Certain images have power that goes way beyond what a thousand words can convey. One example is an image tweeted on June first this year by LifeNews.com showing a smile on a baby that hasn’t been born yet next to a similar smile on the baby after birth. That makes expressions like “fetal tissue mass” as descriptors of in-utero children look like the sick jokes they are.
Perhaps understanding the potential to undermine the logic of abortion, someone wrote to the so-called “fact-checking” website Snopes asking if it was genuine. (Hat tip: Protestia)
Here’s what Snopes wrote in response:
Despite this reader’s skepticism, we soon found data that showed both of these images were real, and that neither of them had been doctored.
To begin figuring this out, we performed a reverse-image search to find other stories that featured these same pictures.
In 2014, the news outlet reported about the June 30 birth of Leo David Hargreaves, the same little boy who was pictured in the LifeNews post.
At the time, Leo’s parents, Leighton Hargreaves and Amy Cregg, were living in Church, a village in Lancashire, England.
The article from the Evening News featured an un-cropped version of the sonogram with a date stamp of May 13, 2014, and said that it had been taken at 31 weeks into Cregg’s pregnancy.
According to the data that was displayed on the sonogram’s borders, it was captured in “4D Real Time” mode on a General Electric (GE) SRI II (second generation Speckle Reduction Imaging) machine. (snip)
The article also showed a collage of pictures that included the “after” photograph that appeared in the LifeNews Facebook post. This indicated that both images showed the same little boy.
Anyone who argues for late-term abortions must explain why the two images of a smiling child are of two completely different creatures, one of which may be exterminated without penalty and the other of which merits the protection of the law.
At a Muslim street festival in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district, girls as young as six were seen wearing full-body veils and headscarves. The display sparked debate on social media, with comparisons to cities like Islamabad and Marrakesh. Critics see the event as an indication of failed immigration and integration policies in Germany.
On Saturday, a Muslim community in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin celebrated a street party. What seems harmless at first may be disturbing to some. For schoolgirls as young as six years old were already dressed in full-body veils in some cases. Almost all of them wore headscarves.
The young girls had dressed up beautifully, wore beautiful cloths. They were visibly proud to be there. Parents took photos and videos of their children. For the members of the community a happy street party, for critical observers the symbol of a failed integration and immigration policy.
On social networks, many users commented on the street party. CSU political consultant Armin Petschner-Multari posted on Twitter, “The scenes look like Islamabad, but it’s Berlin.” He also criticized refugee policy and scenes from Berlin as one of the reasons for the AfD’s high poll ratings.
Other users also compared the scenes from the Kreuzberg district of Berlin to Marrakech, Khartoum or Yemen. Quite a few also noted that there is no question of equality between men and women there.
Cambridge University is reportedly teaching its students that the Anglo-Saxons never existed as a unique ethnic group in an “anti-racist” attempt to dispel supposed nationalist “myths” about Britain.
In an ironic turn of events, the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (ASNC) at the once prestigious Cambridge University in England is now attempting to dismantle the very ideas inherent in the title of the department, claiming that the Anglo-Saxon ethnic group is apparently a racist concoction meant to stoke British nationalism, according to a report from London’s Daily Telegraph.
The woke academics claimed that the purpose of its anti-English stance is to make its history lessons “more anti-racist”, the department said according to the broadsheet, adding: “One concern has been to address recent concerns over use of the term ‘Anglo-Saxon’ and its perceived connection to ethnic/racial English identity.”
“In general, ASNC teaching seeks to dismantle the basis of myths of nationalism… by showing students just how constructed and contingent these identities are and always have been,” they continued.
Apparently unsatisfied with dispelling the supposed “myth” of the Anglo-Saxon people, the university department went on to claim that there was never a “coherent” ethnic identity for the peoples in England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales.
According to the paper, one Cambridge lecturer claimed that the term “Anglo-Saxon” has been wrapped up in “indigenous race politics”.
It comes amid a wider movement in academia to link the historical group of Germanic Angles, Jutes, and Saxon peoples who arrived after the end of Roman controlled Britain and the conquest of the Normans with alleged racism, which many claim has been fostered in America.
The attempt to brand the term as toxic has succeeded to such an extent that the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists decided in 2019 to change its name to the International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England due to “the problematic connotations that are widely associated with the terms ‘Anglo-Saxon’.”
The name change came shortly after the resignation of Canadian academic Dr Mary Rambaran-Olm from the organisation, who later claimed that the study of Anglo-Saxon history is fraught with “inherent whiteness” and that the “Anglo-Saxon myth perpetuates a false idea of what it means to be ‘native’ to Britain.”
Cambridge’s claims about the history of England have sparked a heated backlash in Britain, with political commentator Paul Embery writing: “Just imagine a university saying the same thing about, say, Aboriginal Australians, Maoris or Native Americans.”
Former UKIP politician turned host of the Lotus Eaters Podcast, Carl Benjamin said: “We aren’t having it, you smarmy pseudo intellectual subversives. We, the English, exist. We have existed for a thousand years, and that isn’t going to change now. No discussion. No dialectic. We are the English and we live in England. Simple as.”
England Rugby Team Drops ‘Saxons’ Nickname to Reflect ‘Diversity in Society’ https://t.co/ENb0QiJPGX
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 12, 2021
After the Battle of Britain, the world stood in awe of the Royal Air Force, which staved off Nazi invasion against overwhelming odds. Great cultures produce great men to defend them. Such men have no place in cultures that are not worth defending. The RAF isn’t looking for heroes anymore. It is looking for pilots who are not British men:
A newly leaked email from Jan. 19, 2021, revealed that Squadron Leader Andrew Harwin, who worked in the Officer and Aircrew Selection Center, expressed concern to recruiter colleagues “that the boards have recently been predominantly white male heavy,” reported the Telegraph.
“If we don’t have enough BAME [black, Asian, minority ethnic] and female to board then we need to make the decision to pause boarding and seek more BAME and female from the RF [recruitment force],” continued the letter.
In a society experiencing liberal decay, the purpose of the military is not to win wars, but to advance sexual perversion and discriminate against white men.
Harwin reportedly further indicated it would be preferable to limit the number of trainees admitted to courses than to have too many pilots with undesirable racial traits.
Being a European in a European country is regarded as an undesirable racial trait by the moonbats in charge.
“I don’t really need to see loads of useless white male pilots, let’s get as focused as possible, I am more than happy to reduce boarding if needed to have a balanced BAME/female/male board,” he wrote.
The pilots who saved Britain from the Nazis would today qualify as “useless,” because few if any of them would have served the purpose of not being white men.
Despite admitting in a second letter to canceling two boards because they comprised white men, Harwin noted that “the pot for BAME and female is drained. … The demand signal needs to go back to RF to focus now on sending all the BAME and female they have.”
This policy has had the desired effective of stalling recruitment of white male pilots.
Following the revelation that pilots may have had their careers stymied or ended on the basis of their race, the RAF announced that 31 white pilots would be compensated, reported the Times.
But it’s only taxpayers’ money, so no lesson has been learned. RAF bureauweenies squeak that they will “continue doing everything we can to increase our recruiting intake from under-represented groups within the provisions of the law.” Or outside the provisions of the law, until someone makes an issue of it.
Down in hell, Hitler is kicking himself for not waiting a few decades, for when invading Britain would be a cakewalk.
Rene Descartes, the great 17th century mathematician and philosopher, expressed a problem that has beset intellectuals for the past 500 years – namely the tendency to doubt everything. Descartes began his introspections by doubting everything and working his way back towards certainty, concluding “I think, therefore I am.” Further, this certainty of his is-ness was backed up by the certainty of God’s pre-existent is-ness. Thus, he backed into his “certainty” by a negative process of excluding what can be doubted. The certainties of the Middle Ages were caving before the radical civilizational changes which called into question the certainty of previously existing institutions and convictions.
Rene Descartes, as painted by Frans Hals
During the late Middle Ages and the early modern period of European history, we see the rise of cities and universities which began to co-exist alongside the manorial feudal estates of the purely landed economy. We see the rise of trade and the money economy in Europe. The discovery of new lands which we now call North and South America blew apart the geographical understanding of planet Earth. These discoveries and conquests changed the educated understanding of the land mass configuration of planet Earth. At the same time, mathematics and astronomy changed our understanding of Earth’s place in our galaxy.
We can see that the replacement of the geocentric theory (for a couple of thousand years to the effect that the Sun revolved around the Earth) gave way to the powerful truth of the heliocentric theory – namely that the Earth revolved around the sun. Nicolai Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei conclusively proved this was true. The Earth revolves around the sun and that movement is not circular, but elliptically shaped. Also, this writer thinks it is important to remember that although it was a radical shift in perspective to accept that the Earth revolved around the Sun despite our ordinary perception, at the same time people did not change and began believing that the change required us to think that the Earth gave light to the Sun. The life-giving light of the Sun continued to shine upon the Earth!!
Moreover, the Roman Catholic Church as the exclusive voice of Christian truth and access to Heaven upon one’s death, although it had over centuries been challenged by various sects, was successfully challenged by the Protestant Reformation which drew great numbers of adherents throughout Europe. The Catholic church was not able to kill off and disperse the dissident group(s) as they had in previous centuries. Despite wars and different waves of persecution, the Protestants continued to grow and raised many challenges to Catholic practices and theology.
The French kings saw the Reformation as a threat, particularly because the French motto was “One King, One Church, One Law.” Thus, any fragmentation of the RC Church was perceived by the monarch and nobility as a threat to the unity of France as a socio-political entity.
We are not surprised that over time Descartes’ identity between thinking per se and existence also weakened. The question became how can existence merely be a default position affirmed only on the basis that one can doubt? Is “thinking” the essence of one’s humanity as Descartes implied? Does knowledge that we exist really derive from the clear reality that we are thinking beings? Although reason was lionized by the Greeks and then restored to a place of great honor by the Catholic philosophers, does it deserve to be seen as the cornerstone on which our relevance and humanity stands? Instead of reinstating this pagan view, is there another basis for establishing the foundation of our humanity?
In mathematics, statements like 2+2=4 are considered to be analytic a priori truths. “Analytic a priori” means It is a self-evident and necessary truth. No facts of the external world are necessary to confirm it. One may not legitimately think that it is true if one is talking about camels, but not true if one is talking about ants. Yet, while this mathematical truth is necessary and self-evident, can anything be said to affirm human life or even life in general that has a comparable clarity and weight of being both necessary and self-evident?
Life in the world seems more contingent than analytical a priori statements in mathematics. Variables seem to come into play. If one says a man has a penis and testicles, but a man loses those organs in war, he is still a man but has suffered a most extreme loss. If a man has X and Y chromosomes, but does not “feel” like a man, then the individual seems to be saying that there is a man or woman feeling that is more real and more foundational than the chromosomes. Yet, if men or women who do not have a transgender propensity are asked how they know they are men or women, they will not answer by stating that they have a feeling that they are. Instead, they will simply state that that is what they are or they will say that if they had a blood test it would show they have X and X chromosomes or X and Y chromosomes, or they will point to certain physical attributes they have or expect to have sometime in the future. They will not talk about their feelings or interests. If boys like to play with cars, it is not the playing with cars that makes them boys, rather it is their being boys that leads them to play with cars.
Men have been thinking of themselves as men and women have been thinking of themselves as women for thousands of years. They have been cohabiting, copulating, and marrying for thousands of years. They have generally had different activities and interests for thousands of years, although there have been overlapping interests. This identification has been the overwhelmingly acceptable norm for the human race. Therefore, it is reasonable to state that the binary division is fundamental to the human race in pre-scientific societies as well as in the post-scientific world. It is not based upon chromosomes nor on clothing styles nor on feelings. The male/female identities are understood by science but are not based on science. Science did not assign chromosomes. Men and women have different hormones, but the hormones are not assigned according to the feelings of the individuals in a society, nor has the assigning of hormones ever been a political decision until quite recently.
The binary division of humanity is clearly the created order of this world. It was put into effect by God when He created the universe and life on Earth. It did not happen by human intent and is not a product of our thoughts or inventiveness. It is a fundamental reality of nature and is thus to be welcomed and loved along with the Creator of that nature who has blessed us with the gift of life.
Residents of the asylum seekers’ center in Dronten will soon be able to purchase a cheap bicycle. A workshop for bicycle maintenance will also be available. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) hopes that this will reduce the number of bicycle thefts in the area…
The police will deliver part of the 150 bicycles. These are specimens that were once seized and for which no one has reported. The COA is still looking for the remainder. “We fix up the bicycles and make them available for a reasonable price, between 20 and 50 euros.”
So bicycles that were stolen from Dutch residents whose owners weren’t found will be offered for sale to Muslim migrants for between around $20 to $50.
The migrant officials claim that the migrants didn’t steal the bikes, just bought them from the bicycle thieves, who for some reason, entirely unrelated to the migrant invaders, began stealing bikes in the area. Occam’s Razor rebels, but sure, let’s go with that story. The already gargantuan fortunes being expended on the migrant invaders will be supplemented with a bike center and a bunch of heavily discounted bikes.
Geert Wilders has some thoughts. “Will they also give millions to potential bank robbers to prevent bank robberies?”
“Insanity. I say stop asylum & close the borders.”
That eminently sensible policy is as much off the table in the Netherlands as it is in America. Instead, the Dutch have learned to give danegeld or danebikes to the new Vikings. And I’m sure those bikes will be put to good use… stealing other bikes. And then those stolen bikes can be resold to the migrants yet again.
“I already see more asylum seekers walking through the village,” he says. That in itself is not a bad thing, were it not for the fact that there are safelanders in between who also walk through gardens, touch car doors and intimidate villagers with cutting movements down their necks or by masturbating in front of windows.
“Girls and the elderly actually don’t dare to take the bus anymore,” says Katoen.
Last June, the Daily Wire debuted Matt Walsh’s What Is A Woman? Throughout the movie, Walsh politely asks both conservatives and leftists, especially leftists with medical degrees, “What is a woman?” The answers from the left are astonishing and revealing. Leftists boycotted the movie but, now, thanks to a really stupid move by leftists formerly employed at Twitter (who tried to block a 24-hour free window for the movie), the Streisand effect has sent the movie’s viewership into the stratosphere.
I won’t re-review What Is A Woman?, which I wrote about a year ago. The short version is that the movie is superb. Today, as the battle over so-called “transgenderism” heats up in America, the movie’s factual and cultural points are arguably more important than ever. Certainly, that’s what the Daily Wire thought, because it arranged with Twitter to have the movie screened for free over a 24-hour window at the start of the annual June slobber-fest over aberrant sexual behavior.
After Twitter agreed to let the movie be screened on its site, and right before its launch, Twitter informed the Daily Wire that the movie was “hateful conduct” because it included “misgendering.” Therefore, Twitter announced that it was restricting the movie’s visibility.
The kerfuffle ended with two high-level Twitter employees getting the boot. More importantly, having once again affirmed that Twitter is an open platform for legal content, Elon Musk then suggested that every parent should watch the film:
So far, it seems as if everyone is following Musk’s advice. Thanks to those leftist Twitter employees and the news cycle they created, the movie has received a much higher profile than it would have experienced if it had remained confined to conservative media—and if Musk hadn’t been forced to get involved, which then saw him recommend that parents view it. With all that free publicity, the Daily Wire has kept the movie free for the entire weekend, rather than the original 24-hour window beginning on June 3.
The result of all those factors is that, as of this writing, more than 130 million people have viewed at least a portion of the movie. That’s more than one-third of the total population of the United States.
What we’re witnessing is something known as the “Streisand effect,” which flowed from Barbra Streisand’s attempt to suppress a California Coastal Records Project photo of her house in Malibu. When the photo first appeared, no one really paid attention. However, once she filed suit, everyone checked it out. As Wikipedia says, “The Streisand effect is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, they are significantly more motivated to get and spread it.”
Barbra Streisand’s property was then and is now irrelevant. What Is A Woman?, however, is not, for it makes an important point about “transgender” madness at a time when Americans must have that point reinforced. If you couldn’t watch the movie in June 2022, when it was first released, I recommend that you seize the opportunity now. And if there are young people in your life who can be cajoled into viewing it with you, grab them and glue their eyes to the screen.
It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?
In Muzaffarnagar, 100 kilometres from Budhana, a strange case has come to light in which Lord Chandraprabhu is being made to flee from a 500-year-old Jain temple. The incident involves the former Jain-dominated village in the Budhana. Previously, the village’s landlord belonged to the Jain community, but now due to demographic changes, it has become a Muslim dominated area.
Following a series of murders, dacoity committed in the village, the villagers are forced to migrated to another place. The only thing that remains of the community is the 500-year-old Jain temple and idols of Lord Chandraprabhu.
Hussainpur Kalan village of Muzaffarnagar has been in discussion across the country for some time now. The situation has worsened that now Jain society is bringing the idols of Lord Chandraprabhu Samosharan ji from Hussainpur to Muzaffarnagar. Today, not only the Jain community was displaced from Hussainpur Kalan, but Lord Chandraprabhu, the eighth Tirthankara of the Jain sect, also had to be displaced.
The reason for being displaced is the increase of Muslim population in the village. As soon as the Muslim population increased in Hussainpur Kalan, gradually the Hindus and Jains started leaving the village. A time came when only Lord Chandraprabhu of the Jain sect of Hindu religion was left in the village. No one had even imagined that when the Muslim population increased, they would have to run away from their own village.
About 500 years old Jain temple of Shri 1008 Chandraprabhu Bhagwan of Jain society is situated in village Hussainpur Kalan, five km away from Budhana town. A total of 11 idols are present in this temple along with Mulnayak Chandraprabhu. Three of these idols are ancient.
Among the idols there are idols of Mulnayak Chandraprabhu Bhagwan, Shantinath, Adinath, Sheetalnath, Padam Prabhu, Parasnath, Mallinath, Mahavir Swami, Siddha Bhagwan, Twenty-four Bhagwans.
This is an unfortunate situation, but running away from any problem is not the solution, but it is solved only by facing it. History is witness that wherever the Muslim population has increased, non-Muslims have had to flee from there. This is what happened in Kashmir, Bengal, or in Kerala as well.
The increasing population of Muslims is gradually becoming a big problem. Wherever people are running away from it, this problem is spreading further and wherever people are facing it, it has stopped.
The displacement of God is indeed a matter of sorrow, pain and anger. All the non-Muslim people of the country should take a lesson from the Hussainpur Kalan incident and take a vow that no matter what happens, they will never leave their native land. We must remember that Lord Rama had also told Lakshmana that mother and birthplace are greater than heaven.