Pakistan: ‘Eye-for-an-Eye’ Repercussions on Christians from Sweden Burning the Quran

In the interconnected, digital world of the 21st-century, an event thousands of miles away can send shockwaves felt in other parts of the world. The recent burning of a Quran in Sweden has had reverberations as far away as Pakistan and a special impact on the already defenceless Christian minority there.

This is not the first time Pakistani Christians have experienced societal prejudice, institutional discrimination, and sporadic violence. These issues are frequently exacerbated whenever similar events take place anywhere in the West. The fallout from the Quran’s desecration in Sweden, however, has intensified these conflicts, resulting in an alarming rise in threats and the defilement of Christian symbols, particularly the Cross, symbolising Christianity.

Caught in the crossfire of this international incident, Pakistani Christians find themselves crying silently for peace, understanding, and respect for their religious symbols — but it seems to be falling on deaf ears, both domestically and globally.

The desecration of the Holy Cross is not just an act of disrespect of their religious sentiments; it also poses a significant threat to their safety and security.

Disappointingly, the lack of an appropriate response from Pakistan’s government to these incidents only further exacerbates the situation. The authorities seem unable to effectively guarantee the protection of religious minorities or their sacred symbols. This silence — real or perceived — often gets interpreted as tacit acceptance, potentially fuelling further acts of hostility.

This hostility took a horrifying turn when extremist groups threatened to attack churches and Christians, declaring that no Christians would stay safe in Pakistan. These groups even asked other jihadist groups to direct their attacks towards Christians and their places of worship, despite local Christians having no involvement in the incident, and even when they vociferously condemned the desecration of the Quran and cannot be held responsible in any way. Nonetheless, the threats of violence against churches and Christians represent an erroneous and detrimental “eye-for-an-eye” approach to revenge, targeting individuals who may have had nothing at all to do with the original alleged offense – thereby escalating tensions and deepening divisions. Indeed, it appears that being Christian instead of Muslim may be the real unforgivable offense in the present time. The discrimination and threats faced by Christians in Pakistan raise serious concerns about religious freedom and tolerance in the country.

What is worse is the lacklustre response from the Pakistani government towards these threats against its Christian minority. Critics argue that the government, led by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, has failed to protect the Christian community, leaving them vulnerable and fearful. Despite the escalating situation and the visible threat to Christian churches and individuals, the government’s efforts to ensure the safety of its Christian citizens appears largely absent.

The prime minister himself, instead of de-escalating the situation and calming the anger among Muslims, called for a nationwide protest and the observance of “Yume Taqdees” (Sanctity of the Quran).

Several Islamic organisations criticised this, arguing that because they have the right to protest, the prime minister should have instead used international diplomatic channels. Islamic groups appear to believe that protesting against the desecration of the Quran is their right. The prime minister, however, should engage in dialogue with the Swedish government.

The prime minister even failed to issue a statement in support of Christians who were helpfully condemning the desecration of the Holy Quran. Support from the prime minster could have been a timely and strategic move to protect the Christians from potentially horrifying attacks by extremists. However, he did not take this action, possibly due to concerns about potential backlash or else just a general reluctance to take a stand on the matter.

Christianity has been an integral part of Pakistan’s multi-religious society since its inception The Christian leadership supported Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s founding of Pakistan in 1947; he promised equal citizenship rights. Nevertheless, they often find themselves treated as second-class citizens, the target of discrimination, hostility, and violence.

This is not the first time that the Muslim League (N) — the full name is Muslim League Nawaz, after Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif — government has shown such carelessness and a lack of action towards threats against the Christian community; there are dozens of such examples. For instance, when Christians were attacked in Gojra in 2009, in the Joseph Colony of Lahore in 2013, and in the assault on the Youhanabad Christian community in 2015, the response of Shahbaz Sharif, the Chief Minister of Punjab at the time, was seen as inadequate. He was elected Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) from Youhanabad, but failed to visit his constituents. If such neglect had occurred from any MP in a Western country, he would have been forced to resign or at least been investigated by a parliamentary committee.

This pattern of inaction by the government creates an environment where religious minorities feel continually insecure and discriminated against.

The basis for such animosity stems from deep-rooted misconceptions, stereotypes, and extremist ideologies. Often, discriminatory laws, such as the contentious blasphemy law, have been misused against Christians, further worsening their situation. This law, which mandates harsh penalties, including the death penalty, for offences against religion — or sometimes even just flimsy, baseless or non-existent accusations of offences — have frequently been weaponized to target Christians and other religious minorities.

It is a predicament requires immediate attention. The government of Pakistan needs to uphold its commitment to religious freedom and safeguard all its citizens, as enshrined in its constitution and in line with international covenants such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief. A comprehensive strategy that includes improved security measures for religious minorities and educational campaigns to foster tolerance and mutual respect is needed urgently.

The defenseless and vulnerable Pakistani Christians’ silent cries for respect and security testify to the challenging situation that religious minorities often face in the wake of such incidents. Reminding the world of its shared responsibility to foster tolerance, respect, and peace is necessary. Recognizing and responding to these silent cries is a step forward in establishing a more understanding and inclusive global society.

In the fight against this religious hatred, civil society and religious leadership also have a vital obligation and play a role. Deep-seated biases against Christians in Pakistan can be challenged and changed by fostering discussion, religious tolerance, and understanding.

At this juncture, now is the time for the Pakistani government to reassess its approach toward religious minorities. The first step should be an immediate and unequivocal condemnation of violence and threats against religious minorities, including Christians. This condemnation should not just be a symbolic gesture but should be accompanied by stern legal action against the instigators of such violence. A fundamental component of any democratic country is guaranteeing the safety and security of all citizens, regardless of their religious views.

At the same time, it is necessary for the government to take deliberate steps to promote peace and religious harmony. This can be achieved through the incorporation of religious tolerance and coexistence in the curricula for school and public awareness campaigns. Furthermore, interfaith dialogues can serve as powerful platforms for fostering mutual respect and understanding between various religious groups in Pakistan.

The consequences of the government neglecting this matter are severe, including the marginalization of religious minorities, societal instability, and a tarnished international reputation.

Therefore, the time for action is now. The government seriously needs to break free from the cycle of indifference and actively embrace an environment of religious tolerance and mutual respect. The protection of religious minorities and the promotion of social and religious harmony should not be regarded as optional but as fundamental to the social stability and democratic ethos of Pakistan.

The silent cry of Pakistani Christians for respect and security is a testament to the challenging situation religious minorities often face in the wake of global incidents. The reverberations of an incident which happened thousands of miles away in Sweden should not disrupt their lives. Let this be a reminder of our shared responsibility to foster tolerance, respect, and peace in our global village. The path to lasting peace lies in acknowledging every cry, no matter how silent it may seem.

Want Fries with That? Beyond Meat’s Sales Plunge as Consumers Reject Vegan Alternative

Pascal Shirley, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Vegan food maker Beyond Meat has seen its sales crash by almost a third as consumers reject its hyper-processed, plant-based products despite substantial price cuts and claims its customers can “positively affect the planet.”

The El Segundo, California-based meat substitute maker says net revenues fell by 30.5 percent for the three months to the end of June, compared to a year earlier, while shares of the company fell by almost 12 percent in extended trading in New York.

Beyond Meat now expects revenue between $360 million and $380 million for the year, AP reports. That’s down from the $375 million to $415 million it forecast at the end of the first quarter.

On Monday, the company said it had been affected by “softer demand in the plant-based meat category, high inflation, rising interest rates, and ongoing concerns about the likelihood of a recession”.

Demand has also been hit by an increased scrutiny of the claimed health benefits of hyper-processed vegan products, Beyond Meat’s chief executive Ethan Brown conceded.

“This change in perception is not without encouragement from interest groups who have succeeded in seeding doubt and fear around the ingredients and process used to create our and other plant-based meats,” Brown added during an earnings call.

Brown said Beyond Meat has reached out to some of its competitors to discuss working together on ads that would help change negative perceptions about veganism.

In the interim it will cut around 200 jobs to save an estimated $39m in costs over 12 months.

The company has often touted itself as a “future” meat alternative to better combat climate change and change the world in the process, one vegan burger at a time.

Germany: Afghan bought a bride for 6500 euros – she is only 13 years old!

Symbolic photo

In Frankfurt, an Afghan man (26) even picked up a girl (13) with a knife in order to force her to marry him. He paid her father 6,500 euros in nuptial money. But the teenager refused. Now they are in court trying to get the money back.

It was a situation like a bazaar in Kabul that took place in the middle of Germany. Adana Q. (26), a farmer and illiterate Afghan, was determined to marry a girl. The fact that the chosen one was only 13 years old and also related to him in many ways did not bother him. The father-in-law apparently had no problems selling his underage child to a man. Without hesitating, he collected 6500 euros in bride money.

After the deal, the migrant had a party with his friends at the asylum seekers’ home. But the bridegroom had not considered his bride-to-be. The girl, who unlike Adnan Q. was integrated in the West, refused the forced marriage. With the corresponding consequences: Again and again, the disgruntled Afghan ambushed her and threatened her. He even attacked the teeanger with a knife after school and beat the teenager.

The forced marriage that failed now has a judicial repercussion. Adnan Q., who came with the great wave of refugees in 2015 and works as a cleaner, has to answer to criminal charges of coercion and threats. At the same time, there is a dispute about the return of the 6500 euros. “Do you think you can buy women? If you put money down, you can marry a woman?” the judge asked him. Answer: “In Afghanistan they do it like that and here too. I am not the only one.”

The public defender of the Afghan: “He sees himself as a victim. He feels exploited and fleeced.”

Then it finally made the judge angry: “You have no right to get the money back, because according to German law you would never be allowed to do something like that. Then the money is just gone.” The court adjourned, the verdict will follow shortly.

The Decline and Fall of ‘Woke’ – Wokeness, once a badge of pride, has become a symbol of shame

Walking into the children’s section of a public library, I spotted a copy of ‘Woke: A Young Poet’s Call to Justice’’. Published in 2020, it’s almost a cultural artifact because ‘woke’ has gone from a hip term for leftism to a battered conservative punching bag in the culture war.

‘Woke’, the term, peaked in 2020. In 2017, it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary and appeared as a category on Jeopardy. Next year, Essence magazine announced its list of ‘Woke 100 Women’. In 2020, Disney’s Hulu aired ‘Woke’:, a tedious series about a college activist.

By 2023, wokeness has come to mean leftist extremism. It’s most often used by Republicans and hardly ever by Democrats who act baffled at the idea that there was ever such a thing as wokeness. Much like ‘Defund the Police’, a set of sounds that once defined lefty culture, has been flushed down the memory hole and everyone is pretending they never heard of it.

In Seattle, the home of wokeness, “race and equity experts” say it’s “time to get rid of woke.”

“That word has been taken,” Erin Jones, a DEI consultant who charges $1,000 an hour for her workshops, admitted. “There’s no good way to use that term. I think it’s been so weaponized at this point that there was not a positive way to use the word ‘woke.’”

What happened to ‘Woke’ is the same thing that once happened to ‘Liberal’. Conservatives seized on it and used it to sum up everything wrong with leftist extremism. Before long, no one wanted to identify as a liberal because it meant being seen as a lunatic fighting for sex ed for kids, free needles for addicts, political correctness in the office and surrendering to enemies.

Leftist support for these policies never went away, but leftism underwent a rebrand.

Unlike conservatives who have retained the same name over time, leftists are chameleons. Leftists were first characterized by that name during the French Revolution because they tended to cluster to the left during legislative debates. More specific ideological terms like socialists and communists came and went, and became tainted by association with leftist policies.

There is no name for the Left that doesn’t have negative associations even for leftists.

Senator Bernie Sanders has spent most of his otherwise useless career trying to redeem the term ‘socialist’ in the United States. And recent polls show a growing approval for socialism among younger people. But, as the example of ‘Woke’ shows, that appreciation may not last long once conservatives turn whatever term the Left uses now into a political scarlet letter.

The destruction of wokeness within a matter of years shows why conservatives should not underestimate their cultural power. Barred by the media, censored by tech companies and shut out by the entertainment industry, conservatives were nevertheless able to take the hip new term that leftists had rebranded as and make it as toxic as yesterday’s radioactive waste.

That is something worth taking a moment to appreciate.

Wokes argue that ‘wokeness’ has a long pedigree and will be back. They’re probably right.

In 1923, the Nazis deployed the Sturmlied of the SA with its concluding command, “Deutschland, erwache! Erwache!” or “Germany, awake! Awake”. That same year,  Marcus Garvey, a black nationalist fascist, incorporated it as “Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa!”

Black nationalists complained that white leftists had “appropriated” a black slogan, but it was the black nationalists who appeared to have appropriated a Nazi slogan.

Garvey, usually described as a civil rights activist, was an unabashed fascist. “Hats off to Hitler the German Nazi,” he had cheered and urged his followers to read Mein Kampf.

“What the Negro needs is a Hitler.” he had suggested and had himself in mind for the role.

But Garvey claimed credit for inventing fascism and argued that the Nazis had appropriated it from him. “We were the first Fascists,” the civil rights leader bragged, “Mussolini and Hitler copied the programme of the UNIA.” But just as Garvey copied Mussolini and Hitler, it’s more likely that Garvey borrowed ‘wokeness’ from a Nazi call to arms that included genocide.

Much like its Third Reich inspiration, wokeness has undergone its own decline and fall.

The Nazis, black nationalists and leftist wokes all meant the same thing by the use of the term which was to distinguish those who are ‘awake’ and aware of the crisis from those who aren’t. The hipness of the term required a certain amount of insider cachet which became impossible to sustain when Republican politicians became the ones to popularize wokeness.

When people think of wokeness, they no longer envision the BLM activists who used to appear on TV shows and on children’s books, they think of Gov. Ron DeSantis or an episode of FOX News. Republicans went to war on wokeness and in doing so, they appropriated it, they took the word and made it their own. Destroying the brand value of wokeness is not the same thing as defeating woke policies, but marketing is fundamental to leftist recruitment and expansion.

And now, once again, the Left is between descriptors. Some call themselves “progressives”: a longstanding and twice dated term that sounds like an eyeglasses prescription. Social justice still hovers around the margins but its users still remember when SJW became the derisive acronym of choice. The media, which rarely recognizes the existence of a separate leftist movement, describing its members only as ‘activists’, ‘experts’ or ‘concerned citizens’, likes the idea of an invisible ideology that, much like 1984, no one even has the words to describe.

Wokes still control most major cities and companies, the educational system and the government’s policymaking apparatus, but the backlash has inflicted some casualties. America is still a long way from 1988 when Saturday Night Live aired ‘The Liberal’ depicting a hunted Matthew Modine on the run in a conservative nation. (Like most SNL cultural guesses, it was actually wrong and conservatism had peaked while liberalism was in ascendance). The long-awaited backlash that would usher in a new ‘Reagan America’ has been promised many times in the last two decades, but has never actually been able to survive and take root.

And yet conservatives, who operate in a counterculture, should remember that they have the power to hurt the Left. The decline and fall of wokeness is a demonstration of the fragility of leftist cultural power which commands budgets in the tens of billions of dollars, controls private and public institutions, yet is deeply resented and vulnerable to some pointed mockery.

Wokeness, once a badge of pride, has become a badge of shame.

Macron Depression: Globalist Leader Survives Many Crises, While French Influence Collapses in Africa – Snubbed at BRICS Meeting, He Is Object of Internet Rumor About an Affair With Canada’s Trudeau

Muslim Woman Wants His Testicles Back From His Boyfriend

Maybe this generation has a redeeming quality after all. If civilization survives, we will provide entertainment for centuries to come for the generations that look back and laugh at us. Actual headline from the relatively conservative New York Post:

Transgender woman ‘demands’ ex-boyfriend to return her testicles from his fridge

Kingsley is a woman the same way whoever wrote “her testicles” is a journalist.

From the story:

Brianna Kingsley, 40, of Pontiac [Michigan], filed an affidavit claiming her [sic] ex, William Wojciechowski, 37, “retains possession of my surgically extracted testicles, preserved in (a) Mason jar, kept in (the) fridge next to the eggs,” The Detroit News reported.

Like so many transsexuals, Kingsley has a violent streak:

In October 2020, Kingsley pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault and was sentenced to two months behind bars after he pulled a knife on her then-roommate, also a trans woman, on Christmas Day, the Royal Oak Tribune reported.

In addition to being a woman, Kingsley also claims to be a Muslim, although real Muslims would be inclined to throw him off a roof.

‘Global Warming’ Morphs Into ‘Global Boiling’ as the Global Climate Hoax Turns Up the Heat

Last Friday in Reutlingen, Germany, screen grab youtube
Last Friday in Reutlingen, Germany, screen grab youtube

By Jerome R. Corsi

On July 27, 2023, the United Nations turned up the heat on the global climate hoax by declaring “the era of global warming” has now morphed into “the era of global boiling.” With typically hysterical rhetoric, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that, “short of a mini-Ice Age” in the coming days, July 2023 would likely “shatter records across the board.” In Geneva, scientists from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) declared that July 2023 was set to be “the hottest month on record.” Carlo Buontempo, the director of the European Commission’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, echoed the UN in declaring, “Unless an ice age were to appear all of a sudden out of nothing, it is basically certain we will break the record for the warmest July on record and the warmest month on record.”

This all-too-obvious coordinated drumroll of frightening climate change warnings has become the propaganda technique of choice for international organizations who presume responsibility for controlling Earth’s climate. The only problem with the current theme of the month—namely, that July 2023 was the “hottest” month on record—is that it is NOT true. But truthfulness is apparently a less worthy goal to the UN, the WMO, and the European Commission than making sure we stop using hydrocarbon fuels, the energy that has allowed modern industrial states to prosper during our good fortune to be experiencing an interglacial warming period. The whole point of these announcements is to scare people. “Climate change is here,” the UN chief said. “It is terrifying. And it’s just beginning.”

The lying appears ubiquitous among government agencies monitoring the weather. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has “disappeared” an internet page that demonstrated that, 90 years ago, we experienced a far greater wave of heat than we are experiencing today. For now, the NASA “Global Climate Change” website still displays an article by Ellen Gray, NASA’s Earth Science News Team, that features a scientific study demonstrating that we experienced the worst drought of the last thousand years in 1934 during the “dust bowl” years of the Depression. How long it will remain there is unclear.

Meteorologist Ryan Maue mocked a July 24 Washington Post article with a headline blaring, “Heat waves in the U.S., Europe ‘virtually impossible’ without climate change, study finds. Maue quipped on Twitter [now rebranded as “X”], “I guess that’s true if you memory hole 1925, 1930s, 1950s, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2012, 2020, etc. and the rest of the almanac.” In a follow-up Tweet, Maue continued the theme:

Cliff Mass, professor of Atmospheric Studies at the University of Washington, rubbished the claim that July 2023 was the hottest month ever. Mass noted the climate was “radically warmer” around 1,000 years ago during the Medieval Warm Period when agriculture thrived in parts of now ice-covered Greenland. “If you really go back far enough there were swamps near the North Pole, and the other thing to keep in mind is tht we’re coming out of a cold period, a Little Ice Age from roughly 1600 to 1850.”

There are several reasons July 2023 was hot. The Sun is burning hotter in the current Sun Cycle 25 than Sun Cycle 24. According to Javier Vinós, author of the 2022 book Climate of the Past, Present and Future: A Scientific Debate, the monthly sunspot number for June 2023 reached 163.4.

“While this figure may be revised slightly, it’s likely to stand as the highest number seen in over two decades, since September 2002,” Vinós explained in a recent article. “Solar Cycle 25 is relatively young, only three and a half years old, which means there are ample opportunities over the next three years to surpass this month’s 20-year record.”

A newly released report by [Climate Intelligence (Clintel), an independent foundation headquartered in the Netherlands], entitled “The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC,” featured Vinós’s work on the Mid-Holocene [7,000 to 5,000 years ago]. “The new IPCC [UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] came with the remarkable claim that it is now warmer than in the past 125,000 years,” the Clintel report noted:

This would mean that it is now warmer than during the Mid Holocene, a period that was also relatively warm. Javier Vinós investigates the evidence for this and shows that glaciers and treelines contradict this evidence. It is now more likely that the Holocene Thermal Maximum was warmer than it is now. [page 22]

It was also warm in July because it is summer, and a rudimentary understanding of the Milankovitch Cycles makes clear that the tilt of the Earth’s axis places the Northern Hemisphere at an angle closest to the sun in the months of July and August. Currently, according to NASA, the Earth’s eccentricity is near its most elliptical (most circular) and is very slightly decreasing in a cycle that spans about 100,000 years. Wait a while, and we will have global cooling (i.e., Autumn), then wait a little longer, and we will have global freezing (i.e., Winter); wait a while longer, and we will have the next Ice Age (as Earth’s orbit nears its most elliptical phase).

In his 2022 book The Great Reset, Marc Morano, creator of, predicts the World Economic Forum global elite are pushing climate hysteria to set the stage for a Global Warming Lockdown, similar to the COVID-19 lockdown. But as IPCC catastrophic climate predictions fail to materialize, the global warming [aka, climate change] movement risks losing credibility. In his 2023 book, The Grip of Culture: The Social Psychology of Climate Change Catastrophism, Andy West argues that climate hysteria has left the world of science to enter the wonderland of ideology, operating as a secular religious doctrine, not as science fact. Frank Furedi, emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent, commented on West’s book, “Climate change catastrophism is a cultural disease haunting Western society.”

In a little-publicized statement, Jim Skea, the new head of the UN’s IPCC, risked committing global warming heresy by urging supporters not to overstate the global warming threat to humanity if Earth temperatures do rise 1.5° Celsius above pre-industrial levels. In a sign the IPCC senses the mass delusion over climate may have overstated its case, Skea told the German news agency, “We should not despair and fall into a state of shock” should global temperatures exceed the IPCC’s nominal target of limiting global warming to the 1.5° Celsius target.

Existential threat or not, we may have to wait until January or February before winter cools the mainstream media off from the overheated but predictable existential climate crisis drumbeat of July and August.

Berlin: Israeli tourist beaten up by Arabs – mainstream media cover up perpetrator’s origin, of course

Kreuzberg district of Berlin, Turkish-language billboard, screen grab youtube

Yesterday and today, German media are reporting a brutal attack on an Israeli tourist in Berlin. The victim of this diverse enrichment should have been told beforehand that as a Jew in Berlin Kreuzberg it is better not to reveal oneself as such and rather refrain from talking loudly on the phone in Hebrew.

The young Israeli could not have known this and so the confrontation with three Arabs ended in hospital. Accordingly, only the newspaper BILD reported objectively that it was three Arabs who beat up the 19-year-old and kicked the man who was lying on the ground.

Manipulation by omission

Of course, the incident does not fit the picture that is constantly being painted: the evil German right-wing extremist anti-Semite is always threatening Jews, while the Arab migrant is inherently noble and good. And the reporting in most mainstream media looks accordingly – the origin of the perpetrators is covered up. But not only that: they try to “somehow” question the motive for the crime, in this case hatred towards Jews. It then reads like this:

“… possible anti-Semitic background”.

“… From the emergency room of a hospital, the man called the police. The State Security Service has started an investigation into dangerous bodily harm with a possible anti-Semitic background”, rbb24 informs us (editor’s emphasis).
At, the origin of the perpetrators is also not known, and the information is as follows: “… A 19-year-old tourist from Israel has filed a complaint against three men who allegedly attacked and knocked him down in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin. Investigators are looking into an anti-Semitic background.”
The newspaper Berliner Zeitung reports:
“A dangerous assault has occurred in Kreuzberg. Possibly the motive was anti-Semitism – the State Security is investigating.” That sounds like: they don’t know why the Israeli was beaten up, but “possibly” there was an anti-Semitic background. Well, who would have imagined that, that’s not possible.
A particularly cunning act of framing, i.e. by changing the frame of reference and point of reference, is provided by the left-leaning newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung: Of course, there is also nothing about the origin of the perpetrators, but in the online edition (see screenshot below), immediately after the end of the article, a link is presented, including a photo, where the anti-Semitism of the Nazis is reported. The motto is: we should not be distracted by incidents like the one in Berlin and get evil ideas, but we should always be reminded who the real perpetrators are, shouldn’t we!

India: Islamists in Jamia blame Hindus for Nuh violence, call it an ‘anti-Muslim pogrom’ where Hindu devotees were attacked

Islamists in Jamia Millia spread propaganda over Nuh violence (Image Credits : Swati Goel Sharma (

A week after violence rocked the Muslim-majority region of Mewat’s Nuh in Haryana after Islamists attacked a Jalabhishek Shobha Yatra, a concerted attempt is underway to muddle the reality of the incident and conflate facts with fiction. A group of students in Jamia Millia Islamia, a university with a history of controversies, recently staged a protest in brazen defiance of the truth and weaving an alternative reality about the events in Nuh.

According to the protesting Islamists in Jamia Millia Islamia, the armed assailants who attacked Hindu devotees in Nuh were victims while those who suffered at the hands of Islamic zealots were the aggressors. The propaganda attempt to depict Hindus as assailants and shield Islamists in Nuh is in line with the left ecosystem’s endeavour to downplay the tragedy by blaming everyone except those directly responsible for the violence.

Swarajya Magazine journalist Swati Goel Sharma recently shared a video from Jamia Milia Islamia University, where a group of students demonstrated against Nuh violence, branding it as an ‘anti-Muslim’ pogrom and accusing Bajrang Dal of going in with armed weapons while locals, it said, were totally “unarmed”.

The brazen whitewashing comes even as multiple news organisations have reported violence against Hindu devotees who participated in the Jalabhishek Yatra and were on their way to the Nalhar Shiva Temple in the region. The devotees included women and children.

Mewat Jalabhishek Yatra attacked by Islamists, Hindu devotees held hostage at Ram Mandir

A video of a seemingly hostile mob charging at the yatrees and chanting “Allahu Akbar” went viral over social media platforms. Two home guards lost their lives and about a dozen policemen were injured as the Islamists tried to stop the Hindu religious procession, pelting stones and setting cars on fire.

OpIndia accessed several FIRs registered in the case. One of the FIR that was registered on the complaint of Adib Hussain who is a Sub Divisional Engineer PHES of Sub Division Tauru, it was revealed that 400-500 Islamist rioters held 35-40 devotees hostage at Ram Mandir in Ward No 9, Nuh.

In his complaint, Hussain said he was with managing officer Ombir Singh when 700-800 rioters from the Muslim community started pelting stones and opened fire with illegal weapons on devotees and police personnel. The rioters burnt down the government and private vehicles.

At the time of the attack, Hussain and Singh were at Nuh bus stand. They were informed that hundreds of rioters attacked 35-40 devotees and held them hostage at Ram Mandir in Ward No 9. Hussain mentioned that the rioters were not letting the devotees leave the Ram Mandir premises. When they reached the location, 400-500 rioters with batons, sticks, stones and illegal weapons started shooting at them to kill them.

Violence preplanned, 5 of the 6 victims non-Muslims

Besides two home guards, 4 other people were killed in the violence, out of which 3 were Hindus.

Abhishek Rajput, a Hindu devotee who participated in the Jalabhishek Yatra, was another victim of the bloodthirsty mob of Islamists that not only shot at him but also slit his throat and crushed his head with stones, a stark resemblance to the methods Taliban and ISIS terrorists to kill their victims.

Not just Hindu devotees who participated in the procession but local Hindus, too, were caught in the crosshair of the Islamists, who remained indiscriminate in killing and attacking Hindus regardless of whether they took part in the Jalabhishek Yatra or not. A sweet seller Shakti Saini was also killed by the Islamist mob. As per eyewitness accounts, Saini was abducted from the shop and taken elsewhere and later killed and then the dead body was dumped at the same Badkali square around which his shop was located.

Similarly, Pradeep Kumar, a Hindu devotee and a Bajrang Dal activist, was also a victim of the violence that Islamists had planned as an interrogation of the arrested youth had revealed, who confessed that WhatsApp groups were created as early as July 21 to July 23 and responsibilities assigned to group admins to gather stones and collect glass bottles to attack Hindu procession scheduled to take place on July 31.

The news reports on the violence, the FIRs filed in the case, and the preplanned nature of the conspiracy unravelled—all point to a well-thought-out plan by Islamist mobs to target and attack Hindus—yet their ideological brethren from the leftwing ecosystem and the footsoldiers such as the Jamia students are working their fingers to the bone to distort reality and paint victims as aggressors and vice versa.