France: Amine Elbahi, known for his positions against Islamism on TV, was threatened outside his home last night shouting: “Get out, we are going to avenge the Prophet. Allah Akbar!”

We may have come close to drama last night when a person came to threaten this lawyer known for his courageous stands against Islamism on various TV shows. Me Amine Elbahi indeed threatened in front of his home last night shouting: “Go out, we are going to avenge the Prophet. Allah Akbar!”

Amine Elbahi, born April 27, 1996 in Roubaix, is a lawyer in public law. He became known to the general public during an investigation by the television program Zone prohibited, in which he explained his fight against separatism and Islamism. He intervened several times on CNews, in particular in the program “Morandini Live” the day after his interview on M6 and the first threats received.

Amine Elbahi reports the radicalization of his sister, who left for Syria on August 26, 2014, to join the ranks of Daesh. At 20, he became involved in the fight against radicalization by joining the ranks of the citizen reserve of National Education and was received by Prime Minister Manuel Valls to share his fight on secularism.

During the month of July 2016, he wrote a column on Islamism, published in the newspaper Liberation and taken up in the morning of France Inter, alerting on the causes of radicalization.-

Last night, things almost went wrong, because it was in front of his home that a man came directly to threaten him, as he says:-

“Last night, around 9:45 p.m., an individual threatened me with death, in Roubaix, in front of my family’s home: “Get out, get out (…). We will avenge the Prophet. Allah Akbar!”. He was arrested by the CRS and taken into police custody at the Roubaix central police station. During his arrest, he outraged the police and violently attacked the police.

I filed a complaint just like the police.

Thank you to the police for their quick and efficient intervention. I hope for a firm criminal response!”

UK: Hospital cancelled women’s surgery after she complained about transgender nurse

The Princess Grace hospital has been forced to apologise after cancelling a woman’s operation and later accusing her of discrimination when she requested care from a biological woman.

Former solicitor, Teresa Steele, alleges that delays to her treatment caused her to develop an abscess that nearly killed her.

Steele was due to have an operation in October last year at Princess Gate, a private hospital in central London that specialises in women’s health, but this was cancelled after Steele requested same sex care.

The former solicitor made the request after a transgender nurse unexpectedly walked into her pre-op examination room.

Due to an abscess that Steele later developed, her surgery could only take place in February this year and was only rescheduled after pressure from public outcry.

Steele told The Telegraph: “It is not a personal issue for me. Since my experience with HCA, I have been contacted by many women patients who are now too afraid to speak out.

“It is particularly distressing to hear from disabled women, including a young woman who is paralysed and has been forced by a private agency to accept intimate care from men under threat of her care being withdrawn.”

The former solicitor is using her own case as a platform to demand that HCA, one of the UK’s largest private healthcare companies, put in place protections for other patients.

Steele has confirmed that she is willing to waive legal action if the group enacts policy changes, which include enshrining the right of a patient to request care from medics of the same biological sex as them.

In her hospital admission forms, Steele had expressed preference for a single-sex bathroom, but a trans nurse entered her examination private room during her pre-op assessment on October 6.

After Steele complained, the hospital cancelled her October 10 operation due to not being able to guarantee same-sex care in the given notice period.

The Telegraph has reported seeing emails between staff stating that they “perceive the patient’s request and rationale as a discrimination on gender and sex against… hospital employees”.

The following evening, Maxine Estop Green, the hospital’s CEO, emailed Steele to declare: “We do not share your beliefs and are not able to adhere to your requests.”

Green later reneged on her position, admitted Steele’s privacy and dignity had been breached, and said she would like to “sincerely apologise” for “how unsettling this must have been”.

On the cancelled operation’s impact on her health, Steele said: “I was very traumatised and on the point of collapse following the cancellation.

“There was a sudden and observable deterioration in my health. An abscess that had not been visible on scans only a short time earlier had suddenly appeared.

“They endangered my life by cancelling that operation. I could have died of sepsis.”

A spokeswoman for The Princess Grace Hospital told The Telegraph: “The privacy and dignity of our patients is incredibly important, and we are in the final stages of reviewing our policy on this.

“We have invited Ms Steele, alongside others, to provide their views and insights to help inform these updates.

“We remain committed to always accommodating patient requests where we safely can do so. In rare circumstances, we may need to cancel or postpone a procedure to give us more time to ensure we can meet these requests.

“We would always do this prioritising patient safety and the urgency of their care and look to reschedule this as soon as we have been able to fully discuss their individual needs.”

Did Obama’s chef drown in three feet of water?

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

By Susan Daniels

Everything about the death of Barack Obama’s chef, Tafari Campbell, has been a lie.

Why not the depth of the water, too? I found little about Obama to be true in my years of research, but many lies which I include in my book The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama.

The story about the chef’s death changed more often than the days of the week. The Obamas weren’t there, then they were. The daughters may or may not have been there.

In previous versions, Tafari was paddleboarding alone, while someone else was also in the area. That person tried to assist Tafari, unsuccessfully, when he fell off his board and went beneath the water.

The most recent version is that he was on the water with a female employee who swam to shore and someone from the Secret Service called for help. The only part of that story that appears truthful is that he may have been with a female. Malia? Sasha? If it was a female employee, why did that information not appear in the first version, and why so secretive about who called for help?

Allegedly, his body was found the following morning in eight feet of water about 100 feet from shore. That also appears to be a lie.

A government document, the Massachusetts Estuaries Project, shows on page sixty-one that the distance from the Obama property to a depth of eight feet would be at least three hundred feet from the shore.

At most, the water was three feet deep. Tafari could have saved his own life just by sitting up.

Italian townsfolk in uproar after clock tower bell ban

The Pienza Cathedral. (Wikimedia Commons)

Residents of the small Tuscan town of Pienza were outraged when tourists demanded that the bells of the local clock tower be silenced overnight.

“We are not the only ones who have taken such a decision,” said the mayor in his defense after locals complained.

Pienza in Tuscany, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is famous for its 15th-century buildings. As well as being home to the Pienza Cathedral and the Piccolomini Palace, it is the summer residence of Pope Pius II and the location of Franco Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet.

The characteristic clock tower is 560 years old, and the buildings surrounding the square date back to 1459. The Renaissance clock tower used to chime every 30 minutes, regardless of the time of day.

But foreign visitors to the small town found it noisy. Many commented that the bells kept them awake at night. Fed up with the hordes of grumbling tourists, the town council decided to silence the bells in Pienza between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.

The complaints were mostly reported by local tourist lodgings, especially in the summer, when the unbearable heat forces people to sleep with the windows open to make the night a little more bearable.

“Several people have complained,” the mayor of Pienza told the Telegraph. According to Manolo Garosi, the noise was mostly a nuisance to people who rented apartments near the piazza, the main square, or the bell tower.

While this measure by the Pienza municipality was welcomed by tourists, not all locals were happy about the decision. Some argued that the bells are an integral part of the pulse of the small town.

Mayor Garosi, however, defended the decision by saying that in other cities, where the ringing of bells was also disturbing the peace and quiet of foreign guests, they had done the same. Others in the region reacted differently, limiting the number of tourists, which had risen sharply after the epidemic subsided, the Independent reported.

The Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige introduced new rules in May to limit the number of nights a visitor can stay. The region has “reached the upper limit of the number of visitors,” argued Tourism Minister Arnold Schuler.

India: Expert Committee report says that the Assam assembly has the authority to enact a law banning polygamy in the state

An expert committee formed by the Assam government has said in its report that the assembly has the legislative competence to enact a law prohibiting polygamy in the state. This was informed by Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma after the four-member committee led by Justice (Retired) Rumi Phookan handed over the report of the committee to him.

Assam govt had formed the committee in May this year to examine the legal authority of the state legislature to implement a law prohibiting polygamy. Apart from justice Rumi Phookan, the other members of the committee were Advocate General Debajit Saikia, Additional Advocate General Nalin Kohli and lawyer Nekibur Zaman.

While the committee was asked to submit its report by July 13, later the term was extended by one month till August 12. Accordingly, the committee met the CM today and handed over the report. CM Himanta Biswa Sarma said that the report states that the legislature has the authority to enact such a law, with some conditions.

The CM revealed the same while addressing a press conference on the preparations for ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’ campaign on the occasion of Independence Day. He said that he has not read the report because he received just two hours ago before attending the press conference, but he was given a summary of the report.

The committee has decided that while the state assembly can enact a law banning polygamy, the bill will have to be assented to by the president of India. In general, the bills passed by legislative assemblies are assented by the respective governor, while the president gives assent to bills passed by the parliament.

Apart from it, the assembly will have to amend some laws regarding to the age of marriage. The committee said that there is a conflict between minimum age for marriage between Muslim Personal Law and the POCSO Act. Moreover, the Assam Muslim Marriages and Divorces Registration Act, 1935 also does not mention a minimum age. Therefore, the state govt may have to introduce the minimum age in the state act to make it compatible with the POCSO Act.

The CM said that the govt is considering whether the bill be introduced in the upcoming autumn session in September or the Budget session next year. The autumn session will last only 3-4 days, and the legislators will be needed to be given enough time to study the bill, and this will be considered before deciding when the bill will be tabled, Sarma said.

However, CM Himanta Biswa Sarma confirmed that the bill will be finalised in this year itself. He said that there not much opposition to the bill from political parties, and the only apprehension of the govt regarding the matter was whether the state govt has the authority to bring such a law.

Biden’s biggest gaslight: Claiming his bid to jail Trump is just justice chugging along

By Monica Showalter

Polls show that much of the American public believes that the Justice Department and its state allies are targeting President Trump for political reasons. 

That hasn’t stopped Joe Biden and company to claim there’s nothing of the sort going on, starting with Biden’s claims early in his presidency that his Justice Department would operate “totally independent of me.”

In June, Bloomberg News reported that he has since kept up with that line of claims, putting it this way:

President Joe Biden dismissed suggestions that a potential indictment of his predecessor and top 2024 rival Donald Trump by the Justice Department would be politically motivated, telling reporters he was “honest.”

“You’ll notice I have never once, one single time suggested the Justice Department what they should do or not do relative to bring in a charge or not bring a charge. I’m honest,” Biden said Thursday during a press conference with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the White House.

Joe using the organs of state to target his political opponent? That denial has about as much credibility as his claim to being honest.

LibertyOne’s Erica Carlin did some digging and brought back the receipts:

The New York Times reported in March 2023: “In the past, Mr. Biden privately told his close circle of advisers that Mr. Trump posed a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted for his role in the events of Jan. 6, according to two people familiar with his comments. He also told confidants that he wanted Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge and to take decisive action.”

Politico reported in June 2022 that “House Democrats” were “upping the pressure on Merrick Garland to prosecute Donald Trump.”

CNN reported in March 2022 that “Democrats are increasingly worried that Garland will let the former President go unpunished.”

So everything happening here is on Biden’s orders. He’s the one who’s been pushing Garland to sic the prosecutorial dogs on President Trump and any claim to the contrary is simply gaslighting the public.

Try being a politically appointed employee and telling the president ‘no’ on orders as direct and leaky as these. Obviously, Garland was under ferocious pressure to set the hounds loose on President Trump before he gained too much momentum ahead of the 2024 election, rendering even the Democrat electoral cheating machine unable to stop him. And Joe Biden, don’t forget, is profoundly unpopular with the public, his best approval ratings pulling in in the low forties in a good month.

It’s obvious as heck that Biden is directing this persecution of a political opponent, same as the characters in Pakistan who’ve just put away a potential challenger to their regime this morning, same as the Chavista Venezuelans and the socialist Brazilians have done to their popular opponents, and same as what Putin in Russia has done to the hapless dissident, Alexei Navalny, who in recent days was sentenced to 19 years in prison for process crimes, when everyone knows that the real problem for those at the top is that he’s challenged them.

The Carlin Biden research is as clear of evidence as can be found that Joe Biden is behind the legal persecution of President Trump.

What a sleaze he is, not just going after a political opponent, but trying to escape responsibility from the public for it, making himself Gaslight Joe.

Suspected anti-Semitic attack on Israeli teenager in Berlin

The Kreuzberg district of Berlin, screen shot youtube

Police in the German capital of Berlin said on Sunday they were investigating a possible anti-Semitic attack after a 19-year-old Israeli tourist reported being attacked by three men.

Berlin police said their unit responsible for investigating politically motivated crimes was looking into the case after the tourist suffered minor injuries to one of his arms and his face Saturday night.

The Israeli tourist told police he was walking on a street in the city’s Kreuzberg district together with an 18-year-old woman while speaking on his phone in Hebrew.

A car pulled up next to them and three men got out and addressed the Israeli man in German, a language he doesn’t understand.

After that, the Israeli man told police that one of the men suddenly threw a punch at him, knocking him to the ground. The other two then joined in, beating and kicking him. The attackers then got back into their vehicle and drove off. The young woman was unharmed. The man then checked into a hospital from where he alerted the police.

Antisemitic incidents are increasingly common in Germany. Earlier this year the Department for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism said that it documented 2,480 incidents in the country last year.

Germany: The public broadcaster TV programme hessenschau promotes the Muslim Brotherhood

Screenshot hessenschau

In a “report” on Faeser’s study “Muslimfeindlichkeit – Eine deutsche Bilanz” (“Muslim Hostility – A German Balance Sheet”), the TV programme “hessenschau” promotes a community that has been assigned to the radical Muslim Brotherhood by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Without informing the mandatory fee payer which functionaries of the dangerous legalistic Islam are allowed to moan about their alleged discrimination in the television camera.
On Wednesday, the public broadcaster hessenschau broadcast a report on the ” hostility towards Muslims” lurking around everywhere in the racist country of Germany. The German public broadcaster ARD referred to the publication by Nancy Faeser, which was published at the beginning of last month under the title “Muslimfeindlichkeit – Eine deutsche Bilanz” (“Muslim hostility – a German balance sheet”) and which was widely circulated by the “expert advice” of the racist population. On 400 pages, a supposedly “independent panel of experts” announced its findings on “anti-Muslim racism” in this country. The “study” was presented by Faeser, a supporter of the Antifa and the current Federal Minister of the Interior, and her expert, the Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination, Ferda Ataman, who is more than just controversial because of her hostility towards Germans.

In the hessenschau footage, however, the compulsory contributor learns nothing about what kind of machination the presented “report” is. Not a word about the fact that in the left-wing indictment from Faeser’s office there was a massive use of mixed terms and embellished figures, which make the autochthonous population believe that they are still in the overwhelming majority and therefore not overly infested with foreigners. Nothing that the state-initiated study has now openly switched to branding any criticism of Islam and its believers as anti-Muslim and racist. And certainly nothing about who was actually involved in creating the pamphlet. Namely, representatives of the highly dangerous legalistic Islam , whose functionaries are highly successful in using the legal possibilities of our democracy, which has been distorted to the point of self-sacrifice, in order to abolish it in the long term and replace it with an Islamic state of God.

The contributor to the German public broadcaster hessenschau trash is instead presented with two authors of Faeser’s fabrication, as well as two young Muslims from Marburg. The latter are affiliated with the Marburg mosque, which is run by the Islamic Community of Marburg (IGM). The young man is described in the report as a deputy of the community, the young woman, demurely covered with a head cloth, as harmless scribblers at the community newspaper. In the community newspaper “Jamila”, issue 5, Ramadan 2023, both are referred to as board members: “Board assessors are Loka Abdullatif, Dana Elfarra, Ömer Aydin & Fadi Einuz.”

The only trouble is that the IGM is being monitored by the Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution and is classified as belonging to the extremist Muslim Brotherhood. The Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution classified the IGM as being close to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood. For years, Marburg has been mentioned in the state’s report on the protection of the constitution as a centre of Islamist activities in Germany.

However, the TV viewer does not learn anything about this.

The state news programme tagesschau also ran a promotional article for the highly dangerous political Islam. And there is neither a reference to the highly criticised “Faeser study”, nor a truthful classification of the interviewed Islam functionaries.

Wirbt die öffentlich-rechtliche hessenschau für die Muslimbruderschaft? » ☆☆☆☆☆ – Journalistenwatch e.V. – Aktuelle Geschehnisse