UK: Three people being hunted by police over murder of 10-year-old Sara Sharif ‘spent £5,000 on one way tickets to Pakistan for themselves and five children’ – and flew out the day before her body was found

Urfan Sharif

Three people being hunted by police over the murder of a 10-year-old girl in Surrey are said to have spent £5,000 on one-way tickets to Pakistan for themselves and five children – flying out the day before her body was discovered.

Sara Sharif was tragically found dead at her father’s home in the quiet village of Horsell, near Woking, in the early hours of Thursday morning.

An international manhunt was then launched for three suspects, who have not been named, and who police believe have since fled the country. 

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A local travel agent said last night he was contacted by someone known to Sara, wanting plane tickets for three adults and five children.

Tickets to Islamabad costing more than £5,000 were booked on August 9, hours before Sara’s body was found alone by Surrey Police, the BBC reports.

A Surrey Police spokesman said: ‘Detectives have confirmed that no other people were present at the address when they attended in the early hours of Thursday morning. The three people they would like to speak to were known to the victim.’ 

Sara’s father Urfan Sharif, 41, had full custody of his daughter and his 13-year-old son. 

Her mother, Olga Sharif, 36, claims Sara’s behaviour changed when she moved in with her father

Ms Sharif said she married Urfan in November 2009, but the marriage ended in 2017. She claims she was only allowed to see her children twice in the past four years. 

A post-mortem examination was due to take yesterday – a cause of death has not been formally confirmed.

A Surrey Police spokesman said: ‘Detectives have confirmed that no other people were present at the address when they attended in the early hours of Thursday morning. The three people they would like to speak to were known to the victim.’ 

Sara’s father Urfan Sharif, 41, had full custody of his daughter and his 13-year-old son. 

Her mother, Olga Sharif, 36, claims Sara’s behaviour changed when she moved in with her father

Ms Sharif said she married Urfan in November 2009, but the marriage ended in 2017. She claims she was only allowed to see her children twice in the past four years. 

A post-mortem examination was due to take yesterday – a cause of death has not been formally confirmed. /

Afghan turns himself in after dousing partner in gasoline at German gas station

An Afghan national has handed himself in to German police after being caught on CCTV dousing a woman in gas before bundling her into a vehicle and fleeing the scene.

The incident occurred on Thursday morning in Langenhorn, Hamburg, when a maintenance company employee sounded the alarm after observing an unknown male pouring gasoline over a female at a Jet gas station on Langenhorner Chaussee.

When the employee tried to intervene, he too was doused in gasoline before the perpetrator dragged the woman into a car and took off.

Local police and firefighters were dispatched to the scene, and investigators acquired footage from the gas station’s surveillance cameras that provided a clear view of the perpetrator and the vehicle’s license plate number.

Following a manhunt on Thursday, authorities were able to find the woman, who is safe, and the perpetrator is understood to have turned himself in to police around 9 p.m.

German media reported the suspect as being a 31-year-old Afghan national living in Kiel, a city around 90 kilometers north of Hamburg.

Further details surrounding the incident have not been forthcoming; however, local media stated there was a dispute between the two individuals involved, which is understood to have escalated. NDR radio reported that the pair are in a relationship and have children together.

An investigation led by the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) is ongoing on suspicion of threatening behavior, coercion, and domestic violence.

The suspect has since been released after his interrogation due to a perceived lack of grounds for detention.

Italy: Muslim vandalizes church but police do not intervene (VIDEO)

Once again, a video from our partner website “Radio Genoa” reaches us from the multi-culti hell of Italy. There, a Muslim (apparently from North Africa) went berserk in broad daylight and attacked a church in the city of Turin. Again and again, the migrant tries to break open the entrance door with a stone. Passers-by videotape the scene, but no one is willing to intervene and stop the desecration of the church. Even the police are far and wide nowhere to be spotted:

France stop under HALF of English Channel crossings despite mega payment from UK

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French authorities are intercepting fewer than 50 per cent of Channel crossing attempts in the last year, official figures have revealed.

The failure to intercept more vessels comes after the United Kingdom coughed up £480million to France to help solve the crisis.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak agreed to the three-year deal with Paris in a bid to curb the number of illegal migrants crossing the Channel.

However, figures obtained by The Telegraph showed just 45.2 per cent of migrants have been stopped since January.

The rate stood at 45.8 per cent during the year before.

The UK’s £480million deal is funding more patrolling officers on French beaches, a joint command centre and a detention centre.

Home Affairs Select Committee chair Tim Loughton voiced his concern about the “disappointing” figures given the “huge investment”.

He said: “Clearly we are paying more money for the French police to continue failing to stop even more migrants on the beaches before they get into the water.

“We need an immediate value for money assessment of exactly what the British taxpayer is getting for their money.”

The disappointing interception rate comes shortly after the European Union rejected a deal which would have allowed migrants to return to France.

Dover MP Natalie Elphicke urged London and Paris to “work together” to end the Channel crossing crisis.

Elphicke has urged France to back-peddle on its previous reservations and hold joint patrols.

The UK was previously able to use the EU’s Dublin regulation to return asylum seekers to the member state in which they first arrived.

However, the mechanism ensured more migrants entered the UK than left between 2015 and 2017.

France’s interception rate could be considered yet another blow to Sunak’s pledge to stop Channel crossing migrants.

All 39 migrants aboard Bibby Stockholm were evacuated last week amid fears of Legionnaires disease.

The Government’s Rwanda scheme remains in legal limbo after it was declared unlawful on human rights grounds by the Court of Appeal in June.

The total number of illegal migrants who crossed the English Channel has exceeded 17,000 this year.

Dutch ruling conservatives say ready to govern with Geert Wilders

The Netherlands’ ruling liberal conservatives of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte declared Friday they would be ready to govern alongside Geert Wilders’ far right movement after an early general election in November.

Dutch voters will elect a new parliament on November 22 after last week’s collapse of Rutte’s four-party coalition led by his centre-right VVD over a bitter argument about asylum seeker policy.

He said last month he would quit politics altogether after 13 years at the helm which made him his country’s longest-serving prime minister.

Rutte told a reporter Friday he could confirm declarations by incoming VVD head Dilan Yesilgoz to the ANP news agency that the party was not ruling out Wilders’ populist nationalist Party for Freedom being included in a coalition.

“Yes, I completely agree,” said Rutte laconically when pressed on the issue as Yesilgoz, Turkish-born outgoing justice minister, prepares to lead the VVD into the poll.

Wilders dubbed the development “good news” in a post to X, formerly Twitter, as Dutch voters go to the polls some 15 months earlier than scheduled.

Yesilgoz came to the Netherlands as a refugee via Greece as a child and obtained asylum – her trade unionist father had arrived earlier following a 1980 coup in Turkey.

She will look to head a new administration with the immigration issue having split the coalition after government plans to cut the number of family members from war zones allowed to reunite with asylum-seeker relatives in the Netherlands. 

Rutte’s government imploded after the policy highlighted what he conceded were “insurmountable” differences between coalition partners.

Rutte, nicknamed “Teflon Mark” for his ability to survive political scandals, first took office at the head of a minority government in 2010, benefiting from an initial confidence and supply accord with Wilders’ PVV party.

Wilders’ withdrawal of support two years later brought that government down and led to early elections.

This year’s poll will see the established parties also face a challenge from the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB), seeking to shake up the system.

The BBB, formed after months of rowdy rallies against plans to cut livestock numbers for environmental reasons, won senate elections earlier this year.

‘In Germany, I don’t feel safe, I want to return to Poland,’ says Polish woman to PM Morawiecki

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said a Polish woman living in Germany told him she wants to move back to Poland because, as she says, it is dangerous in Bavaria.

Morawiecki made the remark during his speech in the parliament this week, where he related a conversation he had with a Polish woman who lives in Bavaria. The head of the Polish government met her during one of the military picnics, with the news outlet being the first to publish the recording of the conversation.

“I have been living in Bavaria for 10 years now, but I intend to return to Poland because Poland has changed so much and Germany is declining,” the Polish woman told Morawiecki. “In the minds of Germans, there’s a completely different image of Poland. Things are much better in our country than in Germany, and I happen to live in Bavaria.”

During the conversation, Morawiecki pointed out that Bavaria is one of the wealthiest states in Germany.

The Polish woman responded by saying: “Yes, but unfortunately they took in a lot of refugees. What’s happening in Bavaria right now is really awful.”

She then recounted how in 2015 she used to go to the main train station in Munich, where refugees were arriving, mainly young people from the Middle East, with few children and women.

According to the woman, since that time, the situation in Bavaria has deteriorated. There are so many migrants that she is afraid to go out after dark.

“Now, I don’t feel safe, I have to return home early. By 10:00 pm, I try to be home because later there are groups of migrants among whom I feel very unsafe,” she said.

“I invite you to Poland, it’s very safe in Poland,” replied the head of the government.

“I am actually planning to move back to Poland,” said the Polish woman.

Your daughter has become Kafir: Indian Muslim model Sana doxxed, gets rape threats from Muslims for wishing a Hindu friend on his birthday

Model Sana Farheen, image via News 18 Bihar Jharkhand

A Muslim model from Ranchi, named Sana Farheen, has reportedly been abused and given rape threats by her radical co-religionists for wishing her Hindu friend on his birthday.

While speaking about the matter to News18 Bihar Jharkhand, she said, “I have a friend from college, whom I have known for the past 6 years. A month ago, he had his birthday. So I put up a story, just like other normal people. I think that was my mistake.”

“The story was taken out of context and converted into obscene viral content. I am being body-shamed and slut shamed. They are giving me rape threats. I have been called a prostitute and call girl,” Sana lamented.

The model informed that her family has been doxxed and the phone number of her father has been made public by her radical co-religionists. “The picture of my Ranchi house is being posted online and my mother is not in a proper state of mind,” she added.

“My dad has received calls and is being told that his daughter has turned into a Kafir (a derogatory, dehumanising term for non-Muslims). He has been asked to vacate the house…My family is unable to handle this,” Sana recounted the horror.

She informed that the cyberbullying was started by a man named Abu Talha. “Later, 40 other people joined him on Instagram and formed a group…My photos are being shared by groups named ‘Save Muslim Girls’ and ‘Islamic World’.”

The model accused Islamic clerics in Jharkhand of threatening to issue fatwas against her. “Adam Sena” is a big Muslim group based in Ranchi. I am getting threats from them. And the abuse and harassment have not stopped,” she emphasised.

This is not the first time that such an incident has come to light. Earlier, actress and TMC MP Nusrat Jahan was attacked by Islamists for marrying a non-Muslim man and attending the Bengali festival of Durga Puja.

In Chicago, another sign of the Catholic Church’s decline

By Andrea Widburg

I’m not a Catholic, but I have an abiding respect for Catholicism’s role in bringing down the paganism that dominated Europe before the Church took over. At least one Catholic cardinal, though, seems to have forgotten that time. How else can we explain Cardinal Blase Cupich’s decision to participate in a Wiccan-organized conference to “enrich” his faith?

Before the Jews, the world was entirely pagan. People across the known world worshipped a panoply of gods tied to the visible and invisible phenomena of the earth. The gods didn’t provide an overarching morality. Instead, they were capricious beings that constantly needed to be placated, and they especially liked blood, whether animal or human. The stories of the Roman gods are a soap opera of vanity, matricide, patricide, incest, insanity, and random violence.

The Jews brought something new: a single, invisible God who had a powerful moral code that He demanded of His followers. The shorthand for this is “ethical monotheism.” Through Jesus, ethical monotheism spread beyond the Jews. Eventually, throughout Western Europe, it was the Catholic Church that took up this banner.

Being a Jew, I’ll be the first to admit that Catholicism, even as it wove ethical monotheism into the warp and woof of Western society, could be brutal. After all, its early adherents all came from paganism and, once Catholicism took hold, they all fought against paganism. There were those who fought with words and moral example, like St. Patrick, and those who fought with swords.

Image: Cardinal Cupich (cropped) by MTF-GR. CC BY-SA 4.0.

But contrary to the leftist perception, it wasn’t all war. Unlike Islam, which spread only by the sword, one of the wonders of the Catholic Church was its use of syncretism, which smoothed the way for pagan converts. Most significantly, they were told that Christ himself was the ultimate human sacrifice, making all others redundant, cruel, and unnecessary. As the Venerable Bede explained, persuasion was a very effective way to end paganism.

That was the early Catholic Church—it made its bones fighting paganism, whether by persuasion or the sword.

I happen to think that fight was worthy. Today, we have a gauzy conception of pagans, especially the druids, dressed in pretty white robes, garlanded with mistletoe, and dancing around flames. But, as noted, the pagan world was an insanely brutal world centered around blood sacrifices to capricious gods, along with religious orgies that were heavy on child sexuality and sacrifice. Morality was not a part of the scene.

That’s why I find so upsetting news that Cardinal Blase Cupich, a member in good standing of the Catholic Church, is enthusiastically participating in a “religious” conference that a Wiccan priestess organized and that will be attended by thousands of self-identified pagans:

Left-wing Cardinal Blase Cupich is set to appear at a scandalous ecumenical event in Chicago this week. The conference is coordinated by a Wiccan priestess and features more than 6,000 representatives of various forms of pagan and non-Catholic sects.

The 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions is being held at McCormack Place convention center from Tuesday, August 14 until Friday, August 18. Its theme is “A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom and Human Rights.” 

One could defend Cupich’s decision to attend by looking to St. Patrick, who went among the pagans to convert them. Or perhaps Cupich might be engaging in syncretism; that is, convincing pagans that Catholicism serves their needs, only better. But he’s not. Cupich is going there in a purely ecumenical spirit, to improve his faith through their faith:

I strongly disapprove of killing people in the name of Christianity. I equally strongly disapprove of the slow suicide of Christianity in the name of ecumenicalism—especially when that ecumenicalism comes from the left, which has long had as its goal Christianity’s demise. Marx wasn’t the first socialist to hate religion. In the lead-up to the French Revolution, Denis Diderot famously said, “Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”

If the Catholic Church doesn’t stand against paganism, one has to worry what basic principle it will abandon next.

Brazil: Biden-Financed Lula Regime Goes Full Fascist, Arrests Gospel Singer for “Wearing Brazilian Flag”, 8 Other Christian Conservatives

The leftist Brazilian government continues its persecution of conservatives, arresting gospel singer Fernanda Ôliver and journalist Allan Frutuoso. 8 out of 10 other conservatives were arrested by the Supreme Court’s Federal Police in the Lesa Pátria (Treason) raids, two of them are on the run. 250 patriots remain in prison in Brazil since Jan 8, 2022, including Pastor Chief Serere Xavante.

Fernanda Ôliver was arrested in Goiânia for the crime of singing about God, freedom and patriotism in the capital Brasilia Jan 8, 2022. Soros-infiltrated newspaper O Globo accused the 25-year old beauty of the crime of “wearing the Brazilian flag on her shoulders,” and “using other props, such as caps.”

UK: Isis convict dubbed ‘Towie jihadi’ now wants to become social media influencer

A British mother dubbed ‘Towie Jihadi’, who was jailed for joining Isis, now wants to rebrand to become a social media influencer.

Tareena Shakil, who became the first British woman jailed for joining Isis, has amassed thousands of followers on TikTok.

She has recently shared her “mindset” for success on the online platform, saying that “failure doesn’t scare me”.

The ex-Isis member was dubbed the Towie Jihadi due to her love of reality TV shows.

She was locked up behind bars in 2016 after it was determined she posed a “serious risk” to society, but only served three years out of her six-year sentence.

Shakil has since stated that she is remorseful of her actions and claims that she was “taken advantage of” by online groomers.

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Now, the mum has tried to rebrand herself into an influencer, amassing almost 4,000 followers and close to 100,000 video likes.

Her account, called That girl Tam Tam, posts selfies and videos with the hashtags “fashion blogger”, “style inspiration” and “London Fashion”.

In a now private Instagram account, she posed for snaps outside luxury fashion brands like Dior and Givenchy.

Shakil also posted travel content, with posts showing her holidaying in Morocco, Milan and Amsterdam.

The ‘Towie Jihadi’ has denied that she was purposefully trying to become an influencer.

“I’ve learned from my mistakes and have served my punishment,” she told the Mirror.

“I don’t seek to be an influencer or blogger, I seek to show people you can make it through hard times even when it may seem impossible.”

In 2014, Shakil left the UK for Syria, telling her family she was taking her son on holiday to Turkey.

She was pictured in Raqqa, the Islamic State’s symbolic capital, wearing a balaclava and posing with an AK-47.

Another picture showed her young son wearing an Isis hat.

A year later however, she returned to the UK after deciding to flee the Isis state.

She was immediately arrested when she landed at Heathrow Airport, and soon found guilty of being a member of the Islamic State.

The judge at Birmingham Crown Court said that whilst it was clear she had been radicalised, she had shown no remorse.

After undergoing a de-radicalisation programme, Shakil was released in 2018.