Hong Kong: Madarsa teacher damages minor boy’s eye for mistake in reciting Quran verses, boy forced to undergo six-hour-long surgery

The minor boy had to undergo a 6-hour-long surgery (Image via SCMP)

In a shocking incident in Hong Kong this week, a madarsa teacher slapped a 13-year-old boy so hard that the retina and cornea of his eyes were detached and the minor boy had to undergo a six-hour-long surgery on Wednesday, August 9. 

Reportedly, the 35-year-old Pakistani teacher slapped Oscar, a student of Pakistani descent at the Islamic Study Centre. on Saturday last week after the boy made a mistake while reciting verses from the Quran. According to local media reports, the accused teacher has been arrested.

According to the family of the victim, Oscar’s mistake provoked the accused teacher to slap him across the face thrice, with the third strike damaging his glasses and, consequently, his eye.

Oscar’s brother, who formerly attended the same learning centre, expressed his family’s anguish and outrage at what transpired.  The victim’s brother said that he knew the accused teacher and had heard multiple reports about his harsh treatment of children over the past year. “If they couldn’t memorise the verses of the Quran or made a minor error, he would resort to violence to resolve it,” he said.

A Hospital Authority official confirmed the youngster had a six-hour-long surgery on his left eye on Wednesday at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital in Chai Wan. According to hospital officials, the boy suffered a detached retina with a 180-degree tear.

“The boy is in a stable condition and has been admitted to the hospital for close monitoring and treatment,” he explained.

Mufti Muhammad Arshad, the city’s chief imam, also weighed out on the issue. He cautioned Islamic teachers in Hong Kong that corporal punishment is banned and illegal when teaching about the religion.

The spokesperson of the hospital also stated that the victim’s family reported the matter to the police after seeking medical assistance and that Eastern Hospital referred the issue to a medical social worker.

Meanwhile, the police stated that they had been in close communication with schools and related groups in the Eastern area and that they would provide assistance and conduct investigations after receiving relevant reports.

The Muslim Council of Hong Kong commented on the case, saying that the news has upset the Muslim community in Hong Kong.


Turkey: Journalist investigated for reporting on child sexual abuse in health minister’s hospital

Journalist Seyhan Avşar

A journalist from the anti-government Halk TV station has announced that she is being investigated for reporting on the alleged sexual abuse of a 6-year-old girl in a hospital owned by the country’s health minister.

Halk TV court reporter Seyhan Avşar announced on Twitter on Friday that she woke up to the news of a new investigation into her. She had reported that a 6-year-old girl was sexually abused by an X-ray technician at a hospital belonging to Health Minister Fahrettin Koca and that the child’s family was silenced by a payment of TL 150,000 ($5,500) made by Koca’s brother, Özer Koca.

She claimed the family was also made to sign an agreement not to file any complaints against the hospital or the X-ray technician, who was arrested but has been released from prison.

“I am the ‘suspect’ for writing about all this,” Avşar said, adding that in a state governed by law, people who tried to cover up a scandal like this would be held to account.

According to Avşar’s report in May, the incident took place at the Esenler Medipol Hospital in İstanbul in 2019, when then-6-year-old C.A. was brought to the hospital with a sore throat. When the doctor ordered an X-ray, the child was taken to the X-ray room, where she was allegedly subjected to sexual abuse by the X-ray technician, Ahmed Cihad Öz.

C.A.’s family entered the X-ray room after they heard screams from the child, who later recounted the details of the abuse to her family.

The report said Sevgi Yiğit, then an advisor to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and now an executive at the Medipol Healthcare Group, and Koca’s brother visited the child’s family several times and convinced them to sign an agreement stating that they would not speak to the media about the incident. The family was also paid TL 150,000 in May 2021 in what was called “non-pecuniary” damages.

When Koca, a medical doctor by profession, was named health minister by Erdoğan in July 2018, the appointment was criticized because he runs a network of private hospitals. He was appointed health minister again in a new cabinet announced by Erdoğan following his re-election victory in May.

Turkish media reports said earlier this week that Koca is expanding his private hospital network with a new hospital group, named Hayrunnisa, in addition to the Medipol hospitals.

Journalists frequently face legal harassment and physical attacks in Turkey due to their journalistic activities.

Rights groups routinely accuse the Turkish government of trying to keep the press under control by imprisoning journalists, eliminating media outlets, overseeing the purchase of media brands by pro-government conglomerates and using regulatory authorities to exert financial pressure, especially since Erdoğan survived a failed coup in July 2016.

Turkey is ranked 165th in the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) 2023 World Press Freedom Index, among 180 countries, not far from North Korea, which occupies the bottom of the list.


Barbaric rape in Cherbourg, France: Mayor Olivier Faure prefers to talk about racism rather than the victim

The rapist Oumar N. “showed no empathy whatsoever”; the man known to the police is said to have already sexually abused his four-year-old sister
(…) Oumar N., born in 2004, is already known to the police for cases of violence. A police source also mentioned a previous case of sexual assault on his 4-year-old sister.
In police custody, this portly individual initially denied the facts before finally admitting them laconically. "He showed absolutely no empathy for the victim", said a source close to the case. (…)

Le Figaro / https://www.fdesouche.com/2023/08/13/cherbourg-en-cotentin-50-oumar-n-18-ans-deja-connu-des-services-de-police-frappe-et-viol-avec-un-manche-a-balai-une-femme-qui-ne-le-connaissait-pas-elle-est-actuellement-entre-la-vie-et/

Screen grab youtube

The left dares to say anything, even in tragic moments. While the rape of a young woman stirred many French people and almost the entire media landscape, Olivier Faure sent out a questionable tweet. “A criminal must be condemned for his crimes, whether his name is Oumar, Francis, Michel, Emile, Guy or Patrice. Barbarism, perversion and vice have no skin colour or nationality,” he wrote on his Twitter account. “Using a heinous act to imply that immigrants are rapists is racist.”

Translation: A criminal must be condemned for his crimes, whether his name is Oumar, Francis, Michel, Emile, Guy or Patrice. Barbarism, perversion and vice have neither skin colour nor nationality. Using a heinous act to imply that immigrants are rapists is racist.

Several internet users criticised the First Secretary of the Socialist Party for preferring to point out alleged racism rather than have anything said about the victim. “Not in favour of the victim who is fighting for his life. but rushing to speak out against the possible stigmatisation of the perpetrator. This is pathetic,” essayist Amine El Khatmi exclaimed on Twitter. For her part, Laure Lavalette, RN deputy for the Var department, denounced: “Not a single word in favour of the victim before your immigrationist logorrhoea? At least try to pretend, right?”.

On August 4, an 18-year-old man broke into the flat of a 19-year-old woman who lived in the city centre of Cherbourg. The attacker allegedly punched her several times in the face and on the body before raping her with the help of a broomstick. As reported by Le Figaro, the woman was hospitalised, underwent emergency surgery and was placed in an induced coma due to the extent of her injuries: “perforation of the colon, small intestine, peritoneum and diaphragm, a pneumothorax, rib fractures and a high risk of septic shock”. The person was remanded in custody and charged with “rape with barbaric acts” on Saturday August 12.


UK: Over Half Million in Taxpayer Money Spent on Promoting LGBTQ+ ‘Pride’ Month


Local governments throughout Britain spent over £500,000 in taxpayer money during LGBTQ+ Pride Month to promote the leftist sex agenda, including drag time story hour events, rainbow flags, and propaganda clothing for state employees.

According to research conducted by the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA), during the month of June, alone, local councils, police forces, fire services, and National Health Service trusts spent a staggering £554,000 on promulgating the increasingly radical ideology surrounding so-called LGBTQ+ issues, The Telegraph reported.

Unsurprisingly, far-left Sadiq Khan’s London led the way in Pride spending, dumping £126,700 for flags, t-shirts, and grant funds last month, despite the ongoing cost of living crisis ravaging the wallets of many in the city.

So West Yorkshire Police attended Pride and then a couple of days later they arrested an autistic girl for calling someone a lesbian. (((Rubie)))@alexrubner

Typifying the current state of affairs, an exchange filmed earlier this year on the capital’s famed Regent Street saw London municipal workers taking down the British flag and replacing them with the Progress Pride flag.

A man with a working-class accent can be heard saying: “You’re taking down the wrong flag, mate” to which the workers replied: “You think I don’t know that?”

At the London Pride Parade, Khan vowed to continue pursuing his leftist gender agenda, saying: “I’ll say this loud and clear, from Trafalgar Square, trans rights are human rights… As long as I’m Mayor, I’ll always be an ally of the LGBTQI+ community and campaign for their rights.”

According to the Taxpayer’s Alliance, the majority of the taxpayer money went to sponsoring Pride Parades, with Surrey Council dedicating £93,065 to a single Pride event. The report found that in addition to such events, there were also many smaller public sector gatherings funded by the taxpayer.

One such event was a “drag story time event” hosted by Islington Council in London, intended for infants under the age of five years old on June 27th.

A description of the event reportedly read: “Celebrate Pride month at Islington Ecology Centre with Adam All and Apple, the infamous drag couple that bring colour, glitter and fun to storytime.

“They’ll be singing and dancing their way through some of their favourite books and keeping all the children utterly enthralled.”

On top of the hundreds of thousands spent on pride events, at least one local government, the Labour Party-controlled Hounslow Council in London reportedly spent nearly £50,000 to paint a “rainbow junction” across a busy street to show the council’s commitment to the agenda.


In Europe’s big cities, migrants are already the majority

Muslims praying on the grounds of Westminster Abbey!Screen grab https://www.youtube.com/

by Giulio Meotti

The fear of the peoples of Europe in the face of mass immigration is constantly described as “xenophobia”. This is the fear that the camarillas in charge can denounce as “racism”, raising the specter of a democratic apocalypse, while the accepted “narrative” evokes an inclusive majority and an excluded minority which, thanks to hyper-tolerance policies, will benefit from it.

But only the blind can deny the ongoing disintegration which validates the sociological thesis of the disappearance of the majority and the birth of a cottage cheese society.

“Buying vegetables from the Moroccans, meat from the Turks and olives from the Greeks is nice, but that’s not enough. If we really want to live together, even people without a migration background will have to do their best. Now they are the minority in many cities”. Such are the findings in a study by Professor Maurice Crul (VU University Amsterdam). He examined six major cities in five countries: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Malmö, Hamburg, Vienna and Antwerp.

“The selection is not random”. This is where native Europeans are no longer the majority.

We are talking about the first and second largest Dutch city, the third Swedish city, the second German city, the first Austrian city and the second Belgian city. What do these numbers tell us? That after the first wave of the demographic tsunami, that tidal wave floods the rest. “Today, in large cities, more than half of the inhabitants are of immigrant background, but the same will happen in medium-sized cities in more and more countries in the future,” says Crul.

Emotional blackmail prevents us from seeing, understanding, discerning.

“Today, two-thirds of young people under the age of 19 in Antwerp have a migration background,” writes Crul. “People without a migration background are the new minority in Amsterdam,” writes the Dutch newspaper Trouw. “Only one in three young people under the age of fifteen in Amsterdam has parents born in the Netherlands.” In Hamburg, 51.4 per cent of students have a migration background. In Antwerp, more than half of primary school students are Muslims and as revealed by the parliamentarian Herman de Croo, 78 percent of children aged 1 to 6 are foreigners.

Belgium is the “cold Bosnia” in the heart of Europe. A first wave of immigration was organized under pressure from industry. First from European countries (Italy, Spain, Greece). Then, from 1964, from Muslim countries (Morocco, Turkey, Algeria). Regardless of any cultural considerations, family immigration was encouraged to cope with aging. More than one million foreigners entered Belgium legally between 2000 and 2010. In 2009-2011 alone, family reunification, which accounts for half of all residence permits, enabled 121,000 foreigners to settle in Belgium. Since 2007, the annual number of foreign arrivals in Belgium has invariably exceeded 100,000. In 25 years, the immigrant population (of foreign or Belgian nationality) has doubled.

In Amsterdam, only one in three children under the age of 15 is native Dutch and Islam is already the first religion in Amsterdam. “The natives have to get used to it: they are going from majority to minority,” Crul told the Trouw newspaper. “In big cities, white people of Dutch descent already live as a minority alongside traditional migrant groups such as Surinamese, Antillean, Turkish and Moroccan. This is also becoming a reality in medium-sized cities. The natives must integrate into the new diversified city”.

In summary, a project worthy of the heyday of the Soviet Union – and we know how that ended.

Or to paraphrase the man who never left the 1968 protests, Daniel Cohn-Bendit – known then as Danny the Red – “multicultural society is hard, fast, cruel and without solidarity”.

In three out of four provinces in Spain there are more arrivals of migrants than births. Most of the new Spanish population now comes from abroad. In 2037, one in four Spanish residents will be born abroad. Already today, 8 percent of all those born in Spain are Moroccans. And the total number of Muslims in Spain has increased tenfold in thirty years.

And in Italy? We’re getting there. 100,000 migrants have landed since the beginning of the year alone, an average of 450 foreigners a day and an increase of 135 percent compared to the same period in 2022.

“Without guessing, I can assure you that the next big suburban revolt is already on the way,” the great Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal has just said. “From the extent of the unrest, one glimpses a possible beginning of a latent war that is wandering around France and awaiting its hour of glory, but one also glimpses the beginning of a violent reaction by French society against the drift of its suburbs . In my opinion the great beginning is yet to come, the conditions are not all met, the critical mass is not reached, the patience of the people is not completely exhausted, the peripheries are not all at the same level of indoctrination, the Republic still has a lot to do to give and to grant. The Algerian black decade (1990-2000), which inspires many young French Islamists, could continue on a French white decade, Islamists dream of it. What was the opinion of a few is now widely shared: we are collapsing under the weight of African, North African, Arab and Muslim emigration, under the blows that the Islamism imported from these regions has brought to its social and cultural coherence”.

Since a sloppy and lackluster secularism has replaced Biblical morality as the foundation of Western identity, the idea of a European social, geographical and cultural space to be protected from physical and spiritual penetration has also evaporated. Europe is now on the road to an unprecedented demographic and cultural self-liquidation. From the viewpoint of the southern shores of the Mediterranean, from that of Africa and Asia, Europe looks like a villa with weak old tenants, a broken lock and no night watchman.

“The natives must integrate into the new diversified city” is what Crul said. We do not know if that will happen and perhaps we will not live to see it happen – the times of civilization are not those of human existence. We do not know if the new Romulus Augustulus, last king of Rome, has already been born, whether the journey of the barbarian Odoacer who deposed him is unstoppable, and whether the rescue of the heroes who brought back the culture that had been theirs to a devastated Europe can ever come to pass.

In Europe’s big cities, migrants are already the majority | ערוץ 7 (israelnationalnews.com)

India: Raids were being held at four residences of former members of the banned Islamist terror outfit, Popular Front of India (PFI)

NIA raids residences of former ‘activists’ of banned terror outfit PFI in Kerala (Image Source – ANI X handle)

On Sunday (13 August), the National Investigation Agency (NIA) carried out raids at various locations in Kerala’s Malappuram district. The raids were being held at four residences of former members of the banned Islamist terror outfit, Popular Front of India (PFI) in the Tirur and Tanur areas of Malappuram district. 

The locations raided include the residences of these four ex-PFI ‘activists,’ namely Vengara native Hamsa, Tirur native Yahutty, Tanur native Haneefa, and Rangattoor native Jaffar. As per media reports, the local Malappuram district police were informed just before the commencement of the raids. 

The raids began early in the morning and were held simultaneously, in a bid to prevent any untoward incidents in the event of any potential information leakage and eliminate the chance of any member or their sympathisers alerting other members of the outfit during the operation.   

Earlier, the NIA teams raided and sealed the Green Valley Academy in Manjeri, Munnar Villa Vista Private Limited, Trivandrum Education and Service Trust, and Valluvanad House. The agency took this action after it received intel that these ‘institutions’ were acting as PFI training centres.

As part of a larger crackdown on the banned Islamist terror outfit PFI, media reports claim that the NIA is likely to raid other locations outside Malappuram as well.

Crackdown on NIA continues

Meanwhile, the NIA along with other security and investigating agencies have been cracking a whip on PFI cadres who were allegedly part of hatching terror plots in Bihar’s Phulwari Sharif. 

Previously, in the last week of May 2023, NIA raided around 25 locations in Karnataka, Kerala, and Bihar against suspected cadres and operatives of PFI. Additionally, the agencies have arrested 15 suspected operatives of PFI in connection with the Phulwari Sharif terror module case from Bihar’s East East Champaran. One of the arrested suspects includes an alleged PFI master trainer, Sultan Usman Khan alias Yakub who had pledged to re-erect Babri Masjid in Ram Janambhoomi.  

As per agencies, the accused were indulging in anti-national activities. Later, during interrogation, Yakub revealed that there was a conspiracy going on to spread communal riots by carrying out an incident in Bihar’s Motihari. He added that they had clandestinely purchased weapons for this reason, however, the agencies busted their module before they could execute their nefarious plans. 

Back then, NIA stated that recce had already been conducted to execute a target and that the arms and ammunition had been handed over to a PFI Trainer, Yakoob, who had been conducting Training Sessions for PFI cadres.

Earlier, in September 2022, the Union Home Ministry banned PFI and its eight affiliates. Resultantly, most of the ‘frontline leaders’ of the Islamist organisation were jailed. As per reports, the NIA and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) have arrested more than 200 suspected members of this banned outfit amid the nationwide raids that are regularly conducted to dismantle the terror network of this Islamist outfit.


Germany: Soccer club founded by Holocaust survivors is set to make history

When Makkabi Berlin takes the field on Sunday, the German soccer club founded by Holocaust survivors will make history.

Makkabi will be the first Jewish club to compete in the German Cup, an annual season-long tournament featuring 64 of the country’s best teams — from the amateur level to the Bundesliga, Germany’s top league which features some of the world’s best players.

When the competition was created in 1935, Jews were prohibited from participating.

“I’ve been there from the first day. I never imagined that we — as a Jewish team — would ever be playing a cup game against a Bundesliga team,” club co-founder Marian Wajselfisz told the Associated Press. “So for us, and for me personally, it’s a huge joy.”

Makkabi Berlin was founded in 1970 as the successor to Bar Kochba Berlin, Germany’s first Jewish sports club, which was created in 1898 and named for the famous Jewish military leader. At its peak, it had more than 40,000 members who played in a variety of sports, before the Nazis rose to power.

Today, Makkabi Berlin has 550 members who hail from a variety of backgrounds. The soccer club features players from 15 different countries and includes Jews, Christians and Muslims. But the team’s crest is still a Star of David.

“This is something we’re extremely proud of,” Makkabi board member Michael Koblenz told the AP. “We’re here, and whoever is ready to play for us, and is also open to playing for a club with Jewish origins and some sort of Jewish culture, we’re absolutely happy to integrate people into our teams.”

The club was recently promoted to the fifth tier of German soccer, NOFV-Oberliga Nord, after winning the Berlin league last summer. Makkabi qualified for the German Cup by winning the Berlin Cup in June, a first for the team.

Their opponent on Sunday, Wolfsburg, plays in the Bundesliga and is owned by Volkswagen. Makkabi’s high-profile matchup means the game will played in a bigger stadium and will be televised — a rarity for the club’s games.

“The popularity, visibility and success of Jewish sports clubs symbolizes the growth of established Jewish life in Germany and the world,” said the World Jewish Congress.

The WJC hosted a panel discussion on Friday with representatives of Makkabi and Wolfsburg, “to honor and discuss the critical role of Jewish sporting clubs in Europe before the Holocaust and the impact of their resurgence in the modern-era,” according to a press release. The warmup shirts the two clubs will wear on Sunday will also feature the WJC’s logo.

“This week’s match shows us Jewish clubs around the world will always tell a story that is bigger than sport,” Israel Hayom reporter and historian Adi Rubenstein said at the event.

Germany: Soccer club founded by Holocaust survivors is set to make history | ערוץ 7 (israelnationalnews.com)

Biden State Department caught promoting atheism abroad

French Catholic Church Heavily Vandalised, https://medforth.biz/french-catholic-church-heavily-vandalised-paintings-and-statues-wrecked/

By Monica Showalter

The Biden administration is out promoting religion through the State Department door to the locals in other countries, on our taxpayer dime.

That right there is illegal, because the First Amendment states that there is to be no state sponsorship of anybody‘s religion.

What religion is it? Why, the religion of Democrats, which generally speaking, is atheism.

According to Susan Crabtree at RealClearPolitics:

Rep. Mike McCaul, a Texas Republican who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Rep. Chris Smith, a New Jersey Republican who heads the panel’s human rights subcommittee, are reviving a nearly year-long inquiry into a 2021 State Department grant they say is designed to expand the influence of atheists and humanists in the Middle East and North Africa.

The GOP House members argue that the program could be violating the Establishment Clause of the Constitution, which bars the use of tax dollars to promote theocracy or a specific religion.

McCaul, Smith, and Rep. Brian Mast, a Florida Republican, last week sent a letter to Erin Barclay, the State Department’s acting assistant secretary for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Affairs, and Rashad Hussain, the U.S. ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom. The letter accuses both officials of “continued noncompliance” with their document requests regarding the atheism program.

“We write once again to ask why it is in America’s interest to promote atheism overseas and why the department refuses to provide certain documents that shed light on that misguided decision,” they wrote.

Who thought that up? Why did that happen? And of what benefit is this illegal promotion of a religion antithetical to that of most Americans to the U.S.?

Along with color revolutions, this looks like Soros promoting his own religion. It’s bound to make us “popular” in the Arab world. Any questions as to why many Arab leaders aren’t taking Biden’s phone calls?

Congress is hitting at the root of the matter, though, which is that the U.S. has no business promoting any religion.

“We write once again to ask why it is in America’s interest to promote atheism overseas and why the department refuses to provide certain documents that shed light on that misguided decision,” they wrote.

 Oh sure, as Crabtree notes, the program nominally tries to get around that by calling it protecting religious minorities. But it’s pretty easy for such “programs” to become religious promotion, as the congressional investigators are alleging:

While the State Department grant is designed to assist persecuted religious minorities and those who choose not to believe in a higher power, McCaul, Smith, and Mast are concerned that the program promotes the interest of one specific religious tradition – humanism – as opposed to those of all faith-based minorities. The grant eventually went to Humanists International, or HI, an organization aimed at promoting humanism, an outlook and system of thought attaching prime importance to human effort rather than divine or supernatural powers.

In early June, the State Department told McCaul, Smith, and Mast that its Office of Religious Freedom and the human rights bureau “do not provide funds to any organization with the aim of using such funds to promote or advance specific religious ideologies or beliefs.”

In their most recent letter to the Department, the House critics assert that “even a cursory look into the operations and mantra of Humanists International calls the agency’s claim into question.” On HI’s website, the organization requires all of its member organizations to pay dues and support its five objectives, the first of which is “the advancement of humanism,” the Republicans point out. In HI’s grant application, it specifically states that it will award sub-grants for “organizing events and seminars to promote the positive aspects of humanism and other ethical non-religious worldviews,” including atheism, added McCaul, Smith, and Mast.

Like many churches, you gotta pay dues to be a member. And they are organizing events to promote “the positive aspects” of atheism, as well as support the group’s objectives.

We all know what this is about. It’s ironic to see this, given the father of Hunter Biden’s campaign-trail-activated claims to being Mr. Devout Catholic. This is the same administration that has been caught targeting Catholics as domestic terrorists. This is also the same administration that promotes abortion abroad and targets pro-life activists domestically, two things that suggest a more anti-Catholic and anti-Christian objective, as well as anti-religion in general, given that many Jews, Muslims and Hindus abhor abortion, too.

This is obviously not going to win friends or influence people in other countries. And it’s certainly anti-Catholic, anti-Christian and even anti-Jewish, given the encompassing role of atheist communists in persecuting Christians and Jews. (Not every atheist, of course, is one of these, and yes, there are many good atheists.) But what’s the Biden administration doing illegally promoting their real religion to other countries? It’s like these people are a cult and want to spread their own religion on our dime.

Do they have any decency at all? 

Congress is right to investigate this new scandal from the Bidenites because it sure as heck isn’t serving the national interest or our “values” as Constitutionally-minded Americans. This is just serving Joe Biden’s values and the values of Biden’s own cronies.
