Dutch MP: Many Dutch tourists visit Hungary due to its anti-globalist stances on migration, LGBTQ

Hungary is turning into a top destination for Dutch people and part of the reason has to do with politics, according to a Dutch MP and the founder of the Forum For Democracy party.

“I’m very excited to be here in Hungary because I’ve been a great admirer of your country for years,” Dutch MP and parliamentary leader Thierry Baudet said on Sunday.

Speaking on the popular Youtube security policy podcast Ultrahang, the Dutch MP and founder of the conservative party Forum for Democracy said that many people here don’t know it, but Hungary is one of the favorite destinations for Dutch people these days, and the reason is that the Netherlands has a huge problem with immigration and liberal policies, with many people seeing Hungary’s government as an antidote to these issues.

At the same time, the Dutch are increasingly rejecting woke ideology, the LGBTQ agenda, and there is growing opposition to the euro currency, which Baudest said “is a disaster.”

In response to these issues, “Hungary is leading the way,” the Dutch MP said.

Baudet suggested that anti-globalists in Europe should form an alliance, as “Europe is collapsing under the direction the EU has chosen in relation to the war in Ukraine, which is a total disaster for the continent.”

The war in Ukraine was provoked by NATO, under pressure from U.S. industry, he said, adding that “the military complex thought, ‘Now it’s our turn to start a war and then we’ll make some money.’”

According to Baudet, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are losing their lives needlessly, so Europe should go back to the negotiating table and come to an agreement with the Ukrainians, the Russians and the European nations because the current situation is not good for any citizens.

He also said he considers it stupid and outrageous that anyone who takes a pro-peace stance is immediately branded a Russian spy or a fascist.

“This continent is no longer thinking, our politicians are brain-dead,” he added.

Speaking again about Hungary, he said what he liked about Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is that he thinks about the next generation and the generation after that.

“Our prime minister has no children, and there was once a debate in parliament in which it turned out that he had never had sexual relations with anyone in his life,” he said, referring to outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Baudet then said that Rutte is a man who is detached from reality and the human experience.

According to Baudet, this is why Rutte’s policies were so extreme, and “liberalism is an ideology that comes out of nowhere, whereas what is happening in Hungary is the kind of policy we are proposing, based on people’s experience.”

Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, “it is impossible to buy petrol, people cannot buy a house, it is almost impossible to start a family, which is the consequence of family policy,” Baudet said. He added: “There are also the trans-sensitization programs, in which children are obliged to participate, and the whole country is groaning under the weight of the sanctions we had to impose on Russia.”


USA: 14 yo ‘transitioned’ girl trafficked, serially raped after being snatched away from family, how the school and ‘woke’ system played a role

Sage Blair and her mother Mitchelle, image via Daily Mail

A woman by the name of Michelle Blair has filed a lawsuit against her daughter’s school district in Appomattox County in Virginia State of the United States.

The school reportedly withheld the fact that her teen daughter Sage Blair was identifying as a ‘boy’ in school. According to Michelle, she was not informed that Sage was being physically assaulted at school and subjected to verbal threats (including rape) by her male classmates.

She further informed that the school also allowed Sage to change her name to ‘Draco’ and ‘socially transition’ into a boy. Despite threats of sexual assault, the school encouraged the victim to continue to use the boy’s washroom.

The authorities also disregarded the fact that the girl had a history of mental health issues. Michelle Blair learnt about the ordeal of her daughter after she found a hall pass with the name ‘Draco’ on it. Sage eventually ran away from her home.

Later, a paedophile found the distressed girl, kidnapped and raped her. He and his two accomplices trafficked the teenager from Virginia to Washington DC and then to Maryland. Sage Blair was eventually traced down by the agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

However, her exploitation did not stop there. A public defender named Aneesa Khan claimed that Sage’s parents are not supportive of her new ‘gender identity’ and convinced the Baltimore juvenile court system to take custody of the teenager.

To make matters worse, the girl was sent to a juvenile facility meant for boys. Sage Blair was reportedly sexually assaulted, exposed to drugs and denied medical care during her time in the juvenile facility.

Forced by circumstances, the victim fled the facility only to be picked up by another sex trafficker. She was taken to Texas and subjected her to rape, drugs, starvation and torture. It was only when law enforcement agencies in Texas notified Michelle that she could get custody of her child.

Sage Blair has been diagnosed with complex PTSD and is now undergoing therapy. While speaking about the matter, Michelle’s attorney Vernadette Broyles stated, “‘It is frankly just cruel and irresponsible for school officials to be encouraging confusion, gender confusion in particularly traumatized young girls with histories of mental health.”

According to Michelle Blair, her daughter was first exposed to a ‘panoply of sexuality and gender options’ in school at the tender age of 14.

While speaking to the Washington Examiner, she said, “They stole my right to protect my daughter…I’m the parent, I am an expert on my child, there is nobody in the school or court system that knows my daughter better than me. They will never know my daughter better than I do.”

“It was verbal, physical, sexually harassed with constant threats of rape by the male classmates…Despite this, the school encouraged her to use the boys’ bathroom,” Michelle emphasised.

The California State Assembly has recently passed a bill that would penalise parents with losing their children’s custody if they resisted their gender transition.

The Bill, AB 957, which was passed with a decisive vote of 57-16 on Friday, incorporates gender affirmation as a significant factor to be taken into account in child custody proceedings. Prior to this, the California Senate also gave its approval with a vote of 30-9.

In a nutshell, the Bill will require judges to take into account whether a parent “affirms” a child’s “gender identity or gender expression” in determining custody.

Woke insanity takes over the West

The indoctrination of children with ‘gender theory’ and LGBTQ+ propaganda is being openly undertaken in US schools. This is understandable, given that the spokesperson of the US State Department John Kirby informed that the promotion of “LGBTQ+ rights” was an essential element of US foreign policy.

Even former President Barack Obama was seen endorsing pornographic books for children. Large corporations such as Walt Disney had also opposed legislation to prevent sexual indoctrination of kids at school.

The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has made it compulsory for all public schools under it to adopt new signage for their student washrooms and make them ‘gender neutral’. A private school in Manhattan had also issued guidelines, calling for the use of gender-neutral terms instead of ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad.’

The situation is so grim that people are being cancelled for speaking out against such brainwashing of children in schools. Online influencers have added to the menace, creating confusion about sex and gender in young, impressionable minds.

Other developed nations such as the UK and Canada are also not safe from this wave of ‘woke insanity’. In June 2023, it came to light that schools in the United Kingdom were teaching pre-adolescent children about masturbation, orgasm and anal sex under the guise of ‘Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).’

In Scotland, political pressure and the threat of lawsuits from gender activists have made many educational institutions adopt gender-neutral toilet, leading to increased school drop-outs for female students.

In a tragic case, a man in Canada was jailed for referring to his biological female child as ‘daughter’. Robert Hoogland, a father of a teenage girl, was jailed by a Canadian court for calling his biological female child his “daughter,” and referring to her with the pronouns “she” and “her.”

A wake-up call for India

The developments in the West and the takeover of academia by the left-liberal cabal imply that sooner or later, woke insanity will begin to manifest in Indian schools.

Attempts are already underway to indoctrinate young minds with divergent and unscientific views about gender and sexuality. It is a perverse form of grooming under the pretext of education.

In July 2020, Tagore International School in Vasant Vihar in Delhi came under fire for hosting a session on gender identity politics in order to brainwash children.

Screengrab of Nazariya’s facebook post

Images of the visuals that the children were exposed to have shocked people on social media across the board. The sessions at the school were conducted by Nazariya- Queer Feminist Resource Group (Nazariya QFRG).

Another shocking post of Nazariya QFRG showed the organisation advertising a planner/colouring book for students, which had the image of a nude woman wearing a dildo (a female sex toy).

The colouring book also had the image of a nude woman masturbating in the bottom left corner. And the caption read, “Discount for students Rs.100”. Given the dangerous activism Nazariya QFRG was engaging in, we decided to investigate its background. Opindia discovered that these were not fringe elements but were quite mainstream within the domain of LGBT activism.

In March last year, the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR) announced that it had introduced gender-neutral washrooms and designated spaces within its campus.

While ‘woke’ experiments such as gender-neutral toilets on campuses have already been tried and tested in foreign schools and universities, it was the first time that a public State University had chosen to mould its policies for the ‘gender non-conforming individuals.’

In October 2021, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) came under fire over a disturbing ‘training material’, which advocated the use of puberty blockers for teens and ‘gender neutral toilets.’

The pushback on social media against ‘trans indoctrination’ eventually led to the removal of the disturbing content from the website of NCERT.


Pakistan: Christian couple arrested for ‘blasphemy’ in Lahore, less than a month after Jaranwala hate crimes shocked the world

Protest against blasphemy in Pakistan (representational image)

People criticized the security agencies after they took a Christian couple in custody over an alleged blasphemy case that was registered against them for allegedly desecrating a copy of the Holy Quran in Lahore on Saturday. 

According to Dawn, Taimur, a resident of Harbanspura, filed a complaint with the police, saying he was standing at a food shop on a street near the Rangers headquarters when he saw some pages being thrown from the roof of a nearby house. 
He picked up the pages, which were found to be from the Holy Quran. 

The North Cantonment police registered a blasphemy case against the woman, identified as Kiran and her husband Shaukat Masih for their alleged involvement in desecrating the holy scripture. The case was filed under Section 295-b of the Pakistan Penal Code. 

SP Awais Shafique told the media that both suspects had been arrested and were now awaiting legal proceedings, the Dawn reported.

Faraz Parvaiz, who himself was accused of blasphemy by FIA tweeted, “Christians are under attack in Pakistan. The notorious group #TLP Extremist’s is carrying out rallies in #Lahore which is an alarming situation for #Chrsitians in #Pakistan. #Barelvi #TLP Extremist’s in #Lahore file #blasphemy case, under Section 295B, against a #Christian couple for allegedly tearing pages of the Quran”. 

There has been a sudden rise in cases of false blasphemy accusations against the members of the minority community in Pakistan. In many cases, the people take law into their hands and carry out violent attacks on the houses and places of worship. 

According to the DND news agency, over the past three months, an alarming pattern has emerged in Sargodha in Punjab province, with at least five complaints linked to accusations of blasphemy filed against Christians. 

The religious-political party, Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), has orchestrated an aggressive campaign surrounding these alleged blasphemy cases, stoking suspicion against Christians and inciting protests demanding the apprehension of the accused individuals. 

It was reported that August 16, 2023, marked a tragic day for the Christian community in Jaranwala. 

A brutal and destructive attack unfolded, resulting in the desecration of 24 churches, some reduced to rubble, and the widespread looting and burning of hundreds of homes across 11 areas in the Faisalabad district. 

This eruption of violence was triggered by unfounded rumours and allegations of blasphemy targeting a Christian resident in Jaranwala’s Christian Town.


Depopulation Fanatics Should Never Be Trusted with Government Power

Image: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center via FlickrCC BY 2.0 (cropped).

By J.B. Shurk

A message from Captain Obvious: political “elites” with depopulation agendas have no interest in saving lives.  Instead, they pursue policies that either outright kill people or shorten their lives and discourage them from reproducing.  

Sometimes members of the global ruling class whisper this uncomfortable truth out loud, as John Kerry did this summer when he euphemistically described the world’s population as “unsustainable.”  Or as Prince Philip of the United Kingdom once admitted before his death: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”  Most of the time, however, the self-anointed globacracy speaks in coded language — dog whistles, if you will — by advocating for policies that purportedly deal with some “woke” issue but whose end effect is to spread infertility and death.

Defending abortion up to the moment of a baby’s birth (and sometimes after) isn’t about women’s rights — it’s about reducing the number of babies.  Rationing fuels necessary for heating homes and generating electricity isn’t about “saving the planet” — it’s about making it harder to survive on this planet.  Forbidding the use of fertilizers that help farmers feed a hungry world isn’t about fighting “climate change” — it’s about inducing famine.  Encouraging children to volunteer for castration isn’t about respecting their “authentic gender” — it’s about poisoning their family trees before those youngsters even reach puberty.  Forcing people to take experimental “vaccines” with dangerous side effects isn’t about “saving lives” — it’s about reducing lifespans.  These are the cold, hard facts.  And once a person accepts them for what they are, a natural question arises: why should the people of planet Earth sit back and do nothing while their “leaders” quietly orchestrate their slaughter?

Our entire situation is so absurd.  The feudal lords are running around killing babies, castrating children, starving serfs, and depriving the peasants of electricity.  A more rational generation would take one look around at these grim conditions and rightly conclude that the world’s reigning nobility must be overthrown posthaste.  Through the witchcraft of propaganda and indoctrination, however, our feudal lords have convinced a depressingly large number of “useful idiots” that their campaign of child mutilation, societal mayhem, and senseless murder is somehow “virtuous.”  How do you commit genocide without anyone calling you a monster?  You simply teach the victims that their murders are “politically correct,” and after a generation or two, the most malleable among us will be volunteering to help massacre themselves!

This is a dangerous game.  The only way a minuscule number of ruling families can dominate the planet is if the global population continues to believe that all these destructive policies are actually their idea.  As soon as that spell is broken and people wake up from their self-imposed slavery, then a season of pitchforks and pyres will end ruling class power forever.  It is absolutely imperative that the masses keep chanting about “climate change” and “transgenderism,” lest they break free from their chains and rid the world of their Machiavellian masters.

There’s a reason the Marxist globalists had been, until recently, slow-walking the peasants toward their new-world-order cages: they knew a great awakening among the populace would mean lights out for them.  Better to keep the people in the dark while they dig their own graves than to admit the “Great Reset” is real and start digging their own.

Something has changed, though.  Whether it was the result of COVID exuberance, a fear that Donald Trump has woken a sleeping American dragon, or the intoxicating effect of lockdowns and mandates, the ruling class cult isn’t hiding anymore.  Their message is clear: censorship and control are the future.  The ruling families will continue inventing new things to fear.  The global population will be expected to cower and obey.  The authoritarian cat is out of the bag, and the stakes are high for both masters and slaves.

For anyone still entranced by the delusion that government is good or that Marxist globalists are virtuous, ask yourself when the ruling class cult last did some good.  When was the last war that they started that ended up saving lives or ensuring long-term peace?  When was the last economic program that they initiated that did anything other than further enrich the wealthy while impoverishing the non-elites?  When was the last “conspiracy theory” that they mocked and censored that didn’t end up being true?  The globalist cabal engages in war for profit, steals from middle class pockets, disparages truths as lies, and peddles endless lies as the “official truth.”  Only a committed misanthrope or dangerous fool could look at the long litany of government-orchestrated harms and conclude that the answer to our hardships is even bigger and more powerful government!

There is a simple test for evaluating whether a government should be permitted to maintain power over any people: does it act in ways that protect citizens’ lives, ensure their liberties, and secure their private properties?  Life, liberty, and the fruits of a person’s labor — these are the precious treasures any legitimate government must defend.  In a state of nature, people defend these treasures on their own.  They put down their swords and accept the temporary authority of intervening institutions only in exchange for the government’s promise that it will take up the struggle of preserving these treasures on the people’s behalf.  If the government fails to do so, or worse, it actively threatens the lives, liberties, and properties of its citizens, then it contradicts its purpose for existing and must be replaced.  The people must again pick up their swords and defend themselves until they can agree to a new form of government capable of protecting life, liberty, and property more earnestly.  

Does our government pass this test today?  Let us count the ways that it does not.  It refuses to protect our nation’s borders and, by doing so, aids and abets narcoterrorists, child sex traffickers, and international gangs that have drenched America’s big cities and small towns in a bloody wake of overdoses, violence, and murder.  It picks unnecessary fights with nuclear foes to justify endless defense spending that can be laundered back into the pockets of a political class accustomed to sacrificing other people’s children.  It forces its citizens to undergo experimental medical treatments.  It forces parents to accede to the sexualization and surgical mutilation of their children.  It forces the faithful to spurn their religious beliefs in favor of the State’s “woke” ideology.  It censors speech that it dislikes, especially political speech that condemns the government’s abuses.  It declares spurious “public health emergencies” in order to fracture communities, close businesses, regulate travel, spy on communications, and disarm citizens.  It taxes incomes, purchases, sales, lands, vehicles, investments, inheritances, behaviors, travels, entertainments, licenses, savings, financial transfers, and anything else that permits the government’s confiscation of citizens’ property.  In other words, our government does not protect our lives, liberties, and properties.  It sees these treasures as things that it can forcefully plunder.

The ruling regime will continue plundering from the people until the people have finally had enough.  The people will finally have enough when they realize that the political “elites” do not have their best interests at heart.  For those people straddling that line today, consider this simple truth: no group of people actively working to depopulate the planet should be trusted with power of any kind.  When the ruling class cult says that overpopulation is humanity’s biggest threat, it isn’t referring to people being born on the other side of the world.  It is talking about you.

It will deprive your home of fuels and electricity, sterilize your children, inject your body with poisons, unleash economic Armageddon, and organize any manner of cataclysms — all to put you and the people you love in an early grave


Germany: AfD’s Prophet wins first round of mayoral vote, poised to win run-off

Germany’s anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has scored another victory in another local election, with Jörg Prophet winning the first round of voting on Sunday In the battle for the mayoralty in Nordhausen.

Although the election will head to a second round, the 61-year-old entrepreneur won 42.1 percent of the vote on Sunday, putting him in a strong position to win the run-off vote. The election victory occurred in Thuringia, the same German state where the AfD’s Robert Sesselmann won the Sonneberg district administrator’s office in June, which was the AfD’s first victory for a district administrator.

Prophet will have to compete in two weeks with non-party incumbent Kai Buchmann, who received 23.7 percent.

Voter turnout was 56.4 percent, up from 44.6 percent in the first round of the 2017 election. A runoff becomes necessary if none of the candidates reaches the 50 percent threshold in the first round.

“This means that another success like the one in Sonneberg seems possible, although Nordhausen was not considered an AfD stronghold just a few months ago,” Thuringia’s AfD state spokesman Stefan Möller said about the results in Nordhausen, an industrial and university city with a population of 41,000.

State party leader Björn Höcke wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that he was sure the AfD would be able to provide its first mayor in two weeks.

“With an impressive result, our candidate Jörg Prophet was able to get into a very good starting position in the mayoral race in Nordhausen. Now, it’s going to the runoff election, and I’m sure that in the end, the AfD in Thuringia will provide the first mayor nationwide. Good luck in the decisive round!” wrote Höcke.

Commentators have made light of the fact that Prophet’s contenders include candidates with the last names Trump and Marx.

In Nordhausen, the AfD candidate Prophet, who says he has experience as a member of the district council as well as the city council, is focusing primarily on local political issues in the election campaign.

As Remix News previously reported, the AfD has reached a new polling high in polls across eastern Germany, putting it in first place in four of the five states. In the German state of Thuringia, the party is polling at 34 percent, according to a poll conducted by the Infratest Dimap polling institute on behalf of MDR.

However, in the west of Germany, the party is also rapidly rising as inflation bites, the economy slows, and immigration surges. The party hit a record high of 19 percent in Baden-Württemberg in July and just this month, also hit a record high in Hesse.


Catholic Civil War: “Doctrinal development” vs. historic teaching

Among all the words written about Pope Francis’ effects on the Catholic Church, one picture succinctly illustrates the existential conflict American Catholics face.

The Rev. Joseph Devlin, a pastor in suburban Philadelphia, tweeted a picture of a book in his trash can. The foreword for the bookThe Synodal Process is a Pandora’s Box, was written by Cardinal Raymond Burke, the former archbishop of St. Louis. Burke, who questions Francis’ theological positions, warned about an upcoming international synod that proposes fundamental changes to historic teaching.

“Where this belongs!” Devlin tweeted. “I stand with and trust Pope Francis.”

American Catholics find themselves caught in the crossfire of a war between those, such as Devlin, who blindly support the pope and those, such as Burke, who legitimately question the direction in which Francis is leading the church.

Burke’s camp includes Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, who issued a pastoral letter Aug. 22 on the synod, which plans to address the sacramental status of remarried and divorced Catholics, gender ideology and ecumenism, at least.

“The evil and false message that has entered the church … is that Jesus is only one among many, and that it is not necessary for his message to be shared with all humanity,” Strickland wrote. “This idea must be shunned and refuted at every turn.”

Strickland then briefly presented the historic teaching on the subjects mentioned before declaring that “the surest footing we can find is to remain firmly upon the perennial teachings of the faith,” he wrote.

Before Strickland issued that letter, Francis expressed contempt for his conservative American critics while meeting with Portuguese Jesuits on Aug. 5. Civilta Cattolica, a Jesuit magazine edited by the Vatican, printed his remarks Aug. 28, six days after Strickland’s warnings.

“There is a very strong reactionary attitude,” Francis said. “It is organized and shapes the way people belong, even emotionally. I would like to remind those people that indietrismo (being backward-looking) is useless and we need to understand that there is an appropriate evolution in the understanding of matters of faith and morals as long as we follow the three criteria that Vincent of Lérins already indicated in the fifth century.

“In other words, doctrine also progresses, expands and consolidates with time and becomes firmer, but is always progressing. Change develops from the roots upward, growing in accord with these three criteria.”

The term “faith and morals” holds special significance for Catholics, who believe papal teaching on such subjects is infallible.

So, Francis uses Vincent’s criteria to justify his theological novelty. But what are those criteria and do they apply?

Cardinal John Henry Newman, a 19th century British convert, popularized and refined Vincent’s criteria in An Essay on the Development of Doctrine. Newman devised seven tests: 1) preserving the type or identity 2) continuity of principles 3) assimilative power 4) logical consequence 5) anticipation of its future 6) conservative action and 7) chronic vigor.

Newman used a biological analogy to explain the first test: “Young birds do not grow into fishes, nor does the child degenerate into the brute (animal), wild or domestic…” Concerning his second test, Newman wrote that “a development, to be faithful, must retain both the doctrine and the principle with which it started.”

Assimilative power means that “a living idea becomes many, yet remains one,” Newman wrote. His fourth test determines whether a doctrine “is likely to be a true development, not a corruption, in proportion as it seems to be the logical issue of its original teaching.” Newman’s fifth test involves “early imitations of tendencies which afterwards are fully realized … in accordance with the original idea,” he wrote.

The sixth test requires faithful progress without contradictory change, with Newman directly citing Vincent on that point, while the seventh concerns doctrinal longevity.

The problem is the pope’s subtle yet direct contradiction of Catholic teaching, as FrontPage Magazine often reported. The Rev. Juan R. Velez, a doctor of dogmatic theology and an expert on Newman, used the cardinal’s third test to criticize proposals that open the possibility for divorced and remarried Catholics to receive communion, a possibility that repudiates historic teaching.

“The proposed doctrine seems to assimilate the Christian practice of mercy and forgiveness, but it contradicts others such as justice with regard to the obligations that derive from the nature of marriage,” Velez wrote in Catholic World Report in 2014. “It is doubtful that it can pass the test of assimilative power.”

Two years later, Francis wrote Amoris Laetitia, a papal exhortation that appeared to do what Velez feared. Burke and three other Vatican cardinals formally asked Francis to explain his rationale — and have yet to receive an answer after seven years. Since then, two of the cardinals have died.

When it comes to such subjects as gender ideology and abortion, Francis plays a double game. On the one hand, he offers lip service to historic teaching. But on the other, he appoints and supports Catholics who publicly disown that teaching.

Take gender ideology. As FrontPage Magazine often reported, Francis calls gender theory “ideological colonization” yet appoints such men as the Rev. James Martin and Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich to important positions. Martin, a papal communications advisor, not only uses social media to promote gender ideology, including sexual transition for children. He even criticized biblical condemnations of homosexuality on Twitter.

Hollerich, appointed to Francis’ closest circle of advisors in March, went further. He publicly rejected Catholic teaching on homosexuality.

Or take abortion. As FrontPage Magazine often reported, Francis equates having an abortion to “hiring a hitman,” yet embraces and supports American and European politicians who support legalized abortion. Among them are Joe Biden and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who identify as Catholics.

In 2021, as head of the former Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Luis Ladaria discouraged American bishops from applying canon law and withholding communion from such politicians.

The next year, the head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Cardinal Vincenzo Paglia, said on Italian television that the Vatican had no interest in opposing a 45-year-old law allowing abortion. Paglia even called the law, “a pillar of our social life.”

In promoting his theological agenda, Francis lets others take the lead — and the immediate risks — while he silently supports them. Once conditions reach critical mass, Francis can embrace the changes as a natural evolution. He demonstrated this exact behavior in 2018 concerning capital punishment.

For centuries, the Catholic Church accepted and defended the death penalty; the Papal States even used it. But in 1995, Pope John Paul II used his encyclical Evangelium Vitae to argue that capital punishment was fundamentally unnecessary. The head of CDF at the time — Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict XVI — changed the catechism to reflect that view.

As a result, Catholicism developed a basically abolitionist stance toward the death penalty. In 2018, Francis solidified that stance by calling capital punishment “inadmissible,” or fundamentally immoral. Once again, authorities changed the catechism. But the Rev. John Hardon, a Jesuit scholar, argued in 1975 in his commentary on the catechism:

“Nowhere in the New Testament is capital punishment outlawed. On the contrary, the New Testament not only recognizes the right of the State to exercise authority in the name of God but enjoins obedience to the State in applying the laws of God to its citizens.”

Hardon’s critique decades before its time not only exposes Francis’ careless handling of theology for his own purposes, using Vincent of Lerins as an excuse. It reveals the utter contempt Francis and his allies have for previous teaching, especially doctrines coming from Scripture.

Ironically, in citing Vincent, Francis actually contradicts him. As the fifth-century monk wrote:

“What, if some novel contagion seeks to infect not merely an insignificant portion of the Church, but the whole? Then it will be his (a Catholic’s) care to cleave to antiquity, which at this day cannot possibly be seduced by any fraud of novelty.”

But the Catholic bishops who take that advice face fierce opposition from their own. In January, as FrontPage Magazine reported, San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy — whom Francis appointed — argued for “radical inclusion” of LGBTQ Catholics, regardless of their sexual behavior or their views on Catholic teaching about homosexuality. Within a month, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill. called McElroy a heretic unfit for church office.

Yet the conflict between Paprocki and McElroy, like the one between Devlin and Burke, reflects the ominous state of the Catholic Church worldwide.

“The present crisis is probably the worst the church has had for centuries, perhaps from its beginning, in some way or another,” said John Rist, a Catholic scholar in Britain. “It’s more dangerous to the existence of the Church. You can compare the Reformation, but I think it’s even more serious than that.

“In terms of the damage that it now might cause, what might happen to the Church in the future, this is going to cause more trouble, more than anything else we’ve seen before.”


Germany: Muslim man “incapable of crime” escapes from psychiatric ward and randomly stabs a German woman to death

Ahmad N., Photo police

The African Ahmad N. escaped from the forensic psychiatric hospital in Wiesloch and shortly afterwards killed a 30-year-old shop assistant. The murder now draws criticism against Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Social Affairs, Manfred Lucha (Greens).

On Friday, the 33-year-old man, who had come to Germany as a “refugee”, used the walk to a “work therapy” to escape from the North Baden Psychiatric Centre. He ran from the hospital grounds into the city centre of Wiesloch. His companions lost sight of him. Even the police who were called could not prevent what happened next.

The violent criminal known to the police apparently randomly stabbed the shop assistant Lisa S. at 1 p.m. The woman, aged 30, was working in the discount shop “Tedi”. The shop is located in the shopping centre “Kubus am Adenauer”. The man, who had been declared not guilty by a court for assault, coercion and insult, had apparently stolen the knife from a bakery beforehand.

The town of 26,000 inhabitants, 13 kilometres south of Heidelberg, is in shock. Many residents laid flowers and lit candles at the scene of the crime. The conditions in the prison are considered unacceptable for the staff. The AfD parliamentary group spoke of “scandalous underfunding of the prison”. Manfred Lucha (Greens), the Minister of Social Affairs, had to “explain to the state parliament how such a disastrous incident could have happened”.

There is a “massive lack of staff and space”, said Florian Wahl, a member of parliament for the Social Democratic Party of Baden-Württemberg. In addition, there are structural deficiencies. The politician made serious accusations against Lucha. He had known about the untenable conditions for years and had not changed the situation. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) has called for a special session of the Landtag on the issue of the prison for the criminally insane.

The police arrested Ahmad N. shortly after the murder under “threat of the use of firearms”. Once again he was not remanded in custody, but returned to the psychiatric hospital. The district judge justified the decision by saying that he assumed that the man was incapable of crime.


Trans Teacher Who Rarely Wore Prosthetic Breasts Outside Classroom Now Identifies as Male, Ditches Z-Cups on First Day of School

A Canadian transgender high school teacher has gone viral after wearing a massive set of fake boobs with protruding nipples and short shorts in front of young students.

The teacher, identified as Kayla Lemieux, is a Manufacturing and Technology instructor at Oakville Trafalgar High School in Oakville, Ontario. Lemieux reportedly began identifying as a woman just last year.

A video taken during Lemieux’s shop class, seemingly without the teacher’s knowledge, revealed the absurdity of the fake bust and the completely inappropriate way this teacher is permitted to dress. In the video, which quickly went viral on social media, Lemieux is demonstrating how to use a circular saw.

Germany: Afghan asylum seekers attack and seriously injure participants in CSD parade

CSD Halle, screen grab youtube

They were celebrating for cosmopolitanism and tolerance – and were attacked hatefully.

At the end of the Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Halle, several people were attacked by a brutal group of thugs, one of the victims (41) suffered serious injuries.

According to initial investigations by the police, a group at the Schülershof was approached by four strange men in the evening after the parade and insulted.

According to the newspaper BILD, they were referring to the sexual orientation of the CSD participants, and homophobic insults were made. Then the men started fighting!

“The persons with a southern appearance subsequently attacked the group with punches and kicks,” a police spokeswoman explained. “In the process, a 41-year-old man was so seriously injured that he had to be taken to hospital afterwards. Three other victims were treated at the scene by the ambulance service.”

After the attack, the perpetrators managed to flee. The police immediately launched a manhunt – with success. Officers were able to apprehend two of the suspected thugs while they were still near the crime scene. They were two Afghans aged 16 and 20.

On Saturday, thousands of people took part in the celebration of the CSD for the rights of homosexual and queer people. It is about the acceptance and equal rights of gays, lesbians, bi- and intersexuals as well as trans people. Symbol for this: the rainbow colours.

In Halle, about 2800 people took part in the parade through the city. According to the police, the event was largely peaceful. However, there were repeated insults between participants and about 20 counter-demonstrators.

Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Halle: Teilnehmer von Prügel-Mob schwer verletzt | Regional | BILD.de