German village of 500 residents forced to accept container camp for migrants as protests mount

As the immigration crisis worsens in Germany, many rural areas of the country, including smaller villages, are being transformed against the wishes of residents. The latest case comes from Uphal, a village of 500 residents in the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where a container village for up to 400 migrants is being constructed amid ongoing protests.

Although it is often the case that politicians from the left are pushing mass immigration in such areas, in the case of Uphal, a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician is responsible for bringing in up to 400 migrants, predominately from Islamic countries. There, the district administrator, Tino Schomann, has been vocal about the need for the container village. Last week, he appeared before the press to say that the migrant container village will be finished “if possible, by the end of September,” after sewage connections are completed and furniture added to the containers.

At that time, “the first asylum seekers should already move in,” said Schomann.

However, the community is actively working against the plans and is suing the government to stop the container project yet again. Despite this opposition, Schomann says the construction work is “running at full speed,” after work was paused for several months. Currently, many of the migrants are housed in a sports hall in Wismar, and the plan is to have the migrants moved into the container village around the time the school year starts, in order to provide students with access to sports classes.

More container villages planned

Schomann and the local government are not slowing down their plans to build more container villages in the region, which may be a factor in the soaring popularity of the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the eastern state. As Remix News reported in July, AfD achieved first place in polling results for the first time ever, scoring 29 percent of the vote, while the CDU plummeted to 18 percent.

Currently, a container village in another town, Warin, is being planned for 145 migrants.

“The building permit has been issued,” Schomann said regarding the case of Warin.

In Grevesmühlen, which features a population of 10,000, there are also plans for a shelter. This week, citizens will vote on whether the city can lease an area to build a container village for 70 migrants. Schomann spoke on that case as well, saying that a wave of homes for migrants will be built across his district.

“That is the challenge we face,” he told state broadcaster NDR.

Despite Schomann’s apparent openness to migrants, in a statement from the Social Democrats (SPD), the Left and the Greens, they claim that he is not accepting enough due to his previous statements that the number of refugees coming to his district needs to be slowed, according to NDR. He rejects the claim, saying that he is not against migrants coming, only that there are not enough financial resources to support them all.

Other areas of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have been a hotbed of resistance to the demographic transformation of the German state. In one of the largest cities in the region, Greifswald, local residents rejected plans for a huge migrant village in the city, with 65 percent of residents voting against it. However, the Green party mayor, Stefan Fassbinder, remained undeterred in his ambitions to welcome greater numbers of new arrivals. He insisted the vote would not affect the local government’s pro-migration agenda, but would make the decision on where to house newcomers more challenging.

“In the near future, we will have to make even greater efforts to get into the debate, to enter into dialogue with the citizens, with the economy, with everyone else, so that immigration can be successful,” Fassbinder said after the vote.

UK: ‘Gang of men’ found guilty in ‘sickening sexual abuse’ of young girls, media ignores what they have in common

Eight men were found guilty. Seven of them have Muslim names, and it is likely that the eighth is a convert, unless he has simply been corrupted by his friends. It is possible that these seven Muslims grew to think that their behavior was justified by Islamic texts and teachings. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30).

Too White? English Women’s Soccer Team Criticised for Having Too Many ‘Blonde and Blue-Eyed’ Players

screen grab youtube

The English Women’s World Cup team has been blasted for being too full of “blonde, blue-eyed” players, as the establishment media continues to air openly racial attacks on the native population of the country.

Following a heartbreaking 1-0 loss to Spain in Sunday’s Women’s World Cup, a panel discussion hosted by Sky News devolved into the topic of the supposed lack of diversity on the England squad rather than on the sport itself.

During the segment, Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones MBE, a Jamaican-born British farmer, said in response to a Daily Mirror newspaper cover featuring the members of the ‘Lionesses’, saying: “I don’t want to pour boiling water on it but it isn’t that diverse”

“It really sticks out at you. They look blonde and blue-eyed. If it was the men’s World Cup it would be very representative of the Britain that we’re in and very, very diverse,” he continued.

“What jumps out at you is that this doesn’t represent diverse Britain. It’s all these blonde blue-eyed girls – and I wish them well – but I do think we need to ask ourselves questions about why it is that there is a lack of diversity.”

“If you could have the men’s team which is very, very diverse, why doesn’t that translate to the women’s team?”

While the England team is mostly white, it is not the case that there is no diversity on the squad, with forward Lauren James and defender Jess Carter having diverse heritage.

The comments were reminiscent of those made by Brigerton actress Adjoa Andoh, who commented on national television during the coronation of King Charles, said that the Monarch and the Royal Family as a whole were “terribly white“.

The comments also came as it was revealed that far-left London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s office had published a media guidance handbook that instructed staff that pictures of white families do not “represent real Londoners“.

Emmanuel-Jones’ racially-tinged diatribe drew backlash on social media, with black political commentator Chris Rose writing: “It’s disappointing but predictable to see comments like this about the Women’s England team.

“Could it not be possible that the best have been chosen? Other countries have football teams with similar levels of diversity but aren’t criticised for it.”

It is not the first time that England’s Women’s team has been criticised in the legacy media for being too white. Last year following a win over Norway in the UEFA European Women’s Football Championship, BBC sports presenter Eilidh Barbour — a white woman herself — criticised the lack of diversity on the team.

She said: “An historic eight-goal victory for England last night as the lionesses secured their place in the quarter-finals but all starting 11 players and the five substitutes that came on to the pitch were all white and that does point towards a lack of diversity in the women’s game.”

Germany: Canon lawyer wants to exclude (extreme) right wingers from the Church

Thomas Schüller, an expert in church law from Münster, considers an exclusion of AfD members from Catholic associations legally possible. However, statutes and election regulations would have to be changed accordingly, he told the Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) on the weekend. He was reacting to a corresponding proposal by the President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Irme Stetter-Karp, who had previously said that in her view AfD membership was incompatible with holding a church office: “Actively supporting the AfD contradicts the fundamental values of Christianity.”

Legally, every association could not only deny members of this party offices, but even membership, Schüller emphasised. For in an association there is always freedom of admission: “And there the Catholic youth associations, but also adult associations, could indeed include a provision not to admit AfD members to associations on principle and also to exclude them from the association again.”

However, according to the expert on canon law, an amendment to the statutes that is exclusively directed against the AfD could be problematic. A more general formulation would be better, according to which applicants for admission to a Catholic association or even current members cannot be admitted or dismissed from the association “who behave in a manner detrimental to the association in the sense of racist, anti-Semitic statements”.

Contempt for humanity has no place in Catholic organisations

Stetter-Karp had declared that she rejected the assumption of lay church offices by AfD members. For it is “clear that anti-Semitic, racist, inhuman attitudes and statements have no place in a Catholic organisation”. However, statutes and election regulations would have to be checked for such a rejection.

Criticism from “Christians in the AfD”

Munich law professor Stefan Korioth explained to BR that the church, as a religious community, has the possibility to ensure compatibility with its views when accessing offices: “But to pre-sort in such a sweeping way is not unproblematic.” The AfD is not a banned party. The Church even recommends political involvement.

Strong criticism of Stetter-Karp’s initiative came from members of the “Christians in the AfD”. Among other things, they stated that the AfD was the only party that spoke out “without any ifs and buts for the Christian values of the protection of life at the beginning and end of human life”. Moreover, such exclusion would end up harming the Church through further polarisation.

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Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Utilizes Nucleoside-Modified Messenger RNA (modRNA) Technology not mRNA, Pfizer Documents Reveal

Vials of the COVID-19 vaccine are seen at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Md., Dec. 14, 2020.

Lawyer Tom Renz has exposed that the COVID-19 vaccines, widely advertised as mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines, are in fact lab-created hybrids known as modRNA.

Tom Renz has accused the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Pfizer, and others of misleading the world about the true nature of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Turkish-speaking Cypriot harassed a Greek Cypriot priest in the monastery of Apostolos Andreas

Turkish Cypriot man Mehmet Erol Muvali, on his personal Facebook account, caused angry reactions as he entered a church, blew out candles, and harassed Greek Cypriot priest Father Zacharias. The so-called “Interior Ministry” of the Turkish-occupation of northern Cyprus announced the incident had been reported to the police.

Muvali is seen saying that he was transporting tourists to the Monastery. Then he mentions, “as we always say…” and begins an Islamic inside the church. Upon seeing Father Zacharias, he approaches and repeats it to the priest.

The posting of the video by Muvali was followed by dozens of critical comments against him, others with abusive content, while many accused him of the disrespect he showed in an Orthodox Christian space and towards an Orthodox priest.

After many websites in the occupied territories had posted the video and referred to the negative comments it caused, the so-called “minister of the interior”, Dursun Oğuz, made a written statement in which he wrote that the church of Apostolos Andreas is an essential religious site prayer “in our country” (pseudocracy) and notes thatthere is religious freedom and various places of worship in the occupied territories.

Turkey has turned many churches and monasteries in the occupied territories into barns for animals.

“Respect for religious beliefs and lifestyles is also fundamental and sensitive. From this point of view, discriminatory, provocative, disturbing situations and behaviours are unacceptable,” Oğuz said, adding that he filed a complaint with the police through the “provincial administration” (SS: he means the occupied Trikomos, where Karpasia belongs) “to initiate the necessary legal actions regarding this behaviour aimed at disturbance of social peace in the context of respect for religions and cultures.”

After the outcry, Muvali removed the video from his account and posted his statement where he wrote that there was no bad intention in the video he uploaded, no attack and no provocative behaviour. He didn’t know, he added, that this video would cause so much backlash, and after realising that thousands of people had viewed the video within four hours and “the topic had been moved elsewhere,” he took it down.

He does not consider, he continues, that what he did was provocative; he states that he respects every religion and race, and if “I committed an offence, I ask public opinion for forgiveness.”

Could mocking Islam soon be banned in Denmark?

A new bill proposed by the Danish government to prevent further burnings of the Quran, which have sparked outrage across the Islamic world, could have wider implications for free speech in the country and lead to the banning of religious satire, a leading conservative news site in neighboring Sweden has warned.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s administration, spearheaded by her center-left Socialist Democratic Party (SDP), announced its intention to explore options to defuse tensions with the number of nations aggrieved by recent burnings of the Islamic holy book, considered a blasphemous and insulting act by Muslims.

“We wish to put an end to these recurring insults, which Paludan and a few people around him engaged in,” said Christian Rabjerg Madsen, the SDP’s political chairman, referring to Rasmus Paludan, the fringe anti-Islam politician who burned a copy of the Quran in Stockholm earlier this year. “That is our political goal,” Madsen added.

Some, however, fear that such a move would set a dangerous precedent and could be a slippery slope toward the erosion of free speech and freedom of expression, a concern highlighted recently in an article published by Swedish conservative news site Samyntt.

The site reported that this concern was put to the Danish prime minister during a press conference held last week when she was asked whether the government’s plans to ban Quran burnings could lead to other forms of satire or criticism of Islam being prohibited. It noted that Frederiksen was unforthcoming in her response.

“It is more sensible and wiser to discuss this when the government is finished with the bill,” she told reporters.

Frederiksen is not the only one to avoid providing an adequate response to those concerned about an erosion of free speech. Madsen has also been asked repeatedly about the issue and has opted not to respond.

Joachim B. Olsen, a journalist and political commentator for Danish tabloid newspaper B.T., called the government’s refusal to alleviate such concerns “remarkable” and insisted that Frederiksen should be able to tell the public what the planned law will “concretely” mean.

Both Denmark and Sweden are seeking to introduce new measures to suppress a spike in anti-Islam demonstrations in the Scandinavian countries, the latter for which the adverse publicity has caused considerable diplomatic issues in relation to Turkey, which refused to ratify Stockholm’s NATO membership application.

However, Sweden’s proposed legislation, at least currently, appears to be more specific, relating to reforms to the country’s public order laws, which will allow the police to deny a protest permit to those who intend to burn the Islamic religious text.

“Others want to use Sweden as a stage to spread hateful messages. It can be both Swedish citizens and people who come to Sweden and use Swedish freedom of expression for their own purposes. They drag Sweden into international conflicts in different ways,” Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said earlier this month.

Denmark, however, is yet to truly define what its proposed legislative reforms will mean for a country that has a history of butting heads with the Islamic world over religious satire.

In 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 editorial cartoons targeting Islam in which the Prophet Muhammad was depicted in an unfavorable light. One contributor, the late Kurt Westergaard, drew a cartoon of Muhammad wearing a bomb in his turban which resulted in numerous death threats and assassination attempts. He was ultimately placed under the protection of the Danish secret service, who shot and wounded a Somali Muslim armed with an axe and knife who broke into Westergaard’s house back in 2010.

Terror organization Al-Qaeda called for revenge attacks on both Sweden and Denmark last weekend due to the Quran burnings, leading Sweden to raise its terror threat level to one below the top.

“People of Islam in Sweden, Denmark, and all of Europe, the duty of revenge is placed upon you,” proclaimed the As-Sahab Media Foundation, which functions as Al-Qaeda’s media center.

“The recent Quran burnings have, as the security police have said, affected the current security situation,” admitted Danish Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard, while Sweden’s counter-terrorism police chief, Magnus Sjöberg, revealed his department had received “communications from several terrorist groups that currently mention Sweden together with Denmark and the Netherlands” as targets.

UK: Medical practitioner to be monitored by a ‘responsible officer’ after asking Muslim woman to remove veil

An image of Royal Stoke University Hospital
 Google Maps

A General Practitioner is being forced to be monitored by a “responsible officer” after asking a Muslim woman to remove her veil.

Dr Keith Wolverson was suspended for nine months after being found guilty of or admitting to a total of 17 charges of misconduct relating to incidents between January and May 2018.

The incidents involving the GP, who was working as a locum at a walk-in centre at Royal Stoke University Hospital, concern urgent care centres in both Derby and Stoke.

Dr Wolverson asked a patient to take off her niqab three times as he could not hear her describing her daughter’s symptoms.

The woman’s husband put forward a complaint following the incident.

She also told last year’s hearing that she felt “victimised and racially discriminated” against during the consultation.

He told a review hearing he “deeply regretted” the incident and stressed he learned from his mistakes.

The Medical Practitioner Tribunal Service (MPTS) decided to follow his suspension with sanctions for a further year after ruling he had not shown sufficient “insight” into his actions nor taken a course in “cultural diversity”.

Dr Wolverson is now being monitored by a “responsible officer” and a “workplace reporter”.

He was also told he must “design a personal development plan to address… equality, diversity and inclusion with particular reference to cultural diversity”.

Dr Wolverson told the tribunal: “It would be completely wrong to maintain the suspension and prohibit a doctor further from doing his duty to his patients when there are such grave shortages within the NHS currently.”

The GP stressed he had not asked any other patients to remove their veil and there had been no “repetition of his misconduct” before his suspension.

However, a petition calling on the General Medical Council showed how the incident provoked outrage among nurses and doctors.

More than 20,000 people signed the petition calling on the GMC to “treat this man fairly and look at all the evidence” in little over a day.

In its new ruling, the tribunal stated: “He accepted the gravity and the findings of the Tribunal but did not accept that he was dishonest.

“The Tribunal was surprised that Dr Wolverson had not focussed any of his remediation by undertaking any courses on cultural diversity.

“He accepted the previous Tribunal’s findings were justified but qualified this by stating that he did not accept that it was his intention to be dishonest.

“The Tribunal noted that Dr Wolverson explained he has undertaken a course on insight and described how he has changed his practice in relation to patients who wear a face veil.

“However, when questioned, Dr Wolverson was unable to articulate how he has put his learning into practise.”

But the tribunal decided not to extend Dr Wolverson’s suspension and instead opted to impose conditions on his registration for a further 12 months.

Spanish Official Admits Arson the Cause for Tenerife Wildfires Despite ‘Climate Crisis’ Media Narrative

A wildfire that has been raging on the Spanish tourist island of Tenerife for the past five days is believed to have been started deliberately, according to Canary Islands regional President Fernando Clavijo. The authorities have opened three lines of investigation into the arson, but no arrests have been made as yet. Improved weather conditions overnight have aided firefighters in their battle against the blaze, which has been out of control since Tuesday.

The fire is located in the northeast of the island, away from the main tourist areas in the southwest. However, the regional government has ordered the evacuation of a state-run hotel in the Teide volcano national park, situated in central Tenerife, approximately 50 kilometers (30 miles) southwest of the fire zone. The exact number of people staying at the hotel is unknown at this time.

According to Tenerife governor Rosa Dávila, over 12,000 people have already been evacuated from their homes since the fire started. By Saturday, more than 8,000 hectares (20,000 acres) of pine forest had been burned, but Dávila warned that the actual figure could be much higher by Sunday. Fortunately, no injuries have been reported, and thanks to the efforts of the firefighters, no houses have been destroyed thus far.

The fire, described as the worst in Tenerife in decades, is threatening 11 town areas located along a steep and rugged mountain area. The challenging terrain has made access for firefighters extremely difficult. The emergency services have also raised concerns about air quality in 19 town areas, urging people to stay indoors whenever possible and wear masks outdoors.

Over 400 firefighters and soldiers, along with 23 water-carrying helicopters and planes, have been deployed to combat the blaze. Meanwhile, mainland Spain is bracing for another heat wave starting Sunday, with temperatures expected to reach 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in some parts of the country by Wednesday and Thursday. On Tenerife, maximum temperatures are predicted to average around 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) for the coming week.

This is not the first wildfire crisis that the Canary Islands have faced recently. Last month, over 2,000 people were evacuated from a wildfire on the nearby island of La Palma, which affected approximately 4,500 hectares (11,000 acres) of land. According to the European Forest Fire Information System, Spain has experienced the most extensive wildfire damage among EU countries this year, with 75,000 hectares (185,000 acres) burned, surpassing Italy and Greece.

Situated off the northwest coast of Africa and southwest of mainland Spain, the seven Canary Islands are located approximately 100 kilometers (60 miles) away from Morocco at their nearest point.

Arson Suspected in Wildfire Raging on Spain’s Tenerife Island – Gnewswire

New whimsical playground exhibit opens in Chicago and the guests are exactly who you’d expect (hint: they’re not toddlers)

By Olivia Murray

Image: X video screen grab.

If an adult suffers from arrested development, he or she will exhibit behaviors typically seen from children, whether it be sucking on a pacifier, wearing a diaper, and declaring themselves trans-age; throwing a temper tantrums when they don’t get their way (like the cliché hysterical leftist); or, purchasing admission to an indoor playground designed for young children. Check out this video below:

That is “Doodle World” and it is an “immersive” play experience located in the heart of Chicago; according to the website, the target demographic is children between the ages of four and ten, but for some reason, as you can see above, there are literally no children to be seen … just adults.

Now, I have two kids, so I spend a decent amount of time visiting indoor playgrounds, trampoline parks, and children’s museums, but it should be a red flag when the attendees are entirely adults, with zero kiddies in tow.

Here’s a fun little hypothetical: if Doodle World were in a conservative locale instead of a Chicago, how different do you think the crowd would look? Allow me to answer: I live in the conservative state of Alabama, and when I go to these sorts of places, it’s all kids. In fact, if I were to walk into a child’s play place with my two boys, and I looked around to see not a single other child, I’d be so creeped out I’d immediately grab my sons, turn around, and walk out. 

If kiddie playgrounds appeal to adults with immature and undeveloped minds, it’s not surprising that kiddie playgrounds are popular with adults where nearly everyone is a Democrat.