Brave New World: German ‘sex education’ group recommends daycares create “sexual games” and nude “exploration rooms

Symbolic photo,U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate 3rd Class Joseph M. Buliavac,CC-PDMark

Germany’s leading professional association on sexuality and partnership, Pro Familia, is under fire after issuing a recommendation that daycares implement “body exploration rooms” and “sexual games” for young children

The issue first came to light when news outlet BILD revealed that parents were sent an e-mail from an Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) daycare center in the Hanover region which presented a list of ten rules explaining how children in the “body exploration room” would be encouraged to “pet and examine” themselves and other children.

“All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place,” reads the message. “Each child decides for themselves whether and with whom they want to play physical and sexual games. Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for themselves and other children.”

Other rules outlined in the communication stipulate that the children must be within the same age group with a gap of no more than two years, and that at no time should a child “stick anything into another child’s body openings.”

One shocked father told BILD, “My daughter is five years old. I don’t want boys groping her. I have another child in another daycare center [where] there is no such thing [as an exploration room].”

Another father responded, “I’m devastated. We were told that this was determined by the Ministry of Education. As parents we were intimidated. What options do you have if you don’t want this?”

The Ministry of Education in Lower Saxony responded to the concerned parents by terminating the program before it was put into effect. A representative told BILD that, at the end of May, “the state youth welfare office reported to the Ministry of Education that the pedagogical concept of the physical exploration rooms in the daycare centers cannot last, and that this puts the well-being of the child at risk.”

However, Dirk von der Osten, Chairman of the Board of the AWO Region in Hannover, disagreed. “Exploring one’s own body is part of child development, during which they also learn to recognize their own limits, to express them clearly and to develop shame,” von der Osten said. “Children also play role-playing games in their group rooms. We do not see any child welfare endangerment in this.”

This is not the first time a policy recommended by Pro Familia has been called into question. In 2013, Deutsche Welle asserted that “Pro Familia is stuck in the pedophilia swamp,” and emphasized how the sexual education organization has repeatedly published the works of pro-pedophile lobbyists.

The Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel investigated articles published by Pro Familia Magazine and found that pro-pedophile views were represented in works released in the 1980s and 1990s. An article by the psychologist and educator Wolf Vogel, dating back to 1987, for example, reflects “without prejudice” on the causes of pedophile lust.

Pro Familia has also platformed Rüdiger Lautmann, a sociologist and gay rights advocate who has a lengthy history of normalizing pedophilia. Lautmann authored a book titled The Lust for Children: A Portrait of Pedophiles. The book is based on his interviews with 60 men who admitted to sexually abusing young children, primarily boys.

“They really love the children, read their every wish, organize trips, buy toys and are only comfortable around children,” Lautmann says of the 60 pedophiles he interviewed.

Released in 1994, the book became popular with pedophiles for its sympathetic portrayal of adult attraction to children, which Lautmann described as a sexual orientation, and its repeated assertions that children are capable of sexual autonomy.

“For me, it is is very clear that there do exist relationships that do not require any intervention,” Lautmann wrote, “The children cling to their lovers, and can leave them any moment if they choose.”

In 1995, Lautmann repeated the thesis of his book in an article for Pro Familia, a leading NGO which provides resources on sexual health. In Pro Familia’s official magazine, Lautmann’s article states: “Our study defines the term pedophile, distinguishes it from incest, abuse and sadism. We prove that such men exist. The thesis is therefore: The desire for a child is an independent and differentiated sexual form. Pedophilia is therefore a sexual orientation like any other and no longer a perversion.”

An article by Lautmann was again published by Pro Familia in 2013, titled “sexual research can change reality.”

Last year, after public outcry, Lautmann was blocked from participating in the creation of daycare centers coordinated with Berlin’s Senate Department for Youth, Education and Family. He had initially been one of the members of the board overseeing aspects of the project.

Critics have also pointed out that one leading policymaker behind Pro Familia, Uwe Sielert, has questionable views regarding sexuality and children, and has ties to controversial sexologist Helmut Kentler, who has been described as a fatherly mentor to Sielert.

Kentler, who campaigned throughout his life for the abolition of laws which prohibited the sexual abuse of children under 14 years of age, was responsible for a state-funded project that saw children sexually abused by pedophiles in an “experiment” to prove that adult-child sex was harmless.

Beginning in 1969, Kentler’s project had placed foster children in the homes of pedophiles in an attempt to test his theory that pedophiles could make good foster fathers. Kentler had theorized that the pedophile’s attraction to children would result in a strong drive to take care of them.

“These people were able to put up with these [mentally] retarded boys only because they were in love with them, infatuated with them, crazy about them,” Kentler explained in 1970.

Kentler’s project was approved by the Berlin Senate, and the pedophile foster fathers received monthly allowances from the government to care of the orphaned children.

According to Frank Herrath, a lecturer in sexology and co-founder of the Institute for Sex Education (Institut für Sexualpädagogik – ISP), “sex education in Germany was shaped by Helmut Kentler and Uwe Sielert.”

“Sex education would not be what it is today if Uwe Sielert had not helped shape it for over a quarter of a century as an affair of the heart. Like his fatherly friend Helmut Kentler, Uwe Sielert was and is extremely important for both sex education theory and the practice of professional sexuality support, over the years always innovative and initiative, staying curious about what is new and having a lasting effect,” Herrath wrote in 2009.

Sielert, co-founder of the Society for Sex Education (Gesellschaft für Sexualpädagogik – GSP), is a scientific advisor to the Dortmund Institute for Sex Education and professor of education at the University of Kiel. He has authored several books on child sexuality. In one example, Sielert co-authored a sexual education book with Herrath, aimed at children ages 4 to 8 years old, in which explicit sexual activity between children is depicted and readers are encouraged to imitate masturbation and sexual interactions.

Last year, Reduxx reported on a play about about “minor-attracted people” that was funded by the German national government and the Berlin Senate. Titled “A MAP’s Tale,” and based on the true story of a pedophile named “Adam” who was interviewed by journalist Luke Malone, the play premiered in February of 2023 at Theater unterm Dach in Berlin. In the play’s description, pedophilia is labeled a “sexual preference disorder” and a “sexual orientation.”

Germany: Antifa publishes private addresses of AfD politicians, tells members to challenge them where they feel safe

Members of the far-left Antifa activist group have published the private addresses of candidates standing for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the German state of Hesse and encouraged protesters to “challenge” them in places where they feel safe.

The self-proclaimed anti-fascist group launched a website specifically for the campaign with an interactive map detailing the private residences of 40 AfD politicians, as well as providing the locations of event rooms and restaurants where the party’s representatives convene.

“The site is intended to encourage Antifas in Hesse to stop the AfD, which is currently becoming stronger again,” the far-left activist group said in a statement as it encouraged its members to “use the information” they have been given.

“With the following publication, we want to give an insight into the state list of the Hessian AfD and shed more light on the party’s politicians.

“Together with you, we want to challenge them for the spaces in which they move as a matter of course, feel unmolested, and think they are safe. Whether in a restaurant, club, or workplace: Anyone who wants to exclude, lock up, or dispose of others because of a racist, anti-Semitic, sexist, and anti-queer worldview should not complain about resistance and exclusion,” the statement added.

Politicians from the hardline anti-immigration party, which has been surging in both local and national polls across Germany, responded to the disturbing campaign with co-state chairman Andreas Lichert claiming it is “nothing more than a cryptic call for intimidation and violence against AfD politicians.”

“Imagine what would be going on in the country if political extremists did something like that with candidates from other parties,” he added.

The AfD has filed a complaint against the campaign and called on state security to get the site shut down.

Violence against politicians in Germany is not uncommon, and last year alone there were 1,398 reported crimes against elected officials or political candidates. Attacks from both left-wing and right-wing activists were reported; Green Party candidates were the most affected with 399 cases, followed by the SPD and the AfD, with 386 and 321 cases, respectively.

Last year, an AfD mayoral candidate in the city of Rostock, Michael Meister, was attacked three times, including having his car windows smashed and tires slashed by far-left activists, while the home of Augsburg AfD politician Gabrielle Mailbeck was also targeted with graffiti.

In January, Marc-Manuel Kunstmann, the chairman of the AfD district group in Hamburg-Mitte, was viciously attacked by two men as he rode the bus home; he posted graphic photos of his injuries on social media, which included a cut lip, facial bruises and several cracked teeth.

In 2020 and 2021, AfD politicians were the most frequently attacked.

State elections in Hesse will take place on Oct. 8, and the surge in support of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) has the country’s mainstream political parties looking over their shoulder. Prime Minister Boris Rhein’s ruling CDU is currently leading the polls with 25 percent, followed by the AfD and SPD with 20 percent.

Porsche Goes Woke, Erases Jesus Statue From New Promo Video

Luxury sportscar maker Porsche has come under fire for reportedly editing out a famous statue of Jesus Christ in a new promotional video celebrating 60 years of its iconic 911 model.

The original ad, which was filmed in Portugal, is no longer available to watch on YouTube after the German automaker took the video private.

A new video has since replaced the original ad, showing the Cristo Rei (Christ the King) statue about 44 seconds into the clip.

Although the original ad is no longer available on YouTube, one X user saved the video. In the two-minute ad, a red Porsche 911 speeds past the Cristo Rei, but it shows only the statue’s pedestal and not the actual figure of Christ.

Hey, @Porsche, why did you erase the statue of Jesus Christ from your video filmed in Lisbon?” the observant X user wrote on the platform after first spotting the apparent edit. The post, which has gone viral, was viewed nearly six million times as of Aug. 7, with thousands of social media users commenting to it.

Meanwhile, Porsche has expressed regret in a statement to news outlets, calling the removal of the giant statue in its original ad “a mistake.”

In a previously uploaded version of the 911 S/T launch film, a landmark was removed. This was a mistake, and we apologize for any offense caused. The original film is online now,” a Porsche spokeswoman told the Daily Mail.

In a statement to Fox Business, Porsche said they can “fully understand the hurt this has caused” as the company confirmed the advert that did not include the Cristo Rei statue has been removed.

The erasure of the monument—which was completed in the 1950s as a representation of Portugal’s gratitude for evading the horrors of World War II—sparked anger online, including by some who called the company “woke” while urging people to boycott the automaker.

France: “You pigs, Islam will fight you, Muslim until death…”. : Prisoner Yassine Otman, convicted of insult; he listened to such loud religious songs that the guards had to cut off the electricity in his cell

On June 7, a prisoner who was listening to religious songs at a high volume in the security wing of Aiton prison forced the guards to turn off the electricity in his cell. The guards had asked him to turn down the volume to no avail.

The man, who had been sentenced to 12 years in prison in February 2023 as part of the trial for the 2015 Bataclan attacks, began shouting the following phrases in a rage: “… you pigs, Islam will fight you, long live the Koran, Muslim until death…”. The day before, he had already attacked his guards, calling them “dogs” and “Islamophobic assholes”, among other things.

The defence lawyer from the Clermont-Ferrand bar, Jean-François Canis, admitted the insults alleged, but denied the apologia his client was accused of. “Calling wardens pigs and telling them that Islam will fight them are certainly inappropriate words, but in no way a glorification of terrorism, especially when uttered by an exemplary prisoner who lost his temper that day.”

The man was sentenced to six months in prison without parole for the insult, and was acquitted of the charge of “glorification”. Le Dauphiné

Germany: Syrian threatens to kill all train passengers with a bomb, referring to the Qur’an

Huge shock in the regional express train on the way to Bremen. A passenger shouted loudly that all the other passengers on the train had to be killed.

One passenger made an emergency call to the police at around 3.30 pm. Emergency forces then cleared the station in Syke and waited for the train, which had started in Osnabrück, to stop.

Several officers searched the train. They arrested a Syrian man (24), who put up a fierce fight. Simon Gruhl, spokesman for the Federal Police: “Four officers had to carry him off the train.”

Witnesses reported that the suspect not only allegedly made death threats against passengers, but also mentioned a bomb and the Quran.

However, during the search of the train as well as the suspect, no dangerous objects could be found.

According to initial investigations, the suspect might have been talking to a second person. It is possible that the companion already got off the train at Diepholz, Barnstorf or Twistringen stations.
Therefore, the police are now looking for further eyewitnesses who can give information about what happened and about the 24-year-old’s fellow passenger. Anyone who can provide information is asked to contact the Bremen Federal Police by calling 0421/16299-7777.

No one was injured as a result of the incident. At 5.19 p.m., the train RE4460 was able to continue its journey.

Criminal charges were brought against the man for threatening and resisting law enforcement officers. Further investigations are ongoing.

Unintended consequences: UN greenie shipping regulations are contributing to boiling seas

By Monica Showalter

Wall Street Journal U.K. bureau chief David Luhnow has noticed an interesting explanation for the boiling seas issue that has gotten the global warming crowd so excited, culled from the pages of the prestigious journal Science.

Here is the passage, emphasis added:

The Atlantic Ocean is running a fever. Waters off Florida have become a hot tub, bleaching the third-largest barrier reef in the world. Off the coast of Ireland, extreme heat was implicated in the mass death of seabirds. For years, the north Atlantic was warming more slowly than other parts of the world. But now it has caught up, and then some. Last month, the sea surface there surged to a record 25°C—nearly 1°C warmer than the previous high, set in 2020—and temperatures haven’t even peaked yet. “This year it’s been crazy,” says Tianle Yuan, an atmospheric physicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

The obvious and primary driver of this trend is society’s emissions of greenhouse gases, which trap heat that the oceans steadily absorb. Another influence has been recent weather, especially stalled high-pressure systems that suppress cloud formation and allow the oceans to bake in the Sun.

But researchers are now waking up to another factor, one that could be filed under the category of unintended consequences: disappearing clouds known as ship tracks. Regulations imposed in 2020 by the United Nations’s International Maritime Organization (IMO) have cut ships’ sulfur pollution by more than 80% and improved air quality worldwide. The reduction has also lessened the effect of sulfate particles in seeding and brightening the distinctive low-lying, reflective clouds that follow in the wake of ships and help cool the planet. The 2020 IMO rule “is a big natural experiment,” says Duncan Watson-Parris, an atmospheric physicist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “We’re changing the clouds.”

So if it weren’t for United Nations-imposed regulations on ship exhaust emissions, there’d actually be a cooler sea.

They no doubt put out doom and gloom predictions if the rules weren’t changed, called global shipping a big bad polluter, and by 2020 got their way on their imposed regulations, claiming to be the experts here.

And as one researcher notes, it was effectively an experiment, since the UN didn’t know what it was doing. Turns out someone was just taking a flying guess at what might make things better to please the science cocktail crowd and grants givers, and ended up boiling the seas instead of stopping global warming. They effected climate change, just not the climate change they thought they would be getting.

Maybe someone should be held accountable for this meddlesome one-size fits all on global shipping, which has surely driven up the cost of it, and along with it, consumer prices.

But that’s not how this crowd thinks. They’d like more regulations to be born by companies and consumers, with consumers left holding the bag of cost, all to save the earth (and make themselves more powerful in the process).

And when they make Larry Lightbulb ‘mistakes’ like this, nobody gets fired for incompetence, or gets a bill from the shipping companies for the added costs.

Maybe someone should remember this next time they try to impose another do-gooder regulation to save the planet.

What’s wrong with this picture?

‘Death Trap’: UK Starts Housing Illegal Migrants in Controversial Barge ‘Bibby Stockholm’, as It Surfaces Government Spends 7M per Day With Asylum Seekers in Hotels

German restaurants could lose big as preferential VAT rates expire

The planned withdrawal of reduced VAT at the end of the year is threatening a serious crisis in the German hospitality industry.

The trade association is concerned that 12,000 businesses could go out of business if parliament does not leave the tax relief in place during the epidemic. In Austria, the lobby has already missed the mark, business daily Napi Gazdaság writes.

The VAT on food in the catering sector in Germany was reduced from 19 percent to 7 percent during the recession; this reduction was then extended until the end of 2023 during the energy crisis. The latest concerns from industry players are that 12,000 catering establishments could cease operations if the measure is phased out by the end of the year, because of the existential burden it would place on them.

Ingrid Hartges, CEO of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga), said that in Austria the tax reduction expired at the end of 2021. In Germany, the reduced VAT is still in force this year, currently affecting 186,000 businesses in the hospitality sector, while 36,000 companies already ceased operations during the corona crisis.

Dehoga is now lobbying to extend the reduced VAT period for next year, otherwise the tax increase would have to be passed on in full to customers, as restaurateurs would no longer be able to meet the increased costs.

According to figures from the German Ministry of Finance, the German state is losing around €3.4 billion a year in tax revenue due to the reduced VAT in the hospitality sector. A spokesman for the ministry told the Kleine Zeitung that the VAT cut was only a temporary “crisis prevention measure” and that an extension would have to be decided in a parliamentary procedure; however, this could only be decided later, in light of the November tax estimates.

Such efforts have already failed in Austria, where the sales tax rate for the hospitality and hotel industry, which was temporarily reduced from 10 to 5 percent during the epidemic, was abolished at the end of 2021. At the time, the sector protested vehemently, but despite its insistence that the reduction be extended, it was no longer shown any mercy.