‘Straightforward Racism’ — Sadiq Khan’s Office Said White Families Don’t ‘Represent Real Londoners’


The office of far-left Mayor Sadiq Khan has been accused of spreading racism after it published a guide that featured a picture of a white family with the caption “doesn’t represent real Londoners”.

A series of guidance on practices for city government media publications produced by the office of Mayor Khan dubbed ‘Look Book – Mayor of London Brand Guidelines’ was taken down from the mayor’s official website after it was accused of anti-white racism.

Despite claiming that the guidance was meant to demonstrate that Khan’s administration seeks to serve “everyone no matter, their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability or family make-up,” the publication went on to display a picture of a young white couple with two white children walking along the Thames with the words “Doesn’t represent real Londoners”.

It went on to say that “the photos we use should reflect a recognisable, real and diverse London.”

Khans’ office has so far refused to apologise, merely telling the Mail on Sunday that the picture’s caption was added by a staff member “in error” and that it “doesn’t reflect the view of the Mayor or the Greater London Authority.” The post has since been removed and a spokesman said that the content is being “reviewed to ensure the language and guidance is appropriate”.

In response to the divisive message, Brexit leader Nigel Farage said: “Sadiq Khan’s London is run by an anti-white prejudice, which could be called racism.”

Trade unionist activist Paul Embery seconded the assessment, saying that it was “straightforward racism. No other way to describe it.”

Conservative London Assembly Member Susan Hall, who will face off with Khan in next year’s mayoral election, has called on the leftist Labour Party mayor to apologise to the public.

“All Londoners are real Londoners, no matter their ethnicity, and Sadiq Khan needs to apologise and stop these desperate, politically-motivated attempts to divide people.”

Hall went on to criticise the guidebook for the amount of space used to mandate how Mr Khan is portrayed in government publications, with the guidance stating that “photos of the Mayor should be active and engaging.”

Alongside more than 20 acceptable pictures of Khan, it went on to say: “When you photograph the Mayor, make sure his staff and any known/ political figures are out of the shot.”

It is not the first time that Mr Khan’s government has been criticised for engaging in anti-white racism, with Transport for London (TfL), which Khan serves as the chairman of, advertised a paid position earlier this year for candidates of “non-white heritage“.


Germany’s new whistleblower law ‘risks return to Stasi era’

Germany is quietly building a “huge surveillance apparatus” that risks creating a denunciation culture similar to those of the Nazis and the Stasi, one of the country’s leading historians has claimed.

Hubertus Knabe claimed Berlin was setting up a sprawling system of “tip-off points” inside companies and in government authorities that will facilitate people snitching on co-workers, and was doing so “unnoticed by the public”.

Germany’s “whistleblower protection law” came into force in July with the stated purpose of protecting people who report on workplace abuses. All companies with more than 49 members of staff must set up an office where staff can anonymously report on suspected abuses of the law without fear of retribution.

But according to Mr Knabe, who ran the Hohenschönhausen Memorial on the site of the Stasi’s political prison in Berlin for close to two decades, the law is more far-reaching than simple whistleblower protection.

“The tip-off points won’t only pursue suspicions of criminality, they will also deal with misdemeanours subject to fines,” he wrote in an article for Germany’s Die Welt newspaper this week. “They will even be responsible for statements by officials that ‘constitute a violation of the obligation of loyalty to the constitution’.” 

Warning that “it is just a small step from tip-off to denunciation”, Mr Knabe pointed to the example of Nazi Germany, where Germans fervently snitched on their neighbours often “for personal advantage or for revenge”.

In the worst-case scenario, these tip-off points will lead to “an atmosphere of fear similar to those seen in dictatorships”, he said.

Mr Knabe arguably has a dog in the fight on the question of how heavy-handed the state is allowed to be when punishing senior staff for reported abuses in the workplace.

In 2018, Berlin’s city hall controversially fired him as head of the Hohenschönhausen Memorial over allegations that he failed to deal with sexism in the workplace. He complained that he was dismissed without warning or the chance to give his version of events.

Political commentators and constitutional experts alike have become increasingly vexed in recent years by a proliferation of so-called “snitching centres”, which are often set up online.

An “anti-feminist tip-off portal” run by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, an anti-discrimination NGO funded by the federal government, is particularly aggravating to conservatives. It encourages people to report on those who distribute flyers critical of “gender theory” or attempt to disrupt feminist events.

The environmental group Greenpeace set up a similar portal early this year where members of the public could report cafes that were not using reusable coffee cups. Any tip-off led to a notification being sent to the local authority.


Indian medical students in Ukraine struggle amid war as locals ask them to ‘go back’ citing Indo-Russia ties

The challenges faced by Indian students who returned to Ukraine, a nation currently engaged in a military conflict with Russia, to finish their medical studies seem unending. These students are now facing growing resentment from specific sections of the local community, who view India as aligned with Russia in the ongoing strife. This animosity has intensified significantly, particularly following Ukraine’s recent military offensive operations initiated in June 2023.

In the weeks following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, approximately 18,000 students were successfully evacuated from the country. However, a significant number of them faced obstacles in obtaining permission to resume their studies at Indian colleges or other international universities. Therefore, nearly 3,400 determined students defied the risks and returned to Ukraine to complete their degrees.

In the midst of their dire circumstances, these students have been making earnest endeavours to secure transfers to universities in different nations. They have been reaching out to both their individual state governments and the central government in pursuit of this goal. Unfortunately, their persistent efforts have yielded no positive outcomes.

According to a report by the Times of India, a student studying in Ukraine and originally hailing from Madhya Pradesh said, “As per National Medical Council (NMC) guidelines, students who are studying abroad after December 2021 cannot transfer to any other university. This is why I and many other students had to come back here.”

As the conflict continues to unfold, there is a growing shift in public sentiment that is becoming increasingly unfavourable towards Indian students. Another student said, “Local residents in Ukraine say, ‘You Indians are good friends with Russia’. They want us to leave their country.” She added, “Sometimes shopkeepers don’t sell things to us. We face the same thing in our hostel. The staff behave rudely with us.”

Another student said, “Sometimes, water is not available or the electricity goes out, or both. Sometimes the kitchen doesn’t open. How will we survive? We are stuck here because we have no other option.” Every time a siren wails, fear grips the students.

Another student said, “We live in constant terror. Our families in India live in fear. The sires are so frequent that we can’t study. We are pleading with our government to allow us to transfer to any other university in any other country. We are not demanding any money from anyone.”


Bangladesh: Islamists murdered Gay School teacher in Savar

Islamists allegedly murdered a gay School teacher in Savar. Police also recovered a note beside the body, where Islamists addressed the police and stated that the teacher is murdered because he was gay. 

As per reports, today around 3 PM, the dead body of Golam Kibria was recovered from his home at Vatpara under 1 No Ward of Savar Municipality. His hands and legs were found tied and his mouth was gagged with a clothe. 

Police said, “We suspect that the teacher is murdered. Because we recovered a note which was left beside the body by suspected murderers.”

As per sources, the note is written by Islamists. Addressed to the Police as brothers, Islamists wrote, “This man is gay, so we killed him. This gay thing is illegal. We are warriors of Islam.”

Locals said that Golam Kibria was a retired teacher at Savar Model School. After retirement, he used to give tuition to students and live in his home alone. Police sent the body for postmortem.

Officer-in-charge of Savar Model Police Station Dipak Chandra Saha said, “After primary investigation, we are sure that the teacher has been murdered. We are trying to identify the killers.”


Using shock video taken inside a hot kebab grill: Austrian Greens call for climate action

Summer days never exceed 35 degrees, a cool July – but the Viennese Greens still call for a “climate fight”. Now a new video is to underline the severity of the alleged horror of the heat, recorded at the Naschmarkt, directly inside a hot kebab grill.

Too few people in Austria are still afraid of the alleged catastrophic heat and simply enjoy the beautiful summer days we still have left in August. However, a new scary video by the Viennese Greens is meant to shake everyone up once again, to make them really afraid of the climate catastrophe that has been proclaimed over and over again.

The Greens recorded the video at the Naschmarkt in Vienna: Ilham (35), an employee of a kebab grill, says in the clip that it “feels like 100 degrees” right next to the open fire of her grill. It was “the weather” that was to blame, says the young woman, who works at the Naschmarkt stall in a headscarf, long dress and gloves. Ilham in the video: “Six years ago the weather was better. Now the heat is going up.”

The Greens, however, might not have been quite so concentrated on the video dealing with fear – so this sentence of the kebab seller can also be heard on the clip: “It’s hot here in winter too.” What a surprise: Both in summer and in winter it is hot 50 centimetres next to the open fire of a kebab grill …

However, the two chairpersons of the Vienna Greens were not affected by this not entirely insignificant detail that open fires could be hot in summer as well as in winter: Judith Pühringer and Peter Kraus then state in the video, with well-staged emotionality, that there are “more and more tropical nights” and that the “climate war” has now been declared.

Mit Schock-Video aus heißem Kebab-Grill: Grüne rufen zum Klimakampf auf | Exxpress

Netherlands: Anti-Islam leader tore up Qu’ran outside Turkish Embassy – Watch the video

An anti-Islam activist tore up and trampled on a copy of the Qu’ran during a protest on Friday outside the Turkish embassy in The Hague, Netherlands.

Edwin Wagensveld, leader of the Dutch branch of the anti-Islamic movement “Pegida”, started jumping on Islam’s holy book and then tore it up. Wagensveld, accompanied by two other people, wore a black T-shirt with the words “Islam is no better than Nazism”.

The Dutch authorities had condemned the demonstration before it took place but made it clear that it was not legally possible to ban it.

The Hague police had, meanwhile, blocked access to the city centre, where the Turkish embassy is located, where around 50 counter-demonstrators had gathered to protest Wagensveld’s actions. Some even threw stones at him, causing the police to intervene.

When the head of Pegida tore pages of the Qu’ran and tried to leave, counter-protesters chanted the familiar “Allahu Akbar”. They moved threateningly towards him before being stopped by about 20 police officers.


Muslims turn French social housing into madrasas

State authorities were made aware in June of Arabic and Quranic lessons being given to some young children on Sundays.

The authorities were apparently alerted by a report from the neighbourhood. Not much could be seen from the balcony of a flat in the Saint-Eutrope housing complex, which is part of Erilia’s social housing stock, as planks were used as screens to hide the activities inside. These were Arabic language and religious lessons given on Sunday mornings by residents of the neighbourhood – according to initial investigations, mothers from the residence acted as teachers, allegedly receiving some small change in return. It is not known how many children attended the classes. One source estimates that there were between 10 and 15 children, but hardly more, as the flat was very small. How old were they? Between 5 and 14 years.

On the ground, on the afternoon of Friday August 18, in the neighbourhoods of Beisson and Saint-Eutrope, which are very quiet during this holiday period when many residents have left, no one seems to know anything. Like this “old resident” who was born in the neighbourhood and is out with her daughter:

I’m very surprised, I can’t believe it! We would know, when something happens here, we always know in the end. Maybe the person had applied for premises and didn’t get them? Maybe it’s just parents who couldn’t find anything else for their children to learn Arabic?

It’s not like it used to be here, there’s a lack of premises. There is only one mosque left, and even that is very small, and the group of free church people who pray outside on Wednesdays because they don’t have a room, but they don’t bother us. La Provence


Leftist Aussie PM Would Ban Social Media if Granted Dictatorial Powers

Australia’s left-wing Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has revealed he would ban social media if granted the powers of a dictator.

Albanese was responding to a hypothetical question on a Melbourne radio station when he posited what he would like to do if he could run the country for five years while given absolute powers, declaring banning social media “would be handy.”

The Australian Labor Party (ALP) leader outlined his frustration with open opinions being aired online, saying:

Keyboard warriors who can anonymously say anything at all and without any fear; the sort of things they would never say to you face-to-face, they can just assert as fact and it worries me.

What that’s doing, combined with the pressure that is on modern journalists, is to be really be obsessed with the short-term cycle.

Albanese, a member of his party’s socialist hard left faction, qualified his statement by adding he was not “a supporter of dictatorships.”

“It is true in a democracy you have to account for more than your own views, which is what I guess your question is getting at,” he told the host.

Albanese’s government is currently considering a contentious “misinformation” bill in parliament, stirring concerns about online censorship and the government of the day alone defining truth.

The sweeping new laws to prevent the spread of “misinformation” could see individuals hauled before a watchdog empowered to issue millions of dollars in punitive fines.

The Daily Mail reports while the laws are targeted at social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter, it remains unclear if the proposed legislation would allow the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to also fine the individual creators of podcasts or websites.

Under the draft legislation ACMA will be able to fine “digital platform service providers” millions of dollars for spreading what they deem is “mis”- or “disinformation” that is also considered “harmful” by bureaucrats.

Governments at the federal or state level would be exempt from the same considerations under the legislation.

Critics are already saying the proposed bill is a descent into state censorship and a “slippery slope” favoring government to decide how citizens make up their minds, asking who are they to censor what we read or hear?
