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Month: August 2023
German People Would Rather The Government Fixed the Roads Than Try to Solve Climate Change, Poll Finds
Bad news for Germany’s left-green coalition government: research finds a clear majority of Germans would rather the state just got on with fixing potholes, and building new roads so they can drive their cars more.
Polling for one of Germany’s major newspapers has found strong feelings among German voters on government policy, showing a strong deviation from the aspirations of the influential coalition partner the Greens Party in the land of the Autobahn.
When asked which route they would prefer the government to take, 62 per cent of Germans said they wanted to see “renewal and further expansion of the motorway and road network”, an obvious rejection of the present zeitgeist for spreading limits on road access through congestion charges and road taxes. A big majority also said they preferred petrol and diesel cars to electric.
Just 33 per cent, in comparison, said repairing the roads that already exist and building new ones “should be avoided in favor of environmental and climate protection” reports Die Welt, citing research performed for them by a pollster. While approval for expanding roads rather than curbing road building for the environment varied by region and age, every demographic category still showed majority support.
The least-likely to support roads over the environment were the inhabitants of regional cities, where a slim majority of 51 per cent said they agreed with the statement. The only political group that supported the environment over roads — perhaps unsurprisingly — were followers of the Green Party.
DW also reports the finding that a major majority of Germans are not interested in electric cars. Per the survey, just 33 per cent said the age of internal combustion engines was over, and 72 per cent said they’d rather have a conventional engine over electric.
The research comes after, as previously reported, slumping polling support for the Greens in Germany. By April, after a tough winter where energy prices soared as a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine and Germany’s increasingly ‘green’ electricity infrastructure unable to take up the slack it was found support for the Greens has fallen to a 14-month low.
Despite the pope’s yelling and the FBI’s spying, traditional Catholic Latin Mass is booming
By Monica Showalter
The pope yells about them. Joe Biden’s FBI spies on them.
But in a rather astonishing development, efforts to suppress the traditional Latin Mass among the Catholics is booming, which kind of tells us what’s really going on.
Even the mainstream media is noticing.
According to a page one story in the Miami Herald:
Traditional Latin Mass, also called the extraordinary form of the Roman rite, or the Tridentine Mass, has been celebrated in the Archdiocese of Miami for the past 40 years, beginning under former Archbishop Edward McCarthy. In recent years, Miami’s community has steadily grown, relocating to five different chapels in the past 10 years to acccommodate the growth.
Miami’s Latin Mass community has more than doubled in the past five years — up from an average of 112 congregants in 2017 to 320 in 2023 — according to records taken by Frank Andollo, who’s been going to the services for 10 years. People drive from as far north as Palm Beach County and as far south as the Florida Keys to make it to Latin Mass at Belen on Sundays.
Well, ahem. Now we know what the hullabaloo is all about.
The numbers cited don’t sound like much but imagine if it were a stock — that would be a very high rate of growth showing no signs of slowing down.
Maybe there’s some sort of revolution going on. The scary thing for the suppressors is that reports show that it’s young people taking the lead. The Herald’s photos show all young people.
This is what’s rolling in from the younger Catholics at the pope’s ongoing Synod, too, which is a gathering intended to bring in the laity to Church decisions:
Bet they didn’t have that on their bingo cards.
What’s more, it’s come despite Joe Biden’s FBI’s spying on traditional Catholics as “terrorists” from at least three field offices, and perhaps even more astonishingly, despite efforts within the Church to suppress the Mass, by in this case, keeping the saying of the Mass out of mainstream churches and stuffing it into little chapels, as well as by failing to publish any information about where it is or when to come. If you’re a Catholic who wants to go to one of these Masses, you have to get such information by word of mouth. They do things like that to keep numbers low.
Pope Francis, who’s given political aid to abortion enthusiasts Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, revealed a special little cold spot in his heart for traditional Catholics in the U.S. this week:
Pope Francis accused some leaders of the US Catholic Church of “backwardness,” saying they have abandoned Christian doctrines in favor of political ideologies.
“Doing this, you lose the true tradition and you turn to ideologies to have support. In other words, ideologies replace faith,” the pope said during a private meeting with a Jesuit order in Lisbon earlier in August.
The transcripts from that meeting were just made public Monday, revealing the 86-year-old pope’s unfiltered opinion about a rift growing between some US religious leaders and the Vatican over his initiatives to modernize the Catholic Church.
Francis’ comments came after a Jesuit described encountering a number of Catholics and bishops who were critical of his papacy and the Vatican during a recent year-long stay in the US.
In response, the pope called the US church “backward,” and said it had “a very strong, organized, reactionary attitude” which he warned could lead to a climate of closure that would be the antithesis of Christian values.
Ideologies? This, from the guy who entertained Marxist “thinker” Naomi Klein and globaloney standard-bearer Jeff Sachs in the Vatican as papal “advisors”?
Speaking of ideologies…
As far as antithesis of Christian values, well, let’s just say that I’ve been to traditional Latin Masses — and among the attendees were the very people he’s courting now as his vanguard: gays.
It’s not just gays, it’s young single people, young families. And don’t forget that Dorothy Day, who’s up for sainthood and is being held up as a model of progressivism as the founder of the “Catholic Worker” movmeent in the 1930s, was a bigtime fan of Latin Mass, too.
Despite the twists and turns that various Catholic Worker communities have taken, it founders were far more orthodox than they are given credit for. Servant of God Dorothy Day preferred the Traditional Mass herself, and got into a fight with one of the Berrigan brothers when he offered Mass at the Catholic Worker house using a Styrofoam cup.
Is this starting to sound a little .. universal?
But rather pathetically for the suppressors, the flock just keeps growing.They’re producing priests. The report above cites just Miami but it’s actually happening all over the states, as well as in Europe, in places like France and Ireland.
The Herald opted to do real journalism in this piece by asking the Catholics why they were attracted to this older rite. They said they were looking for something “authentic” for one, echoing a young Hollywood A-list movie star, Shia LaBoeuf, who embraced Latin Masses with this observation:
“The Latin Mass affects me deeply,” he said. “Because it doesn’t feel like they’re trying to sell me a car.”
It calms them. There’s no Nike nor Apple nor anything in them that succors the wokester commercial world they are surrounded by. No mass media, no high tech, no buy buy buy, just an ancient rite embraced by young people.
They also don’t like the bizarre stuff they’re seeing coming out of the Vatican, such as Pachamama parading, or those butt-ugly modern-art Vatican Nativity displays.
Yet another thing that was bringing them in, according to the Herald, was the close sense of community, which they don’t get with generic churches.
That has an authentic ring, too. I have no idea where to find a Latin Mass where I am in San Diego, but there is a close equivalent in the traditional Byzantine-rite Mass which is easy to find in the city — and they have that exactly described sense of warmth and welcoming community.
Another reason, seen on Twitter, certainly describes why this form of worship is growing:
Call it the ‘barf’ factor, which compares pretty unfavorably to this:
No wonder the leftist establishment is trying to shut it all down. You can see why Joe Biden and his politicized law enforcers can’t take it. The strange thing is the opacity of the Vatican for something that is actually drawing in new members. They seem to be intent on killing off their seed corn in the name of some shut-the-conservatives-out progressive and globalist ideal — gays, the environment and other irrelevances — which is very establishment-y.
At least we know what’s going on now. The Latin Mass is popular and growing and those most threatened by it can’t ignore it. The suppression of Latin Mass and the bid to call its adherents ‘terrorists’ seemed like a minor thing to me when I first heard the news of the FBI’s illegal spying, but obviously, it’s not. The bad guys are roused first at the news of any threat to their monolithic power, and they’re biting down.
German museum denies White people entry to colonial exhibit on Saturdays, only BIPoC allowed inside
A German museum of industrial heritage in Dortmund only allows “Black, Indigenous and People of Color” to enter the museum on Saturdays between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. for the “That’s Colonial” exhibition, with the prohibition sparking claims of racism.
The Zollern Colliery museum argues it is a “safer space” intended to protect people of color from “further discrimination.”
The exclusive access is “an offer for BIPoC and black people to be able to withdraw and exchange ideas openly,” reads the museum’s website. “For BIPoC, such safe spaces are rarely found in everyday life or in museum rooms.”
The exhibit partly focuses on racial grievances, with the introduction to the exhibition on the website writing: “The morning cup of coffee (referring to how coffee was obtained through colonial exploitation), a street name or certain prejudices: Colonial history is still present in our everyday lives – even in Westphalia.”
A small team belonging to Antenne Frei radio station filmed themselves trying to enter the museum, but were blocked because they are White people.
The employees struggled to explain why their prohibition was not racism when confronted by a host from the radio station.
Wenn Weiße in Deutschland zu bestimmten Zeiten nicht ins Museum dürfen….
— Joana Cotar (@JoanaCotar) August 29, 2023
Rassismus in Dortmund. Unfassbar. #ZecheZollern
“If there’s a People of Color in there now and I say I don’t want that White guy in here, then you must go out,” said a male employee. The host then asked, “Because we have the wrong skin color?”
The employee responded: “I can’t explain that. I can’t explain that.” When he was told that he should know becaus he works there, he repeated htat he could not explain how or why the rule was in place.
“But that’s racism,” responded the radio host.
Inside the museum building, the radio host said: “If we turn it around now and say Black are not allowed in, can you imagine what an impression that would make? Now, it’s the case that the Whites can’t go in…”
A female employee responded: “There’s nothing to say.” The host then said, “You don’t want to say anything,” to which she responded, “I dont’ want to.”
He then stated he wanted his entry fee back since he did not find the policy appropriate, and the female employee agreed.
The Zollern Colliery museum is one of the LWL museum, which are funded by taxpayers. The official website states: “The LWL museums bring together the history of the Westphalia-Lippe region in the areas of industry, handicrafts, technology, art, natural history, archaeology, monastic and everyday culture. They take on current topics and present attractive and lively exhibitions for people of all generations.”
Similar anti-White policies are spreading throughout the West. For example, a Black artist collective in Switzerland occupied a theater last year and demanded a non-White theater space, arguing that “there is no racism against Whites.” The group managed to collect hundreds of thousands of francs from the Swiss government despite openly discriminating against Whites.
Many Whites across the West are growing increasingly concerned, and despite claims that that racism against Whites does not exist, polling shows that 80 percent of French say that anti-White racism exists.
In that country, a “Blacks only” Christmas market caused widespread controversy in 2021.
UK: Hero stranger saves girl, 11, from being abducted after man tried to lure her into car
A stranger has been lauded as a hero after saving an 11-year-old girl from a man attempting to lure her into his car.
The quick-thinking member of the public stepped in and took the youngster into a nearby shop.
Police officers were soon called about the incident in West Wickham, Bromley.
The Metropolitan Police said the woman approached the 11-year-old after she looked “nervous”.
Scotland Yard released photos of two men who they want to speak to about the incident.
The Metropolitan Police said: “At 11.45am on Saturday, June 24, an 11-year-old girl was approached by a man on High Street, West Wickham who tried to convince her to leave with him.
“A member of the public, seeing the child looked nervous, intervened and took her into a shop.
“Officers are keen to hear from anyone who can name the men in the images.”
Police are urging anyone who can name the two men or provide any information to assist their investigation.
CCTV footage shared by MailOnline showed the woman intervening outside a Mind charity shop.
A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police also revealed that men were caught on CCTV following the girl into Shriji News.
The owner of the shop, Maunil Patel, 35, told MailOnline today: “I saw the girl come in first, I’ve seen her before as she lives nearby, and two men I’ve not seen came in soon afterwards.
“The girl was looking around the shop for a few minutes and the men were keeping a close eye on her, watching what she was doing and maybe seeing if anyone was with her.”
He added: “He went out of the shop first and turned right. The security camera shows him waiting outside the charity shop.
“The girl bought something – sweets I think – and walked out of my shop and past the man who was waiting outside the shop next door.
“He followed her slightly and asked her something which made her turn round. He’d apparently asked her if she was alone and if she needed any help.
“At this point a woman in a long turquoise dress walked into the charity shop but glanced towards them as she went in. She was obviously worried about what was going on.
“A few seconds later she came out the shop and challenged the man. I heard her say to him that she was going to call the police and she asked the girl to come with her.”
Italy: Warrants for two Egyptian men for gang raping minor in Milan
The Milan prosecutors office on Thursday issued arrest warrants for two Egyptian men aged 21 and 22 on suspicion of taking part in the gang rape of a female minor in an abandoned sporting facility in Milan last September, along with other Egyptians including two minors.
It is the latest in a string of gang rapes in Italy which have spurred government action on gender and sexual violence.
One of the men was deported from Italy for other crimes some months ago, judicial sources said.
Two minors allegedly took part in the gang rapes, as well as a third man who was also expelled in recent months.
Warrants for two men for gang raping minor in Milan – English –
Papal Adviser: Jesus Needed Conversion from ‘Rigidity,’ ‘Nationalism’
Close papal confidante Father Antonio Spadaro has launched the unusual hypothesis that Jesus Christ needed to be converted from a rigid, nationalistic Judaism to a more inclusive religiosity.
Commenting last week on the gospel passage narrating the healing of the daughter of a Canaanite woman (Matt. 15:20-28), Jesuit Father Spadaro said that initially “Jesus does not care” about the woman or her problems and he answers her in an “angry and insensitive” manner.
“The Master’s hardness is unshakeable,” the priest declared, because mercy “is not for her. She is excluded. There is no discussion.”
When she desperately appeals to him again, Jesus “replies in a mocking and disrespectful way” because he is “blinded by nationalism and theological rigor,” Spadaro asserted.
When the woman abases herself still further, she finally manages to get through to Jesus, breaking through his “rigidity” so as to “convert” him, the priest added.
So yes, the woman’s daughter is healed of her complaint but perhaps more importantly “Jesus also appears healed, and in the end shows himself free from the rigidity of the dominant theological, political and cultural elements of his time,” he proposed.
“Here is the seed of a revolution,” Spadaro concluded, as the Canaanite woman succeeds in opening Jesus to an inclusive vision of a church reaching the peripheries.
While the priest’s biblical interpretation comports poorly with the historical understanding of the text, which saw Jesus as leading the Canaanite woman to deeper faith, it dovetails very well with Pope Francis’s insistence on universal brotherhood, freedom from doctrinal rigidity, and inclusiveness.
While Father Spadaro surely believes he is doing a service to Francis with his novel exegesis, some may wonder whether it is worth sacrificing Jesus to save the pope.
Two years for offending Islam. Pakistan? No, Europe
by Giulio Meotti
How we got there.
The European Court of Human Rights sentenced a woman in Austria because her statements represent “an attack on the Prophet of Islam which could arouse prejudice and threaten religious peace”. In a seminar in 2011, Sabaditsch Wolff , basing her words on Islamic texts, called Mohammed a paedophile because of his marriage to Aisha. An Austrian court convicted her of “denigrating” Islam.
Then the European Court established that EU states can limit the right to freedom of expression if what is expressed “is likely to incite religious intolerance” and “risks disturbing the religious peace in their country”.
Fast forward to 2023.
“Politicians congratulate al-Qaeda, Iran and Erdogan,” headlined the Danish newspaper Politiken, after Denmark announced the long-awaited law to protect the Koran. What does it mean? Two years in prison for those who burn or profane the Koran.
It’s not bad to be in Europe, and not in Pakistan, where a similar law has just been introduced in Parliament (they are just more ambitious, 10 years instead of 2).
Inger Støjberg, who was immigration minister between 2015 and 2019 and now leads the opposition Danish Democrats party, said “1-0 for Muslims” and that “the unfree forces in the Middle East have got a win today. Now they see that they can dictate our lifestyle, because we have a government that bows to threats and pressure.”
In Sweden, too, everything is ready for a sharia-style law about the Koran.
The city of Malmö (Sweden’s third largest) has just launched the “50 new flags” project to strengthen the city’s “multicultural identity”. There are flying the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkey and other Muslim countries. Many, many crescents.
And now full speed ahead into the future. The future is now. Indeed, it reminds us of the totalitarian past we would like to forget.
“On a sunny morning, six plainclothes police officers broke into a small flat in Amsterdam. Their prey: a skinny Dutch cartoonist with a rough sense of humor. Informed that he was suspected of having carried out offensive designs on Muslims, the Dutchman surrendered without offering any resistance”.
Science fiction?
No, news from the Wall Street Journal. This is Gregorius Nekschot and he spent the night in a cell. Police confiscated his computer, a hard drive and sketchpads. He was summoned by prosecutors. Investigated for violating a Dutch law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation. “It’s serious, it’s about free speech,” said Mark Rutte, then leader of the opposition.
Anyone who does not understand what what is happening must think of the series of trials in Europe already held against those who have criticized Islam.
-Michel Houellebecq because in his novel Platform he called Islam “the stupidest religion”.
-Oriana Fallaci – “the woman who defames Islam” – for The Rage and the Pride..
-Then Christoph Biró, editor-in-chief of the best-selling Austrian newspaper, the Kronen Zeitung, guilty of having written about “young Syrian men with a high rate of testosterone, who committed sexual assaults”.
-Lars Hedegaard, the director of the Danish Free Press Society, for his criticism of Islam.
-Geert Wilders for offending Islam.
-The great Holocaust historian George Bensoussan, three years on trial for speaking of Islamic anti-Semitism.
No one is prosecuted for saying that the Dalai Lama is the representative of a barbaric faith. Nor for saying that Patriarch Kirill is a corrupt and violent former KGB agent. Nor for saying that “Jesus is queer”, indeed the French Council of State has established that it is your right to say so.
Only one religion in Europe today enjoys laws, courts, officials and correctional apparatuses. And it achieved this through violence, threats, terror, fear, intimidation, blackmail and boycotts.
Islam in Europe is in a win win situation.
Why Muslims hate dogs so much
By Raymond Ibrahim
On Aug. 25, 2023, a video appeared of Muslim girls covered from head to toe in all black burqas, dancing to a song that praised Islam and cursed “infidels” — that is, all non-Muslims. The video — which would make ISIS proud and chill Western audiences — was taken on a woman’s college campus in India, Talimuddin Niswan Women’s Degree College in Mau.
Swati Goel Sharma, the journalist who shared the video, wrote:
A glimpse into the brainwashing and radicalisation that goes on in religious minority institutes [meaning Muslim schools in India]. Women covered from head to toe in burqa are glorifying the regressive all-body wrapping as the very foundation of their religious beliefs, while cursing non-believers as hijdas [eunuchs] and kutta [dogs] and declaring them as enemies.
Indoctrinating Muslim students to hate and despise non-Muslims is nothing new and par for the course all throughout the Muslim world.
Of interest here is the disparaging reference to dogs, not least as it underscores the vast cultural differences between the West and Islam. Put differently, whereas dogs are seen as “man’s best friend” in the West — indeed, not a few so-called “progressives” are even trying to transform themselves into dogs — for many Muslims, dogs are vermin. Indeed, as discussed in this article from less than a year ago, dogs are regularly targeted for cruel treatment and extermination in the Muslim world.
Where does this hate come from? As usual, the prophet of Islam: Muhammad. According to Abdullah bin Omar, as recorded in the canonical (or sahih) hadith collection of Al-Muslim, “The Messenger of Allah used to order the killing of dogs, so we used to send [men] to Medina and its adjoining vicinity, and we spared no dog but rather killed it.” (Translation of Arabic text.)
Muhammad later revised his decision by allowing dogs that earn their keep — by herding, hunting, or guarding — to exist unmolested, though the hate for them remained: angels, the prophet of Allah warned, would never visit and therefore bless homes that keep dogs.
In short, and as one anti-dog fatwa, or Islamic decree, concludes:
We must ensure that Muslims continue to be averse to dogs, even in the midst of what the kuffaar [Western infidels] are used to do[ing] and what some Muslims have adopted of their habits.
Perhaps the fatwa author was thinking about Khaled Abou el-Fadl, a professor at UCLA who, being a dog lover, appears to have “adopted of their [Western] habits.”
Here is a video of another Muslim sheikh on whether Muslims are permitted to keep dogs as pets (short answer: no, and hell is the price).
This discussion on dogs cannot end without reference to Islam’s teaching — sung and danced to by those pleasant young girls in India — that non-Muslims are dogs.
According to sharia, the life — or as articulated in Arabic, the “blood” — of a non-Muslim is far inferior to the life/blood of a Muslim. Rather, and based on some of Islam’s respected hadith collections, the blood of a non-Muslim is equal to the blood of a dog.
According to a hadith recorded among other places in Sunan Ahmed (Hanbali jurisprudence) and Sunan al-Bayhaqi (Shafi’i jurisprudence), during the course of a discussion about non-Muslims, Caliph Omar al-Khattab — one of Sunni Islam’s “four righteous caliphs” — declared, “They are mushrikun, and the blood of one of them is [like] the blood of a dog.”
Mushrikun literally means those who associate others — Jesus, the Trinity, the Hindu pantheon, etc. — with Allah. Today, it is often used to refer to any non-Muslim.
Therefore, based on this reading, non-Muslims are, like dogs, also good for nothing but killing.
As illuminating as this excursus might be, it is also a bit redundant: Islam — the Koran itself (e.g., 9:5) — already makes clear that the life of a non-Muslim, non-dhimmi is de facto forfeit:
Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them [captive], and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.
Iran: Weightlifter Mostafa Rajaei banned for life by country’s weightlifting organisation for shaking hands with Israeli competitor
A lifetime ban has been imposed on an Iranian weightlifter by the country’s weightlifting organisation for speaking and shaking hands with an Israeli competitor at an event in Poland. The body declared, “The weightlifting federation bans athlete Mostafa Rajaei for life from entering all sports facilities in the country and dismisses the head of the delegation for the competition, Hamid Salehinia.”
Israeli weightlifter Maksim Svirsky and Mostafa Rajaei shook hands when they were on the podium at the World Masters championship in Wieliczka on August 26.
The two were participating in a weightlifting competition for “legends” in Wieliczka. The Iranian was photographed next to the Israeli competitor who took home the bronze medal while Rajaei won silver in the competition.
Iran forbids all interactions between Iranian and Israeli athletes because it does not recognise Israel, which is considered a sworn enemy by the Islamist government in Iran. The weightlifter reportedly “crossed the red lines of the Islamic Republic” at the event where the Iranian delegation had been “sent with the support of the federation.”
Mostafa Rajaei formerly competed for Iran’s national team, and in 2015, he represented Iran in Thailand at the Asian Weightlifting Championships.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, advised athletes in 2021 “not to shake hands with a representative of the (Israeli) criminal regime to obtain a medal.” Iranian athletes have avoided competing against Israeli competitors for years, frequently by being disqualified or presenting documents attesting to their illness.
Alireza Firouzja, a young chess prodigy, departed Iran because the nation’s chess federation forbade him from competing in the 2019 world championship for fear of playing an Israeli opponent. He has now acquired French citizenship.
Saeid Mollaei, an Iranian judoka, left his country in 2019 after refusing to abstain from an event against Sagi Muki of Israel. He then acquired Mongolian citizenship, befriended him and even travelled to Israel in 2021. Iran’s participation in international judo tournaments was prohibited for four years due to the policy. The restriction is scheduled to end on 17 September.