Pro-refugee NGO founder calls for AfD to be banned and its leaders jailed

Markus Weinberg, CC-BY-SA-4.0

The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) should be outlawed and its leadership imprisoned in order to deprive millions of Germans of the chance to vote for the party, the founder of a German refugee rescue organization has claimed.

Axel Steier, the founder of the sea rescue Mission Lifeline NGO, made the disturbing remarks in a social media post on Thursday. He proposed that such a drastic measure was necessary for the sake of humanity.

“In the country of the perpetrators, it should not be taboo to ban the AfD and imprison the leadership, even if this deprives 20-40 percent of German voters of their opinion,” Steier posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“The persecution of Nazis is still a service to all of humanity,” he added.

His remarks come just days after the far-left Antifa activist group posted the personal addresses of dozens of AfD candidates vying for election in the German state of Hesse. The self-proclaimed anti-fascists were accused of inciting violence against public figures.

“Together with you, we want to challenge them for the spaces in which they move as a matter of course, feel unmolested, and think they are safe,” the group said in a statement following the launch of a website dedicated to targeting AfD politicians.

Steier’s remarks are the latest in a long list of left-wing activists and many mainstream politicians attempting to discredit the anti-immigration party which is currently surging in polls across the country.

On Thursday, Chancellor Olaf Scholz used a visit to an AfD stronghold in East Germany to further attack the party, warning attendees of the rise of the ‘far-right’.

“I wouldn’t go as far as saying that democracy is being undermined, but there are definitely enemies of democracy,” Scholz said. “We won’t be able to avoid taking a stand and saying that we’re defending democracy and the freedom we’ve achieved.”

This was followed by remarks from center-left President Frank-Walter Steinmeier who said that “no responsible voter” should vote for the party which he claimed is advocating the “brutalization of our society and the undermining of free democracy”.

“We must not encourage the business of fear-mongers in this society any further,” he added.

Despite the ramping up of rhetoric from the German establishment, the AfD remains increasingly popular among voters, reaching record highs of 23 percent in recent polls. The party’s opposition to the liberal mass migration policies adopted by successive German federal governments in the last two decades is understood to be a driving factor in its growing support among many working-class Germans disillusioned with the country’s direction of travel.

Official visitor website alerts: Berlin is safe – except for women and Jews

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Gang rapes in parks, violence in outdoor swimming pools – reports from the German capital Berlin are shocking almost daily. Everything is not so bad, according to the official visitor website Visit Berlin. The city is “basically safe” – women and Jews are excluded.

Even the leader of the Green Party, Ricarda Lang, had to admit that she would not stroll alone through Görlitzer Park in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin. Due to a gang rape, the green space was recently in the focus of news coverage again.

Is visiting Berlin dangerous?, many tourists ask themselves. The city’s official visitor website emphasises that the city is “basically safe”, but crime cannot be ruled out and some safety aspects should be taken into account. This includes “avoiding dark parks and corners at night”.

Women report that harassment, insults, sexual assaults and attacks are by no means confined to the crowded inner city. “You actually only walk fast to your destination with blinders on,” two young women are quoted as saying in a report by the station RBB. “It’s not a problem of parks, it’s a problem everywhere: at every stop I get off at, in every street I walk through.”

Indeed, n-tv also reports: police are currently counting more assaults against women in public. From 2019 to 2022, the numbers of female victims of assaults, threats, sexual offences and robberies at night on streets and in parks rose from around 3000 to 4210.

But it is not only women that Berlin is not safe everywhere. Travel websites have long advised gay and lesbian couples or Jews to rather not walk through certain parts of the city at night clearly recognisable by behaviour or signs such as the Star of David, because there are always insults or attacks.

Offizielles Besucherportal: Berlin ist sicher – außer für Frauen und Juden | Exxpress

On this day in 1996, Tasos Isaac was brutally murdered by Turks in Cyprus

On August 11, 1996, a Berlin-to-Cyprus peace ride by motorcyclists from around Europe ended at the Greek Cypriot village of Deryneia. Among the riders that day was Tasos Isaac from Protaras. The village adjoins the Green Line that divides Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus from the Republic of Cyprus.

During the riders’ protest at the Green Line, a melee ensued to show their ongoing frustration at the continuing occupation of the north by Turkish forces. Clashes between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots broke out in the UN Buffer Zone, separating the two communities.

In the chaos, Tasos Isaac was cut off from his fellow demonstrators and surrounded by Turks. Even though he was unarmed, he was set upon and beaten to death. Isaac’s body was later recovered by UN personnel.

Three days after Isaac’s funeral, a crowd gathered at the Deryneia checkpoint to protest against the death. Among the protesters, this time was Solomos Solomou, a 26-year-old who was enraged at the death of his friend, Isaak. Despite repeated attempts to hold him back, Solomos eluded the UN peacekeepers and slipped across no man’s land to one of the flagpoles carrying the flag of the illegal and unrecognised Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Cigarette in mouth, he climbed halfway up the flagpole before being struck by five bullets. The shots came from the nearby Turkish Cypriot guard post and quite possibly from bushes sheltering armed soldiers. Solomon’s death was captured on video and is replayed at the viewing points that overlook the tragic site of the Deryneia deaths.

From their peaceful protests, Turks in Cyprus killed two Greeks in cold blood.

In 1974, Turkey invaded the northern parts of the island to prevent Cyprus from uniting with Greece and continuing an illegal occupation. The occupation is to maintain the quasi “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” recognised by no other state in the world bar Turkey. It is recognised by United Nations Security Council Resolution 541 and UN Security Council Resolution 550 as illegal.

A tropical volcano eruption may have caused the hottest July ever

Image: PickPik

By Anthony Watts

Much has been said about the likelihood that the emerging El Niño would increase global temperatures this year. However, new evidence suggests that an eruption of the Hunga-Tonga volcano in 2022 may have created a supercharged greenhouse effect — because it injected an unprecedented amount of water vapor into the atmosphere.

Most volcanoes, such as Mount Pinatubo’s eruptions in 1991-1992, inject dust and sulfur dioxide particles into the atmosphere, resulting in a cooling effect that temporarily stopped warming and overrode an El Niño event. The Hunga-Tonga eruption was different, injecting mostly water vapor.

Water vapor is actually the strongest greenhouse gas in terms of warming effect, and is responsible for about half of Earth’s surface temperature. Without it, the Earth would be about 60 degrees Fahrenheit colder.

According to NASA, in a recent study, published in Geophysical Research Letters, it was estimated that the Hunga-Tonga eruption sent around 146 teragrams (1 teragram equals 1 trillion grams) of water vapor into Earth’s stratosphere — equal to about 10 percent of the water already present in that atmospheric layer.

Another study suggested a 13 percent increase in stratospheric water mass and a fivefold increase of stratospheric aerosol load.

Because water vapor is the strongest greenhouse gas, and an unprecedented amount of it has been added to the atmosphere by the Hunga-Tonga eruption, is it any wonder that temperatures have been higher than normal this year, resulting in the warmest July ever? According to the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, July was found to be 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than the average for the 1850-1900 period. It represents the only time in modern history that nature performed a self-experiment on Earth that resulted in a large and fast observable warming. 

That temperature spike is higher than projections from El Niño induced warming, and much higher than any warming that could be attributed to carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, it is so insignificant, Copernicus doesn’t even mention carbon dioxide in their report. Water vapor is said to account for 66 to 85 percent of the greenhouse effect, compared to a range of 9 to 26 percent for CO2.

Dr. Ryan Maue, former chief scientist for NOAA, appointed by the White House, noted the water vapor warming impact on Twitter:

Everything was going fine until mid-March 2023, and then a dramatic 1°C warming spike in a matter of 2-weeks raised global temperatures to the record levels we are at today.

La Nina –> El Nino is certainly important for the Equatorial Pacific temperature increase. But, how is Hunga-Tonga affecting the Southern Hemisphere polar vortex? Not so good with the Antarctic sea ice down there.

And, the Northern Hemisphere is much warmer than normal especially in the Atlantic. How are all those trillions of gallons of water vapor in the stratosphere doing? How much is left, and how many more years of impacts?

Such an abrupt warming spike hasn’t been attributed by science to either El Niño or carbon dioxide, but it can be attributed to the fact that in March, the Northern Hemisphere passed the spring (vernal)  equinox, bringing more sunlight and longer days, and with it, greater heating. As anyone who has ever lived in the southern United States can tell you, higher humidity keeps temperatures higher, especially at night, and that raises the daily temperature average. On a global scale, with more water vapor in the atmosphere thanks to Hunga-Tonga, it stands to reason that the increased greenhouse effect of that extra water vapor would raise global temperature.

Science is already rolling out a variety of studies looking at this massive humidification of Earth’s atmosphere and the subsequent warming from it. It remains to be seen how much more we might see and how long it will last.

While it will likely take a few months to a couple of years for Earth to “de-humidify” itself and bring temperatures down in the process, this episode is a dramatic illustration of how nature is still in control of our atmosphere, rather than us.

The world has moved too far to the left, claims Sex Pistols frontman John Lydon

The world has moved too far to the left and the liberal politics endorsed by many mainstream politicians only work to serve the elite and undermine working-class values, John Lydon, the former lead vocalist of the English punk band Sex Pistols, has claimed.

In a damning indictment of the current political landscape across Europe, Lydon, who fronted the band that many consider to have been the forefathers of punk, took aim at the “condescending” symbolic politics employed by self-proclaimed progressives.

Speaking to the German newspaper Die Welt, Lydon, also known by his former stage name Johnny Rotten, accused liberal elites of equating regulated migration with racism, explaining that people are afraid to speak out over fears of being called racist.

“They invite black people to dinner because they are black and because it is trendy, but it’s mostly condescending,” Lydon said. “They advocate massive immigration for which there should no longer be any rules because such rules are equated with racism. They quarter the refugees in working-class neighborhoods where the people are already very poor, which in turn leads to more unemployment and more crime.

“If you say something against it, you will be labeled as a racist. But I’m not a racist and never will be. Politics is destroying working-class values ​​based on empathy, love, and respect, not stealing from each other and helping each other when you need it. These are all values ​​that are now being pushed aside in favor of fashionable elitism,” he added.

The man who co-wrote Sex Pistols hit, ‘God Save The Queen,’ also reserved some criticism for the British monarchy, and in particular King Charles III who he described as “not the brightest on this planet”.

“I’m afraid he’ll wreak havoc once he gets involved in world politics,” Lydon told the German newspaper, accusing the monarch of “desperately trying to curry favor with the Woken”.

Lydon’s political views are diverse and difficult to classify. He has previously expressed his loathing of dogmas, insisting that human beings should think more for themselves and not be led by authority or social trends.

Having backed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. presidential election against Donald Trump, he switched his allegiance to the former Republican president in 2020, telling journalists: “I’d be daft as a brush not to. He’s the only sensible choice now that Biden is up – he’s incapable of being the man at the helm.”

The former punk frontman also supported the anti-establishment Brexit movement in his homeland, insisting that the working class had spoken in the turbulent years following the vote when politicians were actively campaigning for a second referendum. “They’re not going to be dictated to by unknown continentals,” he said at the time.

A Cautionary Tale From France about Migrants – Hosting Muslim migrants could endanger your life

It is worth recalling that in France, there was several months ago yet another case of a French host being murdered by the Muslim – in this case a Muslima – to whom he had offered free lodging. The enduringly relevant cautionary tale can be found here: “Algerian woman stabs her French host to death, 3rd such murder in months,” by John Cody, Remix News, March 20, 2023:

France has been hit with another case of a foreigner killing their host, this time with an Algerian woman being accused of stabbing her French host to death on March 18 in a town outside Paris.

It marks what appears to be a worrying trend. Just last month, Remix News reported that an Albanian was accused of killing his French host after they became involved in an argument about religion. The suspect reportedly sent photos of the victim’s naked body to a neighbor in the building over Snapchat.

An argument about religion? Could the Albanian Muslim have become enraged because his French host had rejected his attempts to convert him? Perhaps that host did not agree that Islam was the most wonderful of all possible religions and made the mistake of expressing his opinion. Why wouldn’t that be enough to explain the outraged Albanian Muslim’s murderous assault?

In November last year, an Afghan national was arrested for stabbing his 73-year-old host 30 times inside their shared apartment in Paris. The suspect had a long history of sexual assault, although it is unclear if the host was aware of this. Police say the victim, whose body was found inside the apartment, was trying to be a good samaritan and provide shelter to the Afghan male.

Another victim, a benevolent and elderly French sharing his Paris apartment with an Afghan, suddenly realized, too late, that his Muslim guest, far from being grateful to him, was homicidally inclined toward his Infidel host.

In the most recent case, the 51-year-old Algerian woman suspect, who had been residing with her French host for about a week, killed the man in the Ile de France metropolitan region by repeatedly stabbing him, reports.

The police are investigating a motive in the case, which occurred on Saturday, March 18, 2023, around 8:25 p.m., in an apartment in Meaux outside of Paris.

“Motive”? Isn’t it enough that this woman, as a Muslim belonging to “the best of peoples” (Qur’an 3:110), didn’t like her host, an Infidel, and thus one of the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6)? Or perhaps the Algerian woman didn’t like the way the French government was treating her, possibly not providing her with a private apartment or other benefits that she believed she deserved, as a kind of proleptic jizyah? Of course the police will, in this case, as happens so often in Europe when a Muslim murders a non-Muslim, ascribe her behavior to acute mental distress, and instead of prison for life, she will stay in a mental health facility until she is deemed to be “cured” and allowed to go free.

The suspect reportedly exited the bathroom and stabbed her host three times for a reason that remains to be determined.

The 58-year-old man was stabbed in the left arm, his torso and heart. He managed to escape the attacker and ran to a neighbor’s house, where he was able to knock on the door. The neighbor called for help, but the victim died at the hospital.

Meanwhile, President Macron, even while admitting that half the crimes in Paris are committed by foreigners – overwhelmingly Muslim Arabs from North Africa – insists that he will continue to welcome migrants, claiming to find no link between mass immigration and the precipitous rise in crime. “Macron says half the crimes in Paris are committed by foreigners,” by John Cody, Remix News, October 27, 2022:

“Yes, when we look at delinquency in Paris, we can see that half of the delinquent acts come from foreigners in an irregular situation or awaiting asylum approval,” said Macron.

However, Macron also said that despite the issue with immigration and insecurity, he sees no “existential” link between the two.

“I will never make an existential link between immigration and insecurity,” said Macron just 10 days after the murder of 12-year-old Lola, who was raped, had her throat slashed, and was stuffed in a suitcase by an Algerian migrant who was in the country illegally.

Macron is under severe pressure after the murder, with a number of leading opposition politicians laying the blame for the murder at his feet and pointing to his abysmal record on deportations. Macron previously promised in 2020 that he was aiming for a 100 percent deportation rate. That rate currently hovers under 6 percent, and in the case of Algerians, it is 0.2 percent.

Meanwhile, here is more about the case at hand:

Police took the Algerian woman into custody, and a psychiatric evaluation was performed. She was ultimately involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility, and it remains unclear if she will be charged with murder.

It is not the only such case in France. In a somewhat similar case dating from 2020, a migrant who murdered his French host, who just happened to be the head of a pro-migrant refugee NGO, was sentenced to a psychiatric facility, with the court ruling this week he was psychologically unfit for prison.

What would the French state do without these findings that Muslim migrant murderers are “psychologically disturbed” to be committed not to prison, but to psychiatric facilities? It would have to start looking at the real reason for their murderous violence – the texts and teachings of Islam — to discover how often Muslims are instructed to “strike at the necks” of Infidels.

Similar cases have been seen in other European countries. In 2016, a migrant living with a host family in Germany raped and murdered the 19-year-old daughter of an EU official. The victim, Maria Ladenburger, was a medical student in Dresden at the time. The refugee, who was jailed for life, had claimed he was only 17 years old to avoid deportation, but the suspect’s own father said he was actually 34.

The French government’s insistence on promoting mass immigration into the country has led many French nationals to question their security and quality of life. An opinion poll taken in France in December 2022 by the Elabe Institute revealed that 67 percent of French people no longer feel safe in their own country. They are collectively akin to the good-hearted and generous hosts who have been surprised to discover that the Muslim guests they have allowed into their homes are not grateful, but murderous.

The moral of this tale? If you are thinking of providing room and board to a Muslim migrant, no matter the migrant’s sex or age, because you think “people are the same the whole world over,” and are a devout believer in the Family of Man, I have just one word of advice: Don’t.

Western decadence – A child who cannot cross the street alone can change his gender – Gender theory has now become dogma, and freedom of thought and expression have diminished

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by Giulio Meotti

Take the latest Costa Coffee ad: a trans girl with two scars after mastectomies. After Nike was criticized for hiring transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney for its female sports clothes and after the same influencer virtually bankrupted Bud Light (a $395 million loss), many are asking why big companies shove this stuff down our throats. The large US retail company Target, worth 74 billion dollars, markets “gender fluid” mugs, “queer all year” calendars and books for children aged 2 to 8 such as Bye Bye Binary, Pride 1,2,3 and I’m Not a Girl.

And while Lego has just marketed the “transgender bricks”, the American Association of Pediatricians has decided that children can be initiated into sex change.

But judging by Costa, Lego and Target, those for whom transgenderism is just the new ideology of a society whose goal is to wage a total war on nature so that everything becomes a commodity – perhaps they have another motive In other words: not the suppression of capital as the Marxists deluded themselves, but its irreversible affirmation. Because meanwhile, those who sell hormones, endocrine stimulants and testosterone are getting richer.

And now let’s go back a decade, when the gender theory debate was just starting. We didn’t take it seriously and, worse, laughed at it, dismissed it as a fad, an extravagance, a cultural whisper. It has now become dogma, and freedom of thought and expression diminishes as this realm of unreason and indoctrination expands. Now even the child is disembodied to the point of physical and psychological mutilation.

This week the English Health Service decided that a child can enter the “transition” path from the age of 7 . No one would let a seven-year-old boy cross the road alone, but he is mature enough to “choose” to be mutilated in order to change his sex.

When will we realize the folly of this ideology? Perhaps never, judging by the images arriving from Holland.

“As a government agency, we believe it is important to defend the equal rights of LGBTQI+ people. This is why we will be sailing on the Dutch Government Pride boat during the Amsterdam Canal Parade this Saturday.”

In the Netherlands, the government has joined the LGBT agenda, as in Canada. It is no longer limited to political spin or absurd ad hoc laws if executives have now become part of the ultra woke project.

According to Camille Paglia, the indomitable feminist dissenter, transgender is the sign of the decline of Western civilization. These days there is reason to be pessimistic about the state of health of our “West”.

Western decadence – A child who cannot cross the street alone can change his gender | ערוץ 7 (

SHOCKING VIDEO: UK Police Arrest Autistic Teen on ‘Suspicion of Homophobic Public Order Offence’ for Saying Cop Looked Like Lesbian

West Yorkshire Police arrested a terrified autistic teenage girl on “suspicion of a homophobic public order offence” for saying that a female officer looked like a lesbian.

The UK has a number of Orwellian “hate speech” laws.

The mother of the girl, who filmed the ordeal, insisted that the girl was just making an observation, as her grandmother is also a lesbian.

In the shocking video, the girl is punching herself in the head and unable to understand what is happening.