Dr. Evil hands his empire over to his Mini-me

By Monica Showalter

A lot of us had hoped the Soros empire and all its works would end once the billionaire hedge fund speculator, who is very elderly now, passes.

No, not to be.

According to the Wall Street Journal, cited on this CNBC report, George Soros passing the baton to his 37-year-old son and Mini-me, Alex Soros:

Philanthropist billionaire George Soros confirmed that he is handing control of his $25 billion empire to his son Alex.

Soros, 92, has a net worth of $6.7 billion, according to Forbes, and is one of the top 400 richest people in the world. In 2017, he shifted $18 billion from his family office to his Open Society Foundations — a group of charities that works in more than 100 countries — which Alex was named chair of in December.

Alex, speaking to the Wall Street Journal in an exclusive interview published over the weekend, said he is “more political” than his father and hinted at a significant financial role for the Soros organization in the U.S. elections next year. The Open Society Foundations did not immediately respond to a CNBC request for comment but a spokesperson did confirm the details of the interview with the Reuters news agency.

Which isn’t exactly in the interest of the rest of us. Even more leftist? Lucky us, because he’s now got a river of money to spread for that.

But let’s not despair.

Soros is all about keeping the elites elites and seeing to it that the rest of us do not have a safe place to live, do not have free and fair elections, and indeed, do not have a country we can call home. He is, after all, the self-described “stateless statesman” and has spent $140 million in the last election cycle to get the worst Democrats into power.

Elon Musk called him out correctly in comic book terms, even if his choice of villains wasn’t optimal.

According to this mother-of-all-Soros-suckup pieces by Luc Olinga for The Street, Soros got into a scrap with Elon Musk, who leveled most of the known charges at Soros about how he spends his money, continuously rigging the system against the little guy:

The Techno King, as Musk is known at EV maker Tesla, launched a crusade on May 15 against Soros, by comparing him to the character Magneto, a Jewish supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe, who “hates humanity” and who “wants to erode the very fabric of civilization.”

Soros, 92, is Jewish and a Holocaust survivor [No, he’s not. -ed].

Musk then accused Soros of buying off district attorneys by funding their election campaigns so that they become his “pets” and obey his orders.

“Soros astutely identified a massive arbitrage opportunity in district attorney elections, where a relatively small amount of money has outsized influence,” the billionaire said on May 17. “Soros’s instructions to his pet prosecutors were (essentially) to minimize prosecuting even violent criminals.”


“Does the public realize that Soros wants open borders? Literally not even checking to see if they’re convicted serial killers on the run, which has happened more than once,” Musk argued on May 18, without providing evidence.

Oh, there’s lots of evidence, but not for apparent MSNBC watchers, such as Luc.

Soros also has bankrolled the election of secretaries of state over the past year, bringing us the rigged elections such as we have seen of Katie Hobbs, who, as secretary of state, was in charge of counting the ballots as she ran for Arizona governor. She’s dogged by ‘fraudster’ charges everywhere she goes, but with everything rigged, no one can stop her, and her state is now probably permanently, and unhappily, blue.

And, he’s the king of the color revolutions abroad, which has dragged America into endless conflicts overseas, making America unbearable on the world stage with all its “democracy” talk, and as for the color revolutions themselves, merely swapped one set of kleptocrats in various shambling democracies abroad for another.

I don’t read comic books so I don’t know anything about this Magneto character Musk compared Soros to, whether the figure happens to be Jewish by circumstance, like Shylock, or whether the figure exists as an attack on all Jewish people, or what. I would have avoided the comparison if it were me, because it’s not the point of the comparison, which is that the guy hates humanity. What’s more, Soros isn’t Jewish the way normal observant Jewish people are — and if anything, he’s the opposite. The guy is a longtime atheist and supports anti-Israel causes, as well as Democrats, many of whom have made a cottage industry of their anti-Semitism. Soros certainly hates a lot of things, and humanity can be counted as one of them.

Left out of the gushy piece praising Soros and attacking Musk — and it’s a big one: That Musk is Jewish, too, so the criticism is comparable to one black person calling another black person the n-word unaffectionately. That’s not quite the same as when a white Democrat such as Bull Connor or Robert Byrd does it.

Now that Soros is passing control of his vast $25 billion foundation empire to the youthful Alex, the latter vows to shovel the cash even more leftishly. We will see more money going to let-the-criminals-out district attorneys, more money to the open borders lobby, more money for color revolutions and more money for secretaries of state who openly rig elections. Judges may be bought, gun control promoted, the green and LGBTQ agenda lobbies empowered, plus anything else they can think up.

It sounds awful, this continuation of the Sorosian empire, but it may not be as bad as it looks.

One solution is the daylight disinfectant: 

Here in San Diego, a non-woke, non-Soros district attorney in San Diego, Summer Stephan, destroyed a Soros candidate at the polls a few years ago despite being outspent by a factor of three, by holding out the Soros card against vastly superior Soros money machine, winning that election against all odds. She explained clearly how it worked quite ably here:

Stephan says her opponent has never prosecuted a case. “She is a junior level criminal defense attorney who has never held a leadership position in her own office. She is running as a protégé or proxy of an out-of-state billionaire George Soros. He has spent $1.5 million, an obscene number in local politics.”

Soros’s funding of Jones-Wright  is one of 17 District Attorney races he is pouring funds to using his California Justice & Public Safety PAC. “He is selecting criminal defense attorneys or ACLU affiliated lawyers with the goal of decriminalizing prostitution, drugs and prosecuting law enforcement whether they did anything wrong or not. The target for Soros is the police,” says Stephan

Stephan says that Soros funded DA’s elsewhere have led to failure. “This has been a failed social experiment in Houston. The violent crime since his candidate was elected has gone up nine percent. In Florida his candidate refused to prosecute to the full extent of the law a police officer murderer who also murdered a pregnant woman. To the point that the governor has stripped her of her authority to prosecute special circumstance murders.”

Her opponent, she says, promises the same. “She has pledged to not even consider pursuing the death penalty in any serial murder case or any murder case, whether the case qualifies or not. She has also pledged in writing to not petition the court for any 17 year old—even if they have committed mass murder—to be treated as an adult. Which means they would be released at age 25 no matter what.  The money infusion is intended to buy this election and to have our community replace experience and qualifications with a dangerous experiment. That is the challenge for my campaign.”

Like Musk, she was attacked as an anti-Semite for bringing up the Soros juggernaut, but she never apologized for it.

“Apologize for what?” as Andrew Breitbart used to say. 

Transparency, sunlight, and a refusal to apologize, have definitely damped the Soros ambitions in certain incidents. This template should be repeated and expanded. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and already the Soros crowd has a growing public relations problem.

Second, empires run by juniors, the cossetted sons of the original founding moneybags, are pretty prone to foundering. Alex go wild with the spending and may take the Soros empire in an entirely unpopular direction from which he is unable to pull back, making his empire the Bud Light of arrogant foundations. He also may simply squander the money on personal luxuries, the way Black Lives Matter’s executives did, leaving them in the hole. Junior doesn’t have old dad’s investing skills, let alone his weird organic base philosophies, he’s just a copier of all things left-wing. That may be a recipe for blowing the Soros pile on useless or ineffective projects. If it happens, it wouldn’t be the first time an heir blew old dad’s fortune on idiocies. Soros insists the kid has got the smarts for this, but anything is possible.

Third, there should be other empires out there emerging to counter the Soros madness — for rule of law at the borders, for prosecutors who prosecute crime, and for secretaries of state who count ballots honestly. Perhaps that counterforce can be Musk.

It’s not an entirely cause for despair that the Soros empire is set to continuing expanding its tentacles. It mainlys serves as a call to action to find effective ways to counter it.


France: The Annecy terrorist is said to be a Muslim Syrian named Selwan Majd….

The following is rumored by Syrians living in France and Germany to have recognized the madman of Allah. And this would be confirmed by relatives of Father Boulad in Alexandria….
To be continued.
From the beginning we have said that it could not be a Christian …. And that it was perpetrated by a Muslim …
The attacker is said to be a Syrian refugee named Selwan Majd….
He claimed his name was Abd El-Messih Hanoun, but his real name was “Selwan Majd,” a refugee from Al-Hasakah in northern Syria.
He had traveled to Turkey with forged papers, where he met a Swedish tourist and made her believe he was a Muslim who had converted to Christianity.
He married her in Sweden under the false Christian name, but Swedish authorities doubted him and denied him citizenship, and later his wife separated from him.

In France, he asked for help in a church, but the church also doubted him.
He committed his crime by wearing a cross and claiming to be a Christian in order to hide his terrorist roots.
Unfortunately, the European authorities have received a lot of false information, either recorded by the refugees themselves or by the Turkish authorities.
Thousands of people have infiltrated European countries and become sleeper cells.


Could a Farage-Boris alliance succeed in derailing the British political establishment?

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Nigel Farage has spoken to a number of individuals in Boris Johnson’s close circle about a possible political alliance with the former U.K. prime minister in a bid to shake up the Westminster status quo and defend the legacy of Brexit.

Speaking to GB News on Sunday, the former political leader turned conservative commentator described a “very big opening” now emerging in British politics. Farage claimed “the gap between Westminster and the country is now bigger than it was 10 years ago” when his U.K. Independence Party (UKIP) mounted electoral pressure on a Conservative party led by David Cameron.

“I think the sense of broken Britain, the sense the health service doesn’t work anymore, that people’s kids and grandkids can’t even get onto the housing ladder. I think these things are very real. So, there’s an enormous opportunity there,” he told the broadcaster.

Asked directly about a potential partnership with Boris Johnson, Farage said: “I disagree with Boris Johnson fundamentally on many of his metro, liberal views. But if anyone can turn on a sixpence and say they now believe in something completely different, it’s Boris Johnson.”

He explained that despite their political differences, “on the biggest constitutional question we will face in our lifetimes, namely Brexit, Boris was on the same side as myself and others.”

Farage revealed he had heard murmurs of discontent from “major conservative donors and supporters” who have vowed “never to support the (Conservative) party again.” He said that Boris Johnson’s media presence and personality could be hugely effective at galvanizing huge swathes of a disenchanted electorate whose only options at the next election are the beleaguered governing Conservatives or the Labour party, two parties Farage believes are one and the same.

“He’s very good at dominating news. He does have personality. He does make people smile. And if he wants to defend his Brexit legacy, well I want to defend my Brexit legacy, too,” Farage told viewers.

“So would there be a possibility of a new coming together on the center-right? It would be Boris Johnson, there would be other MPs that would join in with this as well,” he hinted.

Asked whether conversations had taken place between himself and Johnson regarding such a project, Farage replied: “Not with him directly, no. But I have discussed it with people very close to him, and around him.”

Farage has been a perennial thorn in the side of the Conservative party, willingly adopting the role of chief disruptor on the British right. He has sought to keep the Tory party — which has had a tendency this century to roam towards a centrist, liberal agenda when unchallenged — in check via his leadership of UKIP, which was instrumental in delivering the Brexit referendum, and later on the pop-up Brexit Party which stormed to victory in the last-ever European parliamentary elections in Britain.

Boris Johnson took matters into his own hands late on Friday evening, opting to resign from parliament rather than be further subjected to what he described as a “witch-hunt” investigation into allegations he misled parliament over the media-fueled Partygate scandal during the coronavirus pandemic.

Johnson’s resignation marked the end of an illustrious political career spanning three decades, which saw him serve two terms as mayor of London and a stint in the Foreign Office, before becoming leader of the Conservative party and storming to a historic 80-seat majority in the 2019 general election.

It’s the end of his political career for now, at least. But with reports the former Conservative leader is beyond furious at being forced out of Westminster — much to the delight of his former Chancellor and current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak — who could rule out a Churchillian return to office on the backs of millions of disillusioned Conservative voters? Especially as these voters are increasingly unhappy with the governing party’s refusal to curb immigration, seize the opportunities in the wake of Brexit, and help small businesses.

One existing vehicle that could be mobilized is Reform U.K., a political party founded by Nigel Farage and born out of the ashes of the Brexit Party. Still in its infancy and a relatively unknown entity, the party could be utilized to spark a political backlash against Westminster in a general election that can be held no later than winter next year.

And with dozens of right-leaning Conservative MPs predicted to lose their seats to Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour party based on current polling, many will feel they have little to lose by rolling the dice and defecting to a new movement capable of igniting the country.

Farage believes that at least Conservative MPs in “double figures” would join any new credible alliance, and Boris Johnson would add that gravitas and vigor required to appeal to a wider electorate.

“I think it needs to be more than just me, you know? You can have one person leading a party into a European election or something like that. A general election, you’ve got to have a range of talents,” Farage added.

Polling conducted last November suggested a new Farage-led political party could attract over a quarter of U.K. voters — more than enough for a seismic shake-up of British politics. With Boris Johnson on board, that ceiling rises further.


Parents Furious Over Math Teacher’s Use of Threats and Coercion to Make Students Watch “LGBT” Video

‘God Is Queer’ Declares Pastor at Protestant Church Congress in Germany

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A Christian pastor declared that “God is queer” at the final service of the Protestant Church Congress in Germany on Sunday.

South African-born Quinton Caesar, who has served as a pastor in the town of Wiesmoor in Lower Saxony over the past year, declared at the final service of the German Protestant Church Congress in the main market in Nuremberg that “God is queer” while advocating for a slew of other leftist causes, the German newspaper Die Welt reported.

During his sermon, the 38-year-old pastor went on to proclaim that “we are all the last generation,” a thinly-veiled reference to the far-left green extremist activist group, Letzte Generation (Last Generation), which regularly blocks highways in Germany to protest the supposed looming armageddon of climate change.

Ceasar, who reportedly describes himself as a “theologian activist pastor”, reminded his audience that “black lives always matter” and advocated on behalf of refugees.

The pastor said that anyone who preaches in the name of the Church and still “discriminates my siblings and me – because of our income, our skin colour, our disability or our queer identity” does not understand the teachings of the Bible.

“God is always on the side of those who stand on the edge, who are not seen or not named. And if God is there, then there is also our place,” Ceasar continued.

The leftist sermon has received backlash on German social media, Die Welt reported, with many saying that the speech would have been more suited for the “Green Party Congress” rather than a church congress.

The German Protestant Church Congress saw around 25,000 people attend its final services in Nuremberg, with a total of 70,000 people participating during the entire five-day run of the Protestant event.

The Christian gathering also held overtly political events and talks, with the three leading left-wing members of the coalition government, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, and Minister of Economics Robert Habeck speaking. Also in attendance were CDU party chairman Friedrich Merz and a representative of the “Last Generation” green activist group.


Is the EU trying to cover up the biggest corruption scandal in its history?

The EU’s corruption scandal in the European Parliament is being swept under the rug, with those involved returning to their parliamentary duties as if nothing had happened, according to Polish ruling conservatives MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski.

“We are witnessing a cover-up,” said Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, who serves as a Law and Justice (PiS) MEP. He added that “the scandal was real and the evidence very tangible.”

He also revealed that those involved are returning to their parliamentary duties as if nothing had happened, including former deputy President of the European Parliament Eva Kaili, who is returning to her position as an MEP, according to a report from PAP.

Polish MEP Jacek-Saryusz-Wolski says the EU is trying to bury its massive corruption scandal.

Remix News created a number of short videos on the topic, which outline some of the main allegations. The corruption scandal broke in December 2022 with the arrest of Kaili. She is suspected of having taken bribes from Qatar, with Belgian police discovering over €100,000 stuffed in paper bags and briefcases during a search of her apartment. Prosecutors allege this was bribe money from Qatar.

As Remix News reported, she is known for her luxury lifestyle, and investigations are now questioning how she secured some of her more high-end real estate properties.

In addition, two more MEPs, Marc Tarabella and Andrea Cozzolino, have also been charged in the scandal. They both had their immunity lifted during the criminal probe.

Now, there are fears that due to the high-profile nature of the probe involving liberal MEPs, the EU will not allow the investigation to move forward. There have been claims that up to 100 MEPs could be involved, with far-reaching consequences for the mainstream parties of Europe.

Saryusz-Wolski says that “Fight Impunity,” the name of the NGO led by Pier Antonio Panzeri, a former Italian MEP and one of the suspects, now comes off as sick.

“It is an example of impunity with regard to the corruption in which these people were involved,” he said. He believes that the reason the affair is being swept under the rug is that the scandal could engulf the EU’s executive and other political groupings other than the socialists. 

Eva Kaili is also being investigated in Greece for money laundering. She and her family are suspected of having invested undeclared income in properties. If she is found guilty, it is likely that the Greek courts will hand down a more severe punishment than those in Belgium.

Her lawyers stated at the end of May that she could return to her parliamentary duties, provided she does not leave Belgium. Kaili is being allowed to attend the next session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. 


India: Dutch YouTuber harassed in Bengaluru by Muslim shopkeeper

(Image Source : Deccan Herald)

“A Dutch vlogger was manhandled in Bengaluru’s Chickpet, the video of which has gone viral now. In a video posted from his YouTube channel ‘Madly Rover’, the Dutch Youtuber Pedro Mota was seen getting harassed by a shopkeeper in the city’s busy market while making a vlog.

In the video titled, Attacked At The Thieves Market In India, a shopkeeper can be seen grabbing Mota’s hand aggressively, as the Dutch national pleaded to let go.

Mota wrote, “Foreigner traveling in India experiences the thieves market in Bangalore, also known as the Sunday market or chor bazaar. But exploring the area started out on the wrong foot as an angry man attacked me by grabbing and twisting my hand and arm, lunging after me as I tried to escape…”

The incident which happened a few days ago came to light on Monday and quickly gained traction online, with many social media users urging the Bengaluru City Police to take appropriate action against the shopkeeper. Following the outrage, the police…

Read the full article at Deccanherald.com / https://hindupost.in/crime/dutch-youtuber-harassed-in-bengaluru-by-muslim-shopkeeper/

Muslim rapes, strangles and urinates on his girlfriend in Chemnitz, Germany – Court sentences him only to a suspended sentence

Chemnitz district court , Miebner, CC-BY-SA-3.0

A rapist (34) was convicted in Chemnitz this week!

The trial was about finding out what was consensual and what was not: Murat Ö. (34) was accused of raping his girlfriend (22) in her Chemnitz flat. Ö. was given a suspended sentence – but he is not released.

He raped her, choked her and urinated on her: In court, the convicted man claimed that all this had happened at the request of his girlfriend at the time.

The Chemnitz district court sentenced the 34-year-old to one year and eight months imprisonment for rape in combination with bodily harm. The sentence is suspended.

Curious: Ö. is still in custody. He is said to have raped the victim again in his flat in Zwickau.


Great Reset: Dutch Govt Launches Farmer Buyout Scheme as Thousands Face Shut Down

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The Dutch government launched its long-anticipated Great Reset-style farmer buyout scheme on Monday, which could potentially see upwards of ten thousand farms shut down forever to fall in line with the green agenda of the European Union.

Following years of political wrangling, the government of The Netherlands has launched its programme for buying out farms that do not comply with the EU’s Natura 2000 scheme supposedly meant to protect environmentally sensitive areas. The buyout programme will initially impact approximately 3,000 privately-owned farms which are deemed to emit too much nitrogen.

Starting next month, farmers will be able to apply for a buyout, which will be set at 120 per cent of the farm’s value. In addition to the top nitrogen emitters, the government will also offer buyouts for dairy, pig and poultry farmers to shut down in exchange for a payout of 100 per cent of their farm’s value. It is expected that some 8,000 farmers will be eligible for the second scheme, Dutch public broadcaster NOS reports.

In total, the government has allocated 1.4 billion euros to cover the two programmes. The buyout scheme, which will last until next April, will remain voluntary for now, however, the Dutch government has previously suggested that if uptake is not high enough it may be forced to impose mandatory buyouts.

The farmers’ group Agractie expressed concern over the launch, saying that while a website has been opened to allow farmers to see if they are eligible for a buyout, the other options, such as reducing emissions, are not currently explained, meaning that farmers cannot accurately judge which direction to take.

The move to shut down potentially thousands of farms in The Netherlands, despite the ongoing food crisis, could have a significant impact further afield given the country’s status as Europe’s largest exporter of meat and one of the largest dairy exporters in the world.

There has been widespread rejection of the government’s green agenda, however, with farmers launching large-scale tractor protests across the country over the past two years, which have shut down highways and critical infrastructure.

The resentment against the globalist government also saw the populist Farmer–Citizen Movement (BBB) sweep to victory in the Senate and local elections earlier this year, becoming the largest party in the country after previously holding zero seats. Yet, the neo-liberal coalition government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte was able to cobble together enough support to remain in power for the time being.

Some farmers have already expressed that they have no intention of participating in the buyout scheme and plan to hold on to their property. One dairy and poultry farmer Elton van Ginkel told the Nieuwsuur current affairs programme: “Over my dead body. I’ll move on, even if it’s with two cows.”

Another farmer, from the Gelderland province — the chief target of the scheme — Kalverboer Ben Apeldoorn said: “The sector itself has already reduced 8 per cent nitrogen in recent years despite the lack of policy. We are afraid it will never be enough. Even if we were to reduce nitrogen by half, it’s not good enough.”

He said that the political elites in The Hague will only be satisfied ‘when the last farmer is gone”, adding: “While the rest of the economy can continue to grow. Why should we participate in this process? We just have to be offered the right to exist.”


India: Burqa-clad women harassed and given death threats for purchasing alcohol and defaming Muslims

Screenshots from the viral video

Muslim women in India are facing harassment by their community members for allegedly violating the rituals and customs of Islam or roaming around with their Hindu friends. Several such videos have gone viral in the recent past over the internet in which the Muslim men could be seen wrongly alleging Hindu persons of ‘trapping’ the Muslim women under ‘the Bhagwa Love Trap’. Apart from this, the community seems to monitor the activities of Muslim women in general under the guise of protecting Islam.

In one such recent video that is going viral on the internet today, a Muslim woman in the Muzzafarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh could be seen being harassed by Muslim community members for purchasing alcohol from a licensed shop. The Muslim members who happened to block the way of the Muslim woman also threatened her for allegedly going against Islam.

“How can you purchase alcohol being a Muslim? Don’t you have some shame? You are defaming the Muslim community. Is this what Islam teaches us? I’ll slit your throat if you are again seen buying alcohol,” the Muslim man could be heard saying. He further indicated that it was common among Hindu women to buy alcohol but that it is not allowed in Islam.

According to the reports, the incident is said to have happened on Sunday, June 11. A Muslim woman was buying some bottles of beer from a licensed shop in the Novelty chowk region of Muzzafarnagar district. One of the Muslim community members kept on following the woman and blocked her way in the Bakra Market area. He also then gathered a crowd to defame the woman publicly.

As the mob gathered, the Muslim man who was following the woman said that the latter was defaming the entire community by violating the laws of Islam for women. He also reiterated his threat saying that he would slit her throat if she is seen again buying alcohol.

Moral policing of Muslim women in the garb of fighting ‘Bhagwa Love Trap’

Recently, OpIndia compiled 42 such incidents from all over India in which Muslim men could be seen following and harassing Muslim women under the guise of ‘protecting’ them from Hindus. In a few cases, Muslim men have also hurled abuses at Muslim women for roaming around with their Hindu friends.

In the given case also, the Muslim man first followed the woman and then threatened her for allegedly violating the rules of Islam. As if following, abusing, and defaming women in public and threatening them in public is moral and permitted in Islam. The viral video was posted by journalist Sachin Gupta and UP Tak media channel.
