Germany: Addressed in Arabic, homophobically insulted and punched in the face

The incident took place at the Bikini House, indeedous, Wikimedia Commons

Berlin police also reported violence against queer people this weekend, this time in the Charlottenburg district. According to the police report, a 19-year-old man reported that he was walking to a bar on Budapester Straße at around 1.45 a.m. on Sunday night, when he was approached in Arabic by an unknown man, who insulted him in a homophobic way and hit him in the face. The attacker then fled in an unknown direction.

The 19-year-old was injured on the cheek and refused medical treatment. The investigation into the insult and the assault is ongoing and has been taken over by the Police State Protection Service of the State Criminal Police Office. Further details about the attacker were not given by the police report.

There are repeated reports of assaults against queer people in Berlin, as the state police specifically publicise possible hate crimes based on sexual orientation or gender identity and therefore report them to the public comparatively often. The police and the public prosecutor’s office in the capital have their own contact persons for LGBTI people.

When Chivalry Died: Where are the real men defending real women against trans “women”?

Biological women in the United States are being subjected to genocidal violation – we could call it existential rape of a certain type – by misogynistic biological males posing as trans-women. These fake women hate real women. They are the real oppressive patriarchs who wish to—like a lot of men—simply take up more space in the world and deny and confiscate the hard-fought rights women have battled for over the course of decades. They are not content to govern the corporate boardrooms; they want to compete with women in beauty contests, sports, and other existential life experiences, and to have a coercive monopoly on the right to claim that a definitive definition of a woman is trans-phobic, sexist, and toxic—all the while claiming that they are real women.

Before these trans bullies came along, no one had a problem defining what a woman is: an adult female with XX chromosomal markers. Trans-women have now taken away a woman’s right to live by her biological definition and to feel pride in her femininity.

When colleges add menstruation products to men’s bathrooms with the demand to treat men who menstruate with the same respect, one has to ask: Where are the real men standing guard by the doors of such bathrooms—their territoryproclaiming: Not on our watch! Where are the men ready to dislodge and destroy such dispensers in principled revolt? Let us be clear: men do not menstruate. It is sheer lunacy to assert as much.

Biological male trans-women seek to erase real women by claiming that a man who feels he was born in the wrong body but has no desire to remove his genitalia—such as Dylan Mulvaney—can still be a woman. Mulvaney is a grown man with a penis and testicles. He has said he refuses “to tuck” because the world needs to get used to the fact that some women have penises. He even believes he will get pregnant one day—I suppose that’s why he was seen frolicking with a tampon on his show chronicling his transformation to girlhood. Where exactly is he placing the tampon?

Why was a garish looking biological male crowned Miss Netherlands in July of 2023? The Netherlands has a population of 17.53 million people – presumably of which at least fifty percent are female – and yet the deranged country chose to crown a man cosplaying as a woman.

Has it occurred to anyone that a significant percentage of biological men identifying as transwomen are simply failed men? They are men who could not make it in a man’s world and now want to encroach on female space, to violate and erase the women in that space through disguised bullying so that they can try to make a success of their lives now as “women”? Who was Dylan Mulvaney as a man? A banal nobody. As a man in drag, he’s now as famous as Jackie Onassis – just by pretending to be her.

What sort of world are we living in when heterosexual men allow this kind of psychosis that permits the erasure of their heterosexual female counterparts? Why are we not seeing more real men exercising chivalry and protecting the honor of biological women—several of whom have obviously been bullied into capitulating and siding with these female poseurs?

Hundreds of men went down with the Titanic into the icy waters, drowned and froze to death in the name of honor to insure there would be room on the limited number of lifeboats for women and children.

Our neutered men today seem to agree with their female partners—they who have menstruated, given birth to children, and had genuine experiences as women—that a biological man can be a woman. Let’s chalk it up to a stereotype about women that has some empirical traction: they don’t like protracted fights and nasty battles and, further, they are more likely to be inclusive and conciliatory than most men.

When a biological woman hears of a biological-male-trans-woman entering a female beauty contest, or competing in a women’s sporting event, one may conjecture that the maternal part of her wants to believe in the authenticity of his desires and wishes. It would not occur to the majority of women—some of whom mistakenly want to be trans-allies to the detriment of their own agency and identities—that the real motives of these men in women’s spaces is to achieve power and dominance over women. Period. Men competing in female beauty contests? It’s unspeakable. It’s revolting. And where are the real men who love bona fide female beauty? Why are they not cancelling their subscriptions in droves to Sports Illustrated, which had the temerity to place a trans model on its cover?

No real man allows himself to be ruled by a woman. But American men have been laboring under the toxicity of feminist egalitarianism for quite some time now, and they have become the beta boys of their wives and female partners. They are no longer leaders of households. They no longer revel in their masculinity or even have any idea what the concept of masculine happiness means. Rather, they allow themselves to be re-socialized like good progressive male feminists into the image manhating feminists want them to be. Little need be said then why these de-fanged, emasculated men cannot and will not, for the most part, stand up to these biological male-trans-women. These men have allowed themselves to be caught up in a veritable explosion of gender ideologies and have subjected their sensibilities to the feminization of female sexual norms and mores.

This malarkey has no place in rural white and black working-class societies where men are still men and where women know they are women and see their womanhood as non-negotiable. In all my travels across this great nation, I have never met an adult rural white working-class man or black man or working class black Christian woman with any patience for the utter insanity behind the non-binary movement, gender pronoun imposition, or gender ideology, for that matter.

Bourgeois American men, many of them marooned in the suburbs and cut off from the elemental rhythms of urban life, have shriveled up emotional lives with little vitality and zero exuberance. They haven’t any fire in their bellies to sustain convictions and principles apart from the platitudes and bromides they have inherited from the herd. They are largely automatons who follow a script that is written for them.

When the plethora of biological male-transwomen claim that they too want to be mothers and can be mothers, there are few, if any, self-respecting straight men throwing down the gauntlet and telling them to their faces: “No! You can never be a mother. You will never get pregnantAnd even if you adopted a child, that would not make you a mother just because you’ve had cosmetic surgery and dress like a woman.

The real reason for the absence of chivalry, of men standing up to protect the honor of real women, however, lies in two words: moral cowardice, and its logical corollary: moral appeasement. In matters of morality and values, individuals have grown weak and soft and are terrified of standing alone and of having the courage of their convictions. It is not that people want to be on the so-called right side of history. It is that people are existentially terrified of being moral outliers because their need for belonging and acceptance at any cost supersedes their own integrity and moral independence. They have outsourced their moral lives to the herd and capitulated their mind and its judgments to the ubiquitous conventions of that herd.

The hysterical virulence behind people’s opinions is hermetically sealed in the moral safety net of left-wing orthodoxy. They are not independent voices. They are the collective ventriloquists for a nihilistic vanguard of psychotic sex fascists.

When a biological male, identifying as a trans-woman, claims that he is a lesbian because he is a real woman who happens to be attracted to women, there is no lower place to go in terms of psychological degradation and conceptual obfuscation.

Perhaps the last real men left in America—tough, beer drinking, silent-types who smoke and are not quick to make conversation—the construction workers and builders and plumbers and electricians, the guys who clean up the mess after tornadoes and hurricanes that decimate whole regions—just see this as a mostly bourgeois problem. Their wives are not coming out as non-binary and, for the most part, if their children come out as trans they tend to just ignore them until they come to their senses. They know that real Gender Dysphoria is a very rare mental disorder, and that it is more likely that their child will win the lottery or be struck by lightning than be afflicted by it.

They know their kids got infected by a horrible idea pathogen—transgenderism. They know that the majority of kids claiming to be non-binary and trans-gender are accessorizing their identities and embracing a fad. Some are confused and want to be part of the new “cool.” Others are just plain attention-seeking narcissists.

Such men tend to see things in moral binaries. There are few shades of grey as far as they are concerned. So, they opt out of a psychotic conversation where common sense has been cast as an outlaw, and almost a criminal, and the evidence of one’s senses is dismissed as being refracted through a heteronormative and patriarchal lens.

But here the transgressors are right; only, the defendants in their case have not gone far enough. Rigorous heteronormativity and unyielding patriarchy are exactly what are needed to combat a society in which a radical gynocentric feminist paradigm rules the epoch. Women run the primary socialization of young boys in the United States. There used to be a time when fathers were the creators of the family laws that ruled the hearth. Mothers acquiesced to the judgments of the fathers.

Today’s fathers, because they are men, are toxic by definition. Is it any wonder that it is in Middle Eastern, African, and largely Third World immigrant families where traditions of paternal family law rule the day? These immigrants, high functioning testosterone males who brook no contradiction, are living in the midst of a bunch of effete, bourgeois, neutered American men who are largely terrified of their wives, and terribly upset if their children do not like them if they discipline them. They allow their wives to tell them how to be men and thus lose status in the eyes of their women who feel abject contempt for any man who can be ruled by a woman. For many women – not all – the essence of femininity is the desire to look up to a strong man and be led by him.

This ideal is lost on American society for the simple reason that the predominant Alpha males in America are female feminists. They call the shots in education and in the feminization of our military via a nefarious and insidious woke ideology wedded to transgenderism. Our corporations are governed by a gynocentric paradigm. The entire Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are spearheaded by a feminist egalitarian ethos. Women run America. There is only a deceptive facsimile of a patriarchal system. Men cower in fear of female retaliation, retributive justice, and rage.

Men can’t flirt with women, tell them they look pretty, offer innocent compliments, and enjoy spontaneous masculine happiness with them. It is women who have created a sex war with men. They have criminalized male identity by naming it as toxic because it is male.

Men will continue to suffer under matriarchal colonization because feminist Alpha women speak with moral authority. Male feminists will die a natural death until an army of real men realize that feminists are acting like Alpha males out of sheer desperation. They are members of a socio-political cult that has taught them that they don’t need men, and that the ones they do acquire must bend to their will. Until a heroic army of men starts practicing a biblical and unnegotiable form of responsible masculinity in which they lead, provide, protect, and leave an enduring legacy for others, male feminists will remain the eunuchs of these self-described “Boss Bitches,” who want nothing more than to be rescued from the tyranny of their own ambitions, imposed drives, and conflicted desires.

‘This is no longer Serbia, it’s Syria!’ Local Serbs patrol woods to repel migrants near Hungary border

Screen grab youtube

Ordinary Serbs have taken to patrolling woodland near their communities to deter migrants after dozens were recently located equipped with firearms and ammunition in the rural territory along the country’s border with Hungary.

Disillusioned by the competency of the Serbian authorities, the people of Hajdukovo (Hajdújárás in Hungarian), a village near the Hungarian border, went on their own patrol into the nearby forest on Saturday evening.

Earlier, unknown persons had thrown hand grenades at a family home, suspected to be migrants or people smugglers. Two grenades exploded and caused damage. During the evening patrol, they almost immediately came across migrants in hiding, who then fled the scene. Locals say the authorities are not helping them.

“We have run out of patience. If the police don’t do something, we will take control, if necessary we will close the motorway or the railway to stop them,” said one angry resident at a village meeting, where attendees all agreed that they felt let down by the authorities. They believe the migrant crisis in their community has gone so far that they say drastic action is needed to resolve it.

“There is no opinion on this. It is up to the police to decide what they want. Either they put things in order or the population does something,” said local resident, Sándor Balog.

Shootings between migrants are a daily occurrence in Hajdújárás. However, on Friday evening, it is suspected that local residents may have been targeted by illegal immigrants or people smugglers. Hand grenades were detonated outside the gate of one of the houses. The shrapnel caused damage to the walls of the building, the fence, and plants, and it was only by luck that no tragedy occurred. The residents arrived home only a few minutes later.

“This is unimaginable. This is no longer Serbia, it’s Syria. There’s nothing else to say. We can’t walk freely, we can’t move, but they walk around with guns, throwing grenades. Not only here, but also elsewhere,” said Sándor Balog.

The locals also agreed that they would go into the forests and remove illegal immigrants if necessary. Finally, they decided to stop waiting and leave immediately.

People in the area collected everything they could find in the illegal immigrant camps. They also brought pillows, tents, cables, clothes, food, and knives, and agreed to organize similar actions in the future, to stand up for themselves and each other.

Italy: Turkish ripper blocked while trying to reach Austria

The former partner of a woman found stabbed to death in the province of Bolzano was blocked by police as he was trying to cross the border into Austria on Sunday. Omer Cim, of Turkish origin, was arrested at the Resia Pass after a carabinieri police officer shot at the wheels of his Ford Fiesta to stop him from escaping.
Cim is suspected of murdering Celine Frei Matzohl, 21, who was found dead in his apartment in Silandro earlier in the day.She had reportedly been stabbed several times in different parts of her body.
Matzohl, from Corces in Val Venosta, worked in a hotel in Silandro and had also worked for the local agricultural consortium in the past.
 She was said to be well known in the area.
 “We are in shock, we still can’t believe what has happened,” Silandro Mayor Dieter Pinggera told ANSA.
 “I think this is the first time something like this has happened in our community,” he continued.
 “I personally have no recollection in my whole life of there having been a murder,” the mayor concluded.

Femicide suspect blocked while trying to reach Austria – English –

Of Course the Climate Has Always Been Changing

By Brian C. Joondeph

Climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area, according to NASA. We think of Florida or Aruba having a warmer climate, compared to Maine or Canada.

Weather is short term, whereas climate is long term.

As NASA explains:

The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere “behaves” over relatively long periods of time.

What is meant by “long periods of time”? Given the Earth’s age of around 4.5 billion years, one might think these long periods of time should be in the millions of years. But instead scientists look at averages over extremely short periods of time, e.g., 30 years.

YouTube screen grab

Putting those numbers in perspective, if the Earth’s age was a single day, this 30-year period would represent 0.006 second. How short a time period is this?

Light, which can travel around the globe 7.5 times in one second, would only travel 112 miles in this small fraction of a second. But that’s the small observation period of our climate which forms the basis of claims of man-made of climate change.

That would be like embarking on a weight loss journey and weighing yourself every minute, not seeing any change, or seeing a small gain or loss after drinking a glass of water or relieving yourself, respectively.

Planet Earth has experienced ice ages followed by warming, numerous times, all occurring before humans existed or had any significant influence on the world around them.

NOAA explains, “The most recent glacial period occurred between about 120,000 and 11,500 years ago.” In terms of Earth’s age, this is still far less than a blink of an eye, 0.0003 percent of the Earth’s history. Perspective is important in discussing climate change. Making dramatic pronouncements based on a few dozen years’ measurements is foolish and hardly scientific.

For perspective, here is an Associated Press article was published by the Washington Post on Nov. 2, 1922, a hundred years ago. This article has circulated on the internet and even far left Snopes confirmed its authenticity.

Kudos to Snopes for inadvertently throwing water on the entire radical environmental agenda with this one statement,

One of the key issues in the global warming debate is whether modern scientists have sufficient data and tools to determine that current warming trends are indicative of long-term climatic changes rather than relatively short-term weather pattern variability.

Bingo. Short term weather patterns and cycles, measured over 30 years have little if any bearing on long term climate trends. The Washington Post declared this past July as Earth’s “Earth’s hottest month on record.” Buried in the article was that said “record” was “40 years of global observations”.

Scientific American piles on, warning that despite the hot summer, “It will still be one of the coolest summers of the next few decades.” A few decades are background noise given the Earth’s age.

Failed climate predictions are a staple of our state run scientific and media organizations. Their arrogance has destroyed their credibility, just as it did with the myriad COVID pronouncements which turned out to be false. Here is a list of “Failed eco-pocalyptic predictions.”

Speaking of failed predictions, what did that 100-year-old Washington Post article prophesize? Did those predictions come true? Are climate warriors making those same predictions today?

The article opened, “The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot.”

Here is PBS 100 years later: 

The Arctic is warming nearly four times faster than the rest of the world. 

What if it keeps warming? Would that be unprecedented? Hardly.

Reuters noted this bit of déjà vu history: 

Palms grew in ice-free Arctic 50 million years ago.

What caused that warming and eventual cooling? Humans weren’t driving SUVs and grilling burgers yet. Maybe someday our beach holidays will be in the Arctic rather than the Caribbean.

What about the icebergs? PBS warns

The massive ice sheets at the top and bottom of our planet are shrinking much faster than previously thought.

Yet National Geographic observes the opposite:

A Greenland glacier is growing.

Which is it?

How can there be any Arctic ice when so many so-called climate experts predicted that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013, 2016, or today?

Would an ice-free Arctic be unusual? Hardly. According to MIT: 

There have been periodic examples of a completely ice-free Arctic over the last 350,000 years.

Once again, perspective and a long-term time frame are important, rather than short term blips.

How about the seals? Are the boiling oceans too hot for them, dooming them to extinction? Not quite. We now have “exploding Arctic seal populations” and of course climate change is to blame for that, too.

What a convenient phrase “climate change” is.

Omnipresent and omnipotent. It causes hot or cold weather, wet or dry, stormy or calm. Normal climate variation, occurring over billions of years, is causing everything the left doesn’t like about the world.

One could easily conclude that the climate change movement is a giant hoax. It’s not that the climate isn’t changing because it is, always has and always will. Numerous factors influence climate change including a fireball called the sun, a million times larger than Earth, and only 94 million miles away.

There are both short- and long-term climate cycles, many influenced by water which covers almost three quarters of the Earth’s surface. The Earth’s crust floats on an 1,800 mile thick layer of molten rock. Are humans really the cause of a changing climate, considering that humans have only been present for 0.007 percent of the Earth’s history?

Climate change is a “manufactured consensus” said climate scientist Judith Curry to the New York Post. The U.N.-created Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change did not focus on any benefits of warming. Instead, their mandate was to look for dangerous man-made climate change.

They are a Debbie-Downer looking for bad news, and looking hard enough, they can find it.

Then follow the money. Funding is directed to researchers who make alarmist claims, and they then get published by alarmist journal editors. It becomes a self-perpetuating scheme as virtually anything remotely alarming can be attributed to global warming. From acne and AIDS to airplane crashes and jellyfish strikes. From brain shrinkage and brothel shortages to cannibalism and rapes. It’s all due to global warming.

It’s the ultimate in hubris and narcissism for current occupants of Planet Earth to believe their activity today is that relevant. And that the only solution is confiscation of wealth and tyrannical control of human activities.

Author Michael Crichton summed it up well,

A hundred years ago we didn’t have cars, airplanes, computers or vaccines. It was a whole different world, but to the Earth, a hundred years is nothing. A million years is nothing. This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale. We can’t imagine its slow and powerful rhythms, and we haven’t got the humility to try. We’ve been residents here for the blink of an eye. If we’re gone tomorrow, the Earth will not miss us.

But while we are here, can we please be left alone to live our lives in peace?

Jihad in Austria: ‘Christians Must Die’

Two Muslim boys living in Austria, aged 15 and 16, recently confessed in the Leoben Regional Court that they would like to “kill Christians” and “restore the caliphate.” They had made plans to massacre as many people as possible during an attack on the middle school attended by the 15-year-old. Pictured: The town of Leoben, where the trial took place. (Image source: David Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)

by Raymond Ibrahim

Two young Muslims living in Austria recently confessed that they would like to “kill Christians” and “restore the caliphate.”

The boys, aged 15 and 16, were put on trial at the Leoben Regional Court on July 16, 2023. They had made plans to massacre as many people as possible during an attack on the middle school attended by the 15-year-old, in Bruck an der Mur, where they both lived.

When confronted in court, the boys — who both have a history of violence and criminality— admitted that “We wanted to shoot all the Christians in the class!” Asked how they would have responded if police had intervened, they said, “We would have surrendered” — adding that “Allah would have forgiven” them in prison, since “Killing Christians takes us to paradise.”

Reflecting on the two would-be mass murderers, one article notes:

“They seem completely inconspicuous—a 16-year-old automotive apprentice and his 15-year-old friend from Bruck. But something dark was brewing in their heads. Although they were born in Austria and integrated into society, they have radicalized themselves severely. Their goal: to make Austria a caliphate. For this they also accepted to walk over corpses…. All Christians should be killed.”

Authorities first learned of their plans after they began asking for terrorist related material on radical chat groups.

The court sentenced them to two years’ imprisonment—although they will probably serve only eight months. (The maximum penalty for juveniles is five years.) The court also ordered that they undergo “anti-aggression training and a de-radicalization program” — which, unfortunately, have repeatedly been proven ineffective.

“Incidentally, the 15-year-old set fire to the closed University of Education in Bruck in May 2022,” the article concludes.

The entire incident is a reminder that Austria appears to be sitting on a time bomb. Even though authorities managed to thwart what could have been a tragic massacre of schoolchildren — as they thwarted an earlier one in 2020 — Muslim hostility in Austria continues to grow, suggesting that it might only be a matter of time before a severe terrorist attack or worse overwhelms that nation.

As far back as 2017, an article, “Austrians living in fear as violent migrant gangs carry out DAILY attacks in Vienna,” related that:

“Muggings and beatings are becoming commonplace in the historic capital city, with passersby being attacked on almost a daily basis…. The Praterstern area, just outside central Vienna, is now controlled by North Africans and is considered the worst area in the city for crime. Despite police increasing their presence in the area it has become riddled with crime. On the other side of the city, the area surrounding the West Railway Station has been taken over by Afghans who have been making headlines for all the wrong reasons…. Crimes carried out by migrants in Austria have risen rapidly over the past year as more arrive in the country. Last year [2016], there were a total 22,000 criminal complaints against migrants, up from 14,000 in 2015, the Austrian Interior Ministry revealed. Sex attacks carried out by asylum seekers has become a serious problem in Austria, with a 133 per cent increase in migrant sex attacks in the past year since the migrant crisis erupted. Swimming pools and other public venues have become some of the most prevalent areas for attacks to take place.”

As in other European nations, sex crimes — including against young boys — have skyrocketed in Austria. According to one item, “Hardly a day goes by without reports of sex attacks” at the hands of migrants. In one incident, a 17-year-old Muslim asylum seeker raped a grandmother, aged 72, after she helped him out of a canal, and the victim has now reportedly lost her “will to live.”

Police have evidently been less than responsive — effectively blaming the victims. After a 20-year-old Austrian woman waiting at a bus stop in Vienna was attacked, beaten, and robbed by four Muslim men — including one who “started [by] putting his hands through my hair and made it clear that in his cultural background there were hardly any blonde women” — police responded by telling the victim to dye her hair:

“At first I was scared, but now I’m more angry than anything. After the attack they told me that women shouldn’t be alone on the streets after 8pm. And they also gave me other advice, telling me I should dye my hair dark and also not dress in such a provocative way. Indirectly that means I was partly to blame for what happened to me. That is a massive insult.”

Along with generic Muslim criminality in Austria seems to be, sadly, an ideologically-driven hatred for “disbelievers” and especially Christians and Jews. Just as, above, the two boys were tried for their desire to “kill Christians,” and “go to paradise,” so have there been a number of other instances of other Muslims expressing their hostility for, Austria’s historic faith:

  • November 2020: A Muslim terror attack targeting a Catholic youth group was thwarted at the last minute. According to the report, “[The] killer wanted to cause a bloodbath of the Catholic youth group… during a prayer evening in Vienna. The Islamist failed, however, because of a door that was locked by a timer… 17 children and young people belonging to a Catholic youth group escaped a catastrophe by a hair!”
  • December 2016: A 22-year-old Muslim asylum seeker from Afghanistan stabbed a 50-year-old Christian woman with a knife for reading from the Bible. The man “had taken offence to the fact that the woman had been invited by Christian residents of the property to discuss the Bible. When he found out what she was doing, he stormed into the kitchen where the woman was standing and tried to plunge the knife into her upper body.”
  • April 2022 A Muslim man chased, beat, and kicked a Christian man for distributing Bibles in the streets of Vienna-Meidling.
  • May 2017: What was described as a “dark skinned immigrant” was videotaped by a bystander throwing things and striking at the large cross in front of the St. Marein parish with a long pole and causing 15,000 euros’ worth of general damage to the property.
  • March 2014: After reportedly listening to Muslim chants, a man went on a spree vandalizing churches and desecrated four of them by overturning or destroying statues, crosses, and altars.
  • October 2020: A Muslim mob consisting of some 50 people rioted around the baptismal font and confessionals inside a church in Vienna, while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” [“Allah is the greatest!”]
  • April 2020: Above the Traisen-Markt train station, passengers encountered graffiti — “Christians must die” and “Allahu Akbar” — that “caused a lot of agitation.
  • January 2021: Approximately 40 Muslim migrants rioted and burned down a Christmas tree in Favoriten. Upon coming to extinguish the blaze, the fire brigade heard one of the migrants yelling: “A Christmas tree has no place in a Muslim district,” while the raging mob pelted the emergency service officials with projectiles and screams of “Allahu Akbar!”

A quick search finds other recent incidents, including the beheading of Jesus and Mary statues in a beloved Viennese prayer garden in July 2023.

Possibly most significant is that all of this hostility and violence is taking place in a backdrop where the Muslim population continues to burgeon in Austria — to the point that there are now more Muslim students than Catholics in the schools of Austrian cities, including Vienna, the capital, and Linz.

As of 2021, Muslims reportedly accounted for 8.3% of Austria’s population. According to a 2017 PEW report, by 2050, Muslims might account for as much as 19.9% of Austria’s population.

The importance of these numbers is exacerbated by the fact that Muslims seem not to be assimilating all that well in Austria, particularly the second generation. According to the Austrian newspaper Die Presse:

“Their parents came to Austria to work as skilled workers. The second generation doesn’t have any qualification, and unskilled workers are no longer needed in the job market. Unlike their parents, they speak neither German nor their mother tongue very well. And, according to OECD, they achieve lower results in school than those who were born outside of Austria. In addition, there are not enough ‘role models’, successful migrants who are present in the public sphere.

“What can politicians do to make better integration possible?

“There are many proposals from experts. One example calls for children to be integrated early, as soon as they enter kindergarten. In the future, immigrants should be chosen not according to family relationships, but according to their job qualifications.”

In May 2023, a report found that mosques in Austria were actively teaching Muslim youths not to befriend native Austrians or any other non-Muslims. While some politicians — such as Manfred Haimbuchner of Austria’s conservative Freedom Party — expressed shock and outrage at this teaching, it is, in fact, a mainstream Muslim doctrine. According to Koran 3:28:

“Those who believe should not take unbelievers as their friends in preference to those who believe—and whoever does so should have no [expectations] of God—unless to safeguard [taqaa, from taqiyya] yourselves against them.”

Koran 5:51 is even more explicit, and names names:

“O believers, do not hold Jews and Christians as your allies. They are allies of one another; and anyone who makes them his friends is surely one of them.”

Little wonder, then, that the miniscule Jewish population of Austria is also under attack — in 1981, Muslim terrorists stormed and opened fire in a Viennese synagogue, killing two and wounding 18.

More recently, in 2021, according to Deutsche Welle, “Antisemitic crimes hit record high in Austria.”

Historically, in 1683, hundreds of thousands of Muslim jihadists, led by the Ottoman Turks, encircled and laid siege to Vienna. There was a reason they chose that city. For centuries, it had been the capital of the Holy Roman Empire — which itself had long been, as the “Defender of the Faith,” the chief nemesis of Islamic jihad. At the final moment, the Europeans defeated the Muslims and lifted the siege, thereby saving not just Vienna but all of Europe.

Clearly, much has since changed. Today, Muslims are, in the name of “multiculturalism,” making the sorts of inroads in Austria, and all throughout Europe, that their ancestors could never have dreamed were possible. But this might be less a reflection of Islam — which is today significantly weaker than in its Ottoman heyday, although apparently still filling a major role in the hearts of its adherents — and more a reflection of a swiftly dying, less-religious Europe.

The ADL’s Racist School Curriculum Violates Florida Law – 270,000 students are being taught that white people are evil

In 2018, the ADL announced that it was no longer in the ‘kindness’ business. “Forget Kindness. Schools Need to Foster Social Justice,” Jinnie Spiegler, the ADL’s curriculum director, barked.

By three years old, Spiegler claimed white children in America are already racists.

Spiegler, an obsessive leftist with seemingly no Jewish interests, whose Twitter account promotes antisemitic leftists like AOC, Cori Bush, and Ilhan Omar, has a singular obsession.

“When my daughter was 3 years old, I taught her the word stereotype,” she revealed in one article. “I figured that planting the seed might yield fruit soon enough.”

Planting leftist ideological seeds in children is what the ADL’s education programs do.

While the ADL claims to fight antisemitism, like a lot of activist groups it discovered that there was a much better way to pay the bills by getting into the business of diversity training and education. That freed the ADL from having to solicit Jewish donors or to care about antisemitism.

When Jonathan Greenblatt, a former Obama operative, took over the ADL, its annual revenues were $56 million and had been roughly in that range throughout the decade. A year later they shot up to $65 million, then $76 million and totaled $91 million in 2020. With revenues having nearly doubled in 5 years, the odds of ousting Greenblatt remain vanishingly small.

The ADL shares a fundraising firm with Planned Parenthood, the NAACP  and the ACLU, but it also has developed a massive nationwide presence in the educational system.

Its educational ‘No Place for Hate’ arm claims that it’s present in 1,800 schools reaching 1.3 million students in one school year. It offers “anti-bias” workshops and training, online and in person for teachers, and curriculum and ‘non-hate’ certification for schools. According to the Seattle branch of the ADL, “workshops cost a school or district $1200″. Activists have documented contracts with school districts amounting to tens of thousands of dollars each.

But one of its more successful areas is also where its teachings may violate state law.

Florida’s ‘Stop Woke Act’, signed into law by Gov. DeSantis, bars subjecting any student to the idea that anyone is morally superior or oppressive on account of their race. The ADL’s ‘No Place for Hate’ handbook however demands that students “explore, recognize and acknowledge your privilege” and defines racism as “the marginalization and/or oppression of people of color, based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people”

The familiar message here from critical race theory is that only white people can be racist.

This violates the Stop Woke Act’s warning that schools may not teach that “an individual’s moral character or status as either privileged or oppressed is necessarily determined by his or her race, color, sex, or national origin.”

The ADL operates its ‘No Place for Hate’ program in Florida. One press release bragged that “22 public schools in Miami-Dade County were designated as ‘No Place For Hate’, including all 8 City of Miami Beach Public Schools”.  Another claimed that it was present in 234 Broward County public schools which is the 6th largest district in the country with 270,000 students.

That means potentially as many as 270,000 students may be taught that white people are evil.

This disastrous program is being funded by $100,000 in federal funds.

Broward is such an asset for the ADL that its local director, Kiesha Edge, a former black employee of the Florida Department of Health, is now the ADL’s National Director of Education Operations, even while remaining back in Florida, in charge of 450 “education facilitators”

“We live in a society where systemic racism is alive and well,” Edge contended.

The only remaining systemic racism is teaching kids that they’re racist because of their race.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center took the lead in drawing up a K-12 code of ethics to end classroom indoctrination banning “teachers from using their classrooms for political, ideological, or religious advocacy.” But that is exactly what the ADL is doing with ‘No Place for Hate’.

And we’re taking on the ADL’s racist curriculum too.

The old ADL is mostly dead. Kiesha Edge and Jinnie Spiegler are what the organization is now:.  a collection of woke leftist activists who believe that America and its people are evil racists.

ADL officials can be of Jewish ancestry, like Spiegler, or black like Edge or even Arab, like Senior Vice President for National Affairs George Selim, but what unites them is politics.

And the money doesn’t hurt either.

Education and training is what the ADL actually does more than anything else. What had started out as a gimmick with the ADL’s original ‘World of Difference’ program became toxic as it was transformed into ‘No Place for Hate’.

Spiegler, the ADL’s curriculum boss, objected that “many schools hope to engage young people in social action work, yet mistakenly focus on kindness”.  Her ideal was the mobilization of some Parkland students to advocate against the Second Amendment after the school shooting there caused by Obama’s dismantling of school discipline policies.

“The first step is to facilitate students’ learning about the issues in a rigorous and complex way, and then to get them involved in action, advocacy and/or activism,” she laid out.

This year’s No Place for Hate Coordinator Handbook & Resource Guide doubles down on the war on kindness.

“Each year, ADL receives activities from participating No Place for Hate schools that focus on kindness,” the handbook complains. “ADL highly encourages schools, in designing their activities, to move beyond kindness to social justice.”

The ADL’s definition of social justice, one that it’s forcing into schools, is wholly partisan.

Students, Spiegler urges, should not just go “volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen”, they should “advocate for affordable housing”. Instead of just “tutoring children”, they have to fight for criminals and break up the “prison-to-school pipeline”. Obama’s efforts to break up the “prison-to-school pipeline” led to the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland.

And the ADL states that “each student must have an opportunity to participate in three ADL approved activities”. Parents are not wrong to describe this as partisan indoctrination.

The ADL claims that “as a 501c3 nonprofit organization, we take no position on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for office.” That is not true. Even during the 2020 election, the ADL continued to attack Trump while offering no criticism of Biden. And it certainly does not meet the IRS test of operating “primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people.”

Its curriculum and its agenda are wholly partisan and like many leftist groups, it operates with the complicity of the IRS and other federal and state regulatory organizations.

But the ADL has bigger issues on a statewide level with its racist educational curriculum.

In Virginia, Gov. Glenn Youngkin banned critical race theory and “inherently divisive concepts” from K-12 classrooms. These include the idea that anyone is morally superior or should be “discriminated against because of their race” or that “members of one race, ethnicity, sex or faith cannot and should not attempt to treat others as individuals without respect to race, sex or faith”.

‘No Place for Hate’ has a sizable presence in Virginia including in the Arlington Public Schools.

These are only two of the twenty states where the ADL’s racist curriculum may run into trouble.

The ADL’s education curriculum had started out teaching tolerance, but now teaches intolerance, and advocates partisan politics. Despite the organization’s origins, its handbook is notable for mentioning Jewish people only three times, once in the ADL’s background and twice in its definition of antisemitism.

But the ADL is not a Jewish organization anymore. It’s a generically lucrative leftist group which provides bias insurance to schools while joining in leftist attacks on conservatives.

A few years after Greenblatt came on board, the ADL announced a new program together with eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar: one of the leading funders of the anti-Israel Left. ADL Senior VP Eileen Hershenov was the former general counsel for Soros’ Open Society octopus.

“Kudos to my former boss, George Soros,” she gushed.

Hershenov oversees the ADL’s partnership with the Aspen Institute, funded by Soros. The joint ADL-Aspen program’s civil society fellows included the founding Co-Director of the Open Society Foundation’s Economic Justice Program.

Small wonder that Greenblatt attacks any critics of Soros and the ADL, formerly critical of the Nazi collaborating billionaire, now has a page dedicated to defending the antisemitic leftist.

The ADL’s funders and partners list increasingly resembles those of most leftist activist groups with $1 million from Craigslist’s Craig Newmark, the Rockefellers, the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation. There’s nothing Jewish here.

As an organization, the ADL doesn’t belong in Jewish circles, and its educational curriculum doesn’t belong in any schools.

Cristiano Ronaldo makes the sign of the cross after the goal, because the controversy broke out in Saudi Arabia? What happened

The last exultation of Cristiano Ronaldo with the Al-Nassr shirt. The Portuguese champion scored the decisive penalty in the semifinal of Arab Champions League against Al Shorta (finished 1-0), making himself the sign of the cross before taking off for his customary “Siuuuuu”. Too bad, in Saudi Arabia, it is public expression of the Christian faith is forbidden. A gesture triggered automatically by force of habit, on the euphoric momentum of a very heavy goal. Now, however, CR7 risks at least one warning from the club’s top management. Praying or displaying objects and symbols relating to the Christian religion in public is in fact considered a crime punishable even with arrest.

Anyone who does not respect these rules is accused of religious proselytism. A former Al Nassr player, the Colombian, knows something about it Juan Pablo Pinowho was arrested in a mall because of a tattoo of Jesus visible on his sleeveless shirt.

But going back to CR7, the chances that the authorities will give him the same treatment are almost nil. Ronaldo is the most valuable and prolific asset in Saudi football to date, e Al Nassr has sewn a team of champions around him; from Brozovic to Mané, from Fofana to Telles. And in the Arab Champions League final, CR7 will meet other old acquaintances of European football: Koulibaly and Milinkovic-Savic’s Al Hilal is ready to battle for the trophy.

Biden wants to suck from the sky an essential ingredient for food

By Andrea Widburg

One of the things that’s important for sane people to keep in mind is that the war on climate change is a war on food. It’s obvious when Ireland, Holland, and Oregon come for the cows that provide dairy and meat for people. It’s also obvious when the sinister World Economic Forum keeps insisting that we learn to enjoy bugs (while they enjoy filet mignon, of course). There are other ways to attack food, though. One such way is to give the government control over CO2 in the atmosphere, which is what could happen thanks to the Biden administration’s plan to fund a project that will vacuum that life-giving chemical compound from the atmosphere. reports on the left’s latest plan to interfere with food production:

The Biden administration is throwing its weight behind technology that sucks planet-warming carbon dioxide out of the air, selecting the first winners of a $3.5 billion fund dedicated to developing the machines scientists say will be needed to stop the worst effects of climate change.

Projects proposed by a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corp. for Kleberg County, Texas, and by Climeworks AG, Battelle Memorial Institute and Heirloom Carbon Technologies, Inc. for Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, were selected for the first tranche of funding, up to $1.2 billion, the Energy Department said.

The technology is “essentially a giant vacuum that can suck decades of old carbon pollution straight out of the sky,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told reporters. “If we deploy this at scale, this technology can help us make serious headway toward our net-zero emission goals.”

Once operational, the hubs are expected to remove more than 2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year from the atmosphere, the equivalent of taking nearly half a million gas-powered cars off the road, Granholm said. Additional projects are expected to be announced next year, the Energy Department said.

Maybe it’ll work; maybe it won’t. But never forget that carbon dioxide is essential to plant life—and plant life is essential to everything else. Without CO2, the world is reduced to a barren rock.

Of course, even the crazy leftists don’t want that outcome. Instead, they imagine the world returned to an exquisite pre-modern state that is a new Eden. They don’t care that the pre-modern pastoral world was a world of perpetual famine. The rich never had to deal with that problem. Famine was a problem for the masses—and as I’ve argued annually, those in power care only when the problems reach into their own homes.  

Right now, the government is painting the project as one to clean out pollution. But once a government gets its hands on a powerful technology, the sky’s the limit on what it can do to control the population, whether to render it helpless or erase it from the earth.

Considering that much of the climate change movement is now focused on cleaning up earth’s worst parasite—i.e., mankind—to leave that pastoral world for the saved few, I find it worrisome that our money is being used for a technology that allows the government to control something absolute fundamental for food creation. After all, we’ve already seen in Ireland, Holland, and Oregon what they’re willing to do.

Canadian Hospital Suggests Euthanasia to Suicidal Woman Who Went There For Help

Kathrin Mentler, 37, says that she went through a traumatic event earlier this year. When seeking psychiatric help at the Vancouver General Hospital, the doctor suggested the nation’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program.

The Globe and Mail reports, “Ms. Mentler says a clinician told her there would be long waits to see a psychiatrist and that the health care system is ‘broken.’ That was followed by a jarring question: ‘Have you considered MAID?’”

“She was like, ‘I can call the on-call psychiatrist, but there are no beds; there’s no availability,’” Mentler explained. “She said to me: ‘The system is broken.’”