Controversial Synodal LGBTQ Agenda Set for Global Approval – Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate Calls Bishops of Asia and Australia to Rise Up https://t.co/WCLf7wZpmi
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) June 14, 2023
Eventually liberals will ban all food because it is produced through agriculture, which offends the climate. This will leave us to subsist on water. But wait; the climate doesn’t want us drinking water either. From Germany:
The “non-profit” association “a tip:tap” recently commissioned a remarkable study on the climate damage caused by sparkling water. Somebody must have noticed that sparkling water equals carbon dioxide equals CO2 — which is essential for life (on Earth), but deemed a “climate killer” and thus as a trace gas, an alleged “environmental toxin”…
Okay, we’ll have to give up seltzer, or else the weather will get mad. What about mineral water?
The result of the study followed as expected: it now also declares drinking mineral water to be a climate sin. Because: Its consumption in Germany consumes around 1.5 times as much CO2 as the entire domestic German air traffic, calculate the green flunky scientists. Even during its production, mineral water requires many more process steps than tap water because it has to be cleaned after treatment and bottled under higher standards. In addition, the production of the bottles, the transport to the supermarket and the way home from there drive emissions even further up. Overall, according to the study, mineral water produces 202.74 g of CO2 equivalents per liter — tap water, on the other hand, only 0.35 g.
Consequently, leftists are demanding that only tap water be allowed.
No doubt it will soon be discovered that tap water also oppresses the climate.
They might let us collect rainwater, except that our very existence is offensive.
The man suspected of wounding six people, including four children, with a knife in the French town of Annecy on June 8 could have been stopped if French security services had heeded the warning of the perpetrator’s ex-wife.
Abdalmasih Hanoun’s ex-wife, who is herself of Syrian origin, says she warned French and Swiss authorities about her former husband months before the attack. However, these authorities ignored her, according to the woman.
According to a report from the Daily Mail, a friend of the wife said: “They should have listened to her when she contacted them. Maybe it could have been stopped. “
Multiple media reports indicate that Hanoun allegedly fought in the Syrian civil war and was the only survivor of his unit in the army, the others having been killed by jihadists. When Sweden denied him citizenship, he left his wife and three-year-old daughter eight months ago and attempted to apply for asylum in Switzerland and France. Four days after his application was rejected in France, he went on a stabbing rampage in Annecy. He is charged with attempted murder and could be imprisoned for life.
French Minister of Interior Gerard Darmanin implied there could be a link between the man’s asylum application being refused and his decision to go on the rampage, calling it a “troubling coincidence.”
The man suspected of the attack had been told on June 4 that his application for asylum in France could not be accepted, as he had already held refugee status in Sweden for 10 years and was therefore legally present in France.
The 31-year-old Syrian had arrived in France eight months ago.
“For reasons that we can’t quite explain, he then applied for asylum in Switzerland, Italy and France, which he didn’t need to do because he already had asylum in Sweden,” explained the minister on TF1. “It is indeed a troubling coincidence that last Sunday he knew the answer from the French administration: No asylum since you already have it in Sweden, and then he went ahead with the act,” Darmanin said.
The case follows a number of similar stabbing attacks and murders targeting children, including a stabbing attack just last month on a Berlin playground involving a migrant scaling a fence and randomly stabbing two 8-year-old girls, a case from last year involving a migrant stabbing a child repeatedly in the head while she ate breakfast in her school, and the rape and murder of 12-year-old schoolgirl Lola. The case involving Lola, which received the most attention from the international media, led to widespread criticism of French President Emmanuel Macrons’ migrant policy and failure to deport criminal migrants.
A strictly religious “fringe group” is terrorizing both its fellow believers and Christians at Bonn’s Nicolaus-Cusanus Grammar School. Once again – in current the green-led city of Bonn, the police and the district government are looking for ways to “deal with the phenomenon”. Of course, this has nothing to do with the rapidly progressing Islamization of this country.
At the Nicolaus Cusanus High School in the Green-led city of Bonn, there have been “difficulties with strict Muslim students” for some time. The newspaper General Anzeiger reports behind its paywall that girls in particular are affected because their behavior does not conform to the Islamic code of manners and dress. Oh indeed! Of the approximately 550 students at the high school, almost 60 percent are Muslims.
“It can be confirmed that some female students have reported being attacked by boys for not observing the dress code in the schoolyard or in physical education classes,” the newspaper quotes a spokeswoman for the Cologne district government.
Also, according to the district government, there would be increasing attempts to enforce Islamic prayer at the state school. “Every publicly recognizable attempt at prayer in the school is prevented in order to maintain peace in the school,” is the current statement from the competent authority.
The reader also learns from behind the paywall how helpless the school is in the face of the increasing tendency toward Islamization. Instead of tackling the radical Islamic figures and at least expelling them from the school, the school management is in close contact with the North Rhine-Westphalian prevention program “Wegweiser – gemeinsam gegen Islamismus” (“Signpost – Together Against Islamism”). The team, which receives taxpayers’ money, advises the teachers and organizes events. In addition, the school is in contact with the municipal offices for integration and schools, the school psychology department, the systems consulting service for the prevention of extremism and the promotion of democracy, and the district government.
Despite the catastrophic Islamic terror, the grammar school itself states on its perfectly ubiquitous homepage, both falsely and belittlingly, that it has “a lively and diverse school community. Pupils, teachers and parents work together in trust – in a school family in which everyone can feel comfortable together and respects each other”.
He has 68,000 followers on YouTube. In one of his latest videos, Jamil Qadery wishes the Taliban regime a long life while speaking from the Grand Place in Brussels (photo). This is also the title of his release. “There are fewer problems now that the Taliban are here. Everyone should have the freedom to express their opinion, whether it’s here in Belgium, in Afghanistan or around the world,” he says.
The 33-year-old man came to Belgium in 2010, but it has only been two years since he was granted refugee status. When asked by RTL, Georges Dallemagne, a member of the Belgian parliament, said he was “shocked” and that “this person has no business on our territory.” “There is someone who claims to be fleeing from a regime he is promoting today. This is absolutely unacceptable,” he said, questioning the Interior Minister on the issue. 7 sur 7
“The asylum procedure is designed to protect persons who are threatened with war or persecution, not persons who are guilty of hateful speech,” Ms. de Moor explained. I have asked the CGRA to reconsider the refugee status of this person. The Commissioner General’s Office can revoke this status in such cases.”
The CGRA always conducts a thorough case-by-case assessment when granting refugee status. In addition, a security check is carried out on every person applying for international protection in Belgium. In the case of hate speech or serious grounds for believing that an asylum seeker has committed crimes against humanity or war crimes, the CGRA may exclude him or her from protection status. Sudinfo.be
By Andrea Widburg
In these dark days, I keep looking for stories promising that America is emerging from the madness that has enveloped her. One of those stories just emerged from New Jersey, of all places, where a jury awarded a white woman $25 million after concluding that Starbucks fired her on racial grounds. Given how leftists have wielded the charge of “racism” as both a shield and sword in their efforts to remake a constitutional, color-blind America, this is a heartening outcome.
Four years ago, Starbucks was in the news when two men claimed to have been the victims of discrimination after the staff in a Philly Starbucks refused to let them use the restroom and then called the cops on them. Despite the claims from the usual race hustlers in the media and society at large, the facts were a bit more complicated.
Back then, Starbucks’ policy was that restrooms were for customer use only. These men were not customers but, when they were refused access to the restrooms, they became so obstreperous that the staff felt it had no option but to call the police.
There was another fact that was almost universally excluded from contemporaneous reports: The manager of the Starbucks in which the men were “victims of racism” was black.
Certainly, Starbucks didn’t want to make a big deal out of the manager’s race. Instead, it wanted to do obeisance in the face of the media outcry to prove that it was not a racist outlet. That’s why the CEO, Kevin Johnson, flew to Philly to apologize personally to the men.
Johnson didn’t stop there. He also cut into Starbucks’ earnings by shutting all 8,000 U.S.-based stores so that the 175,000 employees could be trained about their “unconscious bias.” Again, the media and Starbucks downplayed that the Starbucks manager who authorized the allegedly biased behavior against blacks was…black.
That was just the beginning. Starbucks also fired Shannon Phillips, an upper-level executive, who is white. The ritual racial sacrifice accomplished, Starbucks probably thought it was home-free. Instead, though, Phillips sued, alleging that her firing was racially motivated.
And here’s the real kicker: In a trial held in New Jersey (a reliably Democrat state), the jury concluded that Starbucks had, indeed, fired Phillips for purely racial reasons and awarded her $600,000 in compensatory damages and $25,000,000 in punitive damages.
What’s fascinating is the insight the case gives us into how Phillips came to be fired:
In her role as regional manager, Phillips said she oversaw around 100 stores across Philadelphia, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland.
She claimed Starbucks started punishing white employees who weren’t involved weeks later in a bid to publicly prove they were handling the incident.
Ms Phillips alleges the firm ordered her to put a white male manager, who had worked for the company for 15 years, on administrative leave because of a race discrimination allegation against him.
The allegation was based on complaints non-white employees at that manager’s store were paid less than white workers.
Ms Phillips said she argued the male manager didn’t have a say in wages. The lawsuit also said Ms Phillips objected to suspending him because she said the manager wasn’t racist and she had never seen him exhibit discriminatory behavior.
She argued, in comparison, the black manager of the store where the arrests were carried out did not face any disciplinary action.
Ms Phillips said the black manager’s subordinate was the one who called 911 after the two men sat down and refused to leave after being told they couldn’t use the bathroom without purchasing something.
Phillips’s case isn’t the only money Starbucks has lost on this matter. Apparently, it also settled with the men who complained that it was racist for them to abide by Starbucks’ policies. They received an undisclosed amount plus a promise to pay for their college tuition. In addition, Philadelphia, which had no role in the contretemps, gave them a symbolic dollar and promised to set up a $200,000 program for young entrepreneurs.
Reverse discrimination is every bit as bad as the anti-black discrimination that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had tried to erase. What Starbucks’ behavior after the men’s arrest revealed was a racial pendulum that had swung way too far to the left. Perhaps the jury’s verdict signals that the pendulum is returning to the center. The American people want a world defined by Martin Luther King’s vision of a colorblind society in which people are judged by the content of their character and their behavior rather than the color of their skin.
One of the victims who survived a deadly knife attack carried out by Palestinian migrant Ibrahim A. has now committed suicide six months after the rampage in Brokstadt, Germany.
The 54-year-old woman who took her own life had sat opposite the attacker on the regional train at the time and survived with an injury. However, a young couple, who the German media reported as newly in love, were stabbed to death by the attacker on January 25, 2023.
Five other people were injured but survived. After the stabbing spree, the police arrested the migrant on the spot.
“This tragic case is known to us, our sympathy goes to the relatives,” said a spokesman for the state justice ministry. Earlier, the Flensburger Tageblatt reported about the woman’s death, saying she had suffered from depression even before the attack. The paper stated that the bloody attack exacerbated her existing condition, but the exact reason why the woman took her life remains unknown.
Remix News produced a video short on the deadly attack at the time. The video details how the migrant was never deported despite a long criminal record, including for rape and bodily harm.
“Ibrahim A. entered the country in 2014. Since 2015, he has committed several crimes in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hamburg, including rape. In addition, it is known that he was last released from custody on Jan. 19 in connection with dangerous bodily harm in Billwerder (a district of Hamburg),” said Scleswig-Holstein Interior Minister Sabine Suetterlin-Waack shortly after the attack.
The case prompted a heated debate about Germany’s immigration policies, including its inability to deport criminal migrants. Since the end of April, Ibrahim A. has been charged with murder and attempted murder.
At the time of the stabbing incident, Remix News reported:
Germany has suffered a large number of migrant knife attacks in the past years. In fact, the country saw an average of 50 knife attacks every day in 2022, with a large number of perpetrators being from a migrant background.
Last month, two German schoolgirls were stabbed randomly by an Eritrean migrant, resulting in one death. Two months earlier, a migrant from Jordan stabbed a Ukrainian refugee woman.
In June, an Afghan national brutally stabbed a woman by ramming a knife into her head at a bus stop in Hamburg.
Many of these assaults occur on public transportation. Last month, two Nigerians beat a German train conductor unconscious in Essen. Two months ago, a ticket inspector was stabbed by a Syrian migrant in Dresden. In May of last year, an Iraqi man on a terror watch list went on a stabbing spree that injured five Germans on a regional train in Aachen.
In November last year, a Syrian migrant stabbed four people on a high-speed ICE train on the way to Hamburg in an act that prosecutors say was motivated by Islamic terrorism.
A number of attacks that appeared to have an Islamic motive ended with the attacker being admitted to a psychiatric ward, such as an Iraqi asylum seeker who began praying on a prayer mat and shouting “Allahu Akbar” after ramming motorcyclists on Berlin’s Autobahn in April 2021. In that same year, a Somali man stabbed and killed three German women, one in front of her 11-year-old daughter, but was also admitted to a psychiatric ward despite the man telling investigators he performed the attack to achieve jihad.
The ruling Brothers of Italy (FdI) party in Italy has brought a bill that seeks to ban the use of garages and industrial warehouses and facilities as mosques and to ban prayers outside the mosques. According to local Italian media reports, the Giorgia Meloni-led nationalist government has brought an amendment to the country’s urban planning legislation. The draft law aims to prohibit the transformation of industrial garages and warehouses into religious prayer sites or mosques.
The bill was introduced by the ruling Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d’Italia party), the party leading the current coalition government in Italy. As reported by the Italian media, the bill tries to amend the Italian building code. They want to make it legally binding for all religious groups to take permission for using unsanctioned buildings like Industrial garages and warehouses for religious purposes. Further, this would keep in check the location of mosques in Italy.
The bill was first signed by the group leader Tommaso Foti. It is currently being debated in the Chamber’s Environment Commission for Islamic communities where it is facing stiff opposition.
The opposition has objected to the bill, questioning its merit and constitutional legitimacy. They claimed that the urban planning regulation will curb their religious freedom.
If passed, the bill would result in the closure of countless places of worship that are already located within buildings or premises that were not approved by the Italian govt. It is claimed that the bill will stop any potential Islamification of Italy.
According to reports, if the bill is passed, all those Cultural and religious organisations that have not signed an agreement with the Italian state will not be allowed to use any unsanctioned property as a Place of Worship. It is worth noting that Islam, despite being among the most widespread in Italy, is the only religion that has not signed an agreement with the Italian state.
Apparently, the Italian government does not officially recognise Islam as a state religion.
In a media interaction, the Imam at the Magliana Mosque in Rome, Sami Salem said, “It is a bill that clearly discriminates against Muslims and does not respect the Italian Constitution that protects all citizens living in Italy.”
Izzeddin Elzir, another imam from the Northern province of Florence, raised concerns about the legality of the bill.
Opposition leaders including Marco Simiani of the Pd, Green’s Angelo Bonelli, Daniela Ruffino (Action-Iv), and Franco Manes (linguistic minorities) have vehemently opposed the bill challenging its merit and constitutional legitimacy. These Liberal opposition politicians have termed it both Islamophobic and ‘unconstitutional’.
In fact, Green Party leader Angelo Bonelli has sent a letter to the Speaker of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana. The Green Party has four seats in the assembly strength of 200 seats. Angelo Bonelli wrote that the bill discriminatory and it is totally unacceptable.
Last year, the Brothers of Italy (FdI party) was elected on the promise of opposing mass immigration, particularly those coming outside Europe. As an election promise, the Party’s leader in the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Tommaso Foti spearheaded this bill.
Furthermore, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni too made efforts to reduce immigration. Last week, She meet the Tunisian leadership to discuss ways to stop illegal immigration into Italy.
However, this draft legislation banning religious prayers outside sanctioned buildings or mosques is not a first of its kind. Earlier, similar legislations, which were also termed anti-mosque legislations, were proposed by right-wing controlled regional councils in Lombardy and elsewhere.
As per media reports, these legislations have been brought keeping in mind the recent immigration from Morocco, the Balkans, and Pakistan. Reports further claim that this has drastically increased the number of Muslims in Italy.
It is notable that while the Italian constitution ensures freedom of religion, Roman Catholicism enjoys a special status and it recognises the Catholic Church as “independent and sovereign”. The religions in the country are regulated by law, based on agreements signed by the govt with their representatives. So far Italian govt has signed thirteen such agreements with several different churches, and representatives of Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and others. However, no such agreement has been signed with Muslims.
Over half of Albanian illegal migrants were granted asylum by the British government last year despite the fact that they are not coming from a wartorn country but rather a safe European nation, a parliamentary committee revealed.
The Home Affairs committee in the House of Commons has called on the Home Office — the government department tasked with regulating migration — to explain why 51 per cent of illegal migrants hailing from Albania were granted asylum last year, which they claimed to incentivise the record waves of migrants from the country illegally crossing the English Channel.
“Albania is a safe country and we have seen little evidence that its citizens should need to seek political asylum in the UK or elsewhere as a result of the actions of its government,” the MPs said in a report.
“We saw no reason why the UK should routinely accept asylum applications from Albanian citizens, as is the case with many EU countries, other than in specific cases such as those that arise from trafficking.”
The committee went on to note that they found the 51 per cent asylum approval rate for Albanian migrants “unusually high” particularly that other European nations that were considered safe such as Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, The Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden granting no asylum claims from the Balkan nation.
Illegal migration from Albania surged last year, with migrants from the country making up the largest nationality crossing the English Channel in 2022, totalling 12,301 out of the record 46,000 illegals who landed on British beaches.
Last year, Clandestine Channel Threat Commander Dan O’Mahoney revealed that of those, approximately 10,000 were single, adult men, noting that it represented about two per cent of the “entire adult male population” of Albania between the ages of 20 and 40.
O’Mahoney told the Home Affairs committee that many migrants from Albania actively tried to “game the system” by taking advantage of using the persistent delays in settling asylum cases by the government in order to abscond from authorities in order to work on the black market in Britain.
“We typically put them in a hotel for a couple of days, and then they will disappear. They work illegally in the UK for maybe six months or a year, they send the money home, and then they go back to Albania,” he told the MPs.
Despite the prevalence of criminality among the Albanian migrant population in Britain, with the nationality comprising the single-largest population of foreign criminals in UK prisons, the parliamentary committee said that the government should not “scapegoat” Albanians for their failure to prevent them from absconding into the country.
“Albania is not the cause of the UK’s current migration concerns. It should not be singled out as such or scapegoated for home-grown failure to process asylum applications quickly and to return to their own or other countries those who do not have a right to be in the UK,” they said.
In typical Westminster ‘Blob’ fashion, the lawmakers went on to recommend that the government provide the socialist-run country of Albania with between two and four billion pounds sterling in order to foster “economic development” so that there is less motivation for Albanians to seek work in Britain.
Despite the record levels of migration, the MPs went on to say that the government should work with Albania to increase short-term worker visas for sectors such as farming and construction as a way of further enriching the Balkan nation.