithium batteries not only explode but cost thousands of dollars to replace. The administration even wants military equipment, such as tanks, to be electric, as if there were charging stations in the middle of foreign deserts in the event of a conflict. Moreover, according to NBC News, volcanoes, unimpressed with executive orders, “Dwarf Humans for CO2 Emissions.”

The Biden administration does not even bother to act on its own climate findings: In March, the White House released a report about the impact of climate change on the US economy. “Its findings undermine any claims of an ongoing climate crisis or imminent catastrophe” Koonin wrote in July.

“The report’s authors should be commended for honestly delivering likely unwelcome messages, even if they didn’t make a show of it. The rest of the Biden administration and its climate-activist allies should moderate their apocalyptic rhetoric and cancel the climate crisis accordingly. Exaggerating the magnitude, urgency and certainty of the climate threat encourages ill-considered policies that could be more disruptive and expensive than any change in the climate itself.”

But facts will not stop the Biden administration from forging ahead with its radical policies: “I don’t think anybody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore,” Biden, commenting on Hurricane Idalia, told reporters at the White House on August 30. “Just look around. Historic floods. I mean, historic floods. More intense droughts, extreme heat, significant wildfires have caused significant damage.”

Never mind that much of climate change is apparently caused by sun flares, about which we can do nothing, and which, unlike commercial industries, do not offer grants; or that major wildfires are, ironically, exacerbated by “environmentalists” for refusing to let tinderbox brush be cleared lest the creatures there be disturbed other than by a wildfire.

Climate expert Bjørn Lomborg suggests that the trillions of dollars needed to address climate change might be put to better use:

“This isn’t an argument to do nothing but just to be smarter. To ensure we can transition from fossil fuels, we need to ramp up research and development to innovate down the price of green energy. We should invest across all options including fusion, fission, storage, biofuel and other sources.

“Only when green energy is cheaper than fossil fuels will the world be able and willing to make the transition. Otherwise, today’s energy prices are just a taste of things to come.”


Muslim Nike designer tells Muslim schoolgirls in France to defy abaya dress ban

Saeedah Haque tells Muslim girls in France: “Send me a pic wearing it to school and i might refund your order.”

And she might not. There is money to be made in the abaya, and in “modest streetwear” in general. Promoting the subjugation of women can be profitable, even as it increases societal divisions in the long term. By the time the breakdown comes, the fortune will have been made.

While Brussels withholds key EU funds for Hungary, it continues to approve funding for anti-government liberal NGOs linked to George Soros

The European Union has continued to provide funding for liberal projects backed by U.S.-Hungarian billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations while simultaneously blocking payments due to the Hungarian government, according to reports by the Magyar Nemzet newspaper.

In June, more than half a billion Hungarian forints (€1.3 million) was awarded to national and local non-government organizations (NGOs) that support the liberal agenda in Hungary, nearly two-thirds of which are linked to the Soros network.

The Hungarian newspaper claims the European Union is awarding the funds on the proviso that Brussels stipulates how it is spent and allocated among anti-government organizations and liberal media outlets across Hungary.

This is happening despite Brussels’ refusal to sanction payment of EU funds owed to Hungary.

The newspaper reported that HUF 567 million Hungarian (€1.46 million) was allocated to NGOs under the EU’s Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) program at the beginning of June.

According to the information published so far, the program, which in the case of Hungary covers a seven-year period, generally helps to finance the national and local backbone of the liberal left. The total budget is HUF 4 billion, of which almost HUF 1.5 billion is allocated under the coordination of the Ökotárs Foundation, part of which is the decision-making authority over the current 567 million forints.

In addition to the above-mentioned funding, a number of left-liberal organizations also receive money directly from Brussels under various headings within the same EU program. The list includes well-known domestic NGOs that have benefited from the support of George Soros’ foundation for years.

Magyar Nemzet cites a few examples of the best-known organizations, with the amounts of money they have received:

Helsinki Committee – Society for Civil Liberties (TASZ): HUF 71 million
Háttér Society (for homosexuals): HUF 64 million.
Association led by Amnesty International: HUF 100 million
Republikon Institute: HUF 59 million
In addition to those listed above, other Soros-linked regional human rights organizations will also benefit from EU funds, such as Emberség Erejével in Pécs, the Alternative Communities Association in Debrecen, Dialogue for Communities in Miskolc and the Motiváció Oktatási Egyesület in Szeged. They will receive a total of HUF 66 million Hungarian.

It is important to note that almost two-thirds of the winning organizations have received grants from the George Soros Open Society Foundations several times before. A good number of the successful applications deal with LGBTQ issues and migration. There are also many applications that aim to support anti-government actions such as the protest against the battery factory in Göd.


France: A headmaster makes a mirror inaccessible which is used by Muslim schoolgirls to put their headscarves back on. He becomes the target of a hate campaign and death threats

A tweet triggers a polemic on the internet. It criticises the installation of barriers at the Lycée Jean Mermoz in Montpellier. These barriers made the reflective film on the windows at the entrance inaccessible, which allowed students to put their headscarves back on when leaving the high school. A criminal complaint was filed for death threats.

The tweet was called up more than 380 000 times and shared 650 times. A post on the X network (formerly Twitter) denouncing the erection of barriers in front of a reflective foil in front of which young girls were supposed to put back their veil, chador or abaya on the grounds of Mermoz High School triggered a wave of reactions on the internet. Reactions inciting hatred and violence.

“There were no problems within the high school,” explained the headmaster of Lycée Mermoz, who was contacted by France 3 Occitanie by telephone. “We ask the students to take off the veil outside the school grounds and to put it back on outside. This has been the rule since the 2004 law banning religious or conspicuous signs in schools.

Some students tended to cover themselves again inside when they passed this mirrored window. Barriers were put up to prevent this from happening again. Headmaster
Lycée Mermoz Montpellier

The decision, which became known per a tweet, triggered a wave of reactions on the net and especially threats against the staff and especially the senior teachers (CPE) of the high school. The headmaster filed a complaint on Thursday September 7 for “death threats and attacks against persons working in the public service”.
The previous day, the headmaster had made a Pharos warning, a government website for reporting illegal online content and behaviour.

This polemic occurred against the backdrop of the start of the school year and the Education Minister’s decision to ban the wearing of the abaya in schools. france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr


Germany: Green Party leader demands shutdown of Iran-linked Hamburg Islamic Center, voices concern about others

Wikimedia Commons , AltSylt, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Yet only last year, Nouripour stated that some parts of Sharia are compatible with the German constitution. Such as what? The giving of alms, which is standard in every religion? His statement was imprudent considering the global problems that the Sharia causes, including the persecution of minorities, the second-class status of women, and other aspects of it that are completely incompatible with Western laws. The Sharia is supremacist and deemed by observant Muslims as above all laws. Iran is the keeper of Shia Islam and its supreme leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, is the Marja — the highest authority in Shia Islam.