German TV star canceled by Hello Fresh for her partner’s alleged support of AfD

A German TV star has been canceled as a promoter of the meal kit provider Hello Fresh because of her new partner’s alleged support of the conservative Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which currently sits second in the national polls.

Iris Klein had a partnership agreement revoked by the Berlin-based company late last week after it emerged her new partner had reportedly been sympathetic to the conservative cause and expressed political views that the food company claims are not aligned with its values.

Klein’s partner had no professional relationship with Hello Fresh himself, and the 56-year-old TV star appears to have been canceled simply due to her partner’s political views.

“We clearly distance ourselves from racist and right-wing ideas,” Hello Fresh posted on Instagram over the weekend. “We currently have no further cooperation plans for the current case and are taking this as an opportunity to review our process for selecting influencer partners,” it added.

German news outlet Junge Freiheit reported that Klein’s partner is understood to have publicly expressed his political views under a pseudonym during which he criticized Germany’s support for Ukraine and insulted Ricarda Lang, the co-leader of the German Green party.

In her response to the drama, Klein uploaded a video to social media in which she called the claims against her partner “unfounded,” insisting that neither she nor her partner “have anything to do with a right-wing movement or party.”

“No, I’m not an AfD supporter, but I would never denounce anyone because of their political opinions,” she told viewers.

“I’ve been living in Spain for four and a half years, and I’m no longer interested in German politics. The last time I voted in Germany, I voted for the CDU and Angela Merkel because I liked them. But I clearly distance myself from the AfD! As for my new partner, I can’t help what he posted before we met,” Klein added.

The AfD has been garnering considerable support over the past year as Germans disillusioned with the federal government and mainstream parties flock to the fringe of the political landscape to find representation.

Sensing a political earthquake, the party has been publicly condemned by several high-profile German politicians including Chancellor Olaf Scholz and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

“No, I’m not an AfD supporter, but I would never denounce anyone because of their political opinions,” she told viewers.

“I’ve been living in Spain for four and a half years, and I’m no longer interested in German politics. The last time I voted in Germany, I voted for the CDU and Angela Merkel because I liked them. But I clearly distance myself from the AfD! As for my new partner, I can’t help what he posted before we met,” Klein added.

The AfD has been garnering considerable support over the past year as Germans disillusioned with the federal government and mainstream parties flock to the fringe of the political landscape to find representation.

Sensing a political earthquake, the party has been publicly condemned by several high-profile German politicians including Chancellor Olaf Scholz and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

In the latest polling conducted for the next parliamentary elections in Germany, the AfD sits second at 20.5 percent, six percentage points behind the CDU opposition (26.5 percent) and two points ahead of the SPD, which currently spearheads the federal coalition government.

Maybe France will now understand! People smugglers sneak migrants across Channel into EU via UK

People smugglers are using the UK as an illicit “back door” to sneak migrants into France and other EU countries.

Immigrants from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia were caught by French border police in Dover, trying to leave Britain to get to France.

The 22 French-speaking migrants tried to pass through the border by hiding in a lorry, the Telegraph has revealed.

They were carrying UK visitor visas, so they could enter as tourists but then try and make a break for France.

The “back door” option through the UK is believed to be a safer choice than a risky journey on boat across the Mediterranean.

The situation is proving difficult for UK border force officials. who don’t know how to deal with the migrants attempting to cross the channel.

“They are getting visitor visas to come to the UK as tourists, but in reality, they don’t want to come here, they want to live in France,” said the border force source.

“They are trying to smuggle themselves out of the UK, but they are getting caught by the French in Dover and handed back to us.

“We then have to figure out what to do because they have valid leave to enter the UK. There is a possibility they are illegal entrants because they came here under false pretences. Last week’s incident was the first time this has happened.”

In the most recent tax year ending in March, the Home Office gave out more than 40,000 visas to Moroccans or Algerians.

The Government Department has confirmed 18,618 migrants have arrived in the UK so far in 2023 after crossing the channel on this new route.

On Monday, over 660 people travelled in 15 different boats to the UK.

This was the third-highest daily total for the year.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that people smugglers are earning double the money they previously made because of this new route.

The smugglers bring immigrants into the UK and then help them cross the channel, charging them twice, the Telegraph has reported.

The service is being advertised by the Albanians as for “people who have problems and want to leave England as soon as possible”.

An undercover reporter who was posing as a migrant who was on the run, that he could escape to Europe that night for £3,000.

Caught under the sheets: Senior Taliban official caught in homosexual relationship with guard on viral video, continues in his post in Kabul

Taliban leader caught in a relationship with his male junior. (Source: Aamaj News)

A shocking video from Afghanistan has emerged where Mullah Ahmed Akhund, a senior Taliban member and the head of the Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), was seen in a homosexual relationship with his 21-year-old bodyguard.

Furthermore, the Taliban, who are often quite severe about homosexuality and stone gays to death as punishment, have permitted him to maintain his post without taking any action against him. According to the most recent release by DABS, he is still in charge of the directorate and is authorised to carry out his duties without interference from them.

The footage appeared to be recorded with a hidden camera in which Mullah Ahmed Akhund can be seen standing on a bed and undressing after which he lies down. He is then joined by his bodyguard who also removes his clothes and goes under the quilt with him.

The young man previously worked alongside the Taliban leader in the Breshna Sherkat. Notably, he was also seen in the company of Mullah Mohammad Fazl, the Deputy Minister of Defense for the group.

Mullah Ahmed Akhund was chosen on 20 August of this year to lead DABS under the direction of the Taliban’s deputy prime minister. He stated that he would “do basic work” in the Breshna department of Kabul in his inauguration address.

DABS is an independent and autonomous company established under The Corporations and Limited Liabilities Law of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (IROA). It works as a limited liability company owned by the government of Afghanistan. It operates and manages electric power generation, import, transmission and distribution.

The Taliban are silent about punishing their leaders and fighters despite daily media accusations of moral corruption and the “Bacha bazi” of the outfit in their outposts and dormitories. Bacha Bazi is a slang term used in Afghanistan Pakistan and in the history of Turkestan for a custom which involves child sexual abuse by older men. The practice pertains to sexual slavery and child prostitution of young adolescent males or boys, also known as dancing boys.

A recording revealed an individual named Abdullah having fun with a number of other Taliban terrorists as well as multiple women in a room. It was released by the Taliban intelligence last year. According to the individual who captured the incident, both men and women were present and the wine and barbeque bar was set up.

The accused, who was later identified as the brother of Alam Gull Haqqani, was then accused that “he used to come here, provided passports and take eight hundred dollars” by him.

Social media reaction

Netizens pointed out the hypocrisy of the Taliban and raised questions after the clip came to light. A person highlighted the irony and commented, “Top commander of Taliban which says punishment for homosexuality in Islam is death was caught in a homosexual relation with his bodyguard.”

Another remarked, “Majority of Taliban have homosexual relationships from their teenage. Abuse of boys is common in Afghan society.” He also referred to Bacha Bazi and labelled it as a “rotten society.”

A social media user wrote that Taliban sleeping with one another is the Afghan tradition and called the Taliban an extremist homosexual terrorist organisation who hates women and ethnic groups because of the aforementioned reason.

A netizen mocked that it is the reason they ban women from everywhere including sex.

An individual urged the Taliban to punish the accused. He posted, “If the Taliban is really an Islamic emirate, it must punish these criminals, otherwise it will lose its credibility. The Holy Prophet said that those who were before you perished because if their nobles stole, they would let them go, and if the weak stole, they would punish them.”

Taliban’s war on homosexuality

Human Rights Watch and Out Right Action International observed that under the Taliban, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Afghans and those who don’t follow strict gender standards in the country faced a horrific situation and serious dangers to their safety and life in a report published in January 2022.

The 43-page document titled “Even If You Go to the Skies, We’ll Find You: LGBT People in Afghanistan After the Taliban Takeover” was derived from 60 interviews conducted with LGBT individuals there.

Many respondents related disturbing tales of being threatened or targeted by Taliban members because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Some also shared stories of being mistreated by relatives, neighbours, or love partners who now support the Taliban or believed that retaliation against LGBT people in their community was important for their own protection.

They were consequently compelled to leave their houses to avoid being attacked by Taliban members or their allies. Others talked about how devastating it was to lose the life they had laboriously established over the years, leaving them open to potential harassment at any time due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.

LGBT people were at grave risk in Afghanistan even before the Taliban took full control of the nation on 15 August 2021. A law that specifically criminalised same-sex relationships was passed under the leadership of then-President Ashraf Ghani in 2018. Additionally, the previous penal law included ambiguous language that was frequently interpreted as categorising same-sex relationships as a criminal offence.

‘Kiss My Feet!’ The West capitulates to Islam’s ancient demand

Image via Pxfuel.

By Raymond Ibrahim

Once again, Muslims are at it — humiliating the despised “other” by forcing them to kneel and kiss their feet.

An August 17, 2023, video from Belgium shows a throng of “migrant youth” surrounding a trembling Belgian boy, forcing him to kiss their feet while they beat him on the head.  The post adds, “In Brussels, the country’s capital, Muslims already make up 25% of the population.”

A few days later in Finland, on August 20, 2023, another video captured another Muslim gang forcing a hapless Finnish girl onto her knees to “apologize” to them (for what is unclear).

These two back-to-back incidents are hardly an aberration.  On December 1, 2022, two Palestinian teenagers accosted, threatened, and ordered a Jewish (Haredi) man to kiss their feet in Jerusalem’s Old City.  They videotaped and posted the incident on TikTok, to the audio of an Arabic rapper who, among other vulgarities, employs the notorious Arabic insult kuss umak (“your mama’s vagina”), which was presumably directed at the Jew in question, as he kissed the hand and foot of one of the Muslims.

Nor was this the first incident of its kind in the Holy Land.  According to a later report discussing this late 2022 incident,

The phenomenon of Palestinians filming themselves assaulting or humiliating ultra-Orthodox residents sparked outrage and clashes last year, leading to several arrests. In one particularly viral video, a Palestinian was filmed pouring hot coffee on an Orthodox man, leading to a two-year prison sentence.

Then there was this 2019 report from Australia:

A 12-year-old Jewish student was forced to kneel down and kiss the shoes of a Muslim classmate, while a five-year-old boy was allegedly called a “Jewish cockroach” and repeatedly hounded in the school toilets by his young classmates. … The older boy’s act of kissing another student’s shoes, under threat of being swarmed by several other boys, was filmed, photographed and shared on social media. … One of the boys who watched on was later suspended for five days for assaulting the Jewish student in the school locker room.

Some might argue that Muslim “grievances” — in the above cases, the Arab-Israeli conflict — is the driving force behind Muslims trying to degrade and humiliate Jews.  In reality, however, this form of abject “obeisance” was always expected of non-Muslims — as the more recent Belgian and Finnish examples show — and for no more of a “grievance” than that they were non-Muslims — infidels.

For example, in The Adventures of Thomas Pellow, an Englishman (d. 1747) who wrote of his experiences as an abducted slave in Morocco references that European slaves being compelled to kiss their Muslim masters’ feet was not uncommon.

Sultan Muley Ismail — who enforced sharia and regularly prayed — went one step farther, according to Pellow: abducted Europeans were required to “pull off their shoes, put on a particular habit they have to denote a slave, and when they approach him fall down and kiss the ground at his horse’s feet.”  Those not conforming to such abject behavior — the “lucky” ones — instantly lost their heads.  The rest were slowly tortured in ways that beggar belief.

Perhaps this is the only “good news” regarding the more recent spate of foot-kissing.  As vile as they may be, they help underscore an important fact: few things are as reliably consistent as Muslim behavior — particularly the sort we are regularly assured has “nothing to do with Islam.”  Otherwise, why does one keep finding the same “disquieting” behavior in regions that widely differ in both time and space, such as modern Israel, Australia, Belgium, and Finland—and pre-modern Morocco?

Incidentally, and as another parallel, Pellow and other European slaves in Africa were regularly and consistently called “Christian dogs” — including before they were beheaded by scimitars.  This characterization of subhuman infidels as animals remains a fixture today, and for the same reason.  Recall that the five-year-old Jewish student was called a “Jewish cockroach.”

Such is the great irony: even in the minutest of details, and whether in word or deed, the negative behavior that Muslims exhibit today has a long and unwavering paper trail, one that crosses centuries and continents.  The only difference — the only discontinuity — between now and then is how the West responds.

In all of the modern incidents, authorities refuse to admit that an ideological factor — Islamic supremacism — motivated “migrant youth” to force “infidels” on their knees to kiss Muslim feet.

The disconnect is evident in another, especially ignoble manner: whereas Muslims have long forced non-Muslims under their power to kiss their feet, both figuratively and literally, today the man who holds an office that for centuries sponsored the West’s staunch resistance to Islam — the Catholic pope — enthusiastically prostrates himself before and literally kisses Muslim feet, further reinforcing this abject relationship to Muslims who do not understand acts of humility.

In short, Muslims demanding that lowly infidels kiss their feet is normative.  The only thing to change is how the West responds — in a word, capitulation.

Another racial hoax is slowly being exposed, this time in Canada

By Andrea Widburg

It was a terrible scandal: Ground penetrating radar proved that hundreds, maybe thousands, of Canadian indigenous children died…or, really, were cruelly killed…at Christian and government residential schools, and then had their bodies tossed into unmarked graves. Churches (of course) burned. Now, though, it’s becoming clear that those “graves” are not yielding up bodies.

The stories out of Canada were enough to make Justin Trudeau weep. In June 2021, the New York Times wrote a representative article about the scope of the findings:

The remains of more than 1,000 people, mostly children, have been discovered on the grounds of three former residential schools in two Canadian provinces since May.

In late June, the remains of 751 people, mainly Indigenous children, were discovered at the site of a former school in the province of Saskatchewan, a Canadian Indigenous group said.

The discovery, the largest one to date, came less than a month after the remains of 200 people, mostly children, were found in unmarked graves on the grounds of another former boarding school in British Columbia. In July, the Penelakut Tribe in British Columbia said it had uncovered about 160 undocumented and unmarked graves.

That’s horrible. No wonder the Canadian government promised millions of dollars to “search for remains.”

It’s only when you dig a little deeper into the essay that you realize that, as of the time of its writing, no graves at all had been discovered. Instead, “ground-penetrating radar” discovered anomalies. Not bones. Anomalies.

The BBC also hid the ball, reporting about the hundreds of graves found on school properties, only to admit about halfway through the essay that the “graves” were found using “ground-penetrating radar.” This BBC story reflects the same pattern of accusation, followed by the admission that no actual bodies have been located. A Wikipedia chart reveals that all the recent “grave” findings were made using radar, not shovels.

Churches, of course, burned. And leftist politicians exploited the “narrative.”

Now, though, people are finally putting shovels to the ground, and they’re discovering…nothing:  

Chief Derek Nepinak of the Minegoziibe Anishinabe said the excavation of a Catholic church on the site of a former Manitoba school found “no conclusive evidence of human remains.” The lands the church is found on have been referred to as “mass graves” by outlets in the mainstream media.  

In a video on social media, Chief Nepinak said that a specialized team of archeologists that work with the police were not able to detect any “evidence of human remains” under the Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Catholic Church which is the site of a former residential school in Pine Creek. 

I’m certain that children died at those schools, especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the pre-antibiotic era, children died all the time, especially if they weren’t getting pasteurized milk. Nor were there vaccinations against child-killing diseases. My parents and their friends, all born in the first half of the 20th century, had scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, mumps, and polio. Only the strong survived.

I’m also sure there was abuse. As our public school system has revealed, when adults have free reign over children, there will be sadistic and warped adults. My father never recovered from (or talked about) what happened in his well-respected Jewish orphanage in Weimar and Nazi Germany. If you don’t have parents actively looking out for their children’s well-being, bad things happen. That’s why, today, parents should home-school.

I’m willing to bet that 90% or more of those “graves” found using “ground-penetrating radar” will prove to be structural findings. But the truth doesn’t modern in a post-modern world. What mattered was that the left was able to make political hay out of the anomalies and will be sure to downplay or bury the truth (in a non-anomalous media grave, of course).

Germany: Football coach hospitalized after player dropped from team rounds up migrant mob in revenge attack

A football coach has been hospitalized in Germany after being attacked by an 18-year-old footballer he had kicked off the team and a gang of up to 40 other men rounded up by the teen.

The attack occurred on Sunday outside a café on Birkenstrasse, located in the inner city neighborhood of Moabit in Berlin.

The 43-year-old coach, originally from Armenia, had agreed to a meeting with the teenager after a dispute the week before had seen the player kicked off the local football team.

Upon arriving at the café with a companion, 35, the coach was confronted by the aggrieved player and an entourage of around 40 other men comprising relatives and acquaintances he had rounded up in a planned revenge attack on the coach.

The gang was armed with batons, baseball bats, stun guns, and knives, the German newspaper Bild reported on Monday.

“The two men were surrounded by the group and suddenly attacked with the objects they were carrying,” a police spokesman told the newspaper. They added that the gang primarily consisted of “Turkish and Romanian men” as well as “men from Armenia.”

A mass brawl commenced outside the café and resulted in the coach and his companion sustaining significant injuries requiring hospital treatment. Despite being outnumbered, the pair injured two attackers who were also hospitalized.

Eyewitnesses alerted the authorities to the violence, and Berlin police officers were dispatched to the scene. A number of baseball bats, stun guns, and a knife were confiscated, and a 28-year-old was arrested on suspicion of injuring two others with a knife.

“Many other people were injured. Most refused to seek medical treatment,” the police spokesman added.

Woke madness: Pride book featuring ‘grandads’ in bondage gear shown to four-year-olds

Pride book featuring ‘grandads’ in bondage gear shown to four-year-olds
 Harry Woodgate/Waterstones

A Pride book featuring older men in bondage gear has sparked outrage after it was shown to four-year-old children.

Parents with children at Genesis Preschool in Hull raised concerns with staff after it was revealed pupils had been exposed to the images.

A staff member checked with parents if they were happy for the children to see the contents of the book Grandad’s Pride.

However, a parent took exception to images of “partially naked” men in “leather bondage gear”.

Will and Maria Taylor removed their child from the school amid the distribution of the book.

Mr Taylor told Hull Live: “We identified two images of men who are partially naked in leather bondage gear.

The view outside Genesis Preschool in Hull, Google Street View

“One has a leather cod-piece moulded tightly around his crotch and a studded dog collar around his neck and knee high boots.

“The main and most immediate concern is that children have been exposed to at least two age-inappropriate sexual or erotic images of a man in what can only be reasonably described as ‘bondage/fetish/BDSM’ gear.”

A member of staff defended the images, arguing children would not understand the sexualised nature of the pictures.

The Taylors claimed a child’s lack of understanding does not exonerate staff for showing pupils the book.

The nursery’s trustees later confirmed the book had been removed while a safety audit was being conducted.

The literature reportedly remains widely available at bookstores and libraries.

The book has a 4+ reading age and details the story of Milly spending the summer at her Grandad’s cottage by the seaside.

Milly later finds her Grandad and Gramps’ old Pride flag in the attic.

She is told what Pride is and then plans a march in the village.

The BookTrust, which promotes children reading, has already warned parents: “The illustrations in Grandad’s Pride include realistic depictions of what a Pride march might look like, including a person dressed in adult leather wear and some images which are culturally sensitive. Parents and carers should read the book before sharing.”

France: An Algerian migrant threatens passengers with a knife and shouts “Allah Akbar”; the police shoot with their Taser, but the attacker’s djellaba blocks the electrical impulses

On Tuesday morning, a man was arrested by the police at the Béziers train station, CNEWS learned from police sources. Armed with a knife, he had threatened passengers and shouted “Allah Akbar”.

“I will kill you”. On Tuesday morning, law enforcement arrested a man armed with a knife who had threatened passengers at the Béziers train station, police sources told CNEWS.

The man, dressed in a djellaba, threatened the station’s passengers with his weapon. The police officers present at the scene shot him twice with their Taser, but the attacker’s clothing prevented him from feeling the electric shock. CNews

Two incidents in 1 day: Frenzied Muslim mob kills man in Pakistan after alleging ‘blasphemy’, desecrate Church with Islamic graffiti

Islamists run rampage in Punjab province of Pakistan, images via Twitter/ Faraz Pervaiz

Days after Islamists attacked the Christian community in Jarnawala, a man was killed in the Punjab province of Pakistan over allegations of ‘blasphemy’.

The development was confirmed on X (formerly Twitter) by activist Faraz Pervaiz. In a tweet, he wrote, “Graphic Warning. #Punjab #Pakistan has become a hell for Pakistani minorities right now. Another alleged #blasphemy case, A Man shot dead without investigating or any evidence.”

Pervaiz informed that the victim’s house was looted and his belongings were thrown out. In the video shared by him, a frenzied mob could be seen gathered in the streets while gunshots could be heard in the background.”

The activist also informed that a Church was yet again desecrated by Islamists belonging to TLP (Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan) in Jarnawala in the Faisalabad district of Pakistan.

The walls of the said Church were inscribed with praises for Allah and Prophet Muhammad. “If church removes it, there’s risk of sparking #blasphemy rumours, potential violence akin to #Jaranwala where 21 Churches 400 houses were burned down,” Faraz Pervaiz added.

It is important to note that Pakistan’s treatment of its minorities, particularly Hindus and Christians, is already under the scanner and is severely criticised multiple times in different international reports.

The extremists in Pakistan are also notorious for using spurious charges and unfounded allegations to whip up communal passions in the name of blasphemy and for targeting minorities, including Hindus and Christians.

This oppression, which is masked with the help of allegations of blasphemy, has become a hallmark of Pakistan, where mob attacks against minorities have become a routine affair, often aided and abetted by the legal systems and people in places of power and authority in the country.

King Charles’ Scandal-Plagued Charity Escapes Criminal Investigation Again, Despite Proof of ‘Cash-For-Honors’ Scheme

Another day, another UK Royal scandal swept under the rug.

The trouble is brewing at King Charles’s Prince’s Foundation, a charity that purports to ‘provides holistic solutions to challenges facing the world today’.

It also champions ‘a sustainable approach to how we live our lives and build our communities’, and it runs ‘a diverse program of education and training for all ages and backgrounds’.

Despite such lofty aspirations, the scandal-plagued institution is again in the headlines for a ‘Cash-for-Honors’ scandal involving a wealthy Saudi businessman.