Viral video of Belgian teen forced to kiss feet of attackers shows failure of multiculturalism, critics claim

Viral footage of a Belgian teenager being savagely beaten by a gang and forced to kiss the feet of his attackers has provoked a strong reaction from lawmakers opposed to mass immigration and in favor of greater law and order.

The disturbing video circulated on social media on Thursday purported to show a defenseless White teenager humiliated and mauled by a group of peers. The victim is ordered to kneel before the aggressors who put their feet in front of his mouth and shouted, “Kiss! Kiss!”

Under duress, the victim obliged and kissed the feet of several attackers before being punched and kicked in the head as he lay on the ground.

According to the Dutch newspaper Brabants Dagblad, the incident took place at a sports hall in the Belgian municipality of Zelzate, close to the Dutch border. It is understood the footage was filmed last Friday, Aug. 11.

“It concerns a minor victim. The suspects also seem to be peers,” a spokesperson for the Puyenbroeck Police Department told local media.

“We saw the images last night,” they said on Thursday. “We suspect that we will quickly identify the young suspects.”

The video has provoked a strong reaction from local politicians and the wider conservative community across Europe.

“We take this very seriously. It’s horrifying what’s happening in those images. I condemn this kind of behavior with every fiber in my body,” said Brent Meuleman, mayor of Zelzate and a member of the socialist Vooruit party.

“The victim’s parents contacted me last night to report the incident. The police have been investigating all day. I hope those guys are identified and justice will be served for the victim,” he added.

Other politicians and commentators were more scathing of the wider circumstances surrounding the attack, claiming it pointed to evidence of deteriorating law and order and a failure by some to integrate into Western society following years of mass immigration.

Tom Van Grieken, the leader of the nationalist Vlaams Belang party in Belgium, called the scenes “disgusting” and asked his followers, “Is this really the society you want to live in? Time for law and order. Time for Vlaams Belang!”

Jens De Pauw, the Vlaams Belang party secretary in the port city of Gent, claimed the video was evidence of “cultural enrichment” causing “degeneration,” and called on the socialist PvdA (Labour) party, which co-governs in the municipality alongside Vooruit, to condemn the attack.

“This young Fleming is beaten up, humiliated and forced to kiss the feet of these immigrant attackers… How do you think this will end? Wake up,” commented French lawyer and activist Pierre Gentillet.

“Moroccan immigrants humiliate and force a Belgian boy to kiss their feet. It seems that ‘multiculturalism’ is not going quite well in Europe,” added acclaimed French writer Emmanuel Rincón, founder of the Regional Renaissance political consultancy.

The video has now been viewed on X, formerly known as Twitter, more than 260,000 times with even the U.S. billionaire and owner of the social media platform, Elon Musk, describing the footage as “messed up”.

Italy: 19-year-old boy who escaped from war-torn Ukraine brutally attacked by a gang of 40 Tunisian and Libyan immigrants in Milan

(Left) Danylo bleeding moments after the vicious attack (Source: Amy Mek/Twitter); (right) Danylo during treatment (Source:

In a shocking incident from Italy’s Milan, a 19-year-old Ukrainian boy named Danylo Shydlovskyi was brutally attacked by a gang of around forty migrants on 6th August. The gang was largely comprised of Tunisians and Libyans. A video of the chilling attack has sent shockwaves across Italy.

Danylo and his friends were out travelling when they were faced with a harassing gang of “illegal” migrants. While bravely attempting to protect his friends, mainly two young girls, the Ukrainian boy was already enduring severe blows when another attacker from the gang wielded a box cutter and slashed Danylo’s face, back, and arm.

The video shows Danylo bleeding profusely after the attack. He has been left with a scar for life from the forehead to the chin, two five-centimetre wounds on the back, and scars on the arm. Danylo Shydlovskyi had come to Milan in an escape from war-torn Ukraine.

Danylo with this mother Raissa (Source: Rair Foundation)

“I thought that here in Milan, he would be safe. Paradoxically, he found the war here,” said his mother, Raissa, tearfully. She has been residing in the Italian city for seven years. Danylo reportedly thought he was going to bleed to death. “There were forty of them; they surrounded us to steal our glasses and purse. I thought I was going to bleed to death,” he said.

19-year-old Danylo Shydlovskyi’s face has been scarred for life by the attackers (Source: Amy Mek/Twitter)

Recalling the account of the horrifying incident, Danylo’s friend Stanislav said that their group of six friends had already encountered trouble with the gang earlier that day at the Lecco station where the migrants began to harass them. The situation escalated when they reached Piazza Freud outside the Porta Garibaldi station.

“Six young North Africans – he begins – already started to annoy us from the Lecco station, before getting on the train. They took the same train as us; we ignored it and settled in another carriage,” Stanislav said. Danylo added that upon reaching Garibaldi station, “those six followed us as far as the station exit.”

“Those boys joined others. There were about forty of them and they surrounded us. They took my glasses away and I didn’t react. At one point someone sprayed a stinging spray. Instinctively, I pushed away the two girls who were near me, to protect them, and I didn’t run away,” Danylo reportedly said while his mother interpreted.

He narrated further, “They pushed me against a parked car and smashed a bottle over the head. Then they hit me in the face, with a belt, and I bent over.” His friend Stanislav called out for help but it was too late by the time. “But after a few seconds, one of those guys attacked him with a box cutter: he slashed his whole face, from his forehead to his chin, and went to his back, also hitting his arm while my friend was trying to defend himself.”

The attackers fled the spot leaving Danylo in a pool of blood. He was admitted to the Fatebenefratelli hospital and was discharged after treatment with a 20-day prognosis. “But I’ll have it for at least a year. I have to keep the wound under control, they’ll have to remove the stitches (I have at least thirty) and then I’ll have to start the treatments plastic surgery,” he told an Italian news agency.

Danylo’s partner, Gianfranco has pleaded for justice asking that the guilty be made to pay. “I cannot look at his face and think whoever reduced him to this is still free to do harm.” The incident has received widespread coverage by the Italian media and has sparked uproar among the people highlighting the concerning situation that has taken form owing to the influx of immigrants in Italy and other European countries.

UK: 1 in 3 newborns registered to foreign mothers last year

Almost a third of new babies registered in England and Wales last year were born to foreign mothers, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published on Thursday revealed.

A total of 605,479 live births were registered in the countries in 2022, a 3.1 percent drop from the previous year’s total of 624,828 and the lowest number since 2002.

Of the annual figure, 30.3 percent, or 183,309 births were to mothers born outside of the U.K., up from 179,726 in 2021.

The majority of foreign mothers originated outside of the European Union — 58,037 babies were born to EU-born mothers compared to 125,272 born to non-EU-born mothers.

India replaced Romania to become the most common country of birth for non-U.K.-born mothers for the first time since reporting began in 2003, the ONS revealed.

There were 17,745 live births registered to Indian-born mothers last year — up 16.3 percent in a year — followed by Pakistan, with Romania dropping to third.

Poland and Nigeria made up the top five, while Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Albania, the United States and Germany featured in the top 10. It is the first time that Afghanistan has made the top 10 most common countries of origin for foreign mothers in Britain.

More than a third of newborns in England were born to either a foreign-born mother or father, accounting for 36.7 percent of all births. This figure rose from the 35.1 percent recorded in 2021. In Wales, just 16.1 percent of newborns were registered to a foreign-born parent.

London was the region across England and Wales with the highest percentage of births where either one or both parents were born outside of the U.K. with 66.5 percent, up one percentage point over 2021.

The northwest London borough of Brent recorded the highest percentage of births to a foreign-born parent with 82.3 percent of all births, while Copeland, hidden away in the rural northwest English county of Cumbria recorded the smallest percentage at 6 percent.

Ridiculous ! Syrian sexually harasses young women and is sentenced to probation and a German language course by a German court for it

Local Court Chemnitz, Miebner, CC-BY-SA-3.0

Bassam T. ( aged 30) sexually harassed and coerced several young women. The Syrian was therefore sentenced yesterday, Monday, in Chemnitz.

“It is, quite frankly, just disgusting,” the judge summed up the acts. The youngest of the three victims was only 15 years old at the time.

The now 18-year-old had friends over at her home on the Kaßberg. Being a good hostess, she escorted them to the bus. On the way back – she had almost reached the front door – a black-haired man suddenly attacked her from behind.

“He tried to undress me,” she described to the court at the end of July. The crime happened three years ago, it was dark and late at that time. She cannot clearly identify the accused. “All I know is that he was wearing a blue Corona mask!”

As confirmed by the Regional Criminal Police Office (LKA), his saliva sample matches the DNA evidence at all crime scenes.

The total sentence of one year and six months was suspended. Bassam T. will have to report regularly to his probation officer for three years, do 200 hours of community service and attend a German course again.

The sentence is not yet legally binding.

Environmentalists Blocked Release of Water to Fight Maui Fires – Global warming doesn’t cause natural disasters. Environmentalists cause natural disasters

Environmentalists claim that global warming caused by people driving to work and cooling their homes causes natural disasters. In reality, environmentalists cause natural disasters by blocking sensible policies like forestry management and dams, and then once a disaster, like fire or flooding is underway, they contrive to do what they can to block any kind of relief because they believe in worsening natural disasters to convince people of their cause and give them unlimited power to destroy our lives.

Here it is again in Maui. Environmentalists are blaming the fires on global warming. This isn’t global warming at work, it’s the climate cult hiding behind some ‘indigenous’ mumbo jumbo to defend their crimes.

With wildfires ravaging West Maui on Aug. 8, a state water official delayed the release of water that landowners wanted to help protect their property from fires. The water standoff played out over much of the day and the water didn’t come until too late.

Specifically, according to accounts of four people with knowledge of the situation, M. Kaleo Manuel, a Native Hawaiian cultural practitioner and DLNR’s deputy director for water resource management, initially balked at West Maui Land Co.’s requests for additional water to help prevent the fire from spreading to properties managed by the company.

According to the sources, Manuel wanted West Maui Land to get permission from a taro, or kalo, farm located downstream from the company’s property. Manuel eventually released water but not until after the fire had spread. It was not clear on Monday how much damage the fire did in the interim or whether homes were damaged.

However, Gov. Josh Green spoke candidly Monday during a press briefing about conflicts over water on Maui – although not the DLNR-West Maui Land Co. incident directly – and encouraged news media to explore the issue. The conflicts are rooted in the diversion of water by large plantations, which starved downstream users from a resource essential for Native Hawaiian agriculture, particularly the traditional practice of growing taro or kalo. ‘

But the governor said conflicts over water are being reshaped in an age of climate change and wildfires. Now the conflict includes opponents who do not want water to be used to fight fires, the governor said.

“One thing that people need to understand especially those from far away is that there’s been a great deal of water conflict on Maui for many years,” Green said. “It’s important that we’re honest about this. People have been fighting against the release of water to fight fires. I’ll leave that to you to explore.”

Here’s more about Manuel.

Kaleo Manuel — 2019 Obama Asia Pacific Leaders program “Kaleo is the Deputy Director of the State of Hawaiʻi Commission on Water Resource Management. He believes that ancient wisdom and traditional ecological knowledge of native peoples will help save the Earth. Kaleo is passionate about elevating native and indigenous ways of knowing in all spheres of discourse and dialogue.”

Also, people dying in wildfires.

The cult meanwhile blames western forces and their evil technology.

News Release from Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Aug 10, 2023

The fires are in part due to the climate crisis, a history of colonialism in our islands, and the loss of our right to steward our ʻāina and wai. We have watched our precious cultural assets, our physical connection to our ancestors, our places of remembering – all go up in smoke. The same western forces that tried to erase us as a people now threaten our survival with their destructive practices.

Behind all this are the usual leftist ecofascists who believe humanity, especially civilized industrial humanity, is a plague on the planet.

Italian PM Meloni under fire as illegal immigration soars to new highs

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Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is under pressure to deliver on her electoral pledge to curb illegal immigration after embarrassing figures published this week by her country’s interior ministry revealed more than 100,000 migrants have landed on Italian shores so far this year.

A total of 101,386 migrants landed on Italian islands or the mainland between Jan. 1 and Aug. 16, more than double the 48,000 who arrived in the same period last year, and almost triple the 34,556 landings recorded in 2021.

With migrant activity in the Mediterranean showing no sign of slowing down, the right-wing Italian government runs the very real risk of overseeing a record number of arrivals in a single year, surpassing the 180,000 arrivals recorded at the peak of the migrant crisis in 2016.

This is despite promises from Italian conservatives to install stricter border controls, block boat landings, and establish offshore reception centers to evaluate asylum applications.

The Italian government’s attempts to restrict the movement of NGO-operated rescue vessels in the Mediterranean have failed to stem the flow of illegal immigration into the country, and the Italian island of Lampedusa has once again been saturated with new arrivals.

Regional politicians are now sounding the alarm, including hardline President of Veneto Luca Zaia of the League party, who in a recent interview with local media called on just 10 percent of new arrivals to be allowed to stay in the country.

“I’m seeing worrying numbers. Veneto is already hosting 9,000 migrants… Italy cannot be the cushion of Europe and welcome all of Africa,” he warned.

Opposition lawmakers have sensed the opportunity to take the government to task on its immigration failures, following the Italian right’s years on the sidelines hurling insults at centrist and center-left administrations over their inability to tackle the issue.

“For years, Meloni and Salvini taunted us every summer for the number of migrant arrivals,” said former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. “Now that arrivals have doubled, they try to divert attention and pretend not to see,” added the president of the left-wing Five Star Movement.

“They’re always shouting ‘close the ports’ and ‘the gravy train for migrants is over’ and ‘Italians first,’ but the right is demonstrating a manifest failure in its management of immigration,” claimed Stefano Bonaccini, the governor of Emilia Romagna in the country’s north.

Meloni’s administration, despite pledging a hardline approach, has in reality advocated a far more internationalist approach to the migration issue than many expected. In a bid to distance herself from initial comparisons to far-right administrations from the 19th century, Meloni has opted to pursue European cooperation over nationalistic attitudes as much as possible.

Italy backed down from its opposition to the European Union’s proposed Migration Pact earlier this year and announced its intention to ease restrictions on legal migrants wishing to live and work in the country.

Are you ready for the first Muslim chancellor of Germany?

by Giulio Meotti

The first Muslim German chancellor is the prophecy for “Germany in thirty years”.This is the plot of “Die Kandidatin”, the novel by Constantin Schreiber, winner of the Grimme Prize and Tagesschau correspondent . Sabah Hussein and his electoral success with the Greens are the result of the great demographic changes he now calls “diversity”. Sabah comes from Neukölln, the immigrant district in Berlin. Within the left, Sabah prevails by launching the struggle for the veil in the name of feminism and the fact that the Social Democrats are a party “now made up only of old men”.

Meanwhile, Germany has “changed”. At least a quarter of the employees in government agencies and companies must by law be Muslim. The Ernst Abbe School in Berlin is now named after Erdogan. The bust of Nefertiti returned to Egypt, which it promptly resold to China, while the Berlin Museum became the “Museum of Antiracism”. There are magistrates who wear hijabs.

Schreiber has written only one novel.

That in Berlin the name Mohammed is the most popular for newborns is not novel, but the new data released by Berliner Zeitung and Zeit shows that also in other cities, such as Bremen, Mohammed is first. Bild informs us that “Mohammed also entered the top ten in Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland”. Welt writes that “even in Dortmund, in first place is Mohammed, as in Duisburg and Essen…”. And even in a city like Gelsenkirchen, Mohammed is first.

“By 2040, one third of Germany’s population will have been born abroad,” writes political scientist Ivan Krastev in Le Grand Continent. In German cities, in less than twenty years, 70 percent of the population will be made up of foreigners.

In a lecture at the University of Tübingen, Michael Blume estimated (before the great migration waves of 2015) that “by 2030 Muslims in large and medium-sized cities will make up one third of the inhabitants”. Blume draws this picture less than ten years from now: “The number of Muslims will continue to grow, mainly due to births in Germany, and will constitute ten percent of the total population in 2030 and a third in some West German cities.”

Either Blume is either an alarmist or he is right. And if he’s right, shouldn’t we do well to take him seriously?

In primary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia – the most populous German state – students with migrant backgrounds are already the majority in a third of them. Frankfurt is the first German city where Germans have become a minority.

“Migranten: Sie werden die Mächtigen sein”. Migrants: they will be the powerful. This is a title of the main article in the best-selling and most respected German weekly Die Zeit.

“There was a time when Germany belonged to the Germans.” Yes, they wrote that. “Its population is now experiencing what is the largest demographic transformation in postwar history: from a long-established majority society that has to integrate a few newcomers to a hyperdiverse society in which Germans with no migration history are slowly but inexorably becoming a numerical minority among many. The demographic change becomes clearer if we look at the new generation: 40 per cent of children under ten have a migration background”.

The individualist cultures in history are replaced by the collectivist ones coming from the basins of immigration.

“Western culture is destroying itself”, write Meinhard Miegel and Stefanie Wahl in “Das ende des individualismus”. Germans work hard and immerse themselves in private life: hobbies, holidays and sports. But they no longer have children. This is why they have rushed into admitting millions of migrants. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan echoes them, stating that “Western hegemony is over. It lasted for centuries, but it’s over.”

The “Great Enrichment” is proceeding smoothly and woe to those who dare criticize it. They say you are “racist” and “Islamophobic” because you don’t find it normal to live in a country where there is a sharia court on the corner, the mosque has a taller minaret than the old church you frequented as a child and which has become a commercial center, your Jewish friends have gone to Israel and there are more beards and chadors than in Damascus.

“The term ‘Christian West’ is intellectual rubbish,” the great Munich newspaper.Süddeutsche Zeitung reassures us.

In 2011 Benedict XVI chose Erfurt – the city of Luther and the “Rome of Thuringia” – to denounce a frightening decline of Christianity. “God’s absence in our society becomes heavier, the story of his revelation, of which Scripture speaks to us, seems to be placed in a past that is increasingly distant,” said Ratzinger.

A new mosque under construction in Erfurt has just been adorned with a minaret.

After learning the news that the German Evangelical Church lost 745,000 members who left the church or died in just one year, the highest figure ever recorded. Welt editor-in-chief Ulf Poschardt commented: “The fact that church congresses cannot be distinguished from Green congresses is having an effect.”

“God is queer,” said the bishops of the German Evangelical Church.

But also “the Catholic Church is dying a painful death in the public eye,” Thomas Schüller, a canon lawyer, explained, commenting on the record of faithful who have left the Church in one year. Half a million Germans.

The Evangelical Church has 20 million faithful. At a loss rate of 745,000 faithful a year, it will no longer exist in 25 years.

A few weeks ago the news announced that by 2060, churches in Germany will have to sell up to 40,000 properties, a third of all churches.

The strongest comment comes from religion expert Peter Hahne: “Maybe this is the only chance to change course before the last person has to turn out the light. The yawning empty church services of political preachers and the sell-off of church buildings are already a reflection. However, a change of course is likely to be difficult with the current (managerial) staff and leftist pioneers. They will continue to celebrate as the vanguard of [progressive] benefactors. Even the band of the Titanic played until the end”.

In Hamburg, two thirds of the churches are to be closed in the next few years. And in Hamburg, the second largest German city, there are already 50 mosques.

Die Welt (“more mosques than churches”) reveals that the mosques have already surpassed the 40 Catholic churches in Hamburg.

More Muslims than Christians in Berlin, where Catholics are just 9 percent, against 10 percent Muslims. In the German capital, Islam has already overtaken Catholicism.

In a best-selling book “Finis Germany”, published posthumously in 2017, German historian Rolf Peter Sieferle predicted the “disappearance” of Germans as a nation, people, identity and culture. Sieferle portrayed a Germany at the end of its history and culture, the utopian-childish twilight of a de-Christianized cosmopolitan community, the prelude to the end of the European one.

Were Sieferle’s words just a reactionary fantasy?

In a study commissioned by the bishops, researchers at the University of Freiburg revealed that Christian denominations will halve within a generation. And within a generation, according to the Pew Forum, under a high-immigration scenario the Muslim population in Germany will reach 20 percent of the total, or 17 million. It will be equality between Christians and Muslims.

Social Democrat Olaf Scholz was the first chancellor in history who refused to swear on the traditional “so wahr mir Gott helfe” (so help me God). If the trend continues, the next chancellor will swear on another formula: “So wahr mir Allah helfe”.

Are you ready for the first Muslim chancellor of Germany? | ערוץ 7 (

Corporate wokeness: Warning British firms pose ‘dangerous’ working environments for employees with different ideologies

Director of Data and Impact at the Free Speech Union (FSU) Thomas Harris says Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policies – which are often compulsory for employees – could ‘further erode freedom of expression’GB News

Employees who voice opinions on gender, race, sexuality and religion risk being sacked from their workplace, GB News has been told.

British firms pose a “danger” of “threatening” the freedom of employees, according to an organisation which advocates freedom of speech.

Director of Data and Impact at the Free Speech Union (FSU) Thomas Harris says Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policies – which are often compulsory for employees – could “further erode freedom of expression”.

The FSU reports that one in 20 of its cases are directly related to EDI training which are “accelerating the politicisation of the workplace”.

While organisations such as Coutts and the Church of England’s investment bodies have signed up to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment – which encompasses EDI and Net Zero policies.

The FSU has shared exclusive case studies with GB News, including examples of employees who have faced possible sanctions.

Some members have been told that they will fail their EDI training if they don’t pass a test with a “sufficiently high score” which could ultimately see employees suffering “hostility” and a potential sanction.

Other EDI training materials which treat issues such as critical race theory, micro aggressions (negative attitudes toward stigmatised or culturally marginalised groups), or anti-racism, as ideas are not to be questioned.

It comes after reports revealed last week that organisation “B Lab UK” is lobbying for a change in the law to further embed these practices in British companies.

The “Better Business Act” would see section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 amended to give chiefs a duty to consider “people and the planet”, not just profit.

It follows Coutts’ decision to debank GB News’ presenter Nigel Farage because his views did not “align with its purpose and values”.

Harris told GB News: “The evidence from our casework is clear. The EDI policies being rolled out by companies wishing to demonstrate their woke credentials, routinely operate as oppressive speech codes for both employees and customers alike.”

Alongside general EDI training, FSU cases can also involve unconscious bias training, anti-racism training, gender identity training.

Harris added: “The EDI training course, often compulsory for staff, is a dangerous moment. Quietly admitting that you have traditional Christian beliefs on marriage, or that you take a colour-blind view of race, can get you into a lot of trouble.”

As part of their work, in April 2022 the FSU wrote to the Home Office objecting to an instruction for employees to state their pronouns in their signature.

“We believe that the proposed amendment to section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 will further erode freedom of expression in the UK, accelerating the politicisation of the workplace, and making it all but impossible to express popular but unfashionable views,” Harris said.

The FSU supports those who believe they have been penalised for exercising their freedom of speech.

With the help of FSU, a rail conductor sued his ex-employer West Midlands Trains after he was sacked for gross misconduct when he was overheard questioning “black privilege” during an online diversity training course.

Simon Isherwood was sacked last March after his colleagues heard him criticising the webinar’s contents when he left his microphone on.

He was overheard telling his wife: “I couldn’t be a**** because I thought, ‘you know what, I’ll just get f**king angry’. You know what I really wanted to ask?… and I wish I had, do they have black privilege in other countries? So, if you’re in Ghana?…”

Free Speech Union General Secretary Toby Young said: “I hope this sends a message to other employers: you cannot dismiss staff for gross misconduct for mocking woke diversity training. Workers have rights, including the right to free speech.”