Self-described ‘racist’ vlogs her plot to destroy a man—because of his skin color, and he might be a ‘Trump supporter’

Image: Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

By Olivia Murray

It wasn’t the premarital sex, or the casualness of using another human being for selfish desires that offended her; it was his white skin she found so reprehensible. See the video below posted to Twitter by Libs of TikTok yesterday (language warning):

Allegedly, this woman is a teacher.

She refers to the unidentified young man canoodling with her sister as “a pasty” and a “cave-dweller” and simply just “a white” — rather bigoted and derogatory language, wouldn’t you say? — before she goes on to display a text conversation with a caption that reads (in part), “Our parents raised us better than this!!!!” (I’d like to think she was speaking to values of sexual purity and chastity… but I gather she means anti-white hate.)

While speaking into the camera, the young woman laments that her sister is a “cave-dweller smasher,” meaning the sibling has sex with white men, and claims she’s about to unleash her inner saboteur — maybe even killer? She includes a screenshot with “her man” in which she identifies herself as a “racist” and asks her partner to “come and kill” the white man, and requests that he “bring all 4” of his guns — oh, and she “promise[s]” to help “hide the body” afterwards. (I wonder if she ever gets on the soapbox about “gun violence” and school shootings?) In completely predictable and cliché fashion, the boyfriend denigrates the white man for apparently looking like a “Trump supporter.”

Of course beyond the absolute madness this video encapsulates, two things in particular stuck out to me. The first being, that if a “bad day” for this woman simply means a white person had the audacity to breathe the same air, I can only assume that she leads a relatively carefree and happy existence. She can’t actually be on the receiving end of any bigoted attitudes or prejudices, because if she were, you’d think that would be her chief complaint. Of course this isn’t conclusive and completely unscientific, but I can confidently say that I have never personally witnessed abusive bigotry leveled against blacks (or any other minority for that matter) by a conservative. I have, on the other hand, seen it countless times with the perpetrator being the stereotypical Democrat Brownshirts.

The second is her expressed shock when she posed the question, “on this land?!” I can’t know for sure what she really means by that, but one can assume she’s taking offense on behalf of indigenous people, given the reference to land; ironically though, being black and therefore of African descent, by her own measure, this isn’t her land either. 

She hates white people, and she’s possibly employed in your child’s classroom.

Clearly this woman thinks her skin color gives her license to be hateful and demeaning, and operates under a mindset in which white people are the enemy — now I wonder how that could possibly be? If I had to make another assumption, I’d guess that she’s a raging “anti-racist” who cares about social justice, and proudly votes for Democrats… because they represent her values.

UK university withdraws plans to house 300 migrants in small English town after mass protests from local residents

Hundreds of local residents in the Derbyshire town of Buxton turned out on Monday, Aug. 7, to protest against the plans.

A British university has been forced to withdraw plans to commercially rent out its student accommodation in a small town to asylum seekers after over 1,400 objections to the planning application were submitted by local residents.

The University of Derby had applied to rent out the 274-room High Peak Halls building in the spa town of Buxton to a third party, with the expectation the rooms would then be occupied by migrants new to Britain.

However, mass demonstrations from local residents opposed to the plans saw the application withdrawn just two hours before the local council was due to vote on the matter.

Around 1,400 complaints were filed by those who expressed concern about introducing nearly 300 adult male asylum seekers to the small English town, while just 14 letters of support for the plans were submitted.

Hundreds gathered outside Buxton Methodist Church on Monday ahead of the local council vote to demonstrate, holding banners that read “Buxton says ‘No’” and “House Our Homeless First.”

The town has a population of around 20,000, as per the 2021 census.

One mother, accompanied by her 8-year-old girl, told a local reporter she was against the plans out of a desire to protect her children.

“My concern is that these people coming to this country have different views on how to treat women and children. I don’t want my child to be unsafe or grow up in a neighborhood where she feels that this is acceptable,” she said.

“I don’t want her to go missing. We have been offered child locators. Never in my life have I ever been offered one of those. We’ve also been given panic alarms as well in case anything happens.

“If they’re coming in legally as families, that would be fine. But there are nearly 300 strong men coming in, we don’t have the police force. Our police station shuts at 5 p.m.; our casualty (ER) shuts at 8 p.m. We don’t have the policing, we don’t have the manpower.

“These are 300 men who just have very different ideals than we do,” the local mother added.

“Following a number of technical challenges that I raised about the validity of the enabling application to convert High Peak Halls into a large-scale asylum dispersal center, the University of Derby has withdrawn its application,” local Conservative MP Robert Largan said in a statement.

“This last-minute withdrawal, just hours before the planning committee meeting, is an extraordinary step. There were a number of serious flaws in the planning application process. It’s obvious that the application should never have been validated by High Peak Borough Council in the first place.

“I want to thank all those local people who took the time to submit objections to the application. Over 1,400 local people submitted objections. I know lots of residents have been working hard to help me in fighting these proposals.

“I hope that the University of Derby now abandons its plans, which have always been about money and not what is in the best interests of Buxton,” he added.

Spanish electoral authority rejects to recount invalid votes cast in Madrid

The Spanish electoral authority has turned down the Socialist Workers Party’s (PSOE) plea to review over 30,000 rejected votes cast in Madrid in last month’s general elections.

While ensuring the cleanliness of the electoral processes, the Central Electoral Commission stated on Monday that “no irregularity” was found in the July 23 general elections. Therefore, the authority said in a statement that there is no need to review the invalid ballots.

After the results of the general elections were announced, the PSOE petitioned the electoral authority, requesting a review of 30,302 invalid votes cast in Madrid, as the right-wing People’s Party (PP) obtained 137 seats, one more than primary results shown, due to votes polled by Spaniards living abroad.

The Socialists insisted that all invalid votes cast at the ballot box be reviewed one by one, given the narrow margin that separates the last seat for Madrid won by the PP and subtracted from the PSOE.

Vox to back PP for coalition government

Meanwhile, the far-right Vox party has announced its support for the PP and its leader, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, in order to prevent a possible PSOE coalition government led by acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the party expressed concern that Sanchez would be sworn in as prime minister with the support of exiled Carles Puigdemont, the leader of Catalan separatist parties Junts Per Catalunya, EH Bildu, and Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC).

“Vox denounces that said the government would constitute a serious threat to the constitutional order and coexistence, with the possibility that Sanchez would even grant a referendum on self-determination, as the rebels demand, which would mean a coup promoted by the government itself that it would probably lead to a breakdown of coexistence and social peace,” it said.

Given the seriousness of the situation, the 33 Vox deputies would support a constitutional majority in the lower house that would allow the formation of a government that would avoid such threats, giving them the green light to join the coalition led by Feijoo.

Both the PSOE and PP fell short of the 176 seats needed for an absolute majority following the elections.

Spanish electoral authority rejects to recount invalid votes cast in Madrid (

Group of women savagely beaten by male gang with migration background on train home from Hamburg Pride

Hamburg Pride at Lange Reihe, Medvedev, CC-BY-SA-3.0

A police investigation is underway in the German port city of Hamburg after five women, who were returning home from the Christopher Street Day celebrations, otherwise known as Hamburg Pride, were viciously attacked by five men on a train.

The group of females, aged from 19 to 26, was returning home from the pro-LGBT festival to Hanover at around 1 a.m. early on Sunday morning when they encountered the group of males who reportedly complained they were being too loud.

The men, from Braunschweig in north-central Germany, proceeded to attack the group of females, punching them to the floor and kicking them in the head, the Hamburger Morgenpost reported.

The women suffered significant injuries and were hospitalized for further treatment.

The attack was broken up by police as the train stopped at the platform in Winsen, and authorities sought to identify those involved.

Initial investigations by the Harburg Police Inspectorate and the Bremen Federal Police Inspectorate revealed the men were aged 18 to 32 and were all German nationals with a “southern migration background.”

Police are investigating on suspicion of dangerous bodily harm and are seeking to determine if homophobia was an aggravating factor in the attack.

Pakistani Embassy in Athens violates diplomatic protocol by promoting anti-India protest


Pakistani’s demonstrated outside the Indian Embassy in Athens on Sunday, propagating about India’s supposed human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir.

As Directus uncovered, the Pakistani media has been broadcasting images from the demonstration since last night!

“Pakistanis demonstrated against Indian atrocities,” reported the Pakistani correspondent.

Violation of diplomatic protocol

Directus reported that there was a breach of diplomatic protocol by the Pakistan Embassy of Athens by uploading photos and videos from the demonstration.

“It is an aggressive action against Greece as well,” reported the outlet before questioning whether the Greek government “knows that the embassy made a huge diplomatic blunder yesterday.”

“The Pakistani embassy is involved in all activities of Pakistanis in Greece,” the report added.

No One Sanctioned for Royal Air Force’s Discrimination Against White Men

Defence Imagery, OGL v1.0

There have been no repercussions against any officers or top brass after Britain’s Royal Air Force was exposed as having violated equality laws by actively discriminating against white men in favour of women and ethnic minorities.

No sanctions have been levied for breaches of equality legislation after a whistleblower revealed last year that the Royal Air Force (RAF) had discriminated against prospective candidates if they were white men — who were branded as “useless white male pilots” — in a bid to increase diversity within the ranks of the military in the two years leading up to March of 2021.

While the RAF has apologised for the discrimination and attempted to cast blame on legal advice given to the force, there has not been one member of the Royal Air Force that has received any disciplinary action. According to a report from Sky News, the only person to have lost their position amid the scandal was Group Captain Lizzy Nicholl, who blew the whistle on the discrimination against white men and resigned as she refused to take part in it.

In contrast, the broadcaster reported that Group Captain William Dole, who served as the head of recruitment during the time, is set to be promoted and senior personnel officer, Air Commodore Jo Lincoln will be moving to a new post, with neither facing any punishment for their role in discriminating against white men.

Meanwhile, the then-chief of air staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston — who championed diversity drives — retired earlier this year and RAF’s top personnel officer, Air Vice-Marshal Maria Byford is also set to retire without any sanction.

Last year, it was alleged that the RAF had instituted an “effective pause” on allowing white male candidates into the force and that it was willing to “break the operational requirement of the air force just to meet diversity”. Meanwhile, whistleblowers claimed, the air force was “doing everything” in its power “to encourage recruiting from under-represented groups and ensure [the RAF has] a diverse workforce”.

An investigation into the abuses found that there were at least 161 cases of unlawful positive discrimination, in which candidates attempting to join the regular enlisted ranks were bumped up in the air force, despite not meeting the qualifications. Sky News has claimed that the practice of discrimination was far more widespread than the official inquiry admits.

An unnamed white man who had attempted and failed to join the RAF during the time said that he was outraged over the fact that there has not been any repercussions for the discrimination, saying: “I think it’s awful, to be honest.”

“So many lives would have been affected by it – some maybe even ruined because it [a career in the RAF] is something people dream about their whole lives… For there to be no action, nothing really done about it, just an apology, it feels very cheap.”

An RAF spokesman said: “The Non-Statutory Inquiry into RAF Recruiting and Selection has now been published – the RAF has accepted the recommendations in full and these are being implemented.

“The RAF has rigorously scrutinised its recruiting practices and will continually monitor these processes, to ensure there is no repeat of the mistakes that were made in the past.”

German man posed as a Jew, telling fake Holocaust story

Attribution: Bundesarchiv, B 285 Bild-04413 / Stanislaw Mucha / CC-BY-SA 3.0

A retired teacher living in a tiny German island town has been promoting himself as a Jew under the mantle of an official program designed to introduce non-Jews to Jewish people and practices.

But Frank Borner is not part of the “Meet a Jew” initiative operated by the Central Council of Jews in Germany, the organization says.

In fact, there is no evidence that Borner is Jewish at all — and yet he has been offering a first-person perspective on being Jewish in Germany to audiences with few such opportunities, making comments sometimes smacking of antisemitism.

“The damage done by such charlatans to such an important project is great,” the Central Council said in a statement.

Borner appears to be another iteration of the “costume Jew” who advertises a false Jewish identity and builds a career or public persona around it. The phenomenon has long simmered in Germany, where Jewishness sometimes holds unusual fascination because of the Holocaust. It has become a public fixation this summer after a high-profile case emerged: that of Fabian Wolff, 33, a journalist who recently revealed that he is not actually Jewish after functioning for years as a Jewish frontman for left-wing Israel critics.

Unlike Wolff, Borner did not reveal himself. Instead, he was outed by German Jewish journalist Henryk Broder in the Die Welt newspaper in late July after Broder attended a talk that Borner was delivering in the village of Petersdorf, on the island of Fehmarn. Broder raised concerns about inconsistencies, inaccuracies and gaps in Borner’s family story — and he noted that Borner invoked antisemitic stereotypes during his presentation.

For example, Broder noted, Borner said his family emigrated to the United States after the war: to “New York and Hollywood, both full of Jews, firmly in Jewish hands.” According to Broder, no one in the audience expressed surprise at this comment, which overlaps with antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jewish power.

Reached via email for a comment, Borner referred the Jewish Telegraphic Agency to the Gospel of Matthew in the Christian Bible: “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

He later emailed an additional note. “During German fascism from 1933 to 1945, Germans hunted down Jewish fellow citizens,” he wrote. “In today’s Western democracy, Jewish people prey on other Jewish fellow human beings.”

Borner also told JTA that he and his family have never belonged to an official Jewish community in Germany, although he insisted that he has Jewish ancestry. “We have always belonged to a liberal-political Judaism,” he wrote.

The case highlights the role of Jews in the German popular imagination. “This is a widespread situation, especially in Germany, that people make themselves out to be Jews or see themselves as such, although they are not,” German Jewish historian Julius Schoeps said in a report last month about “Jewish fake identities and the question of ‘why’” on Deutschlandfunk radio.

“I just think it’s a syndrome, a syndrome that is deeply rooted in German society,” Schoeps said. “It’s a problem that has to do with people suffering from the past. And this problem can indeed take on strange forms.”

Masquerading as a Holocaust survivor or as someone with Holocaust trauma in the family is not limited to Germany. The phenomenon is sometimes called the Wilkomirski Syndrome, after the Swiss author whose 1995 best-selling “autobiography” about surviving the Holocaust turned out to be a fake.

In another notable case, the late German historian Sophie Hingst composed a family tree of Holocaust survivors and victims and even sent 22 pages of testimony for nonexistent people to Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial and archive, before Der Spiegel magazine revealed that she had a Protestant background. Hingst died by suicide four years ago, shortly after the magazine made her story public.

Journalist Kirsten Serup-Bildfeldt pointed out in the Deutschlandfunk report that many such cases involve individuals who feel guilt and shame over the Nazi past and desire to be identified with the morally correct side of history.

Among the sensational cases she mentioned, without identifying the people by name:

The head of a small German Jewish community who resigned after Spiegel magazine published a story in 2018 that questioned his biography.

A man who posed as a survivor and told his story to school groups, including the detail that his father died in the Buchenwald concentration camp — when in fact, his father was a soldier in the Nazi army.

A woman who served as a Jewish community leader in a former East German city before German unification but whose claim to Jewish heritage was challenged.

A vocal critic of Israel who claimed to be the child of survivors but had a regular German housewife mother and a father who was a Wehrmacht soldier.

“This biography was her way to get into the position of a supposed Jew in order to speak against Israel,” says Serup-Bildfeldt, who is not Jewish. “People who do this are doing enormous damage to the Jewish community. It is more of a psychological problem than a political one, but they also do political damage.”

In Borner’s case, the damage could come in the form of reinforcing antisemitic stereotypes at a time when they are seen to be on the rise. That trend is one reason that the Central Council of Jews in Germany launched the “Meet a Jew” initiative in 2020 and grew it to include 600 talks by 500 volunteers last year. The goal, the council said, was to shift attention away from the past.

“Our idea is really to introduce modern-day Jewish life, and to give Jewish people a face and a voice,” Masha Schmerling, the program director at its launch, told JTA at the time.

Borner said little about contemporary Jewish life when he addressed groups twice in June at a citizens’ information center in the town of Petersdorf, saying, “Here on the island I am considered to be a Jew.” Broder was in the audience for the second session.

His talk focused on his family’s Holocaust history. In addition to his comments about Jewish control of Hollywood, Borner also repeated other antisemitic tropes. He said he was interested in “why the Jews went to the slaughter like sheep,” saying, “Why did the Jews do that? They were people with money, with international connections!” according to Broder’s report.

Borner also reportedly said that there was a special Jewish “capacity for suffering” connected with the “victim role” that clung to Jews “archetypically, like primordial slime.”

Broder wrote that the audience “neither questions nor disagrees” when Borner refers to Hollywood, and “listens in silence” as he discusses Jewish victimhood.

For Broder, red flags flew as Borner told his story. When speaking about the anti-Jewish pogrom of November 1938, Borner described its orchestrator — Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels — as “a philologist with a PhD who wrote very beautiful poetry.” The pogrom was “the first central experience for our family,” said Borner, adding that his grandfather — a doctor — was taken by surprise, even though one of his patients had warned him.

As Broder points out, Jewish doctors were not allowed to have non-Jewish patients after the summer of 1938.

The question of whether Borner has any Jewish roots remains unanswered. He insists that he does, but he refused to tell Broder where his supposedly Jewish side of his family had lived and provided only sketchy details about their persecution under the Nazis.

When Broder asked where Borner’s Jewish family had lived, “he disposed of the question in the trash bin of history, with one sentence: ‘I don’t wish to say that now.’”

Broder identified three different stories that Borner had offered about his grandfather’s fate. At the “Meet a Jew” event Borner said he had been beaten to death during the Kristallnacht pogrom, known in Germany as Reichspogromnacht. In a Facebook post, Borner said his entire family survived the war because they fled the country. Finally, Borner told the Lübecker Nachrichten newspaper that his grandfather committed suicide in a concentration camp.

Broder reported that relatives contacted the newspaper later and told them the story was not true.

How Borner ended up back in Germany remained a mystery in his “Meet a Jew” talk, where he said he had been to Israel a few times with his parents, in the early 1950s. “Which is kind of astonishing,” Broder noted in his report, “since he said he was born in 1956.”

German man posed as a Jew, telling fake Holocaust story | ערוץ 7 (

Illegal migrants should “f**k off back to France,” says deputy chair of UK governing party

If illegal migrants aren’t content with the conditions on Britain’s new migrant barges, they can “f**k off back to France,” the deputy chairman of the U.K.’s governing Conservative party has claimed.

Lee Anderson, the Conservative MP for Ashfield, made the incendiary remark to the Express newspaper, in which he added: “I think people have just had enough.

“These people come across the Channel in small boats, if they don’t like the conditions they are housed in here then they should go back to France, or better, not come at all in the first place.”

Anderson, who has been a deputy chairman of the governing party since February 2023, was commenting on the ongoing migration crisis on England’s southern border, which resulted in a record 45,755 migrant crossings last year, the majority of whom subsequently claim asylum.

His blunt remark was defended by Justice Secretary Alex Chalk, who admitted that Anderson’s language was “salty” but his point “not unreasonable.”

“Lee Anderson expresses the righteous indignation of the British people. He does it in salty terms and that’s his style, but his indignation is well placed,” Chalk told Nick Ferrari on LBC.

“People coming from a safe country… They should claim asylum in the first country (in which they arrive). It shouldn’t be an open shopping list of where you want to go,” he added.

On Anderson’s remarks, the justice secretary said his Conservative colleague “expresses himself in his characteristically robust terms, but there is a lot of sense, in my respectful view, in what he says.”

The Conservative government has been attempting to reduce a considerable backlog to the asylum process and relocate asylum seekers currently residing in hotels, at a cost of around £6 million per day to the British taxpayer, to more cost-effective accommodation including disused army bases and migrant barges.

One such barge has now docked on the tied island of Portland in the southern English county of Dorset, and the first asylum seekers embarked on the vessel on Monday.

They were greeted by a small group of pro-refugee demonstrators at the Portland dock, holding “Welcome” signs and handing out packs of toiletries.

Anderson also took aim at those in support of the migrants, questioning whether they would be “welcome” in their own homes, and calling them hypocrites for supporting the housing needs of illegal migrants but not of homeless Brits across the country.

Germany: Man shouts “Allahu akbar” and threatens with weapons

Görlitzer Park, Boris Niehaus, CC-BY-SA-3.0

A young man was waving guns and shouting in Görlitzer Park in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin on Sunday afternoon.

According to police, a witness reported seeing the 26-year-old man holding two guns and shouting “Allahu akbar” (Arabic, ” Allah is greater”) several times. Other witnesses grabbed the guns from the man.
Shortly afterwards, the man pulled another alarm gun out of a bag in front of a nearby café, allegedly loaded it and shouted that it was a toy gun. In both cases, he allegedly did not threaten anyone.

Police arrested the 26-year-old and seized two more alarm guns. After establishing his personal details, he was released.