German opposition’s call for ‘asylum pause’ slammed by hardline AfD as not enough

Germany needs a temporary pause on new asylum seekers arriving into the country, a leading member of the opposition CDU party has claimed.

Jens Spahn, who served as Germany’s federal health minister during the coronavirus pandemic, told the Bild newspaper in an interview published on Sunday that the European Union must stop all newcomers from breaching its external border, insisting migrants and asylum seekers would soon get the message that undertaking the journey to Europe will no longer work.

“Germany needs a break from this completely uncontrolled asylum migration. Experience shows that we cannot significantly reduce the numbers through deportations. That’s why a clear signal is needed at the EU’s external border: No one can go any further on this path,” Spahn said.

“We must now enforce this consistently. Integrating people traumatized by war or violence into our society and into our labor market takes time and a lot of resources. This can only work well if the number of additional asylum seekers decreases significantly,” he added.

The former health minister insisted that organized legal immigration into Germany was still necessary and said that a CDU-led federal government would still target skilled workers to come to the country. He also stated that despite calling for a pause in asylum seekers, Europe could still receive up to 500,000 refugees a year through quotas, claiming that these individuals should be picked up from their home country and flown to Europe.

“The United Nations refugee agency should choose who can come. Currently, the law of the strongest applies, almost only young men come. But women and children are much more vulnerable,” he told the tabloid newspaper.

Spahn’s comments echo a policy first proposed last month by the CDU parliamentary party’s deputy chair Thorsten Frei, who called on Brussels to abolish the right to asylum for those arriving in the bloc and instead introduce quotas whereby the most vulnerable refugees are taken directly from the source country. The policy was seemingly adopted by the CDU leadership, Friedrich Merz, days later when he told journalists: “This is an important and good contribution to solving a problem that we have been seeing for years and where there are currently no really good and convincing solutions.”

The latest asylum crisis in Germany has seen a surge in support for the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which is currently sitting in second place in the national polls.

The party issued a press release following Spahn’s interview, berating the leading opposition party for only proposing a “pause” in illegal immigration and claiming that after the temporary break, the CDU would continue to promote open borders as it did under its previous administration led by Angela Merkel.

“The myth that the CDU would object to illegal mass migration has once again been disproved and debunked,” the party stated, highlighting Spahn’s willingness to allow into Europe up to 500,000 refugees from source countries every year despite the proposed pause.

His quota requirement in connection with the extremely low number of deportations means that the face of Europe will be fundamentally changed,” the party warned.

“Germany does not need a ‘pause’ but an immediate stop to mass migration,” the AfD added.

Climate Change Didn’t Cause the Maui Fires, Environmentalists Did – Instead of preparing for wildfires, Hawaii was busy going “green”

Politicians, the media and environmentalists spent the past week blaming the Maui fires on global warming.

“That level of destruction, and a fire hurricane, something new to us in this age of global warming, was the ultimate reason that so many people perished,”  Hawaii Gov. Joshua Green claimed, while ignoring his state’s mismanagement of the disaster and its botched response at every level from the power grid that wasn’t secured to the sirens that didn’t go off.

Winds whipping up a fire isn’t some exciting new disaster, it’s how things have always worked in Hawaii where about 0.5% of Hawaii’s land burns every year. The worst previous Maui fire in 2010 was fed by 40 mph winds. This time the winds hit 67 mph. The bad timing of an electrical disaster with high winds, not ‘global warming’ made for something old, not new.

But the ultimate reason so many people perished is that Hawaii government officials failed in their responsibilities toward the residents and tourists they had been milking all these years.

And, conveniently, decided to blame global warming instead of taking responsibility.

Hawaii’s Sen. Mazie Hirono told CNN that “We very much need to acknowledge that climate change is upon us,” urging the heathen to repent and bow to the exciting new apocalypse.

And the global warming circus and its endless scams was just getting started.

The board chair of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs blamed the fires on the “climate crisis” and “colonialism”. Bloomberg ran an op-ed titled ‘Maui Fires Show Climate Change’s Ugly Reach’.

‘Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change,’ a book written a few days into the wildfires, shot up the Amazon bestseller list. Its author, ‘Dr. Miles Stones’ appears to have been made up. But, then again, so was global warming.

A security camera captured what started the fires, and it wasn’t ‘climate change’.

A tree fell on a power line, there was an arc flash, a drop in power and the fires began. The sirens didn’t go off and the water wasn’t released in time to properly fight the fires. None of those things had anything to do with a changing climate, but with ideological mismanagement.

But if a tree falls and no one is around to see it, politicians will blame global warming.

Hawaiian Electric claims to be the “most progressive and forward thinking energy company in the world” whose mission was to “act with boldness and urgency, without fear of failure” to “build a sustainable Hawaii”. The massive devastation in Maui is proof of its accomplishments.

The progressive energy company was aware that there were serious wildfire risks, but instead it prioritized green energy programs. It failed to shut off the power in time and its trucks ended up blocking evacuation routes. But at least “the company’s focus on equity includes approaching everything we do with an equitable lens” meant that people burned to death equitably.

Given a choice between the unglamorous business of preventing wildfires or going green, Hawaiian Electric picked the option that was sure to win praise from politicians and environmentalists. Solar panels replaced actual power plants and customers were lectured incessantly about global warming and the environmental stewardship of the company.

Hawaiian Electric CEO Shelee Kimura received environmental awards and boasted of having grown the state’s “clean energy resources”’ and worked to “decarbonize Hawaii’s economy”.

The over 100 dead people have been carbonized now.

The Maui Emergency Management Agency didn’t sound the sirens to warn people to evacuate but its hazard mitigation plan was focused on fighting “climate change”.

As the fires burned, a Hawaii water official blocked release of the water. The official, Kaleo Manuel, an alumnus of the Obama Asia Pacific Leaders program, believes “that ancient wisdom and traditional ecological knowledge of native peoples will help save the Earth.”

Coming to his defense was Earthjustice, originally spun off from the defense lawyers for the environmentalist extremists of the Sierra Club.

While the scale of the fires has attracted attention, they’re not a new phenomenon. .

When the Polynesian colonists, now popularly described as “indigenous” first arrived, they slashed and burned much of the existing grasslands, wiping out whatever existed including the original population, which was killed, eaten or enslaved. The actual indigenous people of Hawaii were born as slaves, had their foreheads tattooed, and were used for human sacrifice.

Some of the leftist descendants of the colonists, heavily intermarried with westerners, have carved out an economic niche denouncing “western colonialism” and upholding “native ways” which usually involve getting an academic or bureaucratic position and pretentiously using Hawaiian terms while bemoaning the utopia that Hawaii could have been without America.

These sorts of activists, collaborating with environmentalists, helped to cause a disaster on Maui, much as their counterparts recently did in Puerto Rico by mismanaging the infrastructure, failing at their most basic responsibilities and then blaming western technology for the mess.

Hawaii’s feudal nobles believed that they were descended from the gods, its new nobility claims to be descended from the oppressed victims of colonialism and technology. They denounce the plantations and champion “native ways of growing crops” which would be unable to support their own population, never mind anyone else, and which aren’t native to Hawaii, but were brought over by their ancestors. Hawaii’s plans are more fire resistant, not because they’re superior to western agriculture, but because they had to survive the Polynesian colonizing wave of arsons.

If the professional indigenous activists are really sincere, they’ll get rid of all the technology and live the way their ancestors did without smartphones, the internet, antibiotics or indoor plumbing. Since that isn’t happening, maybe they can try to manage the technology responsibly instead of allying with leftist environmentalists to undermine the state’s infrastructure.

Climate change and colonialism didn’t cause the Maui wildfires. Environmentalists did.

It’s no coincidence that California and Hawaii were both devastated by preventable disasters. Both one-party states ignored responsible wildfire prevention policies and instead adopted the fashionable dogma that every natural disaster is caused by global warming and that the only way to head off natural disasters is by putting up solar panels and condemning technology.

These environmental policies cost human lives, homes and billions of dollars. In response to disasters caused by their neglect of infrastructure and disaster management due to their belief in global warming, the climate cult blames the resulting catastrophe on global warming.

From Hawaii’s governor on down, global warming is an excuse for corruption and incompetence. Global warming isn’t a problem, those who believe in it are.

Germany: Judith (30) bled to death after being stabbed 45 times by an Afghan man

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“Judith always wanted to be helpful. She assumed that these men had a difficult past, needed her support,” says Christine S. (67) about her daughter’s repeatedly toxic relationships. Judith S. bled to death after her ex-life partner Fahim Z. (25) stabbed her 45 times with a knife.

Since Monday, the martial artist has had to answer to the Darmstadt Regional Court on charges including insidious murder for base motives. Relatives reconstruct the events on the witness stand.

According to the report, Judith S. met her future murderer in August 2022 at the gym. Already after one month, the couple moved into a shared flat in the Johannesviertel. Judith wanted to finally put the on-off relationship with a violent ex-partner behind her.

She didn’t realise that she had fallen in with “the wrong person” again.

Four days before Judith’s death, Fahim Z. punched her on the nose. She fled to her brother (33), wanting to separate again after only four months. Her fear of the man with unclear citizenship was so great that she went to get her car keys from the flat on November 24 during Z.’s absence. She asked her brother to drive her to the place.

What Judith did not suspect: Fahim Z. had already called in sick to his employer the evening before. He ambushed her with a 20-centimetre blade. According to the indictment, Z. attacked the woman from behind, convinced “that Judith had no right to continue living under these circumstances”. He had sat on her and stabbed her face and upper body “with an unconditional will to destroy”.

Judith’s brother called the police when she still had not returned from the flat after 15 minutes and did not respond to his knocking.

Fahim Z. had obviously noticed this, so he knocked on a neighbour’s door and fled, covered in blood, over the balcony of the attic flat. Nevertheless, the police caught Z. not far from the scene of the crime.

Z. does not want to give any information about the course of events or about himself, he only says via his defence lawyer: “I am responsible for the death of Mrs. Judith S.”.

The confessed killer was assisted by an Afghan translator, but he speaks and understands German well. He had introduced himself to the neighbours as a Frenchman, to Judith’s family even as a member of the French Foreign Legion.

Who is Fahim Z. really? This will be clarified in the further course of the trial by questioning acquaintances.

Kampfsportler vor Gericht: Judith (30) verblutete nach 45 Messerstichen | Regional |

Sweden: a migrant attacks a Catholic church with stones shouting “Allah Akbar, I’m going to rape Jesus” and posts the footage on tiktok

Translation: Sweden: A migrant attacks a Catholic church with stones and shouts “Allah Akbar, I’m going to rape Jesus” and spreads the footage on tiktok

The incident is taking place at St. Family Catholic Parish in Haninge. However, it is not known exactly when the action will take place.

The video is posted on the internet by “Fares Aziz” and the man who can be watched in the video clip says that he will rape Jesus. Then he throws stones at the window panes.

Sweden, I’m going to fuck Jesus in there now. Allahu Akbar”. Sanmytt

Janet Yellen admits to consuming ‘shrooms’ while in China

By Jack Hellner

My first thought when I saw the story that Janet Yellen was fed hallucinogenic mushrooms in China was, “How could you possibly tell?”

It seems to me that Yellen always looks and sounds like she is in a daze, or completely confused; in fact, the entire Biden administration could fill the cast of a remake of the coming-of-age comedy … Dazed and Confused. From The Guardian

US treasury secretary Janet Yellen … was spotted eating the fungi [Lanmaoa asiatica mushrooms], known for being hallucinogenic, while on a visit to Beijing in July.

‘I went with this large group of people and the person who’d arranged our dinner did the ordering. There was a delicious mushroom dish I was not aware that these mushrooms had hallucinogenic properties. I learned that later,’ she told CNN.

Hallucinogens are “psychedelic drugs that can potentially change the way people see, hear, taste, smell or feel, and also affect mood and thought.” Maybe hallucinogens explain why the media, bureaucrats, and other Democrats seem to be so confused as to what they claim to see and what is actually true. The examples are endless:

First, that rising inflation was “transitional,” as if Janet Yellen and others didn’t understand that flooding the economy with free money to buy votes and intentionally destroying industries that used natural resources to provide reasonably priced energy wouldn’t create a ripple effect.

Then, we were told that the problem was COVID and the supply chain, as if they lacked a short-term memory and couldn’t remember that inflation was low while Trump was in office with those same issues, and that inflation was below 2% when Biden took office.

What could explain how John Kirby and others throughout the Biden administration bragged about how well the Afghanistan withdrawal went if they weren’t on drugs?

Was Biden on drugs when he focused on his watch, instead of the dead and their families, as they unloaded the caskets of the thirteen military service members who died under his watch in Afghanistan?

When people throughout the Biden administration see massive amounts of illegals flowing across our border, they somehow parrot that the border is “secure” and the policies are working. It’s as if they are seeing things.

The Biden administration inherited a rapidly growing economy, yet they were so confused because they claimed they inherited an economy in collapse; or they just willingly lied with the help of a compliant, parroting media.

They see the high inflation, and that people are struggling, yet somehow they boast about Bidenomics. Confusing, wouldn’t you say?

When Trump’s tax cuts caused the economy and real wages to grow, and government revenue to rapidly increase, the media and other Democrats said that cost the government trillions; isn’t that delusional?

Whenever there are storms, floods, droughts, fires, or any climate event, they blame humans and our use of natural resources. It’s as if their mind is so shot, they don’t know that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally.

They claim somehow that politicians and bureaucrats can control temperatures, sea levels, and storms. Are drugs to blame for their evident hallucination? How else can you explain the belief that paying more in taxes and dumping money into “green” slush funds can control all the natural variables?

When a baby is growing in a mothers’s womb, and you can see their little face, and count their fingers and toes on an ultrasound … they somehow see a non-human blob?

Democrats must be on drugs if they have lost the ability to tell the difference between men and women.

The media and other Democrats must be suffering from hallucinations, because they swore Trump colluded with Russia, when he did no such thing, a fact to which they’ve now admitted.

51 former intelligence officials didn’t even examine the Hunter Bided laptop yet somehow, they saw Russian disinformation.

How else can you explain the phenomenon that most journalists will just repeat what they are told without doing research or asking questions, if not drugs?

The media, bureaucrats, and other Democrats see massive kickbacks to the Biden family and somehow can’t spot any problem.

They don’t seem to have a memory that they have always challenged elections.

Kamala must be on drugs because she thinks she sounds smart when she speaks in circles; her word salads are legendary:

Biden’s statements and actions make it appear that he is always on some drug. He shakes hands with people who aren’t there, looked for a dead person at an event, and frequently can’t find his way off stage. 

People should not vote for anyone who thinks big government is the solution no matter how many times socialism has failed … they may be on hallucinogens provided by China.

Scotland: Rickets was once eradicated and is now on the rise again, especially among adult immigrants. The cause is mainly their dark skin, which does not absorb enough of the sun’s few rays, and the covering Islamic clothing

Cases of a disease that was prevalent in the slums of Victorian-era Britain are 700% higher in Scotland than in England, according to figures.

A total of 442 cases were recorded in 2022 compared with 482 across the whole of England and most (356) were in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area.

Rickets is caused by a sustained lack of Vitamin D, which comes from exposure to sunlight or is found in food like oily fish or eggs.

This can lead to a softening of bones which may result in bone pain or skeletal deformities such as bowed legs or knock knees.

The disease mostly disappeared more than half a century ago after sustained efforts to improve the population’s diet and exposure to sunlight. The latest figures show it has returned and is mostly being seen in adults.

Data obtained by the Sunday Times showed there has been a 33% increase in cases in the past five years, from 354 in 2018 to 442 last year.

NHS Lanarkshire recorded 83 cases and NHS Forth Valley had three.

Glasgow is one of the most deprived local authority areas in Scotland and 32% of all children in the city were estimated to be living in poverty in 2021-2022, according to Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH)

However, Dr Lynsay Crawford, who spent more than 20 years working as a GP in Possilpark, one of the city’s poorest areas, said the higher cases in Glasgow may not just be down to increased levels of poverty.

She said:  “I only saw elderly patients who had had rickets in childhood and been left with leg deformities until Glasgow started to get more migrants and asylum seekers.

“That changed everything.

“Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets and we make Vitamin D through sunlight on our skin.

“People with darker skin are more at risk of rickets because having more pigment in your skin reduces Vitamin D production.

“Additionally, women from many countries abroad, particularly if they are Muslim, dress modestly and more of their skin is covered and they spend less time outside which further increases the risk of rickets. 

“So the higher percentage of rickets in Glasgow may not just be due to poverty as it previously used to be but may be linked to the increased ethnic diversity.”.

Germany: TV Host ‘Faked Racist Tweet by AfD’

Former AfD leader Frauke Petry,, CC-BY-SA-2.0

A German broadcaster has parted ways with a television presenter after the presenter allegedly made up a racist social media post earlier this month and attributed it to Frauke Petry, the former leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD). 

Maurice Gajda, host of the programme Explosiv, was suspended by broadcaster RTL this week after Ms. Petry accused him of fabricating a post from X, the tabloid Bild reports.

The post, which Gajda broadcast on August 5th, involved a comment regarding singer Trong Hieu Nguyen, who was competing in a preliminary round for Germany ahead of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) earlier this year. 

The alleged post, which Gajda claimed Petry had deleted, stated, “I don’t think any normal German wants to see a pink-coloured Asian at the ESC.”

While Gajda produced what he claimed was a screenshot of the post by Petry, no archive of the post exists, nor do any screenshots taken by any other users of the platform. 

Petry, who was the leader of the AfD from July 2015 to September 2017, before she quit the party that same year, hit back against Gajda, accusing him of making up the post, stating, “RTL impressively demonstrates how to deal with politically uncomfortable people. You think up a racist tweet, a graphic designer implements it, and the fake is done.”

According to Bild, Petry did make a post regarding the ESC and Nguyen, but the post, which was deleted, did not invoke Nguyen’s Asian heritage and did not use the phrase “normal Germans” either. 

RTL initially defended Gajda, claiming that an employee had written down the post from memory saying, “Our reporter saw the tweet in March and wrote it down verbatim. He vouches for it. The tweet was subsequently deleted by Frauke Petry, which was also mentioned in the post.”

The broadcaster then acknowledged that the post had been fabricated or at least recreated, saying, “However, the graphic implementation in the design of Frauke Petry’s Twitter profile violates our journalistic guidelines. We apologize for that.”

RTL stated Wednesday that it was suspending cooperation with Gajda, announcing, 

We are suspending cooperation with Maurice Gajda until further notice, until the allegations in the room have been clarified.

The incident is just the latest that has seen a German journalist or broadcaster accused of peddling fake news in recent years, particularly when the subject matter involves right-wing politicians, activists, or voters. 

In 2017, the magazine Der Spiegel published an article regarding the alleged arrest of 15 right-wing activists in Paris, but later corrected the article after it was pointed out that 14 of those arrested were actually far-left extremists. 

Journalist Christian Teevs, who wrote the piece for Der Spiegel, blamed the AFP and the Austrian Press Association (APA) for giving bad information, while the AFP blamed a translation error from their original reporting in French to German. 

Translation errors can and do happen, but another Der Spiegel writer was caught making up entire stories after he had received a ‘journalist of the year’ award from broadcaster CNN for his work. 

Writer Claas Relotius admitted in 2018 that he had invented or distorted facts in several of his 60 articles for the magazine, going as far as inventing characters and deceiving not only the public but his fellow journalists. 

Relotius’ stories largely focused on conservative areas of the United States, where he made up entire interactions with locals. 

Der Spiegel issued an apology to readers over Relotius’ actions saying,

Claas Relotius committed his deception intentionally, methodically and with criminal intent. For example, he included individuals in his stories who he had never met or spoken to, telling their stories or quoting them. Instead, he would reveal, he based the depictions on other media or video recordings. By doing so, he created composite characters of people who actually did exist but whose stories Relotius had fabricated. He also made up dialogue and quotes.

Despite the negative international attention Relotius’ actions had for Der Spiegel, the publication has been accused of peddling fake news as recently as January of this year when the magazine retracted several reports of a dead Syrian child at the Greek border. 

The retractions came after former Greek Migration Minister Notis Mitarachi wrote a letter to the editor-in-chief of the magazine noting that no migrants had died at the border, including the alleged five-year-old Syrian girl.

An Argentine-on-Argentine trans-Atlantic shoutathon?

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By Monica Showalter

Argentina’s most famous citizen, Pope Francis, has been getting away with promoting socialism for years, with no political figure wanting to get involved in any sort of challenge to his economic nonsense. Even President Trump pulled away from that porcupine during his first campaign, not wanting to annoy Catholic voters.

But things may be different now.

The man who may just be Argentina’s president by October, libertarian frontrunner Javier Milei, gleefully relishes mixing it up on economics with guys like the pope. He thrives on it. He’s vehement. And he likes to get loud.

Get a load:

SÃO PAULO – Catholics in Argentina appear both somewhat startled and also divided by the surprising recent success of a firebrand politician who’s termed the country’s most famous native son, Pope Francis, a “communist,” an “imbecile” and even a “leftist son of a b*.”

That politician, Javier Milei, was the big winner of the country’s August 13 primaries, coming in first place with 30 per cent of the vote, ahead of both the major right and left-wing coalitions, and despite lacking a strong party structure of his own.

Milei ended up ahead of Patricia Bullrich, whose right-wing coalition obtained 28 per cent of the ballots, and of Sergio Massa, the current Economy Minister in Argentina’s center-left Peronist coalition, who got 27 percent of support.

Milei, a member of Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies, has expressed admiration for former U.S. President Donald Trump. His own politics have been described variously as radical libertarian, even, to use his own term, an “anarcho-capitalist”, and he has a history of run-ins with the country’s Catholic Church.

The Catholic Herald of the U.K. notes this for context:

Most of his attacks over the years have been directed to left-wingers in the government, especially to former President (and current Vice President) Cristina Kirchner and to President Alberto Fernández. He once described Kirchnerism as “the worst thing in Argentina’s history”.

But Milei also has targeted Pope Francis, whom he considered to be a “communist”.  Milei identifies as a Catholic, but he said many times that he has been accompanied by a rabbi, is studying Judaism, and that conversion is not out of the question.

In a tweet a few years ago, Milei called Pope Francis a “leftist son of a b* who is preaching communism throughout the world” and said that he was “the representative of the evil one in the house of God”.

In another tweet last year, Milei criticized Francis after the pontiff said citizens should pay taxes to protect the poor’s dignity. Milei asserted that the pontiff was “always standing on the evil’s side” and told him: “Your model is poverty”.

Once during a TV show, Milei was criticising the concept of social justice and attacked Pope Francis for his defense of it, calling him “the imbecile who is in Rome”.

Unlike other conservative leaders, the wild-haired fellow Argentine seems to get under Pope Francis’s skin, and the pope has bit back at him, in a disguised sort of way, comparing him to Hitler.

Catholic Herald continued:

The populist’s rise to relevance has not gone unnoticed by Pope Francis.

During an interview earlier this year to a progressive Argentinian journalist, Francis appeared indirectly to compare Milei to Adolf Hitler, saying that the Austrian-born dictator was initially presented as “a new politician, who spoke beautifully, who seduced the people”.

“Everybody voted for little Adolfo, and that is how we ended, right?” the pope said, adding that he fears “saviors without history.” He also declared that he was worried about the progress of the far-right around the world.

Which is what the country’s leftist press has done, to little effect from the country’s angry voters. Pope Francis has no idea what’s fueling Milei from Argentine voters. They are, after all, enduring 116% inflation, meaning every last drop of savings they have is being eaten away by government overspending by the country’s sleazy elites, given that inflation is solely a monetary phenomenon, and Argentines are a hardworking lot. They are tired of putting up with this, all in the name of ‘social justice’ and other claptrap that doesn’t describe in the least what’s going on.

Here is a sample of the ferocity of what Milei really thinks:

He goes full Andrew Breitbart here:

And he targets every fixture of the oversized government and its corporate-state (I first learned this phrase in Buenos Aires in 2002) backers here:

If Pope Francis were to try to argue with any of this, he’d run into a intellectual buzzsaw.

He might, and then there’d be a trans-Atlantic Argy-on-Argy shouting match, with capitalism and socialism on the line.

That might just be the “conversation” the world actually needs, given how little of it there is, and given Pope Francis’s record of shutting out every libertarian voice that could help enlighten him.

Because the pope, as well intentioned as he is with his concern for the “marginalized” has a fatal flaw in not being able to identify who the marginalized actually are. He speaks of greenies, the transgender and gay lobbies, the wokesters, the poverty industrial complex, and the illegal immigration lobbies as being ‘marginalized,’ but fails to recognize that these people aren’t marginalized at all — they’re actually the establishment. They are powerful, they are unaccountable, they have their billionaires and foundations backing them, and already they have more rights and privileges than ordinary people.

Milei clearly understands who the marginalized are, and not surprisingly, he’s got a huge backing among Argentina’s poor, and those newly impoverished by socialism and all the inflation it brings.

Maybe this guy could educate Pope Francis, but at this point, I wouldn’t hold my breath. If Milei can just keep him in his lane, that would be a gift to all of us. Apparently it takes an Argentine to set to rights another Argentine. No one else has been able to do it.

The specter of Pope Francis being followed around and corrected by a nemesis from his own country, cleaning it up and making it prosperous would stand as an amazing rebuke to him and maybe get him to rethink his support for socialist dictators. If not that, maybe it will shut him up and get him to focus on spiritual matters, particularly if Milei can get the economy to recover over there. If Milei wins, this could be the mother of all intellectual battles that will reverberate the world over.