Why Are So Many ‘Transgender’ Prison Inmates Rapists?

If men claiming to be women were a normal and healthy group, it would make sense that the criminal population would be randomly distributed across different sectors, e.g. embezzlers, hit-and-run drivers, muggers, cigarette smugglers, and mass shooters. Instead, this seems like an oddly selective category.

A little more than half of the men housed in Wisconsin Department of Corrections facilities who identify as transgender women have been convicted of at least one count of sexual assault or sexual abuse.

There have already been plenty of high-profile cases like this.

Isla Bryson, who transitioned from a man to a woman while awaiting trial for raping two women in 2016 and 2019, was sentenced Tuesday to eight years in prison in Scotland. The case sparked a heated debate as Bryson was briefly placed in an all-women’s prison before being moved to a men’s facility amid a public outcry.

Women were ‘not at risk of harm’ when a transgender double rapist was placed in a female-only prison, a review has concluded.

But beyond the anecdotal, there’s been a consistent pattern in the numbers like the ones out of Wisconsin.

Or this one out of the UK.

Some 97 of the 230 inmates – 42 per cent – living under a different gender identity are in jail for sex crimes. They include 44 jailed for rape and 14 who forced under-age children into sexual activity.

Another 11 were convicted of sexual assault and seven for possessing or making child abuse images.

And this one out of Canada.

A shocking new Correctional Service of Canada study has revealed that 44% of male-to-female transgender inmates are behind bars for sexual offences.

And this one out of the U.S. federal system.

Data obtained from the Bureau of Prisons has revealed that almost 50% of trans-identified male inmates are in custody for sex offences, compared to just 11% of the general male population.

The breakdown of trans-identified criminals was sectioned into two categories – one for male-to-female transgenders and one for female-to-male. According to the document, 48.47% of biological male inmates identifying as women are in federal custody for sex offences, compared to just 4.71% of biological females identifying as men, and 11.2% of the non-transgender male population of federal inmates in general.

There’s a consistent pattern here. From America to Canada to the UK. Or a long list of serial killers.

The case being made by groups like Keep Prisons Single Sex is pretty straightforward and it’s about protecting women in prison from being housed with a population that is disproportionally likely to have engaged in sex crimes. But there’s a larger conversation that we need to be having beyond that about society and morality. And the cost of pretending that black is white and white is black.


How Feminism Exploits Young Women

Our guest on this week’s Deprogrammed is Freya India, a 23 year-old freelance writer who has written for publications such as the Spectator, the New Statesman and UnHerd. In her Substack, ‘Girls’, Freya writes about the lives of young women today, commentating on such things as atomisation, neoliberalism, sexual liberalism, technological dynamism and a deepening mental health crisis.

UK asylum backlog hits record 175,000 as applications last year reached two-decade high

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There are more than 175,000 people living in Britain awaiting a decision on their asylum applications, the highest figure reported since records began in 2010, Home Office data published on Thursday showed.

The asylum backlog had extended to 175,457 individuals awaiting an initial decision by the end of June this year, up 44 percent from June 2022.

Similarly, the number of asylum applications submitted this year reached a two-decade high, with 78,768 applications relating to 97,390 people, up 19 percent from the previous year.

“This is higher than at the time of the European migration crisis (in 2016) and is the highest number of applications for two decades,” the Home Office stated.

The most common nationality of applicants was Albanian with 11,790 applications, followed by Afghans with 9,964 applications, double the number received from the country in the previous year.

A total of 71 percent of all decisions made in the year to June granted refugee status or humanitarian protection, more than double the percentage granted prior to the coronavirus pandemic.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged to clear the legacy asylum backlog — i.e., asylum applications made up to June last year — by the end of this year, but Home Office officials have only cleared an average of 2,061 cases a month.

With another 67,870 cases remaining, the government faces the seemingly impossible task of processing over 11,000 cases every month for the rest of the year to meet its target.

Irregular immigration into Britain has also skyrocketed this year, with 52,530 migrants detected entering the U.K. without permission in the year ending June 2023, up 17 percent from the previous year. A total of 85 percent of these arrived via small boats across the English Channel.

The vast majority of these are being accommodated in hotels across the country, with an estimated cost of £6 million per day to U.K. taxpayers. A total of 47,518 migrants were being housed in hotels in March 2023, rising to 50,546 by June despite the government making pledges to reduce this figure.

According to the Home Office data, the government’s annual spending on asylum has almost doubled from £2.12 billion in 2021-2022 to £3.97 billion in 2022-2023.

“The Tories have failed us all on immigration,” conservative broadcaster Nigel Farage posted in response to the figures, while Labour’s Shadow Immigration Minister Stephen Kinnock said the statistics “set out in stark terms the complete chaos the Tories have created in the immigration and asylum system.

“Only 1 percent of last year’s 45,000 small boats cases have received a decision, and the number of failed asylum seekers being returned is also down a whopping 70 percent since 2010. This is a disastrous record for the prime minister and home secretary,” he added.

Despite Labour’s protestations, the party has regularly refused to commit to reducing immigration levels should they come to power as expected at the next general election.


Conservatives Get a Shot at Forming New Spanish Govt After Inconclusive Election Result

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The centre-right People’s Party (PP) has been given the first opportunity to form a government in Spain after last month’s inconclusive elections resulted in no party securing enough seats in the Congress of Deputies for an outright majority, but the electoral arithmetic makes fresh national elections likely.

On Tuesday, the Zarzuela Palace announced that King Felipe VI of Spain has decided to give PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo the right to try to form a government given that his party was “the political group that has won the highest number of seats in the last elections on July 23,” the ABC newspaper reports.

In the tightly contested elections, the People’s Party secured a vote share equating to 137 seats in the Congress of Deputies, besting current Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), which won 121 seats. However, with neither leading party gaining enough to meet the threshold of 176 seats for an outright governing majority, Feijóo and Sánchez have been left to seek the support of smaller parties to form a government.

Yet a month after the election neither leader has so far been able to cobble together a firm coalition, with the PP currently standing at 172 with the 33 seats of the populist VOX party, and the regional conservative Unión del Pueblo Navarro party and centrist Coalición Canaria. If there is no progress, the only option left will be fresh national elections in the winter.

Following the backing of the King to try to form a government Alberto Núñez Feijóo said: “We will give voice to the more than 11 million citizens who want change, stability and moderation with a Government that defends the equality of all Spaniards.”

“I have shown the King my willingness to be a candidate for the investiture if the head of state considers it so,” Feijóo added, saying that he would in return seek to “honour and loyalty to the nation and the constitutional Monarchy.”

It remains to be seen if the People’s Party will secure enough votes to make Feijóo prime minister, with hopes currently riding on convincing the Basque nationalist party (PNV) to throw its support behind him. This may be a tough sell, however, given that the party has so far refused to join a coalition involving the populist VOX party, given its fierce opposition to separatist parties.

VOX, which prior to the election had hopes of entering into government for the first time, agreed after the disappointing election results from the PP, to merely back the party without demands of government posts in the hopes that such a concession would make it easier for Feijóo to court the support of other potential allies.

After meeting with the King, himself, this week Populist leader Santiago Abascal said that he informed the monarch that VOX would back the PP on the condition that the party “promises to end the stigmatisation of VOX voters,” agrees to publicly acknowledge the value of their partnership, will not pursue a policy of “cordon sanitaire” to politically blackball the populists, and to reinstitute political neutrality in state institutions.

“I hope that, from now on, the enemies of governmental agreements between PP and Vox will refrain from jeopardising the construction of the alternative. Now a new stage of collaboration opens between two very different political formations, very distant, but capable of respecting and agreeing when necessary,” he said.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sánchez — who is currently serving as a caretaker PM — has cobbled together 171 seats, largely on the baking of the leftist Sumar bloc. Despite having secured fewer votes than the PP and currently trails the centre-right party by one when commitments from other parties are counted, the socialist prime minsiter may actually have an easier path to victory, given that he only has to convince a few politicians from the Catalonian separatist Junts party to back his candidacy.

It is expected the vote to confirm or not a new Prime Minister will take place on September 26th. Should the Popular Party fail to secure a majority in the first round it will be given a second opportunity in which a simple majority will suffice. If they fail in the second round, Sánchez and his socialists will be given the chance to try to form a government of their own. In the case of neither the PP nor the PSOE succeeding in doing so another snap election will be held, most likely over Christmas or in January.


Charles III Reportedly Fears New Epstein-Related ‘Bombs’ May Still Be About To Hit Prince Andrew – King May Be Trying To Distract From Recent Corruption Allegations at His Charity

At this point in time, no one is surprised when another wave of bad headlines about Prince Andrew hit the newsstands and the web.

So, when it arises that ‘King Charles is concerned that more information will come to light connecting Prince Andrew to Jeffrey Epstein’, we think it’s just another day in fair old United Kingdom.

UK: Trans man ‘who cannot read or write and needs 24-hour support’ deemed fit to give consent for gender change

Royal Courts of Justice main gate.Images by David Castor ,CC-Zero

An illiterate trans man who needs 24-hour support has been deemed fit enough consent to changing their gender.

The 22-year-old, who reportedly had a difficult personal history and a string of serious problems, was born female but now identifies as a transgender man.

A hearing at the Administrative Court ruled the transgender man, known as AI, could receive surgery to remove healthy breast tissue.

They can also receive hormone treatment which the NHS warns can lead to blood clots, gallstones and infertility.

AI’s inability to read or write meant a statement was submitted through their solicitor.

Their childhood also included several difficult moments, including a mother recovering from drug addiction.

They later cared for their disabled grandmother and as a young teenager entered the care system.

Addressing AI’s background, the court said: “The circumstances of his early life are significantly distressing and can only provoke profound sympathy.

“Although he cannot yet read or write he has been able to make a statement through his solicitor.

“He records that his childhood was chaotic. His mother was a recovering drug addict, he saw her subjected to domestic violence and witnessed her taking drugs.

“He would go back and forth between her and his grandmother and when around 11 or 12 years old, AI went into his grandmother’s care.

“He records moving all the time, living in numerous different places in the South East and spending a lot of time with his grandmother, who is disabled, whom he cared for, and with whom he is in fact, once again, currently living, although he reports difficulties with that relationship. At about 13 or 14 AI went into the care system.”

AI also has a total of 14 diagnoses, including Mild Mental Retardation and Attachment Disorder.

Emotion Dysregulation, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), dyslexia, severe anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD and low self-esteem are among the other medical issues identified in the hearing.

AI’s mental health issues mean Wandsworth Council provides an Extended Health and Care Plan.

Despite several noteworthy issues, R (AI) v London Borough of Wandsworth and Secretary of State for Education ruled the 22-year-old could receive treatment.

The court judgment said: “The Claimant was assigned female gender at birth, but identifies as male.

“He was referred to the Gender Identity Clinic (‘GIC’) at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust (‘the Tavistock’), when he was about 14.”

It added: “He has been approved for testosterone treatment with gender affirming surgery known as a Subcutaneous Mastectomy.”

GB News has approached Wandsworth Borough Council for comment.


France: An Algerian migrant threatens passengers at the train station with a knife and shouts “Allah Akbar” – He says he is being harassed by “the devil and the racists”

The accused’s statements in police custody were incoherent and often irrational. Among other things, he claimed that he acted this way because he felt he was being watched by 10 to 15 people on the street when he walked to the mosque that morning. He claimed to have been harassed by the devil and “the racists” for several months. He claimed that he had not wanted to hurt anyone and was not in a position to do so as he rejected violence. He apologised for his behaviour,” the public prosecutor of Béziers, Raphaël Balland, said on Thursday.

The alcohol and drug tests were negative. The psychiatric expert who examined him on Wednesday found a paranoid personality, but concluded that there was no suspension or even impairment of judgement. The search of his house in Béziers did not reveal any evidence of religious radicalisation. The analysis of his mobile phone by the Direction territoriale de la police judiciaire (DTPJ) in Montpellier also revealed no link to a terrorist background.

The 27-year-old suspect is an Algerian national and is illegally present on national territory via a so-called administrative temporary permit (OQTF) dated August 31, 2022, which was renewed by the Prefecture of the Department of Hérault while he was in police custody. He has already been tried twice for stealing low-value clothing from shopping centres and carrying a pocket knife. The Criminal Court of Béziers sentenced him to a fine of €1500 on October 19, 2022, and to three months’ suspended imprisonment on April 4 this year. He was imprisoned until the trial. Actu.fr


Fires in Greece: 13 Pakistani and Syrian migrants charged with attempted arson in Evros

The businessman of Albanian origin from Alexandroupoli gave his version of the incident with the 13 immigrants, identified as nationals of Pakistan and Syria, he kept illegally in a trailer.

“I am not a fascist or a racist,” he told GRTimes, identifying himself as a person who does not have racist tendencies.

“The place I was at is 200 meters from my business. Several improvised incendiary structures were found in the area. In the previous days, the suburbs and settlements of Alexandroupolis had been evacuated, as well as the University General Hospital. Naturally, all the residents had lost sleep and were on the alert for the fire to find us during the night.

“At the specific point between Alexandroupoli and S. Chile, behind a supermarket chain, I spotted a group of 13 people who were around an object and were trying to set it on fire while holding a balloon that smelled of gasoline, and they also brought a knife with them.

“I immediately called two of my fellow citizens who were at the scene, and we asked them to throw the knives and the objects they were holding in their hands. We prevented them from creating an active fire source within the urban fabric.

“Then it would have to be ensured that they wouldn’t escape and attack us until the police arrived. I immediately called 100, and in ten minutes, a police patrol car came and picked them up.

“The video was taken while we were waiting for the police to arrive, as I wanted to inform my fellow citizens of the incident; specifically, after so many days of fighting the fire, I spotted arsonists in the city while they were preparing to set fire.

“I didn’t care if they were immigrants if they came from Albania, Syria, Greece or Australia. I am neither a fascist nor a racist, and I am sure that my fellow citizens of Alexandroupoli with whom I have been doing business all these years know that,” he concluded.

According to the businessman’s lawyer, Mr Vassilis Demiri, the case is being investigated in terms of its two aspects by the Court of Justice, which is the only one competent to rule.

“We will provide every possible assistance and every element that will contribute to the search for the essential truth.  We have received a deadline for the apology before Ms Anakritria for Friday,” he said in speaking to GRTimes.

The 13 illegal immigrants, who were illegally kept in a trailer by three citizens in Alexandroupolis, are accused of attempted arson.

As it was officially announced, the 13 immigrants were prosecuted for attempted arson. At the same time, a felony charge was brought against the businessman, as well as against the two Greeks who were with him.

More specifically, the 13 people are facing the following charges:

  • Attempted arson endangering human life
  • Manufacture and possession of explosives
  • Illegal entry into the country

While the three arrested are facing the following charges:

  • Incitement to commit crimes, acts of violence, or racially motivated discord
  • Racially motivated robbery jointly and severally
  • Exposure to risk
  • For personal data legislation


German Courts Are Going FULL Dystopia

It’s been an astonishing couple of days for German judges. Well, “astonishing” if you’ve been living in a cave for the last four years.

Many of you likely already know that satirist and playwright (and frequent OffG contributor) CJ Hopkins is being prosecuted in Germany for “disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization,”

All because the cover of his book has a swastika on it.

Needless to say, the charges are absurd. Insultingly so. You can read CJ’s first-hand account of this nonsense here and here.

Anyone who isn’t a) stupid or b) delusional can plainly see these charges have nothing to do with a stock-image swastika, and everything to do with the content of the book. In short, they are politically motivated charges brought against an author for criticizing the state. The very essence of dystopian tyranny.

…and yesterday he was convicted.

He now faces 60 days in prison or a 3600 Euro fine.

That’s case one, and as we say one you are likely familiar with if you’re regular readers.

Something you probably haven’t heard is that, just this morning, a different German court sentenced a former judge to two years in prison.

His crime? Ruling that mask mandates in schools were not constitutional.

The case dates back to April 8th 2021, when Weimar District Family Court judge Christian Dettmar ruled that two schools in the district a) could not enforce mask mandates, b) must continue in-person classes and c) could not force pupils to test for “Covid”.

From Human Rights Blog:

The court case was a child protection case under to § 1666 paragraph 1 and 4 of the German Civil Code (BGB), which a mother had initiated for her two sons, aged 14 and 8 respectively, at the local Family Court. She had argued that her children were being physically, psychologically and pedagogically damaged without any benefit for the children or third parties. At the same time, she claimed this constituted a violation of a range of rights of the children and their parents under the law, the German constitution (Grundgesetz or Basic Law) and international conventions.

After listening to testimony from expert witnesses, the judge ruled in favour of the mother, writing in his verdict:

These are the risks [to mask mandates]. The children are not only endangered in their mental, physical and psychological well-being by the obligation to wear face masks during school hours and to keep their distance from each other and from other persons, but they are also already being harmed. At the same time, this violates numerous rights of the children and their parents under the law, the constitution and international conventions.

Two weeks after handing down this ruling, his home and office were raided by the police and his mobile phone was seized.

And now, two years later, he was found guilty of “judicial misconduct” and initially given two years in prison (the court has since suspended the sentence). “Judicial Misconduct”, for simply disagreeing with the government.

Free speech is the first and most vital liberty, without it no one is truly free. An independent judiciary is a must to preserve any kind of justice, judges who simply nod along with government edicts are the building blocks of authoritarian states.

The voice of the people and the power of the courts – ideally – work together to hold the government to account.

And yet, whether in the judiciary or the arts, the German legal system is now a machine for criminalizing and punishing dissent of any kind.

…I’d make a comparison to another German government that used to function in a similar way, but I really can’t afford a 4000 euro fine.


Germany: Because a German wanted to protect a girl, a Moroccan rammed a glass into his face, causing the protector to go blind

Tony B. Instagram

Tony B. is one of the countless victims of politicians who enable and promote uncontrolled mass migration of people from other cultures. Because he wanted to protect a girl in a Munich bar from a guest of Mrs Faeser, the latter rammed a glass into his face. Now the young man is blind in his left eye, the other has little sight left.

The 30-year-old will never forget the night of April 30 in a Munich milk bar. How it came about that his “baby face” – so called by his friends because of his soft facial features – is now covered with scars, why he completely lost the sight in one eye and only has little vision in the other, why he has to cope with his everyday life accompanied by panic attacks, Tony B. just knows from stories:, “My group that was there told me that I probably noticed the guy putting drops in a girl’s glass and I confronted him about it”. They would have only had a verbal argument.

“According to the video recording, I was involved in a conversation while the perpetrator targeted me with a glass and hit it across my face with full force. That was the moment I collapsed and was waiting for the emergency services in a huge pool of blood.”

Several panes of glass pierced his eyes during the attack. Lachrymation and the right eyelid were severed. The doctors at the hospital “Rechts der Isar” had to spend hours recovering the broken glass. Afterwards, they put the patient into an artificial coma.

Since then, he has been sharing his never-ending nightmare of doctor’s visits, negotiations for compensation and blindness on Instagram.

The young man is currently in very bad shape. His only hope: that his right eye can possibly regain some sight – an operation in September could possibly help. Since the attack, he suffers from massive panic attacks in crowds.

The accused is the 41-year-old Moroccan Aissam D. However, the Munich police are not only investigating the imported violent man, but also Tony for assault; he is said to have head-butted the Moroccan. For those close to him, these are accusations they found incomprehensible. Tony had always been the quiet, withdrawn kind of guy. He hardly ever went out partying.

The horror for B., however, is not only that he will be disfigured for life, has almost lost his eyesight and suffers from panic attacks. The legal battle over compensation for pain and suffering is just beginning. Tony: “We were frank about getting an offer of damages for pain and suffering, accepting that the perpetrator would get a mitigating bonus for the conviction.” Only more bizarre: Aissam D. and his lawyers – note the plural! – offered B. 10,000 euros as compensation. “According to the table of damages for pain and suffering, I am entitled to from 25 000 euros for an injured eye and considerably more for a blinded one. There are the massive scars on my face and the coma, broken shoulder, the trauma, etc.” In addition, he will probably not be able to work for the rest of his life.

“I am shocked by this ‘offer’ and see it more as an insult, to be honest.” , said B. , who wants to increase pressure on the attacker and draw attention to his fate by making it public.
