French State Broadcaster Fires Second Journalist for Antisemitic Tweets

Revelations about the social media usage of journalists from French state media outlet France 24 has seen a second figure pushed out for his antisemitic tweets.

France 24 fired their Beirut correspondent Joelle Maroun in March after revelations of extremist social media posts by The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), and now a second journalist Dina Abi-Saab has also been fired.

CAMERA say after their exposé revealing posts by France24 journalists expressing “support for terrorism and antisemitism in their Arabic social media accounts”, three members of staff — Laila Odeh, Sharif Bibi, and Dina Abi-Saab — were required to sign an ethics charter.

The document contains a promise to reject “any incitement to crime, violence, hatred, racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia”, the campaign group stated.

It is reported Odeh and Bibi signed, but Abi-Saab refused, leading to her ouster at the state media firm. Israel’s i24 reports Abi-Saab is a Lebanese heritage journalist who was France 24’s Geneva correspondent and who reportedly blamed Jewish people for the Israeli-Palistinean conflict and praised a terrorist online.

Much of the content highlighted by CAMERA showed a certain preoccupation among the four with Adolf Hitler, with one writing that she wished Hitler was born Lebanese. As noted by the Jerusalem Post, the French government was called out for using taxpayers’ money to fund the salaries of the journalists.

Following the dismissal of the journalists, CAMERA executive director Andrea Levin said: “What we see is that these France 24 Arabic journalists hold intensely passionate antisemitic attitudes and extremist political views that appear deeply rooted.

“Contrary to what France 24’s leadership may think, Odeh’s support for antisemitism and terrorism isn’t normal political ‘activism’ and is unlikely to be dispelled in conventional warnings that she adhere to professional ethical standards.”

“France 24 evidently knows there’s a serious problem to be addressed,” Levin added. “That’s important. Hopefully, the network’s leadership realizes the full implications – that activist antisemites on their Arabic staff will undermine the integrity of the entire enterprise – as antisemitism so often does when it’s not vigorously renounced and removed.”

UK: Barristers society bans Christian grace before meals to be ‘more inclusive’

Lincoln’s Inn buildings, Edward , PD-self

Lincoln’s Inn has binned its tradition of saying grace before meal times in a bid to “correct outdated stereotypes” and become more “inclusive”.

It comes as part of the Law Society’s wider pledge to reevaluate its “purpose, relevance and diversity”.

The Lincoln’s Inn is a society of barristers, students and judges, the origins of which date back more than 600 years to 1422.

The Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Vos, Master of the Rolls and treasurer of the Inn for 2023, said: “It is a priority to continue to enhance the relevance of the Inn to all our members, and build an increasingly inclusive environment.

“This will involve taking the time to correct outdated stereotypes.”

Deeming ‘saying grace’ as anachronistic and exclusionary, the society has said that it will instead “give thanks”.

The society will no longer use the traditional Christian blessing: “Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless us and these Thy gifts which we receive from Thy bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

In its place will be: “In this moment of silence, let us give thanks for all that we are about to receive and for the company of this Honourable Society.”

Anne Sharp, under treasurer, said: “Most religions have a moment of reflection before collective meals so we wanted to maintain tradition but adapt as well.”

She added: “This is not political correctness gone mad, and it is not being driven by younger members. Other members didn’t feel comfortable so we are trying to be a little more thoughtful.

“The language traditionally used was explicitly Christian, but we have changed it to a non-Christian ‘thanks’ because of our diverse range of members with a different range of beliefs.”

Not everyone is convinced, including Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre (CLC), who said: “At the heart of Lincoln’s Inn is a chapel which marks the role of the Christian faith in shaping law and justice in our nation.

“Saying grace before meals in the Inn is part of that rich and living tradition. It is no little thing to stop saying grace. It demonstrated what the Inn cares about.

“To abandon the Christian faith in this way after centuries of upholding it does not bode well for the future of Lincoln’s Inn.”

Lincoln’s Inn has confirmed that Christian grace will continue to have a place at Sunday lunch after a chapel service, according to The Telegraph.

A spokesman said: “While completely uncontroversial, this reflects our desire to be a welcoming and inclusive organisation for all our members.”

The society was named after their original home in the City of London, which was leased from the Earl of Lincoln.

Germany: Imam sings at school enrolment ceremony


It sounds like Cairo, Fallujah or Istanbul – but it is in North Rhine-Westphalia. A video showing a school enrolment ceremony at a comprehensive school in Dortmund is currently circulating on the internet. During the ceremony in the assembly hall, an imam sings an Islamic prayer. It is said to be a “first-time interreligious school enrolment service”.

Apollo News was able to research the source of the video and when it was recorded. The clip does indeed show a school enrolment ceremony in Dortmund on August 7. The authenticity of the video is confirmed to Apollo News. “The video does not fully reflect the course of the event,” a spokesperson for the Arnsberg district government explained when asked. The school had invited representatives of both major Christian denominations and an imam to the enrolment ceremony. “Sixty per cent of the pupils” were Muslims, they explained. The prayer was also translated into German for all present, but this is not shown in the video.

On its website, the school describes itself as a place where “children and young people of different cultural affiliations, talents and abilities learn successfully with and from each other to shape their lives independently in a democratic society”. The school has “already been involved for decades in the areas of human rights education and democracy education, intercultural learning, environmental education and global learning”. In regional reporting, the school is associated with terms such as “colourful diversity”.

However, a rabbi is not to be seen in the “intercultural” ceremony. Instead, there is an imam – with a questionable background.

The imam in the video is the head of a mosque of the Turkish state mosque association Ditib in the small town of Altena in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the local press he is presented as a German who also speaks German. Born in Krefeld, he studied Islamic theology in Ankara. The Ditib has been criticised for years because the boundaries to radical Islam are repeatedly blurred in the organisation. In the past, Ditib imams prayed for the victory of Turkish troops and Islamist militias during their invasion of Syria. The association’s mosques have also been used to spy on opponents of the Erdogan regime.

Dortmund: Imam singt bei Einschulungs-Feier – Apollo News (

France: A strolling couple was attacked by a person who spat in the man’s face and called him a “s*le juif” (Jewish pig), then ran after the couple shouting “Allah Akbar”

According to a police source, a couple walking in Verrières-le-Buisson in the Essonne department were attacked at around 10.30 pm on Wednesday. The person allegedly spat in the man’s face before his companion intervened. After this initial confrontation, the attacker “pulled out a hinged object which one of the victims described as a knife”, our sources continue. The perpetrator chased the couple, yelling “dirty Jews” and “Allah Akbar”. Fortunately, they were able to find refuge in a restaurant to call the police. On the spot, the police did not manage to find the suspect.

Driver Who Protected Family by Driving Through Abortion Mob Found ‘Not Guilty’ – “I was in fear for myself, my family and had no idea what these people were prepared to do”

At 136,467 people, Cedar Rapids, Iowa probably doesn’t count as a small town. And when a pro-abortion mob gathered to engage in the usual leftist tactic of taking streets hostage to their ideology, they expected to get away with it. And when one man protected his family by driving on, the corrupt prosecution probably expected to successfully lynch him the way fellow leftists had other patriots who stood up for themselves.

But apparently, they tried that in the wrong place.

David Huston, the man accused of driving through a group of protestors in June of last year, has been found not guilty on both charges.

Huston was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and leaving the scene of an accident.

The state and the defense both rested on Wednesday. Huston, his wife, and his daughter all took the stand Wednesday. All three testified that protestors were the ones who came up to them and made contact with the truck.

“I believe I did exercise caution, as I went around, it was about half a second as I went around them and then immediately hit the brakes,” said David Huston.

Court costs will now be assessed to the State.

Huston was risking two years in prison for defending his family from the pro-abortion mob.

The prosecutors expected that Huston would surrender to the leftist mob.

Investigators say that 53-year-old David Alan Huston approached the protestors while in his vehicle. Although Mr. Huston had a green light, officials say he aggressively approached protestors. Police say video evidence indicates other vehicles in the area “appear to simply wait for the protesters.”

By “approached protesters”, they mean that he tried to drive when he had a green light.

“I was in fear for myself, my family and had no idea what these people were prepared to do,” Huston testified.

The abortion mob attacked Huston, as leftist mobs routinely do, for trying to drive on.

The traffic light cycled twice as protesters crossed Eighth Avenue. When the light was green again, he said, the car in front of him moved forward and then stopped, so he went into the other lane to go around the car that was in the intersection.

The prosecution showed a surveillance video of the incident several times throughout the trial, which shows the truck driving into the crowd and continuing to move forward with demonstrators in front of it.

Huston said he could only see half of the crosswalk and saw people running out in front of him. The sun interfered with his view, he said, until he got into the crosswalk and he slammed on his brakes, but didn’t hit anyone.

One of the protesters, Kyleigh Wright, who testified Tuesday, slammed a sign on his truck on the driver’s side and kicked the truck’s door, Huston said.

Another man, holding a red sign, then struck the inside of his cab, and Wright reached in the window and slapped his arm, Huston testified. As he slowly moved his truck forward, several people ran over to his truck.

Huston said he “feared” for his life.

Huston said more than once that he stopped his pickup before coming into contact with anyone. He had no “intention” to assault anyone or use his car as a “dangerous weapon.”

Jackson asked if he hadn’t told Cedar Rapids police Sgt. Ryan Dunbar that he had “laid on the horn because people needed to get out of the road and this had gone on long enough.” He denied saying that until Jackson played him the police recording.

Huston then admitted he had made those statements during a July 5, 2022, interview. He also later admitted telling police he was going at a “slow rate of speed, and if they would have had a brain, they would have gotten out of the way.”

Huston also admitted he had driven forward when people were in the crosswalk but denied hitting anyone. He did agree with Jackson when she said his pickup had made contact with people, though he said he hadn’t “hit” anyone.

Huston’s daughter, Holly Huston, and his wife, Lisa Huston, also testified the pickup had not hit any of the “angry” protesters, but the protesters attacked him and surrounded the truck. Both women said they were scared.

It doesn’t actually sound like he hit anyone. It sounds like they contrived to be in the way.

Boylen, who testified over video because she was recovering from knee surgery, said she then heard people screaming and she attempted to put herself in the driver’s path to prevent others from being hurt.

Kyleigh Wright, who testified Tuesday, was in front of the truck with her arms held out in front of her, so she adopted the same stance in an effort to get the pickup to stop, Boylen said.

The pickup continued to accelerate, and Boylen said she felt her shoes slipping off as she braced against it. She then moved out of the way.

Both lynchings failed: the mob one and the legal one. Huston has gone through a lot, but he’s a free man.

Get Woke, Go Broke: Budweiser’s Section at the 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is Eerily Empty

It’s been a rough 2023 for the woke Anheuser InBev brand, Bud Light.  After their baffling decision to use Dylan Mulvaney in an online promotional campaign, their stock has plummeted, they’ve lost over $400 million in sales as Bud Light drops 30% and An-InBev has dropped 14% as a whole.  The company has reached out to distributors to offer incentives to keep them afloat during the backlash over the bone-headed marketing blunder.  Earlier this week we learned several craft beer brands owned by An-InBev were to be sold to Tilray Brands, the worlds largest cannabis company.

UK: Olympian Sharron Davies claims activists target her children’s school over trans views

Sharron Davies in the 1983 series The Optimist, Pebble Bay Entertainment, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Sharron Davies claims her children’s school has been targeted by trans activists after she shared her views on who can compete in women’s sport.

The former Olympic swimmer says she has been called “every name under the sun” after speaking out against male-born athletes competing in female categories.

It comes after the 60-year-old shared her support for the decision to prevent trans cyclist Emily Bridges from competing against female riders because “we are physiologically different people”.

“Just activists ringing every single job I have, ringing every single charity, ringing my children’s schools, abusing my kids, calling me every name under the sun,” Davies told the Off Air podcast.

“[They say] I am a bigot, I’m a homophobe, obviously a transphobe. I’m even a racist which I find hilarious because I have got mixed-race kids.

“They use these terms not to actually mean it, they use it to bully. They use it to shut you up and to stop you trying to debate and present the science.”

Davies said the abuse she has received was misogynistic and claimed a lot of male athletes have not backed her in her fight against trans women competing in sport.

She added: “I think they keep their heads down because they don’t want it to affect their revenue.

“In 2017 to 2018, over a weekend I contacted 60 of my friends in the world of sport.

“Every single one of those is an Olympic medallist or a world champion and every single one of those is a household name. More than half of them were men.

“Only five of that 60 have ever put their head above the parapet.”

The swimmer added that decathlete Daley Thompson – who is one of the few to have spoken out over the issue – has not faced the same abuse.

She said: “Daley gets a hundredth of the abuse I get, and he has exactly the same views and says exactly the same things.

“It feels like it is totally and utterly a men’s rights movement. Historically women, get hit over the head with this “be kind” slogan.

“Yet if you turn around to men and you said, “Well, let’s be kind to Lance Armstrong. He was only cheating a little bit – it’s not going to matter. He’s only got a 1 per cent advantage on us – let him carry on”, they would just laugh in your face.”

Did English police arrest a terrified autistic girl for saying a policewoman looked lesbian?

By Andrea Widburg

As a college student, I spent a wonderful year in Leeds, England, a rugged British town in Yorkshire. Unlike England’s south, which had an international feel, Leeds felt untouched by that trend. Now, though, Leeds has a distinctly Soviet or Maoist feel. Or, in homage to one of England’s greatest writers, an Orwellian feel. At least, that’s the takeaway from a horrific video that shows a terrified autistic girl being arrested by seven officers. Her crime: Saying that a butch-looking female police officer reminded the girl of her lesbian grandmother.

You’ll need a bit of historic and legal context to understand what’s happening in the video: It was England that gave our Founders the idea that free speech is essential for a free nation. The English Bill of Rights, which Parliament enacted in 1689, held that “it is the right of subjects to petition the King, and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal.” There’s the genesis for our First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech…”

Image: Leeds police officer. Twitter screen grab.

However, the same Revolution that gave Americans a much broader speech right than existed in Britain actually destroyed free speech in the mother country. That’s because, when the colonists began to speak freely against the draconian laws that Parliament imposed on them, Parliament announced that the Bill of Rights of 1689 did not apply to it; it applied only to the king. That meant that there were no limitations on Parliament’s ability to attack speech.

Despite Parliament’s 18th-century renunciation of free speech, the tradition nevertheless persisted in England for a long time, right until leftists really got their talons into the British government. Now, England has “hate speech laws” that make it a criminal offense to engage in speech that the government dislikes.

In 1986, England made it a felony, punishable by up to seven years in prison, to make negative remarks about race that were intended to or likely would stir up racial hatred.

In 2006, England made it a felony to do anything that could be perceived as “stir[ring] up religious hatred.” The law was a muddy mess that tried to allow members of one faith to attack another faith’s doctrine and to say one disliked that faith, as well as to advocate for one’s own faith. The real kicker to that law, though, came in 2008, when the act was amended to make it illegal to incite hatred on the ground of sexual orientation. In 2013, another act silenced any criticism of same-sex marriage.

Given that the Bible is opposed to homosexuality, these laws were used to silence Christians (although, weirdly, not Muslims, who are also opposed to homosexuality). If you follow events in England, you know that opposing homosexuality is now one of the most serious crimes there.

This little history gets us to the video you are about to see:

The intro to the video states:

This is what police do when dealing with autistic children. my daughter told me the police officer looked like her nanna who is a lesbian. The officer obviously took it the wrong way and said it was a homophobic comment (it wasn’t)…the officer then entered my home and assault me. my daughter was having panic attacks from being touched by them and they still continued to manhandle her.

Lest you think this is a self-serving statement, you can hear one of the male officers saying that the reason for the arrest is that the girl made a homophobic statement to his colleague. And, indeed, the girl was charged with a “homophobic public order offence.”

The officers also physically abused the screaming teenager, pulling on her arms despite being advised that the girl had severe scoliosis.

According to the Daily Mail, an official for the West Yorkshire police has issued a statement saying the video doesn’t show the whole story. I’m sure that’s true.

But it’s enough for outrage that a person was arrested for saying a police officer looks homosexual. That is, she apparently wasn’t arrested for incitement (i.e., “Let’s kill all the homosexuals”) but for pure speech. As a caveat, if it turns out that she was making manifestly criminal threats, then everything I’ve written below becomes irrelevant.

What seems to have happened is that she offended a police officer and has been criminally charged for doing so. (And yes, I do see the irony in it being considered “offensive” to say someone looks lesbian. That police officer sounds like a homophobe.)

The nation that gave us the idea that you can freely state your opinions to the government now arrests and charges autistic teenagers for saying that a police officer looks homosexual.

And don’t fool yourself: This is what Democrats want for America. They understand that the Constitution is just a piece of paper. Just as Parliament once disavowed the Bill of Rights of 1689, Democrats will toss the Constitution aside as the foul fruit of a racially poisonous tree. That the concept of free speech is a universal one that benefits every human being is irrelevant. They want it gone.

The British used to sing, “There’ll always be an England.” Well, that’s clearly not true and, at the rate England is going, there shouldn’t always be an England. And at the rate America is going, the same is true here.