London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan and Woke Ideology

By Eileen F. Toplansky

Our cousins across the pond apparently have jumped on the woke bandwagon and the Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is leading the charge.

In fact, Sadiq Khan’s staff have been banned from calling people ‘men and women’ as part of a new inclusivity drive.

Pictured is an example of some of the banned phrases issued to staff working for the London Mayor’s office. 

In the guide’s section on gender, staff was told: ‘Avoid using “men and women” – say “people” or “Londoners”.

‘Similarly, instead of ‘ladies and gentlemen’ say something that doesn’t exclude non-binary people.’

The memo reportedly goes on to say the terms male and female are ‘dated and medicalised’ and that ‘female humans are called ‘girls and/or women’, male humans are called ‘boys and/or men’.

Workers are also told that ‘not all women have periods’ and to use the phrase ‘people affected by period poverty’ as some trans men and non-binary people may have periods too.

Staff working for Mr. Khan must no longer call someone a ‘non-English speaker’ because it portrays them as flawed and defective’.

Instead, Greater London Authority employees must refer to them as ’Londoners with English Language needs’.

Unconscious bias training is mandatory for all new staff at the Greater London Authority (GLA). The GLA’s inclusive language guide was last updated in April 2022. 

A spokesperson for the GLA said: ‘This guide is about encouraging precision, offering recommendations and highlighting things for staff to consider, not banning words.

In 2020, Sadiq Khan introduced “Let’s Talk About Race” training to ensure that the GLA would be ‘a committedly anti-racist organization.”  Sherelle Jacobs asserts that “Sadiq Khan has mastered the art of woke populism.”

In 2021 Sadiq Khan was “accused of reducing London’s history to politics” after unveiling the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm to review landmarks in the capital.  The project has already come under fire from politicians concerned that important figures, i.e., Winston Churchill, could be erased from history by ’unelected activists’ on the task force.

Moreover, Sadiq Khan has stood up for United States Rep. Ilhan Omar and the rest of ‘The Squad’ as he joined dozens of British politicians in condemning U.S. President Donald Trump’s ‘blatant unashamed racism’ against the four Democratic congressional representatives. 

Writing on Twitter. . . Khan said the four women represent hope for the future.’ The Mayor, who like Omar is Muslim, added that ‘their home is America, but their message crosses borders.’

Furthermore, Megan G. Oprea has written that although Sadiq Khan is “not an Islamist himself, he has supported radical Islamic clerics and has participated in events sanctioned by Islamists and pro-Palestinian groups that support violent jihad.”

Thus, the following question needs to be asked.  Why would a Muslim leader follow radical leftist ideology when it goes against Muslim teachings?  After all, Muslims are strongly protesting against the radical LGBT/Gender ideology being forced on their children in schools. 

In actuality “[f]or far too long, Western liberals have taken hardline Muslims as their allies, ignoring the fact that Islam regards LGBT values as an abomination, punishable by death.”

Daniel Greenfield explains that “Islamic teachings were always incompatible with the sexual politics of its new leftist allies. Muslim Brotherhood groups, eager to capitalize on their newfound status after 9/11, avoided directly addressing those issues. CAIR signed letters and appeared at events alongside gay rights groups like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Muslim candidates running for public office even invoked sexual identity

In fact, Rep. Ilhan Omar has an entire page dedicated to the “fight for LGBTQIA+ rights”. But local Muslim officials… are breaking away from the rainbow coalition.

In actuality, “[t]he Democrats believed that they could build a ‘rainbow coalition’, a majority of minorities that would swamp the nation, overthrow the old America and replace it with their new alliance. The strategy appeared to be working as long as the minorities were united by their opposition to a majority. But the cracks are spreading, and not just among Islamists and gay rights activists.” 

There are those Muslims who have clearly called out other Muslim leaders who politically support LGBT since it is forbidden by Islamic law; in other words, haram.  

Not entirely unexpected, the irony is that many “Muslims are learning that the so-called ‘Progressives” have never really been their allies.  Rather, Muslims in America have begun to understand that Far Left Democrats see them as nothing more than useful idiots to help promote their ‘diversity agenda.’”

Clearly, Sadiq Khan has chosen his side with the end result that his Leftwing buddies will “force pride flags and LGBT pornography in schools on everyone.”  On the other hand, as Greenfield points out,

…the Islamic hardliners with a Muslim majority will force sharia on everyone. That is what happens in a country that has abandoned both its traditional consensus on values and its respect for individual beliefs leaving regions with a choice between female genital mutilation and transgender mastectomies, between marrying 7-year-old girls and grooming first graders.

Either choice is unacceptable since each group professes an ardent desire to eviscerate American freedom, target Jews and Israel and fundamentally change the character of America.

It remains to be seen how this tangled web plays out.

Shouting “Allahu-akbar”: Anti-Semitic attack on Holocaust memorial in Frankfurt, Germany

Norbert Miguletz (Frankfurt), CC-BY-3.0

Shocking, disgusting and cowardly: A group of “youths” attacked Jewish visitors to the Holocaust memorial in Frankfurt today, Thursday. At first only verbally, then even bottles were thrown. The perpetrators repeatedly shouted “Allahu akbar”.

Particularly precarious: During the attack, 25 guests from all over the world were in the memorial. It was a visitors’ programme for children and grandchildren of Jews born and persecuted in Frankfurt. They commemorated the deportation of Frankfurt Jews during the National Socialist era – and got an impression of what Germany will be like in 2023-.

Mayor Mike Josef (SPD) expressed his horror in the newspaper FAZ: “This is completely unacceptable.” The incident proves that the “fight against anti-Semitism and racism is an everlasting one”, “unfortunately also in our city”.

A city employee allegedly rebuked the cowardly anti-Semitic attackers. The “FAZ” reports from Frankfurt that the perpetrators then apologised and fled. The State Security Service is investigating them for attempted grievous bodily harm.

In Rotterdam, a Disgrace to Public Art – In 2023, statues don’t celebrate heroes – quite the opposite

Until the other day, I’d never heard of Thomas J. Price, a black British sculptor who, it turns out, is an absolute genius. No, not an artistic genius – a genius at exploiting today’s vile, vapid cultural politics for fame and profit.

On June 25, the Guardian ran a glowing article by Senay Boztas about Price’s latest masterpiece: a 13-foot high bronze statue entitled Moments Contained that, since June 2, has been standing in front of the central railway station in Rotterdam. Now, whom would you expect to be memorialized in this way in such a prominent location in that city? A few years back, my first guess would’ve been Erasmus, the Renaissance humanist who was born there in 1466. My own choice would’ve been Pim Fortuyn, the martyred patriot and critic of Islam who spent much of his career as a professor in the Netherlands’ second-largest city.

But no. Price’s statue, as Senay Boztas writes enthusiasticallydoesn’t represent “a man who did something, a naked white sylph or someone’s colonial hero.” Instead, it depicts “an ordinary-looking black woman.” Ample-breasted, her hair in a bun, she’s dressed in what looks like a t-shirt and track pants. Her hands, apparently clenched into fists, are in her pants pockets. Legs spread, she leans back in a way that will look familiar to anybody who’s ever seen a certain type of black woman being, shall we say, ingracious with a store clerk. Her stance, and her facial expression, are defiant, challenging. She seems to be saying, “Don’t f*** with me.”

According to Price, Moments Contained portrays “a fictional character intended to connect.” It seeks “to critique this idea of status and value within society: who gets to be seen, to be represented.” And it’s intended “to make viewers more aware of what we’ve been told about power, materials and value.” Marjolijn van der Meijden, who advises the city on public art, appreciatively notes that it “isn’t an exalted representation of someone exotic. It’s just yourself, how you are, not a ‘super’ version. And how many images of black women are there?”

That’s the big lie here: that in the Western world, in the year 2023, black women are powerless, invisible, unrepresented, unlauded. The truth, of course, is the total opposite. We live in a time when, solely on the grounds of their sex and race, staggeringly incompetent women of color like Kamala Harris and Karine Jean-Pierre have been lifted to heights of political power far beyond their levels of competency. A time when black actresses are hired to play white historical figures like Anne Boleyn and Cleopatra. A time when the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is making even more roles for blacks and women a prerequisite for Oscar consideration, even though minorities, these days, seem, if anything, overrepresented in film and TV.

One example: in the U.S., black people, and especially black women, are far more visible in TV commercials than in the actual population. And they’re always portrayed positively. Believe it or not, this overrepresentation is even more dramatic in the two European countries I know best, the Netherlands, where blacks form a mere 2.8% of the population, and Norway, where they’re 2.5% – but where a foreigner monitoring TV commercials might reasonably conclude that both nations are, at the very least, a third black.

Why such crazy numbers? In the U.S., leftists contend that even today the legacy of slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow impedes black success and that it’s their sacred duty to overcome this impediment. Nonsense. But even more absurd is the exportation of this white guilt to Europe. Consider this: at the site of Moments Contained, Boztas met art students from a school that’s already put Price’s statue on its curriculum. Not its art curriculum, mind you: its “curriculum on the Netherlands’ history of colonialism and slavery.” Never mind that the Dutch Empire overwhelmingly exploited Indonesians – a small, slightly built people who could scarcely look less like Price’s full-figured black woman.

As noted, Price says his statue is of a “fictional character.” So is the Statue of Liberty. But the latter represents something noble. Price’s black woman has nothing noble about her. You’d never take her for Barbara Jordan or Ethel Waters or Zora Neale Hurston. On the contrary, she’s plainly intended to be emblematic of the near-feral subset of black women who, in the post-George Floyd era, have committed arson, looted stores, defecated on sidewalks, and harmed innocent fellow citizens because they’ve been told by the likes of Ibram X. Kendi that they’re eternal victims who owe nothing and are owed everything.

And that’s exactly what this statue comes down to. It’s a piece of art that is congratulating black women – and not just black women, but the very worst of black women – simply for being black women. And in that sense it’s a quintessential artifact of this perverse era of ours when individual virtue or iniquity counts for nothing and identity-group membership is all – this era when no attribute is more commended than blackness, and when being a black woman, and hence a victim of intersectional oppression, is particularly wonderful.

As it happens, Price’s statue was donated to the city by a foundation whose director, Wim Pijbes, maintains that it “spoke to him the moment he saw it.” Spoke to him how? His answer: “I’m an art historian, so I am aware of Black Lives Matter and toppling sculptures.” For Pijbes, in other words, this artwork’s appeal is, quite explicitly, that it celebrates the kind of person whom you can picture as a BLM member, razing statues of Washington or Lincoln – or, to switch to a Dutch context, of Rembrandt or Spinoza. And that’s why he liked it.

In Western Europe, many people who fret about the continent’s current demographic trends have been called racists and accused of embracing the so-called “replacement theory” – that is, the idea that a majority white Western Europe will soon be mostly non-white. As it happens, Rotterdam’s native Dutch population is already well below 50%. Most of the non-Dutch residents, in Rotterdam as elsewhere in the Netherlands, are Muslims, relatively few of whom would be considered black. And that Muslim population, alas, far from being a blessing to the country, has been, to put it mildly, a financial burden and a sociocultural nightmare.

So it’s illuminating to read that when Ahmed Aboutaleb, Rotterdam’s mayor, who is Muslim himself, unveiled Moments Contained, he declared with manifest satisfaction that Price’s woman is not someone with “an illustrious past” but is, rather, “the future, our future, and this city is her home.” How to understand Aboutaleb’s statement as anything other than a happy acknowledgment that Rotterdam’s future is non-white – and that that future belongs, moreover, not to robust, imaginative people of color who will sustain the Dutch heritage of liberty, prosperity, and cultural and scientific triumphs but to semi-civilized miscreants who are consumed by irrational anger, a sense of entitlement and anti-white bigotry?

Alas, Aboutaleb is almost certainly right: Price’s statue, in all likelihood, offers a portent not just of Rotterdam’s future but of Western Europe’s. But far from being something to cheer, it’s a dire warning of truly terrible times to come.

Justice Thomas Destroys Affirmative Action, ‘Anti-Racism’ and Victimhood

Justice Clarence Thomas was the grandson of a sharecropper. Yet the Left holds up younger privileged middle class activists like Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson as truly representing the history of oppression.

In his opinion striking down affirmative action, Justice Thomas takes on the myth of racism and the attempt to create a systemically racial state. In attacking Brown’s dissent, he also takes on the fashionable 1619 Project style ideologies that define everything by race.

Jackson “would replace the second Founders’ vision with an organizing principle based on race. In fact, on her view, almost all of life’s outcomes may be unhesitatingly ascribed to race,” Thomas writes.

He exposes the emphasis on white people rather than black people, on resentment over achievement.

“Even if some whites have a lower household net worth than some blacks, what matters to JUSTICE JACKSON is that the average white household has more wealth than the average black household,” he points out.

“This lore is not and has never been true. Even in the segregated South where I grew up, individuals were not the
sum of their skin color. Then as now, not all disparities are based on race; not all people are racist; and not all differences between individuals are ascribable to race… Worse still, JUSTICE JACKSON uses her broad observations about statistical relationships between race and select measures of health, wealth, and well-being to label all blacks as victims. Her desire to do so is unfathomable to me.”

I can hardly do more than quote Thomas in an opinion that will be read for the ages.

“Such a view is irrational; it is an insult to individual achievement and cancerous to young minds seeking to push through barriers, rather than consign themselves to permanent victimhood. If an applicant has less financial means (because of generational inheritance or otherwise), then surely a university may take that into account. If an applicant has medical struggles or a family member with medical concerns, a university may consider that too. What it cannot do is use the applicant’s skin color as a heuristic, assuming that because the applicant checks the box for “black” he therefore conforms to the university’s monolithic and reductionist view of an abstract, average black person.”

“Accordingly, JUSTICE JACKSON’s race-infused world view falls flat at each step. Individuals are the sum of their
unique experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. What matters is not the barriers they face, but how they
choose to confront them. And their race is not to blame for everything—good or bad—that happens in their lives. A
contrary, myopic world view based on individuals’ skin color to the total exclusion of their personal choices is nothing
short of racial determinism.”

Instead of helping victims, racial categories are “a call to empower privileged elites, who will “tell us [what] is required to level the playing field” among castes and classifications that they alone can divine…. then, after siloing us all into racial castes and pitting those castes against each other, the dissent somehow believes that we will be able—at some undefined point—to “march forward together” into some utopian vision.”

Thomas further confronts the logic of Kendi’s anti-racism.

“If social reorganization in the name of equality may be justified by the mere fact of statistical disparities among racial groups, then that reorganization must continue until these disparities are fully eliminated, regardless of the reasons for the disparities and the cost of their elimination. If blacks fail a test at higher rates than their white counterparts (regardless of whether the reason for the disparity has anything at all to do with race), the only solution will be race-focused measures. If those measures were to result in blacks failing at yet higher rates, the only solution would be to double down. In fact, there would seem to be no logical limit to what the government may do to level the racial playing field—outright wealth transfers, quota systems, and racial preferences would all seem permissible. In such a system, it would not matter how many innocents suffer race-based injuries; all that would matter is reaching the race-based goal.”

Thomas envisions a perpetual cycle of racial victimhood that will just go on creating new victims.

“Nor is it clear what another few generations of race conscious college admissions may be expected to accomplish. Even today, affirmative action programs that offer an admissions boost to black and Hispanic students discriminate against those who identify themselves as members of other races that do not receive such preferential

“Must others in the future make sacrifices to relevel the playing field for this new phase of racial subordination? And then, out of whose lives should the debt owed to those further victims be repaid? This vision of meeting
social racism with government-imposed racism is thus self defeating, resulting in a never-ending cycle of victimization.”

“There is no reason to continue down that path. In the wake of the Civil War, the Framers of the Fourteenth Amendment charted a way out: a colorblind Constitution that requires the government to, at long last, put aside its citizens’ skin color and focus on their individual achievements.”

These are a few sections of a comprehensive and voluminous opinion whose assertions are scholarly, impassionate and undeniable.

America is lucky to have Justice Thomas. We so little deserve him.

Groundbreaking study concludes (again) that trans are more suicidal, but researchers can’t acknowledge the real why

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

By Olivia Murray

On Tuesday, a reporter for The New York Times authored a column with this teaser:

Using four decades of health data from Denmark, the study offers the clearest picture yet of the suicide risk among transgender people.

The study was published two days ago in the Journal of the American Medical Association, and concluded what many of us likely already know: “transgender” people are at a massively increased risk of both successful and attempted suicide. In the report the NYT touted as the “first in the world to analyze national suicide data for this group”, researchers found:

Transgender people in the country had 7.7 times the rate of suicide attempts and 3.5 times the rate of suicide deaths compared with the rest of the population….

The publication of the data comes right at the tail end of “Pride” month, a ritual that trans czar Richard Levine recently suggested should extend through the entire summer (a precursor to the inevitable call for a 24/7 session no doubt) and both the authors of the study and Levine determine the disproportionate rates of self-harm in the trans community to be caused by regressive-minded societal factions. (We all know exactly who they mean.) In a recent interview, Levine declared pediatric Frankenstein surgeries and synthetic hormone cocktails to have support at “the highest levels” of the Biden regime and noted these interventions to be “literally suicide prevention”; the post-study “discussion” portion of the abstract noted:

Transgender individuals may be exposed to systemic negativity regarding their trans identity in the form of bullying, discrimination, exclusion, and prejudice, which in turn may result in alienation and internalized stigma, mental health problems, and, ultimately, suicidal behavior.

Ahhh, so it’s not that cross-dressing deviants obsessed with sex and advocating for the amputation and mutilation of healthy body parts are mentally ill, it’s those mean conservatives with their bigoted opinions sending these “marginalized” outsiders into a suicidal spiral. Yes, the people who get a carte blanche check to violate indecent exposure laws in front of children for a whole month, and have major corporations like Lockheed Martin, Bud Light, Target, Kohl’s, and the United States federal government promoting their agenda, are “marginalized.” Got it.

And “bullying”? Kind of like the militant trans wackos that bully and physically accost children who detransition and leave the cult? Or the “systemic negativity” that seems to flourish in one demographic, and that is the romantic partners of these trans people? From one leftwing writer:

Domestic violence affects all populations, but the transgender community is victimized at higher rates than the general population….

(The violence against trans individuals is coming from their own crummy picks!)

Next, the study analyzed Danish data, and Denmark happens to have some of the most relaxed cultural attitudes and “progressive” laws in the world regarding the LGBTQ++ cabal. Nearly a decade ago, Amnesty International issued a call to the world to “follow Denmark’s example” for new “transgender” law; Equaldex found that the country rated number one out of 79 surveyed regions for “homosexuals as neighbors” acceptance with an overall “Equality Index” score of 86/100; and the nation’s official government website brags about its “pioneer status” and states:

Denmark was the first country in the world to establish the right for same-sex couples to enter into registered partnership back in 1989. In 2023, Denmark was announced the third most LGBT+ friendly country in Europe with a high degree of legal protection for LGBT+ persons.

(Reminder: the data used for the study spanned forty years, majority of which would have fallen within the timeframe of legalized gay “marriage.”)

Now as history repeats itself, the “progressive” faction of the world’s medical community is pro-euthanasia, and “treatment” can now be accessed by those suffering from mental distress — hat tip to Justin Trudeau’s “angels of death.” In fact, Denmark’s leftist government is now poised to vote on legalizing medically-assisted homicide after the Danish public successfully gathered enough signatures on the issue. How can suicide be both an issue and a cure?

A Newsweek piece from March of this year said:

A 2020 academic study with a sample size of 372 respondents found that 40 percent of transgender people had attempted suicide. It found that interpersonal microaggressions and emotional neglect by family members were the leading contributors to the attempts.

Interpersonal microaggressions? NPR tells us not to be fooled by the “micro” in “microaggressions”; these “subtle” comments or actions are indicative of real world violence. (How removed the average American is from any real suffering or war!) Comments so subtle they’re easily missed are spurring trans suicide attempts, and the conclusion is that these “microaggressions” are the problem? Couldn’t it possibly be that these people are simply radically mentally unstable?

Maybe I should join the Robin DiAngelo grift and write a book on “trans” fragility?

French riots: French-Algerian youth Nahel M. endangered cyclist and pedestrian before being shot by police, has long criminal history

French riots: French-Algerian youth Nahel M. endangered cyclist and pedestrian before being shot by police, has long criminal history

French MEP Gilbert Collard wrote on Twitter, “According to the prosecutor of Nanterre, Nahel made a first refusal to comply before fleeing. During the chase, he endangered a pedestrian and a cyclist (testimonies of the police and video surveillance).”

The mother of killed 17-year-old Nahel shouts “Justice for Nahel” prior to a march on Thursday, June 29, 2023, in Nanterre, outside Paris.

According to information from Europe 1 news outlets, Nahel M. had 15 mentions in the criminal history file and had been implicated five times for refusals to comply with police officers since 2021, thus all in less than two years.

In addition, police recorded him for crimes including “concealment” and disorderly conduct against police in 2020. In February 2022, he had been implicated in the use of false license plates, concealment and driving without insurance.

In January and March 2023, police arrested him for the consumption and sale of narcotics.

The police officer, on the other hand, is highly decorated, according to Le Figaro newspaper:

Assigned to the public order and traffic department (DOPC) as a biker for the Hauts-de-Seine territorial traffic and road safety company since September 2022, this father has received a series of distinctions during his career in the national police, which began 10 years ago. According to our information, this former soldier received eight letters of congratulations and an internal security medal.

His action during the demonstrations of the yellow vests in 2020, as well as his role in the arrest of an organizer of kidnappings and theft in Val-d’Oise in May 2021, also earned him decorations by the then prefect of police, Didier Lallement, two bronze medals for acts of courage and dedication.

However, before the officer even went to trial, French President Emmanuel Macron called the shooting “inexcusable.”

Some are now comparing the riots that have ensued to the killing of George Floyd, also known for his long and violent criminal history, which included a home invasion where he robbed a Black woman at gunpoint, an act Floyd served five years in prison for.

The mother of killed 17-year-old Nahel shouts “Justice for Nahel” prior to a march on Thursday, June 29, 2023, in Nanterre, outside Paris.

Over 150 people have been arrested, dozens of officers injured, and multiple buildings and vehicles burned throughout France due to the riots. A number of marches have also been held for Nahel M. despite him nearly killing a cyclist and pedestrian during the police chase.

Europe, the La La Land continent of immigration – Sweden is a monument to European naivete that believes open immigration of Muslims can lead to integration with post-Christians

“Free Derry” is a famous area that declared itself “autonomous” in Northern Ireland’s second city between 1969 and 1972. The term originates from the writing painted on the wall of a building: “You are now entering Free Derry”. The name derives from its status as a “closed” area (no-go area) to British forces (British and Protestants called it Londonderry).

Who would have thought, fifty years later, that there would be other “no-go areas” in Europe?

In Stockholm, 7 people were killed in one day over one recent weekend: a young man in Jordbro; two in Solna; two boys, a 65-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man at the Farsta metro station. There have been 160 shootings in Sweden so far this year. One of the most peaceful countries in the world – until 2015 – today is at war. With itself.

And to think that, before the migrant crisis, the American liberal media had headlines: “Sweden has the answer to America’s gun problem”. Stockholm, in fact, has one of the most restrictive gun laws in the world or, in the words of Vox, “only responsible people can have them”. Sweden’s problem is that it hasn’t let in too many “responsible people”.

Linda Staaf, head of the Swedish police intelligence service, tells the Observer: “It is not normal to see this type of explosion in a country without war”.

“Sweden is in an extremely grave situation,” Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer said this week, referring to the surge in violence. “The police found 21 blank cartridges, which means 21 shots were fired. It could have been worse. I would say that it is domestic terrorism,” said Strömmer.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has just taken pen and paper to write an article decreeing: “Mass immigration doesn’t work”. It decrees the end of the EU immigration policy, of which Sweden had been the forerunner, forerunner, avant-garde, La La Land.

For Europe, everything is a musical.

Now there is a threat, say the police, “to the whole of society”, not just to those who die. There are 30,000 criminal gang members in the country. A crazy number for a country of just 10 million inhabitants.

But the faults are not only of the usual left. Even supposedly “moderate” premier Carl Bildt boasted that Sweden was a “humanitarian superpower” when it welcomed 163,000 migrants in 2015 alone, a record per capita in Europe. The government also organized a conference on migration policy entitled Sverige tillsammans (Sweden together) which was attended by the king, queen and the political establishment.

You know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions…

Today Farsta, where one of the most horrific shootings took place that violent weekend, is included in the list of 61 “vulnerable areas”, a politically correct designation to describe Sweden’s Islamised districts. The Swedish police define one of these “no go areas” as follows: “Parallel social structures; extremism, such as systematic violations of religious freedom; fundamentalist influence limiting people’s freedoms and rights; people leaving to participate in fighting in conflict zones; a high concentration of criminals. The situation is considered urgent.”

“In Sweden there are 60 ‘risk areas’,” Swedish journalist Paulina Neuding tells the Spectator. Like Alby, a suburb of Stockholm known as “little Baghdad”, where only one in ten inhabitants is Swedish.

The police released a report, Utsatta områden (“vulnerable areas”). 556,000 people live there, or 5.4 percent of the total Swedish population, according to the report. “Swedish democracy could be threatened if the country fails to control violence and allow parallel societies to develop,” police chief Anders Thornberg warned in the Financial Times.

A writer in Dagens Nyheter recently explained:

“When my train stops in Farsta, there is silence on the platform. The evening papers say the subway has been closed so the culprits cannot escape. A line of lemmings starts walking back towards Farsta. All eyes on their phones. Nobody says anything. Silence is more unpleasant than sirens. Since I was on parental leave with my second daughter, I’ve always had a tourniquet and a first aid kit in the stroller. Last year alone we had 20 shootings in Farsta. A friend has moved to Johannesburg with her daughter. One of the most violent cities in the world. But she says there are more sparats orier in Farsta than in South Africa”.

Twenty years ago gun crime was virtually unknown in Sweden, the country fabled by all Western socialists, Bernie Sanders and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman, while this year there were 160 shootings in five months, in which 53 people were killed injured and 20 died.

If it didn’t work in Derry between Catholics and Protestants, why should this monument to naïveté work between post-Christians and Muslims in Sweden?

The Islamic Ummah thrives across open borders in Europe, thanks to the generosity of European social systems, occupies territories place by place which become no-go zones, and street gangs and organized crime protect the no-go zones. High birth rates ensure the longevity and expandability of these areas. That’s how we ended up in today’s Sweden.

Today, one in five Swedish citizens was born outside Sweden and three quarters of those born abroad were born outside the EU.

In just a few decades, Sweden has caught up with the United States as the world leader in terms of multi-ethnic population, but with all that entails in the Swedish case having large numbers of people from cultures less compatible with the West.

“In 45 years, ethnic Swedes will be a minority in Sweden,” according to a report by Kyösti Tarvainen, (professor at Aalto University in Helsinki). According to the same report, Muslims will by then be in the majority in Sweden.

The question is whether Sweden – which gave the world King Gustavus Adolphus, Linnaeus, the Bergmans, Strindbergs, Raoul Wallenberg but also the Annecy playground bomber – can still step back from the precipice it faced . And the whole of Europe with them.

The writing “You are now entering Free Derry” is also there now, in memory of the division between two religious and national confessions that resulted in Bloody Sunday. A city divided like, de facto, Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city, with the large district of Rosengaard, only beautiful in its name (“the rose garden”). Ths is where footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic was born, but whre the new police station is fortified because the old building has been riddled with bullets, whose main school has been closed due to social tension and where the UPS delivery service refuses to operate.

Strange posters have appeared: “In 2030 we take over”.

Europe, the La La Land continent of immigration | ערוץ 7 (

France’s Macron proposes taxing Americans to pay for his country’s green schemes

By Monica Showalter

Over in Sweden, they’re scrapping their green schemes because these programs are costly, based on junk science, and do nothing.

But France is another story. President Macron has decided he’d like to get Americans to pay for his country’s green schemes — by taxing them.

According to WattsUpWithThat, he’s got global green taxes in mind, which the ex-financier knows very well will be paid in tghe main by Americans.

In the wake of the Aussie, New Zealand and Canadian climate ministers demanding a new Bretton Woods, the French President has also requested a slice of the action.

Macron calls for an international taxation deal to finance climate efforts

The French president wants an international effort to raise money to tackle climate change.

JUNE 23, 2023 12:37 PM CET

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday hinted at a fresh push to revamp the international taxation system to finance climate efforts.

“I’m in favor of an international taxation to finance efforts that we have to make to fight poverty and in terms of climate [action]…It doesn’t work when you do it alone, the [financial] flows go elsewhere.” Macron said during a press conference at the end of the two-day summit in Paris, dismissing the idea that France could introduce a climate tax on its own.

What kind of nonsense is this?

Last we Americans heard, we fought a war to end taxation without representation from Europe to pay for its lavish lifestyle, and apparently he hasn’t gotten the memo.

What he’s doing is treating America like its colonial cash cow, the way France once did when it had colonies, using its resources to finance France’s lavish lifestyle.

Of course, greenie schemes don’t actually make any country rich. They tend to drive up costs, which leaves less seed capital around for things people might like to spend money on — such as startups or owning a home.

France is a little light in the loafers on that.

What it’s really about is power — the power to tax and the power to control how Americans are allowed to live.

This clown doesn’t even own us, and yet already he’s convinced he can own us anyway by taking our money away from us, to keep Europe fat and happy; blissfully ensconced in the view that a greenie future is possible, paid for, of course, by those otherwise irrelevant Americans.

Maybe he can ask his BRICs buddies for the tax money to pay for France’s green schemes — he’s reportedly applied for membership in that bloc as the wave of the future.

Except when it comes to mining money.

Macron seems to be saying that his country should be exempt from these global green taxes because France already pays high green taxes.

What he should instead do is take a cold hard realistic look at the costs of the chasing the greenie ideal, which is that cheap technology doesn’t exist to make the world green, that the cost of maintaining that technology such as it is, is prohibitively expensive as well as less efficient than conventional fossil fuels, and that weighing the costs and benefits of the idea — can only lead to the conclusion that the Swedes have come to. 

If he wants to pay for green schemes and his voters are willing, fine and dandy. But he’s got no business coming to us for the money to keep that lavish lifestyle in place, especially since he’s already told us the future is with the BRICs.

Maybe he can ask the British what happened last time they tried to pull that one over on us. If they’re not too far gone off greenie cliff, they would probably know.