President of European Central Bank Claims Inflation is Due to Climate Change (VIDEO) https://t.co/0rkGoepXfC
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) June 27, 2023
A small 50 square metre council flat has turned out to be a slaughterhouse. In the southern French city of Nice, 40 sheep were found in the flat. The sheep were apparently about to be illegally slaughtered in view of the Islamic Feast of Sacrifice that begins today.
40 sheep have been discovered in an otherwise empty council flat in Nice in the south of France. The animals had been crammed into a 50-square-metre flat lined with straw, the broadcaster France 3 reported on Tuesday. Two men wearing blood-stained T-shirts were arrested.
French authorities suspect that the sheep were to have been illegally slaughtered for the Islamic Feast of Sacrifice, as police came across a sheep in the flat that had already been slaughtered. The other sheep were handed over to a breeder.
To prevent illegal use of the vacant flat, the housing association had installed a security door. During an inspection on Friday, the flat was still empty. On Sunday, however, the police came across the sheep during an inspection of the block of flats.
These opponents of democracy are displaying their ugly faces more and more clearly: the Thuringian state administration office wants to test the AfD politician and election winner Robert Sesselmann for his “suitability for democracy”.
After the reversed election of the Minister President in Thuringia, it is the next attack on the rudimentary democracy in this country: The Thuringian State Administration Office wants to carry out a “democracy check” on the winner of the district council election in the district of Sonneberg, the AfD politician Robert Sesselmann. Thuringia’s SPD Secretary of State for the Interior, Katharina Schenk, told the Deutsche Presse-Agentur that there would be an official review. The background is rules in the Thuringian Local Elections Act.
It states that a person may not be elected as a district administrator “if he or she does not guarantee that he or she will at all times stand up for the free democratic basic order in the sense of the Basic Law and the state constitution”. This is the standard of scrutiny, the SPD official Schenk informed.
The anti-democratic left-wing insanity: In Sesselmann’s case, there are doubts because the Thuringian AfD was classified by the so-called State Office for the Protection of the Constitution – led by the left-wing radical social pedagogue Stephan Kramer, who is a member of the board of trustees of the Amadeu-Antonio-Foundation, led by the ex-Stasi snitch Annetta Kahane, and who insults 20 per cent of the voters as “brown dregs” – as definitely right-wing extremist. It is a case-by-case review, the result is completely open, the statement continues.
The AfD politician and lawyer Robert Sesselmann was elected Germany’s first AfD district councillor on Sunday with 52.8 per cent of the vote in a run-off election.In the comment columns one can read:
"There you go. It's possible to reverse elections. You only have to want to. If I understand correctly, the AfD is allowed to run in elections, but is disqualified if it emerges as the winner. So in every run-off election, the winner is already known. How practical!"
"I would like to know what would come out of a democracy check on Robert Habeck. Question No.1 Mr. Habeck, what is your opinion of Germany?"
"It leaves me speechless. "
One of Germany’s ruling coalition parties is using advertising boards on rickshaws in India to attract economic migrants to the country, insisting it has “never been easier” to migrate to Germany.
Boards have been plastered onto the three-wheel vehicles, a popular mode of transport in the Indian subcontinent, encouraging IT professionals to apply to live and work in Germany.
Paid for by the Free Democratic Party (FDP), a member of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition federal government, the adverts tell “IT experts, coders, and web developers” that “getting a German work visa has never been easier” and provide a QR code applicants can use to access information on how to relocate to the country.
The party posted photos of the adverts running in New Delhi on their social media pages.
The party wrote that the German IT industry has been suffering for years from a skills shortage and said a new migration portal enables prospective migrants to check more easily whether they would be eligible to relocate to Europe.
The recruitment drive comes at a time when German lawmakers are passing reforms to the Skilled Immigration Act to make it easier for migrants to acquire work permits. The plans, approved by the Bundestag on Friday, are expected to result in an annual increase of 60,000 non-EU workers, with the law aiming to relax requirements on non-academic workers as well as qualified professionals.
The new law will also allow more migrants to arrive in Germany without a job offer and apply from within, rather than waiting for employment opportunities to be offered to them back in their home country.
Immigration remains at a sky-high level in the country. Figures published by the Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, in April revealed that almost one in five (18 percent) of German residents immigrated to the country, while another 5 million of the 84 million-strong population are the children of immigrants.
Public opinion on the liberal migration policies adopted by the federal government this century has shifted considerably.
A representative survey conducted by ARD Deutschlandtrend last month revealed that more than half of Germans believe immigration into the country is too high, and 54 percent believe that Germany overall suffers setbacks as a result of immigration.
Public sentiment is beginning to be reflected in voting intentions, with the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party now polling as the second-biggest party in the country.
On Sunday, AfD candidate Robert Sesselmann won the second round of elections in Sonneberg, Thuringia, becoming the first politician from the party to hold a district leadership post in what has been touted as a historic victory for the AfD at a time when it is seeing record support from the wider electorate.
By Andrea Widburg
While it’s obvious that humankind can destroy its local environments (and has been doing that for millennia), it is equally obvious that the Earth’s climate trends are unaffected by humankind’s limited industrial abilities. I just caught up with two videos from May that show just how ridiculous the climate scam is…and how it’s being used to enrich our most powerful geopolitical opponent to our great detriment.
First, a few points about climate from the history major’s perspective:
The Bronze Age collapse, which saw all the thriving civilizations around the Mediterranean vanish at the beginning of the 12th century B.C., was almost certainly driven by a megadrought and a series of earthquakes. In other words, no human agency.
The Black Death occurred after a long warming period that had seen Europe’s population grow dramatically, with trade routes spread ever further north in what’s now northern China. As the Little Ice Age set in, so did famine, weakening Europe’s population. When the cold caused trade routes to shift into regions with plague endemic amongst local rodents, that plague killed one-half to one-third of Europe’s weakened population. Again, no human agency behind that climate change.
After 400 hours, the Little Ice Age began to wane at the end of the 18th century, which is how women could transition from bulky, layered fashions to the diaphanous clothes of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. And again, the same point about human agency.
“Between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five occasions the ice was strong enough to hold a fair on the river. The ice was several feet thick and could support shops, pubs, fairground rides, thousands of people—and even elephants could walk across it.”
The suffering that Washington’s troops experienced during the winter of 1776 at Valley Forge and when they crossed a Delaware River filled with ice floes to attack the Hessian soldiers at Trenton were both consistent with the last decades of the Little Ice Age.
In 1816, interrupting the warming period, there was a year without summer and mass starvation because of a single volcanic eruption: Mt. Tambora, in the Dutch East Indies, caused a worldwide temperature drop of 0.7-1 degrees Fahrenheit. The plume was so huge and filthy that it literally blocked the sun.
We are inconsequential—the climate changes due to its own rhythm. In the scheme of things, humans account for only a small percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.
What climatistas don’t acknowledge is that a slightly warmer world is human-friendly because it releases into the atmosphere water that’s usually trapped in ice. Water, not alcohol, is the true aqua vitae. No water; no life. When there’s drought or cold, people die. (For more on the risks from a coming natural cooling cycle, I recommend this and this.)
For the climatistas, logic clouds reason and even the survival instinct. Their vision of paradise is a world unsullied by humans. I was reminded of this when I saw the following post on Facebook:
If Humans Went Extinct, What Would The Earth Look Like One Year Later?
Gepostet von IFLScience am Sonntag, 25. Juni 2023
The article that answers that question is written for kids. It explains that humans are noisy, they leach blue from the sky, and they create pollution. Yes, your house would decay, but new plants would bloom, insects would multiply, wildlife would return to America’s streets, and “the rhythm of the natural world would return.” The article acknowledges that civilization requires effort but seems to yearn for humans to vanish, which “would reveal something about the way we treated the Earth.” Nirvana, right?
But of course, a humanity-free earth wouldn’t reveal anything at all because the Earth has meaning only because humans provide that meaning. It is our higher consciousness that sees both beauty and ugliness. Without that, it’s just a matter of animals, red of tooth and claw, mindlessly and instinctively struggling against each other to survive.
Understanding history, along with the left’s anti-human yearnings, its desire to concentrate power in government, bring America to its knees, and pass America’s wealth to un-American nations, the ones without liberty, helps explain the incoherence of climate change theology. There’s no way the Nomenklatura can admit to real climate science or their actual goals.
That’s how you end up with the following video, in which Sen. John Kennedy asked David Turk, the Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Energy, to explain exactly how much America could lower the Earth’s temperature if it spent $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050:
There you see the true face of a climate bureaucrat: a robot whose programming breaks when asked to go beyond its indoctrinated universe and engage with reality.
Given that the purported climate goal is ridiculous, and the left knows it, why the huge push for “clean energy” and those “renewables”? Ms. Furchtgott-Roth, from the Heritage Foundation, testified that eliminating fossil fuels would do nothing to alter the earth’s temperature in a meaningful way…but it will enrich China at our expense:
A warming earth is a human-friendly earth, nothing we do will change the climate, and everything we are doing will impoverish and weaken us.
An Islamist hate cleric who planned to give a speaking tour throughout England was given a tour of Northampton Guildhall by a Labour councillor, GB News can reveal.
Violent preacher Enayutullah Abbasi has since returned to Bangladesh after a GB News investigation led to a series of events being cancelled across the country.
This broadcaster uncovered a lengthy history of Abbasi delivering vile speeches, which included calling for the beheading of non-Muslims and the deaths of those who belong to the persecuted Ahamdi sect.
The Islamist also said: “If anybody dares to criticise our Prophet (Mohammed) that person should be declared as a disbeliever and hence his/her head should be chopped off.”
Abbasi had also made several anti-Semitic speeches, praised the 9/11 terrorists as “brave lions”, and lauded both Osama bin Laden and the leadership of the Taliban insurgency.
The hate cleric was due to speaking at major events in Newham, east London, and Leicester and Luton, but all of the venues cancelled the talks after a GB News investigation.
This broadcaster can now reveal that the Islamist was hosted by a Labour councillor during his now-cancelled speaking tour.
Enam Haque, a Labour councillor at West Northamptonshire Council, hosted Abbasi at Northampton’s Guildhall on June 16, at the start of the hate preacher’s country-wide tour.
Haque said that it was a “great pleasure and momentous occasion” to host the Islamist speaker, who has urged his followers to behead non-Muslims.
Haque, who has been a councillor since 2021, shared several photos of him with Abbasi in the Guildhall, describing the hate cleric as a “highly respected and prominent Islamic scholar”.
Footage shared with GB News shows Abbasi being toured around the central Northampton location by Haque and an entourage.
Abbasi is a popular figure in Bangladesh, with his gatherings attracting huge audiences. His talks in Birmingham and Leeds attracted large crowds and his anticipated events were set to be sell-outs before this broadcaster’s investigation led to several cancellations.
Events in East London, Luton, Leicester were pulled and Abbasi has since returned to Bangladesh.
In a statement to GB News, Councillor Haque said: “I was completely unaware of Enayutullah Abbasi’s abhorrent views and I condemn them in the strongest possible terms.
“As local councillors, we are often asked to meet with international visitors as representatives of Northampton.
I received a late call from Enayutullah Abbasi’s representative requesting to see the civic side of our town, which I accepted in good faith. Had I known of his views, I would never have agreed.
“I apologise profusely for my actions and any offence caused.”
A council spokesperson said: “This visit was not organised by or at the invitation of West Northamptonshire Council – our members have access and are able to invite third parties to view the public parts of the building.
“It is an important part of our democratic engagement that meetings are open to the public, and we don’t deny access to these areas unless we believe there is a security risk.”
Reclaim Party leader Laurence Fox has been cleared by London’s Metropolitan Police after demands the anti-woke campaigner face hate crime charges for burning an LGBTQIA2S+ ‘Progress Pride’ flag in his back garden.
Laurence Fox, the star of My Son Hunter and leader of the anti-woke Reclaim Party, will not face hate crime charges for burning a ‘Progress Pride’ flag, which he claimed represented “child mutilation”.
In a statement reported by the Daily Mail, the Metropolitan Police said: “[We were] made aware of a video uploaded onto social media that showed the burning of a number of progress pride flags. The footage was reviewed in full in conjunction with the Crown Prosecution Service. No criminal offences were identified as having been committed.
“The Metropolitan Police recognises that this incident has caused community concern and we take any allegation of hate crime seriously. We will continue to work alongside our partners to support and protect all our communities in London.”
Fox, who is currently standing for Parliament to replace former Prime Minister Boris Johnson in his vacated seat in Uxbridge, defended his decision to burn the leftist flag, saying last week: “No one served under this child mutilation flag. No one fought under it. It’s a concocted piece of political artifice. It divides people down sexual and skin colour lines.”
“It is antithetical to what a national flag represents. A national flag represents the values of a nation. This migraine flag represents an ideology,” he said, adding: “I will always stand for biological reality, objective truth and the protection of vulnerable and confused children against those who would do their bodies irreversible harm.”
The actor-turned-political campaigner — who was cancelled from his successful television career in Britain for stridently rejecting the leftist concept of ‘white privilege’ — even dared the Met last week to charge him with a hate crime.
“I very much look forward to them explaining to me that I have committed a hate crime by burning an icon to child mutilation, but the doctors who chop off vulnerable healthy young girls breasts, and young boys penises haven’t,” Fox wrote. “I’m done negotiating with the mutilators. I am tolerant of pretty much everything, but child sacrifice is an absolute red line.”
Lacking firm freedom of speech protections such as the First Amendment in the United States, the UK has a swath of leftist restrictions surrounding so-called hate speech and “offensive” language. Despite being in power for over a decade, the governing Conservative Party — which in reality is more akin to Clinton-style Democrats — has failed to roll back any of the draconian laws on speech.
During his 2021 bid for the London mayoralty, Laurence Fox directly criticised the police for failing to tackle real crime, while spending valuable resources on supposedly offensive comments online, declaring: “We need to police streets, not tweets.”
Speaking to Breitbart London at the time, Fox said: “I think whether deliberately or accidentally, we’ve ended up in a very authoritarian area and it’s our job to make sure we don’t continue down that path.”
A prominent Swiss climate activist who has participated in numerous blockades of major transit routes across the country to save the planet has been vilified after flying from Zurich to Paris and then to Mexico to travel for two months.
Max Voegtli, a member of Renovate Switzerland, was spotted on the short-haul flight to the French capital, which typically takes around one hour and 20 minutes. Renovate is an environmental activist group that has blocked highways across the country and the Gotthard Tunnel, a railway connecting the southern Italian-speaking Ticino region to the south of the Alps with the German-speaking north.
“I flew from Zurich to Paris today. And guess who was on board? Max Voegtli from Renovate,” a passenger on the flight told the Swiss German-language newspaper, Blick.
The 30-year-old activist received widespread criticism for his perceived hypocrisy for what was claimed to be an unnecessary use of a mode of travel that produces significantly more carbon emissions than other more environmentally friendly alternatives such as rail.
“It is not at all coherent as a climate activist,” the passenger added.
As the news emerged on social media, a number of users highlighted the hypocrisy, prompting a response from the climate activist who explained he traveled to Paris to board a connecting flight to Mexico as part of his travels.
“Yes, I am in Mexico to travel for two months in Central America. I am aware of the privileges that entails, and it was not an easy decision,” Voegtli wrote in a statement posted on social media. He claimed to have explored viable travel alternatives to lower his carbon footprint but insisted these were not available.
Direct trains from Zurich to Paris depart every three to four hours and typically take around four hours.
The activist was somewhat defended by the Renovate Switzerland organization, which chose not to address the fact that one of its activists was choosing the convenience of air travel instead of using more environmentally friendly modes of travel, but to instead claim the reporting of Voegtli’s travel plans was a breach of privacy.
“I find it incomprehensible that citizens follow our activists and take photos. It’s about privacy,” wrote Renovate spokesperson Cécile Bessire in a statement. “Why are we asking for justifications from those committed to the climate, and not from the politicians who support the lobbies of oil, gas and coal?” she asked.
“I don’t fly and I have no intention of doing so in the future. I cannot speak on behalf of others,” the spokesperson added.
Other social media users were more damning.
“Ah, Max. While I compost, I take public transport, I recycle, I do my shopping on foot and I haven’t taken a plane for more than ten years, you are going to Mexico,” one Twitter user wrote, while another added, “Real climate activists don’t fly!”
“Isn’t it embarrassing to point fingers at others and act differently, even in your free time?” asked a third.
Other climate activists have also been left red-faced recently for similar transgressions, including a couple of Last Generation protesters from Germany who missed their court date for blocking traffic in the German city of Stuttgart earlier this year because they had flown to Thailand and the Indonesian resort of Bali for vacation.
They, too, were defended by their organization, with a Last Generation spokesperson commenting at the time, “They booked the flight as private individuals, not as climate protectors. You have to keep that separate.”
Center-Right Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has finally declared a drastic shift in the immigration policy of a once-peaceful country that has become a haven for the most violent foreign gangs, due to its infamous open-door welcome at the height of the migration crisis that has continued since 2015. Kristersson announced that Sweden is changing its “migration policy to the EU’s strictest.” The Sweden Democrats were handed a virtual no-win predicament when they joined the government in 2022, caused by the previous Socialist Democratic Party. “Almost all 5,000 gang members” in Sweden are migrants, and their proliferation is threatening to get worse without state intervention.
Here’s a brief picture of how Sweden’s open-door policy is now haunting the country:
That Sweden has become one of Europe’s most violent countries has finally attracted international attention. The French newspaper Le Monde lamented “Sweden’s powerlessness in the face of organized violence.” The paper quoted Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson from the Moderate Party stating that the situation is “uncontrollable” and may “get worse before it gets better.” Kristersson labelled the dozens of criminal gangs in Sweden “domestic terrorists.”
According to the Brookings Institution, Sweden took in the most refugees per capita:
In 2015, Sweden had a record-high of 162,877 applications for asylum, primarily from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan—or about 1.6 percent of Sweden’s population of 10 million. This would be proportionally equivalent to over five million people applying for asylum in the United States, which in fact only received approximately 83,000 asylum applications that year
Since 2016, police in Sweden admitted losing control of 55 no-go zones. By 2017, Swedish politicians were calling for the army to be deployed to these areas. That same year, Sweden was reportedly on the brink of civil war, as its National Police Chief Dan Eliasson spoke on national television and pleaded for assistance: “Help us, help us! In 2020, Muslim migrant gangs were terrorizing Sweden’s streets with bombings and murders, while the global spotlight on Sweden has been over so-called “Islamophobic” Qur’an burning incidents.
The numbers invading Sweden were unsustainable and led to internal political upheaval from a rightly disgruntled populace, which turned to populist leadership for a sensible solution. This crisis prompted former Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, the leader of the Socialist Democratic Party, to declare in desperation that “Sweden needs a ‘respite’ from the tens of thousands of refugees knocking at its door….announcing tough measures to deter asylum seekers in a sharp reversal of its open-door policy.” Trying to save face, Löfven, who also served as the President of European Socialists, “criticized the EU for failing to agree to spread refugees more evenly around the bloc.” Yet nonetheless, migrants continued to flow into generous Sweden.
By 2018, the center-right leader of the opposition Moderate Party, Ulf Kristersson, called on Löfven to step down. Löfven ultimately resigned in disgrace three years later after doing grave damage to Sweden, and after losing a no confidence vote. But migrant gangs were already entrenched, along with no-go zones. Police Commissioner Erik Nord acknowledged that mass migration was linked to the surge in fatal shootings.
National Police Chief Anders Thornberg now warns that Swedish gangs are growing by 1,000 new recruits a year.
As many as 30,000 people in Sweden are involved in criminal networks, the country’s justice minister said ….describing the figure as “breathtaking” and vowing to introduce new legislation to fight organized crime.
Between January and May 2023 alone, Swedish police recorded, on average, one completed bomb detonation every two days.
Earlier this month, Prime Minister Kristersson “publicly denounced his country’s poor management of immigration”:
Let me be clear: large-scale immigration and poor integration simply do not work. That is why we are now changing the Swedish migration policy to the EU’s strictest.
Failed globalist politicians and their suicidal immigration policies are not the ones facing the inevitable consequences of their own recklessness, and they manage to dodge demands for responsible immigration policies by calling anyone who questions them “racists.” Those same politicians continue to live and retire high on the hog and with personal security.