Medieval England Was Too White – The woke war on the past reaches historic proportions

After canceling most people who lived in the last two centuries for not being sufficiently accepting of the current dogma, woke academia has turned its attention to the distant past.

After accusing Isaac Newton and Robert Burns of being complicit in slavery, the British woke war on the past has gone bigger. Edinburgh University had already renamed David Hume Tower after Black Lives Matter activists accused the philosopher, born in 1711, of racism. The Sir Francis Drake Primary School had to change its name and William Gladstone is next.

But even when you get rid of every famous Englishman, Scotsman, Irishman and Welshman, there’s no escaping the fact that it’s just a bunch of white people. As Mary Rambaran-Olm, an Afro-Indo Caribbean academic who decided to study medieval English literature, complained, the “field has traditionally been represented by white people and unsurprisingly still attracts mostly white students due to the field’s inherent whiteness.”

There are no complaints that black studies is too black, attracts black students and is represented by black people due to the field’s inherent blackness, but you can’t have the study of Irishness get too Irish, Welshness get too Welsh or England get too English.

The English, after being accused of colonizing the world, stand charged with colonizing the study of medieval England by the woke academics who want to ‘decolonise it’. Much like the decolonization of other parts of the world, the academic euphemism for ethnic cleansing, means getting rid of all the English. Or at least all the ones with the skin tone common on the isles.

The problem is that England before 1968 was much too white. And the study of it is inescapably the study of white people. Much as Cleopatra has been turned black, there have been efforts to claim that Shakespeare was really a black woman, but it will take an even more massive enterprise of cultural erasure before anyone but the Bridgerton crowd believes that.

In the anti-racist era where every field of study from mechanical engineering to literature must be viewed through the distorting lens of critical race theory, the only proper study of anything involving white people must be their ‘whiteness’ or their racism. But how do you study racism in a country where all the different races were, as Whoopi put it about the Jews and the Nazis: “two white groups of people.” The first step is getting rid of the actual people and making them a metaphor for the current politics and its take on the evils of white people.

Under pressure, the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists changed its name to the International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England. The campaign came from Rambaran-Olm and other woke extremists like Adam Miyashiro, a founding member of the Medievalists of Color, who whined that he was not allowed to present his paper “Beowulf and its Others: Sovereignty, Race, and Medieval Settler-Colonialism,” which described the monster “Grendel as an indigenous person with a specific biopolitics.”

Not only Newton and Hume, but even Beowulf was oppressing people of color like Grendel.

All woke academics know how to do is run everything through the woke sausage machine. The Western world now enjoys the same high standards of scholarism as the Soviet Union where every field, scientific or cultural, was reducible to Marxism-Leninism. In a minor update, woke academics like Miyashiro have been trained to feed anything into the woke sausage machine and then out comes a ChatGPT level paper on intersectionality, colonialism and racism.

When their sole skill in life, sophomoric political reductionism, is rejected because it offers nothing more than cultural vandalism they fall back on complaining that the field is too full of people of the wrong race.

“The thing that strikes one the most is absolutely how white this conference is. With the exception of a couple of East Asian scholars, virtually the entire roster of papers is from white scholars,” Miyashiro’s racist tantrum complained.

Even more shockingly, Tokyo University’s entire Medieval Materials Department is Japanese.

“It’s all white people!” the New York Times headlined its coverage. But medieval England was pretty much all white people. The logic of representation simultaneously demands that black studies should be the exclusive preserve of black people, Latino studies of Latinos, and Anglo-Saxon studies need to consist of a rainbow coalition of angry woke leftists of color.

Is there something wrong with the people from a particular nation and culture being the ones to study that nation and its culture? Miyashiro was not excluded from the conference on any grounds other than his refusal to engage with the culture as it was rather than with his own politics as they are. And that may be the ultimate crime of the medievalists, beyond their whiteness, they refuse to get with the times and make everything about woke politics.

Rambaran-Olm attacks the use of Anglo-Saxon by arguing that the “contested term is not neutral. In fact, one cannot be neutral in the face of racism. Scholarly work, even historical studies, are never separate from current social and political realities.”

What she really means is that history must be subservient to the political agendas of the now.

There’s nothing progressive about that. For nearly all of human history, history was really political propaganda. The past was a fictional narrative designed to prop up whatever king, government or ideology was in power. Pharaohs and emperors destroyed monuments to the past because they provided objective evidence that the past was not in line with their myths.

The emergence of scholarship detached from political schemes was one of the triumphs of western civilization. While imperfect, it made it possible for men and women to try to study the past on its own terms, not because it was politically useful to someone trying to explain why Beowulf was a racist trying to keep Muslim Grendel from settling in Manchester.

The Left is a weapon of mass cultural destruction. Everything it touches dies, even if not physically, then spiritually and intellectually. And it will take modern scriptoriums to keep the past alive as leftists keep on rewriting classic books and banning any apolitical study of the past.

Every totalitarian system needs to reinvent the past in its own image. The Left is no different.

The University of Cambridge’s Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic studies insists that “ASNC teaching seeks to dismantle the basis of myths of nationalism – that there ever was a ‘British’, ‘English’, ‘Scottish’, ‘Welsh’ or ‘Irish’ people with a coherent and ancient ethnic identity – by showing students just how constructed and contingent these identities are and always have been.”

Curiously, Cambridge’s Centre of African Studies does not seem to be on a mission to explain that African identity is a construct and that black people never really existed. But if you can get rid of the English, the Scottish, the Welsh and the Irish, the former inhabitants of the isles will put up less of a fuss when the whole thing is overrun, colonized and turned over to the EU.

It’s a good deal easier to rob people by first convincing them that they never had anything.

Take away people’s rights long enough and they’ll forget. But that only works when you also take away their myths, their stories and their legends so that they never get the notion to fight for a freedom that they never knew they had. George Orwell’s 1984 seemed implausible to most Englishmen of his day because they could not imagine a people so degraded that they had no sense of the past and remembered nothing of England: living only to exist from day to day.

In 2023, that’s just ordinary life. The knowledge of the past has been reduced to the work of a few fussy academics who still tour historical sites and parse the details of ancient grammar while a younger generation defines Britain in terms of rappers and fake working class accents.

And now the wokes would like to get rid of the academics, completely rewrite the past or, as they put it, “decolonise it”, to teach that the isles experienced a series of migrations in which the latest flood of Pakistanis, Iraqis and Syrians are only the latest and .least violent arrivals.

The Mayor of London is Sadiq Khan, the son of Pakistani immigrants, while Scotland’s First Minister is Humza Yousaf, also the son of Pakistani immigrants. Some would call this colonization, while leftists call it decolonization. The difference between the two is a sense of ownership rooted in the past. Condemning medieval England as much too white settles the question.

If there’s no room for white people in England, how can there be any room for them in the study of medieval England?

The consequences of white guilt

by Jack Engelhard

The hotels are filled with them, and running out of room.

So, New York City Mayor Eric Adams wants New Yorkers to share their homes with the glut of illegal migrants who’ve encamped on the town.

He’s got five bedrooms at Gracie Mansion. How about there for a start?

Accordingly, a three-year-old video has emerged featuring Dan Cathy, CEO at Chick-fil-A, demonstrating what he calls remorse, contrition, and shame.

He urges white people to shine the shoes of black people as a sign of regret. Saying so, he did exactly that at a gathering to commemorate the George Floyd affair.

With fanfare, he bent down and shined a man’s shoes.

The black man seemed quite unprepared, even perturbed, at being the focus of such an act of humiliation.

If his facial expression could be put to words, it might translate as, “This is not my cause.”

White Guilt is the cause. Through voluntary submission, we arrive at the depravity, the corruption, and the decline of Western Civilization.

The trend began decades ago. (Largely through the craftiness of Angela Merkel.)

Through sloth, ambivalence, apathy, indigenous populations that lived by Judeo/Christian Values forfeited their sovereignty, willingly, to the mixed multitudes.

The great unwashed, as they were once called.

Some eight years ago, French writer Michel Houellebecq produced the novel, Submission, in which he imagined the clandestine Islamic takeover of France and the rest of Europe. What began as fiction has become reality, as anyone visiting Paris and other No-Go Zones throughout Western Europe can see for himself.

The Swedes opened their borders because, they said, their culture, going back centuries, had grown tiresome. They wanted something new, exotic.

They got it, together with crime waves, mosques instead of churches, and rape epidemics.

London, once the seat of the British Empire, is now only 36 percent Old School Britannia.

Recently, all of London was shut down so that so-called Albanians could celebrate their Independence Day.

From the call of Leviticus to “Proclaim Liberty throughout the land,” to “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” via John Locke and the Declaration of Independence, to the two Civil Rights acts of 1964/1965, such legacies of enlightenment have been replaced by Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

In plain words, this means every other culture supersedes Western Culture.

Repeat…every other culture supersedes Western Culture…in accord with White Guilt, and the herd mentality that follows.

Thus, the great unwashed are always welcome, by the hundreds, by the thousands, and by the millions, as first Europe, and now the United States.

To say “stop this” risks being labelled bigoted, racist…white supremacist.

White college students comply with Guilt Culture or else, until finally, at CUNY, and other universities, Jewish students toe the line by voluntary submission or by force.

In either case, it amounts to Stockholm Syndrome…. precisely so when Jewish students graduate with hatred for themselves, and for the State of Israel.

Guilt Culture proceeds in California with demands for Reparations for Black Americans, at a cost into the trillions of dollars.

DAs there, in New York, and elsewhere, refuse to prosecute criminals, who are deemed disadvantaged minorities, and are therefore free to take what they want.

Giving charity to BLM is considered a good deed, under Guilt Culture, despite what’s been exposed about the organization.

All that considered, perhaps it is true, that no good deed goes unpunished.

The consequences of white guilt | ערוץ 7 (

Regime idiots pounce on conveniently-time ‘wildfire’ air pollution in New York

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

By Jack Hellner

Like clockwork, whenever there is a big storm, a flood, warming or cooling, a drought, or any other weather event, the green pushers come out and say the climatic activity is caused by humans and our use of natural resources.

The solution is always the same, more money and power for the government, which they can then redistribute to their allies — and we always are in a race against time. Companies that produce reasonably priced energy must be destroyed, and the freedom of choice must be abolished, from the types of cars people choose to drive to the appliances to use in their home. 

What we never see are facts that show scientific data linking coal, natural gas, or crude oil consumption directly to temperatures, storm activity, or sea levels…because there are none. 

The current event is big “wildfires” in Canada that are to blame for dangerous air quality in the American Northeast.

Somehow, the puppets in the media and the government don’t know or don’t care that an estimated 60% of fires in Canada are caused naturally by lighting and the other 40% are mostly preventable if humans were more careful; what is not on the list is climate change. From a Canadian government website:

What causes wildfires in British Columbia? There are two broad categories of causes: 

1.     Lightning (and a rare chance of other natural causes) causes approximately 60% of wildfires

2.     Human activity causes approximately 40% of wildfires

Now, let’s expand the “human activity” item:

The most important thing about human-caused wildfires is that they are preventable. The easiest way to fight a wildfire is to prevent it from starting. 

Humans start wildfires in several ways, either by accident or intentionally. For example: 

·         Open burning
·         Vehicle and engine use
·         Industrial activity
·         Fireworks, sky-lanterns, outdoor flame lighting
·         Discarding burning items (cigarettes)
·         Arson
(For transparency’s sake, the current round of wildfires is largely confined to the eastern portion of Canada, while British Columbia is on the western end of the country. However, the absence of “climate” change from the list of causes is the linchpin.)
However, and contrary to all fact and reason, this is what the spokes-puppet for the White House said about the cause of the fires:
Jean-Pierre Claims ‘Climate Crisis’ Causing Record Poor Northeast Air Quality
Here is the brilliant Joy Reid of MSNBC somehow blaming oil consumption in the U.S. — it must be a magical experience to live in Reid’s brain.
Reid Fearmongers Over Wildfires, Blames U.S. Oil Consumption
Here are Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, at ABC News blaming climate change:
How Canada’s wildfires and air quality warnings are connected to climate change

Maybe journalists at ABC should explain why their catastrophic predictions in 2008 were so wrong? (Hint: Because they were made up instead of being based on scientific facts.) Remember this?

New York City underwater? Gas over $9 a gallon? A carton of milk costs almost $13? Welcome to June 12,  2015. Or at least that was the wildly-inaccurate version of 2015 predicted by ABC News exactly seven years ago. Appearing on Good Morning America in 2008, Bob Woodruff hyped Earth 2100, a special that pushed apocalyptic predictions of the then-futuristic 2015.

California wildfires were bad in the spring of 2022 and the fear mongers blamed humans and climate change. But the 2022 wildfires were very mild in comparison to previous years. Did the greenies admit they were just making things up? Nope, they said we just got lucky that it rained, and the wind changed. See what The New York Times said just six months ago:

When a string of wildfires broke out in California this spring, experts saw it as an unsettling preview of another destructive fire season to come — the consequence of forests and grasslands parched by persistent drought and higher temperatures fueled by climate change.

Yet, by the year’s end, California had managed to avoid widespread catastrophe. Wildfires have burned about 362,000 acres this year, compared with 2.5 million acres last year and a historic 4.3 million acres in 2020.

‘It’s really just that we got lucky,’ said Lenya Quinn-Davidson, a fire advisor for the University of California Cooperative Extension.

This year’s relatively mild wildfire season doesn’t mean that the landscape was much less vulnerable, that the forests were in better condition or that climate change had less of an effect on the intensity and behavior of wildfires than in previous years, Ms. Quinn-Davidson said. Instead, a combination of well-timed precipitation and favorable wind conditions seemed to play the biggest role.

Journalists who basically repeat talking points without doing research and asking questions show no intelligence. I have said they could be replaced by AI, because it’s being programmed to also repeat the same talking points.

The people that are pushing the radical, leftist agenda to destroy industries that produce reasonably-priced energy and directly and indirectly employ tens of millions, all to pretend they can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity include:

The people who colluded to spread lies about Russian collusion for years.

The people who colluded to spread misinformation from the WHO, the CDC, and Anthony Fauci, and sought to silence anyone who disagreed.

The people who colluded to bury the truth about the incompetence and corruption of Joe Biden.

The people who still collude to pretend the 2020 election was free and fair.

The people who collude to label anyone who demands science, freedom, and reason a “denier” or a racist or a “grandma killer”.

These people should not be trusted to tell the truth on anything, and we should not elect them to run our great country. Here is a hint: Politicians and bureaucrats can’t control the wind, rain, or the climate if you simply pay higher taxes and pack yourself like a sardine into a 15-minute city hellscape.

AfD party should be banned, argues German human rights group funded by German government

The conservative Alternative for Germany (AfD) is soaring to record highs in the polls, which has left Germany’s political and media establishment not only scrambling to explain the rise, but also putting forward fresh arguments to ban the party.

The latest broadside comes from the German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR), which has labeled the party “dangerous” for democracy. The institute argues that the conditions for banning the AfD are all there in its latest report, with the institute stating that the party is taking “active and planned action to implement its racist and right-wing extremist goals.”

Critics have already pointed out that the DIMR is actually funded by the German government, which is led by rival parties that have significant motive to remove the AfD from the political landscape. As Remix News previously reported, the AfD has hit a new record high of 19 percent, and polling shows that nearly 30 percent of Germans would consider voting for the party.

Another factor is adding additional fuel for critics claiming the study is biased: The author of the study, Hendrik Cremer, is a member of the Green party’s Heinrich Böll Foundation. The Green party has long advocated for the entire AfD party to be banned to “protect democracy.”

What does the report say?

The report claims the AfD is working to “shift the boundaries of what can be said, and thus the discourse, in such a way that a habituation to its racist, national-ethnic positions — including in the public and political sphere — takes place.” Overall, the analysis says the party is striving to eliminate the guarantees enshrined in Article 1 of the Basic Law. There it says: “Human dignity is inviolable. To respect and protect it is the obligation of every state authority.”

The analysis, entitled “Why the AfD could be banned, recommendations for the state and politics,” goes on to say:

“It is of elementary importance for the defense of the indispensable foundations of human rights and thus of the free democratic basic order that awareness of the danger posed by the AfD increases both throughout society and on the state side, and that state and political actors act accordingly.” This danger can only be effectively countered, the report claims, “if the other parties at the federal, state and local levels unmistakably distance themselves from the AfD.”

How would the AfD be banned?

Welt newspaper writes about how a ban is being discussed and how it would actually be implemented: “It is currently one of the most hotly debated topics in political Berlin: the rise of the Alternative for Germany. Politicians and observers are currently discussing the reasons for the right-wing party’s success in the polls. It is therefore a remarkable time for an analysis published by the German Institute for Human Rights on Wednesday.”

The only institution in Germany that could ban the AfD is the Constitutional Court, which has only banned two parties in the past, the NSDAP successor organization called the Socialist Reich Party (SRP) and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). According to past case law, a party ban is “the sharpest weapon of the democratic constitutional state against its organized enemies.”

Such a ban would work based on the argument that a party “works towards the elimination of the free-democratic basic order through planned action and that successful action by the party is also possible.” According to the court’s law, it would be a “preventative measure.,” and a ban is “not about averting dangers that have already arisen, but preventing the emergence of future dangers to the free democratic basic order.”

Not everyone agrees on a ban

The domestic spokesman for the SPD in the Bundestag, Sebastian Hartmann, told Welt that the AfD is an “anti-constitutional organization” with an “ever-faster spiral of radicalization.” He said it is right that the AfD is being observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) as a suspected case in the area of right-wing extremism.

“Nevertheless, our primary goal remains to put the AfD in a political position so that it is no longer elected to our parliaments,” said Hartmann.

The vice-chairman of the CDU faction, Andrea Lindholz, said: “A discussion about an AfD ban leads in the wrong direction. In the end, only the AfD itself benefits from this because it can present itself as a victim again.” A political debate is needed, the CSU politician continued. “We have to keep making it clear to people that the AfD is pursuing a purely destructive policy.”

MEPs from the FDP and the Left Party took a similar line of argument. FDP parliamentary group leader Konstantin Kuhle said it would be a “wrong signal” to push forward with a ban due to the AfD’s current high poll numbers. He said it was up to the other parties to win back AfD voters.

“But it must be clear: You cannot win back AfD voters at any price. Because otherwise, you are sinning against the democratic and social center,” he said.

Jan Korte, parliamentary manager of the Left party, said: “The debate about a party ban distracts from the real problem, namely that the AfD must be fought politically. The AfD polls always rise when the uncertainty increases.

”Instead of treating the population ‘from above’ as with the heating law, politicians must take care of the lower and middle classes again,” Korte said. “The best immediate measure against the AfD would be a strong welfare state.”

India: Minor Hindu girl raped and murdered inside her house in Lucknow, accused Muslim youth arrested

A 14-year-old Hindu girl was raped, bludgeoned with a hammer and then hung from a fan in Takrohi area of Lucknow’s Indira Nagar, UP on Thursday.

Police said that the accused Shahid barged into the victim’s house in Takrohi between 1:00 and 1:30 pm on Thursday. He then sexually assaulted her, and killed her (archived link) with a hammer. Before fleeing the house, he hung her body from a fan in her room.

The victim’s parents iron clothes for a living and had gone to their shop when the accused entered their house and committed the crime after locking their two smaller children in a room. The victim’s father said, “My wife reached back home and found Shahid standing in the verandah. When she tried to hold him, he pushed her and ran away.”

Certain social media handles have claimed that the accused Shahid had been stalking and harassing the minor child for a while, although we have not been able to independently corroborate this.

A video of the victim’s mother narrating the shocking incident has also gone viral –

Police suspect the girl died of head injury. Her body has been sent for post-mortem, while the police are further investigating the case. The heinous crime has sparked outrage in the local community, demanding swift justice for the victim.

SHO Indiranagar said that the body was immediately sent for autopsy and on the basis of a written complaint by the parents, a case under IPC section 376 (Rape) and 302 (Murder) had been lodged.

Following a preliminary investigation, the police managed to nab the accused.

Multiple reports of Hindu girls, mostly minor, being murdered/raped/molested/driven to suicide because of sexual harassment by Muslim men are coming to light every day – the number of unreported incidents must be even higher. The religious indoctrination imparted by fundamentalist clerics that seeds such thought of non-Muslim girls being war booty, or legitimate targets for sexual exploitation / conversion and nikah that will earn the Muslim youth religious rewards (sawab), is primarily responsible for these recurring crimes that are pushing our society and nation towards disaster.

The shocking video: This is how the Syrian knifeman chased women and children

These are horrific scenes: In a playground in Annecy, France, a Syrian man stabbed women and children with a knife. The shocking video is causing horror on the net.

Armed with a knife, a Syrian attacked several people in a playground in the French town of Annecy. Several children and a woman were injured in the mad attack. The attacker has been arrested, the Ministry of the Interior announced on Twitter on Thursday. According to the police, the children are all about three years old. A total of nine people were injured, including one adult. Three children are in a life-threatening condition.

Numerous users on the net spoke out about the shocking incident. “This can’t be it, a solution must be found immediately,” demanded one angry Twitter user. “I have a wife and two little daughters, one and three years old, just the thought if they had been in that playground…I wish the victims all the best!” added another user.

“Without words…how could it have come to this?”, writes one user.

The exact circumstances of the crime were initially unclear. According to BFMTV, several groups of children were in the park near the famous lake of Annecy at the time of the attack. France’s Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin mentioned on Twitter that the police had acted very quickly.

Terrorist attack foiled in Belgium – Two arrested

bert76 , CC-BY-SA-2.5,2.0,1.0, Wikimedia Commons 

A 16-year-old was arrested at his home early last month and is still in custody. Earlier this week, another 19-year-old youth was also arrested, according to the public prosecutor’s office.

According to information from the newspaper HLN, the two men allegedly contacted each other via messenger to prepare an attack targeting Belgium in particular. At the time of publication of this report, it was not yet known why the two Dutchmen were chatting and why they were targeting Belgium.

The arrests may be linked to the arrest of seven youths of Chechen origin in Eindhoven on the same day, who are also suspected of planning attacks in Belgium.

The prosecutor’s office said that the 16-year-old would remain in custody until at least mid-June.

Rigorous new study of studies finds that lockdowns, not COVID, caused the destruction

Wikimedia Commons, Becker1999 from Grove City, OH, CC-BY-2.0

By Monica Showalter

COVID is blamed for the vast ruin and destruction of the past few years.

After all, there were a more than a million deaths in the U.S., mass layoffs, and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of small businesses. There’s been learning loss and speech delays in children, and depression and other mental health crises in teenagers. There’s the massive inflation seen today and a huge surge in the federal debt brought on by federal COVID spending and let’s not even get into the fraud. There’s also the refusal of workers to return to work, the still-empty churches and downtown office spaces, and countless other still-lingering negative effects.

COVID did it. Blame COVID. That’s what the media and the bureaucrats and anyone getting rich off this pandemic do.

Except that it wasn’t that little gift from the lab in Wuhan that did it.

All of the destruction, according to an important new meta-study (or, study of studies) by noted economists Steve Hanke, Lars Jonung, and Jonas Herby. came from state-enforced lockdowns, not COVID.

The study has now become a book, titled “Did Lockdowns Work,” and it can be downloaded here.

Respected economists have taken note and give their approval.

According to economist Brad Polumbo:

Pandemic-era lockdown policies may “represent the biggest policy mistake in modern times.” At least, that’s the conclusion reached by one of the authors of a major new study examining many government restrictions inflicted upon the public throughout 2020 and 2021. 

An updated, peer-reviewed meta analysis of lockdowns examining 22 relevant studies was just published by the Institute of Economic Affairs. In it, authors Lars Jonung, Jonas Herby, and Steve H. Hanke examined the lockdown policies enacted in the US, England, and Europe and compared them to the light-touch approach enacted in Sweden where minor government restrictions were paired with voluntary action driven by extensive public information and awareness campaigns. 

They find that in the US, extensive restrictions ranging from stay-at-home orders to business closures all combined to only save approximately 4,000 lives. Some particular policies, like gathering limits, actually increased COVID mortality. (As it turns out, much of the COVID-19 spread occurred at home). This is a far cry from the projections used early in the pandemic to justify lockdowns that estimated 2 million American lives would be saved. 

That’s an academically rigorous study and what it found was pathetic. All that destruction through Western society and instead of saving 2 million lives, as the adamant lockdown proponents at the Imperial College of London confidently forecast, the vaunted lockdowns saved … 4,000.

It’s not nothing, but it’s not what they claimed. They said 2 million in the U.S. alone and millions more elsewhere.

Turns out they had no idea what they were talking about, yet they had tremendous power to make their Frankensteinian ideas come to life.

The Imperial College of London, as noted here, is getting famous for its junk science and that’s an extended record.

According to IEA, a rigorous academic think tank in the U.K.:

  • Herby, Jonung, and Hanke conclude that voluntary changes in behaviour, such as social distancing, played a significant role in mitigating the pandemic – but harsher restrictions, like stay-at-home rules and school closures, generated very high costs but produced only negligible health benefits
  • COVID-19 lockdowns were “a global policy failure of gigantic proportions,” according to this peer-reviewed new academic study. The draconian policy failed to significantly reduce deaths while imposing substantial social, cultural, and economic costs.
  • The comprehensive 220-page book, began with a systematic review of 19,646 potentially relevant studies. For their meta-analysis, the authors’ screening resulted in the choice of 22 studies that are based on actual, measured mortality data, not on results derived from modelling exercises. A meta-analysis is considered the ‘gold-standard’ for evidence, as it combines comparable, independent studies to determine overall trends.

And not surprisingly, its pals are already trying to debunk this rigorous peer-reviewed study.

The Guardian’s science editor, Ian Sample, couldn’t come up with anything better than the study “adds little insight.”

In other words, they all knew this already, so nothing to see here, move along.

No, pal. Anyone who questioned lockdowns in the past few years was branded anti-science, anti-people, a Nazi, and someone who belonged in prison if not cast out from society.

They dismissed effective treatments such as ivermectin with grade-school-style mockery, e.g., “horse paste” and “you are not a horse,” and pretended the effects of natural immunity didn’t exist, which is first-year medical science, all to justify and extend lockdowns even as the destruction extended.

They went after anyone who questioned lockdowns with a vengeance. They smeared top doctors such as those who signed the Great Barrington Declaration and authentic M.D.s such as Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, and they smeared inexpensive and effective treatments based on empirical evidence. Remember how this black hero doctor who saved a whole nursing home full of patients in Texas got raked over the coals?  

A Galveston-area doctor, Dr. Robin Armstrong, who was in charge of a nursing home, found himself in the middle of the worst health care nightmare anyone can imagine: a COVID-19 outbreak, on a home full of elderly people, and he was in charge.  Odds were big they were going to die.  We already know what the coronavirus did to a nursing home in Washington State, and we have subsequently learned what inserting COVID-19 patients into unwilling nursing homes in New York City did to those populations.  Coronavirus + Nursing Home = Death Sentence.  That was what he was looking at.  In desperation, the Texas doctor decided to treat his threatened patients with hydroxychloroquine in a last-ditch effort to save them…and he called it right.  Unlike those other places, his patients got well.  His informed judgment saved the lives of a building full of nursing home patients, and he reported no bad side-effects such as heart problems brought on by the treatment.  He would have been justified to take such risks because his treatment was triage, and the alternative was the death sentence.  But there wasn’t even that.  His patients lived, they regained their fragile health, and there were no stacked bodies or chaotic medical scenes in his part of Texas on his watch. 

That’s frankly a story of heroism, and the brilliant medical man should be celebrated for the huge number of lives he saved.

The lockdown idiocy extended from the top to the very bottom. I remember when my elderly parents were sick by COVID during the first wave of the pandemic and the whole household including even the cats had COVID symptoms, yet I didn’t have a trace of it in that same household based on my being treated with ivermectin, I was told by a San Diego County public health bureaucrat over the phone that I needed to wear a mask around the house. I knew I was being fed a line and it wasn’t about science.  I remember police patrolling our neighborhood looking for mask violators, because I was out walking on the sidewalk without one (fresh air science!), and suspecting nothing, put my mask on and approached the cop car to ask if I could help them … and found out that I was what they were looking for — a mask violator. Who the hell gave that order?

It all comes back to us:

The Guardian piece gets worse the more you read — it complains that the study of studies didn’t include the opinions of epidemiologists, and instead just used (rigorous) economic studies by economists. That’s a textbook case of blaming COVID instead of the lockdowns for the mass ill effects in society. The topic was lockdowns, which an economic phenomena, not a disease. Why the heck should they use the opinions of medical people who research the disease itself? Consulting them provides about as much insight as consulting a wokester college student or a taxi driver. Economists study economic effects, medical researchers study viruses under microscopes. 

And how’s this for a stupid weaselly understatement from one of these vaunted epidemiologists?

Prof Rowland Kao, an epidemiologist at Edinburgh University, said specific details about the UK’s lockdown matter too. In the first lockdown, care homes suffered brutal, disproportionate death rates because, despite the restrictions, residents were not adequately protected from infected patients arriving from hospitals. “As it stood, lockdown without protection of people in care homes wasn’t in a position to achieve one of its most important potential outcomes.”

“Wasn’t in a position”? What kind of cover-your-ass statement is that? People in old-age homes were literally trapped like prisoners with diseased patients rolling in from the hospitals and couldn’t get out. Not surprisingly, they died by the tens of thousands, and worse still, were forced to die alone.

That’s the kind of phrase you use when maybe you can’t attend a distant nephew’s wedding, not one of the great mass-death crimes of the 21st century that has yet to see anyone punished. This was lockdowns, not COVID, killing people. All they had to do was let the patients out of that death-trap and they’d be alive today.

It’s all part of the continuing campaign to blame COVID instead of lockdowns for the death and havoc wrought in society from the pandemic. We all know why they’re doing it: Blaming COVID ensures that what’s blamed is a thing, not a person who made a lethal decision.

It’s nothing but a red herring. This study of studies shows conclusively that lockdowns were a disaster and because it was lockdowns, and not the disease, that wrought the havoc, someone needs to be held accountable. Society was shut down based on junk science and fear. Not only do incompetents and chiselers and power mongers need to be held accountable, laws need to be made to ensure that these bureaucrats and their allies never have this kind of power again.

This study is important for advancing that critical change.