The young girl experienced the ultimate horror when she was attacked by 4 migrants while swimming with her 15 year old boyfriend at Freattyda beach near Piraeus.
Manolis Kafetziadis, armed with nothing more than a pen, came to her rescue, fought off the foreign predators, managing to subdue the rapists.
The four migrant perpetrators who managed to escape after a lengthy struggle were later arrested after a manhunt launched by the police.
All four Egyptians were identified by their victims and are charged with, among other things, attempted rape, attempted grievous bodily harm and attempted theft.
Pakistani court refuses to let Hindu girl Sohana Sharma Kumari return to her parents after she was kidnapped, converted to Islam married off to a Muslim man (Images via Twitter)
Pakistan continues to inflict atrocities on the religious minorities residing there as yet another minor Hindu girl was abducted on June 2, 2023, forcibly converted to Islam and married off to a Muslim man. Adding to her anguish, despite her appeals, a Pakistani court refused to allow her to return to her parents.
A 14-year-old girl named Sohana Sharma Kumari was abducted from her home in the Benazirabad district of Sindh province. She was kidnapped at gunpoint by her tutor and his aides in front of her mother. Sohana’s father Dilip Kumar, filed a police report alleging that she had been abducted. Later, Sohana appeared in a video clearly stating that she had converted to Islam and married a Muslim man under pressure. Her parents, on the other hand, argued that she was a minor.
After much outrage on social media, authorities retrieved the minor Hindu girl from a residence in the district five days after she was abducted.
On Friday, June 9, Sohana was brought to the district court in Larkana, where she told the judge in her statement that she had been abducted and forced to convert to Islam. She also expressed her wish to return to her parents.
The judge, however, adjourned the case until June 12 since she appeared to be under ‘pressure’ when giving her statement and remanded her to a women’s shelter home. It is notable that there have been many similar cases wherein the victim girls have stated that they want to go back to their parents, however, the courts in Pakistan send them to shelter homes.
Just see how Sohana Sharma, a minor Hindu girl from Sindh, Pakistan is crying, holding and kissing the hands of her father and saying "papa, papa take me home with you".
14 years old Sohana was kidnapped from her home, at gun point. Her father Dileep Kumar approached the court…
Sohana’s mother, Jamna Sharma, informed the media at court that her daughter was taking home tuition and that the teacher had told her a few days ago that he required a loan of Rs 100,000.
“When my daughter informed me of this, I told the teacher that he should not be talking about such matters with Sohana, and he left.” Then after a day, he came back with some people and forcefully took her away at gunpoint. “I begged him to take the money and jewellery but leave my daughter. But those people did not listen,” Jamna recalled.
Sohana’s father stated to the media that the accused presented fake documents to claim in the court that she had converted to Islam of her own free will and married a Muslim man.
“I don’t know how government officials can stamp such documents when the girl is 14 years old,” he said.
Sohana Kumari Sharma’s forceful conversion and marriage case rocks Sindh Assembly
Pakistan Peoples Party MPA Lal Chand Ukrani raised the issue of Sohana Sharma Kumari’s abduction and forced conversion to Islam in the Sindh Assembly on Friday.
During his speech, Ukrani deemed the incident cruel and stated that no religion allowed forced marriages or conversions. He said that a 14-year-old Hindu girl was kidnapped in Qazi Ahmad and that her marriage certificate was afterwards furnished.
“We respect every religion, but it is not appropriate to change someone’s religion by force,” he added, adding that the episode sparked widespread outrage across the province.
Meanwhile, Provincial Minister Giyan Chand Essrani described the situation as tragic.
“There is a law that a girl under the age of 18 cannot change her religion and cannot marry,” he stated, adding that he was in frequent contact with the provincial police chief in this respect.
Mangla Sharma, MPA of the MQM-P stated that the victim girl was a class eight student who was compelled to convert to Islam and do nikah with a Muslim man.
“She is my relative, please have mercy on her,” she stressed in a raspy voice and teary eyes.
Kidnappings and forced conversions of Hindu girls to Islam in Sindh have become a matter of grave concern for Pakistani Hindus.
There has been an upsurge in such cases in Sindh in recent months, with lower courts overwhelmed with applications from afflicted parents demanding justice and the return of their abducted women.
Recently, OpIndia reported that a 9-year-old Hindu girl was kidnapped from her house in May this year by a 55-year-old man in Sindh province who forcibly convert her to Islam and perform Nikah with her.
124 non-Muslim women forcibly converted to Islam in 2022: Report
Notably, a recent Human Rights Observer 2023 fact sheet revealed that in the year 2022, as many as 124 women belonging to minority communities were forcefully converted to Islam in the Islamic country. Out of this, 81 were Hindu, 42 were Christian and one was Sikh.
Further, the fact sheet revealed that 23 percent of girls were below 14 years of age, 36 percent of them were between the age of 14 and 18 years, and only 12 percent of the victims were adults, while the age of 28 percent of the victims was not reported.
Infographic via Centre for Social Justice website
In 2022, 65% of cases of forced religious conversion were reported in Sindh, 33% in Punjab, and 0.8% in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, respectively.
Westerners line up to cheer the blackwashing of history, other peoples are less enthusiastic. Netflix’s black nationalist depiction of Cleopatra, a Greek ruler wrongly depicted as African, led to a major backlash in Egypt. But it was the decision by a Dutch museum with a prominent Egyptology collection to display this garbage that has come with serious consequences.
What did the ancient Egyptians look like? A new exhibition at National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, the Netherlands, has sparked controversy by including a contemporary artwork that appears to depict the Pharaoh Tutankhamun as Black.
“Kemet: Egypt in Hip-Hop, Jazz, Soul and Funk” pairs Egyptian antiquities from the museum’s collection with work inspired by ancient Egyptian culture by created by musicians of the African diaspora, including Miles Davis, Erykah Badu, Beyoncé, and Rihanna.
“This is a very difficult topic and that is the thing with this exhibition: I think you really have to give it a chance,” Daniel Soliman, museum’s Egyptian and Nubian curator, told The Art Newspaper. “There are Egyptians, or Egyptians in the diaspora, who believe that the pharaonic heritage is exclusively their own. The topic of the imagination of ancient Egypt in music, predominantly from the African diaspora, Black artists in different styles, jazz, soul, funk, hip-hop, had long been ignored.”
While garbage like Little Mermaid occasions seal clapping in America, Egyptians aren’t putting up with it. They’ve got their own identity politics and those take priority over the sudden enthusiasm for Wakanadizing everything.
“Kemet: Egypt in Hip Hop, Jazz, Soul & Funk”, which was organized by National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, the Netherlands, sparked a fierce backlash from Egyptian authorities. In an email to the museum, they denounced the exhibition saying it took an “Afrocentric” approach to Ancient Egypt, which equated to “falsifying history.”
The consequence? The museum’s team of archaeologists that since 1975 has carried out excavations at Egypt’s Saqqara necropolis, a sprawling burial ground and key archaeological site, is now banned from continuing its work.
The attempt to be woke has cost the museum access to actual archeological finds. The question is was it worth it? Is fictional woke cultural archeology better than actual archeology?
Just four per cent of Germans think the hard left poses no threat to society, with an overwhelming near-six-in-ten saying it does, in research that comes days after serious left-wing riots over the conviction of a politically motivated hammer-attacker.
Pollster YouGov asked Germans “How high, if any, do you think the danger that left-wing extremists currently poses”. The answer was resoundingly that the hard-left does post a danger, with 59 per cent saying they believe it to be so.
Of those who believe the left poses a danger, 55 per cent say it presents a risk. The remaining 45 per cent think it poses a “very high risk”, reports German newspaper Die Welt. In terms of the whole cohort of the study, those groups make up 32 and 27 per cent respectively.
Of all respondents, 11 per cent had no opinion and just four per cent said “left-wing extremists” are not a threat at all, underlining the strength of feeling on the matter.
While the results are timely given the recent left-wing riots in the country over the conviction of a hard-left female activist found guilty of beating people she believed didn’t hold her politics with a hammer, the research also found — Welt notes — that Germans feel threatened by political extremism in general.
A majority felt threatened by both left and right-wing extremism, but most prevalent was concern about Islamism and Salafism, with 64 per cent saying they currently feel “personally threatened” by the religious ideologies. The research found those who have a family “migration background” feel less threatened by Islamism than those who didn’t have foreign roots.
Homophobie et agression à la gay pride de Lyon : Au 6 Cour Gambetta, en plein cœur de la Guillotière, un wesh wesh Lacoste TN s’en est pris aux manifestants.
Pour ne pas stigmatiser les racailles, ni l’organisation ni les manifestants ne communiqueront pour dénoncer l’agression
Translation: Homophobia and assaults at Gay Pride in Lyon : At 6 Cour Gambetta, in the heart of Guillotière, a Wesh Wesh Lacoste TN attacked the demonstrators. In order not to stigmatise the thugs, neither the organisation nor the protesters are mentioned in any news report condemning the attack.
Translation: Homophobic slur at #Toulouse pride march today: “I don’t want my children to be the children of Sodom” #Homophobia #GayPride @Mehdi_Aifa_AJR Source :
With fires raging in Canada and blanketing America’s northeast in thick orange smoke, leftists are again beating the “climate change” drum. Saner minds point to Justin Trudeau’s refusal to practice good forest management. But what if it’s neither of those things? It turns out that there’s compelling evidence suggesting that eco-terrorists set the fires to corral weary Westerners back into a climate change panic—and it won’t be the first time that’s happened.
It was inevitable, once the fires started raging, that the leftists would raise the specter of climate change. Justin Trudeau insisted climate change was the culprit and again demanded a carbon tax to save the world. Bloomberg announced that “Canada’s Wildfires Expose the Climate Change ‘Spiral of Silence.’” The BBC asked rhetorically, “Is climate change fuelling Canada’s wildfires?” ABC announced as fact, “How Canada’s wildfires and air quality warnings are connected to climate change.”
When you’ve got an unfalsifiable theory like climate change, which is all faith and no science, you’d expect leftists to tread the same path. But what if that’s not what’s happening at all? What if we’re witnessing arson on a massive, destructive scale to drive the narrative?
Elizabeth Nickson has examined the evidence suggesting eco-terrorist arson, and there’s a good case. Nickson opens by pointing to a satellite video circulating on Twitter showing the fires beginning almost simultaneously, at just the right time for the winds to take the smoke south:
Satellite images from the College of DuPage Meteorology Department show that—on the 2nd of June—the fires that erupted in Quebec, Canada, all started at the exact same time.
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) June 8, 2023
The reason for this arson? To instill fear:
We aren’t afraid enough, despite every nasty limiting idiotic play they have visited upon us in the last four years. Monkey Pox failed, more plague warnings were greeted by a shrug. But this one, the world bursting into flame? Be very very afraid.
Nickson, who is based in Canada knows what she’s speaking about. Arson, she writes, causes well over half of Canada’s wildfires, and the people arrested are often tied to environmental NGOs. If you’re a fan of RFK, Jr., you might think twice when you’re reminded that he’s a radical climate fanatic who helped foster this trend. Back in the day, the goal was to kill industry to save the trees:
I interviewed hundreds of local activists, the ones who, with the inspiration of RFK, Jr. had shut down the biggest industrial forest in the world in an action called “The War of the Woods.” They were mostly ordinary people, socialists and scientists of one stripe or another and deeply profoundly committed to saving the earth. The fact that they had eliminated the principal source of funding for health care and education — forestry — their own in fact, went right over their heads. It didn’t matter. “Climate Change” was an existential threat and those trees must stand to suck up “carbon,” or CO2, as it used to be known.
Now, though, the trees must be sacrificed to force change on a public that increasingly understands that the climate has always changed and that wealth redistribution and a return to a dark, dangerous pre-modern era won’t change things.
Ironically, the fanatics were behind the foolish push to end forest management: “Today, the 9th of June, 2023, a full thirty years too late, the Wall Street Journal editorial board finally acknowledges that sustainable forestry management may be the principal cause of the forests burning down.”
Of course, leftists are good at rolling with the punches. Now that forests are more flammable than before leftists got involved, Nickson writes that they’re using the threat of naturally occurring fires in unmanaged forests to prevent development, whether of homes or industry. But here’s the thing: Those fires don’t just occur on Nature’s timetable. They also explode at convenient times or against inconvenient people:
Fire serves to shut people up.
Five years ago, Fort McMurray, the home of the oil sands, a titanic achievement, the cleanest oil extraction infrastructure on the planet, burned to the ground in a fire called The Beast. There were reports of fires being set in an arc around the town. Investigations are on-going. During the last election in Alberta, fire patterns were shown to peak at election time, in order to scare people into believing that oil extraction, the engine of their economy, must be shut down.
I’ve only nibbled around the corners of Nickson’s informative, thought-provoking article about the eco-terrorists’ twisted relationship to forests and fires. I urge you to read the whole essay.
CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHG) such as methane have been suspected for more than a century of being potentially harmful atmospheric warming agents. The climate movement began more recently with the advent of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1989 and the release of Al Gore’s prize-winning film An Inconvenient Truth in 2006. Climate alarm began as “man-made global warming” and, when cooling was observed even as CO2 levels continued to rise, morphed into “climate change.”
Those of us who can look behind the virtue-signaling mantra of climate change understand the theory that man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from burning oil and gas are dangerously warming the planet. We can also appreciate the idea that marginal warming may be amplified by increased water vapor and clouds as a result of elevated CO2. A large number of computer models are built on the presumptions of this theory.
But are our CO2 inputs to the atmosphere a real threat to our magnificent planet? The evidence tells us no. Although we are in the midst of a broadly warming period following the end of the most recent ice age, satellite and weather balloon data suggest that the models (and theory) are off by quite a bit. The models project much more warming than observed in back casts. That is interesting but perhaps not definitive. There is also evidence that the atmosphere has slipped into a new cooling period that could lead to the next ice age.
A seminal review paper by Wijngaarden and Happer (here) illustrates a critical limitation of CO2 radiation transfer that makes it impossible for this trace molecule to cause runaway global temperature. The limitation is known as saturation. The key figure from the Wijngaarden-Happer paper diagrams the inhibiting effect of various greenhouse gases on infrared radiation to space. GHGs reduce Earth’s reradiation of incoming shortwave solar radiation to space as longwave heat radiation. Reduced reradiation of heat means air and surface warming.
The area under each curve is heat radiation to space. The uppermost, purple line shows what Earth’s heat radiation would be if there were no GHGs. Earth’s surface would be substantially colder than observed without GHGs. The “valley” formed by the black and red curves centered at about 700 wavelengths/cm is the principal frequency range impacted by CO2. The black line is 400 parts per million (ppm) CO2 as observed today, while the red line represents a hypothetical doubling to 800 ppm CO2. Note that the black and red lines are virtually indistinguishable. The radiation to space at 800 ppm CO2 would be about one percent less than for today’s CO2 level of 400 ppm. This is the practical import of CO2 saturation.
This explanation is recent, but CO2’s geometric radiation physics has been known for almost a century. The phenomenon is ignored by government climate policy–makers but is nonetheless an inconvenient truth.
Climate change (i.e., natural variation) is real. Climate emergency is not. Geological and paleological evidence has long showed dramatic global change over long and short spans of time. This includes change in the planet’s geophysical makeup, change in temperatures, change in CO2 and other GHG levels and change in “normal” weather.
The planet and its atmosphere are always changing. Human CO2 emissions must have some effect. The question is how much change is natural and how much is man-made. The evidence suggests the man-made signal is too small to be detectable amid natural variability. Whatever man might be doing to CO2 levels will not drive future temperatures and will neither impede nor cause the next ice age.
Earth’s atmosphere is often described by physicists and meteorologists as chaotic and nonlinear. Among many climate unknowns are the respective warming and cooling effects of water vapor and clouds and the drivers of major oceanic oscillations such as El Niño. These unknowns are why Steven Koonin titled his recent climate book Unsettled. Given the large body of pertinent unknowns, it is hubris to think we can predict future global climates and attribute causes a century and more out. But we are entirely within the bounds of scientific reason to dismiss CO2 as a climate “control knob” based on its limited effect on radiation transfer. It’s also reasonable to think we have no serious business monitoring CO2 levels, much less destroying our energy independence to mitigate them.
Government energy policy is based on theoretical adverse effects of CO2 but entirely overlooks its benefits. CO2 is a part of the carbon cycle, important to life on Earth. We exhale it to complete our metabolic process, and plants use it to photosynthesize, giving off life-sustaining oxygen for us to breathe. We might as well call oxygen a pollutant as CO2, which the U.S. EPA has ill-advisedly so designated. The industrial-age doubling of atmospheric CO2 from 200 to 400 parts per million (ppm) is a benefit to plant life, as higher CO2 levels reduce plant desiccation via leaf openings called stomata. Recently observed greening of arid areas such as the Australian Outback serve to reinforce this point. So good for plant life are increased CO2 levels that operators routinely boost the interior of their greenhouses to 1000 ppm.
If plant life “likes” CO2 so much, why are we trying to protect the planet from more of it?